Construction Documents - Services - Exam - Guide

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Construction Documents
& Services

Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

Sample Multiple-Choice Answers


Building Section Vignette 14

Sample Passing Solution 16
Sample Failing Solution 17

References 18

This document, effective July 2010,

supersedes all previous editions of the ARE® 4.0 Exam Guide:
Construction Documents & Services. Please check NCARB’s
web site,, regularly for updates to the
ARE 4.0 Exam Guides and for the most current
Copyright © 2010 information regarding the ARE.
Documents &
100 MC Questions
1 Vignette
Construction Documents & Services

Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions


Application of project management and professional practice knowledge and skills, including the preparation of
References contract documents and contract administration.

Content Areas
Incorporate building codes, specialty codes, zoning, A. Cost
and other regulatory requirements in construction Prepare estimates of probable construction cost.
documents and services. Consider cost implications of design decisions.
B. Scheduling & Coordination
2. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Prepare and manage project schedule and
Incorporate sustainable design principles, adaptive coordinate all contract documents including
reuse concepts, alternative energy systems, new those of consultants.
material technologies, and hazardous material C. Project Delivery (including submittals)
mitigation in construction documents. Establish project delivery method. Provide
contract administration documentation
3. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS & and services.
PROJECT MANUAL D. Contracts & Legal Issues
Prepare and coordinate construction drawings Review and administer professional services and
including building systems, product selection, and construction contracts. Consider issues pertaining
constructability. Prepare, coordinate, and review to practice including risk management and
general and supplementary conditions and professional and business ethics.
technical specifications.

Delineate a building section that integrates structural,
mechanical, and lighting systems and incorporates life
safety considerations.

July 2010 ARE® 4.0 1

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1 Vignette
Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

Building Section 1. The architect informs the owner that because of budget
Vignette constraints and ceiling heights, the sprinkler piping must
be exposed. The owner directs the architect to delete
References the sprinkler system. Prior to deleting the system, the
architect should check the requirements for sprinklers in
 the building code
 the plumbing code

2. Which of the following methods of bidding is required

on most projects for which government funds are to
be used?

3. Which of the following project delivery methods always

requires preparation of several individual bid-document
packages? 4. The numbered keynotes in the detail above are referenced
 Design-bid-build to the
 Fast track  detail numbers
 Design-build  finish schedule
 Turnkey  specifications
 construction sequencing

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Choice Questions

Building Section 5. In developing a list of bidders for a private project, the 8. After considering all bids, the owner favors a bid with
Vignette architect's role is to irregularities. According to AIA Document A701,
 select the contractor Instructions to Bidders [CCDC 23, A Guide to Calling Bids
References  recommend qualified contractors and Awarding Contracts], the owner
 rank the contractors in order of preference  has the right to waive irregularities and accept the bid
 discourage owner-recommended contractors  has the right to extend the bidding period for
 must informally request corrections from the bidder
6. A contractor's ability to obtain a performance bond for a  must only consider bids without irregularities
specific construction contract is determined by the
 owner 9. A local bank has a budget of $30,000,000 to construct a
 architect new main office. The bank wants to use contractors who
 contractor are customers of the bank; however, none of the bank's
 surety contractor customers can bond the entire amount of the
contract. Which of the following is a possible option?
7. AIA Document A305 [CCDC 11], Contractor's Qualification  Fast-track
Statement, includes a  Multiple prime contractors
 financial statement  Additive change orders
 list of subcontractors
 list of proposed consultants
 list of proposed material suppliers 10. Which of the following is an appropriate agenda item for
the prebid conference?
 Occupancy-permit procedures
 Notification of future addenda
 Pre-commissioning procedures
 Status of change orders

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Choice Questions

11. A contractor under a fixed-price construction contract 13. A preconstruction conference is generally held in order to
 review bonds and affidavits
Building Section
Vignette has allowed the electrical subcontractor to install lighting
fixtures other than those stated in the contract  determine whether a performance bond and a
References documents. The electrical subcontractor and the payment bond are required
contractor both believe the substituted fixtures to be of  discuss changes to completed work
equal value. The construction is substantially completed  clarify responsibilities and operating procedures
[substantially performed] and the architect rejects these
fixtures. According to AIA Document A201 [CCDC 2],
General Conditions, which of the following is true? 14. Shop drawings for dormitory windows have been
 The architect must accept the lighting fixtures as prepared by the manufacturer, checked by the local
installed without a cost credit to the owner. distributor, and reviewed and approved by the contractor
 The architect must accept the lighting fixtures as and the architect. During installation, it is discovered that
installed but with a cost credit to he owner. the quantity of windows as indicated on the shop
 The contractor is required to replace the lighting drawings is one less than that shown in the contract
fixtures with the fixtures specified without documents. Who is responsible for the discrepancy?
reimbursement.  The architect
 The contractor must replace the lighting fixtures with  The manufacturer
the fixtures specified but is entitled to reimbursement  The distributor
for labor costs for the replacement.  The contractor

12. Architect estimates of construction costs based on final 15. On- site field observations [reviews] by the architect are
documents should consider which of the following? made to determine which of the following? Check the
 Known change order sums three that apply.
 The bidding climate  A. The progress and quality of the work
 The amount of monthly certificate of payment  B. The amount work completed [totally performed] for
 The amount of retainage [holdback] progress payment
 C. The techniques of the construction being utilized
 D. Whether the work is being performed according to
contract documents
 E. Whether the contractor is following the proper
sequence of installation
 F. Whether the contractor is following proper safety

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Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

Building Section 16. The contractor for a project submits to the architect shop 18. Which of the following conditions should be met before
Vignette drawings that contain deviations from the contract the start of interior painting?
documents not noted as deviations on the shop drawings.  The permanent heating system is operational.
References The drawings are then approved and returned to the  Exterior openings are sealed.
contractor by the architect. According to AIA Document  The exterior temperature is above 50° F [10°C].
A201 [CCDC 2], which of the following is true in this  Sidewalks have been completed for dirt control.
 The contractor assumes responsibility for deviations
from the contract documents. 19. During a concrete pour, a portion of the third floor of a
 The contractor is allowed to build according to the project collapses because of inadequate shoring. The
approved shop drawings containing deviations. architect informs the contractor that work in the area of
 The architect assumes responsibility for deviations the collapse will not be approved until the architect can
from the contract documents because the architect fully evaluate the impact of the failure on adjacent work in
approved the shop drawings. place. The contractor states that the architect will be held
 The owner must be informed of all deviations from and responsible for the cost of delays unless the analysis is
alterations to the contract documents. performed within 24 hours. The architect should
 perform as complete and thorough an analysis as
possible within 24 hours
17. At a project site, the architect notices the mechanical  perform a complete analysis in a timely manner and
subcontractor unloading equipment for which shop make it clear that the contractor will be responsible for
drawings have not been received. The architect's most the schedule
appropriate first course of action is to  put the owner on notice that the owner may have to
 stop the unloading at once and report the incident to pay additional costs for an extended completion date
the owner  allow the contractor to proceed with work in the
 advise the general contractor that the equipment is adjacent area so that no time is lost
subject to rejection pending the architect's review
 ask whether the shop drawings are in the
subcontractor's possession
 inspect the equipment to determine whether it meets
the requirements set forth in the project specifications

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Choice Questions

Building Section 20. In accordance with AIA Document A201 [CCDC 2], General 22. Six months after final payment, the building manager
Vignette Conditions, the obligation to pay or to see to the payment notifies the architect that an operating and maintenance
of money to a subcontractor, except as may otherwise be manual for a key piece of equipment was never received.
References required by law, rests with the The architect should do which of the following?
 contractor alone  Instruct the contractor to provide the manual.
 architect alone  Withhold an amount of retainage [holdback] necessary
 owner alone to provide for the manual.
 contractor, the architect, and the owner  Suggest the building manager contact the
manufacturer directly for the manual, since final
payment has been made to the contractor.
21. When delivering brick to the site, the supplier offloaded  Contact the manufacturer directly to obtain
the bricks at a point very distant from where they are the manual.
needed. The contractor requests an extra for relocating
the brick. The architect should
 reject the request for an extra on the grounds that it is 23. After occupying a portion of a building, the owner
the contractor's responsibility notices a dent in a wall. The dent was not noted on the
 require the brick supplier to relocate the brick punch [deficiency] list prepared by the contractor and
 prepare an appropriate change order giving the reviewed by the architect. What determination should the
contractor a contract increase for relocating the brick architect make?
 prepare an addendum to the contract outlining the  The contractor is responsible for the repair
responsibility of the brick supplier in the delivery even though it was not on the original punch
of brick [deficiency] list.
 The owner has taken occupancy and is therefore
responsible because the cause ofthe damage cannot
be established.
 The contractor is responsible because only a portion
of the building is occupied and other construction
activities continue.
 The architect is responsible because he/she missed the
damage during the original punch [deficiency] list

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Construction Documents & Services
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Choice Questions

Building Section 24. A contractor omits an item of incomplete or incorrect

Vignette work from the punch [deficiency] list accepted by the
architect. Who is liable for the cost of completing or
References correcting that item when the omission is discovered?
 The architect
 The surety
 The owner
 The contractor

25. Which of the following types of test equipment is used to

check for air infiltration on an already constructed exterior
wall system?
 A smoke pencil
 A cylinder
 An HEPA filter
 An ultrasonic detector

26. Which of the following is commonly used as a reference

for testing materials? 27. What procedure is taking place on the concrete
 ANSI footing pedestal at the project construction site in the
 ASTM illustration above?
 OSHA  Rebars are being placed by hand.
 NAAB  Concrete is being placed by hand.
 Concrete is being covered to retain heat.
 Concrete is being covered to prevent the rebars
from rusting.

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Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

28. An occupancy permit is 31. Which of the following is true of the list of incomplete
 an agreement by the authorities that the building
Building Section
Vignette work and work to be corrected?
complies with fire, safety, and health regulations  It is prepared after the start of the warranty period.
References  certification by the architect that the building is  Work listed must be completed prior to occupancy by
substantially complete [performed] and may be the owner.
occupied by the owner  It is limited in value to one percent of the contract.
 legal acceptance of the building by the owner  It is prepared to cover all trades.
 the act of taking possession of the building

32. A contract allowance for building signage is established at

29. Existing mature vegetation on a property line was $50,000. The signage chosen during construction costs
inadequately protected and, consequently, damaged by a only $45,000. In accordance with AIA Document A201
subcontractor's excavation equipment. The owner should [CCDC 2], the contractor should offer a credit change
require which party to remedy the damages? order for
 The owner's own forces  $5,000
 The subcontractor  $5,000 minus the contractor's expense of processing
 The contractor, with no additional compensation the credit
 The contractor, with compensation for additional work  $5,000 minus the cost of installation, overhead,
administered in a change order and profit
 the cost of installation, overhead, and profit

30. After excavation, which of the following construction

sequences would be likely to be the most productive? 33. Which of the following are considered security for a
 Footings, walls, toilet partitions, roofing, carpet, project? Check the two that apply.
painting  A. Bid Bond
 Concrete, structural steel, roofing, drywall,  B. Payment Bond
painting, carpet  C. Completion Bond
 Structural steel, concrete, walls, millwork, roofing,  D. Performance Bond
painting  E. Certified check
 Grade beams, walls, drywall, roofing, millwork,
site work

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Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

Building Section 34. The contractor decided not to purchase a specific material 36. An architect is providing full architectural and engineering
Vignette for a project near the time of bidding because there was design services for a new detention center. The
no place on site to store the material and it would not be construction contract has been signed and the contractor
References needed until months later after construction had informs the architect that the fire-sprinkler contractor
progressed. When the contractor did purchase the does not have the fire line from the city main to the
material, the price had risen by 30 percent compared to building in the price because it was not on the drawings
the price at the time of the bid. Which of the following is or in the specifications. According to AIA Document A201
true? [CCDC 2], which of the following should be done?
 The contractor is entitled to a change order for the  The contract amount should be adjusted by a
price increase. change order.
 The contractor is entitled to a change order for half of  The fire protection subcontractor should install the fire
the price increase. line at no additional cost.
 The contractor is entitled to a change order for the  The fire protection engineer is required to pay for the
difference between the added cost of the material and installation of the fire line.
the estimated value of appropriate storage space for  The architect should issue supplementary instructions
the intervening months. directing the contractor to install the fire line.
 The contractor is not entitled to a change order.

37. During the construction phase, the owner and the

35. A contractor unbound the specifications for a project and contractor have a difference of opinion about the quality
gave specific sections to subcontractors for bidding. of the erection of the steel frame and the progress of the
The contractor later discovered gaps in the overall work. The first step that should be taken to resolve the
coverage of the bids. In this situation, which of the problem is for the owner and/or the contractor to
following statements is true?  stop the project
 The subcontractors should be forced to absorb the  request arbitration
cost of the work.  consult with the steel fabricator
 The owner should sign a change order for the  request the architect's interpretation
omitted work.
 The architect or its insurer should pay for the cost of a
change order.
 The contractor is not entitled to a change order.

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Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

Building Section 38. During construction, the architect realizes that the 41. Final completion [total performance] of a commercial
Vignette specifications did not include requirements for some building occurred 2 weeks behind schedule. The contract
nondestructive testing of welds on some of the structural contained a liquidated damages clause that required
References steel. The city inspection department requires the deduction of monetary damages from the final payment
contractor to perform these tests. The individual to the contractor. Deductions from the architect's
responsible for paying for the tests is the compensation should
 structural engineer  be a percentage of the amount deducted from the
 architect payment to the contractor
 owner  be an amount agreed to by the owner and the
 contractor architect
 not be greater than 10 percent of the architect's total
39. Which of the following methods of contractor  not be made
compensation would an owner be more likely to choose
when the construction time is limited and the design
criteria or construction cost is secondary to meeting the 42. Matters affecting the basic legal rights and responsibilities
deadline for completion? of the parties to the contract, but which may vary from
 Cost-plus-fee one project to another, should be handled in
 Cost-plus-fee with a guaranteed maximum price  the bidding requirements
 Stipulated sum  the owner-contractor agreement
 Unit price  the supplementary conditions
 Division 1, General Requirements

40. Separate [other] contracts by the owner generally require

 more extensive services by the architect
 coordination of all separate [other] contractors by
the surety
 these separate [other] contracts to be subcontracts of
the contractor
 a special consultant to assume overall responsibility for
compliance with the applicable health and
construction safety legislation at the place of work

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Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

Building Section 43. Before starting the construction documents phase, which 45. Which of the following should be included in the
Vignette of the following procedures would help assure quality written contract for architectural services? Check the
control in preparing the construction documents? two that apply.
References Check the three that apply.  A. Means and methods to be used in construction
 A. Maintain documentation standards  B. Programming services
 B. Review documents with local code officials.  C. Description of reimbursable expenses
 C. Provide detailed cost estimate.  D. Name of the general contractor
 D. Provide for thorough review and  E. Insurance requirements
checking procedures  F. Additional services that may be provided by
 E. Use an approved set of design the architect
development documents
 F. Have contractor check documents
46. Which of the following is a true statement about
substitutions during construction phase? Check the three
44. The architect can decrease the amount of construction- that apply.
related waste by doing which of the following? Check the  A. They may be accepted if they replace
four that apply. unavailable products.
 A. Designing a materials flow plan for the contractor  B. They may be accepted if they replace
and user unsuitable products,
 B. Specifying recycled materials and products  C. They may be accepted if the contractor forgot to
 C. Requiring recycled product packaging. order the product.
 D. Specifying a single dumpster on site.  D. They may be accepted by oral agreement between
 E. Specifying masonry construction over architect and contractor
wood construction  E. They may be rejected as defective work if they lack
 F. Assisting the owner and contractor in a waste proper approval or authorization.
management plan  F. They may be included in the shop drawings
without official written notice

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Choice Questions

Building Section 47. The bids for a new office building exceed the owner’s
Vignette budget. According the AIA document B141 [Document 6],
options available to the owner include which of the
References following? Check the four that apply.
 A. Give written approval for an increase in the budget
 B. Authorize rebidding or renegotiation of the project
 C. Cooperate in revising the scope or quality of
the work
 D. Require the architect to modify the documents
without additional compensation once the scope
is reduced
 E. Require the architect to compensate the owner for
the difference between the budget and the bid
 F. Terminate the agreement without paying full for
the bid documents

48. During the construction phase, the architect is responsible

for which of the following. Check the three that apply.
 A. Evaluating the change orders
 B. Endeavoring to guard against defects in the work
 C. Conducting continuous in-site inspections
[field reviews]
 D. Determining if the work is in general conformity
with the contract documents
 E. Verifying that the contractor’s construction
methods and procedures are adequate
 F. Assisting the contractor in the development of
safety programs and reporting methods

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Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

Building Section 1. the building code 27. Concrete is being covered to retain heat.
Vignette 2. Public 28. an agreement by the authorities that the building
3. Fast track complies with fire, safety, and health regulations
References 4. specifications 29. The contractor, with no additional compensation
5. recommend qualified contractors 30. Concrete, structural steel, roofing, drywall, painting, carpet
6. surety 31. It is prepared to cover all trades.
7. financial statement 32. $5,000
8. has the right to waive irregularities and accept the bid 33. A, E
9. Multiple prime contractors 34. The contractor is not entitled to a change order.
10. Notification of future addenda 35. The contractor is not entitled to a change order.
11. The contractor is required to replace the lighting fixtures 36. The contract amount should be adjusted by a
with the fixtures specified without reimbursement. change order.
12. The bidding climate 37. request the architect's interpretation
13. clarify responsibilities and operating procedures 38. owner
14. The contractor 39. Cost-plus-fee
15. A, B, D 40. more extensive services by the architect
16. The contractor assumes responsibility for deviations from 41. not be made
the contract documents. 42. the supplementary conditions
17. advise the general contractor that the equipment is 43. A, C, F
subject to rejection pending the architect's review 44. A, B, E, F
18. Exterior openings are sealed. 45. C, F
19. perform a complete analysis in a timely manner and 46. A, B, E
make it clear that the contractor will be responsible for 47. A, B, C, D
the schedule 48. A, B, D
20. contractor alone
21. reject the request for an extra on the grounds that it is the
contractor's responsibility
22. Instruct the contractor to provide the manual.
23. The owner has taken occupancy and is therefore
responsible because the cause ofthe damage cannot
be established.
24. The contractor
25. A smoke pencil
26. ASTM

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1 Vignette
Construction Documents & Services
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Choice Questions

Building Section General Tips for Taking Building Section Directions

Vignette On the work screen, locate a grade line and draw a schematic
building section corresponding to the section cut line shown
References on the floor plan. You will be asked to draw elements such as a
slab on grade, finished ceilings, interior partitions, ducts, etc.
Use the “Layers” tool You are required to draw only the elements that are cut by the
to turn portions of the cut line as well as joists in elevation immediately adjacent to
background drawings the cut line. A 4 in [100 mm] deck will be drawn automatically
on and off to help you on top of the joists you select. The left side of your section
better understand the
information. should be placed along the line that is designated
“exterior face of section.”

Your section should include all required sectional components

and should reflect accurately the dimensions, structural
relations, and spatial relations indicated in the program
and the plans. Vertical clearances not explicitly stated in the
program or vignette directions must be accurately interpreted
and indicated on your solution.
Make sure that the
walls you draw in
section align with Before beginning your solution, you should review the pro-
those in plan at the gram information that can be accessed through the Vignette
cut line. Index screen and the architectural, mechanical, and structural
layers of the floor plans on the work screen.

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Construction Documents & Services
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions

Building Section Program

Vignette The structural system consists of top chord bearing steel joists 7. The space between each ceiling and floor or roof slab
on masonry bearing walls with continuous concrete spread must be held to the minimum dimension required to
References footings and a concrete slab on grade. accommodate light fixtures and the structural and
mechanical components shown on the plans.
1. All ceilings and roofs are flat.
8. All ducts are placed below the joists.
2. Non-bearing corridor and lobby walls have a one-hour
(minimum) fire-resistance rating. 9. Provide 8" of clearance between the bottom of all
the ducts and the finished ceiling to accommodate
3. Exterior and bearing walls have a two-hour (minimum) light fixtures.
fire-resistance rating.
10. Parapets must extend 2'-0" above the top of adjacent
4. The ceiling height of the laboratory is 15'-0", the ceiling roof decks.
height of the remaining first floor spaces is 8’-4", and the
ceiling height of the second floor spaces is 9'-0". 11. The frost depth is 5'-0" below grade.

5. Ceilings are used as return air plenums. All ceilings are


6. Assume fire/smoke dampers and transfer grilles are

provided as needed.

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Documents &
100 MC Questions
1 Vignette
Construction Documents & Services Procedural Tips
Overview  Familiarize yourself with the
BUILDING SECTION VIGNETTE - Sample Passing Solution contents of each layer by
turning the layers on and off.
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions  You may find it useful to start by
laying out a rough drawing and
Building Section adjusting the elements later.
Section aligns with Joists correctly Interior fire-rated partitions

Interior footing
plan and reflects shown in section correctly located. extend to underside of To draw joists, select the joist
References the conditions at decking above. depth and spacing you desire.
Parapets shown and elevation as
at correct height. the given cut line. indicated on plans. When allocating room for
structure, be aware that a 4 in
Correct depth. [100 mm] deck will be drawn
automatically on top of your joists.

 Use move group to relocate the

Correct depth. Correct depth. entire joist run. Using move,adjust
will change the location of the
joists within the joist run.

 Zoom in quite closely to adjust

elements and to read small text.

 When elements overlap, you may

have trouble selecting a particular
element. If this happens, keep
clicking (without moving the
mouse) until the desired element
All duct sizes match
those shown at the
cut line.

A first check of this solution shows that it is lined up horizon- the interior bearing wall. All ceiling heights are correct, and the
tally with the floor plans and the grade line has been drawn. It parapets are correctly sized. The interstitial spaces have the
is important to establish all the information for your section eight-inch clearance for lighting and can accommodate the
from the given cut line, and not from where you place the largest duct on the floor. The ducts are sized and located per
grade line. In this solution, the slab rests on grade while the the section cut line. The joists are drawn as shown on the plan
footings are deep at the perimeter and just below the slab at and are the proper size and span the appropriate direction.
July 2010 ARE® 4.0 16
Documents &
100 MC Questions
1 Vignette
Construction Documents & Services Warnings
Overview  You must draw a grade line
BUILDING SECTION VIGNETTE - Sample Failing Solution in order for your solution to
be scored.
Sample Multiple-
Choice Questions
Tools You Might
Building Section Find Useful
Vignette Incorrect duct  Layers to turn off and on in
size shown. order to view base drawings
Missing interior
References Incorrect depth. more clearly
Joists do not align partition.
with plan.
 Zoom to achieve the greatest
accuracy in your drawing

 Full-screen cursor to
align elements

 Sketch tools to establish heights

and clearances

In this solution, there are multiple errors. As drawn, the largest

duct on the second floor will not fit between the lights and the
joists above. On the first floor, there is a duct that is incorrectly
sized and an interior partition cut by the section line is missing.

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1 Vignette
Construction Documents & Services
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Choice Questions
The references are presented as a guide in preparing for the examination. It was developed by the committee that
prepares the examination. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible reference materials for the
Building Section subject area of any given division. NCARB makes no guarantee that the various references are currently in print.

References The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice

Joseph A. Demkin, AIA, Executive Editor
The American Institute of Architects
John Wiley & Sons, latest edition

Architectural Graphic Standards

Charles G. Ramsey and Harold R. Sleeper
The American Institute of Architects
John Wiley & Sons, latest edition

Building Construction Illustrated, Third Edition

Francis D. K. Ching and Cassandra Adams
John Wiley & Sons, latest edition

Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects

Committee of Canadian Architectural Councils and
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada,
latest edition

CSI Manual of Practice

Construction Specifications Institute, latest edition

Rules of Conduct
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards,
latest edition

Starting July 2010, Construction Documents & Services

will reference 2007 AIA Documents.

July 2010 ARE® 4.0 18

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