T T Y P H: Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
T T Y P H: Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
T T Y P H: Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
第 54 卷第 6 期 Vol. 54 No. 6
2019 年 12 月
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5 Authors/ Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular TechnologyXX(20XX) XX-XX
• Book: AUTHOR. (year, day of the month) [2] SEIDMAN, S. (2012) Contested
Title. (edition) [Type of information carrier]. knowledge. 5th ed. Hoboken, New Jersey:
volume (issue). Access: site/path/file. [10] Wiley-Blackwell.
• Periodicals: AUTHOR. (year, month) Title. [3] LIGHT, G., COX, R. and CALKIN, S.
Journal. [Type of information carrier].
(2009) Learning and teaching in higher
volume (issue), pages. Access: site/path/file.
education: the reflective professional. 2nd
• Papers presented at the Conferences: ed. London: Sage.
AUTHOR. (year) Title. Presented at the [4] SHAW, R. et al. (2011) Management
Conference (title). [Type of information essentials for doctors. Cambridge:
carrier]. Access: site/path/file. [12] Cambridge University Press.
• Reports and Guidelines: AUTHOR. (year) [5] SCHAEFFER, N.C, and PRESSER S.
Title. Company. City, State or Country. (2003) The science of asking questions.
[Type of information carrier]. Access: Annual Review of Sociology, 29 (1), pp. 65-
site/path/file. [13] 88.
• Patent/Standard: Author. (year) Title, Patent [6] TUCKMAN, A. (2009) Labour, skills and
number. [8]
training. In: LEVITT, R. et al. (eds.) There
• Technical report: Author. (year) Title.
Company, City, State or Country, Tech.
organised National Health Service. 7th ed.
Rep. No. [9] Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes, pp. 135-155.
• [7] MAIMON, D. and BROWNING, C.R.
(2012) Adolescents’ violent victimization in
F. Title bar, Running title, and Hyperlink the neighbourhood: situational and
It is not allowed to use the upper and lower contextual determinants. British journal of
running title, including pagination. All hypertext criminology, 52 (4), pp. 808-833.
references and all bookmarks to sections will be [8] STAMM, M.C. et al. (2013) Information
removed from paper. If you need to refer to an e- forensics: an overview of the first decade.
mail address or URL in your paper, you should IEEE Access, 1. Available from
type the address or URL in full in Regular font
[9] CHAN, T.M. (2011) Three problems
V. CONCLUSION about dynamic convex hulls. In: Proceedings
The Editors ask authors not to change the
of the 27th Annual Symposium on
formatting and style of the plan, which is
presented in this template. If you have any Computational Geometry, Paris, June 2011.
questions regarding the submission of the New York: ACM, pp. 27-37.
articles, please visit the main page of the journal [10] Environment Act 2005 (c. 25). London:
or contact the secretariat by e-mail. The Stationery Office.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (2008) BS ISO 8178-2: Reciprocating
The guidelines for citing electronic internal combustion engines – exhaust
information as offered here are in modified emission measurement. London: British
illustration of the adaptation by the International Standards Institute.
Standards Organization (ISO) documentation [12] FENG, W. (2010) Remote service
system and the American Psychological provision for connected homes. Unpublished
Association style (APA), which is set out in the thesis (PhD.), De Montfort University.
section Information for IEEE Transactions, [13] NHS (2012) Mobile phone safety.
Journals and Letters to Editor.
[Online] NHS. Available from:
REFERENCES phone-safety/Pages/Introduction.aspx
[Accessed 08/08/12].
[1] Zaharia, R. M. &Grundey, D. (2011). [14] KESNER, R.P. (2002) Memory
Corporate Social Responsibility in the neurobiology. In: RAMACHANDRAN, V.S.
Context of Financial Crisis: A Comparison (ed.) Encyclopedia of the human brain, Vol.
between Romania and Lithuania. Amfiteatru 2. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 783-796.
Economic, 13(29), pp. 195-206.
7 Authors/ Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular TechnologyXX(20XX) XX-XX
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