Acute Appendicitis: Common Surgical Emergency: January 2014
Acute Appendicitis: Common Surgical Emergency: January 2014
Acute Appendicitis: Common Surgical Emergency: January 2014
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1 author:
Bharat B Dogra
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
All content following this page was uploaded by Bharat B Dogra on 19 December 2014.
Guest Editorial
Classically, appendicitis is described as a dynamic disease Rare cause of pain right lower abdomen may be diverticulitis
process that comprises five stages occurring over a of the vermiform appendix, the incidence of which is greater
24-36 h period.[4] The inciting event is the obstruction of than that generally appreciated. Due to the thinned wall,
the appendiceal lumen, which is unable to drain and, as a these diverticula are prone to perforate early in the presence
result, distends. The etiology is multifactorial, but fecoliths, of acute inflammation.[8] Although appendiceal diverticulitis
lymphoid hyperplasia, foreign bodies, malignancy, and is rare, clinicians should be aware of its occurrence, because
parasites have all been described. During the second stage, it can lead to early perforation due to the thin wall of the
stimulation of the 8th-10th visceral afferent thoracic nerves diverticulum.
causes a mild to moderate peri-umbilical pain that typically
lasts from 4 h to 6 h.[5] As intraluminal pressure increases, Appendicitis within an inguinal hernia (Amyand’s hernia)
appendiceal wall perfusion decreases due to arterial is another rare presentation, incidence being <1% and when
insufficiency. This third stage results in tissue ischemia and it occurs, it is usually misdiagnosed as strangulated inguinal
mucosal compromise. Bacteria are then able to invade the hernia, another surgical emergency. The proper treatment in
luminal wall, leading to transmural inflammation-the fourth such a case involves appendectomy through the herniotomy
stage. As transmural inflammation extends beyond the with primary hernia repair without the use of any synthetic
mesh.[9] A rarer presentation of appendicitis can be pain in
Access this article online the left lower quadrant if the patient happens to be the case
Quick Response Code: of situs inversus totalis. In such a case, chest radiograph
Website: will reveal dextrocardia, and left-sided appendicitis should
be suspected. A strong suspicion of appendicitis and an
emergency laparoscopic operation after confirmation of
10.4103/0975-2870.144866 the diagnosis by imaging modalities including abdominal
computed tomography (CT) can reduce the likelihood
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Dogra: Appendicitis
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2006;202:401-6. Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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