SO12913 ORBITech PDF
SO12913 ORBITech PDF
SO12913 ORBITech PDF
Quotation N° SO12913
Quotation Date: Salesperson:
02/02/2019 13:57:16 Afeef
Unit Disc.
Description Taxes Quantity Price (%) Price
RealPresence Group 700-720p: Group 700 HD codec, EagleEyeIV- 1.000 12341.00 0.00 $ 12341.00
12x camera, mic array, univ. remote, NTSC/PAL. Cables: 1 HDMI 1.8m, Unit(s)
1 CAT 5E LAN 3.6m, 1 HDCI digital 3m, Power: UK-Type G, BS 1363.
Maintenance Contract Required
Universal Camera Mounting for EagleEyeIV-12xand4x. Mounts on the 1.000 149.00 0.00 $ 149.00
wall/other flat surfaces over 6.5in deep or flat screen displays greater Unit(s)
than 5/8in thick. Includes tripod mount. Also supports EagleEye
Director, EagleEye HD, EagleEye III, EagleEye View.
Premier, One Year, RealPresence Group 700-720p: Group 700 HD 1.000 1836.00 0.00 $ 1836.00
codec, EagleEyeIV-12x camera. Unit(s)
Group Series Multipoint Software License. Allows 6-way multipoint in 1.000 2417.00 0.00 $ 2417.00
continuous presence video calls on Group 500, 550 ( 4-way in HD); Unit(s)
8-way multipoint in continuous presence on the Group 700. Valid for
Group 500, 550, 700. Maintenance Contract Required.
Group Series Lync Interop License. Enables MSFT Lync (2010&2013) 1.000 779.00 0.00 $ 779.00
& AV MCU interop. Valid for all RP Group Series products. NOTE-CALA Unit(s)
and China include Maintenance in price. Upgrade available. ROW
require purchase of separate service ID
Taxes $ 0.00
Total $ 17522.00
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