Nature and Scope of Services: Dr. Manel Khadraoui
Nature and Scope of Services: Dr. Manel Khadraoui
Nature and Scope of Services: Dr. Manel Khadraoui
Industry 25%
Services 65%
Agriculture 3%
What are services categories?
• Traditional service industries:
– leisure
– hospitality
– education
– health services
– financial
– insurance services
– professional
– business services
General Electric generally thought
of as major goods producer, who
now generate more than half of
their revenues from services.
Siemens offers consultancy
services to develop and sell
their product solutions to
their customers.
1 Intangibility
• This is the most basic and often quoted
difference between goods and services.
• Unlike tangible goods, services cannot
generally be seen, tasted, felt, heard or
smelled before being consumed.
• The potential customer is often unable to
perceive the service before (and sometimes
during and after) the service delivery.
2. Inseparability (or simultaneous production
and consumption)
• There is a marked distinction between
physical goods and services in terms of the
sequence of production and consumption:
Physical goods Services
Sold Sold
Consumed Produced and consumed at
the same time
3. Perishability
• services cannot be saved,
• their unused capacity cannot be reserved,
• they cannot be inventoried.
4. Heterogeneity: the variability of service delivery
• the variation in consistency from one service transaction to the next
• Service encounters occur in real time, and consumers are often
physically present in the service factory, so if something goes wrong
during the service process, it is too late to institute quality control
measures before the service reaches the customer.
• Heterogeneity, almost by definition, makes it impossible for a
service operation to achieve 100 percent perfect quality on an
ongoing basis.
isolate mistakes and correct them over time
• not only does the consistency of service vary from firm to firm and
among personnel within a single firm, but it also varies when
interacting with the same service provider on a daily basis.