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Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences 23 (1-2):5 - 8 ©Physiological Society of Nigeria, 2008.

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Departments of Human Physiology, Haematology1 and Pharmacology2, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria
Department of Anatomy3 Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Summary: The distribution of ABO, Rhesus blood groups and haemoglobin electrophoresis among 200
undergraduate students of Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria randomly selected were studied. Blood
samples were collected by venepuncture from the antecubital vein. The blood sample were transferred into EDTA
bottle and mixed. The determination of the ABO, Rhesus (RhD) blood groups and haemoglobin electrophoresis was
done. The results showed that blood group O had the highest percentage distribution of 49% followed by blood
groups A and B with 22% respectively and the least percentage distribution was blood group AB which is 7%. Rh-D
positive rate was 98% and that of Rh-D negative was found to be 2%. The percentage distribution for the
haemoglobin electrophoresis pattern for HbAA, HbAS, HbSS, HbAC and HbSC were 66%, 26%, 2%, 2%, and 4%
respectively. HbAA and HbAS occurred more frequently than other haemoglobin variants in this study.
Key words: ABO and Rhesus blood groups, Haemoglobin electrophoresis.

Introduction Nigeria, 50% of the Population are blood group O,

ABO and Rhesus blood groups are among the 22.9% blood group A, 21.3% group B, and 5.9%
most important blood groups clinically (Seeley et al, group AB ( Bakare et al, 2006).
1998). Landsteiner first described the ABO blood One of the antigens on the surface of red
group in 1900 and it served the beginning of blood blood cells, the Rhesus antigen (named because a
banking and transfusion medicine (Ali et al, 2005). related antigen was first discovered in Rhesus
Even after 100years, the single most important test monkeys), is found on the red cells of approximately
performed in blood banking services is determination 85% of the people of United States. This is the
of ABO blood groups to avoid transfusion reaction second most important blood group system due to its
and death (Honig and Bore, 1980). Also, the presence immunogenicty in RhD negative individuals in blood
of Rhesus blood group was recognized in 1939 and it transfusion or pregnancy (Dennis et al 1998). People
was confirmed within few years (Landsteiner and are positive if they have RhD antigen on the surface
Weiner, 1940). With the ABO blood group of their red cells and are Rh negative if they do not
individuals are divided into four major blood groups have this antigen. Rhesus incompatibility can pose a
namely, A, B, AB and O, according to the presence major problem in pregnancies when the mother is
of antigens and agglutinins. Group A blood has type Rhesus negative and the foetus is Rhesus positive. If
A antigens, group B blood has type B antigens and fetal blood leaks through the placenta and mixes with
group O blood has neither A nor B antigens. Also the mother’s blood, the mother becomes sensitized to
plasma from blood group A contains Anti-B Rhesus antigen. The mother produces Rh antibodies
antibodies which act against type B antigens, whereas that cross the placenta and cause agglutination and
plasma from type B blood contains Anti-A haemolysis of fetal red blood cells. This is called
antibodies, which act against type A antigens. Type haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) and its
AB has neither type of antibody and type O blood has severity may worsen in subsequent pregnancies if not
both A and B antibodies (Seeley et al, 1998). It is a properly managed (Dennis et al, 1998). RhD antigen
well known fact that the ABO blood groups are not distribution varies from one population to the other.
found in equal numbers. In Caucasians in the United RhD negative blood group is documented as 5.5% in
States, the distribution is group O, 47%, group A, South India, 5% in Nairobi, 4.8% in Nigeria, 7.3% in
41%, group B, 9%, and AB, 3%. Among the African Lahore, 7.7% in Rawalpindi (Bhatti and Amin 1996;
Americans the distribution is group O, 46%, group A, Mawuagi, 1999). About 95% of African Americans
27%, group B, 20% and group AB, 7%. In the are RhD positive.
Orientals the distribution is group O, 36%, group A, The haemoglobin contained in a quantity of blood
28%, group B, 23%, and group AB, 13% (Pramanik accurately reflects the functional competence of the
and Pramanik, 2000). In Ogbomosho, Oyo State blood to supply oxygen to the tissue (Weatherall,
U. J. Egesie et al

2000). The structural abnormality may cause blood samples of known Hb AS and AC were run as
premature red blood cell destruction, easily denatured control.
haemoglobin, haemoglobin with abnormal oxygen
affinity, altered solubility and in some instances Statistical analysis
reduced globin synthesis. Sickle haemoglobin (HbS) Statistical analysis was done using Chi-Square to
differ from normal haemoglobin (HbA) because it determine statistical significance at P- value of <
has a valine in place of a glutamic acid in position 0.05.
number six of the beta chain of the globin molecule.
When the availability of oxygen is reduced, the Results
erythrocytes containing sickle haemoglobin change Two hundred students were randomly selected
from round to sickle shaped red cells. The sickle cell from among registered students of Niger Delta
homozygote (HbSS) almost always suffers anaemia. University Bayelsa State, Nigeria. This consisted of
The sickle cell trait (HbAS) is immune to malaria 124 males and 76 females between the ages 16 and
(Tamarin, 2002). There are several variants of sickle 26. The distribution of the blood groups A, B, and O
cell disease. These are called SS (individuals inherit is shown on Table 1. There is significant difference
one sickle gene from each parent), SC (the individual in the distribution of blood groups between the male
inherits one sickle cell gene and another abnormal and female students. The distribution of RhD
type of haemoglobin called “C”), and S beta positive and RhD negative varies among the ABO
thalassaemia (the individual inherits one sickle cell blood groups. There are significant differences in the
gene and one gene for beta thalassaemia). The distribution of RhD positive and negative among the
clinical course of sickle cell disease is extremely groups as own in Table 2.
variable. The World Health Organization estimated The distribution of the various haemoglobin
that 7% of the world population is carriers of HbS electrophoresis obtained in this study are shown in
(WHO, 1972). This study, determined the table 3. There is significant difference in the
distribution ABO and Rh blood group and the distribution of haemoglobin electrophoresis among
frequency of distribution of haemoglobin the male and female students. The highest
electrophoresis among a section of students of Niger percentages are among students with haemoglobin
Delta University Bayelsa State, Nigeria. HbSS, HbAA, and HbSC. The percentage of males
that are HbAA and HbAS are more than the
Materials and method corresponding females.
Collection of Blood Sample:
A total of 200 students aged 16 – 26 years, were Table 1: ABO Blood Group Distribution among the
randomly selected from among registered students of Students (n = 200).
the Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State Nigeria. Sex A B AB 0 TOTAL
Blood samples were collected by venepuncture from Male 26 28 8 62 124
the antecubital vein. The blood was transferred into (13%) (14%) (4%) (31%)
prepared ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) Female 18 16 6 36 76
anticoagulant bottle. (9%) (8%) (3%) (18%)
ABO and Rh Blood Group Tests: Total 44 44 14 98 200
The ABO and Rhesus blood grouping were done (22%) (22%) (7%) (49%)
using the tile method. A drop of blood from each There is no significant relationship between male and
student was placed on a clean white tile in three female students in their blood group. Chi-square value =
places. A drop of each of the antisera, anti A, and 0.415 and P-value = 0.9372 which is greater than 0.05.
anti B and anti D was added and mixed with each
blood sample with the aid of glass rods. Blood Table 2: RhD blood group distribution among the
groups were determined on the basis of agglutination. Students (n = 200).
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis: ABO Blood *RhD * RhD
Haemoglobin electrophoresis was determined Group Positive Negative
using cellulose acetate electrophoresis technique was A 42 (21%) 2 (1%)
used. A small quantity of venous blood was placed B 44 (22%) 0
on a tile and mixed with three drops of water to lyse AB 14 (7%) 0
the red cells. With the aid of an applicator, the O 96 (48%) 2 (1%)
haemolysate was placed on the cellulose acetate Total 196 (98%) 4 (2%)
paper. Electrophoresis in Tris buffer solution was for * There is no significant difference between Rhesus
15 – 20 minutes at e.m.f. 250v. Haemolysates from positive and Rhesus negative students.
ABO, Rhesus blood groups and haemoglobin electrophoresis among undergraduate students

Ralwalpindi studies (Das et al, 2001; Mawuagi,

Table 3: Haemoglobin electrophoresis pattern 1999; Omatade et al, 1999; Majeed and Hayee, 2002;
among the Students (n = 200). Bhatti and Amin, 1996).
In this study, the percentage distribution for
Sex HbAA HbAS HbSS HbAC HbSC HbAA, HbAS, HbSS, HbAC and HbSC were 66%,
Male 80 28 2 0 4 26%, 2%, 2% and 4% respectively. The observed
(14%) (14%) (1%) (0%) (2%) frequency of HbAA and HbAS being significantly
Female 52 24 2 4 4 higher than other haemoglobin variants in this study
(26%) (12%) (1%) (6%) (2%) is in agreement with previous reports that the normal
Total 132 52 4 4 8 haemoglobin (Hb AA), ranges from 55 to 75%
(66%) (26%) (2%) (2%) (4%) (Nwafor and Banigo, 2001; Egesie et al, 2003). The
There is no significant difference between Male and distribution of sickle cell trait (HbAS) is 20 - 30% in
Female in haemoglobin electrophoresis pattern Nigeria (Reid and Famodu, 1988; Egesie et al, 2003;
Adeyemo, et al, 2005). Knowledge of the
Discussion distribution of ABO, Rh blood groups and
From this study, the distribution of blood haemoglobin electrophoresis among any population
group O was the highest with percentage frequency is useful in health care planning and appropriate
of 49%, followed by blood group A and B with allocation of resources, while counselling targeted at
percentage frequency of 22% respectively and the appropriate persons ensures the general well being of
least percentage frequency is that of blood group AB the individuals or people.
which is 7%. Normally, the distribution of ABO
blood group varies from one population to another. References
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group AB, 3% (Seeley et al, 1998). Among Western Nigeria. African J. Biotech. 5: (22) 2062 –
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