The Deep Impact mission collided a spacecraft impactor into comet Tempel 1 in order to study its composition. The impact was a success, ejecting dust and revealing that the comet contains ice, dust, and organic compounds beneath its surface. Scientists are analyzing the data to learn about comet structure and evolution. The flyby spacecraft observed and relayed data about the impact and its aftermath.
The Deep Impact mission collided a spacecraft impactor into comet Tempel 1 in order to study its composition. The impact was a success, ejecting dust and revealing that the comet contains ice, dust, and organic compounds beneath its surface. Scientists are analyzing the data to learn about comet structure and evolution. The flyby spacecraft observed and relayed data about the impact and its aftermath.
The Deep Impact mission collided a spacecraft impactor into comet Tempel 1 in order to study its composition. The impact was a success, ejecting dust and revealing that the comet contains ice, dust, and organic compounds beneath its surface. Scientists are analyzing the data to learn about comet structure and evolution. The flyby spacecraft observed and relayed data about the impact and its aftermath.
The Deep Impact mission collided a spacecraft impactor into comet Tempel 1 in order to study its composition. The impact was a success, ejecting dust and revealing that the comet contains ice, dust, and organic compounds beneath its surface. Scientists are analyzing the data to learn about comet structure and evolution. The flyby spacecraft observed and relayed data about the impact and its aftermath.
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National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California
Making a Deep Impact
The Mission On the evening of July 3, 2005, Deep Impact, Upon impact, there was a brilliant and rapid a NASA Discovery Mission, performed an release of dust that momentarily saturated incredibly complex experiment in space to the cameras onboard the spacecraft. probe beneath the surface of a comet and Audiences around the world watched as reveal the secrets of its interior. As a larger dramatic images were returned in near real “flyby” spacecraft released a smaller time on NASA TV and over the Internet. All “impactor” spacecraft into the path of comet available orbiting telescopes watched from Tempel 1, the experiment became one of a space, including the Spitzer, Hubble and cometary bullet chasing down a spacecraft Chandra telescopes. A number of bullet while a third spacecraft bullet sped Earthbound astronomers at larger and along to watch. smaller telescopes positioned their The Result instruments and succeeded in capturing a Deep Impact's collision with comet Tempel 1 wide-field view of the impact. Although the was a spectacular success! The impactor hit comet brightened upon impact, it wasn’t the comet on the sunlit side as planned. observable with the unaided eye at Earth. The amount and brightness of the released years. This made Tempel 1 a good target to debris indicates that beneath the surface of the study evolutionary change in the mantle, or comet, there is microscopic dust; water and upper crust. Scientists are eager to learn carbon dioxide ice; and hydrocarbons. whether a) comets exhaust their supply of Signatures of these species were seen in gas and dust to space or b) seal it into their spectra immediately after impact. New interiors. They would also like to learn about information since encounter tells us that the the structure of a comet's interior and how it forces holding the comet together are is different from its surface. The controlled gravitational forces, and the comet is extremely cratering experiment of this mission is already weak—weaker than snow. providing answers to these questions. The Experiment in Review Technical Implementation In early July, twenty-four hours before impact, The flyby spacecraft used an X-band radio the observing flyby spacecraft pointed high- antenna to communicate to Earth as it also precision tracking telescopes at the comet. listened to the impactor on a different After releasing the impactor spacecraft, the frequency. (For most of the mission, the flyby flyby spacecraft maneuvered to a safe point to spacecraft communicates through the 34- watch the collision. During impact, the flyby meter antennas of NASA's Deep Space spacecraft used its instruments to perform Network.) During the short period of optical imaging and infrared spectral mapping encounter and impact, when there is an of the comet and the ejected material blasted increase in volume of data, overlapping into space. The impactor, a battery-powered antennas around the world were used. spacecraft that operated independently of the Primary data was transmitted immediately flyby spacecraft for just one day, took over its and other data was transmitted over the own navigation and maneuvered into the path following week. The impactor spacecraft was of the comet. A camera on the impactor composed mainly of copper, which is not captured and relayed images of the comet's expected to appear in data from a comet's nucleus until just seconds before the collision. composition. For its short period of operation, the impactor used simpler versions of the The impact, while powerful, was not forceful flyby spacecraft's hardware and software. enough to make an appreciable change in the The spacecraft is currently in sleep mode comet's orbital path around the Sun. Ice, awaiting a possible wake up call for further heated by the energy of the impact, vaporized scientific investigations. and dust debris was ejected from the crater. Members of the science team are still at work The Team studying data to define the resulting crater and The scientific leadership for the mission is the ejecta. Sunlight reflecting off the ejected based at the University of Maryland. material provided a dramatic brightening that Engineers at Ball Aerospace and faded as the debris dissipated into space or fell Technologies Corp designed and built the back onto the comet. After its shields protected spacecraft under the management of Jet it from the comet's dust tail, the flyby spacecraft Propulsion Laboratory. The spacecraft turned to record the brilliant change in the launched on a Boeing Delta II rocket from comet’s activity as it departed. At the same Cape Canaveral on January 12, 2005 under time, results of the impact and aftermath the supervision of Kennedy Space Center. observed by professional and amateur Engineers at JPL controlled the spacecraft astronomers at large and smaller telescopes on after launch and relayed data to scientists for Earth were broadcast on NASA TV and over analysis. The entire team consists of more the Internet. Results from this and other comet than 250 scientists, managers and engineers. missions will lead to a better understanding of Deep Impact is a NASA Discovery Mission, both the solar system's formation and eighth in a series of low-cost, highly focused implications of comets colliding with Earth. space science investigations. The mission offers an extensive outreach program in Comet Tempel 1 partnership with other comet and asteroid Comets are composed of ice, gas and dust and missions and institutions to benefit the public, are considered time capsules that hold clues educational and scientific communities. about the formation and evolution of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Comet Tempel 1 was discovered in 1867 by Ernst Tempel. The comet has made many passages through the inner solar system orbiting the Sun every 5.5 JPL 400-936 7/05