Adaptive Sequentially Weighted Median Filter For Image Highly Corrupted by Impulse Noise
Adaptive Sequentially Weighted Median Filter For Image Highly Corrupted by Impulse Noise
Adaptive Sequentially Weighted Median Filter For Image Highly Corrupted by Impulse Noise
ABSTRACT To tackle the difficulties in the detection and removal of impulse noise faced by the existing
filters, and to further improve the denoising performance, we propose an adaptive sequentially weighted
median filter for image corrupted by impulse noise. In the proposed method, a noise detector employing the
3σ principle of normal distribution and the local intensity statistics, is proposed; and a sequentially weighted
median filter with a neighborhood of adaptive size, is proposed for noise removal, in which the weighted
operator is derived in reference to the spatial distances from central noisy pixel, i.e., the weighting coefficients
are sequentially inversely proportional to the spatial distances. The experimental results confirm that the
proposed method outperforms the existing filters, excelling in the capability of noise removal, structure and
edge information preservation.
INDEX TERMS Image denoising, median filter, noise detection, noise removal, sequentially weighted
median filter, 3σ principle.
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VOLUME 7, 2019 158545
J. Chen et al.: Adaptive Sequentially Weighted Median Filter for Image Highly Corrupted by Impulse Noise
the noisy pixels from the noise free ones having the same results, especially for high density noise, such as [14], [15].
intensity. In [15], the intensity estimation of noisy pixel is performed
(ii) A noise removal method employing sequentially by an adaptive weighted mean based on Euler distance; it is
weighted median of neighborhood of adaptive size; the claimed by the authors that this filter can achieve excellent
weighted operator employed is derived in reference to the noise removal and good edge preservation. Apart from this,
spatial distances from central noisy pixel, in which the mean filter integrated with median filter may achieve better
weighting coefficients are sequentially inversely proportional performance, such as [16]–[18]. In [18], the filter using pixel-
to the spatial distances, distinguishing accurately the various variation gain factors (PVGF) groups the neighbor pixels
contributions and impacts of neighbor pixels on the central having non-extreme intensity according to the intensity vari-
noisy pixel according to the distances. ation, and then, the distribution ratio and pixel variation level
The rest of this paper is organized by several parts as of each group are employed to determine the gain factors;
follows. Section II states the related works, followed by the thereafter, the value obtained by the gain factors multiplied
proposed method detailed in section III; the experiments and with the median of each group is taken as the estimated
result analyses are conducted in section IV; and section V intensity of noisy pixel.
concludes this paper. As improved versions of switching median or mean filter,
weighted filters [19]–[24] remove impulse noise by taking
II. RELATED WORKS the weighted median or mean of neighbor noise free pix-
For improving the standard median filter, researchers pro- els with a weighted operator, differentiating the contribu-
posed switching median filters [4]–[7], which discriminate tions and impacts of neighbor pixels on the central pixel by
the noisy pixels from the noise free ones prior to the noise weighted processing so as to achieve a better denoising result.
removal processing, so as to only make the detected noisy pix- The adaptive dynamically weighted median filter (ADWMF)
els undergo noise removal processing and keep the noise free [22] estimates the intensity of noisy pixel by employing
ones unchanged. Comparatively, the switching median filters the weighted median of a neighborhood of adaptive size;
protect the original information of noise free pixels. However, the weighted operator employed is derived from Gaussian
switching median filters are unable to handle various density surface. The filter using radial basis functions interpolation
of noise. Considering this issue, adaptive switching median (RBFI) in [24] estimates the intensity of noisy pixel with
filters [8]–[11] were proposed; they are robust for various radial basis functions interpolation, and then, refines the
density of impulse noise. Wang et al. [10] proposed a novel recovery image using a distance inversely weighted mean
learning-based switching median filter which detects noise by filter.
a learning-based method, and by an iterative manner, takes In view of the wide application of fuzzy theory, it was
the median of noise free pixels surrounding noisy pixel as introduced into the image processing for improving the
the estimated intensity of noisy pixel. However, its improved denoising performance [25]–[28]. The SVM classification
performance is achieved at the expense of computational based fuzzy filter (SVMFF) [25], aiming at performance
complexity. Erkan et al. [11] proposed a different applied improvement irrespective of noise density, employs a support
median filter (DAMF) to protect the thin lines and edges vector machine classification for noise detection, along with
of image, and avoid smearing image details while removing a histogram based fuzzy filtering for noise removal. Inspired
noise; the DAMF employs the noise free pixels in a neighbor- by the fuzzy switching median filters and the works on the
hood of adaptive size for noise removal, and uses previously concept of information sets, a noise adaptive information
processed pixels to remove the residual noises. set based switching median filter (NAISM) is proposed in
In order to further improve the performance with various [27]; the information sets are derived from fuzzy sets to
strategies, decision based filters [12], [13] were proposed; deal with the uncertainty, and by virtue of the switching
their robust strategies improve the noise detection accuracy criterion and the local effective information surrounding the
and the performance of noise removal. A modified decision noisy pixel, the best calculated value replaces the noisy pixel.
based unsymmetric trimmed median filter [12] proposed Generally, existing techniques strongly rely on exploiting
a noise detector identifying impulse noise simply by the the neighbor information of noisy pixel for noise removal;
extreme intensity; the detected noisy pixels are replaced however, considering the diversity singularity and non-
by the unsymmetric trimmed median of a neighborhood of stationary feature of image signal in local neighborhood,
fixed size. A neighborhood decision based impulse noise the estimation result could easily diverge from the true value
filter (NDBINF) in [13] employs a neighborhood decision and cause ugly visual effects in textures and edge regions.
approach to protect the noise free pixels having extreme These inspired some researchers to expect better denoising
intensity while detecting noise, and a first-order neighbor- performance by exploiting the nonlocal information during
hood decision approach to restore the detected noisy pixels. the noise removal procedure. However, initially, the nonlo-
It is generally believed that mean filters are unable to cal techniques were only for removal of additive Guassian
achieve good performance, for they go without the ability noise and random-valued impulse noise [29]; and subse-
of structure and edge information preservation; however, quently, some researchers ingeniously proposed the improved
the improved variants of mean filter may get remarkable versions of nonlocal techniques for fixed-valued impulse
Note that one pixel with extreme intensity means high proba-
bility of being noisy, because of the extreme intensity feature
of impulse noise; but if it locates in the 1σ interval shown
in FIGURE 2 and formula (2), we take it as noise free, for
it shows high correlation with the neighbor pixels having
non-extreme intensity. FIGURE 3. PSNR of ASWMF with various T on BSD68 dataset corrupted
However, in a black or white region, noise detection by the with various density of impulse noise.
extreme intensity and the 3σ principle of normal distribution
fails; but fortunately, the features of black or white region can For the optimal value of T , by using vast trial and error
be inferred and utilized for noise detection. For example, for methods, we conducted an experiment with ASWMF on
a black region, two important observations can be made as BSD68 dataset corrupted with 20% noises, 50% noises, and
follows. 80% noises, respectively, the result of which is shown in
(i) Originally, most or all the pixels in this black region take FIGURE 3. The result shows how the denoising performance
minimum intensity. depends on the noise detector with various values of T . Based
(ii) When impulse noise corrupts this region, the noises on the result, we prefer to take T = 20, which means the
with minimum intensity disappear for they are assimilated, following formula should be approximately satisfied
only the noises with maximum intensity exist. Accordingly, ∂PSNR(T )
it is noteworthy that most of pixels in this corrupted region =0 (5)
T =20
are of minimum intensity.
Therefore, in a black image region, we employ local The performance of an impulse noise detector depends on
intensity statistics for noise detection based on these two its capability to detect all the true positives effectively in
observations, that is, if a pixel takes minimum intensity, the presence of false positives as less as possible. And the
and the minimum intensity accounts for the majority in its proposed noise detector is able to achieve this so that the edge
neighborhood, this pixel is labeled as noise free, otherwise as and structure information can thus be better preserved and
noisy. The noise detection strategy can be similarly made for restored in the noise removal processing.
a white region.
In addition, by reference to the literatures, and based on C. NOISE REMOVAL BY ADAPTIVE SEQUENTIALLY
the approximate local symmetry of the pixels in spatial dis- WEIGHTED MEDIAN
tribution, we take square neighborhood, which is symmetrical In our method, only the noisy pixels undergo a noise removal
about the center, for noise detection and removal; we denote processing, and noise free pixels are left unchanged so as to
by Np (k) the neighborhood of size k × k centered at pixel p. protect the original image information as much as possible;
Specifically, the proposed noise detector based on 3σ prin- in addition, for one noisy pixel, only the noise free pixels
ciple and local intensity statistics is defined as follows. surrounding itself are employed in its intensity estimation.
(i) Take the pixels having extreme intensity as noise candi- Besides, we employ a neighborhood of adaptive size for noise
dates, because of the intensity feature of impulse noise. removal processing, i.e., if no noise free pixels are available in
(ii)For each noise candidate p, in Np (7), if more than two small neighborhood for noise removal processing, the neigh-
non-extreme values are available, turn to (iii), or else, turn to borhood is enlarged so as to contain noise free pixels.
(iv). In our noise removal processing, noise free pixels only on
(iii)Compute the mean u and standard deviation σ of the the border of one neighborhood are employed. Take FIGURE
non-extreme intensity in Np (7); if f (p) falls into interval (u- 4 for an example. For the central noisy pixel p, initially, its
σ , u + σ ), label p as noise free, otherwise as noisy. Np (3) neighborhood is employed, and thus, noise free pixels
(iv)In Np (5), if f (p) = 0 and the number of intensity only on the border of Np (3) are employed; and if no noise free
0 (denoted by n0 ) accounts for the majority, here we set pixels are available in the Np (3) for noise removal, the Np (5)
n0 > T , label p as noise free, otherwise as noisy. This strategy is employed, in this case, equally, noise free pixels only on
is similar for f (p) = 255. the border of Np (5) are employed, for no noise free pixels
FIGURE 5. Sequentially weighted operator W (k) of (a) size 3 × 3; (b) size 5 × 5; (c) size 7 × 7; (d) size 9 × 9.
m P
P n
fhp (i, j)−ufhp × ghp (i, j)−ughp
i=1 j=1
EPI = s the texture of image; larger entropy implies coarser texture
m P
n m P
P 2 P 2 and better texture preservation ability [36].
fhp (i, j)−ufhp × ghp (i, j)−ughp
i=1 j=1 i=1j=1
255 X
255 X
Among DAMF, NAISM, PVGF, and RBFI, we only take
X X DAMF for evaluation, for they adopt the same noise detection
H=− Pij ln Pij , Pij = 1 (11)
strategy, i.e., min-max noise detector. In terms of missing
i=0 j=0 i=0 j=0
detection rate (MDR) and false detection rate (FDR), the
Here, f and g are the original image and recovery image, detected results of all filters on image Chest_Xray are shown
respectively; m and n are the height and width of image, in TABLE 1; and the MDR and FDR are given by
respectively. Denoted by uf and σf the mean and standard (Rr (p) = 1 ∧ Rd (p) = 0)
deviation of f , respectively, σfg the covariance of f and g. p∈f
MDR = 100 × (%) (12)
The stabilizing constant C1 and C2 are calculated with the Rr (p)
dynamic range, L = 255, K1 and K2 , by default K1 and K2 p∈f
(Rr (p) = 0 ∧ Rd (p) = 1)
are selected as 0.01 and 0.03, respectively [33]. fhp and ghp
are respectively the high-pass filtering images of f and g p∈f
FDR = 100 × (%) (13)
Rr (p)
with Laplacian filter, with uf hp and ughp being their mean
values, respectively [34]. Pij reflects the comprehensive char- p∈f
acteristics of the intensity distribution of one pixel and its Here Rr denotes the matrix for indicating the true noises,
surrounding pixels [35]. which indicate a pixel p as noise free with Rr (p) = 0 or
PSNR measures the similarity of original image and recov- noisy with Rr (p) = 1; Rd denotes the matrix for indicating
ery image; the higher the PSNR is, the better the noise the detected noises.
removal capability is. SSIM measures the structure infor- By comparing the statistics in TABLE 1, two points can
mation preservation capability; higher SSIM signifies better be concluded. (i) At various noise densities, some existing
preservation capability. EPI measures the edge preservation filters have a very small number in MDR, show superiority
capability; the higher the EPI is, the better the edge preser- over the proposed ASWMF; however, they have a very large
vation capability is. Entropy H is a statistical measure of number in FDR, such as DAMF and SVMFF. (ii) Although
randomness and variability that can be used to characterize the ASWMF shows no superiority in MDR, it achieves
TABLE 2. PSNR and SSIM of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on TABLE 3. PSNR and SSIM of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on
image Lenna. image Mandrill.
a far smaller number in FDR. These imply that ASWMF can TABLE 4. PSNR and EPI of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on
achieve better noise detection overall comparing to the other image Man.
FIGURE 7. PSNR and EPI of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on image chest_Xray. (a)PSNR; (b)EPI.
TABLE 5. PSNR and EPI of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on by EPI curves, the conclusion derived from EPI is similar
image boat.
as that derived from PSNR; along various noise densities,
the ASWMF shows excellent performance in edge preser-
vation. The reason behind these improvements is that the
ASWMF can accurately discriminate the noisy pixels from
the noise free ones, so as to protect the noise free pixels,
and effectively remove the noise while preserving the edge
FIGURE 8 clearly demonstrates that ASWMF gives
definite improvements in PSNR and SSIM over those of
the other filters for image Abdomen_CT. Compared to the
other filters, the ASWMF shows more promise for pro-
cessing medical images; in noise removal processing by
ASWMF, more structure information can be preserved and
better denoising performance can be achieved. Many pix-
els having extreme intensity are often available in medical
images; hence, the superiority of ASWMF over the other
filters in medical image processing highly depends on its
density increases; thus, the edge information preserved by noise detector.
ASWMF is remarkably better than those preserved through
the other filters. These imply that noise removal and edge D. PERFORMANCE OF FILTERS ON BSD68 DATASET
information preservation can be achieved more effectively by We plot in FIGURE 9 and 10 the average PSNR, SSIM, EPI,
ASWMF. and entropy values of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF
on BSD68 dataset with various density of impulse noise,
C. PERFORMANCE OF FILTERS ON MEDICAL IMAGES visualizing their denoising performance.
Here, we investigate the performance of ASWMF on med- As expected, the results in FIGURE 9 confirm the supe-
ical images; and the superiority of ASWMF is revealed by riority of ASWMF again, and are consistent with the results
the results plotted in FIGURE 7 and 8. The PSNR and reported above. Three important observations can be made
EPI of the recovery results of the state-of-the-art filters from FIGURE 9. (i) As the noise density increases, consis-
and ASWMF on image Chest_Xray with various density of tently for all filters, the restoration quality degenerates, but
impulse noise, are plotted in FIGURE 7. From FIGURE 7, our method consistently gives the best performance. (ii) The
it is noticed that compared to the other filters, substantial per- PSNR and SSIM curves of ASWMF are above those of the
formance improvements can be obtained through ASWMF; other filters, keeping a gap with them along various noise
the ASWMF outperforms the state-of-the-art filters in noise densities. (iii) Interestingly and apparently, the performance
removal thoroughly which is revealed by PSNR curves. gap between ASWMF and the other filters in SSIM grows
As to the edge information preservation, which is revealed larger, as the noise density increases.
FIGURE 8. PSNR and SSIM of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on image Abdomen_CT. (a)PSNR; (b)SSIM.
FIGURE 9. Average PSNR and SSIM of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on BSD68 dataset. (a)PSNR; (b)SSIM.
The results in FIGURE 10 confirm the better capability of at low noise density is often difficult to evaluate by visual
proposed ASWMF in edge preservation, and keeping the uni- perception, we focus on evaluating it at high noise density.
formity of image intensity distribution and the image textures. Visual analyses on the capability of noise removal, structure
It can be seen obviously that the EPI values of ASWMF are and edge information preservation of the proposed ASWMF
larger than those of other filters along various noise densities, against the state-of-the-art filters in the recovery results for
showing better edge preservation capability; as to the entropy image Barbara with 80% impulse noises and Jetplane with
of recovery image, the ASWMF outperforms the other filters 90% impulse noises are made in FIGURE 11 and 12, respec-
at almost all the noise densities, except that ASWMF lags tively. For a visually clear comparison, only a zoomed-in local
behind the DAMF at very high noise density, showing good part of each recovery image is shown.
capability in keeping the variation of image intensity and the FIGURE 11 shows the improvements in visual appearance
image textures. given by ASWMF against the state-of-the-art filters for image
These can be attributed to that the ASWMF is designed in Barbara; two numbers in the parentheses below each recov-
such a way that it discriminates the noisy pixels accurately ery image are the corresponding PSNR and SSIM, respec-
from the noise free ones and estimates the intensity of noisy tively. By observing FIGURE 11 carefully, three important
pixel effectively. conclusions can be inferred. (i) The ASWMF gives a more
visually pleasant recovery image, and provides a signifi-
E. VISUAL PERCEPTION OF RECOVERY RESULTS cant contribution towards preserving the structural infor-
Here, the images Barbara and Jetplane in SET12 are selected mation. (ii) In the recovery images of the other filters,
as experimental images. Because the performance of a filter either residual noises or obvious blur effects can be seen.
FIGURE 10. Average EPI and entropy of the state-of-the-art filters and ASWMF on BSD68 dataset. (a)EPI; (b)Entropy.
FIGURE 11. Recovery results of image Barbara with 80% impulse noises.(a) Zoomed-in local part of Barbara with impulse noise;
Results of (b) DAMF; (c) NDBINF; (d) PVGF; (e) ADWMF; (f) RBFI; (g) SVMFF; (h) NAISM; (i) INLM; (j) ASWMF.
(iii)Again, the PSNR and SSIM values below the recovery level with better capability of local features preservation. And
images confirm the superiority of ASWMF over the other fil- the corresponding PSNR and EPI are also consistent with the
ters. These mean that the ASWMF possesses better capability conclusion derived by visual perception. The ASWMF still
of noise removal and structural information preservation than works fairly well, even at a very high noise density; this is
the existing filters, and the image produced by the ASWMF due to the same reason as explained above.
is visually sharper and more distinctive than those obtained Here, these inferences by visual perception are consistent
by the other filters. with the comments given above.
The recovery images of all filters on image Jetplane with
90% impulse noises, are shown in FIGURE 12; two numbers F. COMPUTATIONAL TIME
in the parentheses below each recovery image are the corre- Denoted by n the pixel number of one image and Cx
sponding PSNR and EPI, respectively. On careful observation a constant. Consider the complexity of each subprocess
from FIGURE 12, the visual result of ASWMF is percep- in the proposed ASWMF: noise detection by extreme
tually better than those of the other considered filters; the intensity— O(n); detection by 3σ principle or local
recovery results confirm that our result is far superior to those intensity statistics— O(C1 n), here C1 = 49 or C1 = 25;
of the other filters, indicating that the ASWMF still produces search noise free pixels in neighborhood of adaptive
consistently higher quality image at such a high corruption size— O(C2 n); weighted processing for each noisy
FIGURE 12. Recovery results of image Jetplane with 90% impulse noises. (a) Zoomed-in local part of Jetplane with impulse noise;
Results of (b) DAMF; (c) NDBINF; (d) PVGF; (e) ADWMF; (f) RBFI; (g) SVMFF; (h) NAISM; (i) INLM; (j) ASWMF.
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