Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter PDF
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter PDF
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter PDF
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2. Objective ........................................................................................................................ 3
3. Scope of GRC................................................................................................................ 4
4. GRC Organizational structure ........................................................................................ 6
4.1 GRC Function ..................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Relation between GRC Function and other Functions ......................................... 6
5. Foundation of the GRC organization .............................................................................. 8
5.1 GRC is the responsibility of every employee ....................................................... 8
5.2 Role of management ........................................................................................... 8
5.3 Independence and objectivity .............................................................................. 8
5.4 Authorities and GRC Function performance ........................................................ 8
5.5 Qualifications, experience and skills .................................................................... 8
5.6 Collaboration ....................................................................................................... 9
5.7 Access ................................................................................................................ 9
6. Responsibilities on GRC .............................................................................................. 10
6.1 Supervisory Board ............................................................................................. 10
6.1.1 Audit Committee ............................................................................................ 10
6.2 Board of Management ....................................................................................... 10
6.3 GRC Functions at Group, Divisional and GC&BU level ..................................... 11
7. Ethics Committee, Risk Council and Tender Board ...................................................... 12
7.1 Ethics Committee .............................................................................................. 12
7.2 Risk Council ...................................................................................................... 12
7.3 Tender Review Board ........................................................................................ 12
8. Reporting Structure ...................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Dual reporting line ............................................................................................. 13
8.2 Periodic and immediate reporting ...................................................................... 13
8.3 Reporting responsibilities per function at Group level ........................................ 14
8.4 Reporting responsibilities at Divisional or GC&BU level..................................... 15
9. Effective date ............................................................................................................... 15
Annex I: Overview of main responsibilities per Group GRC Function .................................. 16
Annex II: Overview of main responsibilities at Divisional and GC&BU level......................... 17
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
1. Introduction
Imtech has expanded rapidly over the last 10 years. Recently, Imtech's management
concluded that its Governance, Risk and Compliance (hereinafter: GRC) framework was no
longer proportional to the size of its business. Additionally, due to the increased complexity
of projects, the framework needed to be enhanced. Also, it was clear from the irregularities
within Imtech that Imtech's governance and business controls were not sufficiently effective.
Due to these reasons, Imtech has strengthened its GRC framework.
This GRC Charter formalizes the enhanced Imtech GRC organization. The GRC Charter is
intended for (1) employees with a GRC Function at Group level and throughout all Imtech
businesses, such as risk managers and compliance officers, (2) Group and Divisional
Management, and (3) other Group and Divisional staff functions.
2. Objective
The purpose of the GRC Charter is to define the scope, organization, responsibilities and
reporting lines of Imtech’s GRC framework. This GRC Charter describes the framework and
its translation within the Imtech organization. It specifically defines the roles and
responsibilities of the Risk Management and Compliance Functions across Imtech’s
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
3. Scope of GRC
Imtech has defined the scope of GRC in the Imtech GRC framework in the chart below:
The GRC framework reflects three levels, namely (1) Imtech’s stakeholders’ expectations
and regulatory requirements require an enhanced GRC approach, (2) the executive level
that sets Imtech’s strategy and aligns Imtech’s vision, values, people and culture, and (3) the
GRC organization within Imtech. The latter is described in this GRC Charter and is based on
the following principles:
• Governance Oversight: sets the structure for on-going operation of the governance
framework, provides the hierarchy for reporting and monitoring in line with Imtech’s
decentralized management model;
• Management System: embeds the governance principles into day to day business
activities by setting clear and simple policies, supporting training activities and quality
of business controls and performance requirements;
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
This Charter defines the responsibilities for eight GRC areas to create a structured GRC
organization. Those areas are:
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
Board of Management
Director GRC
Divisional Management
GC&BU Management
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
Responsibilities of other staff functions can include: support, investigate, report, inform,
follow up and/or monitor on GRC related areas. The responsibilities of other staff functions
on GRC include:
Communications &
HR Control Legal
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
To support the efficacy of the GRC organization, several general foundations have to be set.
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
commercial operation of its business. They must also understand the obligations, legislation
and standards that impact Imtech’s business.
5.6 Collaboration
The GRC Function collaborates with other functions to ensure optimal leverage with existing
approaches and methodologies. Responsibilities of other staff functions can include:
supporting, investigating, reporting, informing, following up and/or monitoring GRC related
5.7 Access
The GRC Function must, at all times, have unrestricted and direct access (in accordance
with local laws and regulations) to all activities in their area of responsibility. This includes
access to all documentation and systems, e.g. complaints register, whistleblower reports and
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
6. Responsibilities on GRC
6.1 Supervisory Board
Imtech’s Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the policies of the Board of
Management and the general affairs of the company, as well as providing advice to the
Board of Management. The Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the Board of
Management with regard to the design and efficacy of the internal risk management and
control systems, risks inherent to the business activities and compliance with laws,
regulations and internal rules from a GRC Function perspective.
With regards to Risk Management, Compliance and Internal Audit, the Audit Committee’s
supervision responsibilities are described in more detail in Imtech’s Audit Committee
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
The composition, structure and role of the Ethics Committee, Risk Council and Tender
Review Board are described in this Chapter.
The Ethics Committee is chaired by the Director GRC and consists of senior executives (at
least: Corporate Secretary and Head of Internal Audit). The Ethics Committee will discuss
ethical misconduct and investigations on a regular basis and as circumstances require.
The Risk Council is chaired by the Director GRC and consists of the Group Risk Managers
and Divisional Risk Managers. The Risk Council will meet on a regular basis.
The Tender Review Board at Group level is consisting of, among others, a member of the
Board of Management and the Director GRC.
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
8. Reporting Structure
8.1 Dual reporting line
Within Imtech, a dual reporting line is in place to management and the GRC Function. This
dual reporting consists of operational reporting to the relevant manager and functional
reporting to the relevant GRC Function. This dual reporting structure with a separate
functional reporting line supports independence of the GRC Functions from business
activities and assists in avoiding potential conflicts of interest.
Audit Committee
Divisional Compliance
Management Function
GC&BU Compliance
GC&BU LEVEL Management
Management Function
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
The Director GRC reports on a regular basis to the Board of Management. The report can
include information on, but not limited to, the following:
• the roll out of the GRC year plan, upcoming GRC activities and follow up activities; and
• summary of the reports of, developments in and correlation between Risk Management,
Compliance and Internal Audit, including, e.g., a summary of (suspected) misconduct
cases, proceedings on investigations and follow up.
In case of serious misconduct, the Director GRC reports immediately to the Board of
Management and the Audit Committee.
The Group Risk Managers report on a regular basis to the Director GRC. The report can
include information on, but not limited to, the following:
• developments on the Group Risk Management Policy and Division Risk Manuals, tools
and methodologies (including training on Risk Management);
• the progress on risk assessments at divisional and GC&BU levels; and
• the projects that require Authorization To Proceed (ATP).
The Group Compliance Manager reports on a regular basis to the Director GRC. The report
can include information on, but not limited to, the following:
• reports on (suspected) misconduct cases and proposed remedial and corrective actions;
• compliance progress, monitoring and follow up activities;
• significant regulatory changes in the field of compliance; and
• proposed changes in compliance related policies and other documents.
The Head of Internal Audit reports to the Director GRC, the Board of Management and the
Audit Committee on a regular basis. The report can include information on, but not limited to,
the following:
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
9. Effective date
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
policies and monitor the - Oversee the tender procedures for remedial and corrective actions. - Execute and monitor the delivery of
implementation and maintenance of new projects. - Coordinate training in compliance for audit services against the agreed
these policies. - Coordinate training in risk target groups at Group and Division audit plan (including ad hoc special
- Coordinate the Tender Review management for target groups at level in coordination with Divisional purpose engagements).
Board process. Group and Division level in Compliance Functions. - Summarize and present results of the
- Coordinate the incident management coordination with Divisional Risk - Evaluate the implementation of Internal Audit function’s work and
process and the investigations Managers. compliance within each division as discuss these with the Board of
conducted under the guidance of the - Evaluate the RM implementation well as how this implementation Management and Audit Committee.
Ethics Committee. within each division as well as how complies with the compliance related
- Monitor management effectiveness this implementation complies with policies.
in incorporating GRC into the the RM Policy - Determine follow up activities and
organization and regular - Report to the Director GRC. report to the Director GRC.
management activities.
- Report the status of GRC activities to
the Board of Management and Audit
Governance, Risk and Compliance Charter
- Facilitate and participate in the project input for Group compliance activities.
risk management process and coordinate - Monitor reports on (suspected)
that risk mitigation actions are taken at misconduct cases, follow up on reported
Division, GC and/or BU level. incidents and proposed remedial and
- Advice on Authorization To Proceed corrective actions.
(ATP) Projects. - Organize training in compliance for target
- Provide the Divisional Management with groups at Division and GC&BU level in
report on ATP projects on a regular basis. coordination with Group Compliance
- Organize training in risk management for Manager.
target groups at Division and GC&BU - Report updates to the Group Compliance
level in coordination with Group Risk Manager and provide specific information
Management. on request of the Group Compliance
- Report updates to the Group Risk Manager and/or Director GRC.
Managers and provide specific - In case of serious misconduct, immediate
information on request of the Group Risk report to the Director GRC.
Managers and/or Director GRC.