Contemporary Global Governance: Module 1, Lesson 5
Contemporary Global Governance: Module 1, Lesson 5
Contemporary Global Governance: Module 1, Lesson 5
Course Code : GE 9
Term and Academic Year : 1st Semester, AY 2020-2021
Department and Year Level : BSIT 2
Module 1, Lesson 5
Contemporary Global Governance
I. Introduction
In this lesson, the focus on international Organization and the United Nations will be tackled. You will be able to
learn and examine how global governance is articulated by intergovernmental organizations. It will discuss the essential
role of the United Nations Organization for multilateral negotiations represented by the General Assembly. While the
Assembly is empowered to make only non-binding recommendations to states on international issues within its
competence, it has, nonetheless, initiated actions-political economic, humanitarian, social and legal-which has affected
the lives of millions of people throughout the world. It also covers the challenges of global governance and the voices of
individual states through the Assembly of the United Nations.
In order to gain a thorough understanding of this lesson, you have to read the discussion. You are also tasked to
answer the assessment and submit requirements found in the enrichment activities.
4. Experts
5. Global Policy Networks
6. MNCs
Powers of IOs:
1. Classification.
- IOs can invent and apply categories, they create powerful global standards. For example, it is the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) that defines what a refugee is. And since states are required to accept
refugees entering their borders, this power to establish identity has concrete effects.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a UN agency mandated to aid and
protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people, and to assist in their voluntary
repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country.
2. Fix Meanings.
- Various terms like “security” or “development” need to be well defined. States, organizations, and individuals
view IOs as legitimate sources of information. As such, the meanings they create have effects on various policies.
For example, recently, the United Nations has started to define security as not just safety from military violence,
but also safety from environmental harm.
3. Diffuse Norms.
- Norms have accepted codes of conduct that may not be strict law, but nevertheless produce regularity in
behavior. IOs do not only classify and fix meaning; they also spread ideas across the world, thereby establishing
standards. For example, World Bank economists come to be regarded as experts in development and thus carry
some form of authority. They can, therefore, create norms regarding the implementation and conceptualization
of development projects.
Because of these immense powers, IOs can be sources of great good and great harm. They can provide relevant
norms like environmental protection and human rights.
United Nations – is a global diplomatic and political and international organization founded in 1945 after WWII by 51
countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations to
prevent abuses of war and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. The U.N. initially had just
51 member states; today, the organization, which is headquartered in New York City, has 193 members.
- The most prominent IO in the contemporary world.
General Overview:
1. General Assembly (GA).
- The main deliberative policymaking and representative
organ of UN.
- Requires a two-thirds majority on decisions on important
questions, such as those on peace and security, admission
of new members and budgetary matters.
- Annually, the GA elects a GA President to serve a one-year
term of office. All member states (currently at 193) have
seats in the GA.
- Carlos P. Romulo – a Filipino diplomat played a prominent
role in the GA as he was elected GA president 1949-1950.
5. The Secretariat.
- Consist of the Secretary-General and tens of thousands of
international UN staff members who carry out the day-to-day work
of the UN as mandated by the General Assembly and the
organization’s other principal organs.
- Members of the secretariat serve in as UN employees and not as
state representatives.
U.N. Successes:
Providing food to 90 million people in over 75 countries
Assisting more than 34 million refugees
Authorizing 71 international peacekeeping missions
Minimize climate change
Providing vaccinations for 58 percent of children in the world
Helping about 30 million women a year with maternal health efforts
Protecting human rights
Threats of the UN
threats from poverty, disease, and environmental breakdown threats from conflict between states
threats from violence and massive human rights violations within states
threats from terrorism
threats from organized crime
threats from the proliferation of weapons - particularly WMD, but also conventional
Scoring Guide:
Each answer shall be evaluated using these criteria:
Content 10 pts.
Organization of ideas 5 pts.
Language facility 5 pts.
Total score: 20 pts
V. Enrichment Activities/Outputs
A. Search for the latest history of the world’s most known events that led to tragedy, threats and challenges that
involves global governance. On each item there are given general challenges in the world. Give only one event
that applies to each item.
1. Terrorist attacks
2. Proliferation of WMDs
3. Environmental degradation
4. Natural disaster
5. Famines
6. Piracy and transnational crimes
7. Pandemics
Scoring Guide:
Each answer shall be evaluated using these criteria:
Quality of ideas ------------------------ 10 pts.
Content ----------------------------------- 15 pts.
Organization ------------------------------ 10 pts.
Language facility ----------------------- 10 pts.
Neatness ---------------------------------- 5 pts.
Total: 50 pts.
VI. References
Claudio, L. & Abinales, P. (2018). The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Benedict, K. (2001). International Encyclopedia of the Social Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier Ltd.
Threats, Challenges and Change: The United Nations in the 21st Century. (2004). Retrieved:
Weiss, T., Hobsbawm, R. & Eric, J. (1996). The United Nations Meets the Twenty-first Century: Confronting the
Challenges of Global Governance.