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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 1

DASH 8-402 Normal

Checklist Description

Issue 2

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 2



The expanded normal checklist contains a detailed explanation of the action to be

performed for every item of the normal checklist. The normal checklist used on the
virtual airplane contains check items and responses only. By given the response
shown on the checklist, the flight crew given the response confirms that the action
and/or checks prescribed by the expanded checklist have been performed.


This checklist is created for flight simulation purpose only! Do not use the “Austrian
virtual Dash 8-402 Normal Checklist” for real world aircraft! The normal checklist for
Austrian virtual is based on Tyrolean Airways real checklist. Unneeded items for flight
simulation are deleted in this checklist. Also unneeded checks (e.g. preflight checks,
walk around,…) are deleted. The checklist will be preceded by a “flow” during which
system will be set as required for the stage of flight. If the flow performed, a detailed
brake-down of items to be performed by the crew members is given in the respective
subsection depending on flight phase. After completion of the flow, read the checklist
step by step (move your finger from item to item) and confirm the required settings as
described. If you read…….IF REQUIRED, the actual status shall be called out.
If an item cannot be carried out at this time, stop the flow, and continue short after the
item are performed. By extended interruption or system malfunctions, start the
checklist from the first item of the required chapter. Every checklist should be end with
the wording “……. checklist completed”.
Perform also “sterile flight deck” procedure, during taxiing, and any flight phase below
10.000 ft. Not necessary paperwork or private communication should be done. Watch
the surrounding traffic and ground movements, and listen the ATC frequencies

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 3














1.12 FINAL









REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 4

DC External power should be connected to safe battery life time.

CIRCUIT BREAKERS ................................................................................. CHECKED

Check that all CB´s on all panels are pushed in, except CB`s which are secured and clipped to
deactivate systems

BATTERY MASTER................................................................................................ ON
BATTERIES ............................................................................................................ ON
Check all switches to ON position.

MAIN BUS TIE ..................................................................................................... TIED

EXTERNAL POWER ............................................................................ AS REQUIRED
If DC external power available and online:

 Select DC EXT PWR switch to ON,

 Check DC EXT PWR ON message on MFD,
 Check voltage on all DC buses on MFD,
 Check loadmeter indications to verify that DC external power is online

If only AC external power available (no DC external and no APU available):

 Check park brake is set,

 Select AC EXT PWR switch to ON
 Check AC EXT PWR ON message and voltage on all AC / DC buses on MFD.

Note: Both TRU´s must be operative to avoid battery discharge!

Caution: Do not start the engine with AC external power. TRU damage could occur!

APU ...................................................................................................... AS REQUIRED

If required perform APU start according AOM.
Select APU GEN even if DC external power available and online as back-up source.
Select APU BL AIR approx. 60 seconds after start and adjust temperatures as required.
Note: The APU FIRE DETECTION TEST has to be performed before first flight of the day!

BATTERIES & BATTERY MASTER .................................................... AS REQUIRED

All battery switches shall be left ON during boarding in case of ground power unit failure.
If DC external power available BATERIES & BATTERY MASTER shall be selected OFF
If A/C supplied by external power and the APU, the BATERIES shall be selected OFF, but the
BATTERY MASTER shall remain ON.
Note: Ground power unit should provide not less than 26V output current!

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 5


OFP / LOAD SHEET .............................................................ON BOARD / CHECKED

Usually the load sheet will be provided by the OFP. Check the correct data of weight limits, fuel
figures, flight plan, flight ID; and alternate airport.

VAT SERVER ......................................................................................... CONNECTED

If you want to fly in the virtual aviation connect you with the associated server.

FLIGHT PLAN ..................................................................................................... SENT

Check and compare the data with the OFP

WX GENERATOR .................................................................................................. SET

For real weather conditions.

NOSE WHEEL STEERING ................................................................................... OFF

Check on the side panel the switch in the OFF position

ALTERNATE WIPER SWITCH ............................................................................. OFF

Check on the side panel the switch in the OFF position

CREW FIXED OXYGEN PRESSURE ........................................................ CHECKED

Check fixed crew oxygen pressure – min dispatch pressure at 21°C is 1050 psi.

FLAPS / FLAP POWER CAUTION LIGHT ..................................... CHECKED / OUT

Check flap lever is in the same position as indicated on the flap indicator. Check FLAP POWER
caution light is not illuminated.

PARK BRAKE / PRESSURE ............................................................ SET / CHECKED

Check park brake pressure are not under 1000 psi indicated. If engine #2 started before #1engine, the
minimum park brake pressure may be 500 psi only.

FMS .......................................................................................................... INITIALIZED

 Switch FMS on
 Verify “GPS” initial position is correct or enter initial position by typing in the ICAO location
identifier (e.g. LOWW)
 Verify the FMS database is current.
 If all INIT data correct, press ACCEPT key to complete initialization.

IRS .................................................................................................. UPDATED & NAV

Note: FMS initialization must be finished (ACCEPT pressed) before initializing the IRS. No POS
message shall be present on the FMS.

 IRS mode selector…………………………………………………………..OFF to NAV

 Wait for IRS ALIGN indication on FMS DATA Page.

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 6
 Press UPDATE SENSORS sidekey on FMS NAV3/3 page.
 Monitor alignment on FMS DATA 3/4 page.

Finished IRS alignment is indicated by an IRS NAV message of the FMS and an IRS NAV indication
on FMS DATA 2/4 page. After alignment the IRS position is identical to the FMS position, which can be
verified on FMS DATA 3/4 page.

Power up alignment takes 7 minutes, a quick alignment 1 minute. If alignment fails, IRS shall be shut
down and a power up alignment shall be initiated.

LANDING GEAR ALTERN. EXT. SYSTEM ................................................ CHECKED

 Landing gear alternate release door………………………………..closed
 Landing gear inhibit switch……………………………………………..……normal
 Landing gear alternate extension door…………………………….closed
 Hydraulic pump handle………………………………………………………..…stowed

DC POWER CONTROLS ....................................................................................... SET

 GEN 1……………………………………………………………….………………………… GEN 1
 GEN 2……………………………………………………………….………………………….GEN 2

DE-ICE & ANTI-ICE SYSTEM ............................................................................... OFF

Check all switches and selectors in position OFF

ENGINE INTAKE BYPASS DOORS .................................................... AS REQUIRED

The engine intake bypass doors shall stay open when temperature is below +25°C

APU FIRE TEST ..................................................................................... PERFORMED

The APU FIRE DETECTION TEST has to be performed before first flight of the day.

ENGINE FIRE DETECTION TEST ......................................................... PERFORMED

The ENGINE FIRE DETECTION TEST has to be performed before first flight of the day
 Check that both T-handles are pushed in.
 Check that both green FUEL VALVES OPEN lights are illuminated.
 Check that both green HYD VALVES OPEN lights are illuminated.

BAGGAGE COMP. SMOKE WARNING TEST ...................................... PERFORMED

The BAGGAE COMARTMENT SMOKE WARNING TEST has to be performed before first flight of the

ELT .................................................................................................................. ARMED

Check red advisory light is out.

FLIGHT DATA RECORDER .......................................................................... TESTED

Hold flight data recorder test switch to GND TEST position and check flight data recorder caution light

IGNITION....................................................................................................... NORMAL

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 7

PRESSURIZATION ......................................................................... SET & CHECKED

 Check mode selector switch to AUTO
(Fault indication light illuminates on initial POWER ON)
 MAN DIFF selector centered (MAN DIFF)
 Turn manual control knob fully counter clockwise
 Set cabin altitude to departure airport elevation +500ft

EXTERIOR LIGHTS ............................................................................. AS REQUIRED

Check position lights ON
Tail logo light only by darkness ON by day OFF
Wing inspection AS REQUIRED
Approach, flare, taxi and anti-collision lights OFF

AC POWER CONTROLS ................................................................ SET & CHECKED

AC GEN 1 switch to AC GEN 1
AC GEN 2 switch to AC GEN 2

AIR CONDITIONING CONTROLS ......................................................................... SET

Recirculation fan switch to RECIRC
Switch BEED 1 and 2 to OFF
Turn BLEED selector to MIN
PACKS switch to MAN or AUTO as required
Turn temperature control knobs initial to a 12 o´clock position.

NO SMOKING / SEAT BELT SIGNS ...................................................................... ON

CAUTION & ADVISORY LIGHTS .................................................................. TESTED
Hold the CAUTION switch and check:
 Warning tones sounds
 Master CAUTION and master WARNING lights flash
 All caution and warning lights illuminate steadily
 Press master CAUTION and WARNING push button and check lights goes out.
Hold the ADVISORY switch and check:
 All advisory lights illuminate
 AP DISENG lights illuminate

EMERGENCY LIGHTS ................................................................................... ARMED

Select EMER LIGHTS switch to ARM.
Check EMER LTS DISARMED caution light extinguishes.

ANTI SKID.............................................................................................TESTED & ON

Select the ANTI SKID switch to ON initiate a self-test cycle.
Check INBD ANTI SKID & OUTB ANTI SKID caution light illuminate for about 6 seconds and then

CLOCKS ................................................................................................................ SET

Check on both clocks UTC time and date are set correctly. Reset flight time ET and stopwatch CHR.

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 8

EGPWS .......................................................................................................... TESTED

Press PULL UP – GPWS TEST switch and check:
 GPWS caution and master caution lights illuminate.
 Both PULL UP and BELOW G/S lights illuminate
 Advisory warning “GLIDESLOPE”, “PULL UP”, and “TERRAIN, TERAIN, PULL UP” are
 TERAIN TEST and the terrain pattern are displayed on the MFD´s.

FLIGHT / TAXI SWITCH ...................................................................................... TAXI

STBY INSTRUMENT................................................................................... CHECKED
AFCS &ED MESSAGES ............................................................................. CHECKED
Check PFD and ED for abnormal indications and advisories.

HYDRAULIC SYSTEM .................................................................... OFF & CHECKED

Check STBY HYD PRESS, PTU CNTRL and #3 HYDR ISO VLV switches are OFF

CONTROL DISCON. HANDLES ............................................................................... IN

CONTROL LOCK .................................................................................................... ON
FUEL TRANSFER SWITCH .................................................................................. OFF
AUX PUMP SWITCHLIGHTS ............................................................................... OFF
AUTOFEATHER TEST .......................................................................... PERFORMED
The AUTOFEATHER TEST has to be performed before first flight of the day.

AUTOFEATHER ................................................................................................... OFF

ALTERNATE FEATHER SWITCHLIGHTS ........................................................ NORM
COM #1 STBY CONTROL HEAD ......................................................................... OFF
VHF NAV #3 ............................................................................................................ ON
COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER ...................................................................... TESTED
Press the TEST button and check that the green STATUS light illuminates twice.

LEFT & RIGHT AHRS ................................................................................. CHECKED

EFIS & ENGINE DISPLAYS ........................................................... SET & CHECKED
Check all displays are on and serviceable. Select all pages (DOOR, ELECTRICAL, ENGINE) for
abnormal messages.

ARCDUS ................................................................................................. SET TO FMS

TCAS ................................................................................................... SET & TESTED
Select TCAS / ATC page on the ARCDU.
Select TA/RA and check mode display on PFD / MFD.
Select TEST
Observe TCAS test annunciation on EHSI/PFD. Check no failure is present and “TCAS SYSTEM
TEST OK” is announced.

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 9

FWD OUTFLOW VALVE .............................................................................. NORMAL

Check the FWD OUTFLOW VALVE for free movement.
Select NORMAL position.


The Transit Flight Deck Preparation is a short version of the Cockpit Preparation and should be
performed after a flight with none irregularities and no maintenance action required.

CREW FIXED OXYGEN PRESSRE ............................................................ CHECKED

Check fixed crew oxygen pressure – min dispatch pressure at 21°C is 1050 psi

LANDING GEAR ALTERN. EXT. DOORS .................................................... CLOSED

 Landing gear alternate release door………………………………..closed
 Landing gear inhibit switch……………………………………………..……normal
 Landing gear alternate extension door…………………………….closed
 Hydraulic pump handle………………………………………………………..…stowed

FMS .......................................................................................................... INITIALIZED

 Switch FMS on
 Verify “GPS” initial position is correct or enter initial position by typing in the ICAO location
identifier (e.g. LOWW)
 Verify the FMS database is current.
 If all INIT data correct, press ACCEPT key to complete initialization.

IRS .................................................................................................. UPDATED & NAV

Note: FMS initialization must be finished (ACCEPT pressed) before initializing the IRS. No POS
message shall be present on the FMS.

 IRS mode selector…………………………………………………………..OFF to NAV

 Wait for IRS ALIGN indication on FMS DATA Page.
 Press UPDATE SENSORS sidekey on FMS NAV3/3 page.
 Monitor alignment on FMS DATA 3/4 page.

Finished IRS alignment is indicated by an IRS NAV message of the FMS and an IRS NAV indication
on FMS DATA 2/4 page. After alignment the IRS position is identical to the FMS position, which can be
verified on FMS DATA 3/4 page.

Power up alignment takes 7 minutes, a quick alignment 1 minute. If alignment fails, IRS shall be shut
down and a power up alignment shall be initiated.

ENGINE INTAKE BYPASS DOORS .................................................... AS REQUIRED

The engine intake bypass doors shall stay open when temperature is below +25°C

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 10

PRESSURIZATION ......................................................................... SET & CHECKED

 Check mode selector switch to AUTO
(Fault indication light illuminates on initial POWER ON)
 MAN DIFF selector centered (MAN DIFF)
 Turn manual control knob fully counter clockwise
 Set cabin altitude to departure airport elevation +500ft

AIR CONDITIONING CONTROLS ......................................................................... SET

Recirculation fan switch to RECIRC
Switch BEED 1 and 2 to OFF
Turn BLEED selector to MIN
PACKS switch to MAN or AUTO as required
Turn temperature control knobs initial to a 12 o´clock position.

EMERGENCY LIGHTS ................................................................................... ARMED

Select EMER LIGHTS switch to ARM.
Check EMER LTS DISARMED caution light extinguishes.

FLIGHT / TAXI SWITCH ...................................................................................... TAXI

STBY INSTRUMENT................................................................................... CHECKED


The Crew at Stations checklist completes the airplane setup and shall be performed when both pilots
are at their assigned stations.

(TRANSIT) FLIGHT DECK PREPARATION .......................................... COMPLETED

CIRCUIT BREAKERS ................................................................................. CHECKED
Check that all CB´s on all panels are pushed in, except CB`s which are secured and clipped to
deactivate systems

ADC & STALL WARNING TEST ........................................................... PERFORMED

Confirm completion of both ADC function test and STALL WARNING test.

GEAR PINS & COVERS .............................................................................REMOVED

Confirm Gear Pins removed and stowed behind Pilot Seat. Confirm also Intake and Pitot Static Covers
are removed.

PARK BRAKE / PRESSURE ............................................................ SET / CHECKED

Check park brake pressure are not under 1000 psi indicated. If engine #2 started before #1engine, the
minimum park brake pressure may be 500 psi only.

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 11

ALTIMETER ................................................................................. SET & X-CHECKED

Set the main altimeter and the standby altimeter to the actual QNH and cross check the correct setting.

FUEL QUANTITY ..................................................... [QTY] ON BOARD & CHECKED

 Check the total fuel on board and compare this with the OFP requested fuel.
 Check FMS FUEL page for correct fuel information.
 Call out indicated fuel quantity of aircraft.

FMS FLIGHT PLAN / ATC FLT NUMBER .................................................. CHECKED

Check correct input of flight plan into FMS. Check the correct ATC flight number shown in the FMS.

RADIO & EFIS ....................................................................................................... SET

Check all VHF COM and NAV (ADF) set to appropriate or expected frequencies.
Check EFIS displays and bearing pointers set as required

OFP / LOAD SHEET .............................................................ON BOARD / CHECKED

Checked and signed from PIC

VAT SERVER......................................................................................... CONNECTED

Confirm server connection and online.

FLIGHT PLAN ..................................................................................................... SENT

Confirm flight plan sent.

WX GENERATOR .................................................................................................. SET

Add-on weather machine active.


TAKE OFF BRIEFING............................................................................ COMPLETED

- Status of aircraft (limitations)
- Take-off configuration (flaps, power settings)
- Reconfirmation of Runway, condition and length TORA
- Departure route and climb procedure / limitations
- Handling in case of emergency and re-landing
- Estimated ATC frequencies

TRIM TABS ......................................................................................................... 3 SET

The elevator trim shall be set according the actual CG according load sheet.
Check the required trim is within the take-off range.

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 12

BATTERY MASTER & BATTERIES ....................................................................... ON

All battery switches shall be ON.
Check voltage on MFD to be in limits.
Check battery caution lights out.

APU BLEED AIR ................................................................................................... OFF

Check APU BL AIR switch light off and advisory lights out.

ANTI COLL. LIGHT ............................................................................................... RED

Check FLT DATA RECORDER caution light not illuminated.

FASTEN SEAT BELTS ........................................................................................... ON

FUELING ON CAUTION LIGHT ........................................................................... OUT
DOORS ........................................................................................ CLOSED / LOCKED
Check door status on MFD. Check flight compartment door locked.

POWER LEVERS ................................................................................................. DISC

CONDITION LEVERS ................................................................................. FUEL OFF
XACARS / FSFK .......................................................................... ACTIVE / STARTED
Check and confirm automatic flight reporting system active and recording.


RECIRCULATION FAN......................................................................................... OFF

Recirculation fan switch to OFF.

APU BLEED AIR ................................................................................................... OFF

Check APU BL AIR switch light off and advisory lights out.

After first engine start:

APU GENERATOR ............................................................................................... OFF

Check GEN ON advisory light out

BATTERY TEMPERATURE & LOAD ......................................................... CHECKED

Check battery temperatures on MFD ELECTRICAL page.

Both engine started:

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 13

RECIRCULATION FAN........................................................................................... ON
Recirculation fan switch to RECIRC



EXTERNAL POWER ............................................................................................. OFF

 Select EXT PWR switch to OFF
 Check DC voltage and load and battery temperatures in limit.
 Check DC/AC EXT PWR ON advisory on MFD electrical page out.
 Check #1 DC GEN and #2 DC GEN caution light out.

MAIN BUS TIE ...................................................................................................... OFF

Check main bus tie selector in OFF position.

FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS ............................................................................. CHECKED

Check on all instruments that no flags or abnormal messages are present.

WX RADAR ......................................................................................................... STBY

#3 HYDR. ISOLATION VALVE .................................................. TESTED & NORMAL
 Press HYD #3 ISOL VLV switch.
 Check OPEN advisory (on switch) and ELEVATOR PRESS caution light illuminate and #3
HYD PRESS indication on MFD2 shows 2.400 – 3.100 psi.
 Operate elevator control through full fore and aft travel and check PFCS indication for full
nose-up and nose-down indication.
 Press HYD #3 ISOL VLV and move elevator slightly to bleed system pressure.
 Check OPEN advisory and ELEVATOR PRESS caution light extinguish.

DE-ICE SYSTEM PRESSURE .................................................................... CHECKED

Check de-ice pressure indicator shows 18 +/- 3 psi.

TRANSPONDER .................................................................................. AS REQUIRED

On airports with ground movement radar switch to ON.

In case of Push-Back:
 Nose Steering OFF
 Park Brake OPEN
 #2 Hydraulic CHECKED

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 14

“#2 Hydraulic pressure checked, ready for Pusch-Back”
Push-Back completed / Props unfeathered

STBY HYDRAULIC & PTU SWITCH ................................................ ON & CHECKED

 Check STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL switches are pressed and ON advisory light
 Check both hydraulic pressure indicators at 2.900 – 3.100 psi.
 Check stand-by hydraulic pressure indicator at 2.800 – 3.000 psi.
 Check brake pressure indicator at ~ 3.000 psi.
 Check #1 ,#2 and #3 hydraulic quantity at or above 50%

AIR CONDITION .................................................................................. AS REQUIRED

One or both BLEED switches shall be turned ON and the bleed selector shall be set as required to
provide sufficient air conditioning.

DE-ICE & ANTI-ICE SYSTEM ................................................................................ SET

If SAT <15°C set WINDSHIELD HEAT selector to NORM
If SAT >15°C set WINDSHIELD HEAT selector to OFF

Note: WINDSHIELD HEAT must not be selected to WARM UP on ground!

During icing condition on ground and during taxiing switch PITOT STATIC and PLT SIDE WDO/H to

RUDDER TRAVEL ........................................................................ FREE & CORRECT

Operate slowly through full travel and check PFCS indication for full travel and free rudder travel.

Note: With flap setting 0° restrictad rudder travel to 12° left and right is available and shall be
considered as “correct”.

NOSE WHEEL STEERING ..................................................................................... ON

Confirm tow-bar removed before switch the nose steering on. Check NOSE Steering caution light out.


Perform taxi check before start taxiing.

TAKE-OFF & DEPARTURE BRIEFING .............................................. AS REQUIRED

FLAPS .................................................................................... [SETTINGS] CHECKED
 Check the flap levers are latched in the required position
 Check flap indicator for desired flap setting.
 Call-out the desired flap setting (e.g. “five, five”)

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 15

TAKE-OFF SPEED ..................................................................... [SPEED] CHECKED

 Check correct speed bugs on the ASI
 Cross-check the set speed bug with the speed booklet.

TAKE-OFF WARNING ................................................................................ CHECKED

 Select and hold the T/O WARNING EST switch to TEST position.
 Observe T/O WARNING horn does not sound.
 Release the T/O WARNING TEST switch to the OFF position.

Note: Following settings creating the T/O WARNING:

 Inboard or outboard spoilers are extended.

 Elevators trim not in take-off range.
 Parking brake not released.
 One of both condition levers not at MAX / 1020.
 Flaps out of take-off range.

APU ....................................................................................................................... OFF

Check APU off and all advisory lights out.

YAW DAMPER ........................................................................................................ ON

Check yaw damper is selected ON

AUTOFEATHER ........................................................................................SELECTED
Check A/F SELECT appears on ED.

AUX PUMPS ........................................................................................................... ON

Check that both TANK AUX PUMP ON advisory lights are illuminated.

FMS ............................................................................................................. CHECKED

Check all required NAV and SID´s data in FMS set.

ELECTRICAL PAGE ................................................................................... CHECKED

 Check nominal battery loads
 Check nominal battery temperatures
 Check all AC / DC volts and loads nominal.

WX-RADAR TEST ................................................................................. PERFORMED

The WX-RADAR TEST has to be performed before first flight of the day.

 Note: If taxi clearance received turn on taxi light and other required lights in
low visibility conditions or by night. In case of blinding switch off taxi or wing
inspection lights, but still remain the red anti-collision light on. If taxi light
unserviceable or provide insufficient illumination use the flare lights for taxiing.

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 16


CONDITION LEVER.............................................................................................. MAX

Verify condition lever to the MAX position.

CONTROL LOCK & CONTROLS ........................................................... OFF & FREE

Release the control lock and check free movement on all flight controls. Monitor the movements on the
PFCS indicator.

FLIGHT / TAXI SWITCH .................................................................................. FLIGHT

Check switch in FLIGHT position.

DE-ICE & ANTI-ICE SYSTEM ............................................................................... SET

 PITOT STATIC switch to ON

BLEEDS ................................................................................................................. MIN

Check selector on MIN position. MIN is the standard selection for take-off!

Note: If MTOP required, bleeds must be switched OFF before setting MTOP!
MCP is the maximum allowed power setting with bleeds ON.

CAUTION LIGHTS & ED MESSAGES ....................................................... CHECKED

 Check PFD´s and MFD´s for message.

 Check caution and warning light panel.
 Check ED messages.

FLIGHT DIRECTOR ............................................................................................... SET

After receiving the ATC clearance and “cabine secured” report from the flight attendant, select HDG
and ALT SEL on flight guidance control panel. Check PFD, FMA and FD command bars for correct

TRANSPONDER .................................................................................................... SET

Check on ARCDU for correct transponder setting, and verify ON ALT is displayed on the ARCDU.

CABIN CALL FOR T/O ..................................................................................... GIVEN

Take-off imminent call has been given.

Note: If line up clearance received switch from RED to WHITE anti-collision light.
After receiving the take-off clearance switch the approach and landing lights ON.
Verify transponder switched to mode C.

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 17


ALTIMETERS ...................................................................... STD / CROSS-CHECKED

Check that all altimeter set to standard pressure 1013 hPa.

FLAPS ................................................................................................................. IN 0/0

Check flap selector in the 0 position and flap indicator shows 0°.

LDG GEAR.................................................................................... UP & LIGHTS OUT

Check all lights on the landing selector panel extinguished.

CLIMB POWER ...................................................................................................... SET

Check FADEC and propeller RPM rating (e.g. “MCR 850”).
Check torque with calculated target and other engine parameter.

AUX PUMPS ......................................................................................................... OFF

AUTOFEATHER ................................................................................................... OFF
Check A/F SELECT on ED is not indicated.
Check that A/F pushbutton is selected off and SELECT light is out.
Check MTOP pushbutton is selected off

STBY HYDR. & PTU SWITCHES ......................................................................... OFF

BLEED & AIRCOND. SYSTEM ............................................................................. SET
 Check both BLEED switches are ON.
 Check BLEED SELECTOR knob is set to NORM.
 Check PACKS switches are to AUTO.
 Check REAR OUTFLOW VALVE CONTROL switch is set to AUTO.
 Check CABIN ALT and DIFF pressure to verify pressurization is working.

Note: perform a type I climb (high speed climb) climb for normal operation. After passing clean
up altitude 1000ft AAL, set climb power to 850 RPM.
After setting climb power switch taxi and flare lights OFF. After passing 10.000ft switch
approach and logo light OFF. Following speed schedule should be performed: 210kts IAS up
to FL150, then decreasing by 5kts for each 1000ft above FL150 up to FL250.

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Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 18


CRUISE POWER ................................................................................................... SET

Check and compare actual torque parameters with the required torque table.

MAX CONTINUOUS POWER ............................................................................ [MCP]

FUEL CHECK ........................................................................................ PERFORMED
Read and compare the current fuel on board with the calculated fuel on OFP.


APPROACH BRIEFING ......................................................................... PERFORMED

MET / ATIS DATAS ................................................................................... RECEIVED
Confirm latest ATIS data for destination airport received.

SEAT BELT ............................................................................................................. ON

Switch seat belts to ON approximately 10 minutes prior landing. By short flight legs switch latest on
initial approach point to ON.

PRESSURIZATION ......................................................................... SET & CHECKED

Turn ALT knob to destination elevation +500 ft.

BLEED SELECTOR ............................................................................................... MIN

Verify BLEED selector to MIN

ALTIMETERS ..................................................................... SET & CROSS CHECKED

Check that all altimeter set to the applicable QNH.

DH / DA ........................................................................................... SET & CHECKED

Set the required DH or MDA on the index control panel. Cross-check the settings on the PFD´s.

AUX PUMPS ........................................................................................................... ON

Check both TANK AUX PUMPS advisory lights illuminate.

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 19

STBY HYDR. & PTU SWITCHES ..................................................... ON & CHECKED

 Check STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL switches are pressed and ON advisory light
 Check both hydraulic pressure indicators at 2.900 – 3.100 psi.
 Check stand-by hydraulic pressure indicator at 2.800 – 3.000 psi.
 Check brake pressure indicator at ~ 3.000 psi.
 Check #1 ,#2 and #3 hydraulic quantity at or above 40%

GPWS LANDING FLAP SELECTOR....................................................... [SETTINGS]

Check GPWS LANDING FLAP selector is to briefed landing flap setting and call-out the current setting
(e.g. “fifteen”)

CABIN CALL FOR LANDING ........................................................................... GIVEN

1.12 FINAL

CABIN CHIME ................................................................................................... GIVEN

Confirm that cabin crew secured for landing. Cabin chime shall be given after landing gear down

GEAR .......................................................................................... DOWN & 3 GREENS

Check landing gear down and all 3 green lights on. Call-out “gear down and 3 greens”.

FLAPS ............................................................................................. 15 / 15 OR 35 / 35
Check flap in required position and call-out flap setting, “15 / 15”, or ”35 / 35”.

CONDITION LEVERS ...................................................................... (REDUCED) MAX

Check the required setting of condition levers, and call-out “max” or for RDC NP landing “reduced,

LANDING / TAXI LIGHT ......................................................................................... ON

Check all landing lights ON.
Switch the approach & logo lights to ON when passing 10.000ft, and switch the taxi & flare lights after
receiving the landing clearance to ON.

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 20


Perform the after landing checklist after the runway has vacated and latest during taxiing to the park

MAIN BUS TIE ..................................................................................................... TIED

DE-ICE & ANTI-ICE SYSTEM ............................................................................... OFF
Switch all de-ice and anti-ice systems to OFF.

FLIGHT / TAXI SWITCH ...................................................................................... TAXI

Check switch in TAXI position.

YAW DAMPER ...................................................................................................... OFF

Press the button and check that the advisory pointer goes out.

CONTROL LOCK .................................................................................................... ON

Engage the control lock lever and check control column is locked.

FLAPS ...................................................................................................................... 0/0

Check flap selector in the 0° position and flap indicator shows 0°.

WX RADAR ......................................................................................................... STBY

Select STBY on WX-RADAR control panel. Check WX SBY indication on MFD.

TRANSPONDER .................................................................................. AS REQUIRED

Set transponder to SBY and check SBY indication on ARCDU. On airports with ground movement
radar switch remains to ON.

ANTI COLL. LIGHT ............................................................................................... RED

Switch from WHITE to RED and check approach and flare lights off.


PARKING BRAKE ................................................................................................. SET

Check park brake pressure. The minimum pressure is 500 psi after park brake set.

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 21

FUEL LEVERS .................................................................................................... SHUT

Perform engine shutdown after EXT PWR available or APU provide electrical power. During shutdown
monitor ED parameters drops down.

ANTI COLL. LIGHT ............................................................................................... OFF

Check anti-collision light OFF, but position light remains ON. All other external lights as required.

SEAT BELT ........................................................................................................... OFF

CABIN CALL DOORS OPEN ........................................................................... GIVEN
Check left propeller rotation stopped.

EMERGENCY LIGHTS ......................................................................................... OFF

NOSE WHEEL STEERING ................................................................................... OFF
STBY HYDR. & PTU SWITCHES ......................................................................... OFF
 Check STBY HYD PRESS and PTU CNTRL switches are not pressed.
 Check STBY HYD PRESS ON and PTU CNTRL ON and pressure advisory light are out.

WX RADAR ........................................................................................................... OFF

TRANSPONDER ................................................................................................. STBY
Set transponder to SBY and check SBY indication on ARCDU.

EXTERNAL POWER ............................................................................ AS REQUIRED

If DC external power available and online:

 Select DC EXT PWR switch to ON,

 Check DC EXT PWR ON message on MFD,
 Check voltage on all DC buses on MFD,
 Check loadmeter indications to verify that DC external power is online

If only AC external power available (no DC external and no APU available):

 Check park brake is set,

 Select AC EXT PWR switch to ON
 Check AC EXT PWR ON message and voltage on all AC / DC buses on MFD.

Note: Both TRU´s must be operative to avoid battery discharge!

BATTERIES & BATERY MASTER ...................................................... AS REQUIRED

All battery switches shall be left ON while passengers are on board.
If DC external power available BATERIES & BATTERY MASTER shall be selected OFF
If A/C supplied by external power and the APU, the BATERIES shall be selected OFF, but the
BATTERY MASTER shall remain ON.

Note: Ground power unit should provide not less than 25V output current!

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 22

XACARS / FSFK ................................................................................................. SENT

Sent report from automatic flight recording system to the headquarter.


The final parking check shall be performed after the last flight of the day and not handover to the
maintenance planed. Perform the checklist before turning off the electrical power.

ELT ......................................................................................................................... SET

Check red ELT active advisory light is out.

PRESSURIZATION ............................................................................................ DUMP

HYDRAULIC QUANTITY ............................................................................ CHECKED
The minimum quantity of all three systems is 50%.

FMS ....................................................................................................................... OFF

Switch OFF FMS before removing power from aircraft. Otherwise expect malfunction of FMS during
next power-up.

IRS ........................................................................................................................ OFF

After minimum parking time of 3 minutes set IRS mode selector to OFF.

ENGINE INTAKE BYPASS DOORS .............................................................. CLOSED

ELEVATOR TRIM ....................................................................... SET TO T/O RANGE
CREW FIXED OXYGEN PRESSURE ......................................................... CHECKED
Check fixed crew oxygen pressure not below 1200 psi.

PARK BRAKE PRESSURE ........................................................................ CHECKED

Check park brake pressure. The minimum pressure is 500 psi after park brake set.

PARK BRAKE ........................................................................................................ SET

XACARS/ FSFK .................................................................................................. SENT
Verify already sent report from automatic flight recording system to the headquarter.

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 23


BATTERY MASTER................................................................................................ ON
BATERIES ............................................................................................................ OFF
 Main battery switch to OFF
 Auxiliary battery switch to OFF
 Standby battery switch to OFF

APU ....................................................................................................................... OFF

If APU in use perform APU shutdown procedure according AOM.

EXTERNAL POWER ............................................................................................. OFF

BATTERY MASTER.............................................................................................. OFF
ELECTRICAL POWER ......................................................................................... OFF
 Check all electrical power is OFF
 Check hot-wired battery items are switched OFF.
- Flight deck dome light
- Boarding light
- Emergency lights

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 24


Dry or Wet Runway……….……….…..32kts

Nose Wheel Steering inop…….…….25kts

Autopilot coupled CAT II Appr.…….18kts

HGS CAT II & III Approaches…….…..15kts

Wind inclination = 30°
Wind velocity = 32kts
Headwind comp. = 28kts
Crosswind comp. = 16kts

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 25



0° --- --- 156 157 --- 0° --- --- 141 142 ---
29.000 kg 5° 135 135 --- 144 132
23.600 kg 5° 119 121 --- 130 119
10° 125 125 --- 134 123 10° 111 112 --- 121 111
64.000 lbs 15° 120 120 --- 128 118
52.000 lbs 15° 107 108 --- 115 106
Eng. fail 14500 ft 35° --- --- --- 122 --- Eng. fail 20650 ft 35° --- --- --- 110 ---


0° --- --- 154 155 --- 0° --- --- 139 139 ---
28.100 kg 5° 133 133 --- 142 130
22.700 kg 5° 117 119 --- 127 117
10° 123 123 --- 132 121 10° 108 110 --- 119 109
62.000 lbs 15° 118 118 --- 126 116
50.000 lbs 15° 104 106 --- 113 105
Eng. fail 15500 ft 35° --- --- --- 120 --- Eng. fail 21650 ft 35° --- --- --- 108 ---


0° --- --- 152 153 --- 0° --- --- 136 137 ---
27.200 kg 5° 130 130 --- 139 128
21.800 kg 5° 114 116 --- 125 114
10° 121 121 --- 130 119 10° 105 108 --- 116 108
60.000 lbs 15° 116 116 --- 124 114
48.000 lbs 15° 102 104 --- 111 105
Eng. fail 16500 ft 35° --- --- --- 118 --- Eng. fail 22700 ft 35° --- --- --- 106 ---


0° --- --- 149 150 --- 0° --- --- 133 134 ---
26.300 kg 5° 128 128 --- 137 126
20.900 kg 5° 111 114 --- 122 112
10° 118 118 --- 128 117 10° 104 107 --- 114 108
58.000 lbs 15° 114 114 --- 122 112
46.000 lbs 15° 100 102 --- 108 105
Eng. fail 17500 ft 35° --- --- --- 116 --- Eng. fail 23850 ft 35° --- --- --- 104 ---


0° --- --- 147 147 --- 0° --- --- 131 131 ---
25.400 kg 5° 125 126 --- 135 124
20.000 kg 5° 109 112 --- 119 110
10° 116 116 --- 126 115 10° 104 108 --- 111 108
56.000 lbs 15° 112 112 --- 120 110
44.000 lbs 15° 100 102 --- 106 105
Eng. fail 18550 ft 35° --- --- --- 114 --- Eng. fail 25200 ft 35° --- --- --- 102 ---

0° --- --- 144 145 --- In Icing Condition,
24.500 kg 5° 122 124 --- 132 122 add 20kts to all speeds, and
10° 113 114 --- 123 113 subtract 5.000ft from the single engine operation altitude.
54.000 lbs 15° 109 110 --- 118 108
Eng. fail 19600 ft 35° --- --- --- 112 --- REV 04.02.2014

VR = Rotation Speed (V1 < VR)

V2 = Take-Off Safety Speed
VFTO = Final Take-Off Speed (= Drift Down Speed)
VA = Approach Speed
VGA = Go-Around Speed
Eng. fail 17500 ft = Single Engine Operation Max. Altitude in Feet.

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 26


Condition: BLEED ON, ANTI.ICE ON or OFF, NP 850

Long Range Cruise Power Torque Table (NP 850 RPM)

lbs 40.000 44.000 48.500 53.000 57.000 62.000 64.000
kg 18.100 20.000 22.000 24.000 25.900 28.100 29.000
TQ 32 35 38 41 45 48 51

Intermediate Speed Cruise Torque Table (NP 850 RPM)

FL -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30
250 50 51 50 47 44 38 -- -- --
240 51 52 52 49 46 41 -- -- --
220 54 55 55 52 49 46 41 -- --
200 57 57 57 55 52 49 44 -- --
180 -- 61 60 59 56 53 49 44 --
160 -- -- 62 61 59 56 52 47 --
140 -- -- 61 61 61 58 54 50 44
120 -- -- 60 60 60 59 56 53 48
100 -- -- 58 57 57 58 57 54 50

High Speed Cruise Torque Table (NP 850 RPM)

FL -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30
250 65 63 58 52 45 38 -- -- --
240 68 68 63 56 49 41 -- -- --
220 -- 73 68 62 55 48 41 -- --
200 -- 78 75 68 60 52 44 -- --
180 -- 84 83 76 68 59 50 -- --
160 -- -- 82 81 74 65 55 47 --
140 -- -- 78 80 80 73 63 52 --
120 -- -- 75 76 78 79 70 60 49
100 -- -- 71 72 74 75 74 66 55

REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 27


AC Alternating Current ELT Emergency Locator

A/C Aircraft Transmitter
ADC Air Data Computer ENG Engine
ADF Automatic Director ET Elapsed Time
Indicator EXT External
ALT Altitude FL Flight Level
ALT SEL Altitude Select FADEC Full Authority Digital
AOM Aircraft Operator Electronic Controller
Manual FMA Flight Mode
AP Auto Pilot Annunciator
APU Auxiliary Power Unit FMS Flight Management
ARCDU Audio and Radio System
Control Display Unit FP Flight Plan
ARM Armed FS Flight Simulator
ASI Air Speed Indicator FSFK Flight Simulator Flight
ATC Air Traffic Control Keeper
ATIS Air Traffic Information Ft Feet
Service GND Ground
AUX Auxiliary GPS Global Positioning
CAT Category System
CB(´s) Circuit Breaker(s) GPWS Ground Proximity
CG Center of Gravity Warning System
CHR Chronometer HGS Head-up Guidance
CI Cost Index System
DA Decision Altitude hPa Hectopascal
DC Direct Current HYD Hydraulic
DH Decision High ICAO International Civil
ED Engine Display Aviation Organisation
EFIS Electronic Flight IRS Inertial Reference
Instrumentation System System
EHSI Electronic Horizontal ISA International Standard
Situation Indicator Atmosphere
Kg Kilograms
REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch
Expanded Normal Checklist of DASH 8-402 28

kts Knots STBY Standby

lbs Pounds TA/RA Traffic Advisory /
LDG Landing / Landing Gear Resolution Advisory
LVL Level TCAS Traffic Alert and
MAN Manual Collision Avoidance
MAX Maximum System
MCL Max Climb Power T/O Take-Off
MCP Max Continuous Power TORA Take-Off Run Available
MCR Max Cruise Power TQ Torque
MDA Minimum Descent TRU Transformer Rectifier
Altitude Unite
MFD Multifunction Display UTC Universal Time
MTOP Max Take-Off Power Coordinated
NAV Navigation VHF Very High Frequency
NM Nautical Mile VLV Valve
NP Propeller Speed WX Weather
NTOP Normal Take-Off Power XACARS Virtual Aircraft
OAT Outside Air Communications
Temperature Addressing and
OFP Operation Flight Plan Reporting System
PAX Passenger
PFCS Powered Flight Control
PFD Primary Flight Display
PIC Pilot in Command
PTU Power Transfer Unit
PWR Power
QNH Altitude based on local
RDC Reduced
RPM Revolution per Minute
SAT Static Air Temperature
SID Standard Departure
SBY Standby
REV 25.11.2015 FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR ONLY! © Dietmar Walch

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