Comparative Study On Phytoplankton Community in Two Newly Dug Ponds in Institut Teknologi Sumatera
Comparative Study On Phytoplankton Community in Two Newly Dug Ponds in Institut Teknologi Sumatera
Comparative Study On Phytoplankton Community in Two Newly Dug Ponds in Institut Teknologi Sumatera
: 2541-4208
p-ISSN : 2548-1606
Received : March 12, 2020 Abstract. Phytoplankton community plays an important ecological
Accepted : May 05, 2020 role in the aquatic ecosystems as the primary producers and forms the
fundament of the aquatic food chain for supporting the water commu-
DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v5i1.7996
nity. Thus, the phytoplankton community structure is a good indica-
Department of Biology, Faculty of tor of water quality due to its sensitiveness to environmental stresses.
Science, Institut Teknologi Sumatera Two newly dug ponds in Institut Teknologi Sumatera may give an op-
Jl. Terusan Ryacudu, Way Huwi, Kec. portunity to study the early colonizing stages of various freshwater
Jati Agung, Kabupaten Lampung Sela- communities including phytoplankton. The study attempted to deter-
tan, Lampung 35365 mine the composition and abundance of phytoplankton. Samples were
collected from two ponds (A and C) in the reservoir water of Institut
Teknologi Sumatera. The content of Phosphorus (P), Nitrogen (N),
*[email protected]
[email protected] and Chlorophyll-a (algae biomass) were determined. Phytoplankton
had higher diversity in Pond C than Pond A in the study period, in
which a total of seven taxa were found, namely Bacillariophycea,
*Corresponding author Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Conjugatophyceae, Dinophyceae,
Euglenophyceae, Gymnodiniaceae. The most species abundance of
both ponds was Peridinium sp. and Trachelomonas sp. The Pond C
had the highest mean value of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index.
The Linear mixed-effect model showed that low turbidity will result
in high phytoplankton diversity. The finding of this study suggests that
higher phytoplankton diversity would achieve a natural carrying ca-
pacity, and thus would serves as an indicator of ecosystem health.
Wijayanti, H. & Darmawan, A. (2020). Comparative Study on Phytoplankton Community in Two
Newly Dug Ponds in Institut Teknologi Sumatera. Jurnal Biodjati, 5(1), 63-69.
gae biomass) was determined by the Kjeldahl diversity index was calculated by formula:
method. Meanwhile, the turbidity was mea-
sured using Secchi disk. H’ = –Σpi ln pi
The data were analyzed using R 3.0.0
program. Kruskall-Wallis test was conducted Where pi is the proportion of phytoplank-
to assess the difference of environmental fac- ton of ith species (amount of ith species/total
tors in each pond. Phytoplankton Shannon’s number of phytoplankton) (Magurran, 1998).
Figure 1. Location of Pond A and C of ITERA in 2017. The pictures were taken in May before construction.
Linear mixed effect model with random rophyll content was omitted because they
intercept and pond as a group was applied to were not collinear among predictors. The
assess the parameter affecting phytoplankton predictors were simplified using AIC. Ho-
diversity (Pinheiro et al., 2013). Diversity in- mogeneity of variance was assessed by re-
dex was set as a response, environmental fac- sidual vs. fitted value plot and independence
tors (turbidity, P and N) as predictors. All of violation of homogeneity and independence.
the predictors were converted into a similar Meanwhile, the abundance of phyto-
scale by applying log-transformation. Col- plankton was observed using a sweeping
linearity between predictors was analyzed method above the Sedgwick Rafter glass ob-
by the value of the Variance Inflation Factor ject with individual units per milliliter (ind
(VIF). VIF value= 3.00 is set as threshold. mL-1). The calculation of phytoplankton
All predictors had a VIF value of <3.00, so abundance was according to APHA (2012), as
no predictor was omitted. Meanwhile, chlo- follows:
Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):63-69, May 2020 65
Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):63-69, May 2020
As shown in result (Table 1), the phyto- while, green algae showed the highest share
plankton community in Pond C reported had taxonomic structure in term of the number of
higher diversity than in Pond A. Furthermore, identified taxa founded in both Pond A and
Pond C had the highest mean value of Shan- C (Table 1). The species diversity expressed
non-Wiener diversity index (Table 2). From with the Shannon index was on a lower level
the investigation, it is apparent that Euglonoid within the range 0.06-1.40 at the majority of
(Trachelomonas sp.) and Dinoflagelate (Per- sampling sites. The lowest value of the index
idinium sp.) were the most frequently iden- was recorded at Pond A (Table 1).
tified species in both Ponds A and C. Mean-
Table 2. Physic-chemical parameters at the study site.
Pond Location
Parameter P-value
Pond A Pond C
Phosphorus (mg/L) 0.14-0.67 0.05-0.64 0.77
Nitrogen (mg/L) 5.4-28.7 0.9-22.8 0.77
Chlorophyll α (µg/L) 7.6-8.6 31.8-122.8 0.03
Turbidity (cm) 3-18.6 22.1-54.3 0.02
Temperature (°C) 26-29 28-30.5 0.15
Shannon-Wiener diversity Index 0.06-0.68 0.62-1.40
Abundance (ind/mL) 161.88 293.78
From the data (Table 2), it is clear that of organisms might reflect the water quality
turbidity and chlorophyll showed significant and the environmental condition in the aquatic
difference between Pond A and Pond C. The ecosystem. Compared to Pond A, Pond C has
mean score for chlorophyll α concentration higher phytoplankton diversity, even though
was significantly higher in Pond C (range of both Ponds, from June to August 2017, were
13.6-164.7 µg/L) than of Pond A site (range under construction. The construction activi-
of 0.25-16.36 µg/L). Meanwhile, water clar- ty enhanced the suspended solid around the
ity of Pond C was indicated turbidity of the pond due to the dredging project. However,
water body (20.5-56 cm) is at a higher level Pond C had the lower turbidity, the possible
than Pond A (2.5-21 cm). A further statistical explanation of these results may be the grow-
test revealed that the turbidity was significant ing soil-holding grass surrounding pond bank
among sites (P=0.02). Interestingly, Linear decreasing of the soil erosion (Kopp et al.,
mixed effect model showed that low turbidi- 2016). On the contrary, Pond A had high tur-
ty will result in high phytoplankton diversity. bidity due to soil erosion, which has a rela-
Despite the result, as shown in the table 2 re- tively high increase in the inorganic turbidity
vealed that organic matters such as phospho- levels (Anderson, 2011; Knud-Hansen, 1997).
rus and nitrogen were higher in pond A. The high nutrient supply leads to relatively
The initial objective of the project was light limitation, which was rather the primary
to identify the phytoplankton community in controlling factor for plankton productivity in
early colonization in the newly formed pond Pond A (Shiah et al., 1996).
as well as the physicochemical of its water. This study showed that turbidity has
The current study found that higher diversity a significant factor affecting phytoplankton
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Jurnal Biodjati 5(1):63-69, May 2020
growth. Turbidity is associated with the light pacity and thus may serve as an indicator of
intensity that may affect the productivity of ecosystem health (Sarker & Wiltshire, 2017).
phytoplankton (Wetzel, 2010). Water bodies Moreover, the abiotic factor, such as growing
with a higher diversity of phytoplankton gen- soil-holding grass, which is growing in sur-
erally affected water quality, which could be rounding pond body, will reduce the turbidity.
observed through the fluctuation in its biotic
and abiotic variables (Sipauba-Tavare et al., ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
2010). Moreover, the turbidity will inhibit
photosynthesis by blocking sunlight (Wetzel, The authors thank the financial support
2001). Generally, low light supply controls from Institut Teknologi Sumatera for research
the phytoplankton productivity in small eu- grant of the Penelitian Dasar No. 38/IT9.C/
trophic water bodies such as the ponds (Shiah PP/2017.
et al., 1996).
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