Factors Influence The Students Readiness On Industrial Revolution 4.0
Factors Influence The Students Readiness On Industrial Revolution 4.0
Factors Influence The Students Readiness On Industrial Revolution 4.0
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
461 & Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
Factors Influence The Students’ Readiness on Industrial Revolution 4.0
benefits of Industry 4.0 in dominating the long-term, leading also defined as the „cognitive precursor to the behaviour of
to what is known as technology unemployment (Roblek, either resistance to, or support for, a change effort (Vakola,
Meško, & Krapež, 2016). Enormous government expenses 2013).
are allocated annually to develop higher learning in
Malaysia. Employees are most affected by changes in digital A. Industrial Revolution 4.0
workplaces. The immediate working environment changes, Technological advancement has led to dramatic increases
requiring them to acquire new skills and qualifications. This in industrial productivity since the beginning of the
makes it more critical that companies provide the employees Industrial Revolution. Now, we are in the middle of the
for this change through appropriate training and ongoing fourth wave of technological developments which is also
education (Dr. Lichtblau et al., 2015). identified as the enhancement of the new digital industrial
Most of studies that related to industrial revolution 4.0 is technology known as the Industrial Revolution 4.0. It is a
highlight about the lack of skills. Lack of skills among transformation dominated by nine basic technology advances
graduates reported as a reason for employers unconcerned to (Rubamann et al., 2015). Andreas Hirschi (2017) has
hire them (Ahmadl- & Suhaili, 2015). According to National characterized the 4.0 industry revolution with key
Economic Advisory Council (Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi technologies, such as genetics, artificial intelligence, cloud
Negara, 2010), the lack of skill are consistently the main computing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and 3D
repelling factors faced by firms (Yusof & Jamaluddin, 2015). printing, among others. Most of these digital technologies
Thus the main purpose of this study is to explore the factors have been available currently, but recent cost increases and
that influence the readiness of the undergraduate‟s students reliability improvements mean that the use for industrial
towards industrial revolution 4.0. The research questions of applications is now more commercially (Roger Strange,
the study is: 2017).
1. Does the technical skills factor influence the readiness of
UTHM students on Industrial Revolution 4.0? B. Conceptual Definition of Student Readiness
2. Does the non-technical skills factor influence the Nowadays, students are looking for affordable and flexible
readiness of UTHM students on Industrial Revolution learning routes that allow faster time to complete
4.0? (Christensen, 2014). In addition, they have the ability to
choose and choose the education from various institutions
II. LITERATURE REVIEW and branches. According to Lea Dean Folds a common theme
in various studies and policy reports for over 20 years has
Industry 4.0 is focused on creating “smart” environment been a secondary school student lacked the skills required to
within production system. There are also the most important succeed in post-employment and post-secondary education.
changes, which occurs in the manufacturing operations and High school students must have higher levels of skills and
information technology. Some leading manufacturers of knowledge than the predecessors to ensure and maintain jobs
technology for Industry 4.0 are presented. What the fourth that pay for themselves and the families (Folds, 2013).
industrial revolution does now is creates massive uncertainty. Manufacturers are struggling to find employees because of
Governments, business enterprises and educational the lack of student preparations across several different
institutions are now seeing how they can react to this features. As it turns out, professional organizations and
(Razman, 2016). Thus, this study finds out the factors of research suggest that all of these features are important and
student readiness towards the industrial revolution. This the manufacture will benefit from a set of definitions and
study focus on two skills that required for industrial step-by-step measures. This approach is reasonable, as the
revolution 4.0 which is technical skills and non-technical industry needs skilled workers with strong academic
skills. backgrounds and problem solving skills (Flory, 2017).
Theory of readiness However, most of our graduates are unaware of this
The readiness theory is the revision and elaboration of the current phenomenon, which sometimes cannot see the
theory of malfunction by Zartman, (1989). It differs from the connection to what they are doing in the classroom with the
pretence of hypocrisy because it uses variable language from real world of work they would work on later. Due to such
the required country and focuses on thinking on the one hand issues as maintaining a good grade of good grades, many
rather than on the shared thinking of both sides for conflict. students can now spend more time studying and less getting
This change allows the development of some new theoretical the right workforce, or creating a suitable workplace
ideas laid out in this article and elsewhere, (Pruitt, 2007). (Rayner, 2015). It is therefore the duty of university lecturers
Readiness is the character of the organization ("party") that and management to ensure that these students are equipped
reflects the minds of its top leaders in conflict with other with job skills to continue to succeed in the field of
organizations ("enemies"). The willingness to cause employment after graduation (Asmaak & Corresponding,
conciliatory behaviour. At moderate strength, it encourages a 2010). The level of readiness a student needs in order to
mild peace. If it gets stronger, the party's behaviour becomes enroll and succeed -without remediation- in a credit bearing
more humble and in the end can be a cease-fire and enter into course at a post-secondary institution that offers a bachelor
negotiations. An additional level of readiness is required for degree programme, or in a high quality certificate
the party to remain in negotiation and concession. Some programme that enable students to enter a career path way
readiness is required on both sides of the conflict to initiate with potential future
negotiations and agreements to be reached. The willingness advancement (Bhattacharjee
has two components, which combine multiple. Readiness is & Ray, 2017). Here, students
Published By:
462 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S, July 2019
need to learn to process decision-making including choosing of programming and modelling the abilities of all skilled
between different alternatives, studying the consequences of workers. Taking the Industrial Revolution leadership from
specific choices, studying the value of compromise and Weiland (2013), they produced the following five parameters
implementing decisions. At present students must be aware for claims arising from Industry 4.0 for skilled worker
of and recognize the effects of current planning and make eligibility were comprehensive integration and information
decisions about the future lives. transparency, enhancing production system automation,
self-management and decision-making by digital
C. Methods to Measure Student Readiness in Previous communication and management functions interactive, and
Studies flexibility of staff utilization. Graduates must have a
To measure how many students have learned, it is not combination of both technical and non-technical skills that
enough to assess the knowledge and skills at the end of the are deemed to be employed in the current labour market. This
course or program. We also need to know what they know to is a major factor in student readiness to the Industrial
come so we can identify more specifically the knowledge and Revolution 4.0.
skills they acquire during the course or program. There are Technical skills include the ability to use specialized tools,
various methods or techniques used to measure student procedures and techniques (Ejiwoy, 2018). Technical skills
readiness and skills at the end of the course or program. We comprise the skills needed to achieve service delivery tasks,
also need to find out what they know coming in so that we can including expertise in using tools and tools. Technical skills
identify more specifically the knowledge and skills they have are known as computer skills and Internet knowledge. One
gained during the course or program. There had been varied study found that technical skills were the most sought after in
of methods or technique used to measure the student the new payroll (Aasheim et al, 2009). Technical skills are
readiness. In a study that measures the features of senior unique to a particular job field (Stone, 2011). The technical
school readiness, Lea Dean Folds uses the WorkKeys® skills listed in the previous study include knowledge and
method to describe high school senior characteristics application capabilities in computer use, programming
(gender, race, route completion, socioeconomic status, languages, database management, optimization and key
highest level mathematics courses, absenteeism, and student areas of accounting management, finance and operations
movements) and the scores on work readiness steps (used management (Nagy, 2008).
math, reading information, and finding information). The Non-technical skills include the cognitive and soft skills
ACT WorkKeys system is used in high schools throughout Industrial Revolution by graduates to employ the Industrial
your country and across the country to help students Revolution knowledge and skills in discipline at work
understand how they can improve the skills for a better job. (Jackson & Chapman, 2012). Non-technical skills,
WorkKeys scores help the employer to take the guesswork commonly referred as generic is core or professional skills, in
out of determining whether an individual is eligible for a post the students of all disciplines (Jackson & Hancock, 2010).
in the organization (Folds, 2013). Employers recognize that gaps in non-technical skills affect
In another study by Catherine Lissette Caballero, she has performance, output and work efficiency (Roepen, 2017).
used qualitative methods used to identify the characteristics The more fundamental problem is that although there is a
and characteristics of job readiness and then develop a scale basic understanding of developing non-technical skills in
called the Work Skills Scale (WRS) to measure the readiness higher education, most practitioners are inherently opposed
of work in the graduate population. Qualitative data to aligning the undergraduate curriculum with industrial
identifies ten broad categories that demonstrate job readiness requirement and therefore challenge the curriculum reform
such as motivation, maturity, self-growth / development, strategy (Jackson & Chapman, 2012).
organizational awareness, technical focus, interpersonal
orientation, work attitude, problem solving, conformity and III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
endurance. Dr. Holly Hungerford-Kresser (2016) has used
different methods to measure the readiness of students in the Methodology plays a very significant role in the research.
study. He uses qualitative research which is a combination of It is mainly use as a method for the researcher to carry out a
action research methods (Hubbard & Power, 1999; Somekh, research by using the method of collecting and analyzing the
2009, 2006) and case studies (Merriam, 1998; Stake, 1995). data. The research design, data collection methods and data
The action research methodology is fluid, regular, and allows analysis methods were appropriately selected in accordance
me to remain critical, adapting to the appropriate way for the to the research objectives. All of these were presented in the
task at hand (Hungerford-kresser, 2016). From previous part as following.
studies, can conclude that most studies have used mixed The conceptual framework of this research shown in
methods to study students' readiness. Figure 1. The IR 4.0 readiness factors such as technical skills
and non-technical skills as independent variables and the
A. Conceptual Definition of Readiness Factor students readiness on Industrial Revolution 4.0 as dependent
variables. The skills that required for technical skills is
Overall, it can be argued that the debate that has taken place digital skills. This skills are required for students to enhance
so far on the qualifications requirement filed by Industry 4.0 the capabilities and knowledge in handling technological
is still in its infancy (Pfeiffer, 2015). Most of the tools. Furthermore, the second
requirements mentioned in the address of social and generic factor that influence the
competencies, coupled with a demand that is not specific to readiness factors of Industrial
"more" IT skills, in some cases embraces the general charm 4.0 is non-technical skills.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
463 & Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
Factors Influence The Students’ Readiness on Industrial Revolution 4.0
Non-technical skills or generic skills are the organization results can be generalized. The research population for this
skill that required for an individual to work in an study comprised all the students that pursuing the studies in
organization. Unviersiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM). Eligibility criteria
specify the characteristics that people in the population must
possess in order to be included in the study. In this study, the
participants had to be undergraduates students whom
currently studying in Faculty of Technology Management
and Business at UTHM. An accommodation sampling
utilized to amass the data in this research because this
sampling is referred to nonprobability where respondents of
the target population that meet certain practical criteria such
as facile accessibility, obtainability at a given time, or the
readiness to participate which able to access the population
that is facilely accessible (Etikan, 2016). This sampling
technique facilities the researcher‟s works in accumulating
Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the study the responses.
A sample size is a subset of the population which be able to
In general, we do not know the true value of population identify generalizable to the total population of students in
parameters - they must be estimated. However, we have Universiti Tun Hussein Onn for gaining accuracy of the data
hypotheses about the real value. The main purpose of from this research. The total sample size of this research is
hypothesis testing is to choose between two competing 200 respondents which is chosen from table scale of past
hypotheses about the value of population parameters. The researcher (Israel, 2003) to determine the factors influence
general hypothesis is all "philosophical and theoretical among UTHM students on Industrial Revolution 4.0.
assumptions" and anything that has not been scientifically
proven. This means that all of our thinking dedicated to B. Data Collection
finding a relationship between concepts is a general Polit and Hungler (1999) define data as “information
hypothesis category, as long as they have not been proven in obtained during the course of an investigation or study”. In
the process of scientific research (Bulajic, 2012). The this study, questionnaires were used to obtain data relevant to
purpose of this research is to explore the readiness factors the study‟s objectives and research questions. The purpose of
influence on the student‟s readiness on Industrial Revolution the study was to explore the Industrial Revolution 4.0 factors
4.0. that influence the readiness of UTHM students. The survey
technique as essential information was utilized in this
A. Research Design investigation with the end goal to accumulate the
In general, the design of the research means the structure information with required info. Ordinarily, the questionnaire
to plan and implement certain research. The research design technique is typically less expensive to direct, generally
is an important part of the research as it encompasses all four simple to oversee in light of the fact that they are
important considerations: strategy, conceptual framework, institutionalized and furthermore moderately free from
identification of who and what to learn and tools and blunder and proficient to gather information from huge
procedures that would be used to collect and analyze data. number of respondents. Along these lines, an arrangement of
The research design is basically divided into several types, questionnaire was circulate up close and personal to the
such as qualitative research and quantitative research. college understudies in Faculty of Technology Management
This study was endeavored to determine the factors and Business at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn. Add up to 200
influence the readiness of UTHM students on Industrial arrangements of questionnaire would dispersed which is
Revolution 4.0. The quantitative research method approach equivalent with the example size of respondents in this
adopt to amass data in this research because it is the best to examination. The respondents was required to finish each of
utilize when explicated the data that amassed among the the inquiries on given time. Help is likewise to be given to the
respondents through questionnaire. Furthermore, the respondents particularly in illuminating the question.
accumulated data from the questionnaires analyzed through
Statistical Package for the Convivial Sciences (SPSS) and the C. Measurement of Variables
current versions is designated as IBM SPSS for finding the The questionnaire designed to determine factors influence
relationship of soothsayer variables in this research (Awan, the readiness of UTHM students on Industrial 4.0. The
2012). The SPSS analysis is an incorporated distinct questionnaire was modified to suit the context of the research
measurements and connections test for dissecting the and the level of target researchers. A five point Likert scale is
information from this investigation. used and the respondents were required to state the extent to
which they strongly agreed by giving a score of „1‟ which is
Strongly Disagree, score 2 is Disagree, score 3 is Neutral,
score 4 is Agree and score 5 is Strongly Agree for each
B. Target Population statement in the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of
Population is the totality of all subjects that conform to a close-ended questions.
set of specifications, comprising the entire group of persons Furthermore, Information
that is of interest to the researcher and to whom the research Literacy Education
Published By:
464 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S, July 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
465 & Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
Factors Influence The Students’ Readiness on Industrial Revolution 4.0
questionnaire .There is one person which is age 19 – 20 respondent believe that skill in word processing is not that
year‟s old and it is 0.5 % who answered the questionnaire. important for Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Frequency of the respondent on awareness of Industrial
Revolution 4.0 shows that 48.5% or 97 students only know Table 5: Technical skill
little awareness of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Only three
student which is 1.5% only know a lot about Industrial Questions Mean Std. Readiness
Deviation Scale
Revolution 4.0. Its shows the poor awareness among students I have the skill in access the
about Industrial Revolution 4.0. 60 respondent out of 200 Internet application or software
3.93 .777 Approaching
which is 30%, they have some awareness of Industrial that required for documentation
Revolution 4.0. It is probably due to more conference and or searching information.
I have the skill in word
contest that held by the government and non-government processing that important for 3.38 .793
organizations. Industrial Revolution 4.0.
As a student, I should learn to
use e-mail frequently to send or
C. Student readiness towards industrial revolution receive message or information
Table 4 indicated that the mean value for dependent 4.20 .745 Approaching
by preparing to adapt the
variable which is the student readiness in UTHM towards changes towards new
technology 4.0.
Industrial Revolution 4.0. Based on the table below, all the I have the skill in accessing
students are ready towards Industrial Revolution 4.0. The spreadsheet to key in data that
3.45 .855 Approaching
highest mean score is 4.43 which mean most of the student in required in the Industry
UTHM are ready to apply technical skills in job task required Revolution 4.0.
As a student, I should have the
during Industrial Revolution 4.0, ready to learn new technical skill in handling
knowledge provides by management for Industrial presentations will be useful 4.01 .773
Revolution 4.0 and ready to change the working style during towards Industry Revolution
Industrial Revolution 4.0. While, the lowest score is 4.18
which mean that the most of the respondent are ready to
Table 6 show that the mean value for independent variable
adapt with changes during Industrial Revolution 4.0, ready to
which is non-technical skills. Based on the table below, all
do the tasks in an innovative way towards Industrial
the students are in the readiness scale of approaching
Revolution 4.0 and they also ready to attend training provide
readiness in each of the non-technical skills such as problem
by the institute for Industrial Revolution 4.0.
solving skills, communication skills and leadership skills.
The highest mean score is under the communication skill
Table 4: Student readiness towards industrial revolution
with 3.78 which mean most of the student in UTHM agreed
that they able to start a conversation if they need any
Std. Readiness assistance regarding any problems or doubt in using the
Questions Mean
Deviation scale technical skills and knowledge of Industrial Revolution 4.0 if
I am ready to adapt with changes 4.18 .385 Ready they cannot resolve it by them self. While, the lowest score is
during Industrial Revolution 4.0. under problem solving skill with 3.15 which mean that the
I am ready to apply technical skills 4.43 .496 most of the respondent believe that they still approaching
in job task required during Ready
Industrial Revolution 4.0.
readiness solve problems without getting assistance from
I am ready to learn new knowledge 4.43 .496 others especially problems that related to technology.
provides by management for Ready
Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Table 6: Non-technical skill
I am ready to do my tasks in an 4.18 .385 Ready
innovative way towards Industrial
Revolution 4.0. Questions Mean Std. Ready
I am ready to change my working 4.43 .496 Deviation scale
style during Industrial Revolution Ready
Problem solving skills
I am ready to attend training 4.18 .385
provide by the institute for Ready I have the ability to recognize alternate Approach
Industrial Revolution 4.0. routes in meeting objectives that ing
3.20 .743
related toward the Industrial readiness
Revolution 4.0.
Table 5 shows that the mean value for independent variable I have the ability to monitors progress Approach
which is technical skill. Based on the table above, the toward objectives in risky ventures ing
towards the advance technology 3.23 .796 readiness
students are in between the scale of approaching readiness application in Industrial Revolution
and ready. The highest mean score is 4.20 which mean most 4.0.
of the student in UTHM agreed that they should learn to use I have the ability to identify potential Approach
e-mail frequently to send or receive message or information outcomes when considering risky ing
3.33 .809
venture which will simplify my path readiness
by preparing to adapt the changes towards new technology towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
4.0. This means that students should be able to use the e-mail
frequently because nowadays most of the messages or
material has been shared or send thru e-mail. While, the
lowest score is 3.38 which mean that the most of the
Published By:
466 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S, July 2019
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
467 & Sciences Publication
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
Factors Influence The Students’ Readiness on Industrial Revolution 4.0
Published By:
468 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: B10680782S19/19©BEIESP
& Sciences Publication