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PHYST-823; No.

of Pages 7

Physiotherapy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Systematic review

What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive

care units? A systematic review of the evidence for
respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically
ventilated patients
Ellie Hawkins, Anne Jones ∗
Discipline of Physiotherapy, School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, James Cook University,
Townsville, Australia

Background Physiotherapy in intensive care units (ICU) has traditionally focussed on the respiratory management of mechanically ventilated
patients. Gradually, focus has shifted to include rehabilitation in adult ICUs, though evidence of a similar shift in the paediatric ICU (PICU)
is limited.
Objectives Review the evidence to determine the role of physiotherapists in the management of mechanically ventilated patients in PICU.
Data sources A search was conducted of: PEDro, CINAHL, Medline, PubMed and the Cochrane Library.
Eligibility criteria Studies involving PICU patients who received physiotherapy while invasively ventilated were included in this review.
Those involving neonatal or adult ICU patients, or patients on non-invasive or long-term ventilation, were not included in the study.
Study appraisal All articles were critically appraised by two reviewers and results were analysed descriptively.
Results Six studies on chest physiotherapy (CPT) met the selection criteria. Results support the use of the expiratory flow increase technique
and CPT, especially manual hyperinflation and vibrations, for secretion clearance. Evidence does not support the routine use of either CPT or
suction alone. No studies investigating rehabilitation in PICU met selection criteria.
Limitations A lack of high level evidence was available to inform this review.
Conclusion Evidence indicates that CPT is still the focus of physiotherapy intervention in PICU for mechanically ventilated patients, and
supports its use for secretion clearance in this setting.
PROSPERO register for systematic reviews (registration no. CRD42014009582).
Crown Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Intensive care; Pediatrics; Physical therapy specialty; Physical therapists; Ventilators; Mechanical

Introduction patients to secondary complications such as respiratory infec-

tions and acute lobar atelectasis [4,5]. Evidence in adult
Paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admissions are usu- populations also demonstrates that the long periods of immo-
ally due to acute medical illness, accidents, or life-threatening bility associated with mechanical ventilation often result in
surgical conditions [1]; a high percentage of these patients muscle atrophy and weakness [6]. As respiratory and func-
require mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours [2,3]. tion specialists, physiotherapists are an important part of the
Resultant airway clearance compromise predisposes these multi-disciplinary team in most intensive care units (ICU)
in Australia and throughout the world [7,8]. Chest physio-
∗ therapy (CPT) is usually the main focus of treatment for
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 747816280; fax: +61 747816868.
E-mail addresses: ellie.hawkins@my.jcu.edu.au (E. Hawkins), physiotherapists in ICU, and forms part of the standard
anne.jones@jcu.edu.au (A. Jones). care for both adult and paediatric mechanically ventilated

0031-9406/Crown Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Hawkins E, Jones A. What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive care units? A
systematic review of the evidence for respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically ventilated patients. Physiotherapy
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.04.001
PHYST-823; No. of Pages 7
2 E. Hawkins, A. Jones / Physiotherapy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

patients [9,10]. The aims of CPT surround the removal of Inclusion and exclusion criteria
excess secretions, and in PICU usually involves positioning,
percussions, vibrations, saline instillation, oropharyngeal or Studies were included in the review if the sample included
endotracheal suction, and manual hyperinflation [4,9,11]. invasively ventilated patients who were admitted to PICU,
However, overall the evidence base for physiotherapy in pae- and receiving some form of physiotherapy intervention from
diatric acute care is limited [12]. a physiotherapist. Both qualitative and quantitative articles
In recent years improvements in neonatal medicine has were included provided they were available in full text
resulted in an increasing number of very premature infants English. Article types which were excluded include: let-
surviving the neonatal period [3,13]. With this population at ters to the editor, editorials, comments, presentations, studies
greater risk of morbidities, such as reduced lung function on animals or artificial models, and systematic or literature
and developmental delay, the prevalence of chronic co- reviews. Studies were also excluded if the sample included
morbidities among PICU and neonatal ICU (NICU) patients adults (older than 18 years), patients admitted to an adult or
has increased [14–16]. As a result, focus has shifted to include neonatal ICU, patients on non-invasive ventilation or being
rehabilitation as part of standard physiotherapy intervention discharged from ICU on mechanical ventilation, and those
in NICU’s, as well as in adult intensive care units, for mechan- not receiving intervention from a physiotherapist. No restric-
ically ventilated patients [9]. Documented benefits of early tions were applied to the year published or methodological
rehabilitation in adult ICU’s include improved quality of life quality based on a critical appraisal tool score.
and function, and reduced length of stay [17,18]. In NICUs,
initial evidence shows that infants receiving developmental Data collection and analysis
care had significantly improved functional outcomes, com-
pared to those infants who did not receive such care [19]. In Due to the variation in study protocols and data collected
contrast, a large gap exists in this area among the mechani- between studies, and so the lack of comparable quantitative
cally ventilated PICU population. The aim of this study was data, outcomes were collected in a descriptive manner. Study
to determine the role of physiotherapists in the management specific terms regarding study characteristics and significant
of mechanically ventilated patients in the paediatric intensive findings were used to answer the research question. These
care unit, with regards to both rehabilitation and respiratory were collected in accordance with the research aims: demo-
management. graphics of the population, treatments performed and their
protocols, adverse events, and the evidence behind inter-
ventions (see Table 1). Results were presented in tables to
allow comparison of protocols and results, and highlight any
Protocol and registration

A systematic review was conducted using a PRISMA Risk of bias

approach in order to determine the research objective [20].
The review was registered on the PROSPERO register for To minimise the risk of selection bias, the eligibility of the
systematic reviews (registration no. CRD42014009582). studies for inclusion was agreed upon by two assessors based
on the defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Crowe
Critical Appraisal Tool (CCAT) was used to determine the
Search strategy
methodological quality of all studies, including risk of bias
within studies [21]; this was also completed independently
Five databases were selected through James Cook Uni-
versity (JCU) to be used for searches: PEDro, CINAHL,
Table 1
MEDLINE, PubMed, and the Cochrane Library. A prelimi- Descriptive data using objective outcomes from individual studies.
nary search of Google Scholar, JCU’s One Search, and the
PICO Descriptive data/objective measures used
five databases was conducted to determine the depth of the
Population Number of participants, age (months and years), and
evidence base and inform the selection of search terms. The
demographics primary and associated conditions
final search was conducted using keywords and MeSH terms, Treatments Treatments performed e.g. manual hyperinflation,
with or without truncation, as appropriate for the database. and protocols suction, vibrations, postural drainage etc. Treatment
The search terms used can be seen in Appendix A. Articles duration, number of techniques, passes of suction,
yielded from the search were screened by title and abstract; cycles of treatment etc.
Evidence Significant effects on oxygenation, dead space, tidal
those which met the selection criteria were obtained in full
behind volumes, peak expiratory flows/peak expiratory flow
text and further screened for eligibility. Studies which met treatments ratios, airway compliance, airway resistance, forces
all inclusion and exclusion criteria following full text review applied during manual techniques e.g. suction produced
were included in the study. Reference lists of full text arti- significant reductions in airway compliance.
cles were also screened to ensure a comprehensive search of Adverse Haemodynamic stability (heart rate, blood pressure),
events oxygenation (SpO2 )
potential evidence.

Please cite this article in press as: Hawkins E, Jones A. What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive care units? A
systematic review of the evidence for respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically ventilated patients. Physiotherapy
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.04.001
PHYST-823; No. of Pages 7
E. Hawkins, A. Jones / Physiotherapy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

by the two assessors. Discrepancies in scores were discussed, following the expiratory flow increase technique (EFIT)
and a third assessor consulted if required. For the purpose of and suction. An increase in dead space, accompanied by
quality appraisal, a high score on the CCAT was considered to improvements in tidal volume and unchanged carbon dioxide
be >80% (that is, at least four out of five in all categories). The elimination levels, was also demonstrated post-CPT [11].
level of evidence was also used to further determine the rigour
of the studies reviewed and used when drawing conclusions Effects of suction
[22]. To limit the risk of bias associated with access to articles,
all potentially relevant articles were paid for where access A reduction in pulmonary compliance post-suction was
through James Cook University was not available. However, found in two studies [5,23]. This was accompanied by a
to ensure studies were adequately critically appraised, those reduction in tidal volume following suction alone [23]. In
not available in full text English were excluded. the second study, the suction intervention also included MHI
[5]. Contrastingly, improvements in pulmonary compliance,
airway resistance, and tidal volume were found post-suction
Results in a select group whom had increased oxygenation index and
reduced pulmonary compliance at baseline [23].
Study selection
Methodological quality and risk of bias
The search conducted on the 27th April 2014 initially
yielded 539 results. Following removal of those which did not The studies reviewed were not of a high level of evi-
meet selection criteria, a resultant six studies were included dence, but were high quality (see Table 2) Most studies
in the review (see Fig. S1). involved single intervention groups, however two randomised
crossover studies by the same author group were included
Study characteristics [5,11]. Though individual studies did not comment on risk
of bias, all scored at least four for “design” on the CCAT
All studies focussed on CPT, and a summary of study char- which includes assessment of risk of bias within the study.
acteristics and findings can be seen in Table 2. The addition of No discrepancies in critical appraisal scoring were evident
manual techniques to a baseline intervention of suction, saline between the two assessors, nor in the selection of studies to
instillation, and pre-oxygenation usually distinguished CPT be included in the review. Only one potentially relevant arti-
from control and intervention groups. However, Main et al. cle could not be obtained in full text English and so was not
[5] and Main and Stocks [11] included manual hyperinflation included, potentially affecting the results.
(MHI) in both control and intervention groups. Furthermore,
Morrow et al. [23] investigated the effects of suction alone, Rehabilitation in paediatric intensive care unit
without manual techniques, in a single sample group. Set pro-
tocols were used in two studies [23,24]; in the remaining four, No studies specific to the population were found that
the intervention group received treatment based on clinical investigated rehabilitation and also met inclusion and exclu-
assessment of the patient. sion criteria. Two studies investigating rehabilitation were
With the exception of Almeida et al. [24], all studies had a excluded because they included other professions and non-
similar mix of patients: primary respiratory, secondary respi- invasively ventilated patients [26,27].
ratory (including neurological and other medical conditions),
and non-surgical and surgical cardiac conditions (see Table 2)
Four studies reported on adverse events: two reported no Discussion
adverse events [24,25], while the other two reported adverse
events surrounding oxygenation and haemodynamic stability The objective of this study was to review the evidence
[5,23]. Main et al. [5] also reported an undefined respiratory to determine the role of physiotherapists in the manage-
deterioration in one third of patients receiving both CPT and ment of mechanically ventilated PICU patients. A search of
suction. five databases revealed six studies which met all inclusion
and exclusion criteria, all of which were focussed on CPT
Effects of manual techniques interventions. Overall, findings support the use of CPT for
secretion clearance and improving oxygenation. No studies
Increases in peak expiratory flows following MHI, and the included in the review reported on rehabilitation interven-
creation of an expiratory flow bias with the addition of vibra- tions.
tions, were demonstrated by Gregson et al. [4,25]. Patients
receiving CPT were also more likely to show improve- Effects on expiratory flow and tidal volume
ments in pulmonary compliance and resistance, and tidal
volume [5]. Almeida et al. [24] found statistically significant Gregson et al. [4,25] demonstrated increased peak expira-
improvements in respiratory rate and oxygenation measures tory flows with the addition of MHI compared to mechanical

Please cite this article in press as: Hawkins E, Jones A. What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive care units? A
systematic review of the evidence for respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically ventilated patients. Physiotherapy
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.04.001
PHYST-823; No. of Pages 7
4 E. Hawkins, A. Jones / Physiotherapy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Characteristics and findings of those studies included in the review.
Study Design CCAT Scorea Sample Intervention Statistically significant Adverse events
NHMRC (N, age, conditions) outcomes
Gregson et al. Observational: 93% N = 105 MHI, vibrations, saline, MHI increases PEF & Not reported
[4] single group, pre- LIII-2 7 days to 15.9 years ETT suction; protocol tidal volumes;
& post-test Mixc determined by vibrations cause further
assessment increases and create an
expiratory flow bias
Gregson et al. 93% N = 55 No adverse
[25] LIII-2 7 days to 13.7 years events
Morrow et al. 90% N = 78 1 pass of ETT suction Overall reduction in Self-limiting O2
[23] LIII-2 0.3 to 25 months with pre-oxygenation compliance and tidal desaturations
Mixc volume and episodes of
Almeida et al. 98% N = 22 40 EFITs, ETT suction Statistically significant No adverse
[24] LIII-2 1 to 11 months improvements in events
Obstructive acute oxygenation
respiratory failure
Main and Randomised 93% N = 75 “Suction” (MHI, Significant increases in Not reported
Stocks [11] crossover (quasi- LIII-1 3 days to 16 years suction, saline, dead space post-CPT
experimental) Mix pre-oxygenation)
“CPT” (“suction”,
vibrations, percussions,
compressions, or
postural drainage)
Protocol determined by
Main et al. [5] 95% N = 83 Significant reduction in O2 desaturations
LIII-1 3 days to 16 years airway resistance and low blood
Mix post-CPT; reduction in pressure;
airway compliance respiratory
post-suction deterioration
MHI, manual hyperinflation; ETT, endotracheal tube; PEF, peak expiratory flows; EFIT, expiratory flow increase technique; CPT, chest physiotherapy; O2 ,
a Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool Score [21]. A score of 80% or more was considered to indicate high methodological quality.
b Based on NHMRC’s hierarchy of evidence [22].
c Mix of patients included: primary respiratory, secondary respiratory (including neurological and other medical conditions), and non-surgical and surgical

cardiac conditions.

ventilation alone. Though the peak expiratory flows gen- Effects on pulmonary compliance and airway resistance
erated during a cough far exceed those generated during
MHI, it was the expiratory flow bias, created by the fur- Increased pulmonary compliance and airway resistance
ther addition of vibrations, which was considered important are often related to the presence of secretions; improve-
[4,28]. As evidenced by an increase in peak expiratory ments in these parameters post-CPT therefore support its
flow to peak inspiratory flow ratio, this bias is thought to use for secretion removal [30]. Main et al. [5] conducted a
facilitate secretion clearance by contributing to the central randomised crossover study, in which the control group (“suc-
movement of secretions, allowing for removal by suc- tion”) received a combination of pre-oxygenation, saline,
tion or cough [4]. The accompanying increase in tidal MHI, and endotracheal suction. In the CPT group, whom
volumes may also suggest secretion removal, where pre- received additional manual techniques, a significant drop
viously secretion filled/atelectatic airways are re-ventilated in airway resistance was demonstrated [5]. Furthermore,
following CPT [4]. There is an apparent lack of con- patients whom received CPT were twice as likely to show
crete evidence to confirm these hypotheses, for example improvements in airway resistance, pulmonary compliance,
measurement of the volume of secretions removed. How- and tidal volume, compared to those post-suction [5]. In 96%
ever, this too has potential confounders to measurement, of cases, vibrations were the additional manual technique
where secretions may be swallowed or mixed with saline of choice [5]. Findings are therefore comparable to those
[11,29]. of the study previously mentioned investigating MHI and

Please cite this article in press as: Hawkins E, Jones A. What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive care units? A
systematic review of the evidence for respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically ventilated patients. Physiotherapy
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.04.001
PHYST-823; No. of Pages 7
E. Hawkins, A. Jones / Physiotherapy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

vibrations, and further support the use of CPT for secretion alone. A reduction in pulmonary compliance and tidal
clearance [4,25]. volumes was found post-suction [5,23]. In both studies,
patients with endotracheal tube leaks greater than 20%
Effects on regional ventilation distribution were excluded, airway pressure and chest wall compliance
remained unchanged, patients had low to normal baseline
Main and Stocks [11] found a transient ventilation- compliance, and no signs of air trapping [5,23]. This reduc-
perfusion mismatch post-CPT, manifested in the results tion in compliance was therefore considered to be indicative
as an increase in physiological and alveolar dead space. of a loss of lung volume, and so the authors conclude
However no concurrent compromise in CO2 elimination that suction alone should not be used routinely [23,33].
occurred, as evident by unchanged “gold standard” measures Contrastingly, Main et al. [5] supports the use of routine
of partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PaCO2 ) and CO2 elim- suction over routine CPT. However, their suction group
ination (VCO2 ) [11]. The authors therefore conclude that included MHI which would compensate for the unintended
the increase in dead space was likely due to an alteration volume loss associated with suction alone [5,23]. Therefore,
in ventilation distribution. Accompanying improvements in like CPT, signs of secretion retention are required for safe
pulmonary compliance and resistance potentially indicate and effective suction intervention. This is supported by the
secretion removal: a possible cause for this ventilation re- improvements in pulmonary compliance, airway resistance,
distribution [5,12]. Concurrent increases in tidal volume and and tidal volumes found in the portion of patients (31.5%)
a reduction in end tidal CO2 , also indicate recruitment of pre- whom had signs of secretion retention at baseline [23].
viously atelectatic airways, further supporting this hypothesis
[11]. That is, if increases in ventilation were not matched Safety of chest physiotherapy
by increased pulmonary perfusion, it may have presented as
dead space. With some patients only reaching statistical sig- Following treatments of EFIT with suction and CPT, no
nificance for changes in respiratory parameters at 30 minutes, adverse events were recorded [24,25]. However, in two stud-
it is possible that this last follow-up time was inadequate to ies adverse events did occur in a small percentage of patients
determine the final effects of the interventions [11]. [5,23]. Three self-limiting desaturations below 85% and one
episode of bradycardia was recorded post-suction in a sam-
Patient selection for chest physiotherapy ple of 78 [23]. Self-limiting was defined within the study
as fraction of inspired oxygen returning to pre-suction lev-
In most studies, the benefits of CPT for secretion clear- els within one minute [23]. Main et al. [5] also reported
ance were not experienced by the majority, raising the issue short-lived oxygen desaturations and hypotensive episodes;
of appropriate patient selection. The primary indicator for this was greater in the suction group (13%) compared to the
CPT should be evidence of secretion retention. Main et al. CPT group (7%), though the significance of this difference
[5] and Main and Stocks [11] selected their sample based was not commented upon. However, one third of patients in
upon clinical assessment; however, further details of this both groups experienced an undefined respiratory deteriora-
selection were not provided, and a third of patients experi- tion; though not explicitly defined, the authors’ conclude that
enced respiratory deterioration. Almeida et al. [24] conducted this probably relates to metabolic changes including reduced
a study on a small sample of 22 infants with obstructive bicarbonate [5]. Overall, the adverse events experienced by
acute respiratory failure (acute bronchiolitis) where clinical patients following CPT and suction alone do not raise signif-
signs indicated secretion retention. Following treatment of icant concerns regarding the use of these interventions in the
40 EFITs and suction, statistically significant improvements studied population.
in oxygenation were found [24]. These findings were con-
firmed in a French study on a similar population, though Methodological quality
the study was excluded as it was not accessible in full text
English [31]. Contrarily, past studies have found no benefit Though the studies reviewed are not of high level evi-
of CPT for non-ventilated patients with acute bronchiolitis dence, they are of a relatively high quality: the lowest CCAT
[30,32]. However, more severe cases often show signs of lung score was 90% (see Table 2). All studies used the CO2SMO
consolidation on chest X-ray, thus potential for secretions Plus! to record respiratory data, and two used the Novel Pli-
retention–an indication for CPT [30]. ance mat to record forces during manual techniques; both had
been validated prior to use in the studies [11,25]. Potential for
Effects of suction more rigour in study design was evident where control groups
in the two randomised crossover studies included MHI. The
Though suction is often performed routinely by nursing patients therefore received more than minimal intervention
staff, only studies where suction was performed by a and, ethically, a randomised controlled trial may have been
physiotherapist were included in the review. Suction was permitted [5,11]. The literature presents evidence that sample
included in all intervention groups, however only Morrow size is at the expense of homogeneity. No studies included
et al. [23] investigated the effects of one pass of suction sample size calculations; however Almeida et al. [24], whom

Please cite this article in press as: Hawkins E, Jones A. What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive care units? A
systematic review of the evidence for respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically ventilated patients. Physiotherapy
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.04.001
PHYST-823; No. of Pages 7
6 E. Hawkins, A. Jones / Physiotherapy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

had a relatively homogenous population of patients with guidelines which may assist physiotherapists in providing
acute bronchiolitis, had an apparently small sample of just rehabilitation interventions to this population.
22 patients. Conversely, Gregson et al. [4] had a sample of
105 patients, but a range of ages and conditions (see Table 2). Conclusion
Furthermore, there were large variations in the number of
physiotherapists delivering treatments, with 19 therapists in The role of physiotherapists in mechanically ventilated
one study [4]. This has implications for conclusions drawn patients in PICU still primarily surrounds CPT. Evidence
from the results, due to the differences in force application supports the use of CPT as a safe and effective treatment
between therapists [25], and more significantly because clin- for secretion clearance, and usually involves MHI, vibra-
ical reasoning and experience potentially comes into play. tions, and suction. In PICU, physiotherapists are required
to treat patients with a variety of conditions, and of a range
of ages including those younger than one month old. This
Limitations research therefore has implications for physiotherapy among
full term neonates in NICU. Evidence in the area of rehabil-
Access to articles was only limited on one occasion: a itation among the mechanically ventilated PICU population
study that was inaccessible in full text English [31]. The is still lacking and requires further research.
nature of the study however, limits control over treatment
protocols and data collection. Comparability between stud-
ies was therefore limited, due to a large variation in study Conflict of interest
characteristics. This reduces the strength and validity of the
conclusions drawn in this review. Furthermore, the inclusion None declared.
and exclusion criteria of individual studies means that most
findings are only transferrable to a sedated, muscle-relaxed
population. Based on patient populations in individual stud-
Appendix A. Supplementary data
ies, the age range of the PICU population is large, with most
including patients whom are technically considered neonates
Supplementary data associated with this article can be
[30]. Only one study excluded patients under one month old
found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
[24]. In seems that in reality, neonates with respiratory condi-
tions or requiring surgery following discharge from hospital
at birth are often admitted to PICU [1]. This has implications
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Please cite this article in press as: Hawkins E, Jones A. What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive care units? A
systematic review of the evidence for respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically ventilated patients. Physiotherapy
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.04.001
PHYST-823; No. of Pages 7
E. Hawkins, A. Jones / Physiotherapy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Hawkins E, Jones A. What is the role of the physiotherapist in paediatric intensive care units? A
systematic review of the evidence for respiratory and rehabilitation interventions for mechanically ventilated patients. Physiotherapy
(2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2015.04.001

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