Lesson 5: Selection: Akos Ledeczi and Mike Fitzpatrick

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Lesson 5: Selection


Akos Ledeczi and Mike Fitzpatrick

 Sequential control
◦ Sequence of commands executed one after the other
 MATLAB interpreter
◦ Part of the MATLAB program that interprets and
executes the various commands
◦ Sequential control: default
 Control construct
◦ A method by which the interpreter selects the next
command to execute
◦ Sequential control: default
◦ Selection or Branching
 Most common selection construct: if-statement
 Example:
function guess_my_number(x)
if x == 2
fprintf('Congrats! You guessed my number.\n');
 Begins with control statement
◦ if keyword followed by a condition
 Ends with statement: end
 In between: statements to be executed if
and only if condition is true
control statement

x == 2

control statement

x == 2

control statement

x == 2

 Executing a different set of statements
based on the condition:

function guess_my_number(x)
if x == 2
fprintf('Congrats! You guessed my number!\n');
fprintf('Not right, but a good guess.\n');
control statement

x == 2


control statement

x == 2


control statement

x == 2


 if-statement:

if conditional
 Produces a result that depends on
the relation between its two operands
 It can appear outside if-statements!
 Logical values:
◦ Non-zero: true
◦ Zero: false
◦ MATLAB returns 1 for true
 How to combine logical values?
 Logical operators:
 not:
◦ flips the value of its (single) operand
 and:
◦ true if and only if both of its operands are true
 or:
◦ false if and only if both of its operands are false

false false false true truefalse

 not:
◦ flips the value of its (single) operand
 and:
◦ true if and only if both of its operands are true
 or:
◦ false if and only if both of its operands are false
>> help precedence

1. transpose (.'), power (.^), complex conjugate

transpose ('), matrix power (^)
2. unary plus (+), unary minus (-), logical negation (~)
3. multiplication (.*), right division (./), left
division (.\), matrix multiplication (*), matrix right
division (/), matrix left division (\)
4. addition (+), subtraction (-)
5. colon operator (:)
6. less than (<), less than or equal to (<=),
greater than(>), greater than or equal to (>=),
equal to (==), not equal to (~=)
7. element-wise logical AND (&)
8. element-wise logical OR (|)
9. short-circuit logical AND (&&)
10. short-circuit logical OR (||)
 if-statements can contain other if-statements
 Consider the example with a single if-
elseif- else statement:

function ultimate_question(x)
if x == 42
fprintf('Wow! You answered the
question.\n'); elseif x < 42
fprintf('Too small. Try again.\n');
fprintf('Too big. Try again.\n');
 Here is a version with nesting:

function ultimate_question_nested(x)
if x == 42
fprintf('Wow! You answered the question.\n');
if x < 42
fprintf('Too small. Try again.\n');
fprintf('Too big. Try again.\n');
 Here is another version with nesting:

function ultimate_question_nested2(x)
if x <= 42
if x == 42
fprintf('Wow! You answered the question.\n');
fprintf('Too small. Try again.\n');
fprintf('Too big. Try again.\n');
 Functions that behave differently based on
◦ Number of input or output arguments
◦ Type of input or output arguments
 Many built-in functions are
polymorphic (sqrt, max, size, plot, etc.)
 How do we make our
functions polymorphic?
 Two built-in functions:
◦ nargin: returns the number of actual input
arguments that the function was called with
◦ nargout: returns the number of output
arguments that the function caller requested
function [table summa] = multable(n, m)

 The function multable returns an n-by-m

multiplication table in the output argument table
 Optionally, it can return the sum of all elements
in the output argument summa
 If m is not provided, it returns and n-by-n matrix
function [table summa] = multable(n, m)

if nargin < 2
m = n;

table = (1:n)' * (1:m);

if nargout == 2
summa = sum(table(:));
 A function declaration specifies:
◦ Name of the function,
◦ Number of input arguments, and
◦ Number of output arguments
 Function code and documentation specify:
◦ What the function does, and
◦ The type of the arguments
◦ What the arguments represent
 Robustness
◦ A function is robust if it handles erroneous input and
output arguments, and
◦ Provides a meaningful error message
function [table summa] = multable(n, m)

if nargin < 1
error('must have at least one input argument');
if nargin < 2
m = n;
elseif ~isscalar(m) || m < 1 || m ~= fix(m)
error('m needs to be a positive integer');
if ~isscalar(n) || n < 1 || n ~= fix(n)
error('n needs to be a positive integer');

table = (1:n)' * (1:m);

if nargout == 2
summa = sum(table(:));
 Extra text that is not part of the code
 MATLAB disregards it

 Anything after a % is a comment until the end

of the line
 Purpose:
◦ Extra information for human reader
◦ Explain important or complicated parts of the program
◦ Provide documentation of your functions
 Comments right after the function declaration
are used by the built-in help function
function [table summa] = multable(n, m)

%MULTABLE multiplication table.

% T = MULTABLE(N) returns an N-by-N matrix
% containing the multiplication table for
% the integers 1 through N.
% MULTABLE(N,M) returns an N-by-M matrix.
% Both input arguments must be positive
% integers.
% [T SM] = MULTABLE(...) returns the matrix
% containing the multiplication table in T
% and the sum of all its elements in SM.

if nargin < 1
error('must have at least one input argument');

>> help multable
 Variables:
◦ Local
◦ Global
◦ Persistent
 Persistent variable:
◦ It’s a local variable, but its value persists from one
call of the function to the next.
◦ Relatively rarely used
◦ None of the bad side effects of global variables.

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