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第 54 卷第 6 期 Vol. 54 No. 6
2019 年 12 月

ISSN: 0258-2724 DOI:10.35741/issn.0258-2724.54.6….

Please select the type of your manuscript
(see Author Guidelines)
Please select the most suitable field of scientific research
from the approved list of the journal categories


First Author a,*, Second Author a, b, Third Author b
First affiliation institution
First affiliation address, City, Country, e-mail
Second affiliation institution
Second affiliation address, City, Country, e-mail

Type the text of your abstract here. Abstract is obligatory for all articles. It should reflect:
 the subject, topic and purpose of the paper;
 the method or methodology of the research;
 the results of the research;
 scope of application of the research results;
 conclusions.
Abstract should be limited to 1 paragraph (250 words) and convey the main points of the paper,
outline the results and conclusions, and explain the significance of the results. Any inessential
abbreviations (those personally invented, in particular), any formulas, references to bibliography, figures
and/or tables are inadmissible in the abstract. Typeset your Abstract in TNR 11 pt, alignment: justify; line
spacing: single.
Abstract template:
The article describes a new method/idea (etc.) ..., based on ..., enabling to .... Using (describe the
methods), the authors (describe the obtained results)..... As an example, we illustrate the proposed
method/technique... Our method/proposal allows to improve (any quantitative indicators by XX, X%)...
The new method effectiveness evaluation is confirmed by the calculation .... New research results
develop/supplement/improve ... and can be used for….

Keywords: please provide 5 keywords separated with comma. Not more than five keywords should be
indicated separately; these should be chosen carefully and must not be phrases of several words. Typeset your
keywords in TNR 10 pt, alignment: justify; line spacing: single. These keywords will be used for indexing



I. INTRODUCTION line spacing: single, and be numbered in a capital

This template is an example for formatting a letter, which should end with a period.
paper for the Journal of Southwest Jiaotong 3) Heading 3 Level
University. The template is available online at the Heading 3: all words should have first letter in
page for authors on the official website of the Uppercase, alignment: left, italicized, TNR 11,
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University. line spacing: single, and be numbered in Arab
numerals which should end with a closing
II. WRITING A PLAN a) Heading 4 Level
Manuscripts should be written in English or
It is not recommended to use Heading 4,
Chinese. The title of the paper, information about
however it is admissible in the following
the authors, abstract and keywords, as well as
format: only the first word should start in
bibliography must be written in English and in
Uppercase, indentation left: 5 mm,
Chinese. You can submit an article online on the
italicized, TNR 11, line spacing: single, it
journal website. To submit a paper, the author
should be numbered with a small capital
will first need to register. Registration fee is not
and ended with a closing bracket.
charged. Online publication in Journal of
a) Level 5 Heading
Southwest Jiaotong University will be charged at
Level 5 Heading is not admissible in the
500 dollars.
A. Word-processing software
The manuscript should not exceed 3000 III. STRUCTURE
words, and the total volume should not exceed The paper should start with a Title, Abstract
8000 words, including figures and tables. There and keywords, and the main text should consist
should be no applications to the manuscript, and of the following sections: Introduction, Research
the file must be saved in Microsoft Office (in Aim, Literature Review, Research Methods,
.doc / .docx) or in Open Office _.odt). The page Results, Discussion, Conclusions and
should be formatted in A4 (21 cm by 29.7 cm), Suggestions for Practical Use,
the left margin being 2.5 cm, and the top, bottom Acknowledgements (can be added if necessary),
and right margins making 2 cm. The page References (in English and Chinese).
numbers in this example should not be changed, Please follow this logic in writing the paper:
since when printing the pages will be numbered first, briefly highlight the idea, then describe the
otherwise. methods for achieving the goal and the planned
results, and only after that proceed to the detailed
B. Paper format presentation. When reviewing the literature, you
The title of the paper and abstract should be should not simply list the sources, but analyze
written in one column. The title should contain them. You should explain with specific examples
less than 15 words, it should start with a capital what has already been done by other scholars,
letter and be centered, typeset the title in bold, what tasks are ahead, and in which direction you
Times New Roman (TNR) 16pt, single line plan to move, that is, you have to introduce the
spacing. Typeset the main text TNR 11 pt in 2 reader to the research background and explain the
columns with an interval between columns of 1 place of your study in it.
cm, alignment: justify, indentation: 5 mm, line The pages should be numbered consecutively,
spacing: single. starting with the title page and through the text,
and reference list.
C. Headings
Headings should be of four-level type; five- A. Title
level headings are inadmissible. Title of the paper should be brief and
1) Level 1 Heading informative. Titles are often used in electronic
Each word in Heading 1 should have first search engines. Avoid using abbreviations and
letter in Uppercase and small capitals, alignment: formulas where possible. Names of authors
left, boldface, TNR 14, line spacing: single, and should not contain a scientific degree or position.
be numbered in Roman numerals, which should Clearly identify the corresponding author who
end with a period. will be responsible for the article at all stages of
2) Level 2 Heading pre-publication and post-publication.
Heading 2: all words should have first letter in
Uppercase, alignment: left, boldface, TNR 11,
3 Authors/ Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular TechnologyXX(20XX) XX-XX

B. Abstract pages. You should relate your research

Abstract should be brief and factual, it should procedures in a clear, logical order so that other
briefly describe the purpose of the study, the researchers can reproduce your results. Simply
principal results and the main conclusions. The refer to the established methods you used, but
abstract is often presented separately from the describe any procedures that are original to your
article, i.e. it must be an independent element. study in more detail.
For this reason, references should be avoided. The Theory section should expand, rather than
Also, it is required not to use non-standard or repeat the brief information about the paper,
uncommonly used abbreviations, but if they are which was already mentioned in the Introduction
necessary, then when they are first used in the section, and lay the foundation for further study.
abstract, they should be defined. The title of the The Calculations section is a practical
paper, information about the authors, abstract and application of the theoretical foundations.
keywords, as well as bibliography must be Identify the specific instruments you used in
written in English and in Chinese. your research by including the manufacturer’s
name and location in parentheses.
C. Keywords Stay consistent with the order in which
General terms and terms in the plural, as well information is presented (e.g., quantity,
as multivalent concepts should not be used in the temperature, stirring speed, refrigeration period).
keywords. Be careful in the use of abbreviations:
only abbreviations that have been well F. Results and Discussion
established in the field of research can suit. These The results should be clear and brief. In this
keywords will be used for indexing. section, taking no more than 6-8 pages, outline
the main findings of your research. You need not
D. Introduction include too many details, particularly if you are
All papers should have a brief introduction using tables and figures. While writing this
(1.5-2 pages). The text should be intelligible to section use the smallest number of words
readers in different disciplines and technical necessary to convey your statistics.
terms should be defined. This is the reader’s first Use appendices or supplementary materials if
impression of your paper, so it should be clear you have too much data.
and concise. Include relevant background The Discussions section should disclose the
information on your topic, using in-text citations significance of the results of the work, rather than
as necessary. Report new developments in the repeat them.
field, and state how your study fills gaps in the In this section, taking no more than 4-6 pages,
existing research. Focus on the specific problem you should interpret your findings for the reader
you are addressing, along with its possible in relation to previous research and the literature
solutions, and outline the limitations of your as a whole. Present your general conclusions,
study. You can also include a research question, including an assessment of the strengths and
hypothesis, and/or objectives at the end of this weaknesses of the research and the implications
section. of your findings. Resolve the hypothesis and/or
Organize your information from broad to research question you identified in the
narrow (general to particular). However, do not introduction.
start too broad; keep the information relevant. Remember, you must be prepared to justify
You can use in-the-text citations in this your findings and conclusions, and one of the
section to situate your research within the body best ways to do this is through factual accuracy
of literature. These citations should be numbered and the acknowledgment of opposing
sequentially in the order they appear in the text interpretations, data, and/or points of view.
[1], [2], etc., and are organized accordingly in the Use in-text citations to support your
References section. discussion. However, avoid unnecessary citations
Identify the objectives of the research and and discussion of already published literature.
provide adequate brief information, avoiding a Do not repeat the information you presented
detailed literature review or a summary of the in the results or the introduction unless it is
results. Explain how you viewed the problem or necessary for a discussion of the overall
clearly state the purposes of your study. implications of the research.

E. Methods/Materials G. Conclusion
This is the part of your paper that explains The summary of the research may be provided
how the research was done in no more than 2-3 in a brief section Conclusion, which can be

separate section or a subsection of Discussion or font should be 7pt for normal text and not less
Results and Discussion section. The Conclusion than 6 pt for captions and symbols in the
section should lead the reader to the important captions. Figures should be followed by a short
issues of the article. It can also be followed by description in the main text.
suggestions or recommendations relating to the To make a layout, it is required to submit
subsequent research. separately high resolution figure in .tif/.jpg/.jpeg
Explain how your research fits within your format. They should be saved in a folder
field of study, and identify areas for future separately from the manuscript. Also, try not to
research. Even though you may not look forward name the position of the figure/table, for
to the process of formatting your research paper, example, "figure below" or "next table", because
it is important to present your findings clearly, their location will change during the creation of
consistently, and professionally. With the right the layout. DO NOT make a framework around
paper format, your chances of publication the figures to highlight them.
increase, and your research will be more likely to
make an impact in your field. Do not
underestimate the details. They are the backbone
of scientific writing and research.
Keep this section short (1 paragraph).

H. Acknowledgments
Provide the Acknowledgments in a separate
section at the end of the article before the
References; they should not be specified on the Figure 1.Figure caption
title page as a footnote to the title or in any other
way. B. Tables
Write this paragraph as brief as possible Number the tables sequentially, according to
giving credit to any institution responsible for their appearance in the text. Place footnotes to the
funding the study (e.g., through a fellowship or tables below the body of the tables and make the
grant) and any person (e.g., technical advisors or captions to them in superior small letters. Avoid
editors). Indicate here those persons who helped using vertical rulers. Be careful when using the
you during the research (for example, provided tables and once again make sure that the data
linguistic assistance or did a proofreading of the given in the table do not duplicate the results
paper, etc.) described somewhere in the article.
Capitalize the titles of specific tables and
IV. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION figures when you refer to them in the text (e.g.,
"see Table 3"; "in Figure 4").
A. Figures Table 1.
Figures and tables should be black and white. Table caption
In case the figures and tables are colored, they
Parameter UM
should be easy to read after printing in black and
white. Weight, ms 1 (kg)
They should be referred to in numerical order. Reducing agent, c 1.81(Ns/m
Number the tables sequentially, according to their
appearance in the text. Hardness, ks 22,739.57
(N/m) b
All symbols and abbreviations must be
defined, and used only when necessary. a
Superscripts, subscripts and ambiguous
characters should be clearly indicated. Units of C. Mathematical expressions
measure should be metric or, preferably, SI. Mathematical equations should be written
Captions should be numbered, typeset in TNR clearly, numbered and accompanied by the
9, line spacing: single. A caption should include a necessary information. They should also be
short title (not in the figure) and a description of separated from the main text.
the illustration. Minimize the amount of text on
the illustrations themselves, but explain all the
symbols and abbreviations used. Letters in the
figure should be well readable and proportionally
commensurable, and in the final, printed size, the (1)
5 Authors/ Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular TechnologyXX(20XX) XX-XX

where is an explanation of the 20 entries. Before submitting the manuscript,

concept, etc. please check each citation in the text against the
Number each equation you present in the text, References and vice-versa to ensure that they
inserting the number in parentheses. match exactly. It is important to format the
Try using MathType or Equation Editor in references properly because all references will be
Microsoft Word to type your equations, but use linked electronically as completely as possible to
Unicode characters when typing single variables the papers cited.
or mathematical operators (e.g., x, ≥, or ±) in References should not include unpublished
running text. This makes it easier to edit your text source materials.
and format your equations before publication. General guidelines should be observed for
Remember to save your math equations as formatting the text of the article. References to
editable text and not as images in case changes Wikipedia, personal blogs or non-scientific
need to be made before publication. websites are not taken into account. Primary
References should make 80% of the cited
D. Terminology sources, at least 10 references. References should
Stay consistent with the terms you use. be taken over the past five years. The
Generally, short forms can be used once the full recommended minimum volume of references is
term has been introduced: 20 entries. At least 70% of sources in References
• full terms versus acronyms (e.g., should contain DOI indices. Be sure to verify the
deoxyribonucleic acid versus DNA); correctness of the names of authors, pages and
• English names versus Greek letters (e.g., titles of journals in the paper lists at
alpha versus α); and http://www.crossref.org/ (there is a search engine
• species names versus short forms (e.g., box in the center on the page – copy the source
Staphylococcus aureus versus S. aureus). title into it and verify the correctness of the
One way to ensure consistency is to use standard References).
scientific terminology. You can refer to the There are two types of references, i.e.
following resources, but if you are not sure which References to electronic resources and
guidelines are preferred, check with your target References to non-electronic resources. Examples
journal. of specific referencing by two types are given
• For gene classification, use GeneCards, The below:
Mouse Genome Informatics Database, and/or • Book: AUTHOR, Title. No. of Edition,
genenames.org. Editor, City, State or Country: Publishing
• For chemical nomenclature, refer to the house, year, Pages. [1]
International Union of Pure and Applied • Part of a book: AUTHOR, “Title”, in Book,
Chemistry (IUPAC) Compendium of Chemical edition, editor, City, State or Country:
Terminology (the Gold Book) and the IUPAC– Publishing house, year, Pages. [2]
IUB Combined Commission on Biochemical • Periodicals: AUTHOR, “Title”, Journal,
Nomenclature. volume (issue), pages, month, year. [3], [4],
• For marine species names, use the World [5]
Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) or the • Proceedings of the Conferences: Author,
European Register of Marine Species (ERMS). “Title”, in Conference, year, pages. [6]
Italics must be used correctly for scientific • Unpublished papers: Author, “Title”,
terminology. presented at the Conference/ name of the
• Species names, which are usually in Greek event, City, State or Country, year. [7]
or Latin, are italicized (e.g., Staphylococcus • Patent/Standard: Author, “Title”, Patent
aureus). number, day of the month, year. [8]
• Genes are italicized, but proteins are not. • Technical report: Author, “Title”, Company,
City, State or Country, Tech. Rep. No.,
E. References month, year. [9]
It is recommended to format Bibliographic References to electronic resources must
References using a reference manager, i.e. necessarily be accompanied by three types of
Mendeley Endnotes or References in Harvard information: 1) protocol or department; 2) the
style. The list of references should be arranged in place where you can find the given unit; and 3)
the order in which the sources are presented in the link to the source. An example of the correct
the paper (numbered citations). References referencing for electronic resources is given
should be taken over the past five years. The below:
recommended minimum number of references is

• Book: AUTHOR. (year, day of the month) [2] SEIDMAN, S. (2012) Contested
Title. (edition) [Type of information carrier]. knowledge. 5th ed. Hoboken, New Jersey:
volume (issue). Access: site/path/file. [10] Wiley-Blackwell.
• Periodicals: AUTHOR. (year, month) Title. [3] LIGHT, G., COX, R. and CALKIN, S.
Journal. [Type of information carrier].
(2009) Learning and teaching in higher
volume (issue), pages. Access: site/path/file.
education: the reflective professional. 2nd
• Papers presented at the Conferences: ed. London: Sage.
AUTHOR. (year) Title. Presented at the [4] SHAW, R. et al. (2011) Management
Conference (title). [Type of information essentials for doctors. Cambridge:
carrier]. Access: site/path/file. [12] Cambridge University Press.
• Reports and Guidelines: AUTHOR. (year) [5] SCHAEFFER, N.C, and PRESSER S.
Title. Company. City, State or Country. (2003) The science of asking questions.
[Type of information carrier]. Access: Annual Review of Sociology, 29 (1), pp. 65-
site/path/file. [13] 88.
• Patent/Standard: Author. (year) Title, Patent [6] TUCKMAN, A. (2009) Labour, skills and
number. [8]
training. In: LEVITT, R. et al. (eds.) There
• Technical report: Author. (year) Title.
Company, City, State or Country, Tech.
organised National Health Service. 7th ed.
Rep. No. [9] Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes, pp. 135-155.
• [7] MAIMON, D. and BROWNING, C.R.
(2012) Adolescents’ violent victimization in
F. Title bar, Running title, and Hyperlink the neighbourhood: situational and
It is not allowed to use the upper and lower contextual determinants. British journal of
running title, including pagination. All hypertext criminology, 52 (4), pp. 808-833.
references and all bookmarks to sections will be [8] STAMM, M.C. et al. (2013) Information
removed from paper. If you need to refer to an e- forensics: an overview of the first decade.
mail address or URL in your paper, you should IEEE Access, 1. Available from
type the address or URL in full in Regular font
[9] CHAN, T.M. (2011) Three problems
V. CONCLUSION about dynamic convex hulls. In: Proceedings
The Editors ask authors not to change the
of the 27th Annual Symposium on
formatting and style of the plan, which is
presented in this template. If you have any Computational Geometry, Paris, June 2011.
questions regarding the submission of the New York: ACM, pp. 27-37.
articles, please visit the main page of the journal [10] Environment Act 2005 (c. 25). London:
or contact the secretariat by e-mail. The Stationery Office.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT (2008) BS ISO 8178-2: Reciprocating
The guidelines for citing electronic internal combustion engines – exhaust
information as offered here are in modified emission measurement. London: British
illustration of the adaptation by the International Standards Institute.
Standards Organization (ISO) documentation [12] FENG, W. (2010) Remote service
system and the American Psychological provision for connected homes. Unpublished
Association style (APA), which is set out in the thesis (PhD.), De Montfort University.
section Information for IEEE Transactions, [13] NHS (2012) Mobile phone safety.
Journals and Letters to Editor.
[Online] NHS. Available from:
REFERENCES phone-safety/Pages/Introduction.aspx
[Accessed 08/08/12].
[1] Zaharia, R. M. &Grundey, D. (2011). [14] KESNER, R.P. (2002) Memory
Corporate Social Responsibility in the neurobiology. In: RAMACHANDRAN, V.S.
Context of Financial Crisis: A Comparison (ed.) Encyclopedia of the human brain, Vol.
between Romania and Lithuania. Amfiteatru 2. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 783-796.
Economic, 13(29), pp. 195-206.
7 Authors/ Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular TechnologyXX(20XX) XX-XX



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