Industrial Iot Platforms: A Manufacturer's Guide
Industrial Iot Platforms: A Manufacturer's Guide
Industrial Iot Platforms: A Manufacturer's Guide
A Manufacturer’s Guide
Gartner calls it a game-changer, Forbes named it If you intend to integrate IIoT in your industrial facilities,
manufacturing’s most significant development for the then you will likely have heard of different IIoT
coming decade, and others believe it will increase the platforms and read through hundreds of pamphlets
value of the global economy by 10%. This is the spelling out their benefits.
Industrial internet of things (IIoT), and everywhere you
turn, references to it are being made. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide a holistic
analysis of the choices available. The guide will
These industry watchdogs also put the rise of the discuss:
Industrial IoT and its diverse applications at the top of
their 2020 trends list. Industrial IoT makes this list • The differences between a cloud platform and an
because of the benefits it brings to manufacturing and edge platform
the integration of Industry 4.0 concepts in today’s
factories. • The pros and cons of building versus subscribing
to an IIoT platform
Interconnectivity, data analytics, and process
monitoring are IoT’s most important benefits. To reap • The key considerations to note when purchasing or
the benefits of a connected environment, a centralized subscribing to an IIoT platform
platform is needed to manage the multiple IIoT devices
being deployed across manufacturing facilities. This is At the end of this guide, you will be in an excellent
where IIoT platforms come into the picture. position to decide which IoT platform best meets
your needs.
M A C H I N E M E T R I C S | A M A N U FA C T U R E R ’ S G U I D E T O I N D U S T R I A L I oT P L AT F O R M S
‘An IoT platform is a multi-layered technology IoT
3. Building Information Modeling or Connected This definition highlights the fact that the impact
Worker Platforms of an IoT platform is felt at diverse levels which
These platforms are built with the idea include the machine level, facility level, and
of connecting all parties involved in a organizational level. The ability to monitor and
manufacturing process to enable effective optimize machine performance also brings the
collaboration. This includes the product benefits of an IoT platform to original equipment
designer, the material supplier, the operator, etc. manufacturers (OEM).
M A C H I N E M E T R I C S | A M A N U FA C T U R E R ’ S G U I D E T O I N D U S T R I A L I oT P L AT F O R M S
As you have probably discerned, the answer On the other hand, edge platforms are built to
is in the name. Generic IoT platforms offer deliver processing capabilities closer to the IoT
technologies and tools that support the or edge device producing the data. This ensures
management of IoT devices not used in industrial important data analytics are done within the
settings. In this regard, a home automation platform and data transfers occur in real-time
platform which manages domestic smart without time lags. This means that, although
devices such as refrigerators, smart windows, cloud platforms have the capacity to collect and
temperature, etc. can be referred to as a generic process data, edge platforms are more attuned to
IoT platform. providing real-time feedback to edge devices.
Manufacturing equipment and the IIoT devices
used across a facility have the capacity of
producing large data sets that require scalable
computing resources to process. The cloud
provides the centralized platform, but when
applied to processing machine and IoT data it
has its limitations.
M A C H I N E M E T R I C S | A M A N U FA C T U R E R ’ S G U I D E T O I N D U S T R I A L I oT P L AT F O R M S
Time Series
Data REST & GraphQL APIs
RAW Data Data Lake Analytics Custom Custom Operator Custom Workflow Custom
Dashboards Views Development Analytics
Connector High
Supervisor Frequency
DATA & Data Scientists
Software Engineers
Production Condition Predictive Process
Monitoring Monitoring Maintenance Optimization
T H E M A C H I N E M E T R I C S I I oT P L A T F O R M
MachineMetrics Industrial IoT Platform transforms your shop floor data from insights into actions with powerful apps that reduce
machine downtime, increase your throughput, and maximize profitability driven by your manufacturing equipment.
The use of a real-time scenario explains these protocols or an IoT gateway back to the edge
differences better. Let’s use the example of a device in real-time. This ensures the edge device
facility with 20 functional edge devices tracking receives the needed information and acts on it
machine health across the shop floor. in real-time without the lags associated with a
centralized cloud platform.
In this scenario, the edge devices will send large
data sets to the cloud for in-depth analysis. It is also important to note that edge platforms
Once this analysis occurs, the information that also leverage the cloud for scalability and
the edge device needs in order to take specific extensibility. In situations where more computing
actions will have to be sent back from the cloud resources are needed to process big data
to the edge device. If the machine needs that from multiple devices, the cloud handles the
information to make decisions in real-time, the processing task and its results are made
time lag and potential connectivity issues during available through an edge platform.
transfers will affect real-time implementation.
M A C H I N E M E T R I C S | A M A N U FA C T U R E R ’ S G U I D E T O I N D U S T R I A L I oT P L AT F O R M S
M A C H I N E M E T R I C S | A M A N U FA C T U R E R ’ S G U I D E T O I N D U S T R I A L I oT P L AT F O R M S
The first reason for IIoT implementation failures
takes into consideration the challenges of building
an IIoT platform from scratch. Approximately 50%
of DIY IoT platform-building initiatives fail for the
following reasons. These include:
• Technical Limitations
Building an IoT platform requires technical
expertise which most manufacturers do not
have. This is why most DIY initiatives do not
scale out of the purgatory stage and end up
M A C H I N E M E T R I C S | A M A N U FA C T U R E R ’ S G U I D E T O I N D U S T R I A L I oT P L AT F O R M S
• What is Your IIoT Strategy? • How does the Vendor Handle Data Storage?
The first step to making a choice starts with In many cases machine data should be securely
outlining the problems you intend to solve with kept and easily accessible. Knowledge about if
an IIoT platform. With this information, you can a vendor has its own datacenter, uses a cloud
quickly draw up a shortlist and move to answer service, and what service it uses is important.
the next questions.
• Does the Vendor offer Edge Computing Support?
• Who will Make Use of it? Support for edge computing is an important
An important aspect of creating an IIoT consideration for choosing an IoT platform.
implementation strategy is deciding who will This ensures you're prepared to integrate edge
be in charge of the program and the analytics computing concepts alongside IIoT within your
required for process optimization. facilities.
• Does the Platform Support Third-party • What in-built Security Measures are in Place?
Applications? The prevalence of cyber-attacks means special
An IIoT platform should provide you with attention must be placed on the authentication
the option of developing applications that processes and security information and event
fit your business needs. Thus, the facility for management tools protecting the IIoT platform
developing, testing, and deploying apps is a key from threats.
• What is the After-sales Support Like?
• Does it Guarantee Ease of Use? It is more than likely that additional support will
Integrating an IIoT platform with existing be needed during system upgrades or throughout
systems should be an intuitive process. A plug the continuous use of the IIoT platform. This is
and play IIoT platform ensures you receive why knowledge of their response timelines and its
returns on the investment made in record time. effectiveness is required.
• Compatibility with Management Software The ten questions outlined here can serve as a
If you intend to use HR software or enterprise template for your search for the IIoT platform that fits
resource management software within your your operational requirements.
M A C H I N E M E T R I C S | A M A N U FA C T U R E R ’ S G U I D E T O I N D U S T R I A L I oT P L AT F O R M S
Throughout this guide, we have attempted to
answer all the questions you are more than likely to
have about IIoT platforms and choosing the right fit.
one responsive environment.
Our IoT platform has been used by manufacturers
across every industrial niche. This includes the
aviation industry, medical technology, discrete
manufacturing, Oil & Gas, machining shops,
among others.
MachineMetrics is accelerating industrial digital transformation by providing
an intuitive and flexible platform to easily collect and transform data from any
piece of manufacturing equipment into powerful, actionable applications that
reduce machine downtime, optimize capacity, and drive increased throughput
and profitability for factories. Right now, hundreds of manufacturers have
connected thousands of machines to MachineMetrics across global factories.
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