College of Western Idaho Lesson Plan Template: Name Date Subject/Grade Topic

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College of Western Idaho Lesson Plan Template

Name Date
Jenny Wu 10/20/20
Subject/Grade Topic
Math/Third grade Solving word problem with rounding
The big idea(s) or essential question(s)

• What do you know about rounding to the nearest ten and hundred?
 How to connect the word problem to real world.

State of Idaho and/or common core standards addressed

Numbers and Operations in Base Ten – 3.NBT Use place value understanding
and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.4 1. Use place
value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns
in arithmetic.
3.OA 8. Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent
these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity.
Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation
strategies including rounding.3
(what the students will be able to do as a result of the lesson)

Students will recall strategies for rounding or estimating and will prove/explain
reasonableness of an answer.

Students will solve word problems with the four operations using rounding

The Student will be able to round the number up and use four operations by
rounding to improving their math skills.


The students will be able to read word problems

Materials and/or technology Needed

Word problem with 10 questions handout

Number Line with 10 questions Worksheet

Activities/procedures (include anticipated time for each)
(10 Min) Today we are going to learn about rounding number. What do you
think you have watch out for. What will you do that is the same as rounding to
the ten's place and how will rounding to the hundred's place be different?
Explaining to the students rounding number is to simplify easier number for us
to work for it. Use vocabulary words like approximate, place value, estimate,
base ten system. (My lesson plan is for 3rd grader, word problem and rounding.)
For my introduction is to have a discussion, to talk about how rounding number
works. For the class activites, I have a mini lesson of roudningto have a have a
worksheet of number line. Have them to walk around the room.

Class activities Class activities

(what you/students will do) (why you will do them)

(1 min) Opener: I will have the Then after I will teach the students
students to think about what needs to using number line to have a better
watch out for rounding number? understand of rounding, in case if
Students will share their answer with students were lost. I will be clear in the
their classmate. use of the term digit, number, place of
ones, place of tens, place of hundreds,
(2 min) Use number line to explain the place of thousands, place of ten
process. When is <5 we round up, and thousand. Again, I would like to
>5 we round down using number line. emphasis that tens position is the
(hand out the number line worksheet secret to deciding which is the nearest
to practice, pick 2 question as hundred.
example, rest will be homework).
To get students’ brain wake up and be
(4 Min) Create 100-1000 whole
number in a paper in different area of Test out the students’ ability, to know
the room, and hand out sticky note for where their level at.
students to write random number from Solving word problem will help student
1-1000. When they done, have them to connect with the real world.
to walk around the room and put their
sticky note on the poster of their When they discuss can lead a
number rounded it to. discussion to clarify any
misconceptions. Increase their
relationship by discuss in the group.
(15 Min) Hand out the word problem
Let them feel comfortable to talk.
worksheet, tell students to work
individually to solve the problem in
their math journal.

(3 Min) Tell students to discuss their

work with the people on their side of
the room and compare their answer
with other group.


Refer to the strategies used from today to review the lesson. Ask the following
questions to prompt to students:
• What strategies did you use to help solve word problems that involved
Talk to your neighbor for the part you confuse at. Have them to pick a leader to
share in front of the class to clarify the knowledge.
(how you will know students met the objectives - include rubrics)

(10 Min) Handout the exit ticker for them to solve, to see what are the common
error the students will made and which part are most students struggle with.
Were students able to prove or explain that their answers were reasonable with
those strategies?

Turn in their classwork activity handout

Exit ticket

Question like:
Ex: Tony has 426 blue marbles in a jar and 385 red marbles in another jar.
Approximately how many marbles does he have in both jars combined? To find
the total, ROUND each number to the nearest hundred, then solve.

Ex: . In the 3 rd grade there are 247 girls. Mrs. Lenny divided the girls into
groups of 5. About how many groups of girls will Mrs. Lenny have?

For students who are struggle, I need to prepare more visual and writing
represent material like base ten block and place value mat to help to have a
better understanding for the number.

Students who are exceeding the learning material, when they done, have them
to walk around the class and help other students. Or I will have students to
create their own word problem and exchange to other students, have them to
solve it out by using what they have learn in class.
(after lesson is taught put your reflections here)

Was everyone participate during the lesson?

Do they enjoy it?
After the lesson, was the assessment accuracy high?
What are the common mistake mostly the students will made?
What should I need to change in order to improve for next time teaching?


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