Modern Legal REALIST Outline
Modern Legal REALIST Outline
Modern Legal REALIST Outline
• The ontological or positivist school is criticized for - no rule or principle which the highest tribunal of a country
failing to see and observe legal realities in terms of refuses to follow is Law in that country.
modern judicial process and for giving undue -criticizes Austin’s idea that law is the command of the
emphasis on legal rules as the fundamental supreme political superior since it is the court that gives
sources of the law. The transcendental or true meaning and limits to a law.
teleological school, on the other hand, is faulted
for its over dependence on general proposition. - said that whoever had an absolute authority not only to
• They point that the history of jurisprudence has interpret the law but to say what the law is, is truly the Law
come to some kind of a dead end. To know the giver.
nature of the law and to solve the varied problems CONSTRUCTIVE SKEPTICS
connected with it by means of pre-conceived ideas
that are not derived from experience have only • The common characteristic of legal realism is
made knowledge about them quite confusing,if not skepticism about conventional theories of law and
possible. the legal process.
• The legal realist have become suspicious of the Characteristic of Legal Realists:
jurisprudence of concepts and of the jurisprudence 1. Rule Skeptics- they doubt and question the blind faith
of interest, where the same old symbols and given to legal rules.
principles are repeated even under the
embarrassing situation that they appear in pairs, 2. Fact Skeptics- while they appreciate the role of appellate
that is to say, a “plaintiff principle” and a court, they deplore the concentration given to these
“defendant principle”. decisions and consequently, the lack of attention to the
actualities happening in the trial courts.
• It is clearly stated in this presentation: • Thus, stress is given to the predictor use of
• RxF=D decisions in the light of the influenced exerted, in a
• where R= rule, D= decision and F= Facts fairly uniform manner, by certain metalegal factors
• Hence, if Facts are erroneous, decision is likewise on the judicial personality of the adjudicating
erroneous. officials, whenever they sit in in judgment of the
conflicts of human activities and interactivities.
Formalist Concept
• -In judicial realism, the concept of material facts is
a vital factor in the legal ordering. • The formalist concept of the adjudicative process
• -whether a judge considers certain facts as hinges on the application of the legal rule or rules
irrelevant or assumes certain facts which are on the facts of a case. The logical basis for
unrecorded, the material facts are no more than decision and the decision itself are then arrived at.
what the adjudicating officials say they are or • Holmes condemned this “black-and-white”
imply from what they think the facts are. approach. He stated that a “ a body of law ir more
• -the emphasis placed on this concept is both rational and more civilized when every rule it
recognition of and a concession to the demands of contains is referred articulately and definitely to an
changes. end which it serves, and when the grounds for
desiring that end are stated or are ready to be
stated in word”.
• According to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. law is
Modern Realist Concept
viewed as the expression of the force and
experience of society upon practically all of human • In modern ontological jurisprudence, the law is
activity through the agency of the courts whether determined by something more than legal rules
judicial or administrative. and facts. Without a consideration of the material
• An example of this is the famous case of Buck vs facts, the legal rules cannot even come into play
Bell. or application. In another way of saying it, there is
a general scepticism by modern realist
• The case involves the constitutionality of a state
jurisprudents in the sufficiency of these elements
sterilization (surgical removal of reproductive
of the judicial process.
organs)The facts involved a feeble-minded woman
who was an inmate in a State mental institution. • The earlier generation of the formalist
Her mother was also feeble-minded, and she has jurisprudents would have been shocked by this
an illegitimate child who was likewise feeble- type of realism but is a fact that in the great
minded. majority of the hard and important cases the
• -In this case, Holmes opined that it is better for the courts have readopted legal rules and legal
world to let society prevent those who are principles, circumstances, and value-patterns of
manifestly unfit from producing offsprings of their the time to keep the law alive. Thus, courts have
kind than to wait and later execute those offspring divided and will continue to divide in deciding
for crime or let them starve for their imbecility. conflicts of interests even when the same legal
rules are applied to the same facts. Indeed, the
• -according to Holmes, the true grounds of decision
courts may view a problem one way at a time and
are considerations of policy and of social
in a different way at another time.
advantage, and it is vain to suppose that solutions
• The point for the modern realist approach is that
can be attained merely by logic and general
there are indeed certain unavoidable factors- which
propositions of law which nobody disputes.
can be summed up under the term metalegal
• -The life of the law has not been logic but human
stimuli- operating on the judicial personality of the
experience in terms of social advantage.
adjudicating officials every time they sit in
ROLE OF METALEGAL STIMULI judgment over a conflict of interest. In different
words, the law cannot be separated from the
• When Holmes expressed his striking concept of the politics of the law. No study of jurisprudence and
law as “ the prophecies of what the courts will do philosophy of law can afford to disregard the
in fact and nothing more pretentious”, and when metalegal factors or forces in the ordering of
Gray articulated his telling analysis that “the law is human conduct and experience.
the whole system of rules applied by the courts”
and that a law or statute is only a source of the • Undoubtedly , for the realists, there is a human
law, they opened up a broad field of jurisprudential equation in the life and processes of the law. Legal
investigation. rules and material facts are factors that compose
• They are positing the idea that rather than only one of two quantities that go to make up the
examine what the courts say they do, it is better to law. In the second quantity, adjudicative discretion
investigate what they really do or what they will and metalegal stimuli play a silent but no less
do in fact. important role. They provide not only a means for
creative talent but they also afford the setting and tools of behavioral sciences in order to help courts
justification for the play and action of certain in the evaluation of the testimonies of witnesses.
extrajudicial factors in the process of decision- • METALEGAL STIMULUS
making. All these means that legal science is not
Meta – from Greek word meaning adjacent, after or
separable from the politics of the law.
Metalegal Factors
Legal – being in conformity with the law
• There is evidence and many cases to show that
Stimulus - something that causes a physiological or
metalegal stimuli affect in no small measure the
psychological response
formulation of the honest convictions of the judges
in the significant cases. There are certain factors c. Stimulus set up by the judge’s legal attitudes
which affect not only the general outlook of the
The judge’s legal attitudes are really the sum of his
judges but also influence their decisional
inclination bent on the matter in dispute.
behaviour. It must be stated, however, that many
of these factors manifests themselves only when D. Stimulus set up by the judges’ predilections and
judges deliberate on the issues and write their preconceptions
Judge’s legal sympathies and legal antipathies.
• The different kinds of metalegal stimuli further
explains why legal journals or law reviews have a Legal sympathies – strong likings which arise from a
somewhat different task to perform everytime a judge’s community of experience, education, interests
new member of a high court is appointed. Indeed, and even temperament.
one of the points that should prevent one’s Legal antipathies – settled aversions or dislike for
elevation to a high judicial post is a complacent certain legal or political theories.
juristic mind or a self-satisfied juristic creativeness.
The metalegal factors may be grouped as follows: Plainly, the mind of a judge is not a blank sheet of
paper without any legal sympathies and legal
a) The stimulus set up by witness antipathies. It is a store of them acquired in the
b) The stimulus set up by lawyers process of maturing and education. But this metalegal
c) The stimulus set by the judges ‘ legal attitudes stimuli come into operation only because of the very
d) The stimulus set up by the judges predilections nature of cases or activities involved therein.
and preconceptions
e) The stimulus set up by historical events and E. Stimulus set up by historical or political events and
precedents precedents
f) The stimulus set up by current economic or social The historical or political events by historical or political
conditions events and precedents, while generally transient, are,
Stimulus Set Up by the Witnesses nonetheless, commanding and decisive in the judging
process. This is specially true in the great constitutional
• It is said that the witnesses in a court constitute questions, viz., delegation of legislative power, vested
the axis on which the decision of the judge turns. rights, due process of law, equal protection of the law,
• The oral testimony is only a means utilized in civil liberties, etc.
litigation of conflicting interests. The stimulus set
up by witnesses are principally the result of their F. Stimulus set up by current social and economic
statements, gestures, manners, moods, voice or legislation
pitch, zeal, hesitation, embarrassment, grimaces. By and large the important cases that reach the courts
Indeed, the “tongue of the witness is not the only are convered with, related to or bear upon socio-
organ for conveying testimony”. economic questions. In controversies of this type, the
• But there seems to be no rules by which the decisional behavior of a judge may depend on his
honesty of witnesses and the accuracy of their social or economic outlook.
statements can be ascertained by judges. Indeed,
a judge may disregard portion of the testimony of
a witness but give credence to the portions thereof
which the judge believes to be consistent with the
facts. Thus, even when a witness has falsified his
testimony on some particulars, it does not follow
that the whole of his testimony is rejectable but
such portions thereof which a judge may deem
worthy of belief may still be credited.
• Perhaps there should be training of some kind for
trial judges in the behavioral sciences or allow