Financial Issues in Project Schedule of The Construction Industry in Pakistan

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10(23), ISSUE 1/2020

ISSN: 2247-3769 / e-ISSN: 2284-7197 ART.NO. 289 pp. 89-94


SHAIKH Fazal Ali a,*, ODHANO Nasrullah a, JHATIAL Ashfaque Ahmed b, c
Department of Economics, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan, email: * [email protected]
Department of Civil Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Campus,
Khairpur Mirs, Sindh, Pakistan
Department of Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Received: 06.01.2020 / Accepted: 26.02.2020/ Revised: 09.03.2020 / Available online: 31.05.2020

DOI: 10.2478/jaes-2020-0014

KEYWORDS: Financial issues, Delay; construction industry; Project schedule; project monitoring


Monetary concerns in structural schemes cause serious ramifications that may impede the expansion of schemes and impact the
entire fiscal conditions of any country. The study highlights the issues of finance procrastinates in construction schemes. Aim to find
the prominent issues on finance-related hurdles, which lead to production obstructions and to explore do able resolutions to
overcome monetary connected production delays. The date was accumulated via a survey-based questionnaire and followed by the
survey-based interviews. The responses were concluded from the amalgamation of clients, advisors, bankers, and brokers in the
questionnaire. Brokers’ unsteady monetary conditions. Customers’ weak monetary and trade administration hinders in getting
financial support from financers besides inflation were found as the most prominent problems. The outcomes highlight customers
have the most significant function in reducing the influence of monetary issues regarding scheme procrastination. Suggestions and
recommendations to reduce monetary- related procrastinations are presented accordingly.

1. INTRODUCTION impact that makes the other fields healthy and wealthy “The
working group of the construction industry on Payment”.
Prosticanation is a significant issue in the construction field is
also a significant issue to the fulfillment of a scheme. In the view The industry of construction is termed the most hazardous,
of Shen et al. (2001), most of the constructions schemes often dynamic, vibrant and challenging trade that suffered a
cannot be achieved within the predetermined bond time. The momentary turmoil in the years (1997 – 2000) during the crisis
issue of procrastination in schemes is a universal phenomenon of ASEFAN financial turmoil, however, it had enhanced with
across the globe. Just one-eighth of construction agreements were the passage of time since then. Having said that procrastinations
completed within the given timeframe in Austalia the moreover still happen to schemes since the industry is deemed to be
the average time turn over surpasses forty percent (40%) famous for poor-risk administration with several schemes fail to
(Bromilow, 1974). Therefore, the production field in the country meet time frameworks besides the cost targets. The study has
(Malaysia) a rapidly developing country is not set apart rest of purpose to specify the chief problems of monetary- linked
the world round about 17.3% of 417 governmental bonds in the problems leading towards building procrastination in the country
country were deemed poor / sick with the delay exceeded to (Malaysia) to evaluate the distinctions in the perception besides
thirteen weeks or deserted Yau and Sambasivan, 2007). attitude of the four (4) prominent firms parties “brokers,
customers, advisors also finance experts such as bankers” about
The industry of construction is a significant industry that raised monetary- related procrastination. In addition to this to explore
an economical increase (Jhatial et al., 2018; Sohu et al., 2018) in the doable solutions to reduce those types of procrastination.
Malaysia. Worth of the total contribution of the construction
companies to the country's Gross domestic production ‘GDP’ is 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
prominently totaling for almost 3.3% of the GDP, in 2005 apart
from 600,000 labors and workers (Malbex, 2005). The addition When it comes to the constructions, the delay is common
enlarged to 4.6% in 2007, that is the largest increase right from phenomena to schemes. In addition to this, the procrastination
the year 1999. The industry of construction faces big challenges vary scheme to scheme some proportion of the scheme left
since it is fundamental to developing wealth, enhancing the behind weeks and months the other beyond the years (Ahmed et
excellency of life of the inhabitants via rendering the services of al., 2003).
communal and financial infrastructure. in addition to this it
connects the entire spectrum of finance along with multiplier

*Corresponding author: SHAIKH Fazal Ali, Department of Economics, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan, email:
[email protected] 89
ISSN: 2247-3769 / e-ISSN: 2284-7197 ART.NO. 289 pp. 89-94

The delay in building can be elaborated to be time upset both The late payment is termed as a malfunction of payer for paying
beyond the time and the date according to the contract of scheme within the specific time exaltation of documentations as
that is mutually signed by both parties (Al- Hejji, and Assaf, presented in the bond (Harris and Fraser, 2003). Both parties are
2006). Jagbora and Aibinu (2002) explain procrastination as a engaged in the procedure of the claim for payment. For
situation in which the broker and the owner of the scheme instance, customers, brokers, architects, superintending officers,
collectively lead to the non-completion of schemes within the bankers, quantity surveyor besides the other construction
mutually decided timeframe. Callahan & Bramble (1987) experts may reason a payment to be procrastinated. The belated
describe the delay as the duration of time in which some payment by a firm who is engaged in the procedure of making a
proportion of the construction scheme has been prolonged or not payment claim can have an impact entirely on the payment of
accomplished because of the unfavorable circumstances. the supply chain. In the view construction field group of
Therefore, the procrastination is a circumstance in which the working on payment (Gardezi et al., 2014) issues in terms of
work part is being delayed. payment at the superior end the organization lead towards
crucial damage on cash steam issue on the string of bonds. The
The procrastination in building schemes head to crucial explored reasons for delayed payment are as follows:
ramifications that may delay the progress of the building field
also impact the entire financial situation of state (s) Manthar et 1. hold back of amount by customers
al., 2017). With the accordance of Shen (1997), procrastination in 2. The weak financial and business administration of customers
the conclusion and completion of construction schemes can be 3. postponement in assessment and documentation of
the major reason for additional costs also loss in the monetary
provisional payment by professional
margin or other advantages out of the project. Therefore,
procrastination is expensive for both parties: owners or brokers. 4. The illogical claims of brokers
For a contractor, procrastination is tantamount increasing costs to 5. inadequate records besides information for estimation
the expected amount of capital. As for as an owner is concerned 6. inexactness of estimation for work completed
loss of potential income. 7. intense work burden of the expert to assess labor made
8. association of several parties in the procedure of veneration
Several types of research (Sohu et al., 2018; Ullah et al., 2018) credentials.
were carried out to explore the uncommon reasons for
procrastination in domestic building projects having the purpose
2.1 Cash Flow Issues
to reduce the duration of delays besides its influence. The major
proportion of the survey outcomes (Al-Khalil and Al-Ghafly, The significant dimension of every cash course administration is
1999; Frimpong and Oluwoye, 2003) illustrate that monetary- to keep away from prolonging the dearth of cash that are
related issues. Ahmed et al. (2003), the feasible monetary factors happened to have a huge gap between the flows: outflows
that head to procrastinations in Malaysian construction schemes besides inflows. The flow of cash administration is explained to
are the monetary issues of customers. For example, delay in be a course of examining, adjusting, and evaluating the
payments economic issues and financial hurdles; the monetary scheme's cash flow. Therefore, the aptly administrated cash
and cash flow issues of a broker; the outer element of weak flow is momentous for making the delivery as a successful
financial conditions. For instance, inflation and currency rate. scheme by doing the cash flow evaluating on a routine basis to
More importantly, troubles in getting credit (Keerio et al., 2017) explore the problems and issues of the cash flow. To evaluate
moreover, the scarcity of financial support are the tough the cash flow scheme the forecasting of the cash flow is the
monetary-linked factors that were found in the review of the prominent technique to get off from cash flow issues and
literature. The instigators accumulated nineteen “19” probable problems after this area the next significant factor is to
factors of monetary-linked scheme procrastination out of the strengthen employees' techniques to sustain and maintain a
studies carried out by Ahmed et al. (2003) & Keerio et al. sufficient flow of cash for schemes. Hence the well-organized
(2017), also specified those studies in Table 1 explanation on course of the cash flow enhances the cash flow also augment
every kind of Monetary- related reasons are highlighted as time management of any scheme. On the other hand, poorly,
follows: conversely administrated the cash flow illustrates the vice-
versa. The reasons for the cash flow of administration is
highlighted in the Table 1 below:

Table 1. Financial issues

Category Division Sub-categories. Sub-division

The weak monetary and trade administration
Hold back of the amount by the customer
Infirm claims from the end of the broker
Procrastination in assessment besides assurance of invalid payment by advisors.
Payment issues the issues of payment
Imprecision of the sum for accomplished work
Valuation inadequate certification besides valuation
Unnecessary engagement of several parties in the course of honoring documentation
The bulky workload of advisors for making a valuation for diverse orders
Dealing with several schemes at the same time by brokers’
The issues related to monetary resources
The fluctuated monetary background of a broker
Non-qualified broker underbidding the value of the scheme

ISSN: 2247-3769 / e-ISSN: 2284-7197 ART.NO. 289 pp. 89-94

Scarcity of constant flow of anticipating

Poor credit management with both: debtors and creditors
Lock-up of the finance
Hurdles in getting advances from investors
The issues related to monetary resources
The budged of state in terms of allocation, not in place
Penalty or increment margin while repaying the loan
The issues concerned with the market Inflation, labour wages the cost material besides the cost of transportation
Increase in foreign trade cost “import plants besides Materials

2.2 Financial Resource Issues:

1. Payment delay
Kaming et al. (1997) found that scarcity of resources is one of T 2. Cash flow problems
the most significant factors that cause procrastination to high- H 3. Lack of financial resources
risk schemes in Indonesia. Ubaid (1991) carried out a survey E 4. Variability of the financial marketplace
found that the brokers’ assets are one of the prominent
determiners when it comes to the function of contractors’ G
performance that causing procrastination. The assets encompass R
monetary resources, material resources, tool based resources, and E
human resources. Hence, just monetary assets are highlighted in A The more problem of cash flow
the study. According to Rahman et al., (2006) pointed out that T
scarcity of grants can influence the scheme’s cash flow besides E
leading to procrastination of the place possession that results in R
reasons procrastination to the scheme. The elements that could The more problem of construction delay
impede inadequate monetary assets are as follow. Hurdles in
earning loans from investors. 2. The budget of the state does not Figure 1. Association among the main problem and sub-
place properly. Moreover (Kumaraswamy & Chan 1998) carried problems
a study and identified the main factors of delay in running
projects and identified that financial resources are one major The cash flow of brokers affected by the delayed payment of the
cause of delay. customer (Batool & Abbas, 2017). In addition to this
inconsistency of the monetary market will entail additional
2.3 Issues of market: monetary commitment that is away from the worth of contractor
for that he is not equipped. Hence, the broker needs to look for
Ahmed et al. (2003), stated that the intrinsic element of weak extra monetary assets in the gab of advance from banks. In
economic conditions. For instance, inflation and currency rate certain cases loan is something tough to earn from banks since
could specifically make an influence on the scheme’s cash flow the financial institutions have hard rules and regulations of
also impacts the time-based performance of the scheme. The borrow’s monetary condition. Because of delay or malfunction
reasons for monetary marketplace inconsistency that lead the in obtaining loans scarcity of monetary assets at that time can
problems of cash flow in building schemes. For instance, 1. head to the deficits that ultimately cause procrastinations to the
Increase to interest at the time of repayment. 2. The increase rate scheme. Every variable is connected. The connection between
of material, besides transportation and the wages of labours. 3. the variable generates a repetitive cycle (Shahbaz et al., 2019).
Increase of foreign trade margin for importing plants and,
material. (Lundin et al., 2015) carried research by using the
questionnaire survey and identified that issues at the market also
cause a delay in construction projects in Ghana. The study implemented both approaches: a quantitative and
qualitative, and a survey-based questionnaire along with the
Delay in payment, inadequate monetary assets, weak cash flow interview. The questionnaire was carried out to be a numerical
administration besides financial market inconsistency is included method to explore the chief elements of monetary –connected
in the independent variable. Figure 1. Illustrates the schemes issues. To accumulate the data with a qualitative research
with the explicit connection between the main cause and sub- method that is the interview better known as the exploratory
cause. the figure also shows that the larger the procrastination in pilot interview was carried out with an expert on construction
terms of payment because of the broker, the more the cash flow for getting the beginning knowledge about the reasons for
issues the greater the length of procrastination; the weak flow of money related issues in the field of building and construction.
cash administration causes the higher cash flow issues . in The pilot interviews were applied like the arrangement for the
addition to this the prolonger the extent of procrastinations the design of questionnaire besides the items accumulated out of the
higher the scarcity of monetary assets; larger the inconsistency of review of literature.moreover, the survey of questionnaire
monetary area the higher the cash flow problems and finally, the stressed on four main divisions of the participants in building
poor flow of cash administration by a customer of building schemes that encompass advisors, brokers, customers’ (quantity
scheme causes a delayed payment to builder, contractor or surveyors and building architects), and financial experts. The
brokers’. questionnaire was given to an unsystematic sample of 152
customers, 254 brokers, and 147 consultants moreover, Eight 8
bankers inhabited. one-month was mandatory for the
contributors to return the filled forms of the survey afterward
filling it.

ISSN: 2247-3769 / e-ISSN: 2284-7197 ART.NO. 289 pp. 89-94

Having acquired the data was qualified via the survey-based 4.1 Payment issues
questionnaire eight (8) participants were picked out for following
up qualitative research questions (interviews) for the deep-down It is illustrated in the Table 4 (brokers’ invalid claim) was
understanding of their responses which they gave in the highlighted by customers to be the most distinguished reason
questionnaire the interviews were carried out to reinforce their for delayed payment along with 59, hold back of the amount by
viewpoints. Such type approached was used as the research customer was scaled 202 by brokers’ ( customers’weak
engaged to explore questions and participants were supposed to monetary and trade administration” was given 15 by finance
provide detail responses towards the significant dimensions of experts. The Table 5 defines that brokers’ infirm monetary
the answers that could be investigated into. The four prominent background was decided by customers bankers and the
parties were engaged in building schemes the two participants consultant to be the most distinguished to weak cash flow
from every party covered in the following-up interviews. administration along with attained at sixty-two (62), 17 and 17.

4. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND RESULTS Table 2. profile of the Respondents

Forms are given 543 questionnaires 115 questionnaires were Group Sent Acknowledged
accomplished then returned that obtained the entire comeback No. (%) No. (%)
and response ratio at 19.71% by summing the 110 collected Customer 152 28 31 20
questionnaire fifty (50) from brokers, sixteen (16) from Contractor 254 47 50 19
customers four forms from bankers’ end while forty (40) from Designer 147 27 40 27
advisors. The Table 2 illustrates the feedback ratio of every party
financial expert 8 1 4 4
the greatest response reached to 45% obtained from brokers,
advisors’ responses (36%) and customers’response (15%) Sum 543 100 115 100
besides bankers’ (4%) wholly the eight interviews were
accomplished in which the two participants took part from every
party. Table 3 shows a concise summary of the interviewees.

Table 3. Interviewees’ profiles

Examinee Position of Examinee Experience of Examinee in years

Banker No. 1 Senior Sales 8 years
Banker No. 2 Office manager 13 years
Consultant No. 1 Quantity surveyor/staff 9 years
Consultant No. 2 Quantity surveyor/staff 9 years
Contractor No. 1 Project engineer 19 years
Contractor No. 2 Project Manager 23 years
Client No. 1 Engineer 9 years
Client No. 2 Project manager 19 years

Table 4. Causes of payment issues

Causes of late payment
Owner Contractor Designer Banker Total
a) customers’ weak monetary and trade administration 58 197 172 15 442
b) Withhold of payment by client/ hold back of the amount 58 202 152 15 427
c) Contractor’s invalid claim/ brokers’ infirm claims 59 153 135 12 359
d) procrastination in terms of valuation and documentation of pro term payment by
55 185 127 10 377
e) The inaccuracy of valuation for work done/ the inexactness of valuation for
56 168 113 10 347
accomplished work.
f) Insufficient documentation and information for valuation/
Insufficient documentation and information for inadequate certification besides 54 170 139 12 375
information of valuation
g) engagements of more than due parties in the procedure of honoring documentation. 48 191 140 14 393
h) intense loads of work of advisors for evaluation for accomplishing wok 41 150 119 10 320
i) misinterpretation of brokers to meet the customers’ necessities of diverse order 43 154 137 10 344

Table 5. Causes of cash flow issues

Causes to poor cash flow management
Owner Contractor Designer Banker Total
A) Brokers dealing with several schemes at the same time 58 174 153 11 396
B) Brokers’ inconsistence monetary background 62 195 167 17 441

ISSN: 2247-3769 / e-ISSN: 2284-7197 ART.NO. 289 pp. 89-94

C) untrained supplier underbidding the chime value 61 200 165 10 436

D) Scarcity of frequent cash flow estimating 58 197 155 15 425
E) Weak finance agreement with creditors besides defaulters 57 190 154 13 414
F) the lock-up of capital 56 188 151 16 411

Table 6. Causes of insufficient financial resources

Causes to inadequate financial incomes
Owner Contractor Designer Banker Total
a) difficulty in being paid loan from bankers 54 167 151 11 383
b) provision of state’s budget inproper placement 57 181 157 9 404

Table 7. Causes of market problems

Causes of financial market instability
Owner Contractor Designer Banker Total
a) increase of margin rate at the time of repaying the loan 54 167 141 11 373
b) increase (the prices of material the wages of labour , the cost of transportation ) 59 197 171 14 441
c) augmentation of overseas trade rate (imported matter besides the plants) 57 179 139 13 388

Table 8. Noteworthy Procrastination caused by fiscal Concerns

Financial problems
Owner Contractor Designer Banker Total
delayed payment 58 212 165 15 450
weak cash flow administration 60 211 174 19 464
inadequate fiscal assets 64 198 172 17 451
Monetary fluctuation of market 54 188 161 15 418

4.2 Financial resources issues of weak cash administration (score=349) is the majority
recurrent reason of postponement happens in the building
Significant delays caused by financial issues are shown in Table industry, chased by “delayed payment” (score=232),
6 which shows that the advisors, bankers, and brokers “inadequate financial assets” (score=231), and “fiscal market
unanimously, settled that hurdles in earning finance from flux” (score=228). It settled that “the weak flow of managing”
investors were the most significant element that poses inadequate
was the core reason for procrastination the four proficient
fiscal assets in the field of industry with points/ score at 180, parties, whilst “delayed payment” was just decided by the three
148, and 14, accordingly. On the contrary, customers agreed that specialized parties apart from bankers. There were 66% of
the distribution of the state’s misplacement of the financial plan participants approved that customers have the maximum
was the distinguish reason to inadequacy fiscal resources with a liability to decrease financial-related procrastination, followed
ratio of 53%. Hence the entire outcomes illustrated that hurdles by the brokers at 30, counselors at 8, fiscal experts at 5, and the
in earning finance from the end of investors were the most state at just 1.
distinguish reason to inadequate fiscal assets along with points of
394. Table 7 indicates that in common the element of inflation of
4.3 Recommended solutions for financial issues
material rate, the cost of transportation the wages of workers was
the most specific cause towards monetary market inadequacy Doable resolution to reduce fiscal related procrastination was
with the entire ratio at 454. The four certified parties rated the
accumulated at the time of following up interviews. In terms of
scores (customers, brokers, consultants, and bankers were 61;
payment, it was unanimously agreed that customers were
211; 164 and 18 respectively.
supposed to pay an instant payment in the account of the
supplier as for as the cash administration flow is concerned the
Table 8 explains the most highlighted fiscal problems heading to four recommendations and suggestions are given as follow: 1. to
procrastination in building schemes. It illustrates in the table 8, construct the market by separating the development of housing
the weak cash flow administration addition the most to into the two divisions to carry guidance on the cash flow
procrastination (score=464), chased by “inadequate fiscal assets” administration and fiscal organization. About the flow of cash
(score= 451), “delayed payment” (score=450) also “fiscal market management, recommendations were proposed to broker also
unsteadiness” (score=418). The Table 9 illustrates that the flow comprised 1) to access the risk administration in administration
material, workers, transportation besides maintenance; 2. Being
extra vigilant in terms of accommodating the bond besides
choosing an upright paymaster; 3 to use the amount bond with
financial institutes (banks) and customers. Law supposed to be
modified to convey a vivid message to the builders and
customers as to transparency the amount.

ISSN: 2247-3769 / e-ISSN: 2284-7197 ART.NO. 289 pp. 89-94

Table 9. Financial-related causes that frequently occur

Score (rank 1 = most frequent, 4 = least frequent)
Financial issues
Client Contractor Consultant Banker Total
Delayed payment 30 131 88 8 257
the weak cash flow administration 60 149 134 11 354
inadequate fiscal assets 31 89 88 15 223
The inadequacy of fiscal market 41 79 91 4 215

39 Annual Conference of the Associated Schools of Construction. Clemson,
5. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY South Carolina: Clemson University. Final report, Miami F (Vol. 1, p.
The outcomes indicate the basic cause of fiscal related
procrastination is chiefly because of the weak management of the Aibinu, A. A., & Jagboro, G. O. (2002). “The effects of construction delays
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the rise in prices were found to be the most prominent cause 10(9), 57-65.
towards each of the four chief elements stated above.
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(Mehr & Omran, 2013). By keeping this view, severe action 94.
upon the inappropriate payment trend supposed to be
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6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Keerio, M. A., Sohu, S., Mangi, S. A., Bhatti, N. U. K., & Ullah, K. (2017).
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issues. Unanimously it considers that customers should accept
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“Factors adversely affecting quality in highway projects of Pakistan”,
organized the cash flow to gain an instant payment supposed to International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, 5(10), 62-66.
be prevailed in the days to come.
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“Determining the critical success factors for highway construction projects in
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