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382 1 Chapter 9 Synchronous G

enerators (Alternators) 1 383

5. Why is the rated voltage of an alternator, as indicated on th� namepfate J 9, Using phasor diagrams. explain wh 1 h ·
power factor and frequency? • always · para 11 e 1 causes a Y e lr.insfer of a e t'ive powcr between alterna
g1ven ror ra t e d kVA ata specific tors m change in th . .
• c.
· A · e di1v1s1on of re,
20. How can t h e transfer of reactive power be ac ca�.1•ive power betwcen lhem.
6 A 450-Y three-phase. 600-kW, 60-Hz generator is to be paralfeled .
· other identical
' machine B. M ac B is
· on the bus: and carrymg · a W1th
load of an. parallel? What instruments are used I bs cot�phshed between altemators in
kYA at 60 Hz, 450 v. and 0.80 power-.factor l�ggmg. S!ate the procedure � 21. Explain· why adjustment of the field e�c�t���rve •ts·, tmnsfer'!
would follow in order to parallel machine A with machme B. lnclude in Yoti power factor of the machines. ion o a temators in parallel affects the
staternents the apparatus operated, meters observed, and the specific v I Yotir 22. Explain with the aid of a phasor diaoram h · . . ·
· · · hi A h
voltage and frequency for the mcormng mac me. ssume t e prime mover�
ªues r operate at a leading power factor aned �w 1•1 is possible for one alternator to
anof.t er 1 parallel with it to operare ata
power actor ?1s unuy
been started. Iagging power factor when the bus
. . .
7. Explain why altemators in parallel cannot op�rate at differ�nt frequencies. "3 Explam with the aid of a phasor d'
-· ·
· · ·
iagram h ow II is possiblc for the individual
g If the pointer of a synchroscope stops revolving and rernarns at the 30º po •. power factors of two paralleled altemators and th f
. . S1t1on . e power actor of the bus to be
what does it signify'iWhat must be done to ena bl e correct parallehng? , ali lagging and alJ different.
9. Explain the inherent dangers of attempting to paralleJ alternators when the ph
angle between the two is relatively large. What is the maximum allowabJe
e.: 24. (a) State in outline fo� the corree¡ proccdure for paralleling a 2000-V. 50-Hz.
1000-k V A ª!te�ator with another on the bus. Assume both machines have identi-
cal ':harac�enst1cs. I_ncl�de lhe_ approximate values of the voltage and frequency of
Jo. What methods can be used to determine_ th� phase sequence of an incoming alter. the mcommg machme JUSt pnor to synchronizing. (b) Assuming the bus load is
nator? How is opposite phase sequence indicated? 800 kW at 0.8 power-factor lagging. what adjustments must be made to each ma-
11. How is the transfer of active power accomplished between altemators in paralle)? chi ne in order that both machines will divide equalJy the active power of the bus?
12. A 500-kVA. three-phase, 60-Hz, 450-V altemator is supplying a bus Joadof400 (e) What adjustments must be made tó each machinc in order that both machines
kW at 0.90 power factor, State in outline fonn the procedure to be followed in will divide equally the reactive power of lhe bus?
order to have each machi ne take an equaJ share of the active power load. Mention 25. What are the losses in an AC generator? How i� the hcat dissipated?
the apparatus adjusted and the instruments observed as well as the valúes ofvolt-
age, frequency, and power of each machine during the transition and when lhe
change is completed.
13. Two ídentical aJtemators with slightly drooping govemor characteristics sharean
equal portion of the bus load at 60 Hz. (a) Sketch representative governordroq,
characteristics of each machi ne on one set of coordinate axis and draw the �Hz
line. (b) With doned lines appropriately drawn and Jettered to indicate the transi· 9-1/2 Determine the speed required lo obrain a frequency of 50 Hz from a four­
tíon steps, show and explain how a portion of the load of one machine may be pole altemator.
transferred to the other machi ne. The bus must operate at 60 Hz when the transfer 9-212 A certain three-phase altemator operJting al no load has_ �n induced emf of
is completed. 2460 V at 60 Hz. Detennine the voltage and frcquency 1t the polc llux and
14. Given two altemators with drooping governor characteristics, explain why admit· rotor speed are each increased by 10 perc:enl.
ting more energy to the prime mover of one machine results in an increase in !he
frequency of both machines. 9-3/2 An altemator operJli ng at no load has a generntcd emf of 3­t6.4 V/phase and
a tirequency o f 60 H z. lf lhc t"' nl'lfC nux is· dccr�ased by 15 percent and the speed
15. A�sume two altemators A and B are in paralleJ and carrying identical lqads. Ma· . . · ,,. • determine (a) induced voltage; (b) frequency.
1s mcrease d by 6 . 8 pcr··ent
ch�ne A has 2 percent speed regulation, and machi ne B has 3 percent spe� ��u·
lation. Sketch the characteristic curves and indicate (a) the reJative load drvision 9-4/3 A ­"400-V 60-Hz thrce-phase. si.\·pok. wye-connected synchronous gener-
. • . • . fi . bus and is supplying 350 kW ata power an�le
when the bus load increases; (b) the relative load division when the bus load ator 1s connected toan m mtc · . •. ·t· ,. of 1., ., Wphase. Neglectmg
has a synchronous n.:at.: anc1.: -·-
decreases. o f28 . 2º . Th e �talOr . . e to the allernator: (h) excitalion vohag\! pcr
16· Explain the _behavior of two altemators in Josses, deternune (a) input torqdu . . . . nd reactive components of power.
parallel one with governor dro<>P and
the other �dJusted for isochronous operation, when the load on the bus increast5 phase; (e) armature.current; ( ) act1\e a
and when 1t decreases. (e) power factor. . · an intinite bus
17. Explain why two alte t · . . unstabfe . . ·h ous gencrator is connec·ted 10
. . ma ors wrt h Jsochronous governors are ínherent 1Y 9-5/3 A four-po!e· 600-V sync ro� 2000-kVA. 80..t pcrccnt·powcr-factor load.
wh en operatmg m paralleJ. that supphes a .60-�z. 600- '
18. What is motoring? J 5 1't h .· ?
rbinc that dclivcrs 1955 lb-fl of torque
• • armful? How can it be detected and cprrected, The generator is dn ven by a stcam tu

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384 1 Chapter 9:. 1. .. '. ', ..
ro the generator shaft, causing a power angle of 36.4º. The synch
actance is J .06 f!/phase. Neglecting Josses, determine (a) mechan .ro�ous re.
input to the generator rotor; (b) excitation voltage per phase; (c;c; P0we,
current; (d) active and reactive components of apparent power deJ' rrriature
the bus; (e) generator power factor. · JVered to
9-613 A six-pole, 75-kVA, 340-V, 60-Hz, wye-connected dieseJ generato .
pJying a bus load of 54.5 kVA at 78.9 percent power-factor Jaggin/ �; sup.
and 60 Hz. The arrnature has a synchronous impedance. of o. J 8 + O V,
f!/phase. Determine (a) armature current; (b) excítation voltage per
(e) power angle: (d) shaft torque supplied by the dieseJ engine (negJect ase;
9-7/11 The ratings of two turbine generators A and B are 300-kW, 3.5 percent s ·
regulacion and 600-kW, 2.5 percent speed regulation, respecrively. �d
machines are operating in parallel ar 60 Hz, 480 V. MachineA is supplying2�
kW, and machi ne Bis supplying 590 kW. (a) Sketch a one-Jine diagram fo th
system. (b) On the same coordinare axes sketch the approximate gove� e
droop characteristics of both machines and JabeI the curves. (e) Opening 0
discribution breaker results ih a rernaining bus load of J 50 kW. Determine th

new frequency and the active power load carried by each machine. e
9-8/11 Two 600-kW, 60-Hz, diesel-driven synchronous generators A Md B have
governor speed regulations of 2.0 and 5.0 percent, respectiveJy. Both ma-
chines are in parallel and suppJying equal shares of a 1000-kW bus load ar
57 Hz. (a) Sketch the approximate govemor characteristics for both machines
on one set of coordinare axes, and indicare the operating frequency. Label
both curves. (b) On the same diagram, approximate a new-operatíng condition
that assumes the load on the bus decreases to a total of 400 kW. (e) Determine
the new frequency and the new load dísrriburion for the conditions in (b).
9-9/11 A 700-kW, 60-Hz generator A, with 2.0 percent speed regularion, is operat­
ing in parallel with generator B of equal kilowatt rating, but whose speed
regulation is 6.0 percent. The total bus load of J 000 k V A at 60 Hz, 2400 V,
and 80.6 percent power-factor lagging is divided equalJy between che two
machines. Jf a 200-kVA, 60.0 percent power-factor load is disconnected
from the bus, determine (a) the new operating frequency; (b) the active
power load on each machine. ·
9-10111 Three 600-kW, 60-Hz, 480-V synchronous machines are in parallel. each
supplying the followíng loads: generator A, 200 kW; generator B, 100 kW;
and generator C, 300 kW. The speed regufations for machines A. B, and C
are 2.0, 2.0, and 3.0 percent, respectively. The system frequency is 60 Hz. lf
the systern Ioadincreases to 2000 kVA at 70.0 percent power-factor lagging.
determine the new operating frequency and active power Joad carried by
each machine.
9-11111 Three .25-Hz turbine generators A, B, and e are connected in paralleJ and
operaung ar 25 Hz, 2400 V. Generator A is rated ar 600 kW and has a speed
regulation of 2.0 percent. Generator Bis r�ted ar 500 kW and has a speed

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386 1 Chapter 9

factor to increase to 85.0 percent lagging, at what power factor .

machine operate? "'111 lhcotlicr
9-17/12 Two altemators A and B are in parallel supplyíng a 560-kV A
bus load at a powcr factor of 82.8 percent lagging. Machin� A • ·V.¿
75 percent of the active power load al a power factor of 92.4 15 cariying
ging. Determine the active and reactive power components suppr�Ccnt lag.
machi ne. by 'ach
9-18/12 Two altemators A and B are in �arallel and supplyíng a 600-V, _
load consísting of a 270-kVA umty power-factor load, a group of. 60 liz bua
· 420 kVA at 89 . 4 percent power e.,actor, and a tnducr
motors totalmg synchro ton
motor that draws 300 kVA at 92.3 percent power-factor leading. If �
A is carryíng 60 percent of the total active power load ata J>Ower f:rnach1nc
70.4 percent lagging, . t h e active
d etermme . an d reactive
. actoror
components su J'
by machi ne B. pP 1Cd

9-19/12 Toree identical 1000-kW diesel generating sets operating in paralleJ

equal shares of a 1500-kW bus load at 4�0 V, 60 Hz, and 80.0 pe takc
power-factor lagging. The govemor speed regulation of the three lllachr�
r .
are adjusted to LO. 2.0. and 3. O percent ror pnme movers A, B, ande
spectively. (a) Sketch representative govemor droops of the three machi:
on one set of coordi nate axes, and la bel the curves. (b) Calculare the new
erating frequency and active power load on each generator if the total bus
load is increased to J 850 kW. (c) If the system power factor for the newcon.
ditions is 95.0 percent laggíng. machine A has a power factor of90.0 percent
lagging, and machine B has a power factor of 60.0 percent lagging, what is
the power factor of machi ne C?
9-20/14 Determine the per-unit resistance and per-unit synchronous reactance of a
37.5-kVA. 480-V, 60-Hz, wye-connected altemator whose synchronous
impedance is 1.47 + ;7.68 fl/phase.
9-2U14 A 5000-kV A. 13.800- V. 60-Hz, wye-connected altemator has a synchronous
reactance of 55.2 !l/phase. Its resistance is negligible. Determine the per-
unit írnpedance.
9-22115 A 250-kVA. 480- V, three-phase, four-pole, 60-Hz synchronous general�
Magnetization curve for Problems 9­22. 9­23.
with a synchronous reactance of 0.99 !}/phase is operating at rated condi·
tíons and 83.2·percent power-facto.r Jagging, and has the magnetization curve
shown in Figure 9.28. Determine (a) excitatíon voltage; (b) power angl�;
(e) open-circuít phase voltage; (d) voltage regulatíon; (e) no-load volcage if
the field current is reduced to 60 percent of its value at rated load.
9-23115 Repeat Problem 9-22/15 assuming that the power factor is 83.2 percent
leading. .'
9-24115 A 1000-k V A, 4800- V, 60-Hz, 3600-r/mi n wye-connected altemator wa'th.
synch ronous reactance of 14.2 !l/phase is supplying 600 kVA ·at 4800 V 1oa
bus load operating at a power factor of 95.2 percent Jagging: Assurne

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388 I Chapter 9

9-26115 Repeat Problem 9­25/J 5 assuming operation is ar rated condition
s éilldu .
power factor. · n11y
y 9­27/15 A 250­kVA, 450-V, 60-Hz, thre�-phase, wye-connected al_tematorfias
chronous impedance of 0.05 + 1?.24 .fl/p�as�. The machme is ºI>era �sy�

P r in c i p I es of
parallel with other machines and is supplyrng rts rated kVA ar rated ting 10
rated frequency, and 85.0 percent power-factor Jagging. Assurne th Voltage,

. it d
, J en t CJTcu1 . e CUI'\'
in Figure 9.28 apply. Sketc h t h e e�mva an. corresponding h es
diagram for one phase, and determme the generator line voltage if thc �� rrent
breaker is tripped. u11
9-28116 The short-circuit, open-circuit, and DC test data for a wye-conne
25­kV A, 240-V, 60-Hz alternator are Cfcd,
Voc = 240.0 V lsc = 60.2 A
V0c = 120.6 V loe = 50.4 A
Determine (a) equivalent annature re�ista�ce;. (b) sync�ronous reactance,
(e) synchronous impedance; (d) short-c1rcu�t �at10. . '
9­29/16 Data from tests perfonned to determine the parameters of a 200.iVA,
480-V, 60-Hz, three-phase, wye-connected alternator are . .
Voc = 480.0 V lsc = 209.9 A
Voc = 91.9 V /oc= 72.8 A
Determine (a) synchronous impedance; (b) short-circuit ratio.
9-30/16 A 350-kVA, 600-V, three-phase, four-pole, wye-connected alternatorhasa
short-circuit .ratio of 0.87, and Its eguivalent resissance is ·o.644 íl/phase.
Determine the synchronous impedance.
9-31/16 The short-circuit, open-circuit, and OC test data for a three-phase, 125­kVA.
480-V, delta-connected, synchronous generator are

Vix: = 480 V lsc = 519.6 A

Vrx: = 24.0 V loe= 85.6A
Determine (a) equivaJent resístance: (b) synchronous reactance: (c)syndu°O'
nous ímpedance.

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