"Stepcol" - Stepped Column Analysis: Program Description

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Program Description:

"STEPCOL" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analyzing stepped columns
typically used in mill-type buildings to determine the effective lengths and effective length K factors.

This program is a workbook consisting of three (3) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Stepped Column Eff. Lengths Effective Lengths and Effective Length Factors (K)
References References "a", "b", and "c" (as an ebedded PDF file object)

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program is based on the following references:

a. "Calculation of Effective Lengths and Effective Slenderness Ratios of Stepped Columns"
by: John P. Anderson and James H. Woodward (AISC Engineering Journal, Oct. / 1972, pages 157-166)
b. "Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns"
by: Krishna M. Agrawal and Andrew P. Stafiej (AISC Engineering Journal, 4th Quarter / 1980, pages 96-105)
c. "Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns" (Errata)
by: Krishna M. Agrawal and Andrew P. Stafiej (AISC Engineering Journal, Third Quarter / 1981, page 126)
d. "Steel Design Guide 7 - Industrial Buildings, Roofs to Anchor Rods" (2nd Edition)
by: James M. Fisher (AISC / 2004, Appendix B, pages 89-98) (Note: does not include errata from Ref. "c".)
3. This program utilizes a simple iterative solution for determining the root, "Z", to each of the characteristic
equations shown below, per references "a" and "b" listed above. The program calculates an initial guess
(Zst) for "Z", evaluates the expression, increments the value of "Z" by a value equal to the initial guess, and
then evaluates the expression again, etc., etc. The results of each pair of evaluation iterations are multiplied
times each other to determine the location where the value passes through 0 (changes sign). Per the
references, the first (lowest) root is the desired/correct solution to the characteristic equation, although there
are multiple roots. Once the pair of iterations have been identified which locate the first (lowest) root, the
program performs a linear interpolation between those two values to determine the point where "Z" = 0.
The program performs up to a maximum of 4000 iterations to find the correct solution for "Z".
4. This program contains “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations
of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box” is denoted
by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired
cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)

Characteristic Equations from References "a" and "b" listed above (solve for "Z"):

Case 1: For Pinned Bottom - Pinned Top

General: (1+PR)*(1+PR+PR/LR)*Z*COS(Z)*SIN(Z*B)+PR*(PR*(1+LR)+LR)*Z*B*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B)-SIN(Z)*SIN(Z*B) = 0
If P1 = 0: (2+1/LR-(LR*Z*B)^2/(3*IR))*SIN(Z*B)+LR*Z*B*COS(Z*B) = 0
If P2 = 0: Z*B*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B)+(Z/LR)*COS(Z)*SIN(Z*B) = 0

Case 2: For Fixed Bottom - Free Top

General: (1+PR)*Z*COS(Z)*COS(Z*B)-LR*PR*Z*B*SIN(Z)*SIN(Z*B) = 0
If P1 = 0: COS(Z*B) = 0
If P2 = 0: Z*B*SIN(Z)*SIN(Z*B)-(Z/LR)*COS(Z)*COS(Z*B) = 0
Case 3: For Fixed Bottom - Pinned Top
General: 2*Z*B*SIN(Z)+(PR+1/PR)*Z*B*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B)+(PR+LR*(1+PR))*(Z*B)^2*SIN(Z)*SIN(Z*B)-
(1+1/PR)*(1+PR+PR/LR)*Z*Z*B*COS(Z)*COS(Z*B)+(1+PR)*(Z/LR)*COS(Z)*SIN(Z*B) = 0
If P1 = 0: 2+(LR*Z*B+1/(LR*Z*B))*SIN(Z*B)-(2+1/LR-(LR*Z*B)^2/(3*IR))*COS(Z*B) = 0
If P2 = 0: Z*B*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B)+(1+LR)*(Z*B)^2*SIN(Z)*SIN(Z*B)+(Z/LR)*COS(Z)*SIN(Z*B)-
(1+1/LR)*Z*Z*B*COS(Z)*COS(Z*B) = 0

Case 4: For Fixed Bottom - Slider Top

General: LR*Z*B*COS(Z)*SIN(Z*B)+(1+1/PR)*Z*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B) = 0
If P1 = 0: SIN(Z*B)+(LR*Z*B/IR)*COS(Z*B) = 0
If P2 = 0: LR*Z*B*COS(Z)*SIN(Z*B)+Z*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B) = 0

Case 5: For Fixed Bottom - Fixed Top

General: -2*(1+PR)*Z*Z*B+2*Z*Z*B*COS(Z)-2*(1+1/PR)*Z*Z*B*COS(Z*B)+2*(1+PR+1/PR)*Z*Z*B*COS(Z)*COS(Z*B)-
(1+1/PR)*(1+PR+PR/LR)*(Z)^2*Z*B*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B) = 0
If P1 = 0: 2+(LR*Z*B)^2/IR-(2-(LR*Z*B)^4/(12*IR^2)+LR*(1+LR)*(Z*B)^2/IR)*COS(Z*B)+(-Z*B+(LR*Z*B)^3/(3*IR)+
LR*Z*B/IR)*SIN(Z*B) = 0
If P2 = 0: (COS(Z)-COS(Z*B))*(Z*((1+LR)/LR)*SIN(Z)+COS(Z)-COS(Z*B))+(LR*SIN(Z)-Z*(1+LR)*COS(Z)+
SIN(Z*B)/B)*(SIN(Z)/LR+B*SIN(Z*B)) = 0

Case 6: For Pinned Bottom - Fixed Top

General: SIN(Z*B)*(2/PR-Z*SIN(Z)*((1+LR)/LR+1/PR)-COS(Z)*(PR/(1+PR)+2/PR))+COS(Z*B)*(-B*LR*SIN(Z)+
Z*B*COS(Z)*(1+LR-1/(1+PR))) = 0
If P1 = 0: SIN(Z*B)*(((Z*B*LR)/2*IR)-6*IR/(Z*B*LR)^2)-6*(1+(1/LR)))+2*Z*B*COS(Z*B)*((3*IR/(Z*B*LR)^2-LR) = 0
If P2 = 0: B*LR*COS(Z*B)*(SIN(Z)-Z*COS(Z)*(1+LR)/LR)+SIN(Z*B)*(COS(Z)+Z*SIN(Z)*(1+LR)/LR) = 0

Case 7: For Pinned Bottom - Fixed Top

General: ((1+PR)/PR)*Z*SIN(Z)*SIN(Z*B)-LR*Z*B*COS(Z)*COS(Z*B) = 0
If P1 = 0: LR*Z*B*SIN(Z*B)-IR*COS(Z*B) = 0
If P2 = 0: Z*SIN(Z)*SIN(Z*B)-Z*B*LR*COS(Z)*COS(Z*B) = 0
"STEPCOL.xls" Program
Version 1.1


For Determining Effective Lengths
and Effective Length K Factors
Job Name: Subject: Case 1
Job Number: Originator: Checker: Case 2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Case 3
Input: Pin Free Pin Slider Fix Fix Slider Case 4
Case 5
End Condition Case = Case 3 Case 6
Upper Shaft, L1 = 10.25 ft. Case 7
Upper Shaft, I1 = 310.0 in.^4 Yes
Upper Shaft, P1 = 23.00 kips No
Lower Shaft, L2 = 22.00 ft.
Lower Shaft, I2 = 2830.0 in.^4
Lower Shaft, P2 = 69.00 kips
Mod. of Elasticity, E = 29000 ksi Fix Fix Fix Fix
Pin Pin Pin
End Condition Cases
Results: For Fixed Bottom - Pinned Top P1

Solution Parameters:
Total Length, LT = 32.2500 ft. LT = L1+L2
(Upper L1,
Length Ratio, LR = 0.4659 LR = L1/L2 Shaft) I1
Inertia Ratio, IR = 0.1095 IR = I1/I2
Total Load, PT = 92.00 kips PT = P1+P2
Load Ratio, PR = 0.3333 PR = P1/P2 LT
g1 = 0.0016 g1 = SQRT(P1/(E*I1)) (Lower L2,
g2 = 0.0011 g2 = SQRT(PT/(E*I2)) Shaft) I2
B= 1.4207 B = (L2/L1)*SQRT(IR*(1+P2/P1))
Z1 = 0.1967 Z1 = g1*L1
Z2 = 0.2795 Z2 = g2*L2
CK = 0.1095 CK = IR Nomenclature
DK = 0.2500 DK = P1/PT
EK = 0.3178 EK = L1/LT
Initial Guess, Zst = 0.0330 Zst = 0.2*p*EK*SQRT(DK*CK)
Root of Equation, Zrt = 1.6730 Zrt = Z, solving for Z by iteration using following equation:
General: 2*Z*B*SIN(Z)+(PR+1/PR)*Z*B*SIN(Z)*COS(Z*B)+
+(1+PR)*(Z/LR)*COS(Z)*SIN(Z*B) = 0

Effective Lengths:
Upper Shaft, L1(eff) = 19.25 ft. L1(eff) = p*L1/Zrt (for upper shaft)
Lower Shaft, L2(eff) = 29.08 ft. L2(eff) = p*L2/(Zrt*B) (for lower shaft) ###

Effective Length Factors: (expressed relative to total stepped column length)

Upper Shaft, K1 = 0.597 K1 = L1(eff)/(L1+L2) = L1(eff)/LT (for upper shaft)
Lower Shaft, K2 = 0.902 K2 = L2(eff)/(L1+L2) = L2(eff)/LT (for lower shaft)

Effective Length Factors: (expressed relative to upper and lower shaft lengths)
Upper Shaft, K1 = 1.878 K1 = L1(eff)/L1 (for upper shaft)
Lower Shaft, K2 = 1.322 K2 = L2(eff)/L2 (for lower shaft)


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