Ge1000w13 Yiling Ma Week 10
Ge1000w13 Yiling Ma Week 10
Ge1000w13 Yiling Ma Week 10
Date-November 24th
particular researches based on mathematical modeling, data analysis, and python and
I have a chance to join it, I will learn about how to address problems by model or
data. Although the community enrolls only three students, I was lucky to join because
I presented the four major algorithms of mathematics and had some experience in
It is a young club which was found a few months ago, so now a project is being
now some students would like to study the application of the differential equations in
practice, our team needs to find more bibliographies, do enough experiments about
the topic and look for an appropriate mentor in advance. During the process, I can
learn how to use different mathematical ways to address practical problems and
improve my exploring ability. More specifically, our organization works on all math
create a strong academic atmosphere. After doing more projects, I can achieve self-
through practice.
takes an important part, so firstly I will focus on the study of mathematics knowledge
widely. Then, it is necessary to finish their tasks actively and accurately. What’s
more, I should try my best to meet the needs of my classmates when they would like