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Durian - The King of Tropical Fruits: Ground Level Bud Union

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detoxifying effects on the body.

Homegrown Biotech has 18 Complex just before or

DURIAN - THE KING OF TROPICAL been working extensively on the improvement and during the monsoon in
FRUITS propagation of durian. June/July and after the
monsoon in September/
Durian, hailed the ‘King of Fruits,' is a highly prized fruit in
WHERE TO GROW October. A mature, yielding
the world. The genus Durio is tree can receive 2 or 3 kg of
native to Southeast Asia with complete fertilizer per year.
Durian is an evergreen tree with its canopy taking
its centre of origin in Fertilizer application should be
conical to semi-elliptical shape. The plant thrives
Borneo. As a rainforest followed based on soil test and/or
in a hot, humid tropical climate characterized by
tree, it typically attains leaf tissue analysis.
high humidity of over 80%,
heights of 30 to 40 m
rainfall of 200 to 300 cm evenly
and diameters of 2 to Durian trees generally live for 80 to 150 years, but are
distributed throughout
2.5m, but the capable of living for several centuries. Budlings begin to bear
the year, and uniform
cultivated varieties in fruits in 4 or 5 years. Trees are considered young from 6 to 15
temperatures of 22oC to
an orchard, especially years, middle-aged from 15 to 25 years, and older after 25
330C. Durian has a
when grafted, grow no years. Fruit production decreases in very old trees, but fruit
protracted juvenile period
higher than 12 m. Durian quality increases with age. Hence fruits from older trees are
of 6 to 8 years, mono- Ground level
Bud Union
has immense potential to be priced high.
seasonal annual Top soil
developed into a viable fruit crop in Planting Hole
flowering and slow Decomposed cowdung
the wet tropical regions of South India.
turnover of generations.
Super Phosphate
Neem cake

3 x 3 feet Planting Pit

You will love durian or hate it, but you will never be
PLANTING The flowering season of durian is from February / March with
indifferent to it. The smell can be extremely repulsive for
MATERIALS a peak in mid March. Durian flowers are mildly fragrant. A
some, while irresistible for others. Interestingly, you will minimum of 3 or 4 weeks of dry weather is needed to
grow to love the experience of eating a durian with stimulate flowering. It takes about 6
The preferred planting material is
repetitive exposure. Some describe durian as the food weeks for a durian flower to
budling. The budling is easy to spot. It is shaped like a large
of love, creating such levels of euphoria that develop from a tiny bud to an
Christmas tree and the branches grow out from the main
you may get “addicted” to it. However, open flower. Durian flowers
trunk in every direction.
there are no side effects to durian are normally open from
addiction other than bliss and
HOW TO PLANT around 3 pm to midnight.
happiness, and high nutrition. They are mainly pollinated
Durian grows best in fertile, deep soils with abundant by bats. Usually 1 or 2
HEALTH BENEFITS durian fruits develop from
organic matter and a pH of 5 to 6.5. About 30 or 35
budlings can be planted in one acre of land. Pits each flower cluster. Durian
Durian is exceptionally rich in fruit is round to oblong in
should be dug out, 3x3x3 ft in size, and should be
calcium, iron, magnesium, shape, greenish or yellowish
phosphorus, potassium, zinc, filled with top soil mixed with 3 or 4 pots of well
tan brown and covered with
copper and manganese, thiamin, decomposed cow-dung manure or compost. A kilo
sharp spiny rind. Rind is so tough
riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, of dolomite is also recommended to be mixed with
that when a fruit falls to the ground, no
vitamin B-6, folic acid, vitamin A etc. the top soil to correct the pH of the soil based on soil test.
major damage is caused to the edible portion.
Durian has a compound called After filling the pit, make a planting hole of the size of
the budling ball, and plant with the bud patch above
phyto-estrogen, which is known to boost fertility in POPULAR VARIETIES
humans. the soil level. Additional fertilizers can be given after
four months of planting. As a general Durian has several excellent varieties. The most popular ones
Durian is exceptionally high in protein and fat, and 100% recommendation, give 2 or 3 pots of organic are Musang King, Sultan, D24, Red Prawn, Mon Thong,
cholesterol free. While it helps build strength by providing compost or farmyard manure twice per year. For Phuang Manee, Chanee, Black thorn, D101, D99 etc.
excellent calories, it also helps lose weight with its strong growing plants, provide a split dose of 250 g of


Root and Stem Rot: Rot: This is caused by Phytophthora

palmivora. The durian roots will rot and become Pala
brown. If rot is serious, the leaves at the tip of
branches become yellow, stop their Ponkunnam
development, and fall off. The leaves at the
base of the branch fall down later than the Manimala

leaves at the end of the branch. A juicy spot Ranni

may develop with water runoff at the foot of the
Mannamplackal Jn.
tree. If this spreads around the entire foot of the tree, all Direct Depot - Cheppumpara
Govt. Hospital Jn.
leaves will fall off and eventually the tree will die. Under etta
humid conditions with frequent rain, the fungus will spread Kanjirapally Era
Kurishinkal Jn. a
to big branches where it will cause juicy spots, change of Mannarkayam Jn. dup
tissue colour, and yellowing of leaves. Kanjirapally Petta Jn.
Vayal Jn. Anchilippa Jn.

How to prevent: Apply fertilizer and dolomite to adjust pH Chenappady Jn.

and to optimize nutrition provided to the trees. Preferably
26th Mile
apply adequate amount of FYM and organic manure-culture

such as “Jeevamrutham” to improve soil quality and Mother Farm

development of beneficial microorganisms. Apply

hi J
Trichoderma-enriched FYM to antagonize soil borne lJyot
A ma
diseases. The disease prefers humid conditions. Pruning of Kuruvamozhy Jn.
branches will allow more air movement, which will lower the


humidity. Improve drainage to avoid flooding or extreme


wetness of the soil.

If there is infection, prune infected branches and fruits, and Distance Towards Mother Farm
burn them to destroy the microbes. Remove rotted fruits that
fall on the ground and burn them. Apply Metalaxyl (Ridomil
Kanjirapally Petta Jn.
Gold) fungicide on the wounds on the pruned areas.
Amal Jyothi Jn.

Leaf Spot: This is caused by Rhizoctonia solani.

How to control: Spray 0.5 ml/l Tilt (Propicanozole) every

seven days for three times.

Mother Farm:
Vizhikkathodu P.O., Kanjirappally, Kottayam Dist.
Ph: 04828 297001. Email: [email protected]
Direct Outlet:
Vizhikkathodu Ph: 81139 66600
Kanjirappally Ph: 81139 66611
Thiruvalla 6662
Ph: 81139 66622
Adimaly Ph: 6663
Ph 81139 66633

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