Script For Seminar (Investment, Insurance and Savings)
Script For Seminar (Investment, Insurance and Savings)
Script For Seminar (Investment, Insurance and Savings)
Ladies and Gentlemen, as we are about to begin, please settle down in front of your laptop, pc or
any gadgets.
That is, I would like to seek your cooperation and attentiveness in completing the seminar.
Before we officially start our program this morning, may I request everyone to join me, as we
put ourselves in the most holy presence of God. To be followed by the Philippine National
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Icah Mae D. Salo, your CBA Council Board
Member. It is my pleasure to welcome you here this morning. I hope you enjoyed your breakfast.
I would like to thank you for joining us today for this special presentation on Investment,
Insurance and Savings, a topic that is becoming more and more critical every day, especially on
our field, business. Money can be small as a mustard seed but when we plant it with patience it will
become fruitful and meant to grow bigger until it turn into a huge tree of money. Investing your
money might be risky and will take a long time. However, when that time comes it will earn a bigger
return. As what we have learned in finance, "the higher the risk, the higer the return".
Welcome Address
Thank you very much for an interesting talk. If you have any questions regarding our topic feel
free to ask questions, I’m sure our guest speakers would be pleased to answer your queries.
Kindly click the wave icon to be recognized.
Thank you so much, as a token of appreciation for our guest speakers for their time and valuable
contributions, I present this letter which reads.
Well ladies and gentlemen, that wraps up our morning. On behalf of the College of Business and
Accountancy, as well as the CBA Student Council, and AXA Philippines, I would like thank you
all for making time in your busy schedules to join us here this morning. It’s been a pleasure to
host this event and I wish you all a pleasant day. God bless and keepsafe.