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Ten Steps All Workplaces Can Take to

Reduce Risk of Exposure to Coronavirus

All workplaces can take the following infection prevention
measures to protect workers:

1. Encourage workers to 7. Regularly clean and

➊ stay home if sick.
➐ disinfect surfaces,
equipment, and other
2. Encourage respiratory
➋ etiquette, including
elements of the work
covering coughs and
sneezes. 8. Use Environmental
➑ Protection Agency
3. Provide a place to wash
➌ hands or alcohol-based
(EPA)-approved cleaning
chemicals with label claims
hand rubs containing at
against the coronavirus.
least 60% alcohol.
9. Follow the manufacturer’s
4. Limit worksite access
➍ ➒ instructions for use of all
to only essential workers,
cleaning and disinfection
if possible.
5. Establish flexible worksites
➎ 10. Encourage workers to
(e.g., telecommuting) ➓ report any safety and
and flexible work hours
health concerns.
(e.g., staggered shifts),
if feasible.
6. Discourage workers from For more information, visit
➏ using other workers’ www.osha.gov/coronavirus or
phones, desks, or other call 1-800-321-OSHA (6742).
work tools and equipment.
OSHA 3994-04 2020

1-800-321-OSHA (6742)
TTY 1-877-889-5627

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