Vocab Workshop Lesson Plan-1

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The key takeaways are building reading skills through context clues and understanding unknown words.

The central focus is for students to build their reading skills and use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words.

Students will examine their text to understand the meaning of words or phrases, to inform their thinking. They will identify words that add to the meaning and tone of the text.

Workshop Lesson Plan

Central focus: Students will be Essential literacy strategy: Related skills:
able to build their reading Students will examine their • I can find context clues.
skills and use context clues to text to understand the • I am able to re-read
determine the meaning of meaning of words or phrases, paragraphs.
unknown words. to inform their thinking. • I can understand the
Essential Questions to think They will identify words that meaning of known words.
about: add to the meaning and tone • I can discuss what unknown
 How do I find context of the text. words might mean.
clues to help me figure • I can use words or phrases to
out a word I don’t discover the tone of the text.
 What phrases can
change the tone of the
 Why is it important to
understand unknown
Standard: Language Function: 21st century skills:
RL.5.4 Determine the • Understanding the • It is extremely important that
meaning of words and phrases meaning of words or students keep a vocab
as they are used in a text, phrases. journal or list so that they
recognizing specific word • Identifying words that can refer back to it while
choices that contribute to add meaning and tone learning vocab. As students
meaning and tone of the text of the text. read they will be able to
• Recognizing specific update their vocab lists as
word choices that the they get new words to
author uses. learn/study.
• Students can have access to
an online portal where they
could create digital vocab
lists organized by which
lessons and units they fall
• They might find it easier to
include a word wall on what
of the walls in the classroom
so newly taught words can
go up and they would get to
see it everyday.
• Teachers can provide a
quizlet module for students
to be able to access key
terms and phrases even at
home when made public.
This is a handy free online
flashcard app to utilize.
Performance: After completing this lesson students will be able to identify context clues that can help
them explain what is going on in the story. They will be able to explain the meaning of key
vocabulary and be able to differentiate between terms that change the tone of the text.
Conditions: Model a read aloud to the students using two paragraphs from Chapter 1 of “Lucky
Broken Girl” by Ruth Behar. As you model make sure to stop at words that would be hard to
understand for students. Allow them to listen and watch as you say a word you don’t know for
example, say “hhhmmm what is a Samosa? I don’t know what that word is. So I’m going to look
here to see if there are clues.” Continue with this method for a 4 more other words in the chapter.
After modeling give students a worksheet that has all the rest of the vocab words in Chapter 1 and
have them find out what they mean on their own. They may use their Chromebooks, classroom
dictionaries, or table partners if they reach any problems figuring out the words.
Criteria: At the end of class have students turn their worksheets in and check to see if they got at least
6 out of 10 of the vocabulary meanings correct.
What theory/research supports using this objective/strategy to align with the needs of your student?
Since I would model with a read aloud first this has students listening to me and observing what I do
to complete the task. Modeling falls under the Social Cognitive Theory from Albert Bandura.
Students are allowed to ask their table partners questions if they reach problems during their
independent reading so this taps into Vygotsky’s Socio-cultral Learning Theory. Later on in the
lesson students will discuss what they learned in small groups so this is related to C. Bonwel’s theory
of cooperative learning.
How are the objective, lesson, and materials related to students’ personal, cultural, or community assets?
The context of the book they are reading is about a refugee girl who moved from Cuba to New York
and has to adapt to her new life there. I think that because we are such a diverse nation there will be
students who will be able to connect with Ruthie because they too had parents who immigrated here
for a better life. Also the challenges that Ruthie and her friends face may be the very same challenges
my students will deal with at home. There is a chance that students will get close to a certain
character because their personality traits are similar.
Vocabulary Discourse Syntax
Terms: From Chapter 1 – Discourse required in this Syntax required in this lesson:
Refugee, intriguing, lilting, lesson:
wince, stammer, topple, stern, Include activities that work Sentence fluency, grammar, context
dingy, dreary, sophisticated, with root words and affixes. clues, root words
phrase, tone Activities that engage
students in discussing what
they think a definition of a
word is.

How do you teach/support How do you teach/support How do you teach/support syntax
vocabulary development? discourse development? development?

I would utilize the resources I As teachers it is helpful to Before even starting the main lesson
have like create a specialized pose questions for students I will remind students that sentences
quizlet based on the so that they are not fed the start with capital letters and end in
Vocabulary found in Lucky answers. Engaging students periods. For this lesson I could
Broken Girl and break it up to think critically by coming create flashcards that have word
by chapters. This way the up with evidence from the parts on them. The final formation
student will be able to study text to answer questions is of the sentence will be one straight
their vocab at home or on the beneficial to them in the from Lucky Broken Girl. Students
go so they are practicing future. Make it even more can get each flashcard provided in a
towards internalizing the fun for learning by letting baggy and arrange them in the
meanings of the words. I can students discuss their ideas correct order with their table
also help students who are with each other in partner partners. If there are misconceptions
visual learners allow them to talks. Remember that we would pull back together as a
get graphic organizer that has students learn differently and whole class and go over it through
a Frayer model so that they at different time limits so discussion. Another way to practice
can draw an illustration of make sure to allow for wait- syntax is to make flashcard piles of
what words mean to help time. Maybe to see if they nouns verbs and direct objects. Have
them learn. are done discussing then students identify the categories for
have students place their them by coloring them in with
thumbs up near their chest so different colored markers.
that those who still need
more time don’t feel
intimidated or ashamed.
Supports, accommodations, and modifications (IEPs, 504s, other learning needs)
Student Supports, accommodations, and modifications during Supports, accommodations, and modifications
instruction during assessment
English Language Go over a vocab example with the whole Partner the student up with a student
Learner class using the Frayer model so that the who is both a Spanish and English
students who need the steps done in front of speaker so they can translate what
them won’t feel stressed when completing they need to do for the assessment.
the graphic organizer. Have the student work This could turn out problematic
on the organizer with their ESL instructor so because of the risk of them cheating
at least they can complete it in their native so alternatively I can just provide an
language. During small group instruction easier assessment to ease the stress.
provide the student with another easier level They would have to be graded
novel to assist him in reading. separately from their peers.
Has Autism I would provide sensory tools for these They will have the same sensory
students such as pencil toppers, wiggle tools they did while the lesson went
cushions, foot rollers, or even stress balls in on.
the classroom so that they can release their
movements whenever they need to. If that
helps them focus then it is best to create a
classroom that is open to this modifications.
Has Dyslexia Verbally repeat instructions for all group, For assignments that requires a lot of
individual, and assessment tasks. Provide them reading create a video recording of you
with a detailed reading guide with questions that reading the passages that will be
can keep these students focused on the material at focused on in class so the child can rest
hand. For assignments that requires a lot of from reading so much.
reading create a video recording of you reading
the passages that will be focused on in class so
the child can rest from reading so much.
Prior academic learning:
• Being able to accurately decode word sounds to be fluent in reading.
• Know how to write.
• Know how to highlight words that they are not familiar with.
Meaningful connection to prior academic learning:
“Do any one of you use colored pens, pencils, markers, or highlighters at home to do homework or
accomplish note-taking? Why do you think it is so important for us to write down our thoughts and
ideas by organizing them with color?”
Novel Lucky Broken Girl, Pencils, highlighters, colored pencils, Frayer Model, Vocabulary
Worksheet, quizlet flashcard review, Post-it’s
Frayer Model – C:\Users\amber\Downloads\frayer-model.odg
PDF version - https://www.education.com/download/worksheet/172606/frayer-model.pdf
Assessment PDF (Lucky Broken Girl Crossword Puzzle Worksheet) -
Whole-Group Instruction (focused mini-lesson) Differentiation:
Teaching point: • Ask if students
“Now today when we read we are going to be looking for context clues to already have an
help us figure out words we don’t know. Keep in mind that context clues idea of what
include any phrases or descriptions of what the characters within the book context clues
do or the way in which they talk. As you watch me read aloud our novel for are.
today ask yourself why is it so important to understand the meaning of
phrases we read?”
Explanation: • Show a picture
of what my
Next I will show students the book cover and ask them what they can neighborhood
notice about the imagery and colors on the cover page. To connect it to looks like so
their personal lives I will ask if their neighborhood is similar or different to students can see
Ruthie’s. a real
of what
look like now.
Modeling: • Prepare a large
“Alright I want everyone to listen carefully as I read this passage from writing pad to
Lucky Broken Girl. Pay attention to the context clues we may encounter record vocab
and observe what I do as I read. ‘Their apartment smells weird, I get whiffs words I come
of it whenever we stumble into each other on the way to school.” Hhhmm across while
I don’t know the word stumble let me re-read and see if I can figure it reading and
out. “I get whiffs of it whenever we stumble into each other on the way to discussing with
school.” Okay so into each other…...let’s see does that maybe mean children.
knocking into each other or bumping into one another? I think that • Have my own
makes sense! “I’m going to put a post-it on our pad with the context clues post-it’s to stick
I found alright so we know that the phrases ‘into each other’ is important. onto the writing
Guided practice/active engagement: “Before sending you guys off to do your
own things I want to revisit the questions I left you with. Why is it
important that we understand the meaning of words when we read? Have
you been in a situation where you didn’t understand what was happening
around you when you went out with your parents? Have some thinking
time and then I want you to turn and talk with the person sitting to your
right. If you and your partner finish place your thumb up on your chest.”
Independent practice (when appropriate): • Have the
“I now want you to go back to your desks and search for context clues by classroom
yourself and write down any unknown words you run into on your post-it’s organized so
and place it on the page you saw the word at. Don’t forget to make notes of there is one
any phrases surrounding that word that may hint to the meaning. We will table that has
regroup in 15 minutes so use your time wisely!” This will be the time all the materials
where visual thinkers will have their time to shine and be able to access the /supplies laid
Frayer model. They will choose words to include in their graphic organizer out.
and illustrate what the meaning is. These organizers may be taped or • Create a less
stapled into their reading journals so they can refer back to them when stressful
needed. environment.
Small-Group Instruction (differentiated by data) Centers (Data-Driven)
Group 1: Group 2: Group 3:
Time: 20 min Time: 20min Time: 20 min Time: 20 min
Grouping characteristic: Grouping characteristic: Grouping characteristic:
• English • 2 high level • 1 high level
Language readers reader
Learners • 2 middle level • 1 middle level
• At least 2 high readers reader
level readers • 3 low level
who are readers
Needs based on data: Needs based on data: Needs based on data:

Assigned students: Assigned students: Assigned students:

Instruction: Instruction: Instruction:

• Phonemic • Use short above • Review Vocab
awareness level texts to together
activities challenge the • Supplemental
• Supplemental students and text work with
text work with have them vocab
vocab highlight vocab • Allow for
• Review words and discussion
previous vocab context clues. among them
from other • Provide a word about what
lessons bank for words confuse
students so they them.
know which • If some find out
words are that finding
important to context clues is
remember. harder than
they expected
talk one-on-one
with them as
others work.
Assessing: The ability of the students that are able to match the definition to the word in a crossword

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