837821-5e New Player Friendly Basic Character Sheet - 1.6 - DOCX

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D&D 5e Player: Class: Race:

PC Name: Level: XP:

Alignment: _________________

Strength Saving Throws


HP AC Hit Die

When leveling up, add Determined by class. One hit

Add 10 + Dexterity modifier +
Dexterity Saving Throws
Constitution modifier + Hit Die
roll (or average ). Some classes
class bonuses + 2 if using a
die per level. Roll up to
maximum hit die and add
Constitution modifier after
will receive additional HP per
level, race, or class. short rest to heal.
Sleight of Hand
Stealth Weapon Attack
To-Hit Damage
Constitution Saving Throws

Constitution has no direct skills. D20 + + +

However, Constitution is the
key ability for Concentration,
which is very important for D20 + Strength or Dexterity Weapon Damage Dice +
most spell casters. Modifier + Proficiency Bonus Strength or Dexterity Modifier

Intelligence Saving Throws Magic Attack

Arcane Only some spells use attack dice. See spell description.
History To-Hit Damage
D20 + + +
Religion D20 + Class Spell Casting Ability Spell Damage + Class Spell
Modifier + Proficiency Bonus Casting Ability Modifier (only if
noted in spell description)
Saving Throws
Insight Spell Save DC Max Spells Prepared

Animal Handling
8+ +
Perception 8 + Class Spell Casting Ability + Class + Race + Level Specific
Proficiency Bonus

Copper Silver Electrum

Saving Throws
Charisma Proficiency Bonus
Deception Level Specific

Performance Gold Platinum

Movement Speed
Persuasion Race & Class Specific

Add Proficiency Bonus and bubble in if proficient [email protected]

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