Exercise 1: The Global Supermarket : Name: Bobiles, Edwin D.B. Subject: SOCSCI 1105 Section: BSBA HRDM 3-2
Exercise 1: The Global Supermarket : Name: Bobiles, Edwin D.B. Subject: SOCSCI 1105 Section: BSBA HRDM 3-2
Exercise 1: The Global Supermarket : Name: Bobiles, Edwin D.B. Subject: SOCSCI 1105 Section: BSBA HRDM 3-2
This is an adopted and modified version of the student exercise created by Jim Stanford
(2008). It was modified to make it culture appropriate. Collect all your receipts of supermarket
purchase for the week. From the receipt of your purchase in the supermarket, fill out the table
below and answer the succeeding questions after the table. If you purchase more than one item,
add up the total price (In the example, if Cadbury cost P117 per box and you brought 4, then the
amount will be P117x4= 468). To locate where products that you brought in the market come from,
you will look at the labels of each item. If the product is distributed and produced from different
locations, check the area where it is originally produced.
Exercise 1. Supermarket Purchases by Location of Production
Item (including the brand) No. of Value/ Where it was made (check✓ the location )
items Amount National Nueva Other Outside
(in Peso) Capitol Ecija Provinces the
Region country
Arla Spread (Calcium and 1 260 ✔
Bearbrand Sterilized Milk 3 249 ✔
Birch Three Adult 33g 16 118.80 ✔
Clara Ole Pancake Syrup 1 99 ✔
Krem Top Coffee Creamer 1 48.50 ✔
Downy Fabric Conditioner 1 27.30 ✔
Palmolive Shampoo 1 47.65 ✔
555 Tuna Flakes in Oil 10 250 ✔
Ariel Powder Jumbo 12 123.60 ✔
Champion Bar Fabcon 3 63.75 ✔
Cheez It 100Gx25 Ham and 2 34.10 ✔
Nestle Chuckie 180ml 12 220.8 ✔
Closeup Coolmint 2x 1 144.55 ✔
Crispy Patata 30g 3 14.70 ✔
Cupp Keyk Cheesy Melt 1 53.60 ✔
Datu Puti Patis 2 42 ✔
Datu Puti Soy Sauce 2 48.15 ✔
Datu Puti Vinegar 2 48.15 ✔
Gardenia Loaf Wheat Bread 1 91.90 ✔
Good Life Bread Crumb 1 14.60 ✔
Greencross Alcohol 2 199.50 ✔
Johnson Baby Powder 1 16.95 ✔
Jolly Fresh Orange Juice 2 164.8 ✔
Kopiko Blanca 52Gx12 30 288 ✔
Ladys Choice Myonnaise 1 168.45 ✔
Lillys Crunchy Peanut 1 137.25 ✔
Maggi Magic Sarap 14 43.40 ✔
Magnolia Pancake Plus 200g 4 135.8 ✔
Master Sardines Green 6 103.50 ✔
Master Sardines Hot 6 104.70 ✔
Nestea Ice Tea Apple 6 103.20 ✔
Nestlea Koko Krunch 1 459 ✔
Purefoods Luncheon Meat 3 360 ✔
Saba Sardines 10 220 ✔
Safeguard Bar 60g (11+1) 1 175.95 ✔
Sky Flakes 10S 1 47.35 ✔
Twinings Green Tea 1 220 ✔
Winrox Bleach 250ml 3 34.80 ✔
Grapes Seedless 1 150 ✔
Cabbage 1 25 ✔
Onion 1 180 ✔
Potatoes 1 60
Garlic 1 70 ✔
Apple 5 125 ✔
Ginger 1/2 60 ✔
Lemon 2 50 ✔
Papaya 1 1/2 95 ✔
Chicken 1 135 ✔
Tulingan 1 150 ✔
Bangus 1 120 ✔
Tilapia 1 100 ✔
Hiwas 1 120 ✔
TOTAL AMOUNT OF - 6422.8 2346 640 2129.35 1307.45
(including subtotal per
TOTAL NUMBER OF 188 - 79 6 51 52
(including subtotal per
*Stanford, Jim (2008). A 13-Part Course in Popular Economics, Student Exercise. Retrieved from
http://economicsforeveryone.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Student_exercises_0.pdf last
August 29, 2020.
1. Out of the total amount spent in your purchase, what percentage was spent on imports?
Compute using the data in your table.
20% is the total percentage use in the import products
2. Out of the total items brought, show the percentages per location in a pie chart. In the given
example, this is how the pie chart looks like:
National Capitol Region (NCR) Nueva Ecija Other Provinces Outside the country
3. Compare the percentage of the amount purchases for imports and locally-produced ones
(combine the percentage computed for NCR, Nueva Ecija and other provinces). Did you
SPEND more on imported goods or on local product? Can you think of reasons why the
amount of your purchases is higher than the other?
Upon adding all the percentage from locally produce products it came up with 80% while
on other hand imports remain 20%, which can be concluded that our family consume more
locally-produced products than the imports. According to my mother, she looks for the
price of the product as imported product cost more than the locally-produced.
4. Out of the total no. of items spent in your purchase, what percentage was spent on imports?
Compute using the date in your table.
28% in total numbers of items is purchased for imports.
5. Out of the total items brought, show the percentages per location in a pie chart. In the given
example, this is how the pie chart looks like:
National Capitol Region (NCR) Nueva Ecija Other Provinces Outside the country
6. Compare the percentage of the no. of item purchases for imports and locally-produced ones
(combine the percentage computed for NCR, Nueva Ecija and other provinces). Did you
CONSUME more imported goods or more local products? Can you think of reasons why
the no. of items you consumed is higher than the other?
With the combine percentage from the locally-produced item it shows that we are
consuming more locally produced products with total of 72% while imported goods has
occupied the 28% of the total purchase. Although, it has a 1% higher than the National
Capital Region we can still conclude that locally-produced is still well patronize in our
family. Aside from the price wise, we tend to consume products in sachet as it has been cut
according to our usage.
7. Through this activity, in what way do you think globalization affect our consumption and
production of goods and services?
While researching the manufacturer of the products we are consuming I just realized that
globalization has created its work when it come to the production and consumption of the
people. With the removal of some trade barriers each country has created partnership and
connection to imports and exports products. It is not necessary now to produce products
in one location that can increase diversity and affordability of the goods.