Coast Artillery Journal - Dec 1947

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tf!J To all members of ~
.g The Coast Artillery Corps:

~ Once again it is my happy privilege to extend to you every ~
Q good wish for joy and prosperity during the holiday season r,(-}
~ and throughout the year to come. On this, the third Christmas t!}
tf?i since the cessation of hostilities of \'\'orld W'ar II, it is my ~
~ fervent prayer that the peace which we are striving to main- ~
~ tain be a just and lasting one. I ask of you men in the Armed i}
tf?i Forces, particularly the Ground Soldiers, scattered as you are ~
tf?J throughout the world, that you do your utmost to perform ~
\l.?P your duties in a manner that will reflect only credit upon yourselves and the nation you represent. Let ~
tf?i our hope be that O~lrcountry will remain as strong a3 it is just, and that through its desire for justice ~
tf?i for all mankind it will contribute to an everlasting peace throughout the world. During this Christmas- ~
@ tide, and during all those to come, free men must have the right to exclaim, "Merry Christmas and a ~
tf?i Happy New Year:" ~
@ ~
@ ~
@ ~
@ ~
~ ~
@ ~
@ ~
~ ~
@ ~

'f.fJ ~
@ fij
'f.fJ ~
~ ~
@ To all members of iJl
f} The Coast Artillery Corps: ~
~ ~
~ On behalf of the officers and members of the Executive t!}
~ Council of the United States Coast Artillery Association, may iJ
t>.'":; I extend to all Coast Artillerymen throughout the world c~n- i;
QJ gratulations for their conscientious performance of duty and t!}
~ successful accomplishments, and my best wishes for a M~rry ~
"l Christmas and Happy New Year.
~ ~
~fJ ~ rIJ
~~ Lieuti"r;~nt, G~:C ~
W Pre5ic nt, CO'l£t (~rtil1ery t()..

~ :.ssociation

~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ ~




COVER: 40mm Gun Position in Belgium (See Page %). Signal Corps Photo.
B)' Colonel Gerald G. Gibbs . ..~

THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE. B)' Dr. R. J. Halle/Is . 10

\\' ARHEADS FOR GUIDED MISSILES. B)' Harold S. Morton . 13
THE FUTURE OF THE COAST ARTILLERY. B)' Colonel D. n'''. Hicke)', Jr . 15
MEET THE U.S. AIR FORCE. B)' Orz1ille S. Splitt and Murra)' Green . 21
GUIDED MISSILES AND FUTURE \X'ARFARE. B)' Major General Jobn L. Homer . 24
CORREGIDOR AGAIN CHANGES HANDS. B)' Lieutel/anl Clarence F. Craw . 27
B)' Lieutenant Colonel Peter S. Peca . 34
NE\X' \X'EAPONS-NE\\' TACTICS. B)' Lieutenant Colnnel F. P. Henderson . 37
THE NEW ARMY EXTENSION COURSES. B)' Colollel A. E. Kastner " . 39
"JAPAN WILL WIN THE WA~." B)' Major Jobn 1\1. W'rigbt . 46
HELL IS GREEN. B)' Lieutenant W'illiam F. Diebold . 48
~rENT 67

PUBLICATION DATE: December 1, 1947


." . -~I
Published bimouthly by the United States Coast Artillery Association. Editorial and executh'e offices. 631 Pennsylvania Avenue. X.W.,
Washington 4. D. C. Terms: $3.00 per year. Foreign subscriptions, $4.00 per year. Single copies, 75c. Entered as second-class matter
at Wasbington, D. C.; additional entry at Richmond, Va., under the Act of ~arch 3. 1879. Copyright, 1947, by the United States
Coast Artillery Association.
By Colonel Gerald G. Gibbs, CAC

On the 24th of July, 1944, Headquarters 45th 1\1\1\ Bri- Tunisian Campaign. The Brigade Headquarters proceede~
gade was situated comfortably on the estate of Count overland to Oran, reporting to the Commanding Gene~
Ottini, some six miles southeast of Pisa. It was a hot Sun- Fifth l\rmy for assignment. It was immediately given th
dav afternoon and little activity was noticeable. J\'lembers responsibilitv for the antiaircraft defenses of Fifth Anm
or'the staff were catching up 'on their correspondence or and Base P~rt installations in the area from Beni Saf an'
perfecting their gin rummy. There had been little or no Nemours to T enes. This mission also included groun1
German air activity for the past few days and it was evident securitv of the Coastal Frontier of the Fifth Armv area i[
that the Luftwaffe had turned its attention to more pressing North 'Africa. This was accomplished with its o'~'n fored
matters than the Italian Campaign. The IV Corps, to and by liaison with the French Army and Navy units i
which the 45th was attached, was occupying generally the the area and British Naval forces. A major ,'ictory was at
line along the Arno Hiver with the 34th Infantry Division tained in bringing together for a common purpose, th
on the left and the 91 st Infantry Division in the center. French and British who had been very hostile towards eae
Further east, the ] st Armored Division was pushing for- other up to this point. Cold Frencl; hostility and Britis
ward through terrain which would be considered impassable austerity disappeared around the conference table throug .
bv most annored units. the efforts of good natured Americans. In a short time.
'The Brigade Commander, Brigadier General Paul 'yV. friendly relations were established and all elements e()
Hutledge, put aside his crossword puzzle to answer the operated fully in the common effort.
field phone conveniently attached to his bunk. The con- The Brigade was also responsible for the processing an
versation which started from a reclining position, developed equipping of all antiaircraft units arriving in the Fifth
to sitting, and ended in standing. At the conclusion, Gen- Army area, both from the States and From Tunisia. 1\ lan~
eral Hutledge woke up his executive officer and they de- of the latter were returned for retraining and re-equipping~
parted in a jeep for IV Corps Headquarters. They were The Brigade Headquarters assisted the AA Officer, Fifth
immediately taken to the Commanding General, Major Army, in planning for the Sicilian and Salerno landings.
General (now Lieutenant General) \Villis D. Critten- During this period, the 45th Brigade became the Fifth
berger who lost no time in delivering his instructions. BrieAy, Army Antiaircraft Command, the staff operating in a dual
the 45th Brigade was to abandon its antiaircraft artillery capacity as an Army planning staff and as a brigade opera-
role, convert its forces into provisional infantry and field tional staff. It organized and supervised the pre-invasion
artillery units, and relie,'e elements of the 34th and 91 st training of the antiaircraft units making the initial landing
Divisio'ns along the Amo Hiver. at Salerno and itself landed on the Salerno beaches on
On the return trip to the Brigade GP., the General and D plus 12 at which time it took over command of all anti-
his executive were silent. The lazv Italian sunshine (and aircraft units of the Fifth Army. The Brigade acted as thej
dust) did not encourage conversati~n or stimulate the men- coordinating and liaison agency for the Fifth Army in its
tal processes required to convert old Coast Artillerymen control of British Antiaircraft units and the total number 01(,
into Doughboys. Coast Artillerymen have always been troops either under direct command or associated with I
versatile and many unusual problems have been presented amounted to some 40,000.
to them. But here was one that was without precedent and
totally unexpected.
The 45th Brigade had been activated, organized, and
This armored railroad car was originally a present from Hide
trained at Camp Stewart, Ga. in the summer of 1942. After
to l\1ussolini and was captured in the Naples area. It is arm.
the usual Training Center duties, it arrived at Casablanca at both ends with turret guns of German manufactUre. Th
in the Spring of 1943, shortly before the close of the was one of the captured weapons manned by troops of the 45t

One of the first missions of the Brigade after its conversion to Task Force 45 was to send reconnaissance patrols across th6'
' ... z:1 Arno River in the general area shown in this picture.

During the next few months, numerous missions were guns in a rear area, leaving only a small maintenance de-I
performed including the responsibility for the antiaircraft tachment with the equipment. They adapted their structure}
defense of Naples. There the German bombers acquired of four firing batteries to the infantry design of three rifle
a fondness for the Brigade Command Post'and several times companies and one heavy weapons company each. Rifle
provided bomb craters close enough to make the digging of
foxholes unnecessary. Attacks on the Port were frequent
and much experience was gained in gunnery, Field Opera-
companies were equipped with eight Browning Automatic I
RiAes. Heavy \Veapons Companies were equipped with
six 81mm mortars, ten 30 caliber machine guns, and five
tions Room Detachments were formed and trained with the 50 caliber machine guns. Instructors were borrowed from
assistance of British units and much of our present doctrine the 34th Division and familiarization firing conducted with
for the coordination and control of antiaircraft is based on the all weapons.
work done by these detachments. A Fifth Army Firing Point On 25 July, the 435th and 439th Automatic Weapons
was established and units withdrawn from combat positions Battalions began their conversion to provisional infantry'j
were given an opportunity to brush up on their firing tech- They were moved to a bivouac area near Livomo (Leg-
nique. After the fall of Rome, moves were frequent and horn) while the 209th Group, the 105th and 401st Gun
the Brigade, now attached to the IV Corps, had the mission Battalions and the 630th and 900th Automatic \Veapons
of protecting field artillery units as well as airfields and ports. Battalions were relieved from attachment to the 45th Bri-
A vast knowledge of field conditions had been acquired gade and assigned to the 71st AAA Brigade to continue,
during these months; .personnel had become hardened and antiaircraft missions. j
equipment adapted to a fast moving situation; close con- The next day, IV Corps issued Field Order No.6 which
tact with the IV Corps had made the Brigade conversant designated the 45th Brigade as Task Force 45 with the
with the tactical situation; in short, the 45th Brigade was following troops:
ready for one of the most unusual assignments ever given
an antiaircraft artillery unit. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 45th Brigade
Conversion of units from antiaircraft to provisional in- 91st AAA Group
fantry was initiated at once. IV Corps provided infantry 435th AAA Battalion
officers to act as advisers for all units from brigade to com- 439th AAA Battalion
pany. Also attached were a photo interpretation officer, an 673d Medical Collecting Company
engineer, Allied Military Government officials, and a pris- 107th AM Group
oner of war interrogation team. Several infantry and 536th AAA Battalion
field artillery officers were received from the Replacement 898th AAA Battalion
Depot to fill vacancies in units and staffs. The Brigade 671st Medical Collecting Company

Gunnery Officer became the Task Force Artillery Officer Hq & Hq Co, 2d Armored Group
and other staff officers assumed corresponding positions. 91st Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron
Key personnel were dispatched to the 34th Infantry Divi- 751st Tank Battalion (_)
sion Headquarters to absorb as much information as pas- Reconnaissance Co, 894th Tank Destroyer Battalion
sible in the brief period available. One Co, 805th Tank Destroyer Battalion
The 536th and the 898th Automatic \Veapons Battalions _ One Btry (plus) 434th AAA Battalion
withdrew from their antiaircraft positions and stored their 34th Infantry Division Artillery
~ The mission assigned by IV Corps was: (5) Prepare to follow up any enemy withdrawal in sec-
a. Relieve elements of the 34th Infantrv Division and
e 9Ist Infantry Division in zone and as;ume command c. 2 Armored Group .
.f sector on CorPs order.
(I) Brigade reserve.
b. Hold forward positions and conduct active patrolling
n zone to prevent enemy infiltration. (2) Actively support Brigade by deployment of annor
c. Send small reconnaissance patrols across the Amo and bv orooanizino Antitank defense with Co B, 805 Tank
" 0

ri\'er to determine enemy strength and dispositions. Destroyer Battalion and such other units as are available.
d. IVlaintain contact with Task Force Ramey. d. 34 Division Artillery.
e. Protect left Bank of Corps.
f. Prepare to follow up any enemy withdrawal. (I) Direct artillery support of Brigade.

What other Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade had e\'er re- e. (I) 536, 898. 439 and 435 AAA Battalions.
ei\'ed such a m~sion? Here was a situation not covered in (a) Assume provisional infantry T /0 at once.
raining camps nor in any literature from the AA Com- (b) Assemble equipment not needed for infan-
(nand. Both officers and men had been primarily trained in try role at battalion rear echelon where only
he defensive mission of shooting down enemy planes. The sufficient personnel will be left to provide
'jJroblem now was to convert overnight to ass~me an offen- security and maintain equipment.
~j\'e role in a field far removed from previous concepts. (c) Continue intensive training in Infantry tac-
I Not to be outdone by the IV Corps, the Brigade issued tics, stressing defense of river line, scouting,
patrolling and use of Infantry weapons.
~tsField Order as follows:
(2) (a) No artillery fire will be placed on City of
Troops . Pisa except on Brigade order.
.1 91 AAA Group Reliefs in accordance with the Field Order were accom-
':1 435 AAA Bn plished with only minor incidents. Two men of one unit
439 AAA Bn straggled behind and were promptly taken over by an
Rcn Co, 894 Tank Destroyer Bn enemy patrol operating in the area. The next heard from
673d Medical Collecting Co. them was through the Red Cross from a prison camp in
107 AAA Group Germany; lessons like this were learned the hard way. At
536AAA Bn 0600 29 July, command of the sector passed to Task Force
898 AAA Bn 45 and the Brigade was "in," for better or for worse.
91 Cavalry Rcn Squad ( -I Troop) During the month of August, the complexion of TF 45
671 Medical Collecting Co. changed rapidly and frequently. British antiaircraft units
2 Armored Group were added and converted into both provisional infantry
39 LAA Regiment (Br) (-I Btry) and field artillery. Attachments and detachments took
751 Tank Bn (-assault guns) place but the over-all picture remained about the same.
434 AAA Bn (-Det) Close contact was maintained with the enemy who in this
34 Infantry Division Artillery. instance turned out to be the rugged and experienced ]6th
S.S. Division, a formidable foe for the new task force. The
Missions. Arno River at Pisa is only about 100 feet wide. Buildings

f a. 107 AAA Group line both banks and while the Germans occupied strong

, (I) Relieve] 68 Infantry during night of 26-27 July and Troops of Task Force 45 commence the crossing of the Arno
133 Infantry during night of 27-28 July. River on 1 September 1944.
(2) Protect right Bank of Brigade, preventing any hostile
(3) 1'1aintain contact with 9] AAA Group on left and
fask Force Ramey on right.
I (4) Send small reconnaissance patrols across ARNO
lAIVER to determine strength and dispositions.
! (5) Prepare to follow up any enemy withdrawal in sec-

b. 91 AAA Group.
(I) Relieve ]35th and 363d Infantry during night 28-29
(2) ~rotect Brigade left flank, preventing any hostile
r (3) Maintain contact with 107 AAA Group on right.
(4) Send small reconnaissance patrols across ARNO
RIVER to determine enemy strength and dispositions.
points in houses on the nonh bank, TF 45 was likewise TF 45 had been instructed to be cenain that no anille
established on the south shore. Needless to sav. both sides fire was placed on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. \Ve kn
kept their shades drawn to discourage "windO'w peeping.'J that the Germans were usinoo it as an O.P. but little wou
Frequent exchange of "calling cards" was maintained al- be gained by its destruction. Several times daily. FiFt
though physical accomplishment of social counesies was ex- Army requested information as to the condition of thJ
tremeh' limited. tower. The Brigade Commander developed strong legs i
Oth~r sections of the line presented a different aspect. climbing hills and onto rooftops in order that he could pe
Anchored on the left by the sea, the front wound along the sonally reply to these queries.
rh'er through open fields and thick woods. Patrols con- Demolitions in the enemy-occupied section of Pisa wer~
tinuouslv• made contact and in the resultino0 fire fiohts,
0 observed on the 30th and 31st of August and our demonl
casualties were received and inRicted. After walking into strations failed to invoke the usual enthusiastic respons.
one enemy ambush, our patrols quickly learned the trick Our patrols became exceedingly active and began crossin
and set ambushes of their own which netted many pris- the ,\mo River in force. \Vhile the enemv was found to
oners. i\ line fields and trip flares were installed and addi- still pre~ent, it appeared that his defen'ses had thinne
[ional strong points constructed. Harassing the enemy was

This was confirmed by civilian and partisan reports.
taken up with a vengeance. Between one and two thou- At noon 1 September 1944, TF 45 commenced the rive
sand rounds of artillery were fired each day along with crossing and the occupation of the north bank. The 1OM
mortar and machine-gun action. The use of bazookas in Infantry Battalion composed of Hawaiian-Japanese troop
destroying enemy strong points proved successful. Mortar was now attached to the task force and crossed on the righ
fire was directed from Air O.P.'s, a new departure for the of the sector. Little opposition was met and the battalio,'
]V Corps .. advanced several miles. On the left, the 435th BattaliOlJ
Demonstrations bv tanks and truck movements, erection with several tanks supporting it, crossed into Pisa usin~
of dummy bridges, ;nd operation of bulldozers during the assault boats and the remains of a demolished cause\\'a~t
night were used to draw enemy fire and to keep him con- The tanks crossed at a ford which the engineers quickl
fused as to what was going on. A German mess line which improved just east of Pisa. i\loderate artillery, with On
was clearly \'isible from one of our O.P.'s was broken up particularly troublesome self-propelled gun and numerouf
daily. The climax occurred when one of our observers mines and booby traps were the only opposition. The self\
rep~rted camels behind the German line. Investigation propelled gun was silenced by our tank destroyers whicb
proved this to be correct-the camels were in a park which moved up in front-line support. By 1600 on 2 septembel
had been at one time part of the King's estate. positions in Pisa were fully occupied and the balance of th
task force moved over. l\luch to our delight, the Leanin(
Men of the 435th AAA Battalion move through the archway Tower was found intact. In true American fashion, a youn~
of the wall around the Piazza del Duomo, location of the
lieutenant proceeded to raise our Rag to the top of the towe
Leaning Tower of Pisa,
as soon as he reached it. Thus was completed the firs
successful river crossing of TF 45. It should be remembered!
that although little opposition was encountered, this mj"
neuver was accomplished by troops, most of whom had neve
before set foot in an assault boat. High praise was receive
from the commanders of both the IV Corps and the Hft~
Army, who were very prompt in visiting our new comman~
post in the University of Pisa. A small replica of the to\\'eA
with a card suitably inscribed was sent to the commandin~(
General, IV Corps to report the mission successfully com
It became apparent that the withdrawal from the Ar~~
River line was part of the German plan to occupy the GothH!
Line for the winter. Numerous reports were received 09
the large scale construction of positions in the hills. HO\\'1
ever, the enemv was in no hurrv and he seemed conten
to fall back slo;"ly as pressure w;s applied and to inRict a .
many casualties on our forces as possible. Our artillery.
k~pt him under cover a gr~ater part of t~e time and h~dere~
1m movements. He retalIated by sheIlmg the TF 4) Com-
mand Post with a 280mm railway gun. This became ve
disconcerting especially when the huge shells commenc
to bracket the Command Post.
A repetition of the Amo River crossing was effected
the Serchio River on the nioht
of 8-9 September, and bv, th
12th, patrols had reached the southern part of Viareggi 1
A canal on this edge of town presented a major obstru
tion <;ince all bridges had been destroved. T empora

I .

'feinforcements move up the ridge into line against the enemy who was hurled from 1\1t. Belvedere. In the background is the
: summit of the mountain.

t rOSSingSwere established and the occupation of the town

gan on 15 September. TIle Command Post of TF 45
~\'as moved up and all personnel were very happy to get
,!\\'ay from the shelling of the 280mm gun. Progress was
made for a few miles north of Viareggio until the outposts
mored Group were also made available and the sector was
extended to the right. Coordination of partisan activities
in this area added to the complexity of operations.
The Germans had executed their demolitions here with
a vengeance: Hardly a road was passable and bridges were
,of the Gothic Line were reached. Here we discovered that almost nonexistent. Movement of vehicles was restricted
ithe Germans had decided that we were to go no farther. to a standstill and it was necessary to employ pack mules
requent attempts to occupy forward positions were met to supply food and ammunition to many positions. An

rith determined resistance and the Brigade received instruc- Engineer force was constituted using Italians for laborers.
ions to hold what it had. Existence in this area was ex- They accomplished miracles in the construction of roads
,remely hazardous. Constant shelling was received from and bridges with improvised materials and a paucity of
.Jhe German positions on the Gothic Line; mine fields were tools.
dhicker than in anv other locality in which we had been; By mid-November, the sector had been organized to such
(atrol action was sharp and eternal vigilance was essential. an extent that the Corps Commander decided to stage an
, From I October to 3 October, TF 45 operated with the offensive against ;\/Iount Beh'edere, a critical terrain feature
Brazilian Expeditionary Force as part of Task Force Dutra which afforded the Germans direct observation of our posi-
• nder the command of the present President of Brazil, tions. Four battalions with supporting troops were made
J~lajor General Enrico Gaspar Dutra. General Dutra was a\'ailable to accomplish this mission. These were the 435th
~at that time the Brazilian Minister of vVar. Advance ele- AW Battalion; the 2d Battalion, 370th Infantry and two
'lments of the 92d Infantrv Division arrived in the sector battalions of Brazilians from the Brazilian Expeditionary
during this period and in tile course of the next two weeks, Force. Light and medium tanks plus some tank destroyer
TF 45 was replaced piecemeal until all elements had been units were also attached. The attack moved at 0600 24 No-
.,-elieved and command had passed to the Commanding vember 1944 under the direct control of the 2d Armored
(General 92d Division. TF 45 was inactivated and all Group. The morning was cloudy and misty which pre-
-troops were detached. vented anticipated air support and limited artillery obser-
A well earned rest was being enjoyed when the Corps vation. By evening, the 435th Battalion on the left had
ommander decided to reconstitute TF 45 in the San reached its objective, the 2d Battalion, 370th Infantry had
~\Iarcello area. The mission consisted of holding positions made some progress in the center, but stiff resistance on
~n a sector in the Apennines from Bagni de Lucca to Campo the right had prevented the Brazilians from making any
ITizzoro. Troops consisted of the 107th AAA Group with advance. Positions were consolidated and about midnight
the British 39th, 47th and 74th Light AA Regiments acting a German counterattack was launched on the positions of
as infantry and the British 80th Heavy AA Regiment as the 435th A \V Battalion.
artillery. American AA units together with the 2d Ar- A well known figure by the name of Captain Straube
participated in this counterattack. Reliable information in- Partisans, Brazilians and colored American troops figh .
dicated that he was taking e\'ery opportunity to demonstrate by their side. Its artillery were the antiaircraft guns pain
his fitness for promotion and to acquire decorations. His
zeal in leading counterattacks had gained him the admira-
tion and respect of some of our best troops. On this occa-
sion, the manem'er was executed at about company strength
with Captain Straube urging on his men with pistol, hand
earthward, the guns of tanks and of tank destroyers and .
captured German \\'eapons. Its engineers were Italian ci\ .
ians who were not afraid to work within the sound of
and who built well. i\ Iuch was done with little, Briti
Tommies who rode forward on American tanks, \\i'
grenades, and shouts of "Heil Hitler." Our positions held, American mortars behind and American engineers ah
howe\'er, with fourteen Germans taken prisoner, six killed and the Yanks who stepped out of their foxholes \\~
aQd ten wounded. The enemy withdrew and on the next British artillery pounding protection behind, with ItaliaR
day, our ad\'ance continued \~'ith the 435th reaching the at their side and out ahead and with Brazilians on th
crest of i\ lount Beh-edere. Similar progress was not attained Ranks, learned that different peoples can fight well togeth
in the center or on the right so the 435th was instructed
to dig in to hold their positions while assistance was given
along the rest of the line. Several attempts to push up the
During its operation, Task Force 45 had at varying tim
3000 to 8000 men attached from the following units:
hill were frustrated by intense Gennan resistance.
r\ counterattack ir: battalion strength was launched on AA Units j
the 435th positions during the night of 28 November. The 45th AAA Brigade, Headquarters and Headquarters Batte{
enemy used large scale artillery support and tanks to force 45th AAOD
the 435th out of its positions. Heavy casualties were suf- 91st AAA Group J,
fered and the battalion was forced to withdraw to its origi- 107th AAA Group I
nal positions after giving an excellent account of itself Battery C, 351 AAA Searchlight Battalion 1
against superior odds, 403d AAA (G) Battalion
During the Mt. Belvedere operations, the central and 434th AAA A\-\1 Battalion
left sectors of TF 45 had not been without activit". Artil- 435th AAA A\V Battalion
lery duels and patrol clashes were frequent. f\nriaircraft 439th AAA A\V Battalion
artillery officers, both American and British, became adept Battery C, 450th AAA A\-\1 Battalion
in leading patrols far into the enemy territory. Prisoners 536th AAA A\-\1 Battalion
were obtained and much valuable infonnation acquired on 898th AAA A\-\1 Battalion
the condition of roads and trails. Italian partisan activity 900th AAA A\-\1 Battalion
was also notable. On numerous occasions, results of our FA Ullits
artillery firing were reported in localities where direct ob-
servation was impossible, by partisa~l bands equipped with 194th Field Artillery Group
portable radio. 424th Field Artillery Group
Information of a Christmas ofFensive b" the Germans Batten' C, 194th Field Artillerv Battalion
was received as the holiday season drew ne;r. For TF 45, 338th 'Field Artillery Battalion'
the holidays were taken up with various demonstrations to 598th Field Artillery Battalion
simulate major activity throughout the sector; demolitions Batterv C, 697th Field Artillerv Battalion
were prepared and plans for stopping the expected offensive 91Oth.Field Artillerv, Battalion'
were developed. The situation became increasingly tense Tallk & AT Ullits
and a regimental combat team from the 85th Infantry Divi- 2d Armored Group, Hq & I-Iq Co
sion was moved into the area. However, nothing unusual de- 1st & 2d Platoon, Company D, 13 Tank Battalion
veloped and a major portion of the time was spent in extra 2d Platoon, Company B, 13 Tank Battalion
patrolling and preparation of defensive positions. \\Then 751st Tank Battalion
the threat of large scale action had waned, the 85th Divi- 755th Tank Battalion
sion troops were released and returned to their normal 805th Tank Destrover Battalion
894th Tank Destro)'er Battalion
Plans for inactivation of the 45th Brigade Headquarters 91st Cay Rcn Squadron
had been delayed for some time by the Corps Commander. Troop A, 81st Cay Rcn Squadron
Early in January, however, the arrival of the 10th Moun-
tain Division made it possible to relieve the Brigade and M iscellmleo1!S U Ilits
command of the sector passed to the 10th i\'lountain Divi- 84th Chemical Battalion
sion on 9 January. Members of the Brigade Headquarters 179th Chemical Company
continued on duty with the division for several weeks 34th vVar Dog Platoon
pending the receipt of inactivation orders. For security rea- 62d Signal Battalion (4 crews)
sons, the Task Force 45 designation was retained by the 1st Plat, Co C 310 Engineer Battalion
10th i\lountain Division but the Brigade was formally in- Company C, 310th Medical Battalion
activated on 13 February 1945 at a ceremony conducted by 671st Medical Collecting Company
the Corps Commander. 672d Medical Collecting Company
Task Force 45 was a polyglot task force of American and 673d Medical Collecting Company
British antiaircraft gunners acting as infantry, with Italian 615th j\'ledical Clearing Station
J1lfal/try Ullits AM Brigade has been a part of the IV Corps, it has suc-
OOthInfantry Battalion cessfullv executed a wide variety of missions o\'er \'aried
I 39th Infantry Regimental Combat Team terrain ~nd under all conditions of weather.
\1;Oth Infantry Regimental Combat Team 2. Although not organized, trained and equipped to do
jth 1\lountain Infantry Regiment so, it has nevertheless functioned in a role similar to that
~ th 1\lountain Infantry Regiment of a combat division in battle. The changes and improvising
necessary to facilitate the use of an Antiaircraft Artillery
~ Brigade Headquarters in the capacity of a division head-
i~dBattalion, 6 Regiment quarters were accomplished with efficiency and dispatch
l~ Battalion, 6 Regiment while in constant contact with the enemy.
11,tBattalion, 1 Infantn' Division 3. During the ~ne the 45th AAA Brigade Headquarters
:fconnaissance Troop: 1 Infantry Division fought as a part of the IV Corps, it operated not only as an
Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade Headquarters in a fast mov-
ing situation, but also assumed the duties of a Task Force
AA Units Headquarters which through meritorious performance has
~th LAA Regiment established an enviable reputation among the allied troops
tth LAA Regiment in Italv.
~tlTroop, 167/56 LAA Regiment 4. The wide scope of its effectiveness is best indicated by
~st HAA Regiment the success of its distinguished commander, Brigadier Gen-
'[:d I-lAA Regiment eral Paul \\T. Rutledge, in directing operations involving
i4th HAA Regiment technical employment as antiaircraft; and command of
ground troops engaged in the pursuit of the Gemlan Army
'I ITALIAN UNITS north along the Tyrrhenian coast, the occupation of a de-
3rd Artier Regiment (Engr) fensi\'e line along the Arno HiveI', the subsequent crossing
th Mule Pack Co of that river, the capture of Pisa, Viareggio and other
) It covered fronts of from 12 to 25 miles, both mountain- Italian cities, and the more recent winter operations in thc
Apennine r.lountains.
lis and on the coastal plain and it advanced its initial front
5. The flexibility and commendable perfonnance of this
/t,enty miles from the line of the Arno River and Pisa to
e Gothic Line. It suffered these casualties: headquarters is also indicated by thc fact that the troops
available to it constantly changed, and included both Brit-
Killed H1011nded Missing ish and American antiaircraft units operating initially in
their characteristic role and later as infantrv; tanks, tank
"'~ULY 12 22 1
destroycrs, infantry, engineers and all types ;f artillery.
UGUST 23 124 2
6. The convcrsion of American and British antiaircraft
,EPTEMBER 23 107 17
units from their antiaircraft duties to the role of infantry

CTOBER 3 16 4
and artillery in support of ground troops, which conversion
'OVEMBER 17 137 69
was accomplished while in contact with the enemy along
ECEM BER ., 4 23 18
the front lines and without any preliminary preparations,
\NUARY 5 23
• can be recorded as a noteworthy example of American in-
1 The scope of the Task Force's operations was epitomized genuity and improvisation.
," the Corps Commander's official commendation of 10 7. In every way this organization has lived up to the
ebruary 1945:- high traditions and standards of the United States Army.
It is therefore with considerable gratification that I look
[ HEADQUARTERS IV CORPS back on this successful and very satisfactory association
'/ THE COMMANDING GENERAL of the IV Corps with 45 AAA Brigade Headquarters in
the campaign of Allied armies in Italy in 1944-1945.
I 10 February 1945
8. As they go forward to other duties, all personnel, en-
. UBJECT: Co'mmendation. listed and commissioned, who have been on duty with the
o Commanding Officer, 45th AAA Brigade, 45th Brigade Headquarters during its participation in the
APO 464, U. S. Army IV Corps pursuit of the enemy from North of Home into
the Apennines, can have a justifiable pride in the pan
1. Upon the occasion of the inactivation of the 45th AAA they have played in the success of the Allied Armics In
igade,I consider it a duty as well as a privilege to enter Italy.
n the records my official commendations for the distin- \\TILLIS D. CRITTENBERGER,

E ished contribution it has made to the Allied war effort in

ly. During the eight months period in which the 45th
l\/Iajor General, U. S. Army,


By Dr. R. J. Havens ...

Owing to the recent great development of high speed, degrees in other localities. In contrast with the moon, th!
high altitude, jet propelled missiles, more and more demand Earth's atmosphere acts as an insulating blanket, tendinl~
has arisen for information on the properties of the atmos- to minimize the daily variations in temperature. Howeve!
phere up to altitudes of 100 miles or more. Although the the mJerage temperature of any planet depends primaril
density of the atmosphere is very low above 30 miles, it is upon the radiation received from the sun. The radiation falH
still high enough to affect the trajectory of long range ing on one square inch of the Earth's surface at normal ind
supersonic missiles in addition to the effect of the ionization dence is 0.86 watts. Most of this energy is in or near the vis.,
above 30 miles upon the radio control of such missiles. For ble spectral region. The Earth's surface and atmosphere re;
these and other reasons, the aoned forces are making an flect part of this energy and absorb the rest, which is then rs
extensive study of the upper atmosphere. radiated in the long, infrared region of the spectrum. II
\Ve are today comparatively well informed about the the reflectivity of the Earth were the same in the infraret
mean state of the atmosphere up to about 20 miles. Pilot as in the visible, then the average temperature of the Eartq!
balloons released at the surface of the Earth and observed would be 40° F. The variation of the reflectivity and a\j
with theodolites give (by means of radio signals from the sorptivity with spectral region of the clouds, ozo'ne, wa~{
balloon) temperature, pressure and wind velocities up to vapor, carbon dioxide and the Earth's surface will chang
about 20 miles. However, until recentlv, information about the above calculated temperature. Since the average te !
the atmosphere above 20 miles was obtained onlv b\' in- perat.ure of the Earth is 60° F., the atmosphere is responsy
direct experiments, such as the observation of m~te;rites. ble lor a relatively small but very important increase 01
Since the interpretation of the data obtained from indirect 20° F. in the Earth's temperature. J
experiments is open to argument, the recent use of the Although the average temperature of the Earth is 60° ~'
V-2 rocket in upper air research is considered very impor- there are large daily, seasonal and geographical variation
tant. The pressure and temperature data shown on the from this temperature. The presence of water vapor an
chart were obtained from a V-2 flight and from balloon clouds in the air reduces the daily variations, while tl~
flights made on ]\Jlarch 7, 1947. Tilese values ma)' be C01l- circulation of the atmosphere (winds) reduces the season
sidered as average pressures alld temperatures. variations. The change of the temperature with altitude i
The following is a summary of the present knowledge explained as follows: !
about the Earth's atmosphere and its effect on aircraft: Since the air is quite transparent most of the sun's radi~
tion is absorbed at the surface of the Earth, where the ai
is warmed by convection, rises, and cools by expanding
The Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 77% nitro- the higher altitudes. At 100° F., saturated air at the Earth~
gen, 21 % oxygen, I% argon and 0.03% carbon dioxide. surface will be 6% water vapor, while at 32°F. this wiq
Helium, hydrogen and neon are present in small and rela- decrease to 0.6%. Consequently water will condense o~
tively unimportant quantities. Although the average of saturated rising air currents forming clouds of tiny \Vatl~
amount of water vapor is less than 1%, it varies between drops. These water drops will fall back to Earth unless th
0.0 I% and 10%, depending upon locality, temperature and rising air currents are strong enough to keep them su
altitude. Except for water vapor, the relative amounts of pended. As long as the temperature decreases with altitud
various gases in the atmosphere do not change by an ap- rising air currents and consequently clouds can exist. (Bj
preciable amount in the first 100 miles. However a small /loting the temperature curve, it is appare1lt that cloudi
but very important per cent of the oxygen is in the form of may form between tile altitlldes of a to 1,5
miles and
50 miles,) However, at about eight miles altitude, the a
ozone (0:1) between 15 and 40 miles, while at much higher
altitudes, it is believed that molecules of oxygen and per- sorption of the sun's ultraviolet radiation by ozone becom
haps nitrogen break up into atoms of oxygen and nitrogen. strong enough to heat the air appreciably, so that the te
The composition of the atmosphere is not only impor- peratme gradient becomes less negative (see chart) aha\'
tant because all of the major constituents are essential to eight miles. \Vithout strong vertical winds, clouds rareJ
life on this planet, but bec~use of the effect of composition form in the region between 8 and 15 miles, and never fo
on the Earth's temperature. between 15 and 35 miles where the temperature increas
with altitude. The noctilucent clouds at 50 miles are su
T El\1PERATURE ported by the strong vertical currents in this region. f\bo\
The temperature of the moon will vary from about 50 miles the absorption of short ultraviolet radiation
250° F. in the daytime to several hundred degrees below oxygen apparently increases the temperature.
zero at night. On the Earth the variation will range from Although the temperature of the air surrounding t
a few degrees in some localities to as much as one hundred Earth is high at certain altitudes this does not mean that

114 "LES ~ V-2 FIRED AT


'-90 1/1,000,000,000.

"eo 1/100,000,000

[" 1/ 10,000,000 ,. ,. ~TEMPERATURE

MARCH 7, 1947
1 /

r ~o 1I100{00
~ c-::

'" .... ........ NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS

..... .... .........

40 ffi
a... "'" ,
,~ ~ \

:E ~
!1; I
1/1000 / / BALLOONS
a w '" END OF ,,/
:> cr:: '"

:J '" V-2 ~ ~~~ERED .,., BUR. <l
i= If)
w ,. ,,- '" AVERAGE
100,000 FT.
20 ~ / TO
1/100 I

10 \ \ 5~~T.
1/10 \ STRATOSPHERE 72,395 FT.
29,141 FT. "
" '" '"
-100" 00 +1000 .. 200° 10 20 30 405060 70 eo 90 100 600 700 763 800 900


\\"Ould be uncomfortable to travel at these altitudes. At high phere is a question outside the confines of this discussio
altitudes. the density of the air is so low that the actual tem- A plane powered by a rocket motor and capable of tray
perature of any bod)' will be determined only by the amount ing 2000 miles per hour could maintain itself at 20 mil
of radiation received by that body. Temperatures at high 000,000 ft.) if the landing speed was 200 miles per hour}
altitudes (above 35 miles) are important only in e:-.:plaining This assumes that the equation for "lift" is the same foF
other physical phenomena. supersonic speeds as for subsonic speeds, although thi~'
not exactly correct. However, it is e:-.:pected that rock
airplanes will fly at about 80,000 feet at speeds near 2
The air pressure on any planet varies with the tempera- miles per hour. (
ture, composition of the atmosphere, the acceleration of
gravity and the altitude. On a warm planet, other things BALLOON ALTITUDES ~

being equal, the pressure at the surface will be less than on In a balloon it can be assumed that inside pressure ~
a cold planet and at high altitudes the pressure will be ~qual to outside pressure. The density .of air at sea lev ~
greater. On the average, the air pressure on the Earth drops IS about 0.06 lb. per cu. ft. The denSIty of hydrogen .
a factor of ten ever" ten miles (see chart). If the accelera- 1/16 as great and a lift of over 0.05 lb. per cubic foot canl
tion due to gravity' were ~ as large, the drop would be a be expected at sea level and a lift of .00005 lb. per cubiq.
factor of ten every 20 miles. \\There the temperature is low foot at 30 miles. At 30 miles, a l00-ft. diameter balloon'
the pressure drops more rapidly (see chart). haS a lift of 50 Ibs. and a 50-ft. balloon a lift of 6 Ibs I
Since the materials in a 50-ft. balloon \vill probably weig~l
at least 6 Ibs., an altitude of 30 miles is probably the uppe.,
The speed of sound in a medium depends upon the com- limit for sounding balloons. In practice, sounding balloons
position and temperature of the medium. The composition have reached an altitude of around 25 miles. I:
of the Earth's atmosphere changes only slightly between
sea level and 50 miles so that the speed of sound will in- ROCKETS ~':
crease with increasing temperature and decrease with de- For rockets to reach high altitudes, the ratio of fue
creasing temperature. weight to total weight must be large. In the V-2 rocket thi I.

ratio is about 0.7. Since the V-2 was desioned to carry

pay Ioa d 0 f one ton compared to a total weight of 13 tons~
The KeJil/elly-Hem'iside HE" Layer is a region in which the maximum altitude of the V-2 014 miles) can be ex~
charged particles exist in large 1/umbers. At an altitude of ceeded by rockets designed to carry smaller pay loads.
sixty miles the absorption of ultraviolet radiation ionizes The V-2 has a maximum velocity of about one mile pe
the atmosphere (i.e. it causes electrons to be separated from second. It is theoretically possible to build a multiple rOCke~
molecules and atoms thereby leaving them with a positive in which the final rocket would leave the Earth. About th
charge). An effective electron density of about 3 x 105 most that could be expected of such a rocket is that the las
electrons per cubic centimeter in this region is responsible rocket fired would weigh about 50 pounds if the totall
for the reRection of ordinary radio waves back to the Earth. weight of the multiple rocket was 10 tons. ~
At about 100 miles an effective electron density of about
106 electrons per cubic centimeter exists. The ionization TROPOSPHERE

in these layers varies with time of day, season and sunspot "T ropo" means change. The troposphere is the regiofJ
activity. of changing weather. I
The "lift" on the wings of an airplane is directly propor- Stratum means non-changing. Stratosphere is the regiO~
tional to the air density and the square of the velocity of the of constant temperature. It was originally assumed that th
plane. At 10 miles altitude the density of the air is one- temperature remained constant above eight or ten mile,
tenth as great as at sea level. At this altitude the velocity but with the utilization of the V-2 for meteorological re-I
of the plane must be about three times as large as the search this theory has been proven incorrect. I
velocity necessary to maintain Hight at sea level. IE a plane
has a landing speed of 50 miles per hour, it should be able UPPER ATMOSPHERE

to maintain an altitude of 10 miles at about ISO miles per The upper atmosphere extends from the stratosphere to
hour. Its ability to maintain this speed in the thin atmos- the upper limit of the atmosphere ..
~varrheads For G~ided ~~~SS~es
By Har~ld S. Morton
The purpose of weaponry has always been to lengthen Anti-ship missiles must carry• to their taroets
nd strengthen the arm of the user. The rock in the hand suitable for damaging or destroying:
of primitive man added strength to his blows; the club or
I.-Armed and armored surface fighting craft
~tone axe increased both striking power and reach. The
bow and arrow greatly multiplied the effective striking dis-
3.-~lerchant shipping
',ranceof the spear.
Guided missiles constitute a new type of vehicle for 4.-0ther miscellaneous craft and floating installations.
lengthening the arm of the user; but the strength of the Anti-ground target missiles will be required to attack a far
Iblowswhich they can deliver depends on the nature of the greater variety of targets than either of the preceding cate-
:warhead, and on how accurately it is delivered to its in- gories. Targets heretoFore attacked by all types of projectiles
:lended target. The payload of a guided missile is its war- from hand and rifle grenades to artillery shells and aircraft
head, and the justification for its employment lies in the bombs now become targets for guided missiles. The types
ability to deliver this payload to a point from which sig- of warheads become as diversified as the character of the
nificant damage can be inflicted on the target. The inter- targets which must be defeated.
dependence of guidance accuracy and warhead design will Certain general types of destructive elements which may
ire considered later after a discussion of the purposes for be employed are:
,which warheads may be required, and some of the types
of warheads which may be used. I.-l-ligh-ex"plosive fragmentation
2.-High-explosive blast
GENERAL CLASSIFICATION 3.-lnert armor-piercing heads
I Missiles may be launched from ground, ship, or aircraft, 4.-lncendia.ry materials
against targets on land, sea, or in the air.. The design of the 5.-Chemical agents
missiles themselves is rather closely related to the source 6.-Fissionable materials
from which they are launched; but the warhead character- This is not necessarily a complete enumeration of destruc-
istics depend m~re on the target than on the sources. Such tive agencies or methods which are applicable to special
differences as may exist between the warheads of missiles targets. For obvious reasons it is not practical to discuss here
launched from different sources, but against similar targets, the detailed application of these principles to specific tar-
will depend on the tactical conditions of employment and gets; but certain general conclusions as to how selections
on the expected accuracy of guidance to target. should be made will be drawn.
vVarheads are classified according to the type of target, as:
a. Antiaircraft
b. Anti-ship It is not the purpose of this article to dwell on guidance
c. Anti-ground problems; but it is necessary to point out that a certain
minimum degree of accuracy is prerequisite to any eco-
Under each generic type will be found several subdivisions
nomically sound employment of guided missiles as weapons
which, in general, present a variety of problems to the war-
of destruction. The belief that indefinitely increased size
head designer. Some targets are more. difficult to damage
and/or potency of warheads can fully compensate for misses
than others. Some can be effectively dealt with by one type
of any magnitude is fallacious. It is true that the size and
of warhead, while others require an entirely different tech-
general characteristics of any particular warhead design
nique of inflicting damage. Antiaircraft missiles must be
must be chosen on the basis of the expected guidance ac-
prepared to attack:
curacy; but it turns out that for any expected miss distance
I.-Subsonic piloted aircraft there will be an optimum warhead size above which it is not
2.-Supersonic piloted aircraft profitable to go. Rather elementary studies show that we
3.-Subsonic pilotless aircraft usually reach a point where for the same expected accuracy
4.-Supersonic pilotless aircraft of guidance, two smaller warheads give a higher over-all
5.-0ther miscellaneous airborne missiles ranging from probability of damage than a single one twice as large.
self-propelled or glide-bombs to free falling pro- It therefore appears that it is just as bad to make the war-
jectiles consisting of little more than a heavily head too big as it is to make it too small. If it now turns
armored case protecting some type of lethal pay- out that even the optimum warhead for the expected ac-
load. curacy has such a low probability of damage that a pro-
hibiti,oely large number of missiles is required to achieve course during Right to match the motion of the targe
the required results, improvement must be sought through whereas the unguided missile is committed to a precalcu
better guidance which leads to smaller average misses. lated course before it is launched, and cannot correct f
subsequent target maneuvers.
EFFICIE~CY OF GUIDED !\ IISSILES The antiaircraft targets of the immediate future will fot
TIle evaluation of guided missiles and their comparison a while continue to consist principally of more or less co~
with other projectiles which may compete with them in par- ventional types of subsonic piloted aircraft; but in the futur
ticular functions is based, in the last analvsis, on looistic
o. 1:>
considerations. \ Ve undertake the destruction of certain tar-
gets at a cost which may be calculated in anyone or all of
the following terms:
I.-tonnage of missiles expended
we may expect piloted and unpiloted aircraft in both su
sonic and supersonic speed ranges, plus many new types ~
missiles, guided or unguided, self-propelled, gliding,
free-falling. Each presents its particular problem to th
warhead designer, and makes it necessary to investigat
many techniques for target destruction.
2.-ton-miles of transportation required to support this
Naval warfare during \Vorld \Var II was characterize
expenditure of missiles
from the beginning by the frequency and marked success ol
3.-man-hours of productive capacity required to pro-
attacks on ships from the air. Techniques for such attackt
duce the missiles expended
against vessels of all kinds are well developed. The general
The relative importance of these factors will be given character of sea-borne targets is not changing nearly a\
appropriate weighting in any evaluation in accordance with rapidly as air-borne targets. Guided missiles will delivet
the prevailing tactical and strategic situation. For example, payloads similar to those carried in the past by piloted air:
on shipboard, number one is an important factor. On a craft, and will attack vessels with hull-piercing missil~,
foreign shore, number two is critical, but becomes less im- above the water line, with high-explosive charges below thd
portant on home territory. In an all-Qut war of attrition, surface, and with the various other devices which havl'
number three mav be the final determinino0 factor. In de-
proven their worth with piloted aircraft. The differenc
ciding whether a particular design of guided missile is the will be that the delivering vehicle need not necessarily re
preferred solution to a given problem of target destruction, turn from its mission. - ~
the above yardsticks must all be used. It is difficult to define the scope and character of warl
heads for use against ground targets, since the latter are sQ
diverse in character. Every objective heretofore attacke
The design of the warhead starts out as a terminal bal- by any type of land, sea or air-borne weapon may can
listics problem in which one evaluates all possible means, ceivably become a legitimate target for air-borne guide
or combination of means, of inRicting damage on a particu- missiles. The list ranges from personnel and lightly al
lar target from a point adjacent thereto and at a probable mored mobile military equipment to the most massive for
distance which must be assumed as one of the design fac- tincations. It embraces industrial production centers an
tors. At this point the nature of the missile which carries transportation facilities, sources of strategic materials anJ
the warhead to destination is of no concern except insofar of food supplies. Both tactical and strategic targets must b
as it affects the direction and velocity of approach and the sought out and neutralized.
probable magnitude of the miss. In this group of targets more than any other the desig
An imaginative approach to the problem is very essential of a particular warhead is truly a problem in terminal bal"
in order to avoid following conventional precedents which listics. \Vhether it reaches its objective traveling on th
do not necessarily lead to optimum designs. One must be ground or in the air is incidental; it must be designed t
prepared to take advantage of the low launching accelera- inflict maximum damage to the target if delivered withi
tions of guided missiles, which give a freedom not enjoyed a specified probable distance therefrom, using whateve
by the designer of artillery or mortar shells. The character- method seems best fitted to the particular conditions.
istics of targets must be re-examined to determine whether It is not practical at this time to discuss specific applica,
their evolutionary development is making them more or less tions in detail or to draw any comparisons between differentl
vulnerable to conventional methods of attack, and whether principles of operation in cases where two or more are ap-
they are developing any potential weaknesses to heretofore plicable to the same target. Suffice it to say that these de-
unexplored technicjues for damage. The velocities of both tailed studies and comparisons are being made, and the
missiles and targets (in cases where the latter are mobile) economics of guided missiles is being most carefully com-
must be studied to determine whether constructive use can pared with that of other existing or potential weapons whic~
be made of the closing speed in augmenting the warhead's can be used against any of the same targets. For exampl~
effectiveness. one critically examines the relative usefulness of guided,
The foregoing discussion applies particularly to the anti- missiles vs. bombs dropped from conventional aircraft when
aircraft problem. This is one of the earliest uses for which either can be used. Of course the ultimate guided missiles
the development of guided missiles was initiated. The pur- will reach targets which no other weapon can reach. In
pose is to extend the range of effective antiaircraft fire be- such cases the only yardstick is an appraisal of the absolut
yond the useful limits of artillery shells or other unguided expected cost of obtaining the expected results.
projectiles. The outstanding ad,oantage which the guided In conclusion, it is again pointed out that the warhead
missile enjoys is the elimination of dead time and time of and the results which it can achieve at the target, constitut
Right of the projectile as sources of error. It can correct its the only justification for building and flying guided missiles
By Colonel D. W. Hickey, Jr., CAC

It appears that the various artilleries of the United States number of guns. The nature of this problem has been such
Army may soon be merged into one artillery corps. From that precision of fire was of necessity the first consideration.
1907 until today the artillery has been divided into the Because the Coast Artillery Corps cannot have as many
Field and Coast Artilleries, and since the beginning of guns as it would like to have, and because it must be able
\Vorld War II, the Coast Artillery has been unofficially to fire upon more than a single target at one time, the objec-
divided into the Antiaircraft Artillery and the Seacoast tive of fire is maximum result with minimum equipment.
IArtillery. The pending merger, along with the probability l-Ience the stressing in the Coast Artillery Corps of the de-
that orthodox cannon may be outranged by a new type of velopment of precision. Hence also a concentrated effort
weapon, brings up the question: "\iVhat is the future of the toward the delivery of maximum fire per gun.
Coast Artillery Corps?" In France, during vVorld War I, the Coast Artillery
There is little question as to the future of the Antiaircraft Corps handled mobile artillery of 155mm caliber and
Artillery. That branch will continue to fire primarily greater. In addition it handled the antiaircraft artillery and
against airborne targets. The Field Artillery will continue trench mortars. Precision methods in that war, and to a
to support the Infantry. The question is whether or not greater extent in \Vorld \Var II, made it possible, with a
the Seacoast Artillery will continue to provide protection few mobile guns, both seacoast and antiaircraft, to execute
for the harbors and vulnerable coast line of this country. artillery missions satisfactorily, quickly and with a minimum
\Vill it continue its planning for frontier defense in future use of ammunition. Since vVorld vVar I, the Coast Artillery
wars as it did prior to 1941? Corps has dr'opped its work with trench mortars, but has de-
The questions posed .above must be answered in the veloped antiaircraft artillery to such an extent that during
affirmative if several other more obviously pressing questions World War II it had the best in the world.
are also to be answered in the affirmative. For example, we Applying the principles of automatic fire control, which
ask, must we provide protected harbors for our Navy, in it learned in developing antiaircraft artillery, to the problem
"hich it can refit, refuel, rest and take refuge in case of of seacoast firing, it has succeeded in producing gun data
need; must we provide strong points along the seaward computers which appreciably increase the precision of sea-
frontiers around which mobile forces can be brought to coast artillery fire.
repel invasion; must we provide means for striking an The Coast Artillery Corps has taken a prominent part in
enemy above and below the surface at long ranges; must the development and use of general surveillance and fire
we deny a harbor to an enemy intent upon invading our control radar. The radar-director combination, applied to
land? If the answer to this compound question is to be the antiaircraft problem resulted in unbelievable numbers
yes, in whole or in part, then it appears that the Seacoast of enemy aircraft shot down. It has applied the new
Artillery is still a vital part of our system of national defense. medium to search, location, fire control and the spotting of
The Coast Artillery Corps has always been ready when shots.
called upon to attempt the new and unusual. It has met The Seacoast Artillery has fired at hostile seacraft in vari-
and solved problems involving the submarine mine, anti- ous parts of the world. Corregidor, of course, is the classic
aircraft artillery and other most intricate mechanisms of example of the worth of seacoast defenses. By its stubborn
warfare as the;' came along to be dealt with. It will be resistance, using its antiaircraft, seacoast guns and sub-
ready again, when its capacities must be tried against the marine mines aO'ainst
o the enemv. in whatever form of attack
tougher and even more specialized problems sure to be a he chose to adopt, the Rag was kept Hying over the Philip-
part of any future war. pine Islands for many months longer than it otherwise
The principle of seacoast artillery firing has been the would have been. Because of our readiness for comhat, our
placing of a volume of fire upon a moving and maneuvering ability to fire with effect upon hostile air, land, surface and
target, located on the surface of the water, with a minimum subsurface craft, enemies have amided our harbors.
Throughout history and throughout the world, harbors equipped vdth similar new weapons, will there be a place
have, when properly defended been taken only from the for what \ve have termed orthodox cannon?
rear. Singapore, Port Arthur, Corregidor, Brest and Le In antiaircraft firing \\'e have recognized that there are
Havre, all were taken bv combined arms from the rear. The zones in the air surrounding the defended area which re-
denying of our harbors' alone 'would be sufficient reason for quire different t~'}JCsof cannon. For the longer ranges,
the maintenance of harbor defenses in some form. heavy cannon have been considered necessary. For inner
A merger of the artilleries is sensible. The Artillery, as zones the cannon are too cumbersome and machine guns
a single corps or branch, can do better the work vi,hich has on multiple mounts had to be used. An intermediate zone,
in the past been done jointly by the Field and the Coast Ar- in which neither cannon nor machine guns were ideal, was
tilleries. For the past forty years there has been cooperation taken care of with the 40mm automatic cannon. Similarly
between the branches, but it is logical to assume that a in the engagement of an enemy Beet there will be zones of
single artillery, under a single leader, would further pro- action for different types of weapon. It appears from the
mote the internal harmony essential to the accomplishment accuracies which we now get from experimental types of
of any task in which many must work tmNard a single end. \\'eapons that, for the close-in engagement, a weapon of
Under such a plan there v.'Ould be no contingency of inde- great accuracy and hitting power may still be necessary.
pendent research and development. There would be no \Ve have such a weapon in the present modem seacoast
duplication of production or procurement. There would gun. \Vould it not be wise to retain the present armament
be integration of thought and opinion. until such time as it is certain that they can be replaced by a
The mission of the ArtiIIery wiII, for the time being, re- better in-fighting weapon?
main very much as it has been. There \\,m be the problem It is presumed that in future wars, the harbor defenses
of fire in support of the Infantry, which will include the will be manned almost entirely by troops of the civilian
location of targets and the adjustment of fire using radar components. Such a plan will work if, during peacetime,
and other means. There will be the task of firing upon these troops have the opportunity to train properly. Not
objects moving through the air at supersonic speeds. There only must they be trained in the firing of guns, rockets,
will be the job of firing upon water targets at greater and submarine mines, guided missiles, or whatever the weapon
greater ranges, and upon targets which approach under the to he used, but the higher commanders must be taught the
surface. There will be the responsibility of assisting in the tactical handling of troops in a seacoast artiIIery role. Let
development of new type weapons and, later, in the work- those who are in the harbor defenses today not repeat the
ing out of techniques for the operational use of such new error of permitting the higher commanders and staffs of the
weapons. All of these tasks will be primarily those of the civjlian components to enter upon their wartime assign-
Artillery. ments without having had suitable training beforehand.
As the work becomes more and more technical, it will be We must war-game our war plans in time of peace, with
less and less possible for troops to learn all the techniques the future wartime commanders and staffs taking their
necessary to the ArtiIIery. In the lower ranks, officers will proper places. Only with such preparation will these troops
initially become expert in only a part of the whole. Later handle their jobs without confusion.
these same officers will learn to command units trained in The question, then, of "What is the future of the Coast
any of the specialties of the ArtiIIery. Our educational Artillery Corps?" seems to have answered itself. The com-
trend lies in such a direction. A young officer at this time bined artillery corps of the United States Army must, to
starts his educational career by attending the school at Fort accomplish its mission, retain the skills, arts and abilities
Sill. He goes also to Fort Bliss for training in antiaircraft. of every present-day artillery branch and technique. It
He wiII naturally gravitate toward whichever of these arts must consider itself one corps with a multitude of tasks, the
most appeals to him. Later, he may attend the school at Fort accomplishment of which will require the deepest think-
vVinfield Scott and learn the techniques of seacoast artiIIery. ing, "the greatest application to advancing techniques, and
A few other questions are being asked by those who are the most intensive study of current and future problems.
thinking of the future role of the artillery in national de- With such a corps of officers and men, the Artillery will do
fense. vVhat should be done with Coast Artillery gun bat- its job even better than it has done it in the past-and who
teries? Should they be retained or scrapped? If and when will deny that the Artillery has, in past wars, played its part
we get a new weapon, able to challenge an enemy vessel well and fully justified its existence?

"Technology (knowledge and skill in science and manufacture) does not elimi-
nate the need for men in war .... Men learn to fire a riBe or machine gun quickly,
but it takes long hours of ... maneuver before the firing of the riBe is coordinated
with the activities of (the) other men on the team. All men who might someday
have to 6ght for their Nation must have this team training .... Peace can only
be maintained by the strong." -GEORGE C. MARSHALL.
Damage Analysis In
Antiaircraft Artillery.
By Major Franklyn J. Michaelson, Field Artillery

"Captain Jones," exclaims Major Brown, "this method were destroyed as a result of firing the three hundred
of firing that I have just devised will improve the effective- rounds, we could say that on the basis of that firing it would
ness of vour battery tremendouslv!" take one hundred fifty rounds to destroy (or kill) one
The ~verage antiaircraft artilleryman has heard similarly aircraft. If it took one hundred fifty rounds to destroy one
bold statements all through his military career. The first aircraft, then each round fired contributed 1/150, or .0067,
question that comes £0 his mind after hearing such a state- of a kill. Sixty-seven ten thousandths can then be referred
ment is, "How does Major Brown know?"-truly an impor- to as the prob~bility that one round would kill one aircraft,
tant question. Being alert, Captain Jones will ask himself or as. the single shot probability for the conditions under
what methods are available for determining the truth or which the targets were engaged.
falsity of such bold claims. So it behooves all antiaircraft There are many conditions which affect single shot
artillery officers to become familiar with methods of deter- probability. Certainly it is more difficult to kill an aircraft
mining the effectiveness of their units and evaluating de- farther from the gun than one closer to the gun, so we can
velopments in technique and materiel. say that range is one variable affecting single shot probabil-
This article sets forth methods that may be applied to ity. Since the size of a projectile affects the lethal effect of
determination of effectiveness and evaluation ot develop- a burst, gun caliber may be considered another variable.
ments. Damage analysis concerns itself with these meth- Other target conditions .which affect single shot probability
ods, Before discussing methods of damage analysis, it is are altitude) speed, type) angle of approach, etc. Conditions
valuable to consider the basic term used in such analysis. pertaining to the firing weapon which affect single shot
This term is "single shot probability," or the probability that probability are gun model) type director) type radar) type
one round fired will destroy one aircraft) or target, in flight. fuze) etc. Careful consideration must be given these variable
This destruction will be referred to hereafter as a "kill." A conditions when single shot probabilities are under discus-
kill is distinguished from a hit in that it refers to actual SIon.
destruction of a target as a direct result of antiaircraft fire, Since the concept of single shot probability is such an
whereas a "hit" has manv connotations. A hit can be in- important tool in damage analysis studies, several methods
terpreted as a fragment ~erely piercing some part of an of determination of SSP's are worthy of mention. In the
aircraft; it may be interpreted as a round bursting within a example quoted above, SSP was determined by counting
given volume about the target; in short, it may mean any- the number of rounds fired and the number of targets killed,
thing the individual using the term wants it to mean. To thereby making it possible to find out the contribution of
avoid ambiguities, the term "kill" is used in discussions of each round to the kills obtained. It might seem obvious
damage analysis. In other words, then, single shot proba- that a good method of determining SSP would be that of
bility (SSP) may be defined as the probability that one analyzing combat records of the past war in order to study
round hred will kill one aircraft, or target, in flight. the number of aircraft killed and the number of rounds
To clarify single shot probability, an example is cited. fired by individual batteries. On the whole, combat records
Suppose an antiaircraft \'I.'eapon,90mm for example, vI/ere are unreliable for our purpose, since firing during the war
~t't up in firing position and engaged all targets within was conducted under more or less uncontrolled conditions.
range on a particular day. At the end of the day's firing, Also, if an enemy aircraft were destroyed by antiaircraft
the number of empty ammunition cases could be counted fire, there was always an element of doubt regarding the
in order to determine ho\v manv rounds \\'ere fired that dav. battery actually killing the aircraft, v"hen more than one
~\ count also could be made of the number of aircraft d~- battery engaged it. Adding to the uncontrolled features of
strayed by the firing of that particular gun. Assuming that combat firing is the element of prejudice which, even with
three hundred rounds were fired, and that two aircraft the most objective observers, was always present.
Another method of determining single shot probabilities
*The figures used in this article are wholly fictitious, there being no might be to set up a gun battelY, fly friendly aircraft in such
relation between them and actual figures. These figures herein were
chosenfor demonstration of principles and arithmetic simplicity. a manner that they could be engaged by the battery, and
shoot to kill as many aircraft as possible. The obvious diffi- distances. These measurements have been made for some
culty with a method of that nature is that so many friendly weapons by means of tests carried on at Fort Bliss, Texas,
aircraft and pilots would be killed. It has been suggested under the supervision of the Research and Analysis Depart-
that a modification of that method be applied by using ment, Antiaircraft and Guided Missiles Branch, The Artil-
radio-controned aircraft, and firing to destroy,those. The lery School. Such measurements are yital to the applica-
difficulty .with radio-controlled targets lies in the fact that tion of damage analysis, since battery acc1lracy is one of the
they do not approach target speeds attained by present-day two entities involved in determination of single shot proba-
combat airplanes, and that they might be killed by some bilities.
means not lethal to actual airplanes. For example, a shell The second e},:perimentalphase involved is the determi-
burst might put the radio controlling mechanism out of nation of the lethal effect of bursts occurring at various
action, resulting in a kill that \\'ould not otherwise have distances from the target. This effect can be termed con-
occurred with a regular combat airplane. ditional probability of damage. It can be defined as the
Actually, the most useful method of determining single probability that a kill will occur on the condition that a shell
shot probabilities for heavy antiaircraft guns has been the bursts at a specified distance from the target. Conditional
device of a carefully controlled experimental situation in probabilities are mainly a function of caliber, since a heavy
two phases. shell bursting a certain distance from a target will have a
The first phase deals with determining firing aCCUTctcy of greater probability of killing the target than a lighter shell
a battery. A battery is set up much in the same way as it bursting at the same distance. This second phase of the
would be set up for a normal target practice, but the target single shot probability eA'Periment was conducted by the
aircraft Ry courses on which exact altitude, direction, and Ordnance Department at the University of New Mexico,
speed are known. There are two ways of collecting data for where certain values for conditional probabilities have been
this phase, both of which have been used profitably. The determined. Refinements of these data are being made cur-
first of these collection methods is that of firing actual am- rently by other agencies. In general, 'the methods used in
munition at sleeves towed by target aircraft, and processing determining conditional probabilities concern firing rounds
burst deviation data in a similar manner to computing re- at actual aircraft on the ground, simulating Right condi-
sults of a target practice. The second of these methods in- tions as nearly as possible. After firing, shell fragments are
volves measurement and recording of firing data computed counted as to number and location in the aircraft, and
by the director each second and true present position data lethality of fragments is assessed by persons familiar with
as computed by phototheodolite data. When all these data damage effects to aircraft and personnel of fragments in
are recorded, firing data are compared to present position various positions. Obviously, a fragment found in the
data on the basis of a time of Right element, so that devia- dummy representing the pilot of a single-engine aircraft,
tions of a burst from the target may be computed even in a part of his body that would cause death, in all proba-
though no live rounds were fired. The latter method is bility will result in destruction of the aircraft. Similarly,
very fruitful, since the assumption and accompanying data fragments found in other parts of the aircraft or its per-
simulate a live round's being fired every second that the sonnel are assessed as to their probabilities that aircraft
target aircraft is on course. destruction will result.
Several assumptions must be .clarified when dealing with The combination of accuracy and lethality produces sin-
the first experimental phase of determining single shot gle shot probability. If a number of rounds are fired during
probabilities. First of all, the conditions as to range, alti- an experiment, the number of resultant bursts at various
tude, caliber, etc., set forth above, must be specific, so that miss distances recorded, and the lethal effect of each burst
results obtained will pertain to those conditions and no noted, the determination of single shot probability reduces
other. In order to furnish an up-to-date analysis of results, to a problem in arithmetic. To illustrate the combination of
it should be assumed that VT fuzes are used all the time. accuracy and lethality to produce single shot probability, an
For data collected by firing live ammunition, VT fuze example is furnished. Consider the following table:
conditions are obtained by applying a time of flight correc-
tion both to the shell burst and to the target. For data col- A TABLE FOR USE IN THE COMPUTATION
lected by the comparison of firing data and present position OF A SINGLE SHOT PROBABILITY
data, it is assumed that VT-fuzed ammunition was fired,
and that bursts occurred in a plane passing through the I i II III IV
target, perpendicular to the line of aim. Therefore, only l\1issDistanceiNo. of Rounds' Conditional; Expected
lateral and vertical deviations are considered. (Yards) (Accuracy); Probability 1 No. of Kills
It might be asked just what information is desired from I (Lethality) l
this seemingly complicated phase of the experiment. The I
object is to determine from a large number of courses
o 1 1.0 l.0
10 3 .7 2.1
Rown and rounds fired, the frequency of bursts at each 7 2.1
20 .3
distance from the target. After having that information, 15 .1 1.5
an estimate is made of how much damage each burst, oc- o
40 20 o
curring at various distances from the target, will do. This
50 35 o o
estimation is dealt with in the second phase. 19 o , 0
60 I __
So then, the first phase of the experiment is the measure-
lTotal: 100 ITotal: 6.7
ment of battery accuracy, in terms of frequency of miss I
Column I merely lists the miss distances. in yards. of situation in which the single shot probability is .2. If ten
bursts occurring. The numbers in the column represent' rounds were fired in such a situation, we could expect to
groups of distances. so that zero represents bursts occurring get ten times .2, or t\,'o kills. However, such an eJ..'Pectation
between zero and five yards from the target. ten represents might lead to absurdity when only one target is engaged,
bursts occurring between fiye and fifteen yards from the since it is impossible to kill the same target t\,'ice in the
target. twenty represents bursts occurring between fifteen same engagement. In considering eJ..'Pectancy,it would be
and t\'lenty-five yards from the target, and so on. better to assume that ten different targets were exposed
Column II shows the distribution of the total of one to one round each, with the single shot probability equal to
hundred rounds fired, or the accuracy of the firing battery. .2-then it can be said that we can expect two of the ten
From this column we see that of the hundred rounds, one planes engaged to be killed.
burst zero yards from the target, three burst ten yards from When only one target is engaged, and a certain number
the target, seven burst twenty yards from the target, and of rounds fired, the concept of engagement kill probability
so on, until all the bursts are accounted for. In this ex- is valid. Taking the same situation as in the above para-
ample, it is assumed that no bursts occurred farther away graph, we can say that if the probability of killing the target
from the target than \vould fall in the sixty yard group. with one round is .2, the probability of the target's surviving
Column III contains conditional probabilities of damage, one round is 1-.2 = .8. Assuming that rounds were fired
or measures of lethality, for bursts occurring at various independently of each other, the probability of a target's
distances from the target. Each figure indicates the proba- surviving two such rounds is .8 times .8 = .64. The prob-
bility that a single round bursting at each distance .will ability of killing a target with the two rounds is 1-.64 =
cause a kill. .36. The probability of a target's surviving three such
Column IV shows the expected number of kills from rounds is .8 times .8 times .8 = .512, with the probability
rounds bursting at the various distances from the target. of killing the target with the three rounds being 1-.51~ =
. Values for Column IV are obtained by multiplying values .488. It can be seen that the probability of surviving a num-
in Column II by corresponding values in Column III. For ber of rounds is equal to the probability of surviving ~}fie
the round bursting zero yards from the target, one kill can round raised to a power equal to the number of rounds fired.
be expected, since the probability of a kill resulting from one If ten rounds were fired with a single shot probability of
such round is 1.0. From the three rounds bursting ten yards .2, the probability of surviving ten such rounds is equal to
from the target, 3 x .7 = 2.1 kills can be expected, since .8 raised to the tenth power, and the probability of the
the probability of a kill resulting from one such round is .7, target's being killed with the ten rounds is equal to one
and so on down the column. minus .8 to the tenth power. With our ten rounds, then,
To determine the single shot probability, for the condi- the survival probability equals 1_.810, or .107, and the
tions under which data in the table were collected, first the probability that the target will be killed with the ten
total number of expected kills for the hundred rounds fired rounds is .893. We can see that as the number of rounds
is obtained by adding up the entries in Column IV. Divid- fired is increased, kill probability goes up, while the prob-
ing that total by the number of rounds fired produces single ability of survival becomes smaller-a logical conclusion.
shot probability. For the case presented in the table, the It is interesting to note in passing that prewar antiair-
total number of expected kills is 6.7, which, divided by the craft target practices ,vere scored on the basis of expectancy
total number of rounds (100), gives .067-the single shot rather than engagement kill probability. If a battery fired
probability. In other words, each round fired in the experi- on ten courses, obtaining no bursts within the established
ment contributed .067 of a kill, under the specified condi- lethal volume on nine of them, but obtaining ten bursts in
tions. It must be kept in mind that if any of the variable that volume on one of the courses, the battery was given
conditions are changed, single shot probability is subject to credit for ten "hits." Such a battery would be scored higher
change. To emphasize the dependence of single shot prob- than a battery obtaining one "hit" each on only five of the
abilitv values on these variable conditions, it can be said ten courses flown. It appears that such a scoring technique
that ;ingle shot probability is a function of range, altitude, sometimes is not indicative of battery effectiveness, since
target speed, target type, angle of approach, caliber of gun, more aircraft would be killed in the l~tter case than in the
model of gun, type of director, radar, fuze, and many other former.
\'ariables which affect accuracy or lethality. In determining effectiveness of a unit firing a certain
\Vith each round fired contributing .067 of a kill, as de- number of rounds against one aircraft, the concept of
termined above, it can be expected that about 14.9 such engagement kill probability should be employed rather than
rounds will be required to produce a kill. The figure 14.9 that of expectancy, although either may be used for cer-
is determined by dividing .067 into 1.0: the reverse pro- tain purposes of comparison. Since a considerable amount
cedure of dividing the number of rounds fired into number of computation is required for solution of kill probabilities
of kills to obtain single shot probability. The number of for a given number of rounds fired, a nomographic device
rounds required for a kill can be used to measure the ef- has been developed by the Guided Missiles and Air Defense
fectiveness of a firing organization. Certainly the greater Division, Assistant Chief of Air Staff-3, United States Air
the number of rounds required for a kill, the less effective Force, capable of giving pertinent information. This device
is the organization. is reproduced on the following page.
Before discussing further the uses of single shot proba- The onlv item needed to obtain information from this de-
bility, the concepts of expectancy and engagement kill vice is a st~ight edge. For example, a straight edge placed on
probability should be considered. Let us say that we have a a value of single shot probability in the right-hand scale and
Now that we have discussed probability and expectanC\.
in general and single shot probability in particular, let Us
look into some of the uses of the concepts. The easiest wa\"
to show an application in this case is by use of an illustra-
AIRCRAFT. TO BE USED A6A1IlST OF MISSILE tion. Suppose that a method of controlled firing has been
9999 de\'ised for a 90rnm battery that improves the accuracy of
the battery, but redu~ the rate of fire from eighty rounds
per minute to SL"Xty rounds per minute. We wish to deter-
.OJ mine whether this controlled method or the normal method
.96 300
of fire is more effective on a given engagement. If the single
shot probability for each of the two methods is determined
and multiplied by the total number of rounds fired for the
.02 same period of engagement, the result would indicate the
expected number of kills and thus a comparison of the
•80 50 .03 effectiveness of two methods .
l-- There are many other ways to use the single shot prob-
t:-. 10 30 .04
ability concept, and these are being employed currently by
1--. 60 .05
the Research and Analysis Department of the Antiaircraft
and Guided Missiles Branch, The Artillery School. By
methods of damage analysis, the department is determining
40 the efficacy of present antiaircraft doctrine, or suggesting
modifications to that doctrine. Among studies conducted
.30 are included determination of optimum number of heavy
guns per director, the best ground pattern for guns within
a battery, single shot probabilities for many conditions, ef-
fectiveness of 90rnm and 120rnm gun batteries, and effects
of increased target speeds upon effectiveness of fire.
.30- In addition to studies directly pertinent to antiaircraft
organizations, studies are being made to determine efficient
methods of analyzing antiaircraft defenses from the Air
Force point of vie\\'. Since it is of vital importance to the
Air Force to know directions of approach to various ob-
.60- jectives that will subject aircraft to a minimum of fire, much
effort has been expended along that line. This effort also
will assist antiaircraft commanders in displacement of
80 heavy gun batteries to furnish the most effective defense of
an objective.
To summarize then, we have seen that the principles of
.95 damage analysis are important to the antiaircraft artillery-
man. The basic concepts of damage analysis have been
on the number of rounds to be fired in the center scale will outlined: accuracy, lethality, and the combination of accu-
give the kill probability read from the left-hand scale. The racy and lethality to produce single shot probability. Meth-
dotted line is placed on the nomograph as an illustration. ods of determination of single shot probabilities have been
It shows that if the single shot probability is .60, and if the sidered, showing that the best method is to set up a
number of rounds fired is about five, then the kill proba- carefully controlled experiment and to be objective con-
bility is between .98 and .99. The combination of values cerning the findings. Finally, the uses of damage analysis
from any two scales will give the value on the third scale, have been set forth.
simply by application of the straight edge. As an example, Now, when some bold claim is made that this or that
if the single shot probability is known (.60), and a certain method of firing or technique will increase effectiveness to
required assurance of a kill is desired for an engagement a large extent, we have the means at our disposal to deter-
(.98 or .99), the number of rounds required can be read mine whether or not the method or system advanced is
from the center scale ( 4 or 5). worthwhile.
Meet The U.S. Air Force
By Oruille S. Splitt and Murray Green

Americans have always been concerned ."ith questions During the war, the Joint Chiefs of Staff appointed a
pertaining to the effective, efficient and economical organi- committee composed of experienced Army, Navy and Air
zation of the U. S. military establishment. They have often Force officers to study the reorganization of our national
sought-hitherto unsuccessfully-to effect a cure for ills dis- defense system. The committee found that a great majority
covered by the analysis of war-taught lessons. These efforts of the leaders in the field favored a unified system of or-
culminated in the National Security Act of 1947, enacted ganization,
by a Congress which had made a diligent evaluation of the In 1944, President Roosevelt established the United
lessons of World \iVar II and a painstaking study of present States Strategic Bombing Survey. With Mr. Franklin
military trends. D'Olier as Chairman, Survey personnel included civilian
Many considerations affect our national well-being. leaders in the scientific, business and educational fields of
Among the greatest of these is security from military aggres- our nation. As an immediate objective, an attempt was
sion. National security is measured to a large degree in made to evaluate the effects of our strategic bombing of
terms of air power. World War II provided conclusive Germany with a view toward utilizing our resources more
evidence that air power has become a major military factor. advantageously, if possible, in the strategic bombing cam-
The new security legislation takes full cognizance of this paign against Japan. At that time, our B-29 force was still
fact and establishes air power as a co-equal partner with in its infancy and the atomic bomb, awaiting its first test
land and sea power. Further, it vindicates the judgment at Los Alamos, still an unknown quantity.
of those who grappled with the problems posed by the first The SunTey expressed a unanimous recommendation
Hight of the V\TrightBrothers and predicted the tremendous that our military establishment be integrated into a depart-
military advantages which might accrue to any nation which ment of common defense "which provides unity of com-
v.rouldproperly evaluate this event in terms of its ultimate mand, and is itself oriented toward the air and new
military significance. weapons."
There is at present no requirement for all military in- It concluded that our capabilities in the air could be ex-
struments of air power to be concentrated exclusively in a ploited only by "a third establishment," equal and coordi-
separate air arm. Certain elements will continue as auxilia- nate with the Army and Navy. To this establishment (an
ries of land and sea power. The major intent of Congress, independent Air Force), "should be given primary respon-
however, was to clear the way for the development and sibility for passive and active defense against long-range
employment of fu.ndamental air power under the over-all attack on our cities, industries and other sustaining re-
direction and control of a branch of the military service sources; for strategic attack, whether by airplane or guided
having this as its major responsibility. missile; and for all air units other than carrier air and such
The establishment of a co-equal air arm is not a new con- land-based air units as can be more effective as component
cept in our military history or, for that matter, our legislative parts of the Army and Navy."
history. It has been advocated for some 30 years by men The first major move made by the Army and Air Force
who foresaw the power and independent mission of the air in carrying out the provisions of the National Security Act
weapon. The subject has been a frequent topic for debate of 1947 was the drafting of a report outlining more than
in Congress. Since 1921, there have been at least 60 bills 200 specific agreements reached between the two services
introduced which were concerned with the reorganization relative to the separation of the Air Force from the Army.
of our armed forces. During this same period, at least seven This report was submitted to the Secretary of Defense,
Congressional committees investigated the subject and sub- James V. Forrestal, on September 15, with the request that
mitted reports. Though parity for the air arm was not the agreements be approved and that Mr. Forrestal direct
always recommended, most of the proposals did include their implementation by the Department of the Army and
the requirement for a single directing head of our mili- the Department of the Air Force. In a memorandum ac-
tary establishment. companying the report, it was stated that both Secretary
In 1944, the Senate War Investigating Committee called . of the Army, Kenneth C. Royan and Secretary of the Air
for legislative action to meet the demands of World War II. Force, V\7.Stuart Symington believed that "the agreements
In the words of its chairman, Senator Harrv S. Truman, it solve in a practical manner the initial problems attendant
called for "the integration of every eleme~t of America's upon separation, and that experience will prove that they
defense into one department under one authoritative, respon- are fundamentally sound and sufficiently flexible to meet
sible head." ... "Call it the War Department, or the De- changing conditions that may develop in the future."
partment of National Security or what you will," said According to the joint report, agreements reached on
Senator Truman. "just so it is one department." basic policy matters provided that senrice support of the Air
Force by the Army will continue substantially as is now assigned to the Air Force. Surface-to-air missiles used for
being done, with each department utilizing the facilities support of Army tactical operations remain assigned to the
of the other in all cases where economy, consistent with Army, while surface--to-air missiles, employed in area air
operational efficiency, ,vill result. The 'report stated that defense, remain an Air Force responsibility.
service units, which are an "organic part of an Air Force No changes were made in agreements now in effect con-
group or lYing, will, in general, be Air Force units." Service cerning the responsibility for antiaircraft artillery. The
units which are not considered an organic part of the Air Army retains responsibility for the activation, training and
Force (although they perform services for that department) control of all antiaircraft artillery units and their personnel
will, in general, be Army units. Such units-engineer bat- with the following exception: the Air Force will train and
talions or signal companies, for example-would remain control all antiaircraft artillery units and personnel assigned
Army units although attached to the Air Force for duty. or attached for air defense purposes. The Army will provide
Similarly, chaplains and medical personnel will remain the necessary units and personnel to accomplish the air
with the Army. defense requirements of the Air Force and, also, personnel
It was agreed that 20,000 Regular Army commissions and units needed for integrated air defense training.
would be allotted to the Air Force for Regular Air Force The report stated that the Army will retain responsibility
officers. The Army will be allotted 30,000 commissions, for civilian component Army units while the Air Force will
which will include those of officers who are attached for assume responsibility for civilian air units.
duty with the Air Force. The initial USAF troop allotment \Vith the exception of meteorological ballistics data, the
will be 401,362 of the 1,070,000 personnel allotted origi- Air Force will take over all responsibility in providing a
nally to the War Department. This allotment will be ad- weather service for both services.
justed as functions and responsibilities are transferred. Under the agreements reached pertaining to planning
Among the agreements reached on personnel and admin- and operational functions, USAF will be responsible for
istrative matters, perhaps the most important is that pertain- the aviation training of foreign nationals as well as the im-
ing to the transfer and detail of personneL It was agreed plementation of the aviation aspects of air programs for
that all officers holding commissions in the Air Corps, foreign countries. State Department liaison will be handled
Regular Army; Air Corps, Reserve; and Air Corps, Army by the Army. ,
of the United States, would be transferred to the Depart- The Air Force will obtain additional independence in
ment of the Air Force. V\7arrant officers and enlisted men many research and development functions. A lengthy sec-
now under AAF command, authority, or jurisdiction, would tion of the report was devoted to outlining the many aspects
be similarly transferred, with the exception of those indi- of the research and development program which the USAF
viduals who perform services common to the Army and the can now undertake 'without approval of the Army's Re-
Air Force. search and Development Division. These involve the
It was agreed also that any individual assigned to the preparation and conduct of programs covering materiel,
Army in accordance with the above provisions, but whose methods, and techniques for which the Air Force has re-
original enlistment was for assignment to the Air Corps or search and development responsibility, together with the
AAF, may submit a written request to the Chief of Staff, establishment of the military characteristics for materiel
USAF, prior to July I, 1949, requesting transfer to the used exclusively bv the Air Force as well as recommenda-
Department of the Air Force. Individuals transferred to tions for milita'ry ~haracteristics of other materiel used 01
USAF in accordance with the policy outlined in the pre- intended for use by USAF. The Air Force will continUE
ceding paragraph who do not desire such a transfer may its responsibility for research and development activitie~
submit a written request to the Chief of Staff, U. S. Army, pertaining to guided missiles.
for return to the Department of the Army. In the special section of the report devoted to budgetary
USAF personnel now on duty with the Army will be functions, Mr. Royall and Mr. Symington recommended
relieved from such duty and transferred to Air Force assign- that a single Army-Air Force budget be submitted for thE
ments during a two-year period ending June 30, 1949, fiscal year 1949. Each budget program making up the total
until the number remaining with the Army is equal to that budget will indicate the amounts which are included fo]
agreed upon by the two departments. Similar action will the support of the Air Force. This budget will be reviewed
be taken for Army personnel now with USAF. by the present Budget Advisory Committee and their rec-
Enlisted and officer personnel of the WAC on duty with ommendations will be made jointly to Chiefs of Staff of thE
the Air Force will remain assigned to the Army until ap- Army and Air Force. If any disagreements arise they will
propriate legislation is enacted establishing procedures for be worked out by the two Secretaries. Representatives oj
the appointment and enlistment of womel). in the Air the Air Force and Army will both appear before Budgel
Force. Bureau and Congressional Committee hearings. Fund~
The Air Force will continue to receive a proportion of appropriated for USAF will be administered in a mannel
each graduating class of the U. S. Military Academy until recommended by both departments and approved by Mr.
such time as an Air Force Academy may be established. Forrestal.
There were no changes made in the agreements now in The new Air Force is concentrating on the rebuilding oj
effect concerning command and operational employment of its demobilization-wrecked organization. Air Force leaden
ground-launched guided missiles. Tactical surface-to-surface have pointed out that when demobilization was completed
missiles-exclusive of pilotless aircraft-remain assigned to they did not have a single squadron immediately capablE
the Army, while strategic surface-to-surface missiles remain of action with wartime efficiency. Today, the U. S. Ail













The New Command Organization and Assignment of Headquarters Officersof the U.S. Air Force

Farce, tagether with the U. S. Army and the U. S. Navy, Staff, has emphasized that under no. circumstances wauld
ispraceeding slowly but surely alang the road back. reduced apprapriatians be allawed to. curtail vital research
The program af reconstructian has been well mapped and develapments projects.
out. The gaal: an air-farce-in-being \vhich will guarantee The Air Farce has campleted a rearganizatian af its
the air securitv af the United States. headquarters, replacing the Air Staff with a new type af
Careful pla~ning has sha\'\'nthat the minimum farce-in- arganizatian which is, accarding to. Secretary Symingtan,
heing necessary to. guarantee aur air security must consist "camparable to. a modem business administratian." A chart
of seventy cambat air groups tagether with their supporting af the new cammand arganizatian and the present assign-
units. These graups must be maintained at peak effective- ment af headquarters' afficersis shawn an this page.
ness at all times, and must be capable af sustained apera- While the American peaple have never lacked maral
tians against an aggressor. fiber in meeting a crisis,the provisian af material strength
This 70-group Air Force-in-Being must be backed by a requires planning ahead. It requires a mature acceptance
well-trained civilian Reserve and an industrial program af respansibility far guarding against any crisisby timely
capable af immediate expansian into.wartime productian. preparatian lang befare danger threatens.
Current apprapriatians have allawed the Air Farce funds Public understanding and support is the primary requi-
for a 55-group program. It is expected that this farce \villbe site if the U.S. Air Force is to. assume ance again warld
manned and readv bv Januarv I, 1948. leadership in the air. General Spaatz emphasized this re-
A cantinuing pragram af'research and develapment is, cently when he stated that "public suppart is as essential to.
of caurse, ane af the majar effartsbeing undertaken by the effective air pawer as industries, airplanes and airmen."
Air Farce. The recent assignment af Majar General Lau- The Natianal Security Act af 1947 has apened new hari-
rence C. Craigie, ane af the Air Farce's ablest technicians, zans to. America's Air Farce.
as Directar af Research and Develapment in USAF Head- It naw maves farward with new strength and renewed
quarters, and General Jaseph T. McNamey, ane af the spirit,fully cognizant af itsabligatians to. the American peo-
five 4-star generals in the Air Farce, as head af the Air l\.la- ple who. have expressed their canvictian that the ability to.
terielCammand, illustratesthe importance attached by the control the air is essential to. victary in time af war, and, af
Air Farce to. the adapting af aur military dactrines to. the. greater impartance, a strong weapon far the maintenance af
lessans af science. General Carl Spaatz, USAF Chief af peace.
By Major General John l. Homer

If you are planning the Grand Strategy for tomorrow's same argument is not valid for guided missiles with atomic
war, you must consider seriously the impact of guided mis- warheads. The tremendous destructive power and long-
siles. Potentially, a war can be started by a long-range lasting effects of a well directed atomic attack can almost
guided missile attack. It is now apparent that this weapon insure that countermeasures will be feeble.
may be developed to strike any portion of the globe from A new weapon generally does one of three things: it in-
any geographical position. It is true that there remain some creases effective range over previous weapons; it renders
unsolved problems of design and control, but these are maximum destructive effect with increased accuracy; or it
purely mechanical limitations that research and develop- reduces the probability of effective countermeasures. The
ment may overcome in the future. guided missile definitely increases effective range. When
Consideration must be given to both offensive and de- the Allies marched into Germany they found on the draw-
fensive aspects of the problem. Offensively, the striking ing boards a project for a guided missile \'I'ith a range or
power of a well placed guided missile attack may seriously 3,000 miles.
destroy a nation's industrial potential, and it is offensively An atomic warhead in a guided missile unquestionably
that the weapon possesses the great threat today. The rea- creates increased destructiveness. When we read a state-
.son for this is that the offensive use of V-2 missiles is far ment by Albert Einstein that the atomic bomb is now
ahead of the defensive development. Further, the employ- capable of 500 times the destructive effect of the first atomic
ment of guided missiles with atomic warheads offers prob- bomb dropped, the world may well shudder at the destruc-
ably the greatest single weapon of destruction known to tiveness of this weapon. As to increased accuracy, the
mankind. guided missile has not yet achieved this goal. The V-2 had
None but the stronger nations, rich in industrial wealth, a lateral probable error of about 2~ miles and a range prob-
and possessing sufficient foresight to use this wealth and able error of about 7~ miles. This problem of accuracy is
knowledge wisely, can expect to compete successfully in a receiving considerable research attention. The control of the
grim contest for \>yorldmilitary leadership. The cost of guided. missile in Bight is another major problem which to-
rocket research and development is necessarily great. Few day has not been satisfactorily solved, but under the assault
C0untries can afford such an outlay over an extended period of scientific research a solution should be forthcoming. As to
of years. decreasing the probability of effective countermeasures, the
The smaller nations can only hope that they do not lie only defense to the guided missile is a counter-guided mis-
in the path of an aggressor, and that thev are fortunate sile. The problem of detecting a missile such as the V-2 at
enough to be aligned with the side that v,:illvdn, or resign long range and in time for effective defensive action is a
themselves to the fate thrust upon them because of geo- matter of great concern and extensive study. Unquestion-
graphical position. But a strong nation, acting too late, will ably, the attack will be superior to the defense when guided
be in no more fortunate position than the \yeaker nations. missiles are emploved.
\\That conditions will obtain prior to initiating this type
of warfare? An aggressor nation will hesitate to attack un-
less its leaders are relatively certain that the victim's stock What weapons used in VVorldWar II furnish a basis for
pile of weapons is smaller, or that the initial attack will so improyed weapons which might be used in event of a future
reduce this stock pile that the victim cannot strongly coun- war? The V-I type' weapon used by the Germans was
terattack, if he can attack at all. The primary objective of the highly effective initially, but when antiaircraft defenses
initial onslaught ",>illbe to destroy the \,,'ill of the victim were properly positioned and massed, better than ninety
to resist, either by annihilating large masses of people, or by per cent \vere shot down. It was, however, a relatively
pulverizing the nation's industrial potential. An argument slow-moving, short-range weapon which Hew a rectilinear
has been set forth that fear of retaliation prevented the use path that made it easy for the Allied antiaircraft defenses to
of poison gas in World \Var II. That is probably true. The destroy. The future V-I type weapon will probably be pow-
ered by a ramjet motor and will Hy better ~n a thousand
*Reprinted, courtesy Military Rel'iew. miles an hour; will have a range of perhaps 1,500 miles and
may carry an atomic warhead. This future V-I, flying very load to any point on the globe, and return. If it were to drop
close to the ground on a maneuvering course, will be ex- conventional gravity bombs, it would have to come within
tremely difficult to detect and engage with present equip-- the range of fire of conventional but improved AA artinery.
ment. One deficiency of the V-I type weapon has been its Towards the dose of World War II, a series of accurate
low degree of accuracy. This problem is presently receiving glide bombs \\'as developed. One type, equipped with a
considerable research attention. Other potential means of de- radio command set, could be controned by a mother plane
struction carried by this weapon could be radioactive waste, for ~th aziI?uth and range, and in addition, had a type of
worrisome by-product in the manufacture of fissionable ma- hommg deVIce. A second type was equipped with a radar
terial. At the present time, this material is usually stored un- set 'which could be directed toward any target selected by
derground in tanks because of the extreme difficulty of safe the radar of the mother plane. A third type of bomb was
disposal. It is conceivable that it can be loaded in any type equipped with a television screen which would televise to
of guided missile. the control operation a pic,ture of the controls in the missile
In the latter stages of World War II, the Germans em- or of the target area below. Any of the above bombs could
ployed the V-2 rocket. This fourteen-ton giant had a speed be jet-powered, making it possible for them to be launched
of about 3,500 miles per hour, and a range of 200 miles, wen outside of any defended area, perhaps as far as one
carrying a one-ton warhead. The Germans were reported hundred miles. These bombs could, of course, carry any of
to have fired a total of 3,600 of these missiles against both the previously mentioned lethal devices.
London and Antwerp. The Allies were never able even to To summarize, we may e},.'pectto see used offensively:
fire against this type of weapon. Its tremendous speed and
high angle of fan made it immune to existing defenses. The 1. A supersonic, long range, low flying V-I type of guided
future V-2 type of missile may be unlimited in range; that
is, it can be expected to reach any point on the surface of 2. A supersonic, extremely long range, guided missile,
the globe. It will probably be a two- or three-step rocket. flying above the atmosphere and coming in at high angles
of fan and under complete control.
It would probably fly under control and have a combination
of one or more homing devices plus a proximity fuse. The 3. Medium range, medium altitude, low speed, pilotless
aircraft controlled by a mother plane.
present day tactical weaknesses in the V-2 are the lack of
a guiding system and the need for longer-range homing 4. The conventional long range bomber equipped with
devices in or4er to br:ing us within the limits of required controllable bombs capable of being released at great dis-
tance from the defended area.
accuracy. The long-range rockets, that is, those traveling
more than 200 miles, will probably be of the wing-type No one can question the contribution of the artillery to
and win glide in the atmosphere for long distances at a victory in World War II. It is not expected that the present
speed of perhaps 1,500 miles an hour. The V-2 type mobile artillery can be materially improved so as to give
weapon can be launChed from a very simple ground plat- great increases in range and muzzle velocity without tre-
form. Liquid fuel rockets can be developed to be launched mendous increases in weight and consequent loss of mo-
.from ships at sea from a gyro-stabilized platform; and rela- bility. However, it should be borne in mind that accuracy
tively long-range solid fuel rockets can be launched from limits of rockets and guided missiles do not yet approach
submarines. Imagine the possibilities of bringing a fleet of accuracy requirements of good artillery. The guided mis-
submarines dose to enemy shores at night and releasing a sile or rocket, by its lightness, fire power, mobility and un-
rocket attack employing. atomic warheads! This weapon, limited range will extend the range of conventional artillery
in addition to carrying ordinary explosives or an atomic to cover the entire battle area. Some military experts believ~
bomb, could also carry radioactive waste. There is no de- that rocket artillery and guided missiles may eventuallv
fense against this type of attack today. replace the conventional guns. J

A pilotless aircraft is another form of guided missile. It

could be launched from a ship, from a mother plane, from DEFENSIVE CONSIDERATIONS

a ground instanation, and even from a submarine. It can be This country is a democracy and, as such, can never be
completely controlled in flight, although its expected slow an initial aggressor. When we are attacked, we can only
speed makes it vulnerable to the conventional type of anti- hope that our people will be prepared to take prompt and
aircraft defenses. With mother planes flying high above speedy measures for reprisal. In the past, this country has
the target, the accuracy of the pilotless aircraft can be closely been very fortunate. We have been able to mobilize in time
controlled. It is capable of carrying any of the previously to meet any threat. However, in both World War I and
mentioned lethal devices. It is doubtful that it would be \\lorld War II, the gift of time was presented to us by our
armed with an atomic bomb because of its susceptibility to Allies. In World War II, it was about fourteen months
destruction by antiaircraft. One scientist has promoted the before our initial offensive could be started in the Pacific
idea that a pilotless aircraft containing a light radioactive and about a year before we could take any action in th~
pile could, by merely flying over areas, or dose to formations European Theater. If and when this country is directly
of enemy planes, or over ships create sufficient radioactivity attacked by a nation employing guided missiles with atomic
to affect seriously the area, planes or ships. Of course, this 'warheads, and' other weapons similar to those discussed,
type of pilotless aircraft could not be retrieved. we 'will not have time to mobilize. Many milimry experts
The delivery of the latest type of conventional bomber, feel that the power and destructiveness of the initial offen-
the B-36, to the armed forces was coupled with an an- sive will determine the outcome of the next war-which
nouncement that this plane could deliver an effective bomb places this country in.a very unenviable position. The
vital necessity for intensive research and development so as an important problem for future study and development.
to keep well ahead of any other nation; adequate provisions Search or target acquisition radars, and fire control radars,
for a highly trained, extremely mobile and air-transportable will hm'e to be employed on a tremendous scale to prevent
professional army, capable of swift retaliation, and a trained too great a concentration of fire on a single target, and to
disciplined resen'e is clearly indicated. prevent oversaturation of the defenses by multiple raids.
\Vhat weapons exist today that can stop a supersonic V-I After the start of any future war it will not be possible to
type of weapon? At the present-none. Indications are that build the weapons needed to fight back, as the war is ex-
in the future this will be the most difficult type of attack pected to be brief and devastating. The following mini-
to stop. Guided counter-missiles, improved detecting de- mum preparations must be made in advance:
vices, antiaircraft guns possessing much greater muzzle ve-
a. New and improved antiaircraft and guided anti-
locities and capable of tracking at many times their present
missile weapons must be developed to combat the V-I and
rate, and improved electronic directors may furnish the
V-2 t)'Pes of attack.
h. Plans for defense against actual invasion must be pro-
At the present time \ye have no defense against the V-2
type of weapon. The only projected defense appears to be
c. Plans for the dispersing of the population must be
a guided counter-missile capable of out-maneuvering and
out-speeding "any incoming guided missile. The problem
d. Vital industries must either be scattered or placed in
of controlling and accurately guiding such a missile is en-
secure underground installations.
gaging the attention of many of the research laboratories of
e. Critical military supplies such as stocks of guided
this country. The! solution to the problem needs, no ne\v
missiles, fissionable materials, and atomic bomb stock piles
discoveries;but merely ~heperfection of known techniques.
should not be kept in any single area.
Until that perfection has been obtained, the offensive con-
tinues to have a tremendous advantage over the present-day
f. Research will have to continue to devise means of pro-
tection against radioactivity.
defensive. At White Sands, the Ordnance Proving Ground,
g. Continued study and research will be required to de-
we have been firing German stocks of V-2s with some minor
vise means of combating chemical and bacteriological at-
modifications of our own. Undoubtedly, before the year is
over, we can eA'Pectto see some American-made weapons
of similar design incorporating" many refinements, and In \x/orId Wars I and II we had the benefit of time for
possibly a more nearly perfect guiding system. preparation. There is a way of obtaining this element of
The most highly developed German weapon designed to time to prepare for a possible future war, and that is by or-
overcome Allied air superiority was the Wasserfall rocket. ganization and maintenance of a highly skilled intelligence
This was a four-ton winged projectile utilizing radio com- network throughout the world. Such an organization has
mand for control and a homing device. Although many generally been frowned upon in this country, thus making
experimental 1iVasserfalls were fired, its development came it difficult to obtain funds to support such an organization.
too late to be used in the past war. Many experts expressed However, it is known that only by determining what is
a belief that had the Germans been given a little more time, going on in other countries can we have advance informa-
perhaps a year, they would have been successful in destroy- tion as to probable intentions of a potential enemy.
ing Allied air superiority by the employment of this guided The adequate defense of our national territory presents
missile. A United States technical mission studying the many problems. The perimeter of this country is so great
problem in Europe stated, in effect, that such a weapon that it would not be economically or militarily feasible to
might conceivably have driven the Allies out of the sky over have detecting units so accurately covering the entire coun-
Germany. try as to detect any guided missile approach in time to em-
If this is true, then the conventional aircraft as a weapon ploy counter-m"easures. The problem of centralized control
of attack is doomed. If the conventional plane is used, it so as to designate specific targets to firing units in multiple
is expected that it will act in the capacity of a mother plane attacks, \'.'ould be gigantic. All that we can hope to do is to
launching and controlling a guided missile from high alti- construct elaborate installations about our most vital areas
tude at a great distance from the target area. This would for detection and defense. Even this would be perhaps an
outmode the conventional AA artillery defense against this item of prohibitive cost.
type of attack. Conventional AA artill~ry \'\fould.still c?n- What, then, is the solution to the military defense of this
tinue its present role against all subSOnICtargets; mcludmg countrv? -
glide bombs, medium altitude bombers, pilotless aircraft If a~ organization like the United Nations, or a World
and strafing fighters. Although these targets can be en- Government, can demonstrate the ability to handle any
gaged, the problem of early detection \'\fould require im- situation, then the world can consider disarmament on a
proved radar techniques and \,,'eapons to handle greater tar- broader scale. This ability has not yet been demonstrated.
get speeds. The solution of this problem can readily be Therefore, the military policy forced upon us is to remain
foreseen. However, to detect supersonic missiles in suffi- militarily powerful and ahead of the rest of the world in
cient time to employ indicated counter-measures remains research and development.
Corregidor Again Changes Hands
By Lieutenant Clarence F. Craw, CAC
A new flag Hies over Corregidor and Sunday, 12 October ter and other buildings on "topside" and all other buildings
1947, has been added to the historic dates for that famous lie ~n ruins, with the jungle creeping in to claim the island
island. "The Rock" is no longer an American military in- agam.
• stallation. Known to many as 'The American Gibraltar" It was indeed fitting that 1\ lajor General George F.
and as the spot where the'most stubborn American resist- 1\ loore, an able and efficient Coast Artillery officer who
ance of \Vorld \Var II took place, the island changed hands commanded the island at the timE;of the Japanese invasion
from the United States to those of the Philippine Republic. and had the sorrowful task of ordering the American Hag
Thus was brought to a close the fifty-year use by the United struck to the invaders, should be on hand October 12th
States of one of its most famous Coast Artillerv installations. to see the American flag come down again-this time to be
Had the many officers and men who wer~ stationed on replaced by the Hag of a sister Republic, a move wrought by
the "Rock" prio~ to the war been able to attend the cere- peace and not by the fortunes of war.
monies on 12 October 1947, and had they not previously "Some of the happiest years of my existence have been
~een the devastation caused by war and nature, the sight spent here," the General stated in his speech at the cere-
of Corregidor would have been an unpleasant shock. mony. "It \vas also on this very spot that I suffered the
Today Corregidor is no longer a well-kept fortress, famous most bitter experience of my life. Certainly I can say that
for the might of its guns and the impregnability of its de- my years as a soldier in the service of my country have been
fense, but a \vasteland of devastation and destruction. The spent on Corregidor. At this time 1 find myself once more
island has gone back for the most part to dense jungle and in command of Corregidor and about to witness a change in
the once beautifully landscaped grounds and terraces are Hags which will again terminate my command."
now a maze of undergrowth and shrubs. Tall grass grows General Moore is still stationed within sight of his
where once crack American and Philippine Scout troops Corregdior prewar command, for today he commands the
drilled on "topside" parade ground. The mighty batteries Philippines-Ryukyus Command, with headquarters near
are still in place but crippled. i\'lanila, and has command jurisdiction over all U. S. Army
Not one of Corregidor's buildings remains intact. The troops in the Philippines and Ryukyus Islands.
famous "longest barracks in the worId" on "topside" are a Approximately 600 people were on the island to witness
mass of broken concrete and twisted steel, mute evidence of its transfer from the ~Jnited States to the Philippine Re-
the pounding the island took during the last war. The hos- public. Among these were President Manuel A. Roxas
pital and barracks on "middleside," the headquarters, thea- and Vice President Elpidio Quirino of the Philippines.

Major General George F.. Moore bids an official farewell to the Island as he joins President Manuel A. Roxas and U. S. Ambas-
sador .Emmet O'Neal in a salute to the Philippine flag during the ceremonies .
---------------------- S ore III ber-Decem ber
550,000,000 was expended for fonifications, and finally the
scene of one of the most blood\' and stubborn battles of
World \Var II, passed back into 'the hands of the people of
its native soil.
The history of Corregidor is so well known to most
Americans that little mention of it need be made here. It
first came into the news of the world prominently when
Admiral George Dewey sailed into the mouth of i\-lanila
Bay on April 30, 1898 just prior to the capture of i\lanila
Harbor and the destruction of Spanish Admiral Montojo's
fleet the following day. Corregidor's garrison at that time
consisted of 280 Spanish and Filipino marines.
After the signing of the treaty of peace at the end of the
shon-lived Spanish-American war. the United States rec-
ognized the strategic importance of Corregidor and its sur-
rounding islands of Caballo, Fraile and Carabao. The island
of Corregidor was renamed Fort Mills and the other islands
named Forts Hughes, Drum and Frank, respectively. Once
fortified, little change took place on the island Corregidor
throughout the years. Due to treaties and economy, it was
practically in its 1900 condition and strength on the event-
ful date of December 7, 1941.
According to their topographical location on Corregidor,
sections of the island were known as "Bottomside, Middle-
side and Topside." The south of Bottomside was used as a
Navy beach. Here also was located the civilian village of
Barrio San Jose. On the north side were the Anny docks
and on the south side of the "Tail" was a Navy hydroplane
For the second time in a half century, the American flag is hangar. Large barracks were on Topside. as were Batteries
lowered on Corregidor, this time to be replaced by the one of
the Philippine Republic. The Philippine flag flies for the first time over Corregidor
after the formal transfer of the island to the Philippine Re.
U. S. Ambassador Emmet O'Neal, U. S. Minister Nathan- public by the U. S.
iel Davis, Major General Albert Jones of the U. S. Anny
Advisory Group, Major General Eugene Eubanks, Com-
manding General, 13th Air Force, Brigadier General Jona- \

than \V. Anderson, Chief of Staff, Philippines-Ryukyus \

Command, Major General Rafael Jalandoni, Chief of
Staff, Army of the Philippines, Admiral H. H. Good, com-
manding U. S. Naval Forces in the Philippines and mem-
bers of the Philippine House and Senate. Fifty of the \
American and Philippine Scout vetenins who had fought to \
the last on the e-oallant island were at the ceremonies as
special guests of General Moore.
After Ambassador O'Neal, IVlinister Davis and General
Moore had spoken of Corregidor and the part it had played
in American historv, :Mr. Davis handed President Roxas the
paper which fonn~lly transferred the island to the Philip-
pines. At 1235 hours, to the strains of the "Star Spangled
Banner," the American flag was lowered for the last time
and the Philippine flag was hoisted as the band played the
Philippine Natio.nal Anthem to indicate the new owner-
ship of the famous island. Vice President Quirino and
President Roxas made the closing speeches.
Thus the island which the Spaniards had taken in 1795
to establish a naval hospital and dockyard, which had
served as a penal colony, a station for ships to stop for cor-
rection of their papers before entering Manila Bay (hence
the name of the island-"Corregidor" the Spanish. name for
"corrector"), a Spanish garrison and then an American
Coast Artillery fort "par excellence" on which more than
Wheeler and Cheney, each with two 12-inch guns; Battery course and parade grounds on the middle of the island and
Crockett with two 1Q-inch disappearing guns; Batteries American troops were once more on the island. At the same
Smith and Hearn, each with one 12-inch disappearing gun; time troops of the 34th Infantry Regiment landed near the
Battery Grubbs, with two 1Q-inch guns; Battery Ramsey San Jose docks. The Japs continued suicidal resistance for
with three 6-inch guns; Battery Morrison \\~th two 6-inch nearly two weeks but towards the end, a series of explo-
guns; Battery Geary, with eight 12-inch mortars; Battery sions on the island revealed that the Japs had destroyed the
\Vav, with four 12-inch mortars; Battery James, with four tunnel system and themselves \~th it. An estimated total
3-iu'ch guns; Batteries Cushing, Keyes' and Hanna, each of 4,215 Japs were killed on the island and an unknown
with two 3-inch guns; Battery Sunset, with four 155mm number blown up.
guns and Batteries Hamilton, Rock Point, Wright, Ord- Future plans for use of the island by the Philippine Re-
nance Point, Keyser, Stockade and Monja, each with two public have not yet been announced, although it has been
155mm guns. An 8-inch gun on a railway mount was revealed that the island will probably be made a memorial
mounted in concrete east of Malinta Hill during combat site by both the Philippine and U. S. Governments.
and Battery Rose had one 155mm gun . .It has also been suggested that the Philippine Military
On Topside also were the headquarters, barracks and Academy, now located at Baguio, be established on the
officers' quarters. Other barracks for the noncoms and the island.
hospital were located on Middleside and there were also So today the Philippine flag flies over Corregidor, flying
underground ordnance shops and other buildings character- \vith the best wishes of the world, expressed by General
istic of any regular army post in the United States. Moore during the turnover ceremonies when he said: "To-
On May 6, 1942, after ferocious and heroic fighting day the American flag will be lowered on this island for
against great odds, the island was surrendered to the Japa- the second time in half a century. As the flag of the Philip-
nese with General Wainwright representing the United pines rises in its place .with it will go the warmest wishes
States and the invaders represented by General Homma. of all Americans, and it is our sincere hope and firm belief
Almost three years later, on February 16, 1945, two long that until the end of history no flag other than that of the
trains of Army C-47 transports flew over the rock and para- Republic of the Philippines shall ever fly over the hallowed
troopers drifted downwards toward the lighthouse, golf ground of Corregidor."


The following chart shows the geographic distribution of National Guard AAA when full strength has been at-
tained. A total of 84 battalions will be organized and the entire strength of AAA troops will be approximately
75,000 men.

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Rockets And Th.eir Fuels*
By Willy Ley

of solid fuels; (4) and (6B) are wholly in the domain of

Part One liq~id fuel~; (5) and (6A) may "?e either solid or liquid
whIle (3) IS a case where the chOIce depends on specifica-
INTRODUCTION tions, for example the altitude to be attained or the weight
Although the rocket was invented a little over seven of the instrument load to be carried.
c~nturies ago and experienced, in the course of that long As regards the classification of rockets according to their
hIstory, repeated periods of high acclaim as a weapon of fuels, all newspapermen, the major portion of the general
war, the scientific inquiry into rocket propulsion is just public, and even a good number of service personnel are
about fifty years old. While the turn of the century does convinced that rocket fuels fall into three classes: solid,
?-ot ~recisely mark the date of the beginning of scientific liquid and secret.
mqmry, the year 1900 may well be used as a convenient Actually the classification is slightly more complicated
landmark. Everything prior to that year belongs under the than that: we have two main groups with sub-classes, the
chapter heading of artisanry. It was, on occasion, quite precise arrangement of which is again largely up to the
skilled and ingenious artisanry, but it was neither scientific classifier. The first group is that of solid fuels which form
inquiry nor technological research. two main sub-classes: the blackpowderlike mixtures and the
During the long period of artisanry, all rockets were modern solid fuels which are based on nitrocotton ' nitro-

alike except that they came in assorted sizes, but since the glycerine (or both) and similar chemicals. The second
advent of scientific inquiry and technological research group of liquid fuels can be most conveniently subdivided
many different types have been designed for a variety of into mono-propellants and bi-propellants, depending on
specific purposes so that classification has become unavoid- whether the fuel contains oxygen or whether combustion
able. has to be sustained by oxygen supplied separately in the
Any classification will depend, of course, on the purpose
for which it was made but in the case of rockets the most
obvious and most common classification is that according
to the intended use. It will read about as follows:
(1) Signal rockets (including flares)
(2) Bombardment rockets
(3) Instrument Carriers (e.g. WAC Corporal and Nep-
Restrided burning solid propellant rocket.
(4) Long range rockets (e. g. V-2)
(5) Take-off help for aircraft
(6) Power plants for (A) unmanned missiles

(B) manned (piloted) aircraft.
In this classification it is unimportant, v\.'hether the bom-
bardment rockets are airborne, shipborne or ground bat-
teries; it is likewise unimportant whether the ground bat- Restricted burning bored solid propellant rocket.

teries fire against ground or aerial targets, etc. It is also

unimportant whether the long range rockets are used as
long range artillery or as mail carriers, etc., etc.
But since the performance of a rocket and most of its
design detail depend on the type of fuel burned, a classi-
fication according to fuels is also perfectly justified. Even
if that classification were as rough as distinguishing just
Unrestricted burning solid propellant rocket.
two types of rockets, those \,'ith solid and those with liquid
fuels,. the above list of uses would be split up in a very in-
terestmg manner. (1) and (2) are in the exclusive domain
*Part II of this article will discuss liquid fuels and future fuels. Solid Propellant Rockets.
form of an oxidizer. In order to ayoid any question in the But while it was possible to handle the problem of self-
reader's mind it should be stated right here that gaseous ignition during loading and while mass-production prob-
fuels are classified under "liquids" because they are carried lems could probably haye been worked out, the black-
in the rocket in the liquid state. powder rocket had a main drawback ,,\-hich could not be
Q\"ercome,-the inherent brittleness of a compressed black-
powder charge. This brittleness became worse as the
Historically the first rocket fuel was a relative of the old density was improved and highly compressed powerful
black gunpowder, a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur and char- rockets became unsafe after much handling or even after
coal. It is interesting to note that this rocket powder pre- a sudden change in temperature. Any mechanical or
ceded "gunpowder" for the very simple reason that the first thermal shock produced cracks in the mixture 'which caused
documentary evidence of the use of rockets dates from the explosion of the rocket when the Harne had progressed to
year 1232 A.D. while guns (in the sense of firearms) are the crack.
mentioned for the first time in 1313 A.D. The first men- Because of this major and unavoidable drawback, the
tion of rockets is Chinese, the first mention of guns is Dutch use of blackpo\'ider rockets is now limited to fireworks
but with reference to Germany. It is therefore a generally where a high compression of the mixture is not required
accepted theory by now that rockets were invented some- and which therefore are reasonablv safe both in manu-
where in the Orient, while guns are a European invention. facture and handling. "
When looking at the composition of the early rocket
powder and of the early gunpowders-armed with the mod-
ern knowledge of what it should be-we see that the early The absence of military rockets, other than signal rockets,
blackpowder mixtures 'were far more suitable for rocket in the First World \iVar is usually "explained" by the state-
propulsion than for use in firearms. Good blackpowder has ment that rockets were not used because of their inherent
about the folIo-wing composition: 75% (by weight) salt- lack of accuracy, While i~ is indubitably true that bom-
peter, 15% charcoal and 10% sulfur. But such powder bardment rockets are less accurate than field artillery, the
would have been too strong for the early firearms and too real reason was probably founded on logistics and p~oduc-
fast-burning for use in rockets. The later device to use tion. Blackpowder rockets, the only type then existing, are
blackpowder for rockets was to add charcoal to it (firework- hard to adapt to mass-production methods, are still harder
ers referred to that process as to "making the powder lazy"). to keep to any but very loose specifications, and are never
Th e earI"y gun "dpowers were "I" azy enoug h . quite trustworthy. The bombardment rocket had to await
All blackpowder rockets were of the type which are now the adaptation of smokeless powder to stage a comeback.
called "restricted burning" rockets, where the composition The thrust of a rocket is equal to the product of the ex-
can bum only on an exposed surface. This was accom- haust velocity of the gases multiplied by the amount of
plished by hammering the composition into the prepared fuel consumed per second.
rocket tube (consisting mostly of pasteboard and only in The measured exhaust velocity of the blackpowder
the very large sizes, of metal). The center hole which was charge in a fireworks rocket is on the order of 2000 feet per
to enlarge the burning surface was either bored out of the second. Highly compressed blackpowder charges produced
finished rocket or provided for by hammering the composi- about 3000 feet per second, Sander's best models seem to
tion around a "thorn" which was withdrawn afterwards. have produced about 3600 feet per second. Smokelesspow-
Such blackpowder rockets were virtually the only type of ders, having a higher energy content, could be expected to
rockets in existence until 1925; improvements consisted produce exhaust velocities of about 6000 feet per second,
merely in accomplishing a higher compression of the mix- In addition, smokeless powders are not brittle and have a
ture than mere hammering could produce. Sir William far lesser sensitivitv to mechanical or thermal shock than
Congreve, in about 1804, had substituted a drop hammer highly compressed "blackpowder charges.
for the hand-wielded mallet and succeeded in compressing Most of the operationally used bombardment rockets of
the mixture to an average density of about 1.6 while hand- \Vorld VlT ar II were propelled by a development or rather
hammered rockets shO\'vedonly an average density (of the an adaptation of the old "double-base" powders first com-
powder mixture) of 1.3. In order to prevent self-ignition pounded by Alfred Nobel. These powders are somewhat
of the rocket "vhile loading, since the air in the powder loosely called "ballistite" or "cordite" after early represen-
mixture heats up during compression, Congreve had to tatives of the group of double-base powders but the com-
~oisten his blackpowder with alcohol. That prevented self- position of the charge is neither that of the original ballistite
ignition but required drying periods of weeks and even nor of the original cordite.
months. The two "bases" are nitroglycerine and nitrocellulose
The peak of the development of the blackpowder rocket and the main characteristic of manufacture is really that the
was attained by the German engineer Friedrich Wilhelm nitrocellulose is gelatinized.
Sander in 1926-1930 who had special facilities at his dis- In this country, the first request for a high power rocket
posal since he "vas a commercial manufacturer of signal arose from the desire to obtain an airplane bomb with
and lifesavino rockets for seacoast use. Sander used hv- higher dO\A,'Ilward acceleration than gravity would- provide
~ "
draulic presses and had developed a number of techniques by itself. The request was made in 1940 and the first mod-
which remained his secret. His rockets had an average em American rocket was designed to accelerate such a
density of 1.8 and were encased in high-strength steel alloy bomb. Actuallv that bomb was never used or even com-
tubing. pleted but the' rocket for it was ready by late Spring of
32 THE COAST ARTILLERY JOUR~AL ~ ol'ember-December
19-1-1and operated on a double-base powder consisting of ment rocket, would not stand it for 20 seconds as a take-off
about 60 per cent of nitrocellulose and 40 per cent of nitro- rocket. And since the take-off help was required mainly for
glycerine, with a small quantity of diphenylamine added as aircraft carrier use, the effects of the hot exhaust blast on
a stabilizer. the carrier deck had to be considered. Another major draw-
Since a bombardment rocket should have high accelera- back was that ballistite is rather sensitive to circumambient
tion for reasons of stability, the entire propelling charge temperatures in its performance. A rocket unit which will
should be consumed quite rapidly. The burning times of deliver 1000 Ibs. thrust at 90° F. would deliver only around
bombardment rockets range from one-tenth of one second 600 Ib5. at 40° F.
to a maximum of about two seconds and for this reason One of the earlier developments had been designated
modem bombardment rockets are of the "unrestricted burn- GALCIT 27 (from Guggenheim Aeronautical Labora-
ing" type. This means that the grains are freely suspended in tory of the California Institute of Technology) but this
the steel tube that serves as a combustion chamber and that powder was not found to be storable. In particular the
a tubular grain, for example, bums from the inside out as powder stick underwent shrinkage, thus transforming the
well as from the outside in. The amount of gases generated restricted burning rocket into an unrestricted burning
during each time interval are therefore very nearly equal rocket which would explode since it was not designed as
so that both the thrust time curve of the rocket and the such. GAl.CIT 53, while one of the most modem rocket
internal pressure time curve are "flat topped." propellants, turned out to be the smokiest "powder" ever.
In designing the U.S. and the British bombardment far overshadowing the old smoking blackpowder except that
rockets, the designers saw to it that, as far as feasible, the the smoke produced is a neat white.
whole propelling charge of each rocket was also a single GALCIT 53 consists of potassium perchlorate, a white
grain. powder which provides the oxygen for the combustion.
The German solid fuel rockets, like N ehelwerfer and The fuel is a special variety of asphalt, mixed with a
Schweres W urfgeriit, also used double-base powders of simi- small amount of oil with an asphalt base. The asphalt and
lar composition to the U. S. and British rockets. The main the oil are heated in a mixing kettle to about 350 degrees
difference was that the Germans did not use nitroglycerine Fahrenheit and then the perchlorate is stirred into the hot
but used a liquid known to chemists as diethylene glycol liquid. After it has cooleq to some extent it is ladled
dinitrate. The main reason for this change from the old- into the rocket units which are then set aside to harden.
established double-base formula may have been that Ger- "In its finished form GALCIT 53 is a black plastic, at
many was short of fats and glycerine is derived from fats. ordinary temperature resembling stiff paving tar. It can
But as it often goes when an ersatz material has to be used, be detonated with difficulty, if at all. Only with patience
the substitute proved superior to the short-of-supply original can it be ignited with a match flame; but once ignited it
in several respects. Diethylene glycol dinitrate is a better bums fiercely, emitting a white light and dense white
gelatinizer for nitrocellulose than nitroglycerine. It also is smoke. Burning in a combustion chamber under a pres-
less sensitive than nitroglycerine and therefore safer in sure of 1800 115. per sq. inch the propellant gives an
handling. average exhaust velocity of 5300 feet per second at an
average burning rate of 1.25 inches per second. The new
asphalt-base propellant had several advantages over all
the earlier ones. It was easier to prepare, and ingredients
The rocket designer has just one major choice in estab- were more readilv available; it could be stored at wider
lishing his rocket's performance when the amount of fuel temperature limits, and within those limits it could be
is given. He can either obtain a high thrust with short dura- stored indefinitely without deteriorating .... Units loaded
tion of burning, or else ",.'.ark for a longer duration with a with the new propellant were recommended to be fired
correspondingly lower thrust. at temperatures between 40° F. and 100° F. Much
In bombardment rockets high acceleration and hence above the recommended temperature it became viscous
high thrust are required, but long duration is not essential. and flowed." (Quote from Cal. Tech. JPL Report)
But in the case of take-off assistance for aircraft, a longer
duration is essential. In that case, thrust requirements have PROBABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SOLID FUELS
to be adjusted to the demand for a long burning time In spite of the great strides made in the development of
rather than the other wav round. A rocket which is to fur- liquid fuel rocket motors there is a definite field from which
nish take-off help has to' bum for at least ten seconds and solid fuel rockets will not be displaced by liquid fuels. This
may be required to burn for as long as forty seconds. For field is predominantly although not exclusively military.
such rockets, designers returned to restricted burning The applications reserved for solid fuels are those where
rockets. storability is a major factor. They are:
In this country the development of take-off help rockets (A) Bombardment rockets used like field artillery, espe-
for aircraft was largely in the hands of Jet Propulsion Labo- cially for area fire, for ranges up to 8000 yards.
ratory of the California Institute of Technology. The en- (B) VT fuzed rockets for antiaircraft fire for altitudes
engineers of the JPL seem to have considered ballistite first up to 20,000 or 25,000 feet.
but were not too well pleased .vith it for their purpose (C) Engineering and peacetime applications such as
Ballistite burns with a'very high temperature which made distress signals, take-off assistance, emergency mes-
rocket design difficult. The steel tube which would with- sage transportation (especially ship to shore), line-
stand this high temperature for two seconds as a bombard- throwing (including anchor throwing for small

craft and the laying of telephone wires), posthole raw materials, safe, non-brittl~, unaffected by temperature,
digging, etc., etc. moisture resistant and mold resistant. Its performance char-
It may be surprising to some readers that this table does acteristics should not vary much between the likely natural
not mention direct fire, (e.g. antitank fire) but it seems limits of - 400 F. to + 1100 F. It would be useful if it
likely that this special application wiII fall to recoilless were of high density. The exhaust blast should be smoke-
artillery which combines the lightness of the rocket launcher less. A high energy content is, of course, desirable, but a
with the accuracy of the fieldpiece. very high exhaust velocity is not the prime requirement
An "ideal fuel" for all these uses is likely to be in the since the over-all efficiency of a rocket depends to a large
line of development pointed out by the GALCIT fuels. extent on the ratio between rocket velocity and exhaust
The main requirements for such a fuel would be that it is velocity, and rockets of short burning times cannot attain
storable indefinitely, compounded of cheap and available very high velocities.

c. A. Association Executive Council Holds Conference

In an effort to ascertain the attitudes and desires of FIFTH ARMY
Coast Artillerymen throughout the country with reference National Guard-Lieutenant Colonel Frank X. Meyen
to a merger of the Field Artillery Association and Journal (Alternate for Colonel C. T. Pulham)
with the Coast Artillery association and JOURNAL, the Reserve-Colonel Robert L. Donigan
Executive Council invited representatives from the various (Alternate for Colonel Thomas F. Mullaney)
Army areas to a meeting of the Council on 10 November SIXTHARMY
1947 in Washington, D. C. National Guard-Brigadier General David P. Hardy
One Reserve and one National Guard officer was selected Reserve-Colonel Bedford W. Boyes I

from each Army area upon recommendations made by the In addition to the above named officers, the followin~
respective Army commanders. named Regular Army officers were present:
Prior to meeting in VVashington, each officer conducted Major General L. L. Lemnitzer
a representative survey among officers of his own com- Major General Robert T. Frederick
ponent in his Army area to ascertain the consensus of opin- Brigadier General 'ViIIiam S. Lawton
ion regarding the merger of the associations and journals. Brigadier General C. V. R. Schuyler
General LeR. Lutes, President of the Association, pre- The following recommendations were agreed upon b~
sided until the latter stages of the meeting at which time an the delegates:
impOrtant conference necessitated his departure. Brigadier (I). That no immediate merger of the Field Artiller;
General Aaron Bradshaw, Jr. then presided. Association and Journal with the Coast Artillery AssociatioI
In addition to General Lutes and General Bradshaw, the and JOURNALbe effected.
following members of the Executive Council were present: (2). That when the two branches are legally merged, 0
Brigadier General John C. Henagen, Colonels Joe Moss, when" the actual merger becomes imminent, the ExecutiVI
Charles M. Boyer, Andrew P. Sullivan and W. 1. Brady. Council at what it considers to be the appropriate time, an(
Below listed by Army areas are the Reserve and National subject to agreement on what it considers to be satisfactoI'
Guard officers who attended: financial and administrative arrangements, will initiate tht
FIRST ARMY necessary action to effect the consolidation of the Associa
National Guard-Brigadier General K. F. Hausauer tions and Journals.
Reserve-Colonel H. R. Drowne, Jr. (3). That if the merger of the Associations and Journal
SECOND ARMY is effected, all assets of the Coast Artillery Association ane
National Guard-Colonel James Galloway transferred to the new combined associatiol
(Alternate for Brigadier General C. C. Curtis) and journal unless, under the conditions then existing, th,
Reserve-Colonel John lVI.Welch Executive Council considers another course of action. adl
THIRD ARMY visable, in which case the assets of the Field Artillery A~
National Guard-Lieutenant Colonel Rodney S. Cohen ciation and Journal should be matched and the balance di.c'
Reserve-Colonel Thomas C. Huguley posed of as the Coast Artillery Association may direct.
FOURTHARMY (4). That pending action pursuant to the foregoin;
National. Guard-(No representative-General Charles recommendations, the present financial and editorial pob
G. Sage was unable to attend.) cies of the JOURNALbe continued and that its losses, if an}
Reserve-Colonel Wilburn V. Lunn continue to be subsidized by the Association.
AGF Guided Missile Actiuities
At Fort Bliss, Texas
By lieutenant Colonel Peter s. Peca

Guided missiles are On the way. and for further technical education under the Army
The guided missile is a weapon that will be adaptable to Ground Forces civilian school program ..
the needs of the Army, Navy and Air Force. No one Officers presently attending courses in guided missiles at
agency will have sole use. Just as an airplane, a truck, or service or civilian institutions will normally receive guided
a gun .finds its appropriate use in the three services, so will missiles assignments upon graduation. They will usually
the guided missile. be deferred from overseas assignments until two years after
In anticipation of the future. uses of the new weapon, graduation.
Headquarters Army Ground Forces established the Anti- The 1st Guided Missile Battalion, commanded by Lt.
aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center at Fort Bliss, Colonel George F. Pindar, is the Army's tactical organiza-
Texas on 1 July 1946. Under the command of Major Gen- tion engaged with guided missiles. This Battalion is re-
eral John L. Homer, the Center coordinates all Army ceiving considerable experience by active participation in a
Ground Forces activities connected with guided missile variety of guided missile programs. At White Sands Ord-
agencies in the Fort Bliss area. The Antiaircraft Artillery nance Proving Ground, the battalion is assisting the Ord-
and Guided Missile Center is intensifying its efforts so that nance Department in the preparation, firing and instru-
the Army Ground Forces will be thoroughly prepared to mentation of all missiles fired there. Included among the
fulfill its mission in the operation of guided missiles. missiles are the \V AC Corporal and V-2. With all of this
The Antiaircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center work, this Battalion is undoubtedly participating more
presently has several agencies which are actively engaged actively in guided missiles development than any other
in guided missile activities. These agencies include the single unit ..
Antiaircraft and Guided Missile Branch of The Artillery For the service test of guided missiles by Army Ground
School, the 1st Guided Missile Battalion and Army Ground Forces Board No.4, the 1st Guided Missile Battalion will
Forces Board No.4 with its Guided Missile Service Test furnish the necessary troops. The troops to be used are
Section. Through these three organizations the Antiaircraft now growing up with some of the development projects.
Artillery and Guided Missile Center is making great strides By the time the missiles are ready, trained troops will be
in the guided missiles picture for Army Ground Forces. available. The on-the-job training is most satisfactory, both
The Antiaircraft and Guided Missile Branch op~rating from the, point of view of Army Ground Forces and the
under the assistant commandant of the Artillerv School, development agency.
Major General Homer 'with Brig. General C. E. Hart as its Army Ground Forces Board No.4 with General Homer
director, is conducting a 37-week course of instruction as President and Colonel Lester D. Flory as Deputy Presi-
in guided missiles for qualified officers from all branches dent is actively engaged in guided missiles activities.
of the armed forces. The Guided Missile Department of The mission of the Board with respect to guided missiles
the school is headed by Lt. Colonel Lawrence W. B,ers, is to carry out for Army Ground Forces, a number of func-
\,'ho is assisted by a staff of eight U. S. Army Officers and tions, so~e of which i~clude:
by four U. S. Navy Officers headed by Commander Keith
a. Evaluation of new and modified equipment.
E. Taylor.
b. Review and study of foreign equipment.
'The guided missiles course gives the students a back-
c. Preparation of military characteristics.
ground in the technical aspects of guided missiles, to include
d. Performance of user's tests.
pr6pulsion, launching, guidance and control, and a broad
foundation in tactics and techniques for the utilization of These functions are carried out bv the Guided Missile
guided missiles based on the capabilities and limitations of Service Test Section of the Board. '
missiles under development. With this school background. To carrv out its mission, the Guided Missile Service Test
this group of officers,vill be trained to fulfill assign:rp.entsas Section is'developing a thorough background- on the devel-
guided missile staff officers1.vithhigher commands, instruc- opment of Surface-ta-Air and Surface-tiJ.:?urrace mi$?iles
tors at schools, as test"officersof Armv Ground Forces Board that have applicability Jor Army Ground Forces use. It is
No.4, as Army Ground Forces Liai~n Officers with Devel- preparing itself with the trained personnel, and specialized
opment Projects, as officers for future guided missile units, equipment, incident to carrying out the service tests.
1947 J.J -

In the service test of conventional Antiaircraft or Field Ar- Problems which are being considered by the various agen-
tillery equipment it is not too difficult to secure experienced cies of the Center include the following:
personnel who are capable of conducting a sen'ice test from
a. Tables of Organization and Equipment for guided
the users point of view. \\lith guided missiles the picture
missiles under development.
is different. Since it is a ne\\' field of endeavor it is neces-
b. Tactical doctrine for each type of missile based on
sary to train personnel by a variety of means to secure the
its capabilities.
required e:ll"perience.
c. Logistical support required for various types of guided
By maintaining constant contact vdth development tests
at several proving grounds, by studying project reports and
d. Training of officers and enlisted specialists.
by assisting technical agencies in various problems involved
. e. Training aids.
in guided missiles work, the Board is developing consid-
erable valuable e)'''perience. This, together v.>iththe assign- Tentative tables of organization and equipment have
ment of graduates of the guided missile course of the Anti- been prepared for guided missile organizations. With the
aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Branch of the Artil- Department of the Army being charged with operational
lery School and graduates of the Army Ground Forces Civil- cognizance of Surface-ta-Air and Surface-ta-Surface tactical
ian Schooling Program, will give Board No.4 the necessary missiles at least two general types of organizations are indi-
experience and trained personnel to make it ready to un- cated. Each general type can be made to conform .with
dertake the service test of guided missiles now under devel- specific missiles which are applicable to Army Ground
opment. Forces use. The status of Tables of Organization and
The Board has membership on several panels of the Re- Equipment must be kept abreast of the development proj-
search and Development Board of the National Military ects. \Vhen a particular missile becomes ready for opera-
Establishment. Through these memberships it is keeping tion the T /0 & E requirements will have been solved.
abreast of the development of guided missiles, proving Tactical doctrine is being developed based on the capa-
grounds, and the procedures and instrumentation neces- bilities and limitations of the missiles. Generally, the Anti-
sary in the service tests. Board representatives attend meet- aircraft guided missile will follow conventional Antiaircraft
ings which are held periodically. Artillery role requirements and Surface-ta-Surface guided
Army Ground Forces Board No.4 has prepared and is missiles will, supplement Field Artillery. All doctrine in
operating a permanent guided missiles exhibit. The missiles this field is quite tentative, since cost will playa big part in
on display provide excellent examples of different propul- the operational use and since military characteristics have
sion systems, launchers, and presently available guidance not been fully realized. Here again the future operational
and control equipment. This exhibit consists of a num- use of the missile is being linked up with each project as it
ber of missiles on display as complete items and also bread- develops.
board displays of components. Included in the exhibit are Even though the guided missile will be a great improve-
a V-2, JB-2, a number of glide and vertical bombs utilizing ment over some conventional weapons, it will not be as
various control systems, and a radio controlled OQ Anti- widely used as commonly believed. One factor in its future
aircraft Artillery Target display. The exhibit is used pri- use will be that of economics. Will we use a guided missile
marily for study and instructional purposes for students at costing $25,000-$50,000 to destroy a target that can be de-
the Antiaircraft Artillerv and Guided Missile Branch of stroyed by a number of 155mm rounds? Will we use an
The Artillery School, ~embers of Army Ground Forces antiaircraft guided missile against aerial targets when sev-
Board No.4, troops, and for official visitors to Fort Bliss. eral 90mm guns can accomplish the same thing? When
Additional equipment is being secured as rapidly as pos- and where to use these specialized weapons will require
sible. To date the exhibit has proved to be a most valuable considerable study.
adjunct to the guided missile training facilities available at Guided missiles, like most good things, 'will have inherent
Fort Bliss. disadvantages that will place certain limitations on their
The Antiaircraft Artillerv and Guided Missile Center operational use. Antiaircraft guided missiles will normally
is assisting in the dissemination of guided missiles informa- be launched at high accelerations and must be roll, pitch
tion to interested units of the Army, including the civilian and ya\v stabilized prior to being guided regardless of the
components. Speakers are furnished to service schools, and guidance system used. All of these steps in preparing a
to ORC meetings. The Center has literature, material and missile for guidance will take several precious seconds. The
films available to agencies desiring same for lectures or in- net result is that within certain minimum ranges no guid-
structional purposes. Fairly complete information on all ance will be possible. This will present a definite require-
guided missile matters is available at some agency of the ment for conventional type Antiaircraft Artillery weapons.
Antiaircraft Artillery and Guided Missiles Center. This To utilize a guided missile within these minimum limits
material is a tremendous factor in keeping the Center would be a useless expenditure of an expensive weapon.
agencies abreast of the guided missiles field, and in the In the case of Surface-ta-Surface weapons a number of
instruction of the students in the guided missiles course. limitations can also be expected. In general, conventional
Aside from the developmental problems concerned with weapons will still play an important role.
guided missiles, the center is anticipating future require- The logistical support required for guided missile opera-
ments in order to avoid the impact similar to that which tions appears as a major problem. To anticipate these re-
occurred when Radar was developed and standardized for quirements, studies are now being performed.
Army Ground Forces. Training of Specialists must begin now. The complexity
of components of guided missile equipment indicates a the using units, appropriate training devices should be
great need for enlisted and officer specialists. Subjects to a\'ailable prior to the arrival of guided missiles.
be taught will include operation, maintenance and repair of To carry out the policies and directives of Army Ground
propulsion systems, gyroscopes, radars, radios, seIYOS,com- Forces the Antiaircraft and Guided Missile Center is
puters, telemetering equipment and power plants. The utilizing all the guided missiles agencies at its command.
need for new 1\-10S's and an increase in the number of Through proper coordination, the Center is keeping abreast
existing .\10S's must be determined early so that future of guided missiles development and is conducting studies
n.ouirements may be anticipated and fulfilled. of the problems \vhich have been mentioned previously in
Training aids will play a large part in the development this article.
of guided missile organizations. The high cost of missiles The work now undenvav at the Center will contribute
will require that many of the operational features be simu- in large measure to the su~cessful accomplishment of the
lated. Specialized trainer devices will have to be developed. mission of the Army Ground Forces in the operational use
It will take time to produce these items. For the benefit of of guided missiles when that time arrives.

General Devers Cites ~rmy Career Opportunities

The Army's neVllpreselected school plan and leadership rollment in officer candidate school and advancement to
training program provide exceptional opportunities for in- commissioned status. The six-week leadership courses are
telligent and ambitious young men to qualify for career open only to men who show potential leadership ability
service in the Infantry, Artillery, or Armored Cavalry, and have average or superior intelligence.
according to Gen. Jacob L. Devers, Commanding General General Devers said the preselected school plan is open
of the Army Ground Forces. to men between the ages of 17 and 34, inclusive, who are
The preselected school plan, General Devers said, makes high school graduates or can show that their practical ex-
it possible for a man between the ages of 17 and 34, in- perience has given them an equivalent education. Army
clusive, .vith a high school education or its equivalent, to Ground Forces schools in which courses are now available
select one of the Army's 60 specialist training courses before under this plan, he said, are the Artillery School, at Fort
actually enlisting .. Sill, Okla.; the Seacoast Branch of the Artillery School at
He explained that a prospective recruit may choose his Fort Winfield Scott, Calif.; the Armored School at Fort
t\vo favorite fields of interest from among the Army's many Knox, Ky.; and the Army Ground Forces Physical Training
career opportunities, such as construction, crafts, mechani- and Athletic Directors School at Camp Lee, Va.
cal, scientific-medical-technical, machine shop, or electrical Typical Army Ground Forces ~ourses in which pros-
and radio. In each of these two fields he may indicate two pective recruits may request enrollment, according to Gen-
specialist training courses he would like to take. If he is eral Devers, include. the Motor and Track Vehicle Main-
accepted for enrollment in one of the four courses he tenance Course at the Armored School; the Liaison Air-
chooses, and is satisfied with the course, he may then enlist plane and Engine Mechanics Course at the Artillery
in the Regular Army for three, four, or five years with School; and the Submarine Mining Operations Course at
positive assurance that he will be assigned to that course. the Seacoast Branch of the Artillery School.
Designed to increase the educational value of Army The Army Ground Forces cominander emphasized that
service to young men and to provide additional incentives although only high school graduates or the equivalent can
for career service in the Army, the preselected school plan take advantage of the preselected school plan, men who
is open not only to recruits who want to serve in the Infan- have not completed high school may enlist immediately in
try, Artillery, or Armored Cavalry but to' men who would the Army and, after completing basic military training,
like to enter one of the administrative or technical services. apply for enrollment in any Army Ground Forces school.
"The privilege of enlisting in the Regular Army spe- In addition to the schools listed above, the Army Ground ~
cifically for training in one of these specialist courses is one Forces also operates the Infantry School at Fort Benning,
of the greatest career incentives we can offer young men," Ga.; the Ground General School at Fort Riley, Kans.; and
General Devers said. "These courses include not only mili- the Antiaircraft Artillerv and Guided Missiles Branch of
tary specialties but technical trades which a man can follow the Artillery School at Fort Bliss, Tex.
in civilian life whenever he retires from the Army." General 'Devers added that men who want to continue
General Devers explained that in addition to this oppor- their high school or college education while they are in the
tunity to choose his field of specialist training, the Army Army may do so during off-duty hours by means of the
recruit who meets prescribed qualifications may also qualify facilities provided by the United States Armed Forces In-
for enrollment in one of the Potential Leaders' Courses stitute. USAFI not only offers correspondence and self-
now conducted by the Army Ground Forces. teaching courses to individual students by mail, at negligible
This leadership training program, he said, serves not only cost, but provides group instruction material for classroom
to train enlisted men for the responsibilities of noncom- use in Armv Education Centers at more than 700 Armv
missioned officers but to prepare outstanding men for en- installations'throughout the world..
,New Weapons - New Tactics*
The VT Fuze Has Created Vast Problems Of Protection

By Lieutenant Colonel F. P. Henderson, U.S.M.C.

"The never-ending quest for more efficient or more deadly poses problems to the military field forces as difficult to solve
weapons and techniques is always paralleled by the search as does the bomb. furthermore, the V1' fuze is a weapon
For the proper countermeasure." of today and will be present on the battlefields of the future
whether the atom bomb is there or not. It seems logical,
therefore, that we should have a high priority to solving
some of the difficulties that are already with us, as well as
American science and industry, in conjunction with the
those that will be present in the atomic future.
Army and Navy, produced two new and revolutionary
The never-ending quest for more efficient or more deadly
'. weapons in \Vodd \Var lI-the atomic bomb and the VT
weapons and techniques is always paralleled by the search
'fuze. Both have a tremendous potential effect upon the
for the proper countermeasure. One of the oldest and most
organization and equipment of armed forces and the con-
absorbing of these military feuds has been between artillery
duct of future wars. and the individual. \Vhether the individual was a riReman.
Civilian and military writers have provided us with a rich
a member of a weapon's crew, or attached to some command
diet of information and speculation concerning the far-
or service group, the artillery has been his greatest enemy. I
reaching effects of the atomic bomb upon the Nation's
armed forces and the civilian economy necessary for their CoU",-'TERl\l EASURES
creation and support. but what of the VT fuze?
Early in \\Torld \Var I artillery weapons and technique
Since the brief flurry of publicity attending the an-
reached a state of development where they could dominate
nouncement of the new fuze it seems to have fallen into
the battlefield. The countermeasures of the individual sol-
obscurity. completely overshadowed by the world-wide in-
dier were ones that changed the nature of war mOTethan
terest in the more dramatic atomic bomb. Yet the VT fuze
any previous developments in military history.
*Reprinted, courtesy of Ordnance. First. he got a shovel and dug a hole in the ground. where
38 THE COAST ARTILLERY JOLIRN£\L SOl'elll ber-Dece/ll ber

he lived and fought, leaving it only when necessary and The first and most diflicult element to provide for is the
returning to it at the first warning of danger. For a second infantry, the primary target of most of the shells fired in
countermeasure, he finally abandoned the closed formation combat. The riReman has now been robbed of the protec-
that had changed but littl~ from Caesar's day and put space tion his foxhole or irregularities in the ground fonnerly
between himself and the next individual. gave him: he is in greater danger than ever before when he
\;\,That had the soldier learned? He learned that if he was moves in the open. Yet he can't be laden with very much
below the surface of the ground he was relatively safe from splinterproof protection.
artillery fire, except for a direct hit. He also learned that As an individual, the best we apparently can do for him
when he had to be out in the open in the enemy's sight, a
group of men scattered about over a considerable area were
much less likely to be fired upon than if they were crowded
now is to de\'elop an ultralightweight body amlOr (not
necessarily metal) that will protect as much of him as the
weight limit will allow.
together. And thus were born the protective field fortifica-
tions and deployed formations of modern warfare. PROTECTING THE RIFLE;\IAN

As a ~ember of a group, protection for the rifleman seems

NEED Fon A NEW FUZE to lie in the splinterproof troop carrier. In the attack he I
In order to defeat these measures of self-preservation, the should be moved to, or into, the enemy's position in such I
artillery needed only one small item-a fuze that would vehicles. This will avoid exposing him in the open to ob- '
unfailingly detonate a shell at the optimum height above served artillery and mortar fire, and thereby eliminate the
the target. Such a fuze would nullify the protection of the necessity for a further dispersion of troops on foot to avoid
open foxhole of crew emplacement by spraying shell frag- excessive casualties.
ments down into it. It would also take a heavier toll of For the infantry's crew-served weapons such as the
casualties from a deployed formation than would the mortar. machine gun, recoilless rifles, etc., a lightweight.
percussion-fuzed shell. splinterproof, self-supporting shield large enough to cover
The answer was simple to see but solving the problem to the standard open emplacement seems to offer a temporary
obtain the result was difficult. It took us almost thirty vears solution.
to get the answer finally screwed into the nose of ~ 'shell The VT fuze has vastly increased the effectiveness of
and to learn how tremendouslv effective it was, counterbattery fire and makes the conventional gun em-
Fortunatelv, since our rece;1t enemies did not have the placement obsolete since it no longer offers protection to
VT fuze. we'were not under the lash of urgent necessity to either crew or gun. The ultimate countermeasure will
find means of protecting against it. Any future enemy will probably be a self-propelled field artillery mount with
almost certainly have it, however, so that now we arc not complete splinterproof protection for both gun and crew.
spared the necessity of examining its effects and providing Antiaircraft artillery in its deep, revetted emplacements
against them .. has been relatively safe from air attacks. This security van-
\\That we must provide is complete splinterproof pro- ishes, however, when attacking planes are armed with
tection against VT fire from artillery, mortars, naval guns, VT-fuzed bombs and rockets. Complete splinterproof pro-
or close-support aviation to all elements of a military force. tection, similar to that given naval antiaircraft guns, is now
whether it is defending or attacking. To provide this pro- necessary. Light automatic antiaircraft weapons should turn
tection without hampering the mobility of our troops will to the self-propelled splinterproof mount.
be one of the most knotty problems that science, industry, An increased use of engineer troops employing excavat- ,
and the armed forces will be called upon to solve in the ing machinery and prefabricated overhead cover is visual-
years ahead. ized in the construction of a defensive position, even a tem-
porary one. The old hasty defense with its hand-shovel
The VT-fuzed shell makes the conventional gun emplacement construction, open foxholes and emplacements, no longer
offers protection to a defending force.
Amphibious and airborne operations offer special prob-
lems in protection. In the former, buoyancy is a critical
problem; in the latter, weight and portability. Landing
craft for assault troops must have adequate splinterproof

In airborne operations, the additional weight added to

the equipment of a military force by providing splinterproof
protection poses a difficult logistic problem.
However, only when we are unfailingly able to locate the
enemy's weapons rapidly and accurately will we be able to
offer secure protection against VT fire to all our troops.
To ensure success of our field forces in the future we
must begin now to protect them against VT .fire. The
atomic bomb, like war gas, may never again appear in com-
bat, but the VT fuze 'is here to stay.
The New Army Extension Courses
By CoJ.onel A. E. Kastner, FA

What credit toward promotion requirements do I get if I complete extension courses?

WillI really learn something from the courses or willI just be putting in time?

These questions among others are frequently asked at of instruction material, and the grading of lesson papers.
extension course conferences with members of the Reserve During the period from 1922 u~til courses were discon-
and National Guard refresher courses at The Artillery tinued in 1942, the Artillery Schools were concerned only
School. It is the purpose of this article to present the an- with the first phase of the work-the preparation of material
swers to questions regarding the new Army Extension and texts. The administration of the courses was charged
Courses. to Corps Area Commanders.
MISSION The disadvantages of this system were many.
Courses were not weB coordinated because chiefs of arms
The mission of the Extension Courses is to provide a
and services selected and approved their own courses with
progressive, nonresident course of military instruction for
little regard to similar courses conducted by other arms and
personnel of all components of the Army of the United services.
States. Although Regular Army personnel are eligible to
Courses were not perfected because schools had no way
rake these courses, they are designed primarily for the civil-
of validating1:> the courses bv_, a studv of the results of admin-
ian components Qfthe Army.
istration and student reaction.
HISTORY Grading was non-uniform and unreliable .because it :vas
not performed by instructors skilled in teachmg the subject
To appreciate the development and execution of the n:is-
sion, a short resume of the background of the ]i,.:tenslOn
There was a considerable waste of printed material re-
Course Programs is appropriate.
sulting from the necessity of maintaining ~toc:ksin Adjutant
In 1922, the Armv, Extension Courses, known then as
General depots, Corps Areas, Resen.e Dlstry<;.~s, _and othel
the Correspondence Courses, were established to further
subordinate locations.
the military education of officers by providing for them '8
In April 1946, the Army Extensi.on Courses prog.ra~
carefully planned. progressive, and extensive course of
was reestablished. Both the preparatIOn and the admmls-
~tudv. 'The Extension Courses were divided into four
tration of the subcourses are now accomplished at the serv-
grou'ps of subcourses, called the 10, 20, 30, and 40 series.
ice schools.
These were intended for qualifications, respectively, for
This system corrects the disadvantages of decentralizec
appointment as second lieutenant and for promotion to
first lieutenant, captain, and major. For field officers the
Supervision and coordination by Headquarters, Arm)
Command and General Staff School subcourses were avail-
Ground Forces, and the \Var Department avoids dup!i~a
able. Special texts were prepared for use with the sub-
tion and insures strict adherence to doctrine.
Courses are kept up to date as service schools are chargee
In 1939, changes were prescribed in the subject matter
with that responsibility and, therefore, can discover error:
of the series and in the texts used. The subject matter of
while grading and administering the subcourses.
the series was changed from promotion requirements to
Uniform grading by specially qualified instructor per
knowledge-in-grade requirements. For example, where for-
sonnel is assured.
merlv the subiect matter of the 20 series was designed to
Administration by sen'ice school avoids the possibility 0
qualify a second lieutenant for promot.ionto first lieuten~nt, favoritism and any suggestion of unfair practice.
it now furnished the knowledge reqUIred by a second heu-
tenant. \Var Department publications, rather than the spe-
J\ 1aximum ec;nomv results from the maintenance °
only one stock of mat~rials for each school.
cial texts, were to be used. The revision of subcourses was
Some appreciable reduction in personnel engaged in ad
proceeding \-vhen the war interrupted the program.
ministration of extension courses is made because of cen
The vvork involved in Armv Extension Courses has al-
tralization of grading aDd administrative functions at servic.
ways consisted of two phases. 'The first phase is the prepa-
ration of all subcourse material, both lessons and instruc-
After observation over a year of operation, The Artiller:
tional matter used with them. The second phase is the a~-
School believes that the administration of the courses at th
ministration of the subcourses. This phase includes the en-
School has established the courses on a firm basis and ha
rollment of students. assignment of instructors, distribution
resulted in an over-all economy of effort.
*Reprinted, courtesy ThE Field Artillery Journal. The nature of the new system provides great flexibilit
toward expansion. The present courses have an enrollment instruction, teaching value, and form. It is then checked
now of about 20,000 with a forecast for the year of about for conformity to the latest doctrine, procedures, and tech-
50,000. The majority of the civilian component officers in niques by the School's academic department charged with
the postwar Army will receive military education through that type of instruction.
Extension Courses. The magnitude of the task is, therefore, After the necessary changes and revisions, the subcourse
readily apparent. is fOn\'arded to Army Ground Forces for approval. When
On April 15, 1947, the administration of the Extension it is returned, comments and changes are incorporated, and
Courses of The Artillery School and its branches-Antiair- it is then printed and made ready for distribution.
craft and Guided Missiles, and Seacoast-was centered at
The Artillery School. Courses are prepared at the Branch ADMINISTRATION
Schools and reviewed and approved by The Artillery The student who desires to enroll in a series of subcourses
School. submits an application through channels on WD AGO
Form 145.
An officer may require instruction in a particular subject
These new courses provide prOgressive military instruc- only. In that event he should apply for enrollment in an
tion, appropriate to the grade- ~nd military education of the appropriate subcourse without regard to series. If he de-
'itudent. The courses also parallel the resident instruction sires, The School will select and furnish the proper sub-
:>fthe respective service schools. The 10 series is designed course.
for basic military instruction, the 20 for second lieutenants, After approval of the application, one or more lessons of
~he 30 for first lieutenants, tht:: 46 for captains, the 50 for a subcourse are sent the student. Certain subcourses use
majors and the 60 for lieutenant colonels. continuing situations in which one lesson is dependent on
Command and General Staff College subcourses are inte- the solution of the preceding lesson. In such cases only one
~rated into the 50 and 60 series of subcourses of the service lesson is furnished at a time.
ichools. ~hen the student has completed a lesson it is returned
to the School for grading and processing. A rigid depart-
ment policy requires that a lesson be processed, graded, and
The subjects and the scopes of the subcourses are recom- placed back in the mails within 24 hours of receipt. All
nended by the schools of the arms and services concerned. grading receives the personal attention of an officer special-
'\fter thei~ approval by Headquarters, Army Ground Forces, ist. This, usually, is an officer of field grade. It is in this
'or the ground forces, and the War Department for the stage that special techniques are necessary to create the
e.chnical services, they are returned to the schools for desirable student-instructor relationship. If papers are
)reparation of the actual subcourses. A "preparation offi- machine processed and the student feels that he is simply
:er" is assigned to prepare and monitor a course from start a number, results will be comparatively poor. If, however,
o finish. Extreme care is used to insure that the course the student realizes that the instructor understands his
viiI have a genuine teaching value. Close liaison is main- problems and is endeavoring to help him as an individual,
.ai~ed with all the academic departments resident at the the results will be much more gratifying. The instructor not
,chool. All material must conform to approved doctrine, only marks an exercise as right or wrong, but also furnishes
tVoid duplication, be treated in a logical and progressive detailed comments to aid the student in comprehending

naimer, and be presented in -a simple and direct form. The the principles involved. The personal factor is emphasized
election of subjects is predicated on the basis of training the to the greatest possible degree. There is, of course, a vast
tudent for his specific wartime assignment rather than to difference between merely grading a correspondence course
~ive an all around familiarization. Approximately 75% of paper and genuinely teaching by mail.
he material deals with matter appropriate to the grade of After the paper is graded and results recorded, it is re-
,he student, while the other 25% is to fit him for his next turned to the student together with solution sheets. Nu-
ligher grade. - merical grades are recorded at the school and the appropriate
Throughout the preparation the guiding principle is to word grade is marked on the paper on the usual basis of
lesign exercises which will require the student to use and superior, excellent, satisfactory and unsatisfactory.
_pply principles, rather than perform mere memory or copy When all lessons have been graded the examination is
york. In general, objective type exercises-that is, multiple mailed to the student. Fifty per cent of the average rating
:hoice, true and false, or short answer type-are used. This attained on the lessons plus fifty per cent of the rating on
lOtonly saves times for the student and the grader, but also the examination constitutes the final rating. Upon the sat-
Jermits more subject matter to be covered than is otherwise isfactory completion of a subcourse the student is advised
'lOssible. Many students felt that the teaching value of the of the rating attained through the proper channels. When
.ld Extension Courses was not high. The student could the student has completed a course series satisfactorily, a
nerely turn the pages of the text until the answers to the Certificate of Completion is furnished through channels.
fuestions appeared. The new Extension Courses avoid this For National Guard students copies of this Certificate are
ault by providing exercises which can he solved intelli- furnished the Chief, National Guard Bureau, Washington,
;ently only if the student understands thoroughly the sub- D. C., and the State or Territorial Adjutant General con-
'ect matter of the text. cerned. For Organized Reserve students, one copy is pro-
When the "preparation officer" has completed his work, vided the unit instructor, who makes appropriate entries
he subcourse is reviewed carefully for content, level of on the WDL AGO Form 66 of the student and files the
other copy in the field file 201 of the student concerned. mer camp training period for fewer students and covering
Texts, maps, compasses, franked return envelopes and much narrower fields.
other materials are furnished the student, in general on a The Army Extension Courses form the backbone of the
loan basis. Everything is done to remove administrative inactive status training program for the civilian compo-
obstacles from his path no matter how seemingly small. It nents. Here are some of their specific accomplishments:
is appreciated that while the student is doing extension They familiarize the student with virtually the entire
course work, his primary concern is in earning a living and scope of military subjects appropriate to his level, and thus
that his military studies represent time taken from his leisure provide him with a groundwork for active duty periods and
activities. for future training, ultimately fitting him for his wartime
Mter a subcourse is printed formally it is not regarded as assignment.
final and unchangeable. Revisions necessary because of They keep the student up to date with the newer trends
changes in doctrine and results of analysis of teaching value and techniques, and maintain his interest in military mat-
are immediate and continuous. The grading officers main- ters.
tain a revision file on each subcourse to insure that all pos- They provide an opportunity for enlisted men in pre-
sible improvements are incorporated in revised printings. paring themselves for Officers' Candidate School.
They provide an opportunity for officers to increase their
knowledge of the higher grades and thus advance their
What is the effectiveness and what are the capabilities of individual careers,
Extension Courses in general? A recognition of their The question of promotion credits naturally arises with
proven value has come only after a long and difficult period. respect to the courses. The postwar promotion policies
In the early days, colleges and universities commenced cor- have not yet become firm. Under present National Guard
respondence teaching with considerable misgiving. After Regulations, completion of extension courses is not a pre-
a reasonable trial, however, teaching by mail soon proved requisite for promotion. However, the courses are of great
Itself, and today it is universally accepted by leading edu- value in aiding the student to acquire the military knowl-
cators as a very effective form of teaching. It is realized, of edge qualifications necessary for promotion. Regarding pro-
couT<;e,that we cannot produce well-trained officers by cor- motion in the Officers' Reserve Corps, regulations direct
r~'~pondencemethods alone, and that there are certain sub- that full consideration will be given by the examining
jects which cannot be taught by mail at all. However, it board for Extension Courses completed, for active duty per-
is clearly established that theoretical training must precede formed and for inactive duty training.
any practical application. The maneuver is an excellent
form of practical training, but before it can be conducted
each participant must know exactly what he is to do in that Viewing the Extension Course Program broadly certain
maneuver. Anyone who has taken these c01.!rsesor who factors are worthy of summary.
has instructed with them can appreciate readily that most of The Extension Courses are designed primarily to train
!IW tactical and technical matters of military training are the peacetime army for mobilization duties.
covered by them and that the- instruction they furnish en- The preparation and administration of the courses is con-
compasses a thorough background of military knowledge. ducted by the schools of the appropriate arms and services,
Extension Courses not only constitute an unusually ef- in a carefully supervised and coordinated program ..
fective method of teaching, they are also a very economical And, finally, the Extension Course Program will be a
one, As an example, during one prewar period $17,000 principal means of attacking a problem of great magnitude
'\'as spent on extension courses, whereas 2~ millions of dol- -that of training the many thousands of civilian component
lars, or 132 times that amount, 1iVasspent on the short sum- officers.

If it operates in a gravitationless vacuum, the behavior of a rocket

can be expressed exactly by a simple statement of the conservation of
momentum; namely, that during an infinitesimal period of time, the
rocket is increased in speed by an amount equal to the fraction of its
weight ejected as a gas in the jet multiplied by the average velocity
of the jet gas with respect to the rocket.-DR. R. W. PORTER.
Extracts From ~~RocketsAnd Jets"*
By Herbert S. Zim

Pages 14-16 Pages 18-20

You yourself can make a workable "rocket" in less than A modern experimental rocket using liquid fuels has as
one minute. All you need is a rubber balloon. Blow up the its core a combustion chamber that is the engine of the
balloon, hold its mouth shut with two fingers, and you have rocket. Here fuels, such as gasoline and oxygen, are
a rocket. burned to produce gases under pressure. In the rocket
Before you get the idea that this is silly, stop and consider motor, as in all other internal combustion engines, the pur-
the thing you are holding. The balloon is a container of gas pose of burning is to produce expanding gases. The vol-
(in this case, air) under pressure. Gases being what they ume of gases produced increases with the temperature and.
are, this pressure is exerted equally in all directions. The since the temperatur~ in the combustion chamber is hot
enclosed gas presses alike on the top, bottom, and all sides enough to melt steel, tbis results in a corresponding in-
of the balloon. Because this pressure is equal, its total effect crease in the pressure. There are a number of factors in-
on the balloon is nil. To make the discussion a bit easier, volved in achieving the final pressure: the completeness of
let us consider the balloon as two halves: a top and a bottom, the combustion, the heat value of the fuel, the insulation
with the stem, through which you blew up the balloon, at of the combustion chamber, and the extent of confinement'
the center of the bottom half. of the gas. All things being equal, the greater the pressure
The pressure against the top half of the balloon exactly in the combustion chamber the greater the velocity of the
balances the pressure against the bottom half and the bal- rocket.
loon lies motionless on your hand. But it is not inert. The The size of the orifice through which the compressed gases
balloon possesses the energy of the compressed gases within escape is directly involved in the rocket's forward thrust.
it, just as a riHe shell possesses the energy of its gunpowder. The larger the opening, the greater the thrust, provided the'
In both cases, when the energy is released, motion results. pressure in the combustion chamber stays constant. That
So relax your two fingers and watch the balloon. As soon provision is important: if the opening is too large, the gas is
as you let go the balloon, it darts off your hand and, if it no longer confined sufficiently and pressure in the com-
has been blo\vn up sufficiently, may travel across the room bustion chamber drops.
or turn a few loops in the air before it finally collapses on There are two ways in which the lift ora rocket may be
the Hoor. To all intents and purposes you have seen a rocket increased. First, by increasing the diameter of the nozzle
in Hight. while maintaining the pressure in the combustion chamber.;
Until the moment of release, the pressure against the Second, by increasing the pressure in the chamber. Both
top of the balloon was exactly balanced by the pressure these methods are dependent on the fuel used in the rocket
against the bottom half. When you let go, some of the com- and the rate of fuel consumption.
pressed gas escaped through the opening. This disturbed The combustion chamber itself is the heart of the rocket.
the balance of pressure. Now the pressure against the top Here the fuels burn with almost explosive violence, pro-
half was greater than the pressure against the bottom half ducing tremendous heat and high pressure. This heat andl
by an amount equal to the pressure of the gas being forced pressure create a number of problems for the experimenter
out through the hole. Hence the balloon, now subjected to with rockets. Since the pressure in the chamber is high, the
unequal pressure, moved in the direction of the greater fuel must be put under even greater pressure or it will not
force and continued to keep moving till the internal pres- Row into the combustion chamber. The size of the chamber
sure reached the same pressure as the external air and the presents a problem, too. If made too large, heat will be lost
difference dropped to zero. If you had some kind of auto- and hence pressure "\Till be lowered. Size of the rocket in-'
matic pump to keep the balloon filled with air, its motion creases\",'eightand, if there is anything a rocket experimenter
would be continuous. earnestly desires, it is to keep the weight of his rocket to a
The movement of the "rocket" is due to the internal dif- minimum. The combustion chamber must be just large
ferences in pressure because a stream of the compressed gas enough to permit the fuel and oxygen to mix and burn com-
is being forced out through a narrow orifice. The same prin- pletely. Complete combustion is essential for maximum
ciple that applies to the balloon applies to skyrockets, ba- efficiency. If it is not obtained, fuel will be wasted and the
zookas, and liquid-fuel rockets. It \\'ill apply to space ships unburnt gases \"ill cool the final mixture.
\vhen they are made. The principle is a universal one that
has wide application. It is kno\vn as the principle of re- Pages 139-151
Dr. Oberth, knovvll for his early contributions to experi-
mental rocket work in Europe, experimented \\ith liquid hy-
*From "Rockets and Jets" by Herbert S. Zim, copyright 1945 by Her- drogen, and reported that the difficulty of obtaining the
bert S. Zim. Reprinted by permission of Harcourt, Brace and Company,
Inc. chemical and its extreme cold (boiling point - 423 degrees

E) made it unsatisfactory as a fuel despite the fact that bums, the heat given off comes to 62,000 B.T.U., nearly
when combined with liquid oxygen it produces the highest five times as much as from carbon. That is why hydrogen
heat output of any fuel combination. would be a perfect fuel if it were not so light and difficult to
\A/hile both carbon and liquid hydrogen seem unsatis- handle. Liquid fuels relatively rich in hydrogen produce
factory, chemical compounds containing both these ele- more heat than those richer in carbon.
ments are the best liquid rocket fuels knovm. These One B.T.U. of heat is the equivalent of 778 foot pounds
chemical compounds might be prepared artificially from the of work. In other '\Vords,the heat necessary to raise the
elements carbon and hydrogen. But they are abundant in temperature of one pound of '\'ater one degree, if com-
coal, natural gas, oil, and in plant material and hence are plete1y converted into mechanical energy, would be suffi-
cheap and plentiful, with an assured constant supply. The cient to raise a one-pound weight 778 feet against the pull
process of extracting these compounds from coal and oil is of gravity or a l00-pound weight 7.78 feet. Heat energy
well known, and since all of these chemicals have other expended at the rate of 42.4 B.T.U. per minute or 2,545
industrial uses, a great deal of valuable information about B.T.U. per hour is the work equivalent of one horsepower.
each is already available. Thus, if 50,900 B.T.U. were required to run a gasoline
Some of the more important compounds of carbon and engine for one hour the work output, under perfect condi-
hydrogen that have been tried as liquid fuels for rockets tions, would be twenty horsepower.
include: These heat values and their work equivalents indicate
the importance of using fuels with high heat content, since
Acety1ene, G~H :!-a gas at room temperature, b ut can be
liquefied heat can be converted directly into motion in a rocket. They
also indicate how rocket designers, knowing the character-
E th yene, C 2H 4-a gas at room temperature
Benzene, C6H6-colorless liquid istics of their fuel, can predict the speed, thrust, and range
of a rocket while it is still on the drawing board.
.Met h ane, CH1-a gas at room temperature
Ethane, C2H6-a heavier gas, easily liquefied Perhaps this is also the place to introduce a strong word
of warning about these figures. They are all theoretical and
Hexane, C6HH-a typical compound in gasoline, which 1 f
is a mixture of related chemicals assume a comp ete conversion 0 fuel into heat and heat
into mechanical energy. Unfortunately, that never hap-
D odecane, Cl:!H26-a typical compaun d in kerosene, also h
a mixture of chemicals pens and in t e conversion processtwo-thirds, three-quarters,
and sometimes up to nine-tenths of the heat is wasted. In
Two other chemical compounds are used as liquid fuels. h f h h
These differ from those just listed as they contain oxygen eating your water or t e s ower, instead of one pound
of wood perhaps, seven, eight, or nine pounds. would be
as we1Ias carbo n an d hydrogen. They are:
Ethyl Alcohol, C2H50H-grain alcohol, a colorlessliquid. T~:~~s~~:u;~g~~e~~~ ~;:~::St~~n~~e h~~~:~o:~, ~!:J~
Methyl Alcohol, CHsoH-wood alcohol, a poisonous col- more than 50,900 B.T.U. per hour. The gasoline con-
orless liquid. sumed is prob ably sufficient to supply four times that much
You may recognize some of these chemicals as common heat-and about three-quarters of it is wasted due to in-
everyday liquid fuels. But they are just as suited to rockets complete combustion and heat losses in the motor.
as they are for autos, heaters, blowtorches, or stationary It is al~o possible to be misled by the mere listing of
engi,nes. Each of these fuels will yield nothing but gaseous B.T. U. totals for different fuels. It is true that one pound
products when completely burned with liquid oxygen, and of hydrogen yields about 62,000 B.T.U. But to obtain this.
the products are always carbon dioxide and water. You heat, it ml,lstbe burned with eight pounds of oxygen-and
must keep in mind that at the temperature of a rocket this oxygen is part of the rocket fuel load. So actually the
combustion chamber, water is a hot invisible gas. Each of use of liquid hydrogen as a rocket fuel yields only 5,760
these fuels liberates heat when burned. But some,because of B.T.U. per pound for the nine pounds of hydrogen and
their chemical composition, give up more heat than others. oxygen necessary to release the heat. Gasoline yields about
This difference in the heat content of fuels is often the 19,000 B.T.U. per pound but it requires 3.5 pounds of
deciding factor when selecting one liquid fuel or another. liquid oxygen, making the heat yield for 4.5 total pounds
The heat value of fuels is measured in British Thermal a matter of 4,220 B.TU. per pound. On the other hand,
Units per pound of fuel. A British Thermal Unit (B.T.U.) when smokelesspowder is used as fuel it yields only 1,870
is the heat required to raise one pound of water at room B.T.U. per pound, but since no oxygen is required the final
temperature, one degree F. To raise the temperature of yield is still the same.
fivequarts of water (approximately 10 pounds) 100 degrees 'John Shesta, an active member of the American Rocket
would require the expenditure of 1,000 B.T.U. of heat. Society, points out that the heat value per weight of fuel
Burning a pound of average wood produces about 7,000 is often not as significant for rockets as the heat value per
B.T.U. This is enough heat to raise about 9 gallons of water volume of fuel. Since larger fuel tanks mean a bulkier and
from sink temperature (50°) to bath temperature (150°), heavier rocket, Mr. Shesta argues for the use of the fuel
sufficient to provide a nice hot shower if one doesn't stay in that is the heaviest per unit volume. He points. out that
too long. A pound of coal will give about twice the heat of ,,,,hilea pound of hydrogen \-villyield about 62,000 B.T.U.,
wood: 14,500 to 16,000 B.T.U.; and a pound of crude oil . hydrogen is very light and a pint of liquid hydrogen would
(a pint) will produce from 20,000 to 22,000 B.T.D. When only yield 3,850 B.TU. In contrast, benzol only gives
a pound of pure carbon is.burned in oxygen, 14,600 B.T.U. - 17,300 B.TU. per pound. But because it is almost as heavy
of heat are released, but when a pound of pure hydrogen as water, a pint of benzol gives 15,860 B.T.U. or the
equivalent of approximately four pints of liquid hydrogen. fuel of the German V-2 rocket was alcohol and liquid
The table below gives some of the better known liquid oxygen. The fuel tanks of the giant rocket carry 7,500
fuels and the heat yield per pound and per pint of fuel: pounds of alcohol and 11,000 pounds of liquid air. The
.., .., rocket takes only about five minutes for a trip of about 200
,:: ,:: ,::

.. '"
>< .... .. ..
.... ~ 1>:
B<> "'-

.., ..
s:: <>
miles, but fuel is burned for only the first minute or so. The
rocket gains such speed during this minute that its momen-
p< p<'" p< p<

.: ~] "''''
"'''' ~
,,~ ] p-
s::'" ...
~~ ]

-'" ~ IllE-<
tum carries it on to its target.
Rocket experimenters have one advantage over motorists.
1llP< ~z ~ IllE-< .0
~ p<Z

Hydrogen ..... 62,000 8.0

They do not have to worry much about gasoline brands
9.0 6,880 3,850 .5 1.5 2,580
Acetylene ..... 20,700 3.1 4.1 5,060 11,200 1.4 2.4 4,700 and grades. Present-day rockets use only a quart or so at a
Benzol ....... 17,300 3.1 4.1 4,330 15,860 2.4 3.4 4,730 time, and from the energy angle a low grade gasoline will
Methane ••... 21,400 4.0 5.0 4,280 10,400 1.6 2.6 3,970
Gasoline* .... 19,200 3.5 4.5 4,230 13,200 2.0 3.0 4,360 give about as many B.T.D. per pint as high grade. There
Kerosene* .... 18,700 3.5 4.5 4,170 15,000 2.3 3.3 4,510 is no knock problem in rockets so there is no need to use
Ethyl Alcohol. .12,100 2.4 3.4 3,520 9,960 1.7 2.7 3,740
tetraethyllead or any other special ingredients in the fuel.
Experiments have been conducted with many liquid
Besides the heat characteristics, the specific limitations of fuels: liquid methane, ether, liquid propane, alcohol, alco-
each type of liquid fuel must be considered by the rocket hol and peroxide mixtures, kerosene, etc. The net results,
experimenter. Acetylene is a colorless gas that bums with in the words of Dr. Goddard, are that, «••• the most prac-
a smoky Bame in air but with a hot blue Bame when sup- tical combination, however, appears to be liquid oxygen
plied with the right amount of oxygen. It is the fuel used and gasoline." Dr. Goddard used gasoline in his first liquid-
in the acetylene torch where the Bame is so hot that it cuts fuel motor test in 1923 and used it again when his first
through steel like butter. One pound of liquid acetylene liquid-fuel rocket Bew in 1926. The American Rocket
bums with three pounds of oxygen and the total fuel yields Society has used this same fuel in the successful Bights of
a bit over 5,000 B.T.D. per pound. But acetylene has little all its experimental rockets and in a large number of tests
future as a rocket fuel because liquid acetylene which of rocket motors in testing stands. Though the future may
boils at - 121 F. is highly unstable and may explode vio- see better fuels available in the gasoline-liquid-air combi-

lently without warning. nation, e:>.:perimentershave found a practical solution to the

A pound of ethyl alcohol bums with about two and a present fuel problem, one that will enable them to go far in
half pounds of liquid oxygen, giving 3,500 B.T.D. per developing experimental rockets.
pound. Though this is not as powerful as some fuels, it is While on the subject of rocket fuels, a word must be said
satisfactory, and alcohol is commonly used in experimental about atomic or subatomic power. The words have been
rockets. However, no rocket experimenter could afford to loosely tossed around for some time 'now, and many people
use pure alcohol. have the feeling that atomic power is something imaginative,
This chemical has a strong affinity for water and to pre- like Buck Rogers' space ships. But there is more to atomic
pare 100 per cent alcohol requires expensive and time- power than even the pages of the comic strips would lead
consuming operations. The experimenter must resign him- one to believe.
self to the fact that all alcohol contains at least 5 per cent To start at the beginning, it .vas Albert Einstein who
water. This is not a serious handicap but it is a factor that first worked out the very simple mathematical equation
must be considered. Some of the other fuels are gases at showing the relationship between matter and energy. It
ordinary temperatures and must be liquefied under pressure shows very dearly that the energy that could be obtained
and at low temperature before they can be used. And when from one gram 0/25 of an ounce) of wood is enough to
the trouble is taken to prepare them, there is also the diffi- run a 37-horsepower motor, sufficient for a small automo'
culty of storing and handling these cold liquids. bile, for one million hours. Oddly enough, the equation
Perhaps these little differences are the reason why many also indicates that you could get the same energy from a
experimenters have turned back to our most common gram of coal, iron, carbon, tin, or any other substance you
liquid fuel for their work. Experimenters in both Europe care to name. This may sound a bit confusing unless one
and America have found that plain ordinary gasoline is as dearly sees the difference in obtaining energy this way as
practical a rocket fuel as any, and while its po'wer is not ~ompared to methods we are now using.
tops it is not too bad either. Gasoline yields about 19,200 If one charged a rocket with one pound of gasoline and
B.T.D. per pound, but since it requires 3.5 pounds of 3.5 pounds of liquid oxygen and ignited the mixture, the
oxygen for combustion, the yield from the total fuel drops rocket would sail aloft, powered by the energy of combus-
to 4,230 B.T.D. per pound. On a volume basis, gasoline tion. The union of gasoline and oxygen produces carbon
gives about 13,200 B.T.D. per pint and requires 2.1 pints dioxide "and water vapor and releases 4,200 B.T.D. of heat.
of liquid oxygen for combustion, yielding 4,360 B.T.D. per This heat expands the gases in the combustion chamber and
pint of total fuel. One cannot speak exactly of the heat the pressure of these expanded gases produces the reaction
yield of gasoline since gasoline is a mixture of a number of that drives the rockets. At the end of the flight the fuel
related chemical compounds, all containing carbon and and oxygen tank will be empty, but the gases produced have
hydrogen. The figures given are roughly average. At any not disappeared. If one had connected a large bag to the
rate, gasoline is distinctly more powerful than alcohol which nozzle of the rocket and caught all the gases leaving in the
is its only competitor. exhaust, it would be easy to show that the pound of gaso-
It \,\'3S officially reported on December 9, 1944, that the line and 3.5 pounds of oxygen had been transformed into
..t5 pounds of carbon dioxide and water vapor. Not a frac- has a basis of fact, and there are a few isolated cases of the
tion of a gram of the weight of the ingredients was lost: the release of trickles of atomic energy that keep alive the hope
liquid chemicals had merely been transformed into gases that some day this energy may serve mankind.
\vhich quickly mixed with the air. In the same way a chem- Not so long ago newspapers carried the almost fantastic
ist can prove that when a candle burns, the weight of the ston' of uranium 235-a most unusual chemical. Uranium
total products formed is greater than the weight of the is a' chemical element closely related to radium in its prop-
candle, because oxygen from the air has united with the erties. Uranium 235 is a form of uranium that exists with
carbon and hydrogen of the paraffin. ordinary uranium (or uranium 238) in about one part of
This is what happens in ordinary combustion. It's true the former to 1,000 parts of the ordinary variety. This
that the ashes left in the pit of the furnace weigh less than uranium 235 can be "bombarded" in machines like the
the coal burned, but if you could add the weight of the gases cyclotron. When this occurs, two new elements are pro-
that have passed up the chimney, the total weight of the duced whose total weight is about one per cent less than the
products formed by combustion would be equal to the bit of uranium 235 used. This means that about one per
weight of the coal and oxygen used. cent of the uranium 235's weight has been converted into
But Einstein is not talking about ordinary combustion. energy. Scientists doing the experiment found that the
He is talking about the change of matter into energy. If energy released was about the amount expected. It did not
one knew how to transform a pound of gasoline into energy destroy the apparatus, since only microscopic amounts of
as Einstein considers it, no oxygen would be needed. When uranium 235 are available to be used and the energy was
the process was over there would be no question of what absorbed by the ordinary uranium with it. However, the
the products would weigh-there would be no products. deed has been done. The exchange of matter into energy
The gasoline would have disappeared. It would no longer has actually been accomplished in the laboratory-though
exist as matter. It would literally disappear. There would on an infinitely .,mall scale. Yet there is enough promise
be no possible way to recover the gasoline or any of the in this experiment to make more optimistic people believe
elements that were in it. The energy derived from the that some day subatomic power will be available for rocket
annihilation of one pound of gasoline (or any other sub- propulsion.
stance for that matter) would reach the enormous figure Such a solution would be most fortunate, since there is
of 16.7 billion horsepower hours, and since one horsepower no fuel on earth than can begin to compare with atomic
hour is equivalent to 42.6 trillion B.T.U. or almost exactly energy obtained from a pound of any substance. The whole
one hundred billion times as much energy as could be ob- weight problem of rockets would be resolved simply; the
tained by burning the same amount of gasoline with oxygen. possibilities of interplanetary travel would be vastly en-
Unfortunately, no one has yet found the way of extract- hanced. How soon this atomic energy will be made avail-
ing this enormous energy from matter, nor does there seem able nobody knows.
any immediate prospect of driving ships across the Atlantic Till that time arrives, the liquid fuels will be the main-
with the energy from a pinch of sand, or running trains on stay of rockets and we will have to do the best we can
a few grains of sugar. Yet other scientists have enough with the mixtures which we have been discussing earlier in
information to make them believe that Einstein's equation the chapter.


Retail Price Price to You

"Rockets and Space Travel" $3.75 $3.19

By Willy Ley

"The Coming Age of Rocket Power" .. $3.50 $2.97

By G. E. Pendray

"Rockets and Jets" $3.00 $2.55

By Herbert S. Zim

"Rocketry" . $5.00 $4.25

By Constantin Paul Lent
By Major John M. Wright, Jr., CAC
Corregidor-l\lay, 19-1-3. cated Japanese civilian, not the wards .of Japan's military
"The Imperial Japanese Army has occupied Hawaii and clique. Let us remember them as the wards .of Japan, not
Australia." Lieutenant Takushige glawed and smiled and as thase of a few .ofher leaders wha have been or are being
waited. eliminated.
"Ah so Ka! Is that so!" Obviously he expected an answer. "It is true," Tokushige said, "Japan may lose this present
"Soon the Imperial Japanese Army will occupy South battle. As a saldier, you knaw that grand strategy some-
America." Tokushige swelled with pride; he liked to boast times requires the loss of a battle for the winning of a war.
.of his nation's many accomplishments and victories. This battle may last far several years and we may lose-but
Lieutenant T akushige was camp commander .of Military we have not lost the war. Twenty years from nO\v we will
Prisan Camp Number Nine, Corregidor, where were con- fight anather battle. Japan is prepared to lose a second bat-
fined about -two hundred Americans who had been .over- tle, a third, and she may even lose a faurth, sixty years fram
whelmed after defending the Rock for five months. He had naw. That is all very well; Japan is prepared ta lose those
sent his interpreter, Superior Private Danja, ta my room ~attles as a means to win her war. Within a hundred years
and directed that I report ta his quarters after supper. fram naw, Japan will win the war."
I was Executive Officer .of the Carregidor prisan camp. There was nothing mare ta say. I returned ta my room.
In that position, I had spoken to Tokushige often-arguing I reflected on Tokushige's farecast of coming battles and his
far food, arguing for adequate quarters, arguing over work concept .of the lang war. The impressian burned into my
to be perfarmed by Americans. I did not know .or under- mind-and it bums today as the United States shapes its
stand Tokushige. The more cantact an American has with policy towards Japan. Is that palicy shortsighted? .Must we
a Japanese, the more he observes the Oriental, the more he fight that secand battle, and the third, and the faurth? Have
studies him-the more convinced he. becomes that he \'\'ill we came to believe that we truly understand the Japane~e?
never know or understand him. Let us briefly analyze the true meaning .of Tokushige's
The night on which I ''\'as directed to repart to words-the words of Japan.
T okushige was just one year after Carregidor raised the Time to an Oriental is nothing. Time ta an American is
white flag. That year had seen Japan extend the "Greater much. Japan is .old;America is young. Japan thinks as does
East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" over the Western Pacific. a wise old man who draws upon a long life .of experience
True, Japan's advance had been halted by May, 1943, but and faces the coming days philosophically, casually. Amer-
the Emperor's colors flew over many canquered islands and ica thinks as does a yauth who meets each problem as a new
many subjected peoples. challenge and faces the future passianately, dynamically.
T okushige always tried my patience. I knew that his One hundred years ta a Japanese is as one change .of the
claims were seldom true; nevertheless, I invariablv became tide, while one hundred years to an American is the time
so irritated as ta attempt to take the offensive. - required far his country t~ have grown from infancy ta full
"Tokushige Chui," I asked, "did you see the Japanese adulthood.
.aircraft carrier which passed Corregidar this afternoon?" Life ta an Oriental is nathing. Life to an American is
"Very, very big. It carried twenty airplanes," he boasted. ~uch. A Japanese lives his daily life with his ancestors.
"Tokushige Chui, that ship was very, very small. Ameri- going back through generations beyand the recorded his-
can aircraft carriers carry several hundred airplanes and tary .ofJapan. An American lives his daily life consciaus .of
there are one hundred carriers in our Navy." That bluff the unforgiving minute which, .once gane, can never be
stunned Tokushige. He looked at the floor. He stared at recalled. In the home .ofa Japanese, I was taken to a shrine
Danjo, the interpreter, to see whether he had heard cor- where, I was tald, dwelled the fathers .of the family from
rectly. He had. He countered quickly. the beginning .of time. In the home .of an American, only
"Mter South America, we will conquer England. I will the living are impartant to life.
move to Londan and live there in my retirement." Democracy to an Oriental is nothing. Democracy to an
I then attempted to give Takushige a lessan in geography. American is much. In the home, which is the foundatian
Ten thousand miles .of ocean separated him from South stone of democracy, the head of the Japanese family is
America. Hawaii was very strong, and close ta America. It supreme beyond our comprehensian. Vi,T omen .ofthe family
cauld never be taken by the Japanese. Tokushige slawly -mother, wife, and daughters-bow until their heads scrape
gave ground and began ta concede the argument. the floor before entering a room ,vherein sits the master .of
"Yau are a saldier," he said. "I am a civilian. I am an the hame. Only the son, ,vho himself will eventuallv be-
.officerin the reserve. Before the war I ,vas a banker in come a master i~ his awn right, is granted any equality' with
Takyo." the master. In an American home we knO\'i' dernocracv,
Then T akushige spoke ,,,,'ardswhich shauld never be far- freedom of thought, equality. On such a faundation as the
:gatten by Americans. These are the 'words of a well-edu- Japanese home can there be created a true democracy?
19-17 "JAPA0J "'ILL \HN THE \\TAR"
Honesty to an Oriental is nothing. Honesty to an Ameri- The parallel is all too obvious.
LJn is much. A Japanese practices deceit as a means to an Japan's new overlord, the United States, has determined
end, believing that the crime is not in being dishonest, but to convert Japan to democracy and peacefulness. \Ve are
rather in being apprehended in his dishonesty. American ~chooling Japan in our philosophy. \Ve are propagandizing
sense of honor pitted against Japanese deceit and cunning Japan. We will withdraw ,,,:hen Japan has become a de-
makes Americans gullible and easy prey for Japanese. mocracy. The leaders of that democracy have already
For a moment, imagine that the United States is a con- arisen. The signs are everywhere-democratic election~,
quered nation, dominated by a country which considers it- strikes, the stepping down of the emperor-Japan is being
self righteous. Imagine that the victor is anti-Christian. converted. Within ten years of her defeat, Japan sees the
Our new overlord has determined to convert the United United States ,vithdraw. Japan is free to prepare for the
States to its philosophy. We are schooled in that philoso- second battle of the long war.
phy. We are propagandized. We are told that as soon as Can Japan be converted in ten years? Can Tokushige
we become anti-Christian, our conqueror will withdraw and the sons of T okushige disown their emperor, turn their
from our country. The oppression seems to us unbearable. backs on their ancestors and embrace democracy? No. But
Soon a few cunning leaders arise to convince the foreign ten years of subservience and apparent conversion ",ill ac-
nation that we, as a nation, have become anti-Christian. complish expulsion of the conqueror-and $en may well
The signs are everywhere-shrines arise on street corners, come revenge.
a few priests are lynched, here and there a church is torn As long a period of time as it would require our con-
down-Christianity is rapidly stamped out. Within ten queror to stamp out Christianity in the United States, at
years of our defeat, the conqueror withdraws, convinced least that long a period of domination, occupation, educa-
that we are now an anti-Christian nation, and we are left to tion will be required to stamp out the embers which burn in
exploit our regained freedom. Japan after the Harne was quenched with the lifeblood of
Can Christianity be stamped out of America in ten years? thousands of America's bravest men.
Can you, your children, your grandchildren, disO\vn Christ? If America is gullible, if America is fooled by Japanese
No. But the ten years of apparent stamping out was worth cunning, if America forgets the words _ofT okushige, then'
while if we are again free and able to rebuild what we will be a second battle with Japan, and a third, and a fourth
hold most dear. -and Japan It.'illwin the war.

New R. 7\. 7\ppointees, Coast 7\rtillery Corps

(Under Department of the Army Special Order No. 17, 10 October 1947.)
Rank Indicated Is Permanent
Hunt, Paul ]\1.
Comstock, Richard H. Carson, James M.
Dolan, Joseph C. \iValker, F. N., Jr.
Cauthen, William A. Bigelow, Arland E.
Rutz, Lee J. Turner, John G.
Neill, Samuel S. Freshwater, Harold L.
Lampl, Maurice B. Mclaughlin, H.-H., Jr.
Baltzer, Nyles W. Myers, George E.
Quinlan, Edward W. Tilson, George E.
Greene, Harold F.
Hudson, James A. Raffaeli, Raymond J.
Rousseau, Thomas H., Jr. Lvnch, William J.
Quist, Frederick F. Ward; Linus P.
Ball, Raymond C. Felter, Joseph H.
Lonsinger, Roy \\T. Shaw, William G., 3rd .
Pullen, Richard T., JI. Bates, Frank A., Jr.
Fox, 'Elmer W., Jr. Meacham, Joseph R.
Watson, Ronald Smith, Bowen N.
Emmert, Harry D., JI. Maldeis, Albert F., Jr.
Osthues, Henrv E. Townsend, Lester B., Jr.
Ghent, Daniel T. Kiefer, Howard E.
Wagner, Oliver \i\T. McFadden, David B., Jr.
Sisak, John G. Prugh, George S., Jr.
T racv, Sheldon C. Hawthorne, Frank, Jr.
Walker, Archie S. Lavin, Richard B.
By Lieutenant William F. Diebold
The group of excited young pilots crowded around the Later, when the major and I were alone, my eyes drifted
desk. I tapped one of them on the arm and asked what all to his huge wall map: On it were myriads of different col.
the excitement was about. He said, "Here!" and handed me ored Bags. Each Bag symbolized a plane on the ground, 31
a sheet of old, worn paper. Laboriously written were some crashed plane. I heard myself speaking almost as if it were I
scrawling words beginning, "Somewhere in Hell ... I am someone else.
the pilot who crashed ... I need a pair of GI shoes, quinine, "I\'lajor," I asked, "why couldn't you parachute a man into
socks, sulfa .... I'd like to borrow a blanket if you could the villag~ you think m~st likely to be 'X'? If the Bier't
spare one. Cold. Cigarettes would be nice. Thanks for what- there, he IS bound to be 10 the other one. A process of ehmi.!
ever you can do." nation, as it were." i
A lieutenant explained, "That note was brought in to an The major said, "Diebold, do you realize that the village
airstrip in Burma two days ago by a native who said the of 'X' is hundreds of miles from any semblance of civiliza-
American was in a village called 'X.''' tion, in the toughest kind of jungle? A white man goes in
It was the mission of this Search and Rescue Squadron of there once in twenty years. How would the parachutist get
the Air Transport Command, to which I had been assigned, oo~ .
to 6nd these airmen in the Hump and rescue them. I was That stopped me until I happened to think that the
just this day reporting for duty. The night before, I had downed Bier had to be brought out and that the major
arrived at this jumping-off place for China supplies. If I had planned to send in two doctors. He must have a plan to
known what was in the books for me there would have been bring them out.
one completely berserk lieutenant running around in the ""Veil," said the major 6nally, "if we're going to give thatl
growing tea, trying to hide from the inevitable. plan of yours a try, we must have someone who will volun,'
The inevitable arrived when I reported to Major Roland teer to jump." !
Hedrick, the head and brains of the Air Transport Com- I think the major was trying to show me how impossible
mand's Search and Rescue Squadron for India, Burma and it would be. From somewhere inside me a voice said, "Hell.
China. major, I'll jump!"
A pilot standing near the major made a mountain with That statement surprised both of us. The skipper eyed!
one hand while with the other he imitated an airplane in me, for size, I guess, then said, "Okay, boy. Get dressed for
Bight around that mountain. He was trying to explain to a parachute jump and a long trek in the jungle. Be back in
the major how difficult it was to By around that mountain an hour." 1(

with the object of coming low over a native village situated I rose from the chair, my knees weak beyond all de.
near the top. He had to come in low over that village, I scription, weaved out of the room into which I had so bliss.
gathered, to attract the attention of any white man who fully walked not more than an hour before, and headed for
might be in it. \Vas the writer of the note in that particular my basha. I
village? That was the sixty-four-dollar question. "\Vell," I said to myself, "it might as well be me as any.l
Finally I was able to catch the major's ear over the din. one else. After all I'm not the 6rst to try a parachute jump."
He seemed irritated at my presence, and who can blame I 611edmy musette bag with the things I 6gured I would
him. He was confronted with a problem that might mean need and went down to the squadron operations, where An.
life or death to a pilot. The fact that he shook my hand in- derson, the pilot of the rescue ship, got me some new in.
stead of cutting it off showed patience. fantry combat boots. They are a little more than ankle high)'
"Lieutenant," he said, "on our maps the village of 'X' is and offer support to that most vulnerable part of the body.
shown to be here." He pointed to a spot on the top of a in a jump. They gave me some silver rupees with which tor
mountain in northern Burma. "The boys Bew over that vil- pay for anything I might want from the natives and we were
lage yesterday with two doctors ready to bail out. There was off.
a cloud sitting smack on top of that village almost all day," \Ve Bew in a C-47. This one had the rear door off and was
he continued, "and when the cloud 6nally did move away 6lled with parapacks containing food, clothes and medicine.,
the boys found two peaks where there should have been I sat on the Boor by the open door. \Ve Bew for a few hour~~
only one, and damned if there wasn't a village on both and I had a chance to see the country. The mountains
peaks. The search plane buzzed both villages, and dropped seemed to go straight up and down. It was not often that
notes requesting some sort of signal if the pilot was in that I could see ground; the foliage was too thick for that. In my
village. Neither village did a thing. I believe the kid is too mind's eye I could almost see the snakes sticking their
sick to make the signal himself and he can't make the natives heads out of the trees, smacking their lips, if snakes ha\'e
understand what he wants them to do." such things. I could hear the tigers telling their cubs to be
quiet, that the Army Air Corps was providing them with
*From Cosmopolitan. their supper that night.
1947 HEll IS GREE~ 49
Eventually Anderson called me fonvard and said, "Of going to land in the clearing. The least I could do was to
course, Diebold, you've used a parachute before, haven't miss the stumps. I pulled a handful of shroud lines on my
you?" right to see which way it made me go. It did not seem to
. The only thing I had ever used a parachute for was a change a thing except to make the ground come up even
pillow to sit on in a glider. But I answered, "Not this para- faster. That was all the argument I needed. Let fate take
trooper chute you've rigged up for me." its course.
'Well," he said, "I've never used one either, but one Fate took its course, I landed bang on top of a stump. My
thing I do know is that you had better be sure that your knees collapsed and I bounced to the ground ..
static line is attached to that long cable that runs the length I just sat there saying over and over aloud, "Damn it, I
of the top of the fuselage. I saw a movie once of some para- made it!"
troopers jumping and that's the way they did it." Anderson woke me up. He brought that ship right down
Simple, I thought. Now all I have to find out is what a into the clearing, rolling it over on its side so he could
static line is. see me. I managed a feeble wave of the arm, and he went
Eventually we came to the section of the country where back upstairs and circled, waiting for me to get oriented.
our lost pilot was supposed to be. If a glacier made these I was busy gathering up my chute when I heard voices
mountains it must have been mad as hell at something. shouting, "Okay-okay." I turned in wonderment, 'Well,
They were the biggest hunks of earth I had ever seen. I'll be-I" I said aloud. "These people must speak English."
Anderson flew me from the two villages to the Ledo Road, Out of the brush they came. To me they looked pretty
showing me the way out. There could not have been over fierce; to them I must have looked about the same, for they
two mountain ranges, each towering some two miles up, stopped dead. With one hand on my .45 I looked them ove;.
nor more than two hundred miles of solid jungle. Nothing There \vere two men and a boy. Beautifully dressed in loin-
to it! We buzzed the village a couple of times, but only cloths, each had a long knife in one hand and a shorter one
wildly waving natives appeared. in the other. They were brown and small and wiry.
Eventually-as I knew it must-the time came for me to Looking braver than I felt, I walked over to them. I said,
go..Anderson told me to stand at the rear door and when the "Well, how the hell are you?" Their answer was silence.
bell rang, that would be my signal to jump. Sergeant Stanley I tried again. "Like a cigarette?"
Bloom from Boston helped me into my chute, and I took my On that one I did better. They said, "Umm, umm." But
stand at the door. when I held out the pack they took, not one cigarette, but
It seemed I stood there for an interminable period. My the whole pack. I tried a little Hindustani. What I said
heart thudded against my chest. I was scared to death! I must have meant something in their language, for they took
thought of my civilian insurance company and its directors. my parachute and led me down the trail.
Wouldn't they be the happy lot if they could see me now? Anderson was getting impatient. He started to buzz the
Suddenly the bell rang! village when I arrived there. The village had two houses
I had been unconsciously waiting for that sound with and everybody turned out to see me come in. I took out a
every fiber of my body. It took no planned action of my white cloth and signaled to the plane that I was in the
mind to get me out that door. I had conquered my mind pink. I guess they misunderstood me, for on the next trip
when I went to the door; from then on motion was just re- around they started dropping supplies. The natives and I
action to a sound. I am sure of this for I cannot remember ran for cover. The sky seemed to be filled "Vvithparachutes.
jumping. The bell rang and the next thing I knew was the Bloom up in that plane was pushing them out three at a
roaring of the slipstream in my ears, the tumbling of the time. Each pack weighed a hundred pounds and was not
horizon, the tail of the ship passing overhead and then the exactly the thing to be hit with.
almighty jerk. On one pack was painted in large letters: RADIO. I
I had learned to jump the hard way. Body position in the opened it and took out the handie-talkie. I pulled out the
air was an unknown to me. My chute was too loose, the aerial and immediately heard Anderson's voice in the midst
jerk was terrific. I blacked out for an instant, I guess, for the of a conversation something like "... Diebold will probably
next thing I knew I was alone in the air and all was serene. be barbecued tonight." It made me feel swell. I knew these
The feeling of elation and exhilaration that come over people had been head-hunters in the pas,t, but this was now.
me when I looked up and saw that big white canopy over "Anderson," I said, "one more crack like that and I will
me is indescribable. The chute had opened. Oh, happy name my next six Naga children after you." There was a
day! I kicked my legs and moved my arms and wiggled my squawk, then a clearer voice, saying, "Is he there, Bill?"
body to make sure nothing had been broken. Nothing had. "How the hell should I know?" I retorted. "I just got here
I was uncomfortable. I had been jerked down into the too myself." I turned to one of the natives, pointed to myself
loose harness of my chute and my entire weight was being and said, "American." Then I pointed to the tvI.'ohouses and
carried in the crotch of my legs. It was then, for the first said, "American?" He shook his head, then babbled ex
time, that I thought of the ground. Good Lord, how it citedly to his kinsfolk standing around in a close circle
seemed to be rushing up at me! Above the village was a They babbled back at him and he turned to me, pointed to
clearing that looked about the size of a quarter. It was the opposite mountain and said something that resembled.
covered with jagged-edged stumps. A broken leg out here "Amoodicaun."
would really be something to worry about. Too, what good I got on the air, and gave Anderson the dope. "Right girl.
would I be to anybody if I could not walk? wrong night, my boy. Come back tomorrow, and I'll be
Anderson had done a swell job. As he planned it, I was next door with the body."

Andy's voice came back. "You're in, sleep tight. Be back of cartons of cigarettes. I handed cigarettes to the boys, who
tomorrow." And that was it! seemed tickled.
I watched the big plane disappear over the far moun- I looked at the chief, pointed to one of the parapacks,
tains with misgivings. It made me lonely just to see it go. I then to the other mountain, made motions as if I were
stood. in the middle of the group of staring natives and stared carrying one of the packs and 'walking. Then I pointed to
back at them. the handful of men below us.
The women wore clothes, damn it, and were definitely Evidently the chief got the idea, for he smiled, nodded,
not good-looking. The men, in many cases, wore nothing said "Kajaiee," and called one of the men up on the porch.
but a loincloth. What surprised me most was their hair. At the end of a lengthy conversation, the boy crawled off
Both men and women wore it piled on top of their head". the porch and, with a companion, started down the trail.
There was one geezer whom the others seemed to treat We went back inside and I found myself some rations
with respect. I guessed he was the head man and I smiled and started to cook a little dinner over the natives' fire. The
at him. dinner consisted mostly of cereal, which isn't what I would
He nodded and gave me what I took to be a smile. vVith usually order, but compared with what the chief offered
that, I felt more on solid ground. Scattered all over the clear- me, it looked delicious. His menu consisted of monkey meat
ing were the parapacks. I pointed to them and then to one which was cooked before my awe-stricken eyes. They tossed
of the houses. He must have understood, for he barked out the monkey, whole and entire, into the fire. The odor of
some orders and in a Bash the packs were being gathered burning hair made my mouth water!
up by the natives. Then the chief led me over to one of The chief, after he had eaten, took out a long bamboo
the houses. pipe. About a third of the way up the pipe from the bottom,
What places those houses are. They are built on stilts he had an inch piece of hard vine sticking out. He poured
about ten feet off of the ground. They are long, bamboo- water into the mouth of the pipe, held it upright and then
woven things with grass roofs. In the front, they actually put it down on the Boor. In one hand he had a copper dish
have a porch. with a long handle on it. In this he put a brown pasty sub-
The chief and I wallowed through the mud to his house. stance. He held it over the fire until the brown stuff came
Surrounding the house were two or three water buffaloes to a sizzle. At the same time, with his knife, he had
and a dozen animals slightly resembling pigs. We entered shredded a green, folded leaf. He browned the shreds, then
via a very fancy stairway made from an old log with notches mixed the sizzling stuff into it, put it into the vine sticking
cut into it for steps. out of the bamboo.
The inside of the hut was really something! There were
I didn't really know that he was smoking opium, but I
several rooms running to the rear of the shack. All were
soon guessed when I saw the "out of this world" look in his
connected so that to go to the rearmost room, one must walk
eyes. He wasn't alone, for on all sides of me, the boys were
through the sleeping quarters of everyone in the house. The
reaching with bamboo tongs for embers to light their pipes.
front room looked like the living room or parlor. A small
fire was burning in the center of the Boor on sand or some- This opium den held quite a bit of interest, so I thought
thing. But what really stopped me cold were the decorations 1'd stay up and see how it all ended. One of our old drink-
on the walls. On every wall there hung a heterogeneous col- ing songs blossomed out of nowhere-"Old MacDonald
lection of dried heads, including monkey heads. That is, Had a Farm." I sang a couple of verses, and it wasn't long
I've been told, since then, by men who should know, that before a couple of the natives chimed in with "E-I-E-I
000000." After a couple of thousand, no less, Old Mac--
they were monkey heads, but from where I was standing
they looked like the largest monkey heads I'd ever seen. Donalds we all got tired singing, and I decided to go to bed,
The chief sat down cross-legged on the Boor before the slinging a jungle hammock between two of the uprights that
fire and motioned me to join him. Then he pulled out a supported the porch.
two-foot-Iong, two-inch-in-diameter pole made of bamboo. Throughout the night there was a continuous procession
He filled it with water, dropped in some brown stuff, put of incoming natives. The two men the chief had sent out
one end in the fire and propped the other end against earlier in the day had evidently been emissaries to other
a forked stick. Believe it or not, we were going to have tea, Naga villages.
brewed in bamboo: Morning, no matter how one looks at it, is a hell of a
We had our tea from bamboo cups. The stuff tasted like time. Your bed is so warm and comfortable that it seems sac-
tobacco well boiled. Nevertheless, I nodded, smiled and rilegious to leave it. The Nagas must have realized that and
smacked my lips in evident enjoyment. This pleased the years ago solved the problem by never going to bed. At
chief, I was happy to see, and he too, smiled, smacked his four-thirty in the morning, the women were up and pound-
lips and said something like "Kajaiee." I treasured the word ing rice. Wearily I swung my feet out of the hammock and
as my first. It must mean "good," although from the tast:? eased into my boots. As I climbed the notched ladder, my
of the tea, I could hardly believe it. eyes met a sight I won't easily forget. The big front room of
By this time, the natives outside had piled up all the para- the chief's house was filled with brown-skinned Nagas all
packs. I looked at them in dismay. How was I ever going staring at me. The fire behind them framed their squatting
to get them over to the far mountain? It was now too late bodies, their piled-up hair with a .veird Bickering back-
in the afternoon to try to make the trek to the other village. ground. On all sides they were framed by the leering, naked
I went down into the mud and lifted them all up to the skulls on the walls. Standing at the entrance to that room,
porch, where I opened one of the packs and found a couple I tried to smile and said my one Naga word. "Kajaiee." It
19-17 HELL IS GREEN 51
worked, for they actually laughed. Then tension was the rushing, white water. But behind a huge boulder in the
broken. The chief led me over to the fire. stream was a comparatively quiet pool. The Nagas all tossed
"l\1y God," I thought, "not tea-not at this hour." But tea off their loincloths and ran in, splashing each other. The
is what the good and venerable chief had in mind. I held women showed no hesitance as they joined in the s\vim.
up both hands in a negative gesture. I got up again and The bath had a twofold purpose: it ,vas fun and it washed
vrent over to the food sack for some good old American cof- off the leeches. Slightly abashed, I stripped and joined
fee. I didn't know how it would taste brewed in a bamboo them. Women or no, the leeches had to go.
tube, but it couldn't be worse than their tea. I took a bamboo The morning coolness was gone and the sun was hot.
tube from the rack behind the chief, poured in some coffee, This time I started out in shorts and shoes. I was going to
stuck the end of it in the fire and propped the other end up take a tip from the natives, for after all this was their coun-
with a forked stick. The chief looked slightly annoyed until try. The Nagas are hill people and hills are their business,
I poured him a bamboo cupful and he tasted it. His face but with me-well, hills are wonderful when you're Rying
lighted up in evident enjoyment and he passed the cup over them or walking down them.
around the circle of men for all to taste. In the next hour, On and on we chugged up the mountain. Those hill
I did nothing but make coffee for the Nagas. They would people kept up a running conversation while they climbed.
drink it as fast as I could make it. I was thankful that I was able to breathe. It seemed for-
Dawn was breaking like an egg over the mountains. Dull ever, but we finally did hit the top. Perched there was a
red beams poured down the mountainsides and probed into village, if I may call one house a village. I eagerly looked
the dark interior of our opium den. Down in the valleys a around for the lost pilot, but, of course, this wasn't the
few trees reached up from the mist. In the forest the animals right village; we still had another mountain to climb.
began to stir. The strange early morning cries of birds By now it was around eleven in the morning, and the
mingled with the doglike sound of barking deer. sun was really pouring it on. The water in my canteen was
Eventually, the natives, too, began to stir a little. Each about to boil-so was my blood, what blood the leeches had
man had a basket which held about thirty pounds. The top left me: All the Nagas jabbered to each other and I stag-
of the basket had two shoulder straps of woven bamboo. gered into the shade of the house. When I finally got the
Another loop from the top of the basket went through a sweat out of my eyes enough so I could see, I lighted a cig-
wooden yoke. It looked a little puzzling until they put the arette and looked around. As soon as I did that, I had to pass
baskets on their backs, then it became a very sensible ar- cigarettes out to all the party. There went another pack.
rangement. They would put their arms through the two Everyone quietly sat down for a smoke except one woman
loops attached to the basket and the yoke fitted on the backs who stood in front of me holding a baby in her arms. The
of their necks against their shoulders. The end of that loop baby was a cute little thing, except that where there should
went up and onto their foreheads. have been hair, there was nothing but a mass of scabs and
They formed a circle, baskets in hand, and the chief running sores. I felt that there must be something I could
loaded them from the parapacks. Evidently they had union do to help it. The mother handed me the baby, and I asked
rules, too, for each man was loaded according to his size. the chief for the medical kit. He unpacked a couple of the
When all the men had their baskets full, the old chief went baskets and finally found it. First I washed the child's head
out and recruited all the youngsters, male and female, plus a with warm water and then smoothed the whole thing with
number of young ladies. boric acid ointment. I gave the mother a can of salve and
It was a colorful line of porters that started down the trail. told her, by signs, to put some on twice a day.
Going downhill was fine, as far as I was concerned. The All this treatment gave. the Nagas the mistaken impres-
brush closed in on all sides and in many places overhead as sion that I was a medicine man. Naga after Naga came for-
well. We went through a field of grass that was the tallest ward with infected leech bites. I opened each hole with a
piece of front lawn I have ever seen-at least ten feet high. sterilized knife, swabbed it, applied sulfa powder and a
The chief cut me a bamboo stick, and like a blind man I bandage.
felt my way along through a solid mass of jungle. Eventually we started out again. What goes up must go
Then there were the leeches .... As you walk down the down, thank the Lord, because for us it was now down. It
jungle trail, you can see them sitting up, half their bodies was quite a trail; so steep and muddy that I spent most of
waving around in the air, waiting for you to brush them my time sliding down on what was left of my shorts. The
with your foot. When you do they become attached with stones didn't bother my posterior much, it was the sharp
such tenacity that pulling them off is a terrific job. In the roots that really dug in. At the bottom we came to another
first place, their bodies are covered with a sort of slime so- river.
lution; to get a grip on them is next to impossible. Those We shed our clothing like mad and in we all went. I
fool creatures can crawl through the eye of a shoe or be- looked down at my feet. Practically all I had left were
tween the belt of your trousers and your shirt. When they bloody stumps, the blisters were so numerous. When I
do hit Resh, they sink in their jaws, excrete a Ruid that frees jumped into the pool, damned if I wasn't almost swept
your blood of its usual coagulation. Then they lie there dovllnstream with the current. I grabbed the nearest hand.
growing larger and larger as they drink your blood. If, after When I finally got the water out of my lungs and was able
one has sunk in his jaws, you should try to pull him off, his to mumble a meek "Kajaiee," I looked up at the person who
jaws remain, poisoning the wound. was holding me up. My face turned crimson-the big
At the foot of the mountain we came to a river. It was a strong hero had been saved by a g~l and, to make matters
roaring torrent. The mountainsides swept straight down to worse, she wasn't hard on the eyes. She smiled at me; I
smiled back, and we began to pick leeches off each other. Quietly he answered, "Of course," and once again closed
From there on, it was up, up, forever up. I was so slow his eyes. I have never fixed cereal faster, and I made tea,
that even the women, burdened as they \\'ere with packs, too. When the food was readv, I fed him. All he was able to
pulled away from me. Two hours after we left that stream take were a few spoonfuls a;d a couple of sips of tea. Then
I was about finished. he was exhausted from the effort.
I thought I was beginning to imagine things when I first I lifted the dirty burlap the natives had covered him with,
heard the sound of airplane motors, but I wasn't. I grabbed for an examination. My stomach turned inside out. He was
the little radio and started calling. all bones, and all over his legs and body were huge
Andy's cool, firm voice brought me around. "Where the ulcerous sores. He was looking at me, so I had to say
hell are you, boy?" something. I smiled and said, "Prickly heat, eh?" It was a
"You've got me:' I answered him. "I think it's hell, but I very poor attempt at humor, but he managed a feeble grin.
haven't been introduced to Satan yet." I replaced the sack and started to talk to him. Anything
"Well, get on the ball:' he told me, "you haven't all day, to make him feel better. As I talked I could see him improve.
you 1m ow. " He told me in a weak voice that he was Greenlaw W. Col-
"Give us four more hours and I should be with the body, lins from New Orleans.
I think." It had l5een his first Hump trip. "I was Hying a pea-
"Four hours:' he said. "Okay, we'll be back then, but shooter and had engine trouble, so I had to bail out. I landed
hurry up. " in a tree and lost my jungle kit, so I had no food. I followed
Wearily we plowed upward. My throat was raw from the a river I found. How long I followed it, I don't know, but
<Iuick gasps of hot air. it was over three weeks. The natives found me going down
Then suddenly, around the comer of some heavy brush the river and brought me up here on a litter.
there came into view the most beautiful sight I've ever seen "I thought sure I was a goner," he went on. "Didja see
-two Naga houses. Instead of being surrounded by mud those sores on my legs? I kept' em open with a native knife.
and filth, to me these were made of ice-cream cones sur- That was right, wasn't it?"
rounded by peppermint candy. There is no describing the "P er f ect, " I answere.d "You 'II be up runmng
.. m a wee k .,.
ultimate goal when all within you has been telling you that The search plane buzzed the village. I went out on the
you'll never make it. I staggered to the nearest log and porch and turned on the radio. Andy's voice came through:
slumped down. I simply sat and stared at those two huts. "Air Rescue calling gravel-shufHer."
Ten minutes later, when I had regained my breath, I I was in no mood for jokes. "Andy, this is the gravel-
made my weary way up to the larger of the two huts. On the shufHer, and we need medical help as soon as you can.get it."
porch stood a wrinkled old man. My native friends were "Stand by," he answered. "I've got the docs aboard and
standing below the porch looking up at him, all talking they'll be right down."
:at once. The big plane circled around. It shot up the side of our
As I approached, the jabbering ceased. I stood with the mountain and over the village. A parachute blossomed out
'Crowd and looked up at the old man too. He made a short from the rear. The wind caught the falling chute, and it dis-
talk to me, not a word of which I understood, then he mo- appeared over the far side of the mountain. I wished the
tioned me up on the porch. I climbed the notched log and boy luck and then turned to the chief and pointed in the
entered his house after him. direction the chute had gone. He immediately sent two of
I peered into the gloom of the front room. Over by the his men on the run in that direction.
.fire I could vaguely see the outline of a form stretched out Around came the plane again and the sprawling,
-on the Hoor. I walked over, afraid of what I might find. The tumbling figure of a man Hew out the cargo door of the
iller was lying beside the fire, the back of his head toward ship. The figure tumbled and fell straight down, but the
me, but he twisted around and tears ran down his cheeks. chute still didn't open. I could see the doctor's arm Haying
Neither of us said a word at first; we merely gripped hands the air as his hand grasped for the ripcord and missed.
'as I knelt down beside him. It was impossible to say any- It seemed almost too late when he finally found the rip-
thing. I was too choked up with emotion. As the Hier lay cord and the chute opened. The canopy snapped open above
there sobbing softly he looked to me as if he were on the his head and a split second later he hit the ground. As the
way out of this lovely world of ours. His beard was long and natives and I ran to where he hit, he slowly sat up.
tangled. His hair spread out like a woman's over the log he "My God:' he said to no one in particular, "I've really had
was using as a pillow. The bones of his cheeks stood out in itl"
ugly relief below yellowing, bulging eyes. He spoke through He had landed in soft mud at least six inches deep. The
.cracked, fever-ridden lips. chute had broken his fall, and the mud had cushioned his
"Thank the Almighty you've come!" I spoke with all the body. After I helped him to his feet, he stuck out his hand
unfelt confidence I could muster. "Right you are, lad, and and we shook.
a couple of doctors will be here soon. We'll have you run- "lYly name's Spruell:' he said, "although it was damn
ning as good as new in no time and out of this firetrap in a near mud." We both laughed in relief. "Bill to my mends,"
jiffy." he added. I appreciated this, for I had spotted the major's
He dosed his eyes and gave a long sigh. Then he opened leaf on his shirt.
them again and said, "Have you any food?" Suddenlv I remembered the radio. Andy's voice
"Coming right up," I answered. 'Would some nice hot squawked ~ut at me, "Get on the air, gravel-shuffier, before
cereal fill the bill?" I have to bail out and find out what's goin' on:'
"Everything is going to be all right, Andy," I answered. and the chief and his friends had their pipes gurgling
"Better stick around for a few minutes until the major lustily. Opium smoke permeated the air. My little Naga
takes a look at Collins. He may need more supplies than friend was trying out one of our combs on her long, thick,
we have here." black tresses as Sandy and Bill made cracks such as, 'What
Inside the hut, the major took a quick look at Collins does she see in him?"
while I laid out the medical supplies. "Okay," he said. "Tell To which I answered, "Love, my friends, is blind but she
them all I need is some glycerine." knmvs a man when she sees one."
I told Andy and he said, "Okay. I'll be back in the morn- The only thing that marred the evening was the thought
ing. Good luck." of that long trek out. It really didn't seem possible that we
Just about this time, up the notched log carne the other could make it. Not in a couple of months would Collins be
parachutist, Captain "Sandy" Morrisey from Milwaukee. in shape to walk that tortuous trail. For him, it would be
The two doctors went to work on Collins immediately. the litter or ~nothing.
I thought I had better be paying off the natives, so I went I held a map of the area. I could see the mountain we
down the ladder and gave the chief a handful of silver were on and the big river where we had taken our first
rupees. He handed each native one apiece, then handed the swim. The three of us sat there discussing the pros and cons
remainder back to me, keeping one himself. "One rupee, of the situation, measuring the number of miles from where
about thirty cents American, for all that work," I thought, we were to the Ledo Road. As the crow Hew it was roughly
and motioned the chief to give an extra rupee all around. fifty miles, but we weren't crows, so we added another fifty
Everyone looked highly pleased. Sixty cents for all that miles-up and down hills. My eyes kept focusing on the
mountain climbing and they considered it high wages. river I'd swum in that morning. It ran a crooked, narrow
'~lhat a place to retire! path until it flowed into a larger river. The larger river's
The natives decided to stay the night and all tried to move course led it straight down the Ledo Road. It was a way out
into the front room where the doctors were working on Col- without walking, but that current had been swift. Could a
lins. I started to shoo them out, but that lovely creature, boat make it? I thought it could.
mv hand-holder-in-the-stream, seemed more reluctant to "I've got it," I yelped.
le~ve than the others. Since. the doctors were busy with "Well, hang onto it," replied the major. "I'll examine it
things in which I would be of little assistance, I decided in the morning."
I'd best walk her home. Home, of course; being the other I ignored the remark. "If it were up to you two, we'd
hut fifty yards away. walk our feet off, or sit here and rot-that's not for this
As we sloshed through the mud hand in hand, we must app Ie."
have made quite a picture. Hands across the sea, as it were, "Okay, gemus. . Wh'ats your pant I ....
or "make friends with the inhabitants of this strange coun- I pointed to the map. "See that river there. Today I took
try, soldier." And I believed in obeying orders. I know one a bath in it, and that river is navigable if one doesn't mind
word of her language, and she knew none of mine. We car- shooting a few rapids."
ried on an interesting conversation. I'd smile, then she 'Where would we get the boar if we did want to try it?"
would smile. Then I would say "Kajaiee" and she would say Sandy asked ..
"Mmmmum" or something like that. "Maybe they could drop us one from the plane," I re-
The party in the other hut had started when we got there plied, "a rubber one."
and my date and I were invited. I had named her Butch and After much discussion, we decided to ask the rescue ship
at every mention of it I received a smile. So I asked, "How the next morning to take a look at the river and if it looked
about a drink, Butch?" all right, to drop up a boat, if they could. Finally we decided
She loquaciously replied, "Ummmmmmmuum glug to hit the hay.
glug!" Dawn WIlS a most welcome sight, for it meant I could get
Everyone around us was talking at once, it seemed. A some sleep. Either the Nagas have a tougher hide than I,
white liquid was produced, as well as pipes which even the or generations of fleas and mosquitoes have made them in-
women smoked. The white liquid was rice wine. I took a sensitive to bites. Not a Naga squirmed throughout the
drink and then reached for my head which was lying on night, but when I wasn't batting my face into a horrible
the Hoor or the ceiling or somewhere. mess, I was scratching my skin raw.
In an hour or so the major came for me, having heard the Later that morning, the search plane Hew over us and
noise. While I had been gone, the major and Captain Mor- dropped the glycerine. I told Andy of our plan for evacu-
risey had given Collins blood plasma, lanced his ulcerated ating the patient. He flew over the river for a while and
sores, shaved him, cut his hair, given him an alcohol rub- then returned, reporting "Those rivers are full of rapids and
down. I gave him some more cereal and he fell asleep almost look mean. I don't think your plan is practical."
immediately. "Well," I explained, "it will be almost an impossibility
After dinner, Major Spruell said, "Lieutenant Collins to drag Lieutenant Collins out through all that jungle."
needs a few days' rest here so that we can bring his strength "You may have something there," he answered. "I'll
up before we attempt to move him." drop the rubber boat if you want it, but it's your responsi-
"Good," I thought. "That'll give me time to get better bility."
acquainted with the villagers. 'Love thy neighbor' is my A week passed; the boat had been dropped and our sup-
motto." plies were in order. Collins had improved remarkably. We
It was a pleasant evening. The firelight twinkled merrily figured it to be about time to start.
A litter with very long end poles, so that it could be car- Turning away, I went over to my position at the rock and
ried by no fewer than eight men, was made by the natives. called back, "Okay, boy, let' er rip!" Sandy shoved off into
We laid "Greenie" on this and strapped him down, and one the current. Immediately the boat began to toss around on
of the medics doped him up. This was going to be a rough the surface of the boiling water. I began paying out the line
trip. slowly. Suddenly it snapped and the little raft lihot along
When we were ready to leave, I approached the chief in with the current. Sandy gave a yell and I held my breath as
whose village we had stayed. He had been instrumental the boat shot into the first curve. Sandy was paddling
in the saving of Greenie's life, but I hadn't the least idea frantically, but ineffectually; the bobbing mass of rubber
what was or was not of value to him. I gave him a hundred swung around; they were going backwards into that pound-
silver rupees, wondering what he would do with them. ing torrent of roaring water. The boat hit the rock wall with
Then I gave him a couple of GI jungle knives and some terrific force, rebounded like a rubber ball, hit the current
junk jewelry for his wives. The knives seem~d to please again and whirled around to the next curve where the same
him most. He literally beamed approval. So, with smiles and thing happened.
much shouting and waving of hands, we were off down the Major Spruell, trying to ward off the boat, had fallen off
trail. Naturally, Butch, my constant companion, came the rock and disappeared into the current. I was left alone
along. with the natives who were gaping, as was I at the place
The trip was not easy going. In the front, two men were where the boat had disappeared around the curve. I tried to
constantly cutting trail, widening it for the litter to pass. make a hasty march down the side of the stream, first taking
The trail clung to the sheer mountain wall, but at four that the precaution to inHate my life vest. The rocks were too
afternoon we hit the river. Our total take on the trip was slippery for me and I, too, fell into the water and was swept
one snake, a pit viper and poisonous as hell, two barking away. I got one good gulp of air before I hit the icy water
deer and a monkey. and that was the last gasp, it seemed, for"ages. The water
At the river, we made camp and proceeded to cook din- turned me head over heels, whirling me around; then my
ner. The monkey and one deer went to the natives. The head hit the rock wall.
other deer we cut into steaks which we roasted on a spit over . When I regained consciousness, I was bobbing along in
the fire. It was a delicious dinner. The natives, naturally, a fast but straightaway current. The life vest had saved me.
cooked the monkey as well as their deer. Out of sheer Downstream I saw the yellow life raft beached on a small
curiosity, I had to have a taste of the monkey. For the rec- sand bar. Sandy and Bill were busy bailing it out. I came
ord, may I say that the anatomical resemblance of a monkey bobbing over to the bar and climbed ashore. When they
to a human makes one feel a bit on the cannibalistic side; saw me, they let out a yell of welcome, for they had thought
apart from that, he is good to eat. I was finished just as I had thought they were.
Where we had camped, the water was an angry beast After a short rest, we pushed the boat into the swift water
with froth on its mouth. It twisted down the narrow gorge, again. This time we all climbed aboard, Greenie Collins
roaring as it hit the solid rock embankments. The river was lying in the bottom and the three of us perched on the
deep, for it had been swollen by the monsoons. We knew doughnut-like sides.
that if the boat capsized, only a good swimmer could make The boat, lacking any type of keel, would go forward,
it to shore alive. For Greenie, it would have been impossible. sideward, then backward. We would sail into a whirlpool
Directly below our position were two mean S curves. At and just sit there going around and around. The center of
the first curve, the water pounded against the rocks; then, the pool would suck us down, but the buoyancy of the raft
changing its course ninety degrees to the next curve it saved us. It was like riding a revolving turntable, for the pull
churned its way around that one. It was a formidable sight. of gravity had the three of us on the outside hanging on
The major suggested we carry both patient and boat down- with all our strength. Then the whirlpool would release its
stream below the danger point. This seemed a good idea, ex- hold and we would go sliding across the surface of the water
cept that the mountain wall jutted up almost vertically from at a terrific clip. Somebody would yell, "Look out!" and-
the water. The final decision was to tie some shroud lines crash-we would plow into a rock jutting up from the
together, doubling them, wrap one end around a boulder water.
and tie the other to the boat. In this way we could ease the Suddenly Sandy shouted, "Good Lord, look what's ahead
boat around the curves, or so we thought. of us now!"
In the morning we all donned our life jackets, inHated the We saw a small waterfall.
little rubber raft and put Greenie aboard. Major Spruell Our luck had been too damn good, I thought. This was
went down to the sharpest curve, the first one, to help ward the end of the line.
off the boat. Sandy climbed into the boat with Greenie. I The water frothed and boiled over the line of rock and
twisted the doubled line a couple of times around a boulder. we plowed right into the center of it. The boat shot out and
We were all set to go! over the waterfall, which was about two feet high. For just
I gave each of the natives that had helped us down a a second we were suspended in the air like a ski jumper and
silver rupee apiece and all the extra equipment that we then the boat fell to the water with a sickening thud, filled
could not put in the boat. They were satisfied with that, and began sinking.
but a little awed at what we were going to try to do. One Overhead, a tree limb branched over the water. Sandy
of them kept holding me by the arm, trying to stop me. I screamed at me, "Grab that limb!" I made a grab and caught
looked around and it was Butch. She actually had tears in hold. ~ was all but yanked out of the boat, but somehow
her eyes. managed to hang on to both. The drag swung the boat
around to the bank just in time. We were all cold and wet was near. Less than three-quarters of an hour later, we
through, but poor Greenie was frozen. The sun was out, but shot around a curve in our river and there was the junction,
it was too early to give us much heat. Sandy and I gathered with three motor barges waiting.
dried bamboo, built a roaring fire and made coffee. We all Cameras flashed (Public Relations is ahvays in there
sat there, huddled around the fire, a miserable group, but pitching); hot coffee was ready and good dry clothing. Our
happy to be alive. rescuers were Major M. K. O'Heeron of Houston, Texas,
'Well:' Sandy said at last, "we only have a couple of \\'ho acted as if he did this sort of thing every day, and Lieu-
hundred miles to go." tenant Glenn J. Dateman from West Cleveland, Ohio.
In the distance we heard the sound of a plane. As it flew Those two men were certainly a sight for our sore eyes.
into sight, I made a grab for the radio, but it was finished. Major Spruell put new dressings on Greenie's ulcers. We
Just a little too much water. The plane spotted our fire put clean if outsized clothing on him, loaded the rubber
and circled us, evidently trying to make radio contact. raft into one of the barges and laid him on it. It made a per-
After five minutes of circling, the pilot realized that our fect air mattress when turned upside down. We rode all day,
radio was out. We saw the rear door of the "Doug" come and that night brought us to the comparative comfort of
off and the figure of a man appear. the Ledo Road.
The figure started flashing out code. As the letters became Search and Rescue had an ambulance waiting and
words the uplift in our morale was something to write home Greenie was whizzed 9ff to a near-by hospital. When we
about. The flashing light told us that not five miles ahead loaded him into the ambulance, he stuck out his hand and
was the junction of our river and the larger one. There, said, "Thanks is a small word when you've saved my life,
Search and Rescue Squadron had motorboats waiting for but ... Aw, hell! Thanks a lot for everything." It wasn't
us. much of a speech as speeches go, but it was all we wanted,
Immediately we started out again, our spirits a great deal for we knew it was sincere. That boy Collins was all right
lighter. The boat would whirl and we would laugh-help for our money, we agreed.


Colonel Gerald G. Gibbs was Executive Officer of the mand in Manila. (Page 27.)
45th Brigade during the major portion of the period about Willy Ley is one of the outstanding authorities on rockets.
which he writes. (Page 2.) He came to this country from Germany in 1935 where he
Dr. R. J. Havens is in charge of the Atmospheric Physics had been vice-president of the German Rocket Societv be-
Sub-section of the Rocket-sonde Section of the Naval Re- fore it was dissolved in 1934 as a result of Hitler' s ri~ to
search Laboratory. (Page 10.) power. For several years he was science editor of the New
Harold S. Morton was retired as a Colonel in 1946. Dur- York daily, PM, but is now a research engineer with the
ing the war he was intimately involved in the development VVashington Institute of Technology. (Page 30.)
of the VT fuze while Chief of Special Projects, Office of Lieutenant Colonel Peter S. Peca is in charge of the
the Chief of Ordnance. Later he served on the five-man Guided Missiles Section of Army Ground Forces Board
"Special VT Fuze Panel" appointed by the Joint Chiefs of Number 4 at Fort Bliss, Texas. Colonel Peca has been in
Staff. He is now an engineer with the Applied Physics that position since the early inception of that section.
Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. (Page 13.) (Page 34.)
Colonel D. "\iV. Hickey, Jr., is Director of Instruction, Colonel J. P. Henderson is Director of the Marine Field
the Seacoast Branch, The Artillery School. During the Artillery School, Quantico, Virginia. (Page 37.)
\'\'ar he commanded the 54th AAA Brigade. (Page 15.) Colonel E. A. Kastner, until most recently, \\'as Director
Maior Franklyn J. Michaelson is in the Research and of the Department of Extension Courses at The Artillery
Analysis Department, Antiaircraft and Guided Missiles School. (Page 39.)
Branch, The Artillery School, Fort Bliss, Texas. (Page 17.) Dr. Herbert S. Zim is an outstanding writer on scientific
Orville S. Splitt and Murray Green are civilian informa- subjects. Among his other scientific books are: Man in the
tion specialists in the Directorate of Public Relations, Air, Air Nm'igation, and Parachutes. (Page 42.)
Office of the Secretary of the Department of the Air Force. Major John M. Wright became a Prisoner of War of the
(Page 21.) Japanese with the surrender of Corregidor on 6 May 1942.
Major General John L. Homer is in command of The He was liberated in Korea on 8 September 1945. (Page 46).
AA and Guided Missile Center and President of Armv Lieutenant \Villiam F. Diebold v\'rites of his own ex-
Ground Forces Board Number 4 at Fort Bliss. Gener~l periences while a member of the Search and Rescue Unit
Homer is also in charge bf the AA and Guided Missile at the. Air Transport Command in India. Although not
Branch of The Artillery School. (Page 24.) trained for the mission he performed, it is quite evident
Lieutenant Clarence F. Craw is a member of the Public from the narrative that Lieutenant Diebold acquitted him-
Information Office Staff of the Philippines-Ryukyus Com- self in a most exemplary manner. (Page 48.)
"" '* ~ "" '* '* * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Coast Artillery Journal *
Fifty-fifth Ye4r of PJlblkaJiOR
-it COLONEL W. L BRADY, Editor *
i< LT. COL. DONALD MAC GRAIN, Associate Editor *
it M/Sgt. Fred P. Presnell, Business Manager *
-it T/3 Beauford Z. Jones, Cir. Mgr. * This Issue's Cover
-it S/Sgt. Bernice F. Carr, Bookkeeper * The picture which adorns the cover of this issue was
it Sgt. Leo. A. Donelon, Order Dept. Clerk *
selected because it is symbolical of the Christmas season
* and certainly will remind many of our subscribers of the
* Christmas season of 1944 which is when this picture was

** taken near Krinkelt, Belgium ..
* Election of New Members to Executive Council
The JOURNAL prints articles on subjects of profes- *
sional and general interest to personnel of all the * The ballot for the election of a new Vice President and
i< components of the Coast Artillery Corps in order to
* three members of the Executive Council appears on the
stimulate thought and provoke discussion. However,
-it opinions expressed and conclusions drawn in articles * opposite page again this issue. It is reprinted to give associa-
i< are in no sense official. They do not reflect the opin-
* tion members who haven't voted, a chance to do. If you
ions or conclusions of any official or branch of the
i< War Department. * have already voted, please disregard this ballot.
i< * The members whose terms of office expire 31 December
The JOURNAL does not carry paid advertising. The
i< JOURNAL pays for original articles upon publica- * 1947 are:
tion. Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor. Brigadier General Aaron Bradshaw, Jr. (Vice Presi.
The JOURNAL is not responsible for manuscripts *
i< unaccompanied by return postage. * dent)
i< * Colonel Hobart Hewett
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Colonel Andrew P. Sullivan
Colonel "\iV. I. Brady
The United States Coast * Colonel E. Graham Martin.
i< *
-it Artillery Association * All members of the Coast Artillery Association are urged
i< * to cooperate by forwarding their votes or proxies to the
OFFICERS JOURNALoffice. Complete instructions are contained in
i< * the ballot.
BRIG. GEN. AARON BRADSHAW, JR. *" Orientation Courses for Reserve and Guard Officers
Two--week orientation courses for Organized Reserve
i< *
COLONEL W. T. BRADY and National Guard officers, to be conducted at all Armv
i< * Ground Forces schools during the nrst six months of 1948,
-it SECRETARY-TREASURER * have been scheduled by Army Ground Forces Headquar-
* ters, General Jacob L. Devers, Commanding General of the
*" Army Ground Forces, announced recently. To be at-
* tended by reserve officers of either company or neld grade
COLONEL CHARLES M. BOYER * and National Guard officers of neld grade, the courses will
COLONEL HOBART HEWETT * be similar to the series of two-week training sessions con-
* ducted during the past summer, which proved highly ef-
* fective in orienting key civilian component officers in cur-


The purpose of the Association shall be to promote
rent Army policies and training doctrines and latest military
The courses will be given at the following schools, with
the nrst class scheduled to start at each school January II,
1948, and subsequent classes starting on February 8,
the efliciency of the Coast Artillery Corps by main-
taining its standards and traditions, by disseminating * March 7, April 4, May 2, and June 6:
professional knowledge, by inspiring greater effort
*" The Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia; The Artil-
towards the improvement of materiel and methods *" lery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma; Seacoast Branch, The
of training and by fostering mutual understanding, * Artillery School, Fort \i\7infield Scott, California; AAA
and coOperation among all arms, branches
respect *" and Cti'ided Missiles Branch, The Artillerv School, Fort
and components of the Regular Army, National *" Bliss, T ~xas; The Ground General Sch~l, Fort Riley,
Guard, Organized Reserves, and Reserve Officers' *" Kansas; and The Armored School, Fort Knox, Kentucky.
Training Corps. *" In general, instruction during the 72-hour course will be
*" branch immaterial in character. Ho,~'ever, each school has
.If. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. ~ .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ. .If. .lJ. .lJ. .lJ.
heen allotted 31 hours in which subject material pertaining ********************** ;If-
to the school's particular arm may be taught at the discretion BALLOT '*
of the school authorities if it is felt that inclusion of such
material .will best coyer the needs of the group enrolled or
make for more effective presentation.
A.pproximately 17 hours of the branch material subjcxt
matter to be covered in the courses ,,,ill
be devoted to re- The Vice President and three members of the '*
search and development work of the armed forces. Other Executive Council are to be elected on this ballot, '*
subjects will include structure and functioning of the new to replace officers whose terms of office expire
December 31, 1947. Please show your interest in '*
types of ground divisions, military policy of the United the Association by voting. '*
States, mobilization planning, the replacement training Please record your vote by making an "X" in
the appropriate square or indicate your choice by '*
system, and organization and functioning of the division writing in the name of your candidate. Ballots '*
staff. received with signatures, but with no individual
votes recorded, will be considered proxies for the
Reserve officers desiring to attend may apply either Pre$ident of the Association. '*
through their Organized Reserve headquarters or directly Each candidate was considered in connection
with the geographic location of his residence. It
to the Army area commanders. Applications of National is considered advisable to have at least five mem- '*
Guard officers should be submitted to the National Guard bers of the Council residing in or near Washing- '*
Bureau in Washington, D. C.
ton in order to facilitate the transaction of busi-
ness '*
-( -( -(
Ballots received after December 31, 1947, cannot '*
Nation-wide Ceremonies Mark Return of Organized
be counted.
Ballots may be collected by Post, Battalion, or '*
Reserve Colors other unit commanders and forwarded under one '*
Ceremonies marking the officialreturn on Armistice Day
Locally prepared ballots, cast by those who do
of colors or standards and battle horrors to ground and serv- not wish to mutilate their Journals, will be ac- '*
ice units of the Organized Reserve Corps throughout !he
cepted if they are signed. '*
country were conducted on November 11.
Of the 6,000 Reserve combat and service type units acti-
o Major General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, '*
vated to date, approximately 1,600 received their colors in
Deputy Commandant, National War Col- '*
the November 11 observances.
lege, Washington, D. C. '*
o '*
Providing a link with the history and traditions of many
of the famed combat units of World War II and earlier
COUNCIL (Vote for Three)
conRicts, colors were presented to peacetime successors of
o Colonel Paul H. French, '*
these units which have been reactivated in the Organized '*
Reserves. - Chief of Organization Branch, Organiza- '*
Among the organizations to receive their colors were tion and Training Group, National Guard,
Washington, D. C.
more than a score of the nation's Reserve "Minute :Men"
o Colonel Alexander H. Campbell,
divisions which in the recent war supplemented the divi-
Member of the Security Section, Joint Se-
sions of the Regular Army and National Guard to consti-
curity Control, Office of the Joint Chiefs
tute the victorious ground fighting team of the Army of the of Staff, Washington, D. C. '*
United States. o Colonel Leonard L. Davis, '*
In the northeastern states these included the 76th, 77th, Assistant Chief, Service Group, Services, '*
78th. 79th, 94th and 98th Infantrv Divisions, and in the Supply and ProcurementDivision,WDGS, '*
South Atlantic area, the 87th Infan'trv and 80th and lOOth Washington, D. C. '*
Airborne Divisions. ' o Colonel John H. Madison, '*
Divisions to "ihich colors were returned in the mid- Director of Instruction, AA and Guided '*
western states included the 83d, 85th, 102d and 103d In- Missile Branch, Fort Bliss,Texas. '*
fantry Divisions, and the 84th Airborne Division. In the o Colonel Legare K. Tarrant, '*
Southwest and Pacific Coast areas, the 90th, 9lst, 95th, Strategic Plans Branch, Plans and Policy '*
96th and 104th Infantry and 13th Armored Divisions were
Group, P&O, WDGS, Washington, D. C. '*
so honored. '
o Colonel Robert J. Wood, '*
In addition to the above named, all of which served over-
Student, National War College,Washing- '*
ton, D. C. '*
~easin World \iVar II, one new Organized Reserve division, o Lieutenant Colonel Sam C. Russell, '*
and two others ,yhich did not see action as complete units,
were presented with their national Rags in lieu of the dis-
Development Group, Research and Devel- '*
tinctiYe unit colors to be given them at a later date.
opment Div., WDGS, Washington, D. C. '*
0- '*
-( -r -r '*
. Additional ORC Units Signature '*
The following ORC units have been activated since the '*
last issue of the JOURNAL: Rank and Organization '*
California: . '*
810th CA Battery (90mm, AMTB), Los Angeles. Address *
811th CA Batten' (16" Gun, HD), Los Angeles. '*

Seacoast Artillery School Development Board Where the defense of our country is concerned, this prin-
ciple imposes on each American the duty of service in the
A Board of the following Officers to be known as the Sea-
manner most effective for the preservation of our way of
coast Artillery School Development Board has been ap-
life. Selective Sen'ice was its wartime application. Its logical
pointed at the Seacoast Branch of The Artillery School by
peacetime application is Universal Military Training, an
Brigadier General \\Tilliam S. Lm.\'ton:
equitable method of preparing the citizen for his personal
Colonel Daniel \~T.Hickey, Jr., President
defense responsibility so that-should war come again-it
Colonel Carl W. Holcomb
shall not find us unready. So long as the use of force has
Lieutenant Colonel George F. Peirce
not been forever and effectively barred from international
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Grendon
relationships, this responsibility must be met soberly and
Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Hill
seriouslv by the United States. Universal Military Train-
Lieutenant Colonel Hubert duB. Lewis
ing, as 'proposed by the President's Advisory Commission,
Commander Walter J. Stencil is an important -clause in American democracy's insurance
Lieutenant Colonel Frank B. Moses, Recorder
policy against extinction by war.
The purpose of the Board is:
of f
a. To explore existing tactical doctrines having reference
to seacoast artillery and coast defense and to initiate recom- To the Editor
mendations to amend existing doctrines when such amend- Your letter of September 11th and the additional CA
ments are indicated. JOURNALS that were requested by the Senior State Instruc-
b. To formulate new doctrines on coast defense and use tor for Texas have been received.
of seacoast artillery based on explorations under Paragraph We are working on two (2) Guided Missiles Battalions
a.. above. here in the office and have selected the Commanding Offi-
c. To determine whether new weapons, such as guided cers for both battalions at the present time. There are 67
missiles, rockets, underwater torpedoes and similar devel- additional officers that have indicated a very enthusiastic
opments can and should be adapted to coast defense, and willingness to go into this new field and those men will
if so, whether the present directives from higher Head- form the initial two battalions ..
quarters for the development of such new weapons are Colonel Pindar, e.O., 1st Guided Missiles :{?attalion,has
sufficiently comprehensive to cover their uses in coast de- been instructed to build up the organization for our Reserve
fense. Battalion. I was informed by Colonel CroweIl, Executive
d. To invite the presentation of new ideas from all Officer to General Homer that he mailed you several copies
known sources in the adaptation of latest scientific research of the "Organization and Training of Civilian Component
with respect to the modernization of coast defense weapons Units in Guided Missiles" work. That is our beginning.
and doctrines. Colonel Pindar will talk to the Reserves on 20th October
e. To encourage throughout the seacoast artillery, indi- 1947 on that chart and the proposed training program.
vidual research and forward thinking in connection with There we will begin the assignment of the 67 officers and
the latest scientific developments and their adaptation to any others to the T /0 positions and our large initial pr?h-
coast defense and seacoast artillery. lem is over. Without the enthusiasm of the Commandmg
£. To determine what steps should be taken to develop General this work could not be done.
protective measures against the atomic bomb and the The JOURNALS are one of the most important parts of the
nuclear radiation effects within the seacoast artillery. program that we have at the present time and will be de-
g. To determine what steps should be taken to develop pended upon to a very high degree in laying the foundation
protective measures 'with respect to biological and chemical for future training.
warfare within the seacoast artillerv. It is planned that in the next nine to twelve months there
h. To determine what steps sho'uld be taken in the sea- will be three such battalions here with those battalions
coast artillery to develop protective measures against guided offering approximately 180 Reserve officers position assign-
missiles and rockets launched from surface ships-weapons, ments that we would not have under any other suitable
doctrine, training. organization. These battalions are necessarily within the
i. To determine what steps should be taken in the sea- Composite Groups now activated in the El Paso area.
coast artillery to develop protective measures against air- Our work is necessary to keep the interest of the Re-
borne operations. serves and is very slow at first to insure that progress made
j. To be a clearinghouse for all new ideas submitted to is something that will last and not become too involved and
the SBAS concerning coast defense missions, equipment, .over the heads of the men.
armament and operations. A letter of inquiry from Philadelphia on the GM Bn
Meetings of the Board will be held at frequent intervals was received as a solution in taking care of 4000 CAe
in order that all ideas and presentations to the Board may officers there. I referred them to you, also, for assistance.
be acted upon 'within a minimum of time. I am thoroughly convinced that we can get it done here.
of of of
especially with the assistance that we have from the School
and you.
On Universal Military Training by General Eisenhower Sincerely,
The fundamental principle of democracy is equaIity- WILTONL SANDERS, Lt. Col., Cav.,
equality of burden as well as equality of opportunity. Unit Instructor, ORC, Texas
Additional National Guard Units Headquarters & Headquarters Battery 773d AAA
The following National Guard Coast Artillery Corps Gun Battalion, New York City .. '
lnits have been Federally recognized since the last issue of Battery HA," 773d AM Gun Battalion, New York
he JOURNAL: City.
California: Battery "B," 773d AM Gun Battalion, New York
186th AAA Operations Detachment, Long Beach. City.
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 719th AAA Battery "C," 773d AM Gun Battalion, New York
Gun Battalion (SM), Richmond. City.
Connecticut: Battery "D," 773d AM Gun Battalion, New York
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 103d AAA City.
Brigade, West Hartford. Medical Detachment, 773d AM Gun Battalion New
172d AAA Operations Detachment, West Hartford. York City. '
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 745th AAA Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 898th AAA
Gun Battalion, Norwich. AW Battalion, Rochester.
Georgia: Battery "A," 898th AM AW Battalion Rochester.
Battery "D," 101st AAA Gun Battalion (SM), Battery "B," 898th AM AW Battalion' Rochester.
'iVaynesboro. Battery "C," 898th AM AW Battalion' Rochester.
Battery "B," 250th AAA Searchlight Battalion, Au- Battery "D," 898th AM AW Battalion: Rochester.
gusta. Medical Detachment, 898th AM AW Battalion
Medical Detachment, 250th AAA Searchlight Bat- Rochester. '
talion, Augusta .. Ohio:
Illinois: Battery "A," 183d AM AW Battalion, Fort Hayes.
Medical Detachment, 693d AM AW Battalion (SP), Pennsylvania:
Chicago. Battery "A," 416th MA AW Battalion (8M), Phila-
Maine: delphia.
Battery "C," 314th AM AW Battalion, Calais. Medical Detachment, 689th MA AW Battalion
Battery "D," 703d AAA Gun Battalion (SM), Rock- (SP), Pittsburgh.
land. Rhode Island:
J\1innesota : Battery "B," 705th AAA Gun Battalion (8M), E.
Medical Detachment, 256th MA AW Battalion Greenwich.
(SP), St. Paul. Virginia:
New Hampshire: Battery "D," 691st AAA AW Battalion, Onancock.
954th Gun Battel\T (HD), Portsmouth. Washington:
New ,Mexico: ' Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 205th MA
Separate Detachment, 200th AAA Group, Las Cruces. Group, Seattle.
Battery "A," 697th AM AW Battalion, Boswell. Battery "A," 700th AM AW Battalion, Aberdeen.
Battery "A," 716th Gun Battalion, Las Cruces. 'f 'f 'f
Battery "B," 717th AAA Gun Battalion, Taos.
Simulated Bombing Attack on Capital Repelled
Battery "A," 726th AAA Searchlight Battalion, Albu-
By National Guard
Battery "A," 804th AAA AW Battalion, Portales. The National Guard of the District of Columbia and
Battery "C," 804th AAA AW Battalion, Clovis. four ~tates cooperate? in staging radar-direct~d interception
New York: of a SImulated bombmg attack 0:0. the nation s capital Sun-
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 209th AM day, November 2, 1947.
Group, Rochester. "Enemy" bombers come in over the Washington Monu-
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 269th MA ment and were intercepted over the Bureau of Engraving
Group, New York City. and Printing while a public address system on the Mall
Battery "C," 212th AAA AW Battalion (SM), New amplified radio directions from ground control to intercep-
York City. tors for ~he benefit of spectators. A large scale map pictured
Medical Detachment, 212th MA AW Battalion the entIre demonstratIOn as the radar operation of aerial
(8M), Ne\" York City. defense, one of the most closely guarded wartime secrets,
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 212th AAA \,\'asopened to the public.
A\V Battalion, Ne\" York Citv. Brigadier General Albert L. Cox, Commanding General
Headquarters & Headquarters 'Battery, 207th AAA of the District National Guard, said the demonstration was
-. Group, Albany. the first of its type ever staged in this country, "and by far
Battery "A," 212th AAA AW Battalion, New York the most interesting air show Washington has ever seen."
City .. The 260th Antiaircraft Artillery Group of the District
Batterv "B," 212th AM AW Battalion, New York National Guard, commanded by Colonel Leroy S. Mann,
CitY. ~lso partic~ated in th~ demonstration on the I\1all, display-
Battery "D," 212th MA AW Battalion, New York mg the eqUIpment of Its 260th Gun Battalion, 380th Auto-
City. matic \:\1eapons Battalion and 340th Searchlight Battalion.
15,200 National Guard Officers Federally Recognized or at Birmingham, and from the District of Columbia at
In 16 Months New York City.
Federally recognized National Guard officers now sub- According t~ a statement by the Industrial College, the
stantially outnumber the highest officer strength of the Na- courses, modeled after the complete course now given at the
College, are calculated to "Inculcate and foster interest on
tional Guard in the period of expansion shortly before in-
duction into Federal service in 1940. the part of National Guard, Reserve officers, educators. and
executives of industry in problems incident to economic
Approximately 15,200 officers haye. received ~ed~ral
recognition since June 1946, when actIve reorgamzation mobilization ... and to supply a group of National Guard
of the National Guard began, and an additional 1,300 and Reserve officers instructed in the fundamentals of in-
officers have applied for Federal recognition. In June 1940, dustrial mobilization to augment the group of Regular
there were approximately 14,500 officers and 227,000 men officers trained in the complete course in Washington."
It was also pointed out that the proposed courses are "the
in the National Guard.
Officers are chosen through a strict system of selection best practicable means of reaching the type of National
and must be prepared to assume the same responsibilities as Guard and Reserve officer and industrialist who will be
those of the Regular Army. In addition to meeting the invaluable in accomplishing the prompt mobilization of
physical and mental standards required by the Army, industry in an emergency."
they must have at least six months honorable active service ~ ~ ~
in World War II. Second lieutenants may be commis- President Approves Seal For National Military Estab-
sioned from among qualified enlisted men of the first three lishment and Flag For Secretary of Defense
grades whose war records prove their pro.fessional fitness.
Commissions can also be granted to enhsted men of the President Truman has approved the designs submitted
National Guard who graduate from officer candidate schools by the Secretary of Defense for the seal of office of t~e Na-
or aviation cadet courses, former officers and flight officers tional Military Establishment and for the Secretary sHag.
with honorable war service, and certain specialists without The seal is of the following design: An American eagle
previous military training such as clergymen, doctors and is displayed facing to the right. Wings are horizontal.
dentists. The eaoie grasps three crossed arrows and bears on its breast
a shield whose lower two-thirds carries alternating white
and red stripes and whose upper third is blue. Above the
National Guard to Participate in Industrial eagle is an arc of thirteen stars with alternating rays. Below
College Program the eagle is a wreath of laurel extending to the eagle's right
and a wreath of olive extending to the eagle's left. On an
Selected National Guard officers will be trained in the encircling band is the inscription "National Military Es-
basic problems of economic mobilization by the Industrial tablishment" and "United States of America."
College of the Armed Forces. When the seal is displayed in color, the background is
Under a special program set up by the service school, a to be of medium blue with the eagle and wreath in natural
series of six two-week courses, one each month, will be colors and the arrows, stars, and rays of gold. The encircling
conducted for National Guard and Reserve officers, edu- band is to be dark blue with gold edges and letters in white.
cators, and industrial executives during the period January The American bald eagle, long associated with symbol-
through June, 1948. ism representing the United States of America and its mili:
The National Guard has been given a quota of one offi- tarv establishment, has been selected as an emblem 01
cer for each State, Territory and the District of Columbia. str~ngth. In facing to the right, the field of honor is indi-
Officers selected, to be nominated by the various States, cated. The eagle is defending the United States, repre-
will, in general, be above the rank of major, with outstand- sented by the shield of thirteen pieces. The thirteen pieces
ing service records whose wartime assignments would be at are joined together by the blue chief, representing the
the policy-making level. " Con~ress. The rays and stars above the eagle signify glory,
The courses will be conducted by a speCIally tramed whil~ the three ~rrows are collectively symbolic of the
group of Army and Navy officers from the ICAF faculty. three component parts of the National Military Establish-
They will be given in cities located in important industrial ment. The laurel stands for honors received in combat de-
centers in the six Army areas. fending the peace represented by the olive branch.
Beginning January 12, 1948, the first six courses will be The flag of the Secretary of Defense, of medium blue
conducted in New Orleans, Birmingham, San Francisco, silk, bears embroidered in its center the eagle, shield and
New York City, Pittsburgh and Chicago, respectively. The arrows found on the seal of office. In each of the four
same cities may not be selected each year, according to the comers of the flag is a white five-pointed star with one point
Industrial College announcement but it is expected that upward, of silk appliqued. The flag is trimmed on three
courses would be conducted "in the larger industrial edges with a knotted fringe of white silk and attached below
areas each year, and in the smaller industrial areas every the spearhead of the staff is a cord with a tassel at each end.
h' years. "
two or tree Cord and tassel are of blue and white strands.
National Guard officers chosen for the courses from The preparation of the final designs was accomplished
the States "",:ill attend at the scheduled cities in their re- by the Heraldic Section of the Office of the Quartermaster
spective Army areas. Candidates from Hawaii will attend General of the Army. Mr. Arthur E. DuBois, authority
at San Francisco, those from Puerto Rico at New Orleans on Heraldry in that office, had supervision of this work.
1947 0JE\VS lli~D COMMENT 61
Address Supplement Errata Commands To Replace Departments Overseas
Since distribution of the Address Supplement with the Four overseas Army departments will be abolished No-
September-October issue of the JOURNAL,several discrep- vember 15 in accordance with the Unified Command
ancies in rank and address and a few omissions have been Plan approved last year by President Truman, the Depart-
discovered. ment of the Army announced today.
Below correctly listed are the individuals erroneously The move will result in creation of a consolidated Army
listed or omitted from the Supplement: command in the Caribbean area, replacing the old Panama
MAJOR GENERAL Canal and Antilles Departments, and a reassignment of
Lemnitzer, Lyman L., Quarters No. I, National War duties in Alaska. At the same time, the Hawaiian Depart-
College, Washington 25, D. C. ment, labeled "obsolete" by the Army, will pass out of
COLONELS existence without establishment of a successor headquarters.
Brandon, David R., 46 Webster Avenue, Port Washing- In addition to revision of overseas command structure
ton, N ew York. the Army said, the November IS action will "standardi~
Carroll, J. B., Senior Instructor, ORC, East Pennsyl- nomenclature" of ground elements overseas.
vania, Pennsylvania Building, 15th & Chestnut To replace the former Panama Canal and Antilles De-
Streets, Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania. partments, "U.S. Army,' Caribbean," will be established
Jackson, Harold R., 7 Stetson Street, Lexington, Mas- with headquarters at Quarry Heights, Canal Zone. It will
sachusetts. have Army jurisdiction in the Canal, Puerto Rico, Virgin
Huguley, Thos. c., P.O. Box 97, Station "A," Atlanta, Islands and leased Army bases in the West Indies and
Ga. British Guiana.
Mott, F. E., 211 Rockingstone Avenue, Larchmont, New "Headquarters, U.S. Army, Alaska," will succeed the
York. Alaskan Department in charge of Army troops and instal-
Sohn, Milton G., 1156 McClellan Drive, Los Angeles lations in Alaska, including the Aleutian chain.
24, Calif. With the closeout of the Hawaiian Department head-
LIEUTENANTCOLONELS quarters, Armv Ground Forces, Pacific, will be renamed
Barton, Chester T., 1019 Brown Street, El Paso, Texas. "U.S. Army, Pacific." This headquarters will continue to
Button, Ronald E., c/o Directorate of Staff Duties, Gen- supervise Army troops in the Central and South Pacific.
eral Staff Branch, Canadian Army Headquarters, The change of name was ordered in the interests of stand-
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. ardization, as was the redesignation, also effective Novem-
Schouman, Hazen c., Unit Instructor, CAC, 1408 Fed- ber IS, of the Headquarters Ground and Service Forces,
eral Building, Los Angeles 12, California. Europe, as "Headquarters, U.S. Anny, Europe."
CAPTAIN Parallel Navy and Air Forces headquarters, already in
Butler, Robert H., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. existence or to be established, will operate, as will the Armv
units, under the respective unified commanders. '

To the Editor
The very fine tentative Guided Missiles Bn. T /0 & E, Troops Train For Exercise «Yukon"
along with the stack of literature, was eagerly received by
ORC enthusiasts in Indianapolis. They now have formed The first contingent of troops from the famed Second
their provisional unit and have issued a training schedule Infantry (Indianhead) Division scheduled to participate in
for the winter based upon your interesting JOURNALarticles. Exercise "Yukon" this winter are now completing their final
Thanks to you and your valuable publication, they are very training in preparation for their departure to Alaska.
The first company has departed from its home station at
Fort Lewis, \iV ashington, for the advance training area at
* Ranger Creek Camp near the snowy slopes of Mount
E.F.ADAMS Rainier. There the troops will receive instruction in the use
Colonel, CAC and care of clothing and equipment necessary for their stay
Senior Instructor, ORC, Indiana in the far north.
The exercise which is being pioneered by the first con-
of of of
tingent will be followed in successive stages by other units
Honorary First Defenders Annual Ball from the division until four augmented riRe companies
The Annual Military Ball of the Honorary First De- have participated in exercise "Yukon." The project will
fenders was held in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Friday, continue until the first of March of next year, and each
October 24th in coniunction with the annual meeting of company will remain in Alaska for a period of approxi-
that unique organization. matelv three \veeks.
The ball was the prelude to the annual enlisted men's Th~ initial phase of the training program, which got
dance for members of the 51st AAA Brigade headed by under way early in August, included familiarization with
General Curtis who was honorary chairman of arrange- G82 Cargo planes. This training was conducted by mem-
ments for the balL The enlisted men's dance was held bers of the 82d Airborne Division from Fort Bmgg, North
October 25th with a repeat performance of the entertain- Carolina. Hours were spent in loading and lashing drills
ment held Friday. in order to familiarize all personnel with methods used.
Coast ~rtillery Newsletters



The 65th AM Group is approaching the final stages of policy that all units will in the future be air-transportable.
advanced training for the calendar year 1947. The major This training is climaxed by an actual air movement. The
training topics recently have been target practices, field troops are very interested in airborne instruction and re-
exercises, security, mobility, and airborne techniques. quests have been received for more of it.
Units of the 65th AM Group are spread over the entire The first classes of the 65th AM Group's Radio Opera-
Canal Zone; one battalion, the 903d AAA AW, has its tor's course and Radio Repair course recently graduated.
headquarters at Fort Clayton; the other battalion, the 764th At the graduation of the radio operators, Colonel Nelson's
AM Gun, has its at Fort Gulick. Attached to each bat- address was radioed to the students in code from a remote
talion are Batteries "c" and "D" of the other battalion, location.
thus making each battalion a "composite" unit in nature. The 65th Group has been sending a number of students
The gun battalion is composed of Insular troops and the to each new class of the Panama Canal Department's NCO
automatic weapons battalion of Continentals. Leadership School. In the latest graduating class, a mem-
Colonel Harold A. Brusher, former commanding officer ber of the 65th finished second in the class standings. In
of the 65th Group, was transferred to Headquarters At- the latest graduating class at PCD's Food Service School,
lantic Sector on 11 August 1947 and was assigned as a member of the 65th was first in his class.
Deputy Commander. The 65th AM Group_has launched an integrated
Colonel Paul B. Nelson, newly arrived from a War recreation, education, and athletic program. Units on the
Department General Staff assignment in Washington, Pacific side run a weekly tour that includes the historically
assumed command of the 65th on 11 August 1947. Colonel famous Church of the Golden Altar and the ruins of Old
Nelson was a combat battalion commander during the Panama. Atlantic side units run a tour that includes old
Tunisian campaign, North African and Sicilian campaigns, Fort San Lorenzo.
and in the Corsican operations. Colonel and Mrs. Nelson All units of the group send personnel on weekly trips to
reside at Quarters No.2], Fort Amador. Barro Colorado Island in Gatun Lake. Persons making the
Through frequent tracking missions and target practices, trip go by the only method of transportation-train to
a high standard of proficiency has been obtained by gun Frijoles, a little town near the center of the Isthmus, and
crews and the operators of fire control equipment. Almost then bv launch to the island. The men are taken on a
constantly at least one battery within the group is at one of conduc'ted tour of the island, which is a wildlife reserve
the firing points conducting a familiarization or service under administration of the Smithsonian Institution.
practice. Tracking missions also are held almost every day The Food Conservation Program has been vigorously im-
for one or more batteries. The recent arrival of a number posed in the 65th AAA Group. Off-duty fishing trips and
.of P-80 jet planes in the Canal Zone will provide a more oyster hunts have resulted in supplying many battery
realistic tracking target for antiaircraft. messes with enough seafood to feed the entire batteries
A majority of the 65th's units have completed a week's concerned. Units are also gathering and using as much
airborne training. This is in line \''lith the current AGF native fruit as possible.


Recent arrivals, with assignments: Lt. Col. Theodore W. Lowrie Commanding Officer, 903d
AA AW Battalion
Col. Paul B. Nelson Commanding Officer,65th
AAAGroup Maj. Adrian A. Bourdon S-3, 764th AAA Gun Battalion
Capt. Lucius G. Hill, Jr. TI&E Officer, W A&R Officer, Lt. Col. Henry P. Van Ormer Executive, 65th AAA Group
PIO, 65th Group
Capt. John L. David Asst. S-3, 65th Group Recent departures, \\'ith destinations:
1st Lt. Duane E. Radford Btry Officer, 903d AM AW
Battalion Col. Harold A. Brusher Headquarters Atlantic Sector
1st Lt. Lincoln E. Ost Btry Officer, 903d AM AW 1st Lt. L. Sobke Headquarters, CDC
Battalion Capt. John C. Pralish U. S. Ground Mission, Guate-
1st Lt. Gerald F. Weatherford MTO, 903d AM AW Bn mala
1st Lt. Walter F. Pont Btry Officer, 764th AM Gun Capt. Anthony R. Hober Completed tour-returned to
Battalion U.S.
ants K. L. .Peterson. J. J. Corr, Jr., \V. J. Johnston, and
R. P. \Vam~gton. The gun team comprises the following
members: LIeutenant Colonel F. L. Beaver, and Captains
~. J. ~IcC~be, R. \\~. J\1c~artney and L. R. Burton. Major
K. F. Dans and Flfst LIeutenant T. T. Rutter compose
the AAAIS Team.
Troop Information and Education continues to hold its
rightful place in the occupation soldiers' trainino. In addi-
tion to the weekly briefings conducted by battalion TI&E
O~~ers for batt~ry personnel, the Group TI&E Officer
bnefs the battalIon TI&E Officers and their assistants
138TH ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY GROUP w~ekly and att;nds a bimonthly briefing conducted by the
YOKOHA;\IA, JAPAN,APO 503 EIg.hth Army fl&E Officer. In this way the program is
enhvened, kept up to date, and much guidance is offered
COli/111m/ding A combined Field Artillerv-Coast Artillery party was
held at the New Grand Hot~l durino Auou'st with the
. b 0 '
Summers in Japan are said to be extremely hot and in over~ow ~ttendm.g at the ~Iodagoya Country Club. Group
this we concur for the "dog days" are upon us. In seeking parties wIiI contmue dunng the fall and winter season.
respite from the heat, the Group working day was changed On Sat.Uf?ay afternoon, 27 September 1947, the Nagahama
to begin at 0730 and end at 1530. Swiming, golf, and cool ReratnatIon Center area was the scene of a oroup picnic.
refreshment enthusiasts were pleased by this arrangement. Soltball and horseshoe pitching contests preceded an elabo-
The personnel shortage mentioned in the last newsletter rate buffet s~pper and. later in the evening a Japanese or-
remains static. Replacements arrive but trained personnel chestra fUfmshed mUSICfor dancing under colorful Japa-
continue to depart. Continuation of training will depend nese lanterns.
on the constantly changing security guard requirements Lieuten_ant Colonel Hiram N. Smith, Commanding
and the availability of personnel. Office~, 7J3d AAA ~un Battalion (SM) was placed on
On I August 1947 the Radio Controlled Airplane Target DS the \Var Cnmes Commission in July and J\llajor
Detachment sailed for Inchon, Korea, on the USAT Gen. Antonmo H. Manguso, Executive Officer, assumed com-
Aultll/ml. Lieutenants J. G. Harkins and G. S. Smith ac- mand of the battalion.
companied the detachment which spent six weeks pro- On 4 September 1947, Lieutenant Colonel Richard L.
• viding OQ Bying missions for the 865th AAA AVv Bat- iVlorgan ~vas transferr~d to Headquarters Eighth Anny
talion (SP) at Kimpo Army Air Base. The firing range is a~d appomted SupervIsor of Dependent Schools. i\h jor
I adjacent to a rest hotel and the personnel quartered there VIctor E. J\htteson, fonner Executive Officer 753d AAA
( were provided with an "added attraction" since many Gun Battalion (8M), replaced Colonel Mor~an as Com-
I planes were shot down in Barnes. The detachment returned manding Officer of the 933d AAA AW Bat~alion (SM)
16 September 1947 and after a brief rest prepared to fur- and Major Harold L. Freshwater was appointed Executive
nish missions for the II th Airborne Division Officer.
I The Nagahama Repatriation Center, the "Ellis Island" The following arrivals and assignments of officers have
I of Japan, operated under the direct supervision of the occurred:
- 753d AAA Gun Battalion (SM), was the scene of much 76th AAA AW Battalion (SP): Second Lieutenants
ado during the week end 16-17 August 1947 when 806 James S. Elliott and Daniel R. Moriarty.
Austrian and German Nationals were processed for repatria- 933d AAA A\\7 Battalion (Si\/I): Major Harold L.
tion to their homelands. The repatriation group was made Freshwater and Second Lieutenants John S. \\Tieringa,
up of 133 diplomats and 673 others, ranging in age from Jr. and John C. Geary.
one month to 74 vears. 753d AAA Gun Battalion (SM): Second Lieutenants
The 76th AM A\\1 Battalion (SP) has resumed full- Daniel \V. Hickey, III and \Villiam R. Parker.
time training in both Headquarters Battery and Battery 538th AAA Searchlight Batten': Second Lieutenants
"B." Field problems and artillery tactics are being stressed. Blucher S. Tharp, Jr. and Ra~'l11ondE. Thaver.
A very successful First Three Graders party was held at The fol~owing officers have left the group: Lieutenant
1 the Enlisted Men's Club in September. The party served Colonel RIchard L. Morgan; Captains William M. Bever-
! to bring the senior NCO's together and aided materially in idge, Primus Bennett, Arthur A. Grefe, Glen Beecher,
... creating a greater esprit de corps and sense of cooperation. \\7illiam J. Smith; First Lieutenants Rayner Field Robert
Three \Var Department Technical Instruction Teams H. Johnstone, Carl B. Geissinger, The~dore H. Batsford,
have arrived in Japan. Schools for officers and enlisted per- William C. Ellett; Second Lieutenant Marion P. Chaple-
sonnel were started and the results of these endeavors are sky; Captains William Z. Finley, M. T. Oakley; Major
already apparent in many phases of the training. The Charles C. Ringwalt; First Lieutenants Ten Broeck \V.
A\V Team is composed of Captain Y\'. L. Hays, Lieuten- Baldwin, Donald B. Smith.

South Sector- Command


During the months of August and September, activities through normal turnover of personnel. Late in August.
of the command remained unchanged, resting mainly with Colonel Hollis LeRoy Muller, Deputy Commander, started
the housekeeping of the posts on the southern portion of his terminal leave prior to retirement after 40 years serv-
the island of Oahu and the maintenance of harbor defense ice. Captain vVinston S. Brooks, Headquarters Com-
installations. mandant, was transferred to Headquarters AGFPAC while
In August Fort Ruger played host to the local National Lieutenant Colonel Frank A. Stacy, Major Charles Earnest,
Guard units who took their annual field training at that Major Harry Hartley, Major Edwar W. McLain, Major
post during the last two weeks of the month. vValdemar A. Wittmus and Captain Chester M. McKeen
Several officers of the reserve components have taken \'I'ere transferred to new assignments on the mainland.
active duty training with staff sections of this headquarters Newly assigned officers included Lieutenant Colonel
in periods of from 15 to 90 days. During the months of Septimus B. Sightler, assistant Chief of Staff, G-l; Lieuten-
August and September the following officers reported for ant Colonel Everett D. Light, assistant Chief of Staff, G-3.
duty: Lieutenant Colonel Campbell W. Stevenson, Major formerly Commanding Officer of the 867th AAA Bn at
Andrew S. In, Major Frank N. Thomas, to G-2 section; Fort Ruger; Lieutenant Colonel Roy A. Strickland, Adju-
Major Wallace D. Beriy and Captain Ronald Greig to G-3 tant General, from Headquarters Third Army at Atlanta,
section; Major Clinton E. Lunt, QM; Captain John M. Ga.; Major Harold L. Jones, Headquarters Commandant,
Tanimura and First Lieutenant Francis W. C. Hu to the from Fort DeRussy; Captain Charles Garrett, Ordnance
Engineer section. Officer; First Lieutenant Alexander E. Berger, Food Service
During this period. the command lost several officers Supervisor from the 867th AAA Bn.

35TH COAST ARTILLERY MAINTENANCE DETACHMENT Postwar planning has resulted in numerous studies of the
FORT RUGER,HAWAII,APO 956 seacoast of Oahu with the resultant decision to eliminate
LIEUTENANTCOLONELFRANKD. GREBE, Commanding many obsolete batteries and the addition of several newer,
Replacements have brought the command up to strength larger caliber.
and have greatly lightened the work load for everyone. It is expected that Colonel Donald C. Hawley, Com-
The mission of this organization continues to be the main- manding Officer, 35th Coast Artillery Maintenance De-
tenance of the numerous seacoast installations scattered tachment, absent since early July, will be able to return to
throughout the island of Oahu. dutv in the near future.

98TH ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY GROUP A brief recap of the 97th's history shows that the 97th
HAWAII,APO 956 was activated as the first battalion of the 97th CA CM)
Regiment at Schofield Barracks in 1941. On the morning
of 7 December 1941, all batteries of the battalion fired on
Officers and men of the 97th AAA Gun Battalion cele- the invader, and Battery "D," which was positioned at
brated the sixth anniversary of the battalion's activation Fort \Veaver, disrupted two flights of enemy bombers and
with a special Organization Day program at Ft. Kame- prevented bombing of the Fort \Veaver ammunition maga-
hameha on the 14th of October. Anniversary activities in- zme.
cluded presentation of the Unit Participation streamer for The 97th is now stationed at historic Fort Kamehameha,
the 97th's part in the blitz of December 7. Brigadier Gen- and is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Raymond C.
eral James E. Moore, Commanding General, South Sector Cheal, formerly Executive Officer of the 98th AAA Group.
Command, made the presentation. Other 97th Staff Officers are: Major Frank L. Coleman,
Other activities included an aloha assembly with a brief Executive Officer; Major Woodrow Steichen, Operations
message by Lieutenant Colonel Raymond C. Cheal, Bat- Officer; Captain Benson Grant, Supply. Officer; Captain
talion Commander; a gala birthday party in the "A" Bat- James F. Beers, Intelligence Officer; Captain Frank R.
tery dining hall, and special athletic events including an Griepp, Chaplain; 'VOJG Bernard E. Vincent, Motor Offi-
Officer-EM baseball game. cer and WOJG Orville M. Harvey, Personnel Officer.
The Organization Day baseball trophy-a handsomely Line officers include: Captain Karl W. Lehmann and
inscribed pot d' chambre-went this year to the Officer First Lieutenant Archie D. Brown of Headquarters Bat-
team, which managed to eke out a 4-3 victory over the En- tery; Captain George S. Pappas and First Lieutenant Harry
listed Men. J. Kammel of "A" Battery; Captain Norman E. Fine and
First Lieutenant Raymond P. Ruppel of "B" Battery and timore, Md.; First Lieutenant Creade E. Miller, Norfolk,
Captain Delbert O. Carpenter and First Lieutenant Wil- Va.; Sergeant Charles E. McNeil and Private Charles E.
liam M. Dicke, Jr. of "c" Battery. Haga.
New arrivals include six officers and two enlisted special- A six months' course of instruction for officers and en-
ists of the \VD Technical AM Instruction team, 'which listed personnel of the 97th and the 98th Group has been
arrived from Fort Bliss late in September. The team is set up and is now operating at Fort Kamehameha. This
composed of Captains Ray E. Ecker, Luverne, l\'1inn.; El- course will also be attended by selected officers and enlisted
mer R. Wegner, Chicago, Ill.; Henry A. Lowe, Chester, personnel of the 1st AA Battalion of the Fleet Marine
Va.; Edward C. Grant, Detroit, Mich.; Edgar C. Cox, Bal- Forces, Pacific.

160TH OR COAST ARTILLERY GROUP FO methods, antiaircraft operations room set-up, combined
67 BROADSTREET,NEW YORK,N. Y. and joint operation, antiaircraft-automatic weapons and
their fire control, self-propelled antiaircraft artillery mounts
and armored vehicles. Each of these lectures and discus-
sions 'will be accompanied by motion pictures, where possi-
The 160th OR Coast Artillery Group, recently organized ble. A second terrain exercise is planned for the Spring of
under authority of Headquarters, First Army, conducted its 1948 at Fort Tilden, New York, involving the employment
first field exercise and reconnaissance at Fort Tilden, New of antiaircraft in a Harbor Defense.
York, on 18 October 1947. Through the cooperation of The training program of the 160th Group has been de-
Lieutenant Colonel vanNostrand, Commanding Officer of veloped by the Commanding Officer together vvith Colonel
Fort Tilden, many of the Post installations were opened for pavid W. Hopper, Executive Officer, Colonel James
inspection. Refresher lectures were given at each of the Nesmith II, S3, Lieutenant Colonei Julius F. Walla, As-
installations visited. This visit to Fort Tilden was designed sistant S3, and the responsibility for carrying it out has
to keep each reserve officer familiar vvith defense problems been rotated among the three Battalion Commanders,
in the New York Harbor Defense area and to revie\v those namely, Lieutenant Colonel James F. Carroll, CO, 1st Bat-
installations which had been on an inactive statu.s since talion, Lieutenant Colonel Donald A. Weadon, CO, 2d
V-JDay. Battalion, and Lieutenant Colonel Richard E. Nodell, CO,
The 160th Group has arranged a training program fm: 3d Battalion. All of the officers of the 160th Group feel
the 1947-48 training period, which includes lectures and that those benefits \vhich are derived from reserve training
discussions on the organization of the Army and Air Force, are directly commensurate with the efforts which one puts
psychology of leadership, air portability, combat team- into it, hence feel that training responsibilities should be
. work, Air-Ground operations, universal military training, rotated and delegated to the lowest echelon so that all can
antiaircraft guns and their fire control, adjustment of fire by take part.

The following changes occurred during the month of

September 1947:

Lt. Col. Hubert duB. Lewis Intelligence Officer, Hq & Hq

Maj. Robert E. Butts Secretary, Hq & Hq Detach-
Capt. George G. Tillery Air Observation Pilot, Hq &
Hq Detachment


The following changes occurred during the month of
The Seacoast Branch, The October 1947:
Artillery School None


Officer in Charge Maj. Charles T. Wetheral Trfd to Far East Comd, Japan
---------_.:._- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Department of the Army and AGF Special Orders covering the period 23 August
1947 through 12 November 1947. Promotions and Demotions are not included.

COLONELS Day, John B., to ReImt. Mechling, Thomas B., to Detailed in CE at Ft.
Dieter, Henning B., to Detailed in CEo Belvoir, Va.
Aldrich, Harry S., to Staff & Faculty Army Lan- Dodson, Minot B., to Stu Det. Hq 6th Army Metropolis, Harry De., to 1st Army 1225th ASU
guage Sch. Presidio of Monterey, Calif. Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. Hq & Hq Det HD of i\Ty Ft. Hancock, N. J.
Armstrong, Marvil G., to GSC WDGS Wash- Duff, Charles B., to Stu Det. Industrial College O'Leary, Francis X., to Detailed in Cay.
ifil:ton, D. C. of the Armed Forces, Washington. D. C. Pettit, Morris, to 5th Inf. Div. Fl. Jackson, S. C.
Azo}::' Anastasio C. M., to RAD East Orange, Donahue, Gerald M., to Stu Del. Hq 6th Army Ross, Monnette c., to 1242nd ASU Office Senior
N.]. Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. State ORC Inste. New York, N. Y.
Blackwell, Herbert H., to Retmt. Ebey, Frank W., to Retmt. Saunders, William W., to 384th AAA Gun Bn,
Boyd, Harry R., to AGO Casual Del. Wash- Edington, Alfred A., to Detailed in TC. Fl. Bliss, Tex.
ington, D. C. Frank, Karl c., to 6705th ASU Oregon ORC Sullivan, James A., to 1174th ASU ROTC Univ
Case, Homer, to AGO Casual Det. Washington, Instr Group 225 US Court-House, Portland, of New Hampshire, Durham, N. H.
D.C. Oregon. Walker, Stanley M., to detailed in Sp. S.
Davis, Henry c., to AGO Casual Det. Wash- Grow Neville L., to 6th Army 6914th ASU Mira Wood, Harland G., to Stu Det Hq 1st Army
ington, D. C. Lo~a QM Depot, Mira Lorna, Calif. Governors Island, N. Y.
Detwiler, Harold P., to Far East Comd. Tokyo, Harris Frank]., to Far East Comd, Korea. Zimmerman, Robert H., to 1272nd ASU Camp
Japan. Hudb~rg, Howard B., to OC of S Washington, Smith, Peekskill, N. Y.
Dubois, Bird S., to Retml. D.C.
Ellerthorpe, Dean S., to Retmt. Janowski, Raymond A., to Det RID Dept of the CAPTAINS
Forman, Ovid T., to AGF Bd No.4, Ft. Bliss, Army, Washington, D. C.
Tex. Anderson, John c., to Antilles Depl.
Jeffries, James c., to AG State House, Concord, Bishop, Raymond c., to Far East Comd. Korea.
Folk, Frank T., to UnderSW Washington, D. C. N.H.
Foltz, Christian G., to Retml. Brock, George G., to 5th Army, 5309th ASU
Linderman, John c., to Retmt. Wisc Rctg Dist. Milwaukee, Wise.
Gallagher, Ferdinand F., to AG Casual Det. ~hvden, Walter S., to 5440th ASU, ROTC Calvert, Lawrence R., to 1st Army 1202nd ASU
Washington, D. C. Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans.
Gibson, Richmond T., to Retmt. Rctg Det No.2, 39 Whitehall Street, New
McFeeley, Henry G., to OC of S Washington. York, N. Y.
Goeppert, Lioyd W., to AA & Guided Missile D.C.
Br. The Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex. Campbell, C. D., to Detailed in Sp. S.
McGoldrick, Francis M., to Stu Del. Hq 6th Cave, John E., to European Comd. Bremer-
Jones, Clifford R., to AGO Casual Det. Wash- Army Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.
ington, D. C. haven, Germany.
Mose, DeMaurice, to O. UnderSW Washington, Chapman, George A., to Detailed in Sp. S.
Jordan, William H., to Retml. D.C.
Kahle, John F., to AGO Casual Del. Washing- Dalton, Joseph R., to Stu Det AA & GM Br.
Neil, Terrance, to 1st Army, 1117th ASU Care- The Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
ton, D. C. taking Del., Camp Edwards, Mass.
King, Edgar W., to AGF Pacific, Fl. Shafter, Delvin, Raymond P., to 1119th ASU Office
Neprud, Leif, to 5th Army 5012nd ASU Escort Senior State ORC Instr Rhode Island, Provi.
T.H. Co. Det No.2, Ft. Sheridan, Ill.
McCormick, Walter L., to Retmt. dence, R. r.
Routh, David B., to Stu Det. Hq 3rd Army At. Detwiler, Robert P., to 1st Guided Missile Bn,
McGarraugh, Riley E., to Far East Comd. Tokyo, lanta, Ga.
Japan. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Scoggin, William c., to 4308th ASU office Dyle, Bernard ]., to Resignation of Commission.
McMorco\\', Hubert A., to Retmt. Senior Instr ORC State of N. Mex. 338 N. Finley, William Z., to 6706th ASU ORC Instr
McNamee, William L., to OC of S Washing- 3rd Street, Albuquerque, N. Mex.
ton, D. C. Group, Fl. Douglas, Utah.
Smith, John c., to 4501st ASU ROTC Univ of Frantz, Loveridge Karl, to Stu Det AA & GM Br.
McPherson. William L., to Retmt. Okla. Norman, Okla.
Mabbott, Harold c., to Retml. The Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Urban, Peter L., to Dir of Int WDGS Room Gentle, James E., to Detailed in F.A.
Melberg, Reinold, to AGO Casual Del. Wash- 2A320 The Pentagon, \Xfashington, D. C.
inI:ton, D. C. Gerig, Ferd L., to 5402nd ASU ROTC Univ of
Ward, Ed,l:ar R. c.. to Panama Canal Dept. III. Urbana, Ill.
Merkle, Ernest A., to Far East Comd. Yoko. Quarry Heights, C.Z.
hama, Japan. Goodman, Glenn W., to Shanghai Det Army
Wollaston, Pennock H., to OMA Tehran, Iran. Advisory Group.
Newman, Glenn, to Retml.
Ostenberg, Frank T., to AGO Casual Det. Wash. Gurney, Frank W., to Detailed in Sp. S.
ington, D. C. Hackner, Allan J., to European Comd. Berlin,
Owens, George R., to 4th Inf. Div. Ft. Ord, Alexander, Lawrence H., to Detailed in TC. Germany.
Calif. Anderson, David L., to 284th AAA Auto Wpns Hall, Robert V., to Stu Det AA & GM Br. The
Pendleton, Harry E., to Retmt. Bn. Ft. Bliss, Tex. Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Smith, Perry McC., to Hq AGF Fl. Monroe, Va. Boggs, Kenneth L., to 1st Army 1202nd A~U Ham, Richard H., to 6th Army 6914th ASU Mira
Spalding, Alba c., to European Comd. Frankfurt, Rctg Det No. 8 79 Main Street, Montpelier, Lorna QM Depot Mira Lorna, Calif.
Germany. Detailed in Sp. S. Vt. Hampton, Rex H., to Stu Det. The Arty Sch. Ft.
Steward, Wilfred H., to Retmt. Brown, Ralph E., to Detailed in Sp. S. Sill, Okla.
Supple, Edward L., to AGO Casual Del. Wash. Combs, Tyler A., to 301st erc Det 1st Army, Henry, Gregg, to Stu Del. Hq MDW Wash.
ington, D. C. Governors Island, N. Y. ington, D. C. wlsta Naval Academy Annapo.
Sweet, William H., to Retml. Daugherty, Lyle S., to 4th Army 4006th ASU lis, Md.
Thompson, Merle R., to OC of S Washington, Escort Del. Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Hill, Ralph 0., to 267th AAA Group Ft. Bliss,
D.C. Deems, Harold E., to 1242nd ASU Office Senior Tex.
Wolfe, Shuey E., to Philippine-Ryukyus Comd. Instr State ORC, New York, N. Y. Hite, Merle L., to 2d Army 2134th ASU HD of
Manila, P. r. Haupt, Louis L., to Detailed in JAGD. Chesapeake Bay, Ft. Story, Va.
Wolfe, Walter]., to AGO Casual Det. Wash. Kelly John P. A., to Detailed in CEo Holmes, Robert M., to Stu Det Army Language
ington, D. C. Lake: Gerald A., to Stu Det AA & Guided Mis- Sch. Presidio of Monterey, Calif.
sile Br. The Arty Sch. Fl. Bliss, Tex. Hollis, Patrick M., to Stu Det. Army Language
LIEUTENA/','T COLONELS Lipesqueur, Raymond A., to 1242nd ASU Office Sch. Presidio of Monterey, Calif.
Senior State ORC Instr. New York, N. Y. Hopkins, George E., to Far East Comd. Yoko.
Abbey, Walter W., to Far East Comd. Tokyo, Lossen, Herbert L., to AGO Washington, D. C. hama, Japan.
Japan. Room 2A320 The Pentagon. Detailed in Houlson, Keith H., to Detailed in TC.
Barros, Russell D., to Hq Army Security Agency AGD. Hutchinson, Manning E., to Hq V Corps. Fl.
Washington, D. C. Lotozo, James A., to 1st Guided Missile Bn. f:A Bragg, N. C.
Bellonby, Emery E., to OMA Tehran, Iran. & Guided Missile Be. The Arty Sch. Ft Bliss, Jablonowski, Czeslaw, to Detailed in Sp. S.
Blumenfeld, Charles H., to OC of S Washing- Tex. Tones William M., to Detailed in Sp. S.
ton, D. C. McElroy, James E., to Stu Det. Hq 4th Army, Ft. kalbfleish, Edwin Jr., to OC of S Washington,
Chandler Martin B., to Hq AGF Ft. Monroe Sam Houston, Tex. D.C.
Va. w/sla Rm 2A320 The Pentagon Washing- Marcelynas, Anthony F., to 1122nd ASU Office Kelley, Charles W., to Marianas-Bonins Comd
ton, D. C. of Senior State ORC Inste. Boston, Mass. Guam, .Marianas.
Kennedy, William D., to 267th AM Group Ft. \\7achsmuth, John E., to CIC Center, Camp Kelley, Thomas E., to 1st Army 1104th ASU Hq
Bliss, Tex. Holabird, Md_ & Hq Det HD of Portland, Ft. Williams
Kennen, James F., to 82nd Abn Div. Ft. Bragg, \\'illiams, Billie Cole, to Stu Det AA & GM Br. Maine. '
N.e. The Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex. Kennaman, Jack R., to Detailed in Te.
laBounty, James R., to Hq 2nd Army Ft. Geo. Wilkinson, Reading Jr., to 3244th ASU ROTC Kee, Pat M., to Stu Det AA & GM Br. The
G. Meade, Md. The Citadel Charleston, S. e. Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
McCallum, Herman D., to Marianas-Bonins Young, Blaine E., to The Arty Sch. Ft. Sill, Okla_ Latimer, Harry D., to 284th AAA Auto \\'pns
Comd. Guam, Marianas. Bn. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
McCarty, George, to 1st Guided Missile Bn. Ft. FIRST LIEUTENA:-'lS Lines, Clarence P., to Panama Canal Dept.
Bliss, Tex. McLeod, Charles A., to Detailed in CEo
McCauley, Robert H., to AGF Bd No.4, Ft. Allen, Joe L., 4th Army 4119th ASU 4th Army
Det. \Vhite Sands. Pr Gr, Las Cruces, N. Marsland, Howard Irvin, to 284th AAA AW
Bliss, Tex. Bn Ft. Bliss, Tex.
McKinsey, Millard F., to 384th AAA Gn Bn. Mex.
Allen, Robert H., to 2418th ASU Eastern Ken- Martin, Irwin E., to Marianas-Bonins Comd.
Ft. Bliss, Tex. Guam.
Macklin, George T. Jr., to Far East Comd. tud"1' State Teachers College Richmond, Ken-
tucky. Mendenhall, Francis E., to 384th AAA Gun Bn.
Yokohama, Japan. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Marble, John H., to Stu Det QM Sch. Camp Bennett, Truman L., to 87th Rocket FA Bn. Ft. Nix, James H. Jr., to 5th lnf. Di,'. Ft. Jack-
Lee, Va. Sill, Okla. son, S. e.
Marcheselli, Vincent F., to 1st Army 1362nd Bussey, Robert 0., to Philippine-Ryul.:yus Comd. Pell, Edison Kenneth, to From Cml e. to detailed
A1lC Ft. Totten, N. Y. Manila, P. 1. in CAe.
Matthews, Carl L., to Seacoast Br. The Arty Sch. Campbell, Daniel G., to Panama Canal Dept. Pierchia, Joseph, to Stu Det AA & Guided Mis-
Ft. Winfield Scott, Calif. Carey, Howard H., to 284th AAA Auto Wpns sile Br. The Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Milmore, Charles W., to Stu Det, MIS,. Language Bn. Ft. Bliss, Tex. Remmie, John A., to AA & GM Br. The Arty
Sch. Presidio of Monterey, Calif. Cavanna, Augustus R., to 284th AAA Auto Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Neill, Harold A., to Stu Det, Army Language \\'pns Bn. Ft. Bliss, Tex. Russo, Joseph, to 284th AAA Auto Wpns Bn.
Sch, Presidio of Monterey, Calif. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Chandler, Homer Barron Jr., to Detailed in In£.
Nowack, John J., to 3rd Army 3130th ASU Schaefer, Walter S., to CAC Stu Det AA &
Columbia S. e. wlsta PO Bldg. Asheville, Coffey, Elmer J., to AA & Guided Missile Br.
The Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex. GM Br. The Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
N.e. Schmidt, Max W., to Stu Det MP Sch. Carlisle,
Nugent, John, to Detailed in Sp. S. Deitch, Edward A., to AA & GM Br. The Arty
Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex. Bks. Penna.
O'Donohue, Thomas J., to 9th Inf Div. Ft. Dix, Smith, Emmett, to 284th AAA Auto Wpns. Bn.
N. J. Derrick, Charles D., to European Comd. Bremer- Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Phillips, Hal B., to Dept of State, Washington, haven, Germany. Stainback, Frank Pleasants, to Detailed in CEo
D.e. Dolan, Thomas M., to 165th AAA Opns Det Stierle, William R., to Detailed in QMe.
Sala, Frederick R., to CIC Center Camp Hola- Ft Bliss, Tex. Tait, Edward J., to European Comd. Bremer-
bird, Md. Duckworth, Phillip B., to 3rd Armd Div. Ft. haven, Germany.
Sanders, Roy A., to 384th AAA Gun Bn. Ft. Knox, Kentud.:y Tinkler, William G., to Panama Canal Dept.
Bliss, Tex. Edwards, Dave W., to 82nd Abn Div. Ft. Bragg, Walsh, Edward F., to Detailed in Sp. S.
Schardt, Burton B., to 284th AAA Auto Wpns N.e. Wethern, LeRoy V., to Detailed in AGD.
Bn. Ft. Bliss, Tex. Emme, Arthur H., to 2nd Army 2302nd ASU \\'ilson, David J., to Far East Comd. Yoko.
Sletten, Norman 0., to 542nd ASU ROTC Eastern Penna Mil Dist. Phila., Penna. hama, Japan.
Iowa State College of Agriculture and Me. Fort, Ernest Alvin, to AA & GM Br. The Arty
chanic Arts Ames, Iowa. Zoladz, Alfred E., to 9th In£. Div. Ft. Dix, N. ).
Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Thomas, Robert e., to Stu Det QM Sch. Camp SECOND LIEUTENANTS
Lee, Va. Gebert, Roland E., to CMP Stu Det. MP Sch.
Tillery, George G., to Seacoast Br. The Arty Carlisle Bks. Penna. Cotsonis, Denus A., to 83rd AAA SL Btry. Ft.
Sch. Ft. Winfield Scott, Calif. Ham, Herbert S., to AGF Bd No.4, Ft. Bliss, Bliss Tex.
Tisdale, Donald A., to 6701st Calif-Nev ORC Tex. Gallagher, James W., to 205th CIC Det Hq 5th
Instr Group Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. Hecklinger, Henry D., to Detailed in Cav. Corps Ft. Bragg, N. e.
Wachholz, Frederick P., to Staff And Faculty Hohmann, Benjamin W., to 82nd Abn Div. Ft. Hoskins, Lynn W., to Panama Canal Dept.
Mis Language Sch, Presidio of Monterey Bragg, N. e. Raineault, Charley G., to AAA & GM Br. The
Cali£. Hutson, William Marks, to Detailed in Ord. Arty Sch. Ft. Bliss, Tex.


The following changes of address have been made
SInce publication of the Address Supplement:
LIEUTENANT GENERAL Crawford, Howard F., Jr., 122 Fairview Road, Von Daacke, F. )., 1383 Hawthorne Ave., De-
Springfield Dela. Ct., Pa. troit, Michigan.
Lutes, LeR., Rm. 4E788, Pentagon, Washington
Evans, W. D., 2-B 4656 South 34th St., Arling- Wel~h, S. E., 405 Tenth St., Cresskill, New
25, D. e. ton, Va. Jersey.
MAJOR GENERAL Goff, ). L., 2594 28th Ave., 'San' Francisco, Cali£. Wilmer, Richard H., 2600 31st St., N.W., Wash-
Hartman, A. R., 808 Grand View Dr., Alex- ington, D. e.
Lemnitzer, Lyman L, Quarters No.1, The Na- andria, Va ...
tional War College, Washington 25, D. e. Wilson, A. M., 1800 Mission St., San Fran-
Hatch, Melton A., 1660 E. Hyde Pk. Blvd., Chi- cisco 3, Calif.
BRIGADIER GENERALS cago 15, Illinois.
Hayden, J. L., Rancho Los Laurells, Cornell Val- LIEUTENANT COLONELS
Adams, D. B., 2517 Connecticut Ave., N.W., ley, Monterey, Ca!.
Washington 8, D. e. Bane, John e., 1556 Burmont Rd., Havertown,
Holder, W. G., State Armory, Concord, N. Upper Darby, Pa.
Crawford, James B., 18 Van Clear Place, New Hampshire. Berg, F. T., 1743 Pickett Ave., Baton Rouge, La.
York City 63, N. Y. Jackson, H. R., PMS&T, Mass. Institute of
Hardaway, F. P., 427 N. Florissant Road, Fer- Bukey, Norman J., 6191 Rogers Park Place,
Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Cincinnati 13, Ohio.
guson 21, Ohio.
Hesketh, William, Deputy Military Governor, Kreinheder, Walter R., 511 N. 10th St., Leaven- Bulton, Ronald E., 13 Richmond Road, Ottawa,
OMGUS,-Berlin-, APO 742, clo PM, New worth, Kansas. Ontario, Canada.
York, N. Y. Shaw, Lawrence E., GSC, G-3, Ft. Ord, Calif. Cleveland, Conrad P., Jr., 178 South Fairview
Mitchell, ). B., Hobe Sound, Florida. Sohn, Milton G., 1156 McClellan St., Los Ave., Spartanburg, S. Carolina
Angeles 24, Calif. Clewe, T. S., 1805 N St., Apt. 6, Sacramento,
COLONELS Strong, ). E., 12 East 4th St., New Castle, Dela- Calif.
Adams, E. F., Senior Instructor, ORC, Ft. Benja- 'ware. Cooper, H. B., Jr., Hoopers Road, Denbigh, Va.
min Harrison, Indiana. Thompson, M. R., 518 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. Dean, L. B., 340 Corliss Ave., Pelham, N. H.
Brandon, David R, 46 Webster Ave., Port Wash- Tredennick, D. e., 3619 Alton Place, N.W., Foster, R. )., Desert Willow Ranch, RL 2,
ington, New York. Washington 8, D. e. Tucson, Ariz.
Cotter, e. E., 3024 Porter St., N.W., Washing- Vickers, Louis T., 1441 N. Inglewood St., Fowles, L. 0., Box No. 1043, Olympia, Wash-
ton 8, D. e. Arlington, Va. ington.
Gamble, Andrew 5., SCU 7815, APO 178, c/o Lynch, D. M., 707 Liverpool, Mission Beach. ~ll, C. F., Corona Del Mar, Calif.
PM. New York, N. Y. Long Beach, Calif. Sauces, G. M., Jr., 825 South 57th St., Phila-
Gard, H. P., 59 Melvin Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Maguire, C F., 315 E. 167th St., Apt. 3-F, New delphia 43, Pa.
Haskell, H. G., 2406th ASU, Ohio St. Univer- York 56, N. Y. Schmader, W. P., PO Box No. 170, George-
sity, Columbus, Ohio. Mathes, E. S., Ft. Sill, Oldahoma. town, Delaware.
Holton, Darwin S., Thornton, Texas. Mizulo, John, 684 Magnolia Ave., San Mateo, &llUler, R. H., 666 Shaler Blvd., Ridgefield,
Janowski, R. A., 36 CresthilI Ave., Clifton, Calif. N.J.
N.J. Murray, R. M., 236 W. 70th St., New Yotk Seabrook, G. W., Hq. 532, AAA Gun Bn, PS,
Kelly, S. R., Hq. 15th Constabulary Regt., APO 23,N. Y. APO 331-6, c/o PM San Francisco, Calif.
154, c/o PM New York, N. Y. Nordquist, K. G., 502 Tabor St., Houston 9, Sullivan, D. L., 2552 ASU, Pa. Bldg., 15th &
Kessler, R. H., 311 East Maple Ave., Mer- Texas. Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia 2, Pa.
chantville, N. J. Peeples, E. T., 1912 Gore Blvd., Lawton, Okla- Tillery, G. G., 749 W. Ocean View Ave., Nor-
Kintner, W. R., 2021 Allen Pla£C, N. W., homa. folk 3, Va.
Washington, D. C. Rucinski, Eustace, 1315 East Grand Blvd., De- White, C. E., Jr., 4014 A Potomac, St. Louis 16,
LangFord, C. A., Dept. of Physics & Chemistry, troit II, Michigan. Mo.
USMA, West Point, N. Y. Sigley, W. B., 1018 W. Harvey, Wellington, Williamson, R. H., Box 1416, AA & GM Br., Ft.
Lanterman, J. V. S., 114 East 9-th St., Berwick, Kansas. Bliss, Texas.
Pa. Webb, J. W., University of Miss., University,
Lewis, Donald L., APO 331, c/o PM, San Fran- Mississippi. LIEUTENANTS
cisco, Calif. Wood, H. G., 518 Beech 21st St., Far Rockaway, Appleby, R. H., 26 South 51st St, Philadelphia,
Lombardi, Lucian, 20 Sachem St., Devon, Conn. N.Y. Pa.
Meinert, F. H., 7738th AES Gp., Hq. EUCOM. Batsford, T. H., 212th MP Co., APO 503, c/o
APO 757, c/o PM New York, N. Y. CAPTAINS
PM. San Francisco, Calif.
Miller, Gay E., Hq. 7708 WCG, APO 407, c/o Britt, C K., Sub Office, Rocket, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Fonjallaz, R. A., 104-51 113th, Richmond Hill
PM, New York, N. Y. Burdette, H. E., 911 Walnut St., 1002 Fidelity 19,N. Y.
Morgan, Richard L., TIE Section, Hq. Eighth Bldg., Kansas City 6, Mo. Fraser, J. P., Jr., 1914 Highland Ave., Knox-
Army, APO 343, c/o PM San Francisco, Cohen, R. E., 601 West 115 St., New York, ville 16, Tenn.
Calif. N.Y. Kessinger, J. L., PO Box 386, Silver Spring,
Schouman, Hazen c., Unit Instructor, CAC, 1408 Crawford, D. L., 10 Maple Way, Mountain Md.
Federal Bldg., Los Angeles 12, Calif. Lakes, N. J. Lengel, W. H., II, 910 N. 5th St., Reading, Pa.
Steele, Preston, 200 Village Road, Lancaster Vil- Davis, D. D., 5553 Belmont Ave., Cincinnati Leventhall, H. E., 1029 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse
lage, Wilmington, Delaware. 24, Ohio. lO,N. Y.
Stone, R. 0., Mira Lorna QM Dep., Mira Loma, Detwiler, R. P., 1st GM Bn., Ft. Bliss, Texas. Meany, E. F., 15 Elinor Place, Yonkers 5, N. Y.
Calif. Dibble, R. L., 535 Oakmoor Ave., Bay Village, Mendenhall, F. E., Jr., Hq. 524 Engr. Sv. Bn.,
Stricklen, W. A., Jr., 105 3rd St., Ft. Leaven- Ohio. APO 777, c/o PM, New York, N. Y.
worth, Kansas. Dillon, G. M., 51 Union St., North Rochelle, Miller, F. E., 3320 N. River Rd., Port Huron,
Towner, J. G., 3525 Stanford, Dallas 5, Texas N.Y. Michigan.
Vestal, W. M., 415-1 Kearney Avenue, Ft. Leav- Farley, R. F., 85-04 253rd St., Bellrose, L. I., Rapp, R M., Jr., c/o V. J. Sokol, 605 E. 330th
enworth, Kansas. N.Y. St., Willoughby, Ohio
Voehl, W. E. H., 1272d ASU, Office Senior Fisken, A. D., Jr., 908 Euclid Ave., Lawton, Wittemann, A. D. H., 132 West 85th St.,
N. G. Instr., New York, N. Y. Oklahoma. New York, N. Y.
Wallace, E. C, Hq. MARBO, APO 246, c/o Gilmore, Hugh M., Jr., 2484 Cheremoya Ave.,
PM, San Francisco, Calif. Hollywood 28, Calif. CWO
Williams, J. M., 2100 South 27th St., Arlington, Ham, R. H., Sixth Army Escort Det., 6914 ASU, Beattie, James, c/o M/Sgt. F. M. Kriechbaum,
Va. March Field, Calif. Qtrs. 350, Ft. Bliss, Texas
MAJORS Hoffman, W. J., Sugar Loaf, Rt. 3, Winona,
Baker, Phillip H., c/o Mrs. Clara E. Baker, As- Holmes, John H., 7806 Stat. Comp Unit, APO
toria, Illinois. Hawkins, R. R., Jr., Rt. 4, Box 410, Portland,
800 c/o PM New York, N. Y.
Brody, J. I., 202 Liberty Bldg., Des Moines 9, Oregon.
Hotvet, W. B., Box 152, Belmond, Iowa.
Iowa. Lee, Paul A., 14 Oak Knoll Ave., San Anselmo,
Korecki, Steven, Qtrs. 17-B, Ft. Winfield Scott,
Cadigan, R. A., Dept. of Earth Sciences, Pa. St. Calif. Calif.
College, St. College, Pa. Lanelli, Lester P., Btry. D, 76th AAA AW Bn. No RANK DESIGNATED
D'Arezzo, J. P., 4201 Lowell Dr., Colonial Vil- -SP-, APO 503, c/o PM San Francisco,
lage, Baltimore, Md. Calif. Belka, Kenneth, 1107 Juniper St., Baker Heights,
Duffy, Robert H., 60 Garman Lane, Reading 15, Leboff, G. A., 3048 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn Everett, Wash.
Ohio. 10, N. Y. Burt, A. S., 216 Cedar St., Rt. 2, Corona, Calif.
Du Pare, Jules M, c/o W. G. Dunlap, Greenlee, Lighter, W. c., 1421 Pueblo Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Carroll, B. W., Jr., 110 W. Fawire, Marshall,
Va. McCormack, J. I., 1118 Clifford, Station Heights, Texas.
Falls, R. E., 1911 Eugene Field, St. Joseph, Mo. Cleveland 11, Ohio. Gallagher, Francis C, 526 Athens Blvd., Los
Grimes, S. L., Jr., Cotre Roma, Durango, Mex- McElligott, Joseph, OAC I, Student Officers Angeles, Calif.
ico. Det., TAS, Ft. Sill, Okla. Meech, Charles B., c/o Minnesota Honeywell
Huston, Robert M., Hq. RYKOM, M-G, APO Massingill, J., Jr., Company D, nth Infantry, A.G., Muhlebachstrasse 172 Zurich, Switzer-
331-3, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif. Ft. Jackson, S. C land.
Lake, Gerald A., Guided Missile School, Ft. Meltzer, S. D., 924 E. 46th St., Chicago 15, Shuster, K. C, 931 Winsray, RR 9, Cincinnati
Bliss, Texas. Illinois. 24, Ohio.
Lewis, B. R., U.S. Military Mission, c/o Ameri- Nelligan, M. H., 694 Lowell St., Westbury, Tilson, John, 100 W. 64th Terrace, Kansas City,
can Embassy Caracas, Venezuela. N.Y. Kansas.
r Coast ~rrf'~leryJourna~ Index
Volume lXXXX, 1947
Jan.-Feb., I-March-April, 2-May-June, 3-July-Aug., 4--Sept.-Oct., 5-Nov.-Dec., 6
1-24Indicates Page 24, January-February Issue
No. and Page
No. and Page Parker, D. B 1-11, 2-12, 3-18
Abbott, Norman 5-17 Peca, P. S 6-34
Addison, E. B 3-44 Pendray, G. E 1-48
Appleton, G. L. 2-51 Possony, S. T " 2-30
Berman, Harold 5-32 Rogers, R. 11. 2-28
Berry, ]. C 3-43 Ruiz, A. L 1-60
Bowers, A. T 1-39
Braly, \Y/. C 4- 2 Sanders, L. 1-52, 2-47, 5-20
Sigley, W. B 1-21
Case, Homer 3-37 Simon, L. E 2-55
Craw, C. F 6-27 Splitt, O. S " 6-21
Culverwell, ]. M 5-19, 5-41 Stedman, C. K 5- 8
Darnall, ]. R 4-50 Steward, H. D 2-37, 5-43
D'Arrezo, ]. P 1-21 Taylor, V. H 4-34
Devers, ]. L. " 1-57, 2-21, 5-31 Thompson, E. S 4-15
Diebold, W. F 6-48 Timberlake, E. W 5-34
Dunn, L. G 4-23 Tischbein, C. F 1-35
Edwards, P. W 3-49 Tosti, C. R 3-10, 4-10
Turner, ]. G " 4-58
Ferrill, H. B. .................................... 1-30 Tuzen,]. B 3-10, 4-10
French, C. A. 5- 2
Wallace, W. H " 2-35
Gaskill, R. C. 1-51 Witsell, E. F 3-53
Gibbs, G. G 6- 2 Wright, ]. M 6-46
Gibson, R. D 2-1 'j
Gorham, ]. E 3-25 Zahl, H. A 3-25
Grassman, L. ] 4-45, 5-35 Zim, H. S 6-42
Green, Murray 6-21 Zwicky, F 5-39
Grevemberg, F. C. 3- 2

Havens, R. ] 6-10 TITLES

Henderson, F. P " 6-37
Hickey, D. W., ]r. 6-15 A
Holt, R. H - 1-43 A Simplified System for Field Artillery Employment of
Homer, ]. L. 6-24 90mm AAA Gun Battalion (Culverwell) 5-19
Kastner, A. E 6-39 A Slight Mistake (Sanders) 1-52
Kintner, W. R 2-41 A Strong America is a Peaceful America (Devers) 2-21
Kossiakoff, A 2-15 About Our Authors 2-50, 3-57, 4-46, 5-51, 6-55
Krause, E. H 2- 8 Activities of the 32d AAA Brigade 1- 2
Activities of the 35th AAA Brigade (Grevemberg) 3- 2
Lapp, R. E 4-30 Activities of the 45th AAA Brigade (Gibbs) 6- 2
Ley, Willy 5-27, 6-30 Activities of the 68th AAA Brigade (French) 5- 2
Madison, ]. H 2-33 Active Duty Training For Reserve Officers 1-56
Marks, W. S., Jr , '" " 5-11 AGF Guided Missile Activities at Fort Bliss, Texas (Peca) 6-34
Marshall, ]im 1-20 America Can Be Made Bomb Resistant (Kintner) 2-41
Meisels, M. M 1-58 An Incident on Saipan (Sanders) 2-47
Mellnik, S. M " 2- 2 Antiaircraft Artillery in Amphibious Operations (Holt) .. 1-43
Michaelson, F. ] - 6-17 Army Seeks Bill to Revise Promotions 2-45
Morton, H. S 6-13 Artificial Meteors (Zwicky) 5-39
Assignment of Radar Search Sectors to 90mm AAA Gun
Orman, L. M 1-26, 2-22, 3-31, 5-25 Batteries in a Defended Area (Culverwell) 5-41
No. and Page No. and Page
B Newly Appointed CAC Officers, Regular Army 1-80
Baby Takes Its First Step (Rogers) 2-28 Newly Appointed CAC Officers, Regular Army 3-55
Books And Manuals 2-75 New Regular Army Appointees, CAC 6-47
Book Department 3-75, 4-77, 5-70, 6-71 News and Comment ..... , 1-63, 2-58, 3-58, 4-60, 5-54, 6-56
Buzz-Bomb Assaults on London (Darnall) 4-50 Nuclear Power-Its Military Application (Lapp) 4-30
Can Washington Be Defended Against An Atomic Bomb
Officers Pose Questions on the Future of the CAC ., 5-24
Attack? (Parker) 3-18
Operation "Beef" (Taylor) 4-34
Changes of Address of Subscribers Since Publication of Ad-
Opportunity and the New Army (Devers) 1-57
dress Supplement 6-67
ORC Guided Missile Battalion at Bliss 4-14
0 ••••••••••••••

Coast Artillery Association Executive Council Holds Confer-

ence 6-33 p
Coast Artillery Journal Yearly Index 6-69 Pacific Flak Intelligence Versus Japanese AAA (Ferrill) .. 1-30
Coast Artillery Newsletters. 1-68, 2-64, 3-63, 4-64, 5-62, 6-62 Pipology (Orman) 3-31
Coast Artillery Orders .... 1-77, 2-72, 3-72, 4-75, 5-68, 6-66
Corregidor-A Name, A Symbol, A Tradition (Braly) '" 4- 2 R
Corregidor Again Changes Hands (Craw)" 6-27 Radio Relay Communications Systems (Marks) 5-11
Counter-Mortar Radar (Orman) .0 ••••••••••••••••••• 1-26 Redlegs Ride Tanks (Meisels) 1-58
Rockets and Jets (Zim) ... 0. 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 6-42
D Rockets and Space Travel (Ley) 0 0 • 0 0 •••••••••• 0 ••••• 5-27
Damage Analysis in Antiaircraft Artillery (Michaelson) .. 6-17 Rockets and Their Fuels (Ley) 0 ••••••••••••••••• 6-30
Death Takes a Sleeping City (Parker) 2-12 0 ••••••••••••

Rocket Propulsion (Dunn) 0 ••• 0 •••••••••••••••• 4-23

Dependent Housing in the Philippines 1-46 0 •••• 0 ••••••

Seacoast Service Test Section Notes
Electron Tubes (Gorham & Zahl) 00 ••••••••••••• 0 •••• 3-25 1-61, 2-57, 3-56, 4-57, 5-52
Electronics for Guided Missiles (Stedman) 0 •••••••••••• 5- 8 Spring Interlude (Berry) 3-43 0 • 0 ••••••••••••

"Flak" (Appleton) 2-51
The Army in the Arctic (Steward) o. 2-37
G The Army in the Desert (Steward) 5-43
Guided Missiles and Future Warfare (Homer) 0 •••••••• 6-24 The Antiaircraft Artillery (Bowers) 0 •••••••••••••• 1-39
Guided Missile Instruction at Fort Bliss (Madison) . 2-33 The Artillery School (Edwards) .. 0 •••••• 0 ••••••••••• 3-49
Guided Missile Research (Ruiz) ..... 0 0 •••••••••••••• 1-60 The Beginning of Guided Missile Warfare (Krause) .... 2- 8
The Earth's Atmosphere (Havens) 0 •• 0 •••• 0 •• 0 ••••••• 6-10
The Flying Stovepipe-How It Works (D' Arrezo and
Hell Is Green (Diebold) 6-48
Sigley) 0 ••••• 0 0 •••••••••• 0 0 0 ••••••••••• 1-21
I The Fort Bliss R.O.Toe. Summer Camp (Timberlake) 5-34
Industry Underground? (Grassman) .. 4-45 •••• 0000 The Future of The Coast Artillery Corps (Hickey) _. 6-15
Instrumentation & Analysis at AGF Board No.4 (Turner) 4-58 The G. I. Letter (Sanders) 0 0 •••••• 5-20
Instmmentation for Guided Missiles (Simon) . 2-55 The Launching of Guided Missiles (Gibson and Kossiakoff) 2-15
Integration of the Field Artillery and Coast Artillery The Life and Death of the 200th CA(AA) (Mellnik) 2- 2
(Devers) 5-31 0 ••••••••• 0 •••••• The National Security Act's Effect on AAA 5-16
Into the Ionosphere (Berman) 5-32 0 •••••••••••••••• The New Army Extension Courses (Kastner) 6-39
The New Officer Efficiency Report (WitselI) 3-53
J The Radar Story (Abbott) 5-17
Japan-Then and Now (Gaskill) . 1-51
The Radio ~ ar (Addison) 3-44
Japan Will Win The War (Wright) . 6-46
The Soldier's Soldier 2-54
Jet Propulsion-Past, Present and Future (Tuzen and Tosti)
The Turbo-jet (Thompson) 000 ••••• 4-15
Part I 0 3-10

Training of Radar Operators (Orman) o 2-22

Jet Propulsion-Past, Present and Future (Tuzen and Tosti)
Part II . 4-10 W
Justice for the Bumblebee (Marshall) . 1-20 War Damage to Corregidor (Case) _ 3-37
War Department Schools Chart 2-44
Warheads For German Antiaircraft Guided Missiles (Wal-
Meet the Navy (Grassman) . 5-35
lace) 2-35
Meet the U.S. Air Force (Green and Splitt) . 6-21
Warheads For Guided Missiles (Morton) 6-13
N What Every Officer Should Know Today About the Atomic
Navigation By Electronics (Orman) . 5-25 Bomb (Parker) _ 1-11
Next Stop The Moon (Pendray) . 1-48 Whither Russia's Economy? (Tischbein) 1-35
New Weapons-New Tactics (Henderson) . 6-37 Who's Who In The Atomic Race (Possony) 2-30


By Monty's Chief of Staff tation from General James \Volfe: "\Var is they were given special hardening and
OPERATION VICTORY. By Major Gen- an option of difficulties." told that there were far too man v un-
eral Francis de Cuingand. New York: Since staff planning is the field in which wounded prisoners being taken! .
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1947. 474 General de Guingand achie,'ed spectacular \Ve are given a fairly complete account
Pages; Appendices; i\hps; $3.75. success, his views on British planning or of j\'lontgomery's neat defensive battle at
lack of it in the Crete campaign deserve Alam Haifa, August 3 I-September 7, 1942.
This is an honest and balanced account attention. He feels that the British by no It is a tribute to Montgomery's strategic in-
of the war written by one of Britain's most means exhausted the defense possibilities tuition that he saw the importance of Alam
competent staff officers. From a relatively of Crete, but contends that the German Haifa, an undefended ridge of high ground
minor post in the Joint Planning Section conquest of Crete without a follow-up of in the rear of the El Alamein position, on
of British GHQ at Cairo in 194 I, Francis some kind in the Eastern i\lediterranean his first visit to the front. I-Ie also saw that
de Guingand rose to be Chief of Staff to was a strange-if impressive-business. Rommel's next attack would be directed at
the Eighth Army and Chief of Staff of the What relation did it bear to the far greater that ridge. He planned accordingly and
2 I st Army Group. Few men had greater impending operations against Russia? \Vhy won. General de Guingand reveals one
or more continuous personal knowledge of was it the first and last great German air- hitherto unknown feature of the battle. By
the main operations by which the tide of borne operation? means of "planted" false-going maps, which
war in North Africa and \Vestern Europe \Vavell's twopenny offensive against showed firm terrain in a sandy approach
was turned against the Axis. In this book Rommel June 15-17, 1941 (Operation area, the Germans were led to waste pre-
General de Guingand has tried to "blend Battle Axe), was, he believes, launched cious gas trying to push their tanks forward
history and personal reminiscence." He has without the slightest prospect of success. to Alam HaIfa.
reported on only those phases of the war It was a mark of Wavell's greatness as a General de Guingand adds little that is
about which he had firsthand knowledge. man that he immediately stopped the op- new about the EI Alamein battle except to
In notable contrast to other writers, he has eration when he saw the situation first- show that its success was not alwavs antici-
refrained from sensational disclosures of hand. General de Guingand believes that pated in political circles. Appar~ntly the
what various Allied leaders said or did Wavell's successors in the \Vestern Desert, bigwigs in Cairo were a bit nervous about
under the strain of war. He realizes that Cunningham and Ritchie, were never able the slowness of the "crumbling" phase of
"merry-go-round" reporting of this kind has to follow up their initial victories in Cyre- the battle. On a visit to the front on 29
a "certain commercial value" but feels that naica because they failed to evaluate the October one minister of state went to "pre-
it is "grossly unfair" to the Allied com- opportunities which the "Benghazi Bulge" pare" Churchill for the possibility of a re-
mand team which hammered out the Euro- offered for a successful enemy counterat- verse. De Guingand, who rarely took issue
pean victory in spite of occasional under- tack. No British leader solved that prob- with soldiers, told the minister that if he
standable conflicts of view. lem until i\lontgomery appeared on the sent such a message he would see that the
The first campaign that General de scene with sufficient resources to hold minister "was hounded out of political life."
Guingand discusses in detail is the ill-fated Benghazi and press into Tripolitania with- Montgomery, it seems, inspired intense
British effort to support Greece in 194 I. out delay. lovalties as well as controversv!
Though you can search his book in vain Although the author had great admi- 'The failure of the Eighth 'Army to trap
for criticism leveled at another soldier, Gen- ration for the character and organizing abil- remnants of the Afrika Korps after the vic-
eral de Guingand has a few harsh words to ity of General Auchinleck, he could not tory of EI Alamein was due, in de Guin-
say about Anthony Eden, who, he feels, led conceal his satisfaction on learning that gand's opinion, to two unseasonable rains
the Greeks to expect greater military aid Bernard L. Montgomery had been chosen which bogged down British tanks and gas
than Britain could supply. i\lany of his to command the Eighth Army in the late trucks. The parallel failure of the R.A.F
co-workers on the British staff at Cairo re- summer of 1942. He describes in some to stop Rommel's long chain of vehicles on
garded the Greek operations as a hopeless detail the tremendous improvements that the retreat is attributed to their lack of ap-
mission. By contrast General vVavell ap- i\lontgomery made in the command situ- preciation of the effectiveness of low-level
pears to have gone into it with considerable ation and in the morale of the armv. The attacks. Had the R.A.F been trained and
optimism. As if difficulties in the field could division was restored to its basic Position equipped for low-level attacks, as they
be removed by pat literary references, he as chief combat unit. All special columns were after the passage of the i\lareth Line,
wrote across the top of a paper prepared by were abolished. An armored corps was Rommel's troubles on the great retreat
the Director of Military Intelligence on the formed to counter Axis armor, and air- would ha,'e been multiplied. General de
dangers and difficulties of a campaign in ground cooperation was made absolute- Guingand thinks that Rommel made a big
Greece against a German antagonist a quo- not provisional as before. As for the troops, mistake in trying to defend Buerat on his

NEW each month - LASTSthe whole year retreat and in passing up the strong de-
fensive position between Homs and Tar-
listed as a "best seller" it deserves a place
in the library of every thoughtful student
huna. of the war.-H. A. DE\VEERD.

On disputed points connected with op-
erations in Sicily and Italy, General de Excellent Summary i

Guingand makes a number of interesting THE ART OF \V AR ON LAND. By Lt.

remarks. He feels that had the positions Col. Alfred H. Burne. The l\lilitarv
of the U.S. Seventh and the British Eighth Seryice Publishing Company. 205
Army been reversed in Sicily, there would Pages; Illustrated; $2.50.
have been little difference in the rate of
In October, 1945, The INFA...'ITRYJOUR-
their advance. He discredits all claims that
NAL published my review of the British
l\lontgomery's Eighth Army relieved
edition of this analytical study of warfare.
Clark's Fifth Army at Salerno. "General
l\ly initial enthusiasm for this lucid intro-
Clark," he writes, "had everything under
duction to strategy was not diminished. It
control before the Eighth Army appeared
is gratifying to find this book now in the
on the scene."
e.,cellent series of basic works on military
When he gets to the Battle of Nor- science and theory published in handy
mandy, General de Guingand feels im-
Journal Subscription pelled to answer various charges which
yolumes in this country. The publishers
have been well adyised to include Colonel
Ralph Ingersoll (Top Secret) leveled at Burne's book in this collection since it
Montgomery's leadership. He thinks In-
FOR CHRISTMAS gersoll's assertion that Montgomery's staff
fills a longfelt want in the military library.
Colonel Burne is editor of the English
did not appreciate the effect which the artillery journal, The Gunner. Major Gen-
bocage country would have on the employ-
$2.75 each' for two or more annual Sub- eral J. N. Kennedy, Assistant Chief of the
ment of armor is absurd. He discussed
scriptions, one of which can be a re- Imperial General Staff (Operations) writes
these matters with both Colonel Bonesteel
newal of your own; a single annual in the Foreword:
and l\lontgomery on "many occasions."
Subscription is $3. "Colonel Burne has not only studied
The British were committed to this sector.
military history for many years, but also
\Vhat did Ingersoll expect them to do? Sit
has to his credit a gallant and distinguished
(Foreign Subscriptions, $1 per year extra) back and say that the country was too dif-
record of active service. He is therefore
ficult to fight in? He contradicts Ingersoll's
exceptionally qualified to interpret both
assertion that the German use of the 88s
the theory and the practice of the art of
in antitank roles was a surprise to the Brit-
ish command. They had been up .against
that thing before Ingersoll was in uniform. In the first part of the book the. author
As for the latter's charge that the desert develops a theory. Are there any broad
SEND GIFT TO (PLEASE PIIl"TI general principles that can be derived from
training and experience of British di-
Name _ visions unfitted them for fighting in the the study of military history to explain the
bocage country, de Guingand simply lists secret of success in war? Of course, there
AJdreu _ the divisions employed on the Caen front are the traditional axioms such as security,
which were never near the desert. economy of force, offensive action and the
There was only one program of Mont- others. These are succinctly explained,
gomery on which his chief of staff did not together with the other terminology em-
see eye-to-eye with him. That was Mont- ployed in writings on strategy. But military
gomery's plan for a single advance into history proves that adherence to these
northern Germany immediately after the principles of strategy only partially ex-
Battle of France. General de Guingand plains victories in battle. Terrain and cli-
THIS GIFT IS FROM mate vary. Social and technological condi-
never approved this suggestion and still
Name _ tions constantly alter not only weapons but
feels that Eisenhower was right and Mont-
gomery wrong on this matter. If the Ger- also means of transport and logistics in
Addreu _ general. The human element, the most
mans were able to defeat the British air-
borne landing at Arnhem in September stable through the centuries, is a con-
1944, they would also have been able to sideration of the utmost importance.
forestall a single thrust into Westphalia. Accordingly Colonel Burne establishes
The author adds little that is new to the four "strands" that added together develop
story of the Ardennes battle and nothing the "total strength of the cord." These are:
to the cr"isis in relations between Eisen- ( I) The quality and capacity of the
AND SEND GIFT TO hower, Bradley and Montgomery which ac- commander
companied and followed it. He does admit, (2) The quality and capacity of the
Name _
however, that at his famous press confer-
ence on the Ardennes fighting, Montgom-
Addreu _ (3) Morale
ery was "rather naughty!"
(4) Resources
Some of the lessons which de Guingand
drew from his own staff experience in To these must be added the factors of
World \Var II are as follows: (I) Flexi- terrain, weather and luck.
bility is necessary in all spheres of war di- By far the greater portion of the book
o I enclose $ 0 Send Bill
rection; (2) Prewar training of staff of- comprises the analysis with maps of thir-
o CHECK IIERE to Include your own 1 year renewal ficers must be realistic; (3) Commanders teen campaigns from the Battle of Kadesh
..ubaer1pUon .. PART of thb CbrllUDu orow (t.h1a and staffs for forthcoming operations should in 1288 B.C. to the Tunisian campaign in
extends rour lub6c:rlpUoD 1 fear beroOO tht pr ... nt
expiration date). be appointed as early as possible; (4) Ef- 1943. From our own Civil \Var, Colonel
ficient staff and command teams should Burne takes Atlanta to illustrate the points
not be broken up. he makes in his theory of war. In spite of
Pennsyl ...ania A...e.. S.W •. Washinl<\on 4. D. C. Though this book will probably not be the brevity and extreme simplification of

19-17 BOOK DEPART;"IE~T 73

the historical e\'idence, this book is to be an indication that all \Vestern Europe
commended as an e.xcellent summar; of may, with American assistance, escape the
the basic doctrine of war that is still fu'nda- fate of nations which have come un'der
mentally \'alid in the atomic age. The the sway of Russia. Sweden and Switzer-
book is also an e.xcellent introduction to land, l\lr. Chamberlin found, have stable
the study of military history.-BRIGADIER
governments, sound currency. and hard-
working, well-to-do people. Belgium has
recovered, for the most part, from the ef-
Europe Today fects of the war, while conditions are stead-
ily improving in Denmark, Norway and
liam Henry Chamberlin.
By Wil-
The Macmil-
The Netherlands.
Great Britain, impo\'erished and battered
lan Comp;ny. 330 Pages; Inde.x; $4.00.
by the war, he found doggedly nghting her
Report of tbe Presidmfs Advisory
\ViIliam Henry Chamberlin went to way back to normal living. In Italy and C011/missi011011Universal Training
Russia not long ~fter the end of \Vorld France, however, spiraling inRation is
\Var I as a correspondent for the Christiml wiping out the middle class. An e\'er-wid-
Science j\[onitor. He left Europe when the ening chasm of hatred between e.xtreme The Report of the President's Ad-
Germans overran France in I940. In the right and left political parties is paralyzing
interim he had gained recognition as an recovery and threatening the two Latin visory Commission is a document of
outstanding interpreter of world affairs. countries with economic chaos,
i\Iany officers of the American Army who
immediate and vital interest to every
In Germany Mr. Chamberlin found
were trained for military occupation duties only "bleak, hdpeless, unmitigated misery." military man, and to every citizen in-
will recall the penetrating insight with The Allies have inRicted on Germany and
which Mr. Chamberlin lectured on Eu- other defeated nations, he says, almost all terested in our continuing national se-
rope at the Yale Civil Affairs Training the crimes of which thev found the Nazis curity. The advisory commission has
School and the Harvard School of O\'er- guilty. "Forcible seizure' of alien territory,
seas Administration. mass uprooting and deporting of peoples, examined the world situation, and
The Europeml Cockpit is an analysis of impressment of slave labor, rape, looting,
the results of \Vorld \Var II, written and deliberate undernourishment of occu-
the nature of possible future warfare,
after a four months' tour of Great Britain pied countries," followed the winning of and have taken these factors into ac-
and the Continent. Those who participated the war by the Allies. The conversion of
in the Allied invasion of Europe, will nnd Germany into an economic slums, he be- count in laying down the essentials
most interesting Mr. Chamberlin's book lieves, has been the principal factor re-
of a National Security program.
on contemporary European history. sponsible for retarding the recovery of
\Vars have traditionally been fought Europe from the aftermath of war.
for the purpose of gaining territories and i\1r. Chamberlin has arrived at the "re-
war indemnities from defeated nations. gretful conclusion that the world's worst They develop the idea of Ulllver-
Russia has annexed, says Mr. Chamberlin, war has been followed by the world's sal training as supporting the re-
territories equal in area and population to worst peace." For the conditions existing
the New England and i\ Iiddle Atlantic in Europe, he believes, the United States quirements for national security, and
States, with Virginia and North Carolina is not without responsibility, and he sug-
layout a program of such training.
added. Also Russia has established pro- gests that "a broad examination of the po-
tectorates over countries with another hun- litical conduct of the war by the Roosevelt The Report is by far the most ex-
dred million people, "which have been administration is badly needed and long
transformed into a closed Soviet political overdue." Why, asks NIr. Chamberlin, did haustive consideration of our future
and economic preserve." Even Italy, as yet American leaders believe the United States security, and of the problem, of uni-
outside the Russian orbit, is forced to pay could "completely destroy the balance of
war indemnities along with Finland and power in Europe without facing, as a re- versal training, ever released to the
other defeated nations. There can be no sult, a disagreeable alternative" of throw-
ing "its own weight into the scales to help
public. It is the foundation-document
question that \Vorld \Var II was, from the
Russian viewpoint, a successful war. create a new balance of power?" \Vhy was for all consideration and discussion
\Vorld War II was also accompanied by the United States so shortsighted as to per-
and followed by, Mr. Chamberlin believes, mit demobilization of American military of the problems involved.
more brutality, cruelty, and disregard for forces on the American side of the world-
human rights, than the world has seen wide frontier with Russia? The United
since the time of the Thirtv Years \Var in States possessed at the end of the war a
Europe, or perhaps, since ;he time of the powerful military machine and "it was our
Roman conquests. Beyond the Iron Cur- own fault if we failed to use this power for
tain there is the "stark, terrible, but un- constructive purposes." It would seem that
mistakable fact of reversion to human American diplomats were unacquainted
slavery" for millions of victims of the secret with de Toqueville's theory of eventual
police, for German prisoners of war, and conRict between Russia and the United Order from
for the men of the occupied areas who States.
have been drafted for forced labor. For the Among the American statesmen whom
people under Communist rule who have 1\lr. Chamberlin holds responsible for the
not been physically enslaved, there is the debacle in Europe is Henry Morganthau, Coast Artillery Journal
ever-present fear of arrest and torture by Jr., former Secretary of the Treasury, 631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
the NKVD. And there is imminent danger, whose blind vindictiveness he says re- Washington 4, D. C.
i\lr. Chamberlin says, of the spread of sulted in a fantastic plan for the d~truc-
Communism over the rest of Europe. tion of German industry, a policy which
\Vestern Europe does not want Com- has exerted a "most disastrous inRuence on
munism, he believes. There are a few the course of European economic recovery."
small countries whose liberal democracy is Harry Hopkins he labels an "amateur dilet-
tante special addser" whose policy of a~
peasing Stalin at all costs brought about
"gra\'e injury to American moral integrity
and national interests."
The Stuttgart speech by Secretary of
State Byrnes, he believes, marked a realis- A STUDY
tic chanoe for the better in American for-
eign policy. The refusal to accept as linal OF HISTORY
the Russian annexation of eastern Poland
and the Polish annexation of eastern Ger-
many, the all-out effort to re\'i\'e the shat- An abridgmml
tered economy of Germanv and other na- By D. C. SOMERVELL
tions of \Ves;ern Europe, ~he end of Rus-
This one-volume condensation of
sian appeasement,-all have brought hope
and encouragement for Germany and the T ovnbee's mammoth six-volume srudv
democratic nations of Europe. of 11istory has been uniformly acclaimed
To make American aid effective, how- a classic-a beautifully edited vol.
ever, I\lr. Chamberlin insists that the na- ume which makes available for the first
tions of Europe must forget their interne-
time the thought of a histotian who will
cine strife and hatred. They must unite, po-
liticallY 3Iid economicalh', for their mutual rank with the greatest of all time.
By Brig. Gen. William F. Heavey
welfar~ and to resist th~ encroachment of
DO\VN RAl\lP, The Story of the Army Soviet Russia. Free federation, he says, $5.00
Amphibian Engineers, is the story of the while difficult to achieve, "represents Eu-
miracle-men who put the infantry on the rope's only chance to escape absorption by
far shore in hundreds of landings during the Eurasian mass of the Soviet Union,
World War II. to play again an independent role in world
Adopting a tactic which had been thor- a/fairs. And perhaps a federated Europe
oughly discredited in the past by repeated represents America's last chance to live Coast Artillery Journal
failures, the Army developed amphibious in a world of freedom, order and security."
operations to a line point. DOWN RAMP -COLONEL PRESLEY \V. l\IELTON, ORC.
Manual Binder
tells the story of Army development of the Keep your field manuals available
Navies of Today-and Tomorrow
landing operation and of the six Amphib- and ready for easy reference. Use
ian Engineer Brigades which got the troops JANE'S FIGHTING SHIPS, ] 944-45
on the beach and the supplies across it. (Corrected to April 1946). Edited by the special field manual binder avail-
Francis E. Mcl\lurtrie. The I\lacmillan able at the Coast Artillery Journal
$5.00 Co, 637 pages; lllustrated; $19.00. for the extremely reasonable price of
The publishers of Jalle's have brought
out a new printing, somewhat revised, of
the ] 944-4 5 issue of their annual, in a
somewhat unusual way: they have, ap-
parently, printed by photo-offset process
DARK DECEMBER from a set of proofs of the English edition.
This has its disadvantages.
By ROBERT c. MERRIAM For one thing, photo-offset is not a very
effective way of reproducing half-tone il-
Here's the lirst complete study of the
origins, planning and execution of the Ger- lustrations, since every little dot in the GOVERNl\IENT
original half-tone, when photographed, be-
man drive through the Ardennes in winter Its Organization & Policies
I944-the Battle of the Bulge. Mr. Mer- comes slightly blurred. Moreover, passage
riam, then a member of the Army His- of time has contributed to obsolescence of By DR. HAJO HOLBORN
torical Division, was with the 7th Armored information.
A critical and comprehensive review of
Division during the Battle of the Bulge Poor Jalle's has experienced plenty of the
American Military Government during
llnd saw a great deal of it lirst hand. He is well known slings and arrows during the
and since World War II. Dr. Holborn,
also one of the authors of the live-volume past decade. Besides troubles, common to
a qualified historian and a close ob-
history of the Battle prepared by the His- all publishers, with shortages of paper,
server of AMG in both its planning and
torical Division. His book is an accurate personnel, and printers' time, and censor-
operative stages, thoroughly appraises
account of one of the bitterest and most ship, Jalle's suffered the additional mis-
the accomplishments of our Military
difficult campaigns of the European war, fortune of having many of its plates blown
Government, and analyzes carefully the
and explodes a lot of legends which have up by a German bomb during the blitz. It
political motives and objectives which
grown up around it. has done well to keep appearing at all.
lie behind it.
But shortcomings must be noted. There
are errors, such as a drawing showing the
Sakmva class with nine 6-inch guns (the $3.50
data table correctly states that they carried
Order from six). There are e~rors due to ob~lescence Order from
of information; the editor surmises that the
Coast Artillery Journal carrier T aillO was the third Yalll<lto, con- Coast Artillery Journal
verted; she is now known to have been the
631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
S/zitlOlIlI. The Yamatos were much bigger
Washington 4, D. C. and had ] 8.] -inch main batteries. Washington 4, D. C.
The most serious shortcoming, because
remediable, is that Jalle's continues to print
many shi~plans after they are obsolete or
r 19-47 BOOK DEPARTt\IENT f)

inaccurate, and simply prints others badly.

Examples are those of the Riche/iell,
Gloire, and PClISacola classes. The plans
given in Kafka's and Pepperberg's \Far-
ships of the \"arld are more detailed and
more accurate, but the model-maker will
still need Jane's, because it gh'es plan draw-
VULNERABILITY TO ings as well as profiles. I should advise
the model-maker, howe\'er, to get a copy of
the original English edition if he can, be-
ATOMIC BOMBS cause of its clearer half-tones.
These shortcomings are relath'e and
moderate, and I hope to be remedied in the By FRED NESS
future. They must be weighed against its
By ANSLEY J. COALE virtues, which are still immense.
The impressions that Jane's gives of the
The inside word on the .22 rifle and
all its wildcat variants-218, 219, the
general state of naval affairs arc as follows.
In design, ships ha\'e been getting bigger 220 Swift and the host of cartridges
The first over-all consideration of
and bigger for a given main armament, as which have grown up around the 220.
the major military and industrial a result of the ever-increasing load of anti- For the man who has not kept in touch
aircraft guns and electronic equipment. Or with developments in the small-bore field,
questions raised by the atomic bomb. to put it another way, navies ha\'e been re-
ducing the main armament of big guns and
Coale considers the reduction of vul- torpedoes on ships of a given size to make come as a terrific shock-if only because
room for the new equipment. In an ex- some of the variants on the old, familiar
nerability under the terms of any ef-
treme case-that of American heavy cruis- .22 caliber cartridge now developed twice
fective agreement which might be ers carrying a main armament of nine 8- the velocity of service ammunition com-
inch guns-tonnage has increased in the
bined with pin-point accuracy and almost
made to control the atom bomb, and last decade and a half roughly from nine
thousand to seventeen thousand tons, al- incredible shocking power.
under the terms of an effective agree- most double. You might expect that engi-

ment and unlimited armament. He

neering advances would enable a ship of a
given size to carry more armament; but the
outlines the new elements introduced trend has been in the opposite direction.
The other strong impression left by the
by the atom bomb, examines the char- book is of the immense preponderance of
U.S. naval ' strength over all competitors at
acteristics of the bomb, methods of present. \Vhether you count by numbers of
ships in various classes, or by tonnage, the
delivery, possibilities of defense, and effective naval strength of this country
works out to a little less than twice that RIMFIRE RIFLEMAN
other methods of mass warfare-- of Great Britain, and fifteen to twenty
radiological and biological. times those of the next strongest naval By EDWARDS BROWN
powers: France, Italy, and Bussia. And of
these, Hussia is weaker at sea than appears
RIM FIRE RIFLEMAN is a new ap-
And finally, he outlines the steps on paper because of the extreme age of
many of her ships, and Italy is to be de- proach to the question of small-bore
which must be taken to reduce our prived of much of her remaining Heet by shooting-the first half of the book is
the recently ratified treaty. In fact, the devoted to a running narrative of a man
vulnerability. U.S. Navy is now, at least in equipment, and his son who takt; up small-bore shoot-
clearly stronger than all the rest of the
ing as a hobby; the second half of the
world's navies combined.
Such preponderance of strength, how- book is devoted to practical dope on rifles.
cartridges, ballistics, etc., which Me.
$2.00 ever, is at best a deteriorating asset. There
is little likelihood of much naval construc- Brown has picked up in years of experi-
tion anywhere in the world during the ence with small-bore target shooting.
next decade or two, simply because the
U.S. so clearly outclasses everybody in this
respect. Even if we went to war in the near $4.00
Order from future, we might not use all the warships
we ha\'e, for what would there be for them
to do? But obsolescence is more rapid than
ever nowadays; our vast Heet is ine\'itably Order from
doomed auietly to lose most of its value
Coast Artillery J ourllal during the next decade or two, during
631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. which world na\'al construction will be Coast Artillery Journal
Washington 4, D. C. confined to small experimental projects, 631 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
and during which Jane's will change but Washington 4, D. C.
little from year to year. \Vhen and jf a
construction race starts again, it will, prob-
ablv, be with machines vastlv different
fro~ anything we now knoW.'::"'LIEUTE:\-
A~J CO;\l;\lA.......

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Art of War (Sun.Tzu) 1.50 Riot Control (Wood) 2.00 17-42, Armored Infantry Battalion ............• 25
Art of Wor on land (Burne) 2.50 Secret and Urgent (Pratt) 1.00 17-40, Armored Infantry Company ............• 30
Axis Grand Strategy (Compiled by Farago) 3.50 Sergeant Terry Bull 25 Armored Warfare (lectures on FSR 111\ (Fuller) 1.50
Combined Operations 2.00 21-35, Sketching 20 2-7: Cavalry Drill Regulations, Mechanized ...• 15
Defense (Van lee b) 1.50 101-5: SOFM Stall and Combat Orders 25 2-20: Cavalry Recan. Troop, Mechanized 25
Douhet and Aerial Warfare (Sigaud) 1.75 Spies and Saboteurs (What the Citizen Should 2.15: Employment of Cavalry , 30
Framework of Battle (Burr) 3.00 Know About) (Irwin & Johnson) 2.50 17-50: logistics 20
Frederick the Great (Phillips) 1.50 Squad Record Book .........................• 25 Machine Warfare (Fuller)
Fundamentals of Naval Warfare (levert) 5.00 State Defense Force Manual 1.00 Cloth edition 2.50. Fighting Forces edition .25
Generals and Generalship (Wavell) 1.00 20.15, Tents and Tent Pitching ..............• 20 Modern Reconnaissance (Cavalry Journal) .... 1.50
Generalship: Its Diseases & Their Cure 1.00 21-22: Waterman ship 15 9-12SO: Ord. Mainl.: 37mm. Gun Materiel
Guide to Naval Strategy (Brodie) 2.75 (Tonk) M5 and M6 10
Impact of War (Herring) 2.50 2-30, Recon. Squadron. Mechanized ..........• 20
landing Operations (Vagts) 5.00 Infantry 18-20, Tact. Employment of T.D. Plol. Self-Prop .. 15
The living Thoughts of Clausewitz 18-5, Tacl. Employ. Tank Destroyer Unit 25
Combat Problems for Small Units , 1.00
Fighting Forces edition ..................• 25 18-24: TO Pioneer Platoon 15
Essentials of Infantry Training
Jamin;'s Art of War 2.50 18-22: TO Recon. Platoon 15
Cloth edition 2.50. Paper edition 1.50
Makers of Modern Strategy (Earle) 3.75 Tonk Fighter Team (Gerard) 25
7-25: Hq. Co., Intel., & Sig. Comm 15
Maneuver in War (Willoughby) 3.00 Tonks (leks) 4.75
Heavy Weapons Manual 2.50
Military Stall, Its History and Development
Infantry Attacks (Rommel) 3.00
(Hittle) 2.50
Napoleon and Modern War (lanza) 1.50
Infantry in Battle 3.00 Engineers
72.20: Jungle Warfare , .• 25
National Security and the General Stall (Nelson) 5.00 5-10: Engr. FM Construction and Routes of
Military Ski Manual (Harper) ..........•..... 2.00
Nature of Modern Warfare (Falls) 1.25 Communication , 75
3.375: Portable Flame Throwers M 1, a"d MIA 1 .20
On War (Clausewitz) 1.95 5-25: Engr, FM Explosives and Demolitions ...• 30
Scouting and Patrolling , .25
Principles of War (Clausewitz) 1.50 5-15: Engl. FM Field Fortifications 35
21-75, Scouting, Patrolling and Sniping 30
Reveries an the Art of War (De Saxe) 1.50 5-6, Engr. FM Oper. of Engl. Field Units 20
19.1535: Sights, M4 and M3 (For 60mm. and Blmm,
Roots of Strategy (Phillips) 3.00 5-35: Engl. FM Reference Data 35
Mortar Materiels) Sights M2A3, M2A I, M2
Studies on War (Infantry Journal) ...........• 25 5-5: Engr. FM Troops and Operations .45
(Blmm. Mortar) 10
Surprise in War (Erfurth) 1.50 21-105: Engr. Soldiers Handbook 20
11-431, Target Range Communication Systems .10
There Will Be No Time (Borden) 2.50 Engineer Training Notebook (Official) 50
Use of Air Power (Blunt) 2.00 5-315, Fire Protection by Troop Org. in T /0 30
Wor and National Policy (A Syllabus) 1.00 Air Forces 5-296: Ground Water Supply for Mil. Opel. 15
5.271, light Stream-Crossing Equipage 20
Roger Wileo: ABC of Radio for Flyers 2.50 8-220, Medical Depl. Soldiers Handbook 75
5-240: Aerial Photography ...................• 30 5-475, Military Diving .. ,., 15
MILITARY TRAINING Aircraft Mathematics (Walling and Hill) 1.75 5-350, Military Pipeline System .40
Aircraft Navigation (Sewart, Nichols, Walling, 5-310, Miiitory Protective Constr. Against Air
Hill) 2.00 Attock , .. ", 20
General 5-275: Pneumatic Pontoon Bridge M3 15
5.274, Portable Steel Highway Bridges H-IO
21.26, Advanced Map and Aerial Photo Reading .25 and H-20 , 15
21-510: Army Arithmetic ....................• 20 5-272: Steel Treadway Bridge Equipage M2 15
Army Officers Notebook (Morgan) 50 5-236: Surveying Tables ~ .40
Cadence System of Close Order Drill (lentz) ..• 75 DEAR FATHERLAND 5-230: Topographic Drafting 1.00
27.250, Cases on Military Government 20 REST QUIETLY 8.285: Treatment of Casualties from Chemical
Combat Communications (Allen) 35 Agents .,." 15
Combat First Aid 25 By Margaret Bourke-White 5-273: 25-ton Pontoon Bridge Model 1940 30
Combat Intelligence (Schwien) 2.00 5-295: Water Supply and Water Purification ...• 55
Combined FSR and SOFM (from 100.5, 100.10, A study of Germany in photos and texl by 5-297, Well Drilling ........................• 35
100-20 and 101-5) 1.50 one of America's outstanding photogra-
100-20: Command and Employment of Air Power .20 phers. $3.00.
Control of Venereal Disease (Vonderlehr and
Psychology and leadership
Heller) 2.75 All But Me and Thee (Cooke) , 2,75
21-30, Conventional Signs, Symbols, and Educational Psychology (Pintner, Ryan, West,
Abbreviations (Military) 25 Crow, Smith) 75
21-40, Defense Against Chemical Attack ......• 35 Air Navigation (Zim) 3.00 Fear in Bailie (Dollard) 25
Defense Against Chemical Warfare (Restricted) .25 Attitude (lederer) 25 leadership for American Army leaders (Munson) :25
Drill and Evolutions of the Band (Reynolds) 1.50 Aviation Annual of 1947 5.00 Management and Morale (Roethlisberger) 2.50
Driver Training (McCloskey) 25 Basic Math for Aviation (Ayres) 3.25 Peace of Mind (liebman) 2.50
21-25: Elementary Map and Ae, ial Photo Reading .20 Bombardment Aviation (Ayling) 2.50 Psychiatry in War (Mira) 2.75
21.11: First Aid for Soldiers 15 Celestial Navigation (A.W.T.I.) 1.00 Psychology for the Armed Services (Edited by
Front-line Intelligence (Chandler and Rabb) .. 2.50 Codes and Ciphers (Morgan) ................• 60 80ring) 4.00
Gas Warfare (Waitt) Combat Aviation (Ayling) 2.50 Psychology for the Fighting Man
Cloth edition 2.75. Fighting Forces edition .25 Electrical Principles (Stone) 1.25 Cloth edition 1.50. Paper edition 25
Guerrilla Warfare (levy) ...................• 25 Electrical Shop (Stone) .40 Psychology for the Returning Serviceman 25
How to Abandon Ship (Banigan) . Elements of Aeronautics (Pope & Ellis) 3.75 Psychology and the Soldier (Copeland) 2.00
Cloth edition 1.00. Fighting Forces edition .25 Engine Principles (Etchison) , 1.75 The Second Forty Years (Stieglitz) 2.95
Identification (Insignia of all Armies) 2.50 Flight Crew Training Program (A.W.T.I.) ....• 25
21-15: Individual Clothing and Equipment 20 Flight Principles (Crites) ....................• 60
New I. D. R., 1946
Weapons and Weapon Training
Hydraulic Principles (Etchison) 1.00
Cloth edition 1.25. Paper edition 1.00 Instructors Manual (Margan) 25 Ammunition (Johnson & Hoven) . 5,00
Insignia of the Services (Brawn) _ 1.50 Jordanafl's Illustrated Aviotion Dictionary 3.50 9.1900: Ammunition, General . .25
26.5: Interior Guard Duty 10 loading and Cruising (Ford) 1.00 Amateur Gun Craftsman (Howe) . 4.00
Keep 'Em Rolling (McCloskey) 50 1-900: Mathematics for Air Crew Trainees 25 Armament and History (Fuller) . 2.50
Mop and Aerial Photo Reading Complete 1.50 Mechanical Principles (Crites) ................• 60 Automatic Weapons of the World . 7.50
Map Reading for the Soldier (Goodfriend) 1.00 Mechanics Handbook (A.W.T.I.) 60 23-25, Bayonet .......•...................... .10
Medical Soldiers Handbook 1.00 Navigation Principles (Blackburn) 1.75 Black Powder Snapshots .......•............. 5.00
27.5, Military Government 15 Northern Routes (A.W.T.I.) 25 23-55: Browning M.G. Cal. 30 . .50
Military Medical Manual 4.50 Of Instruments and Things (Straith) 25 9-226: Browning M.G. Caliber .SO M2,
Military and Naval Recognition Book (Bunkley) 3.00 Pilot's T.M. (Speas) 1.50 Watercooled and mounts . .15
Militory Preventive Medicine (Durhaml 3.25 Radio Operating IStone) 60 23-65: Browning M.G. Cal. SO, Hb. M2 . .25
21.10, Military Sanitation and First Aid 40 Radio Principles (Stone) 1.00 Colt-Dragoon Pistols (Carl Metzger) . 3.00
21.5: Military Training 15 Refueling the Airplane (Thomas) ............• 25 Common Sense Shotgun Shooting (Ha en) . 6.00
Officers Guide 3.50 Stock C1erk's Manual (Brock) 1.00 Complete Guide to Hand loading (Sharpe) . 8.00
Comprehensive Small Arms Manual 2.00 Soldier ond the law (McComsey & Edwords) ., 2.50 John J. Pershing-My Friend and Classmate.
Crow Shooting (Popowski) 2.50 S.O.P. for 0 Regimental Adjutant 10 (Andrews) ................•.............. 2.00
Firearms of the Confederacy 12.50 So You're Going Overseas (Barker) ......•...• 25 Madame Curie (Eve Curie) . 1.00
For Permanent Victory (Johnson & Hoven) 2.50 14.503: Travel Allowances and W.D. Personnel .25 McNair: Educator of an Army (Kahn) . 2.00
Great Shooting Stories (ludlum) 3.00 27-251: Treoties Governing lana Warfare .30 Montgomery (Moorehead) . 4.00
Gun Core and Repair (Chapel) 3.75 Soldier of Democracy: Eisenhower (Davis) 3.50
Gun Digest (Jacobs) L25
Hatchers Notebook (Hatcher) 5.00 MILITARY HISTORY
How to Shoot the U. S. Army Rifle ..........• 25 THE ATOMIC AGE
Machine Gunners Handbook (Coates) ........• 50 War Through the Ages
The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power & World
Mauser Pistols (Smith) 5.00 Order {Brodie} .
Alexander of Macedon (lamb) 3.50 2.00
9-2900: Military Explosives .................•. 20 Atomic Energy (Smyth) .
Beginning of the U.S. Army (Jacobs) 5.00 1.25
Military Small Arms (Smith) 5.00 Dawn Over Zero (laurence) .
Caesars Gollic Campaigns 2.50 3.00
Modern Gunsmithing (Baker) 4.50 Explaining The Atom (Hecht) .
Du Picq's Battle Studies 2.00 2.75
Modern Gunsmith (2 vols) per set 15.00 Journal of Immunology .
Fifteen Decisive Bollies (Creasey) 4.00 1.00
Muzzle loading Rifle 7.00 Must Destruction Be Our Destiny (Brown) .
Genghis Khan (lamb) 25 2.00
NRA Book of Small Arms (Smith) Volume I 10.00 Nucleonics (U. S. Navy) .
Indian-Fighting Army (Downey) ..........••.• 3.50 1.00
9-10: Ordnance Field Maintenance 30 One World or None (American Scientists) .
Masters of Mobile Warfare (Colby) 2.00 LOO
Ordnance Field Guide, Vol. 1 (Restricted) 2.50 Operation Crossroads (Officio I Photos) .
Military Institutions of the Romans (Vegetius) .. 1.50 3.00
Ordnance Field Guide, Vol. II (Restricted) 2.50 Our Atomic World (los Alamos scientists) . .50
Modern Wor (What the Citizen Should Know
Ordnance Field Guide, Vol. III (Restricted) 2.50 Problem of Reducing Vulnerability to A-Bomb
About) (Pratt) 2.50
9-5: Ordnance Field Manual ................• 15 (Coale) . 2.00
175 Battles (Shaw & Vestal) 2.50
9-1215: Ord. Maint: Thompson Submachine Gun, Report on International Control of Atomic Energy .:'5
Short History of the Army and Navy (Prott) ....• 25
Col. 45, MI92BAI 10
Warfare (Spaulding, Wright, Nickerson) ...•. 5.00
Practical Dope on the .22 (Fred Ness) 4.00
War Through the Ages (Montross) 5.00
Practical Manual for Guns (Decker) 1.50 SCIENC[;
W~r1d Military History, Outline of (Mitchell) 3.50
Rifle in America .............•...••......... 15.00
Animals of the Pacific World . .25
Rifles ond Machine Guns of the World's Armies
1-240: Arctic Manual " . .25
(Johnson) Early American Wars
Arctic Manual (Stefansson) . 3.00
Cloth edition 7.50. Fighting Forces edition .25
American Campaigns (Steele) Vol. I 5.00 Birds of the Philippines . 3.75
Rimfire Rifleman 4.00 American Campaigns (Steele) Vol. II 5.00 1.231: Elementary Weather for Pilot Trainees .. •10
Sharp's Rifle (Smith) 3.50 America in Arms (Polmer) ...................• 25 First Year College Chemistry (lewis) . 1.00
Shotgunning in the lowlands (Holland) 7.50 Big Sky (Guthrie) 3.50 First Year College Physics . .75
Shotgunning in the Uplands (Holland) 7.50 Blood Brother (Arnold) 3.00 Fishes ond Shells of the. Pacific World
Single Shot Rifles (Grant) 5.00 I Fought With Custer (Hunt) " 3.50 (Nichols and Bartsch)
9.1990: Small Arms Ammunition 15 Patriot Battles (Azoy) 25 Cloth edition 2.50. Fighting Forces edition .25
Sporting Guns (O'Connor) 1.25 Soldiers in the Philippines (Sexton) 25 Handbook of Elementary Physics (lindsay) . 2.40
Story of Weapons and Tactics (Wintringham) .. 2.25 Story of the little Big Horn (Graham) 2.00 How to live in" the Tropics (Hunt) . 2.00
23-40: Thompson Submachine Gun, Cal. 45 They Were Not Afraid to Die (Azoy) 2.00 How to Use Your Eyes at Night . . 10
MI92BA1 15 U. S. Army in War and Peace (Spalding) 6.00 Insects of the Pacific World (Curran)
23-10: U. S. Rifle Caliber 30, M1903 25 War of 1812 (Adams) 3.00 Cloth edition 3.75. Fighting Forces edition .25
23.5: Recoilless Rifle Cal. 30 M1 55 Native Peoples of the Pacific World (Keesing)
23-6: U. S. Rifle Caliber 30, M1917 .45 Cloth edition 3.00. Fighting Forces edition .25
Walther Pistols (Smith) 2.00 Navigation for Marines ond Aviators (Polowe) 5.00
Weapons of World War II 7.50 Pacific Ocean Handbook (Mears) . 1.00
Weapons for the Future (Johnson & Haven) 25 The Pacific World (Osborn)
When the Dogs Bark "'Treed"' (Boker) 3.00
Cloth edition 3.50. Fighting Forces edition .50
Whitney Firearms 7.00 The Coast Artillery Journal Book Service Plant life of the Pacific World (Merrill)
Wild-Cat Cartridges 5.00 stocks most of the titles in the Modern li- Cloth edition 3.50. Fighting Forces edition .25
brary series. For a list of all Modern library Primer of Celestiol Navigation (Favill) . 2.00
books write the Book Service. Modern li- Reptiles of the Pacific World (loveridge) . .25
MILITARY ADMINISTRATION brary books are $1.25 a copy; Modern Rockets and Jets (Zim) " .. 3.00
library Giants are $1.95 a copy; Illustrated Rockets & Space Trovel (ley) " . 3.75
12.250: Administration ......................• 50 Survival
Modern library books are $2.50 a copy.
100-10: Administration 20 Cloth edition 1.50. Fighting Forces edition .25
Administration of the Army (Official) 10 Treasury of Science (Edited by H. Shapley) ." .. 3.95
12-220: Administration: The Division and What to Do Aboard a Transport (Group of
larger Installations 20 Scientists)
12-255: Administration Procedure ............• 30 Cloth edition 1.50. Fighting Forces edition .25
14-904: Accounting for lost, Damaged and Civil War
Stolen Property ..........................• 30 Abraham lincoln and the Fifth Column (Milton)
14-210: Accounting for Public Funds .45 Cloth edition 3.75. Fighting Forces edition .25
12-252: The Army Clerk 40 Conflict (Milton) Bait Casting With a Thermometer " "" .. L50
Army Food and Messing 3.00 Cloth edition 3.50. Fighting Forces edition .25 Fishing Tackle Digest . 1.25
14-509: Army Pay Tables 40 Experiment in Rebellion (Dowdey) 3.75 Fly Fishing . 1.50
Army Personnel System (Official) ............• 10 lee's lieutenants (Freeman) 3 volumes, each ., 5.00 Hunting In the Rockies (O'Connorl . 5.00
Army Writer (Klein) 2.50 letters From lee's Army (Blackford) ." 3.50
Articles of War (Tillotson) 3.00 lincoln the President (Randall). 2 vols 7.50
Battery Duties 25 Memoirs of a Volunteer (Beatty) 3.50 LANGUAGE BOOKS
Company Duties 25 Reveille in Washington (leech) 3.75 Army Talk (Colby) . 2.00
12.253: Correspondence (with supp.) 35 Scarlet Patch (lancaster) 3.00 Blitz French INicot) . .75
Court-Martial Practical Guide (McCarthy) 1.00 Strategy in the Civil War (Deoderick) 2.50 Blitz German (Brandt) . •75
14-502: Enlisted Men's Pay and Allowances ...• 60 Three Days (longstreet) 2.75 Civil and Military German (Peller) . 2.50
12-235: Enlisted Pers: Discharge and Release Touched With Fire (Howe) 3.00 Current Spanish (Martinez) . LOO
from Active Duty 20 Volunteers Adventures (DeForest) 3.00 English for the Armed Forces (Cool: & Trevethick) 1.50
12.23B: Enlisted Personnel Retirement 15 War Years With Jeb Stuart (Blackford) 3.00 French Dictionary for the Soldier (Hen ius) . .50
Fourth Horseman (Doherty) 1.00 French Grammar (Du Mont) . 1.00
Group Feeding (Kaiser) 5.00 .50
Index to A.R. (Official) 65
World War I German Dictionary for the Soldier (Henius) .
German Grammar (Greenfield) . •75
lawful Action of State Mil. Forces (Holland) Americans vs. Germans (By American Soldiers) .25 Invitation to French (Modgrigol & launoy) . 1.75
Cloth edition 3.00. Paper edition 1.50 Fighting Tonks 1916.32 (Jones, Rarey, leks) .... 2.50 Invitation to Spanish (Madrigal & Madrigal) .. 1.75
Manual for Courts-Martial 1.00 Great Soldiers of the First World War (DeWeerd) .25 Ita lian-English-English-Italian Dictionary
Military Justice for the Field Soldier (Wiener) 1.00 The lost Ballalion (Johnson and Prall) 25 (Wessely) .. L25
Occupation of Enemy Territory (Public Report on Demobilization (Mock & Thurber) •. 3.00 Italian Sentence Book (Henius) . .25
Opinion Quarterly) 1.25 With Pershing in Mexico (Toulmin) 2.00 The loom of language (Bodmer) . 5.00
14.501: Officers Pay and Allowances 25 30-257: Military Dictionary English-Portuguese . .45
Practicol Manual of Martial law (Wiener) 2.50 BIOGRAPHIES 30-250: Military Dictionary Spanish.English ... .50
12-236: Preparation of Separation Forms ......• 15 Modern Military Dictionary (Barber & BondI .. 2.50
14-1010: Property Auditing Procedures ......• 15 An American Doctor's Odyssey (Heiser) 3.50 Spanish Dictionary {Hen ius) . 1.00
27-10: Rules of land Warfare ...............• 20 Big Yankee (Blanfort) 4.00 Spanish Dictionary for the Soldier (Henius) .. .50
12-230: Service Record 25 Great Soldiers of the Second World War Spanish Grammar (Greenfield) . 1.00
The Soldier and His Family 2.00 (DeWeerd) 3.75 Speech for the Military (Brembeck & Rights) .. 1.20



By Colonel William C. Braly, (CAC)

~Vhat happens when an officer of the United States Army, a man

who has spent his life in the service and is known and respected
from Corregido~ to Fort Williams, Maine, is told he is lower than
the lowest Japanese private? How can he keep his self-respect in a
Jap prison camp? How can he keep his sense of humor when he is
shivering in rags, underfed, overworked?

Colonel Braly answers these questions. Decorated for his service in

the defense of Corregidor, he was one of the Americans taken pris-
oner by the Japs in the early days of the war. In THE HARD WAY
HOME, he tellshis own story and the story of his Allied and Ameri-
can fellows, as prisoners of war of the Japanese.

His book isan astounding record of humor, decency, courage among

men who lived for years under a regime of brutality and open

THE lIARD WAY HOME isa Coast Artillery

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Charles B. MacDonald came to the 2d Infantry Division as a replacement

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"The characters in this story are not pretty characters. They are not even heroic, if
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"The characters in my story are not fictional, and any similarity between them and
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"Tht htroes are the men from Companies I and G-the lead scouts, the riflemen,
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