CO Management Programme

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of Printed Pages : 2 MS-053

C) Term-End Examination
June, 2017


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)
Note : (i) Attempt any four questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Define operations management.

Differentiate between goods and services.
(b) Discuss productivity. What are
measurement problems that occur when one
attempts to measure productivity ? Explain.

2. (a) How quality improves profitability ?

Elaborate with proper example. What is the
necessity of total quality management ?
(b) How JIT and quality are related ? Explain
with examples. Discuss attributes of a lean

3. (a) How medium and long range forecasts are

distinguished from short term forecasts ?
What is the influence of product life cycle on
forecasting ? Give examples.

MS-053 1 P.T.O.
(b) Define time series. Explain the importance
of seasonal indices in forecasting. How are
seasonal patterns different from cyclical
patterns ?

4. (a) What are the major factors that firms

consider when choosing a country in which
to locate ? Discuss with examples.
(b) What are the factors that complicate a fixed
'position layout ? What are advantages and
disadvantages of work cells ?

5. (a) How can a work sampling be used to

measure delays and allowances ? Explain.
What is the difference between "normal" and
"standard" time ?
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages
of varying the size of the workforce to meet
demand requirements in each period ?
Explain with proper examples.

6. (a) What is a "bath-tub curve" ? Discuss in

detail. Explain chronic and sporadic losses
with examples..
(b) Explain Just in Time manufacturing system
with the help of an appropriate example.

MS-053 2

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