Fdocuments - in - Dash 8 402 Normal Checklist Description Uploadvirtual Dash 8 402 Normal Checklist PDF
Fdocuments - in - Dash 8 402 Normal Checklist Description Uploadvirtual Dash 8 402 Normal Checklist PDF
Fdocuments - in - Dash 8 402 Normal Checklist Description Uploadvirtual Dash 8 402 Normal Checklist PDF
Issue 2
This checklist is created for flight simulation purpose only! Do not use the “Austrian
virtual Dash 8-402 Normal Checklist” for real world aircraft! The normal checklist for
Austrian virtual is based on Tyrolean Airways real checklist. Unneeded items for flight
simulation are deleted in this checklist. Also unneeded checks (e.g. preflight checks,
walk around,…) are deleted. The checklist will be preceded by a “flow” during which
system will be set as required for the stage of flight. If the flow performed, a detailed
brake-down of items to be performed by the crew members is given in the respective
subsection depending on flight phase. After completion of the flow, read the checklist
step by step (move your finger from item to item) and confirm the required settings as
described. If you read…….IF REQUIRED, the actual status shall be called out.
If an item cannot be carried out at this time, stop the flow, and continue short after the
item are performed. By extended interruption or system malfunctions, start the
checklist from the first item of the required chapter. Every checklist should be end with
the wording “……. checklist completed”.
Perform also “sterile flight deck” procedure, during taxiing, and any flight phase below
10.000 ft. Not necessary paperwork or private communication should be done. Watch
the surrounding traffic and ground movements, and listen the ATC frequencies
1.12 FINAL
BATTERY MASTER................................................................................................ ON
BATTERIES ............................................................................................................ ON
Check all switches to ON position.
Caution: Do not start the engine with AC external power. TRU damage could occur!
Finished IRS alignment is indicated by an IRS NAV message of the FMS and an IRS NAV indication
on FMS DATA 2/4 page. After alignment the IRS position is identical to the FMS position, which can be
verified on FMS DATA 3/4 page.
Power up alignment takes 7 minutes, a quick alignment 1 minute. If alignment fails, IRS shall be shut
down and a power up alignment shall be initiated.
IGNITION....................................................................................................... NORMAL
The Transit Flight Deck Preparation is a short version of the Cockpit Preparation and should be
performed after a flight with none irregularities and no maintenance action required.
Finished IRS alignment is indicated by an IRS NAV message of the FMS and an IRS NAV indication
on FMS DATA 2/4 page. After alignment the IRS position is identical to the FMS position, which can be
verified on FMS DATA 3/4 page.
Power up alignment takes 7 minutes, a quick alignment 1 minute. If alignment fails, IRS shall be shut
down and a power up alignment shall be initiated.
RECIRCULATION FAN........................................................................................... ON
Recirculation fan switch to RECIRC
In case of Push-Back:
Nose Steering OFF
Park Brake OPEN
#2 Hydraulic CHECKED
“#2 Hydraulic pressure checked, ready for Pusch-Back”
Push-Back completed / Props unfeathered
During icing condition on ground and during taxiing switch PITOT STATIC and PLT SIDE WDO/H to
Note: With flap setting 0° restrictad rudder travel to 12° left and right is available and shall be
considered as “correct”.
AUTOFEATHER ........................................................................................SELECTED
Check A/F SELECT appears on ED.
Note: If taxi clearance received turn on taxi light and other required lights in
low visibility conditions or by night. In case of blinding switch off taxi or wing
inspection lights, but still remain the red anti-collision light on. If taxi light
unserviceable or provide insufficient illumination use the flare lights for taxiing.
Note: If MTOP required, bleeds must be switched OFF before setting MTOP!
MCP is the maximum allowed power setting with bleeds ON.
Note: If line up clearance received switch from RED to WHITE anti-collision light.
After receiving the take-off clearance switch the approach and landing lights ON.
Verify transponder switched to mode C.
Note: perform a type I climb (high speed climb) climb for normal operation. After passing clean
up altitude 1000ft AAL, set climb power to 850 RPM.
After setting climb power switch taxi and flare lights OFF. After passing 10.000ft switch
approach and logo light OFF. Following speed schedule should be performed: 210kts IAS up
to FL150, then decreasing by 5kts for each 1000ft above FL150 up to FL250.
1.12 FINAL
FLAPS ............................................................................................. 15 / 15 OR 35 / 35
Check flap in required position and call-out flap setting, “15 / 15”, or ”35 / 35”.
Note: Ground power unit should provide not less than 25V output current!
BATTERY MASTER................................................................................................ ON
BATERIES ............................................................................................................ OFF
Main battery switch to OFF
Auxiliary battery switch to OFF
Standby battery switch to OFF
Wind inclination = 30°
Wind velocity = 32kts
Headwind comp. = 28kts
Crosswind comp. = 16kts
0° --- --- 144 145 --- In Icing Condition,
24.500 kg 5° 122 124 --- 132 122 add 20kts to all speeds, and
10° 113 114 --- 123 113 subtract 5.000ft from the single engine operation altitude.
54.000 lbs 15° 109 110 --- 118 108
Eng. fail 19600 ft 35° --- --- --- 112 --- REV 04.02.2014