Assessing Physical Activity in The Elderly: A Comparative Study of Most Popular Questionnaires
Assessing Physical Activity in The Elderly: A Comparative Study of Most Popular Questionnaires
Assessing Physical Activity in The Elderly: A Comparative Study of Most Popular Questionnaires
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Trends in
Sport Sciences
2015; 3(22): 133-144
ISSN 2299-9590
Abstract 1
University School of Physical Education, Department of
Introduction. During assessing physical activity researchers Physical Activity Teaching, Poznań, Poland
often use self-reported methods which may not meet 2
University School of Physical Education, Department of
psychometric standards and can lead to false results due to the Athletics, Poznań, Poland
application of inaccurate or wrongly chosen tools. Aim of Study.
The aim of this paper was to compile a list of most popular
questionnaires used for assessing physical activity among the What is already known on this topic?
elderly and to examine their qualitative and psychometric Measurements of physical activity are usually
characteristics. Methods. An analysis of articles published
carried out using various types of questionnaires
in international scientific journals on the topic of physical
or interviews. There are many questionnaires
activity assessment among elderly people was performed
in order to select reliable and valid questionnaires. Results. assessing physical activity of the elderly which
Twenty-one papers containing information on psychometric are objective and standardized, but researchers
criteria of eleven questionnaires were analyzed. The majority still often use self-reported methods which do not
of reliability and validity studies were performed on the PASE meet psychometric standards. The use of methods
and YPAS questionnaires. In terms of objectivity, the best ones with no validity and reliability indices may, in
turned out to be the CHAMPS, IPAQ, PAQE, PASE, and YPAS consequence, lead to false results.
questionnaires. The highest reliability assessment scores were
given to the APAFOP, PAR, PAQE, and QAPSE questionnaires.
The best validation scores with objective methods assessing
physical activity were carried out for the APAFOP, PAQE, Introduction
PASE, and YPAS questionnaires. Conclusions. Among the
analyzed questionnaires, the best one in terms of objectivity,
standardization, validity, and reliability was the Yale Physical
I n the last decades, the relationship between physical
activity and health has been well documented. Study
results of elderly people who engaged in any kind of
Activity Survey (YPAS). moderate or high intensity physical activity confirmed
the role of physical activity in the prevention of
KEYWORDS: physical activity, elderly, reproducibility of
coronary heart disease [1, 2], heart attack [3, 4], and
results, questionnaires.
respiratory diseases [5]. Profuse evidence was offered
to substantiate the importance of physical activity in
Received: 7 July 2015 maintaining one’s proper body weight [6, 7]. Research
Accepted: 22 August 2015 results concerning the influence of physical activity on
body composition confirmed its beneficial impact on
Corresponding author: [email protected]
obesity prevention and treatment [8] and on maintaining
normal cholesterol values [9]. It has been corroborated
that physical activity may improve stability and reduce questionnaires, and quantity questionnaires.
the risk of bone fractures related to falls [10]. It has Physical activity is most frequently measured with
also been proven that physical activity helps prevent questionnaires or structured interviews.
bone density reduction in elderly people [11] and It has been observed that when assessing physical
reduce the risk of osteoporosis [12]. Existing research activity researchers often used the self-reported
confirms the beneficial effects of physical activity on methods, which did not meet psychometric standards
maintaining or improving physical fitness, and as a [31]. Scientists frequently assume that a used method
result, the functional fitness of elderly people [13-17]. is reliable, which consequently may lead to presenting
Aging entails biological, psychological, and social false results due to the application of inaccurate or
changes, which cause specific discomforts leading to wrongly chosen tools. When commencing scientific
depressive disorders. Research shows that depression studies, researchers require information on the
symptoms are more frequent in people who do not psychometric indices of a given method or measuring
undertake or rarely undertake physical activity than tool.
in physically active people, even several years after Questionnaires assessing physical activity are easily
the assessment [18-20]. Physical activity may reduce accessible and non-invasive research methods.
anxiety and depression symptoms [21, 22], and those However, similarly to the objective methods, they
effects may remain for a long period [23]. should produce reliable and valid results and comply
Even though the beneficial effects of frequent with the test criteria, which by definition constitute
physical activity are broadly documented, most an objective and standardized measurement of an
elderly people do not undertake sufficient physical individual’s behavior [32]. A subjective assessment of
activity. This is shown by data from government physical activity is expected, just as any psychological
reports from different countries. As many as 65% test, to meet certain formal criteria, called goodness
of elderly Americans [24], 65% of Canadian men criteria, such as objectivity, standardization,
and 50% of Canadian women do not undertake the reliability, and normalization, and, if necessary,
recommended dose of physical activity [25]. The adaptation.
situation is similar in 47% of elderly Australians If the formal criteria of an assessment method are
[26], 30% of elderly South Africans [27], 35% of weak, than the risk of fallacious reasoning is very
senior citizens of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, high. As it can be surmised from a survey of studies by
Finland, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Jørstad-Stein et al. [33], the knowledge of assessment
Ireland, Luxembourg, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, features was not utilized during the construction of the
the UK, Italy [28], and 49% of elderly Poles [29]. questionnaires assessing physical activity among the
Studies examining the determinants for undertaking elderly. Among the questionnaires published between
physical activity among the elderly and formulating 1966 and 2003, none met all the formal criteria of
theoretical bases for interventions aimed at promoting an assessment method. Forsén et al. [34] reviewed
a healthy lifestyle require reliable physical activity 13 questionnaires and only three received positive
measurements. According to Welk et al. [30] the recommendations, i.e. International Physical Activity
development of methods and techniques assessing Questionnaire-Chinese (IPAQ-C), Women’s Health
physical activity is one of priorities of kinesiology Initiative-PAQ (WHI-PAQ), and Physical Activity
studies. However, a reliable and valid physical activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE). The authors of both
assessment is difficult to achieve. Objective methods publications point to a constant need for validation
of assessing physical activity are costly and difficult studies of questionnaires used for physical activity
to carry out in a wider population, especially among assessment, especially those concerning the elderly
the elderly. In turn, subjective methods of assessment population.
do not require complicated technical equipment,
are not a burden for the study population and – as Aim of Study
a result – do not affect the population’s behavior. The aim of this paper was to compile a list of most
Subjective methods of assessing physical activity popular questionnaires used for assessing physical
include direct and indirect observation, interviews, activity among the elderly and to examine their
journals, protocols, general questionnaires, recall qualitative and psychometric characteristics.
Target No. of Recall
Questionnaire Purpose Areas Time Mode of administration Scores
population items period
APAFOP to measure PA in older frail > 65 y walking, 24’±5’ interview 10 past MET
or impaired people outdoor, indoor, 24 h
sitting, lying, sport
CHAMPS to evaluate effectively 65–90 y exercise, household, 15’ self-administered, 41 typical wk MET
interventions to increase PA recreation interviewer-administered in the past summary
among older persons (by telephone or 4 wk frequency/wk
face to face)
PAQE to classify apparently healthy 60–83 y household, sport, 30’ interview 12 past PAQE
elderly people in a consistent leisure 1y activity score
way into extremes of the
distribution of PA
PAR to assess PA in older people 60–80 y household, leisure, ? interview ? past EE
occupation 7d (kcal x kg/d)
PASE to assess PA in large scale ≥ 65 y household, leisure, 5’ self-administered, 11 past PASE
epidemiologic studies where occupation interviewer-administered 7d activity score
limited time is available (by telephone or face to face)
QAPSE to provide a complete 65–84 y occupation, 20’–30’ self-administered, 35 1 wk EE (kJ/d)
measure of daily PA and leisure, household, interviewer-administered
daily EE in population of basic, moving,
elderly subjects sport
IPAQ for cross-cultural > 60 y moderate, ? self-administered, 7 past MET
surveillance to assess PA in vigorous, interviewer-administered 7d
a comparable manner walking (by telephone or
face to face)
IPAQ-E to classify old people into PA ≥ 65 y low, moderate, ? self-administered ? past moderate act. (min/d)
act. – activity, d – day, EE – energy expenditure, h – hours, MET – Metabolic Equivalent, min – minutes, mth – month, PA – physical activity, wk – week, y – year, ? – no
September 2015
Assessing physical activity in the elderly: A comparative study of most popular questionnaires
YPAS [46] Test-retest after 3–5 d, N = 122, W = 70 (66 ± 6 y), M = 52 (68 ± 5 y) rS = 0.44***–0.99***
Zutphen PAQ [40] Test-retest after 4 mth, N = 21, M aged 65–84 (mean age 74 y) rL = 0.93***
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, d – day, h – hours, ICC – Intraclass correlation coefficient, L – lack of information about the level of
significance, M – men, mth – month, NS – non significant, PA – physical activity, r – Pearson’s correlation coefficient, rB – tau-b Kendall’s
correlation coefficient, rL – unknown type of correlation, rS – Spearman’s correlation coefficient, y – year, W – women, wk – week
Cont. Tab. 3
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, BP – blood pressure, d – day, EPESE – Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the
Elderly, h – hour, HR – heart rate, M – men, min – minute, NS–non significant, L – lack of information about the level of significance,
PA – physical activity, r – Pearson’s correlation coefficient, rS – Spearman’s correlation coefficient, SF-12 – The 12-Item Short Form
Health Survey, SF-36 – The Short Form (36) Health Survey, W – women, y – year
The correlation coefficient between the test and retest validity should obtain at least r = 0.7 for doubly labelled
results was considered the coefficient of reliability water and step-counters, r ≥ 0.6 for VO2max, r ≥ 0.5 for
for a given questionnaire. The authors of the papers accelerometers, diaries, and other questionnaires, and
analyzing the reliability of the questionnaires used the r ≥ 0.3 for fitness and health variables [34].
Pearson correlation coefficient, intraclass correlation The most validation studies of questionnaires among
coefficient, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. the elderly, using objective methods assessing physical
The acceptance criteria for reliability assessment of a activity (doubly labelled water, accelerometers,
research questionnaire should reach r = 0.7, optimally and step-counters), were carried out for the YPAS
r = 0.8, with the minimal value of r = 0.5 [34]. Most questionnaire [37, 46, 49, 52] and PASE [37, 44, 53].
of the assessed questionnaires on physical activity The results for YPAS and doubly labelled water in
obtained satisfactory results (Table 2). The APAFOP conjunction with indirect calorimetry collected from
[35], PAR [42], PAQE [39], QAPSE [45] questionnaires among 67 subjects between 45 and 84 years of age did
achieved the highest scores. not differ [52], and in the case of PASE correlation with
The questionnaire validity is the degree to which a physical activity measured with the double labelled
questionnaire assesses behavior that can by definition water method amounted to r = 0.58 [53].
be assessed. In order to study the validity of adapted The highest correlation coefficients were found
physical activity questionnaires, investigators usually between PAQE results and pedometer: r = 0.72 [39],
compare the findings from a given questionnaire with APAFOP and Physilog System: r = 0.65 [35], and
the results from another tool assessing physical activity YPAS and Mini-Logger Recorder: r = 0.46 – 0.61
among the elderly, and with other variables aimed at [37]. Some authors tested the validity of an analyzed
the assessed theoretical construct (Tables 3 and 4). The questionnaire assessing physical activity among the
IPAQ-E [47] – Accelerometer rS = 0.28*–0.47*** N = 54 (W = 31, aged 66–85, M = 23, aged 66–82)
living independently
IPAQ [46] – Accelerometer rS = 0.05–0.57*** N = 122 participants, W = 70 (66 ± 6 yr.), M = 52
(68 ± 5 y)
OA-ESI [48] – Self-efficacy for PA r = 0.32*** N = 327 (W), aged 70–98 (mean age 77) from
– Social support for PA r = 0.33*** different community facilities
– Risk related to PA r = –0.19**
– Age r = –0.26***
– Positive health self-rating r = 0.22***
– Lifelong activity involvement in PA r = 0.45**
– Number of active d reported per r = 0.49***
– PAST4MON r = 0.41***
YPAS [49] – Caltrac r = –0.01–0.26** N = 108, aged 61–80, W = 70 (68 ± 6 y), M = 38 (70 ± 7 y)
– BMI r = –0.02–(–0.29)***
– Body fat r = –0.05–(–0.27)***
YPAS [51] – VO₂max rS = –0.20–0.60*** N = 25 (W = 11, M = 14) aged 62–76
– Diastolic BP rS = –0.47**–0.53**
– Body fat rS = –0.01–(–0.43)*
– BMI, Caltrac NS
YPAS [40] – Total ability score rL = 0.02*** N = 1189, aged 70–79 from the MacArthur Study
of Successful Aging cohort
YPAS [37] – Mini-Logger Recorder r = 0.46***–0.61*** N = 87, aged 65–89 from community centers (51)
– EPESE - lower body parts r = 0.49** and retirement homes (38)
– 6 min walk test r = 0.58**
– SF-36 r = 0.23*–0.31**
– CHAMPS r = 0.64***–0.68***
– PASE r = 0.61***
YPAS [46] – Accelerometer rS = –0.01–0.54*** N = 122, W = 70 (66 ± 6 y)
M = 52 (68 ± 5 y)
YPAS [52] – Doubly labeled water in NS N = 67, W = 35, M = 32, aged 45–84
conjunction with indirect
YPAS [41] – VO₂max rS = 0.06–0.36** N = 59, aged 60–80 (67 ± 5 y)
– BMI rS = 0.02–(–0.31)*
– PAR rS = 0.09–0.51***
– Sensitivity to change inconclusive
– Resting pulse rate NS
Cont. Tab. 4
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, BP – blood pressure, d – day, EPESE – Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of
the Elderly, h – hour, HR – heart rate, M – men, min – minute, NS – non significant, PA – physical activity, PAST4MON – Gaston
Godin’s survey instrument: “Participation in the Past 4 Months”, r – Pearson’s correlation coefficient, rL – unknown type of correlation,
rS – Spearman’s correlation coefficient, SF-36 – The Short Form (36) Health Survey, W – women, y – year
elderly by comparing it with a different questionnaire questionnaires assessing physical activity, without
and performing the same assessment [35, 37, 41]. verifying the criteria for research methods, which
The highest correlation coefficients were obtained by resulted in drawing inaccurate conclusions [31].
Hauer et al. [35] for APAFOP and PAQE: r = 0.70, and In order to provide methodological reliability of a
Harada et al. [37], who compared CHAMPS and PASE: physical activity study, questionnaires used to assess
r = 0.58 – 0.64, YPAS and PASE: r = 0.61, and CHAMPS physical activity should have clearly stated terms and
and YPAS: r = 0.64 – 0.68. conditions of use. Uniform assessment criteria are
Researchers used different methods in order to necessary for any future comparisons of study results.
assess the validity of a given questionnaire. The most Proper instruction, scope of assistance in explaining the
frequently shown correlation were those between the questions, terms and conditions of using the research tool
results obtained from a physical activity questionnaire (duration, season, whether the tool should be used with
and the results of fitness tests [36-38, 40, 42, 43], individuals or groups), and the procedure for calculating
health condition [37, 42, 43, 48], and VO2max [41, and interpreting results are of key importance for
45, 51]. All methods assessing the validity of selected questionnaires assessing physical activity. Moreover, a
questionnaires and obtained results are presented in questionnaire should be objective, i.e. with constant,
Tables 3 and 4. clearly established procedures for calculating results,
which do not allow for subjective interpretation.
Discussion The analyzed questionnaires used for measuring
The present paper is a review of 21 papers containing physical activity among the elderly differed in terms
information on assessment criteria of 11 questionnaires of assessment aims. Most of the physical activity
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the initial selection procedure, especially in studies activity in epidemiological and comparative studies,
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