Hubert Exercises Chapter Nine SG PDF
Hubert Exercises Chapter Nine SG PDF
Hubert Exercises Chapter Nine SG PDF
388 I Chapter 9
9-26115 Repeat Problem 925/J 5 assuming operation is ar rated condition
s éilldu .
power factor. · n11y
y 927/15 A 250kVA, 450-V, 60-Hz, thre�-phase, wye-connected al_tematorfias
chronous impedance of 0.05 + 1?.24 .fl/p�as�. The machme is ºI>era �sy�
P r in c i p I es of
parallel with other machines and is supplyrng rts rated kVA ar rated ting 10
rated frequency, and 85.0 percent power-factor Jagging. Assurne th Voltage,
. it d
, J en t CJTcu1 . e CUI'\'
in Figure 9.28 apply. Sketc h t h e e�mva an. corresponding h es
diagram for one phase, and determme the generator line voltage if thc �� rrent
breaker is tripped. u11
9-28116 The short-circuit, open-circuit, and DC test data for a wye-conne
25kV A, 240-V, 60-Hz alternator are Cfcd,
Voc = 240.0 V lsc = 60.2 A
V0c = 120.6 V loe = 50.4 A
Determine (a) equivalent annature re�ista�ce;. (b) sync�ronous reactance,
(e) synchronous impedance; (d) short-c1rcu�t �at10. . '
929/16 Data from tests perfonned to determine the parameters of a 200.iVA,
480-V, 60-Hz, three-phase, wye-connected alternator are . .
Voc = 480.0 V lsc = 209.9 A
Voc = 91.9 V /oc= 72.8 A
Determine (a) synchronous impedance; (b) short-circuit ratio.
9-30/16 A 350-kVA, 600-V, three-phase, four-pole, wye-connected alternatorhasa
short-circuit .ratio of 0.87, and Its eguivalent resissance is ·o.644 íl/phase.
Determine the synchronous impedance.
9-31/16 The short-circuit, open-circuit, and OC test data for a three-phase, 125kVA.
480-V, delta-connected, synchronous generator are