Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South Western Coastal Sector

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American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Development (AJMRD)

Volume 2, Issue 11 (November- 2020), PP 01-07

ISSN: 2360-821X

Research Paper Open Access

Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South

Western Coastal Sector
A.G. Amarasinghe, (PhD, M.Phil. B.A. (sp), Certi. in Geology)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography,
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka,

ABSTRACT:- Coastal erosion has been a problem in Sri Lanka for long period of time. Sea Level rise and
reduction of supplying sediment load to coast intensified the shoreline erosion rate. Identifying the intensity of
shoreline erosion has become an urgent requirement in Sri Lanka to fulfil two reasons. First one is to make due
plans to combat coastal erosion. Second is to make aware general public and the respective authoritative
personality about the gravity of the problem of coastal erosion in Sri Lanka. The main objective of this paper is
to find quantitative figures on the intensity of shoreline erosion relating to South West Coastal Sector of Sri
Lanka (SWCS). SWCS is the one of most important coastal sectors in terms of geographical, socio-economic
and other points of views. Current study paid attention on secondary sources of data. This source of data
provides two types of information relating to this study. One is the collecting information on studies that paid
attention on coastal erosion. Second is to make comparison across studies. Primary data was collected by using
field observation and key informant interviews.

Studies show the short term erosion rate of the SWCS vary from 0.0- 3.0m/yr. Yet this figure may increase
significantly by 2050 up to 4.0-11.0 m/yr and the average would be 7.0m/yr. This situation in 2100 will be from
10.0 -34.0m/y and the average figure will be 17.0-24.0m/yr. Results of the current study urge relevant parties to
take immediate action to shift the existing cultural environment into suitable inland locations as soon as possible
while discouraging constructions in the South Western Coastal Zone in Sri Lanka.

Key Words: Intensity, Coastal Erosion, Shifting Cultural Environment.

Sea erosion has been a problem from time immemorial in Sri Lanka. Yet, this problem attracts only
when it attacks human construction or livelihood (Dassanayake, 1928). This notion is not changed much even
after nearly a hundred years in this country. Contrary to this explanation, recession coast has caused to immerge
many other issues with several facets in the contemporary coastal zone of Sri Lanka (Bakker, 2018,
Senevirathne et all, 2017, Lakmali, 2016, Maddumabandara, 1989 and CCD, 1986). Large number of
complications relating to natural environment, socio-economic, cultural and political spheres particularly in the
coastal zone have been surfaced by the process of coastal erosion in many coastal segments of the country.
Intensity of such problems are significant in South, South West and Western coastal sector of the Island of Sri
Lanka (CCCRMD, 2018). The coastal zone of Sri Lanka has become an important geographical region in this
country in terms of environmental, socio-economic, cultural and many other aspects (Perera, 2017, Senevirathne
et all, 2017, Lakmali,2016). Therefore, respective authoritative personalities, institutions and general public in
these areas are working hard to control the intensity of coastal erosion which lead to create multi-faceted issues
in and around their own territory. Getting supports from general public and coastal zone users is important in
controlling shoreline erosion problem. In order to achieve this goal, it has become a mandatory requirement to
identify the intensity of the erosion process of the coast. The broad objective of this paper is set as to identify the
visible impacts of coastal erosion and find ways to socialize their gravity and intensity. Such initiation would be
very important even to general public to plan for the future.

Sri Lanka is relative to other countries is a small island country having a 65610Km2 total land area. The
island of Sri Lanka is situated southern tip of India and northern part of the Indian Ocean. Absolute location of
Sri Lanka is 50 541 and 90 521 North Latitudes and 790 391 and 810 531 East Longitudes. Approximately 1620km
long coastline including shoreline of bays and inlets but excluding lagoons is belong to this country (CCCRMD,
2018). People of the ancient world knew Sri Lanka as Ceylon, Heladiva and Serendib. The oldest world map
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Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South Western Coastal Sector

drawn by Ptolemy (circa 150) had named Sri Lanka as “Taprobane”. Coastal zone is still a testimony the visit of
ancient voyagers to Sri Lanka (Senevirathne, 2017). These monuments are also about to wash away by the
process of intensified coastal erosion.

Sri Lanka had been considered as the stepping stone of the Indian Ocean which links Western world
with Eastern world through naval roots by ancient navigators (Cook, 1951). Since time immemorial, the coastal
zone of Island of Ceylon was so busy with several kind of human activities. As a result of the importance of
relative and absolute location as well as the serendipitous natural resources that concentrated into and around the
coastal zone, coastal zone of Sri Lanka has become a most attractive geographical destination for the people
belong to all social strata. Though, the Sri Lankan coastal region encompasses 24% of the country’s total land
area, 65% of the urbanized land area, 32% of the total population of the county, two third of the industrial
contribution to GDP and main roads and railways lies with in the coastal zone in Sri Lanka (CCD,1997 and
2006). Contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the DSDs of the coastal zone is significant when
compared to other all DSDs situated in Sri Lanka. According to the Nayananda (2007), contribution to the GDP
from coastal zone in 1994 is 44%. This is 9% increase from 1983. Among the all coastal sector, the highest
share to the GDP comes from the South Western (SW) coastal zone during last few centuries and this will
continue further in future too. These figures urge to protect coastal zone and to take immediate action to control
impacts that cause to jeopardize human activities. Coastal erosion in Sri Lanka has been already identifies as the
root and main problem that led to create an array of problems in the coastal zone (CCD, 1986).

Coastal zone is the key geographical region that helps to maintain many segments of the biological
chains. Breading places of many terrestrial and aquatic species of the marine and coastal wetlands sustain from
the coastal zone with divers geomorphologic and biological systems. Food generating sources for them are also
link with the coastal zone. Therefore, when the coastline is eroded, the fauna and flora species may get uprooted
and destroyed. The density of fauna and flora population would decrease gradually leading to reduction of bio-
diversity and bio- production. In order to protect this valuable geographical region, intensity of shoreline erosion
should be identified first. Then the due strategies should be taken to control it. The main objective of this paper
is to identify the later aspect.


Available printed and digital books, reports published by government or private authors, conference
proceedings and text books were referred to collect secondary data. Relevant scientists and coastal residents
were interviewed to collect primary data and information. Field observations method was employed to update
and to correct the available both qualitative and quantitative data gathered through questioner survey, case
studies and interviews.

Topographical and geological maps, aerial photographs and satellite images were used to get data and
information relevant to geographical data on the study area.

Study area
Intensity of shoreline erosion is high in SW coastal sector among others in Sri Lanka (Bakker, 2018,
Swan, 1965, CCD, 1986). On the other hand, this coastal zone is the most important geographical area in terms
of socio-economic, cultural and environmental point of views (CCCRMD, 2018). Accordingly, shoreline
belong to the SW coastal sector in Sri Lanka has been selected as the ground area of the current study.

Coastal Zone extends from Colombo to Galle is defined as the Southwestern coastal sector (CCD,1986,
Maddumabandara, 1989). Northern end of this coastal sector is Colombo Lighthouse and the Southern end
marks by the Matara - Galle district boundary. Coastal zones of three districts namely, Colombo, Kaluthara and
Galle of the Western Province comprised with the study area. The total length of the SW coastal sector is
155Kms. This is 10% out of total length of the Sri Lanka’s coastline. There were 14 districts and 67 divisional
secretariats covering the coastal region with maritime boundaries in Sri Lanka. South Western coastal sector
comprised with three districts and 13 DSDs (Figure 01).

Use of resources of the SW coast has been increasing since foreign traders came from Arab in ancient
times and particularly after occupation of Western rulers around 16th century. This trend has again been
increasing after getting independence in 1948 from Western Rulers (CCD, 1990). Since then, the South Western
coastal zone has captured the attention of development planners, policy makers, environmentalists and
concerned authorities as well as researchers associated into many fields.

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Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South Western Coastal Sector

Figure 01

More than 90% out of total length of the coast line of the study area is used for any kind of human
activities. Occupying foreign and local traders, residing foreign and local people along the South Western coast
have been increased after constructing the Southern railway track and main road which are situated close
proximity to and parallel to shoreline (Cook, 1952). Therefore, several stretches of shoreline belong to the
current study area have been identified as the highest pressure exerted into coastal zone by human in Sri Lanka.
Early 1980s, corral mining had identified as the main reason for coastal erosion of SW coast (Clark, 1996). But,
in 2013s the main reason for increasing erosion has changed into reduction of sediment supply and altering the
near shore wave climate by constructing structures along the coast. As the reducing sediment supply of the
shoreline and construction activities are high along the densely populated, high concentrated region by
industries, commercial centers and many other infrastructure facilities, the shoreline erosion rate is also high.
Because of this, the human intervention to protect coast from erosion through erecting dames are also high in
such areas.
It is apparent that the environmental degradation of the coast has been increasing due to over use of
coastal resources and artificial human intervention to control shoreline erosion. Growth of the economy of Sri
Lanka, high demand from tourism industry along with the impact of sea level rise have led to increase the use of
coastal resources and build shoreline protection walls. Accumulative result of these activities causes to increase
shoreline erosion owing to reduction of sediment supply (Swan, 1965, Maddumabandara, 1991). Among vast
array of problems, coastal erosion has become the disastrous phenomenon that has caused to create several other
problems mainly in the SW coastal Sector in Sri Lanka.

Data collection methods

Mainly three methods were employed to gather data for the current study as;

1. Literature Survey
2. Field survey
3. Case studies

Field survey was comprised with four types of data collecting methods. Questionnaire survey, informal
discussion with general public, interviews of community leaders and participatory observation method were also
used to gather data and information.

Stratified sampling method was employed to select ground locations to collect primary data. General
public of the coastal zone or coastal dwellers and coastal zone users as well as policy implementers were
selected with the help of random sampling method to collect data.

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Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South Western Coastal Sector

Data Analysis techniques

Collected data was analyzed and presented with the help of basic statistical methods. Total, mean and average of
the numerical data series were used to draw graphs, maps and find patterns and trends.


Intensity of Shoreline erosion in South Western Coastal Sector
Shore line erosion or recession of land refers to loosing land due to shoreline erosion in this study.
Loosing land have been calculated in two ways as net erosion in meters per year (m2/y) and net loss of land in
square meters per year (m2/y). Intensity of coastal erosion varies both spatial and temporal dimensions (Kahavita
and Mylvaganum, 1953 and Swan, 1983).

All kinds of original sources of data produced by the authoritative institutes and researches were taken into
consideration in this study. According to the available literature, studies carried out to find intensity of shoreline
erosion can be categorised into to as,

1. National level studies

2. Local or spot level studies

National level comprehensive studies on shoreline erosion had been conducted from 1986 in Sri Lanka. Main
two such studies are

1. Paranathala, W.E. 1954, “Some thoughts on the Organization of Sea Erosion Studies and the
Development of Coast Protection Works in Ceylon”, Transaction for 1954, The Engineering
Association of Ceylon.
2. Master Plan –Coast Erosion Management- Vol. I and II (1986), conducted by the Coast Conservation
Department (CCD) & Danida- Danish Hydraulic Institute, New Secretariat, Maligawatta, Colombo
3. Bakker, Paul J. J. 2018, Future Coastline Recession and Beach Loss in Sri Lanka- Master of Science
(MSc) graduation thesis, University of Twente. Available at

There are several many other studies on selected coastal sector, for a spot or small length of coast line in Sri
Lanka which provided shoreline erosion rates. For instances, following studies can be taken into this latter

1. Maddumabandara-1992
2. Amarasinghe A.G. 2001
3. Coastal Zone Management Plan of Sri Lanka -2006

Quantitative figures on the intensity of the coastal erosion of the study area given by the above mentioned
sources are summarised in the following paragraphs.

Master Plan –Coast Erosion Management of Sri Lanka, published by the Coast Conservation Department in
1986 had been estimated as the net land erosion per year varies from 0.0 – 0.3 m/y. Net loss of land area in
varies from 0 -20000 m2/y (Table 01).

A study conducted by the Amarasinghe A.G. (2001) in 1988 to cover South Western Monsoon period showed
that the intensity of erosion vary from 0.97- 2.35m/yr from place to place. Net erosion rate may be less or high
after operating North East Monsoon period at the same year.

Table 01 Intensity of Coastal Erosion and Accretion in South Western Coastal Sector in Sri Lanka
(Estimated figures of the Coast Conservation Department of Sri Lanka in 1986)
Coastline Erosion Erosion Accretion Accretion Net Net loss
District in Km % of coast rate % of coast rate Erosion 1000m2/yr
m/yr m/yr m/yr
Colombo 40 40-50 0.0-0.1 N.A*. N.A. 0.0-0.1 0-5
Kaluthara 40 70-80 0.1-0.5 20-30 0.0-0.1 0.0-0.4 10-20
Galle 75 70-80 N.A. -0.3 0-10 0.0-0.1 0.2-0.3 10-20
(Source: CCD,1986), N.A*.- Not Available

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Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South Western Coastal Sector

Coastal Zone Management Plan published by the Coast Conservation Department of Sri Lanka in 2006 reported
the annual rate of coast erosion of the highest eroding segment of the South Western Coastal sector varies from
0.0 -3.0 m/yr (Table 02).

Table 02 Overview of Critical Erosion Areas and Erosion Rates along the South
West Coast of Sri Lanka- (As in the Unpublished sources up to 2002)
Main Area Erosion rate- m/yr
Moratuwa- Koralawella Neutral
Wadduwa 0-2
Kalu Ganga- Payagala 1 -3
Beruwala -Bentota 1 -2
Hikkaduwa 0-2
Galle North 0-1
(Source: CZMP: 2006)

Paul Bakker (2018) has estimated the intensity of coastal erosion with paying attention many factors
that can influence to the process of erosion in South Western coastal sector. Impact of Sea Level Rise that
trigger with the climate change had been taken into consideration in his study. Bakker has forecasted the coastal
erosion rate particularly in the year 2050 and 2100 in meters for four scenario as in the Table 03.

Table 03 Average 2050 and 2100 coastline recession estimates for the
South Western Coastal Sector in Sri Lanka
2050 2100
Climate Mean [m] Likely range Mean [m] Likely range
Change [m] [m]
RCP2.6 7 4:10 17 10 - 26
RCP4.5 7 4:11 22 11 - 33
RCP6.0 7 4:11 24 13 - 34
RCP8.5 7 4:11 24 13 - 34
(Source: Bakker, P., 2018)

These studies and figures shows that intensity of annual coastal erosion in South Western coastal sector
vary form 0.0- 7.0m/yr. When considering long term recession in some areas in the South West coast is much
higher. Old survey plans of the Kaluganga river mouth area shows that net loss of coast is 60m of land in the
period from 1934 to 1986 giving an annual loss of 1.15m (Maddumabandara, 1991).

Information and data reported in the literature shows that the shoreline erosion in South West Coastal
sector is in serious level. Impact of shoreline recession is not only a loss of land. It paves the way to destroy
natural and physical characteristics of the shore along with livelihood and quality of the life in and around the
coastal zone. Such situation can lead to create critical issues as the coastal zone has become an important
geographical region in terms of economic, cultural, political, administrative and environmental aspects (CCD,
1987). Changing global climate at present poses a various ways to increase the impact of coastal erosion (IPCC,
2014). Meteorological events such as hurricanes, tropical cyclones, and sea level rise are particularly harsh on
coastal areas, often resulting in damages from high winds, storm surge, flooding, and shoreline erosion.

In generally, shoreline erosion spawns secondary hazards such as floods, intrusion of salt (brine) water
to fresh water source and damaging private and public properties. When taken into consideration these factors,
impacts of coastal erosion can be categorized broadly into four categories as follows,
1. Environmental Impacts
2. Economic Impacts
3. Social Impacts

Environmental Impacts of shoreline erosion

The disappearing the equilibrium of coastal environment is the main accumulative environmental
problem of shoreline erosion. This happens mainly from five processes and their cumulative effects. Five
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Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South Western Coastal Sector

processes can be mentioned as changing morphological features, degradation of coastal aquatic and terrestrial
ecosystems, the decline the quality of estuarine-dependent habitat and reduction of near shore water quality and
change its volume. These are also surfacing as the main environmental problems associated with the process of
increasing shoreline erosion in the South Western Coastal sector (Senevirathne, 2016). Apart from these issues
or negative impact, entire marine environment and the terrestrial environments of the adjacent coastal zones also
influenced in many ways to alter or destruct the balance of the wetland and other terrestrial environment.

Altering the existing relief features of the coastal zone is the main visible phenomenon of the shoreline erosion
process. Three significant impacts could be traced by the increasing shoreline erosion as follows,

1. Shifting shoreline land wards and inundation land area by the sea water
2. Increasing the slope angle of the near shore area
3. Accretion and moving shoreline seaward.

The first two phenomenon had influenced to wash away the surface soil, vegetation cover along with habitable
environment of the land and aquatic animals. Recession of land has made changes of the coastal biosphere in
losing bio-diversity and bio-production. The intensity and the rate of change of these two phenomenon regulate
from several factors. Main such factors are listed in the Table 04 below. All these impacts cannot be measured.

Factors that regulate the intensity of the shoreline erosion process and the rate of horizontal movement of
the shoreline Table 04.
Main Factor that Description ( situation that help to erode coastline)
cause to change
If the bed rock is not out cropped in the shore and the fractures and cleavages are
Rock type & structure more of the available boulders and wave action is high.
Sediment budget Supply of sediment does not equal to demand, or receiving does not equal to loss.
Relief features of the The coastline is not made up with parallel mountain or high relief features
Relief features of the Slope of the continental self is high. Near shore area of the sea is not shallow.
continental self
Wave direction Waves hit the shore with an angle not equal to 900
Wave height and Wave height is high. High wave action continues throughout seasons or so.
Vegetation cover There is not thick vegetation cover that helps to protect shore from wave action.
Human activities Removing sediments, clearing vegetation and construction that influence to alter
wave action is significant.
Sea Level Sea level is rising. Change of sea level daily is also significant.

Shoreline erosion had paved the way to loss bio- diversity of coastal environments such as wetlands,
coral reefs, sea grasses beds and biological environment of the shoreline, estuaries and adjoining water bodies of
the coast. The decline of estuarine-dependent fish and shellfish populations and their associated fisheries,
declining near shore water quality and had changed the volume, quality, and pulsing of freshwater inflows to
estuaries. These are the direct environmental impacts of shoreline erosion. Therefore, coastal zone dwellers
explained the coastal ecosystems are more valuable per unit area than other marine or terrestrial ecosystems.

Visible and measurable impacts of shoreline erosion are losing land. Reduction of biodiversity and bio
production is visible yet difficult to measure exactly. Yet this study found the intensity and gravity of these two
aspects. Concise discussions over these two matters are as in the following paragraphs.

According to the results of the studies carried out by the CCD in 1986 and 2006, Bakker in 2018, it can
be concluded that the South Western Coastal sector in Sri Lanka is a recession shoreline. This situation would
continue even up to year 2100.
Erosion rate of the shoreline may be vary from time to time. According to the calculation of CCD in
1986 and 2006 the intensity of shoreline erosion vary from 0.0 -3.0m/yr. This figure will increase up to 7m/yr in
2050 and 22m/yr in 2100 (Bakker, 2018). This shows that the intensity of shoreline erosion in short term is
small compared to long term.

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Intensity of Coastal Erosion in Sri Lanka: The Case of South Western Coastal Sector

Shoreline erosion can totally destroy the natural and physical characteristics of the shore. It is obvious
that such situations lead to create critical issues as the coastal zone has become an important geographical region
in terms of economic, cultural, political, administrative and environmental aspects (CCD, 1987). Changing
global climate poses a various ways to increase the impact of coastal erosion (Bakker, 2018). Meteorological
events such as hurricanes, tropical cyclones, and sea level rise are particularly harsh on coastal areas, often
resulting in damages from high winds, storm surge, flooding, and shoreline erosion.
The disappearing the equilibrium of coastal environment through changing morphological features,
degradation of coastal aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, the decline the quality of estuarine-dependent habitat
and reduction of near shore water quality and change its volume have been identified as the main environmental
impacts of the process of increasing shoreline erosion. This is significant in the South Western Coastal sector.
Apart from these issues or negative impact, entire marine environment, terrestrial natural ecosystems and socio-
economic cultural environments of the near shore and adjacent coastal zones also influenced in many ways to
alter or destruct their equilibriums.

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