Professional Development Plan EPC 4909 Semester 8: Shamsa Saleh Salem Aljaberi H00351953
Professional Development Plan EPC 4909 Semester 8: Shamsa Saleh Salem Aljaberi H00351953
Professional Development Plan EPC 4909 Semester 8: Shamsa Saleh Salem Aljaberi H00351953
This template is designed to help you identify those areas of teaching where you want to develop further and
come up with a practical and effective strategy of how to achieve this. You are to select competencies which are
set out in your TP booklet, against which you will be assessed. This plan will support you in the collection of
data needed for your e-portfolio. You are to select a minimum of five areas for development. However, based
on lesson feedback from last semester, your MST/MCT reports and your own reflections, you may choose to
select more.
Barge (2013) states that the Professional development plan is for the teachers to develop their knowledge and
skills. In the PDP, the teacher writes what she would like to improve in her teaching. Barge (2013) believes that
a useful PDP needs to have specific goals with a particular amount of time you need to reach that goal. These
goals can include assessments that you give to the students, your management skills, and many other areas to
improve. The areas that I should work on are being more creative with my online activities, and I need to work
on managing the student’s behaviors during the online class sessions. Also, I need to reflect more on my
lessons, and lastly, I need to work on my Formative assessments. In these two semesters, I worked on the areas
that I needed to develop, and at the end of this semester, I saw a massive development in my teaching.
Professional Development Plan
EPC 4909; Semester 8
Competency Implementing learning.
Planning for learning.
Professional Development Plan
EPC 4909; Semester 8
Goal Being creative in designing online activities.
Rationale Be more creative with my activities.
Proposed - Find new online resources for creative lessons such as Kahoot and Quizlet.
- Brainstorm my lessons with my colleagues to get different activities for the lesson.
- Instead of answering questions from the learning book I can ask the students what do you
want to learn today?
I can get the students take responsibilities for their own learning by them asking the question
and searching for the answer.
Make connections between the classroom and student’s real lives. “Create the desire to
Brainstorm and create opportunities to solve a novel problem.
Continue the thinking beyond the lesson or classroom. Find ways to extend learning
opportunities at home.
Support needed:
Reading stories for the students was my favorite part of the
lesson. They were always excited to listen to my stories. The
Professional Development Plan
EPC 4909; Semester 8
The help of my MST to stories helped them add new words to their vocabulary
find new resources. without them even realizing it.
The student's faces while I was reading the story for them.
They were quiet and engaged at the same time.
When I don't have enough time for a game, I will ask the
students to tell me a word they have learned in today's
Otherwise, I will display a game for the letter that they have
learned in today's lesson, and they have to tell me which
word will start with the letter that we learned in today's
Professional Development Plan
EPC 4909; Semester 8
reflection To conclude the journey, I thought being creative with designing the activities will take a lot
of time and effort. Luckily it was an easy task to do. As a teacher, I should always be prepared
for my lessons. Searching for ideas or games or stories for the lesson didn't take that much of
my time. Finally, having a fun lesson with fun activities that suit the students' levels will result
in the students wanting to learn and be well-behaved. Those strategies helped me as a teacher
to implement my learning better. Also, it impacted my students' understanding of the lesson.
Students are sharing their work so that the teacher will praise
them for their hard work.
reflection My action research is to motivate students in the classroom by using positive reinforcement.
My main goal is to encourage students to learn using praising as a positive reinforcement tool.
I discovered with such young learners as mine. It was a useful way to manage their behavior.
Using praising implemented the students to be well behaved and be better listeners during my
lesson. Lastly, having a well-managed classroom results in a better learning experience.
Competency Reflection on Practice
According to Ward & McCotter (2004) states that reflections are a tool for student’s
teacher success.
Each week, I will write a reflection on one of the lessons that I have taught.
reflection To conclude, reflecting is a self-developing tool for teachers to get their mistakes to work on
it. As a student’s teacher, reflecting on my lessons was a great tool for improving my teaching
technique. Lastly, I advise all students teachers to reflect on their lesson because it is an
excellent way to improve their teaching skills.
Competency Assessment
Goal Formative assessment.
According to Miller (2020) to check the learners' content knowledge, try websites like Kahoot
or Quizlet.
Written assignments
Professional Development Plan
EPC 4909; Semester 8
Online discussion
reflection In conclusion, assessments are tasks created to assess the student's understanding of the
lesson. It can be as simple as an oral question or worksheet etc. The purpose is for the teacher
to know if her students get the lesson or reteach the lesson. After all, checking the student's
understanding is one of the most important parts of any lesson. Using different assessments
during my TP impacted my student's learning experience and performance in a better way.
1. Clifford, M. (2019, December 6). 30 Things You Can Do To Promote Creativity: Creative Learning
2. J.R. Ward, S.S. McCotter. (2004). Reflection as a visible outcome for preservice teachers: Teaching and
3. Lynch, M. (2018, October 24). 6 ways to improve classroom management. Retrieved February 5, 2020,
Professional Development Plan
EPC 4909; Semester 8
4. Miller, A. (2020, April 07). Formative Assessment in Distance Learning. Retrieved September 17, 2020,