Simillimum Journal 2014
Simillimum Journal 2014
Simillimum Journal 2014
Simillimum is a journal published by naturopathic physicians for all people
interested in homeopathy. It is dedicated to the practice of classical homeopathy
as formulated by Samuel Hahnemann in the Organon of Medicine. It also
explores modern methods of homeopathy that have a basic foundation in
classical homeopathy. The editors encourage homeopaths of all professions
and backgrounds to write for the journal; we welcome accounts of cured cases,
essays, articles, and letters to the editor.
Book Review: Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy, A Precise Path
to the Simillimum by Heiner Frei
Jamie Oskin, ND .............
Method of Complexity
Krista Heron, ND, DHANP .............
A Case of Dis-Ease
Nazirahk Amen, ND, L.Ac, DHANP .............
Please enjoy!
Narayana Publishers recently published the first English edition
of a book by Heiner Frei, M.D., Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy,
A Precise Path to the Simillimum.1 This book summarizes Frei’s
work that led to the rigorously designed, double-blind, randomized
control trial,2 which demonstrated that individualized homeopathic
treatment was superior to placebo. Frei’s development of the
Polarity Analysis (PA) methodology3 is based on an extension of
Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbook with an attempt to
modernize the repertorization process to increase the consistency
and reliability of homeopathic prescriptions.
The book is hardbound and very clearly presented. It is
easy to read for those new to homeopathy as well as advanced
homeopathic practitioners. The book includes 38 case studies that
clearly present the PA methodology of repertorization and matches
the prescription via the law of similars to the accurate remedy. The
book is divided into three modules: acute illness, chronic illness,
and hyperactive children and multi-morbid patients. In these
modules Frei teaches the methodology for PA beginning with more
straightforward cases and advancing to more complex cases.
The strength of Frei’s work is in his highly consistent and
reliable results using homeopathy to treat a wide range of
serious acute and chronic conditions. He truly achieves the goal
I am happy that Frei’s book has been published in English,
and feel it should be examined carefully by the homeopathic
profession. In Frei’s book, there are many valuable clinical pearls
from an outstanding clinician. In the homeopathic community,
we are indebted to Frei for his tireless work to improve the
methodological precision of homeopathic prescribing so that
homeopathy’s efficacy can be documented in rigorous trials and
presented in the literature for the advancement of homeopathy
within the scientific community at large. I am personally grateful
to Frei because I was inspired to study Boenninghausen’s
Therapeutic Pocketbook in-depth after reading Frei’s rigorous
research demonstrating the efficacy of homeopathy for the
treatment of ADHD.2 Although I was trained primarily in post-
Kentian repertorization, I have now been utilizing George
Dimitriadis’ English translation of Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic
Pocketbook, TBR2,30 almost exclusively for the past year and have
Before birth
Michal Yakir has been working as a Homeopath for more than 25 years.
Michal has developed her system of the plant table and continues to work on
it. She was a botanist and a models ecologist in her past. Today, she has used
her homeopathic and botanical knowledge (combined with late-night studies,
new homeopathic ideas, and work with colleagues) to synthesize the “Table
of Plants.” Other than that, Dr. Yakir was past chairwoman of the Israeli
Association for Homeopathy and present editor of the IACH journal. She is
currently teaching homeopathy and the “Table of Plants” in Israel and abroad.
You can see more information on her website:
With the proper intent, we can create a kind of sacred space for our
patients to enter into, in which they can express and reveal what is
most important, especially the key features and symptoms of their
case. When the interviewer can stay very clear, present, caring, and
patiently attentive, it generally supports and encourages the patient
to feel safe, and thus to more easily find their way to honest, direct,
and authentic self-expression.
At this point, we hear more about his life dynamic of being hard on
his body—mentally, emotionally, and physically. His strategy is to
try to knock down these constant bouts, basically trying the same
strategy that was enforced on him: self-suppression.
I always keep a close eye on the choice of words people use. When
he describes the manner in which he expresses himself, he uses
the word “barfing”— look at me barfing all this stuff out. So for
him, in order to speak about himself, to speak his truth, he has
to “barf” it out. It has to take a violent expulsion, rather than a
simple, flowing, natural, personal expression. To “barf” requires
overcoming the suppressive force of the esophageal sphincter on
the stomach contents, the purpose of which is to hold contents.
There was this heavy set kid in class who was ballistically shy.
He always got the ruler on the knuckles as punishment. I rebelled
against that system, got teachers fired, tried to fight in little ways.
Looks like the process of the arthritic flares in the joints is trying to
release huge energy: explosions do occur, full blown flaring, with
swelling and heat. So we see all the suppression is needing to find
a vent somewhere in the system, and the joints act like one of the
pressure release valves of his organism.
I never shot a gun. Not into violence of any kind. The state of the
I shy away from confrontation or just take it. I turn into sheetrock
and just take it. I feel soiled inside, the anger and the resentment I
hold inside doesn’t feel good or clean—push it aside. I don’t want
that part in my life. I want to have choice. Don’t want to carry the
memories and thoughts of lack of choice, freedom, honesty. Don’t
want to be stifled, have someone’s thumb on me all the time.
At this point, the narrative ends. I feel the case is clear. There is
little left for me to ask. After explaining a bit about the process of
homeopathic treatment, I asked him how best to reach him once I
decided on a remedy. He replied, I’ll have my phone in my grubby
little paw. Here ended his appointment.
For this case, a synopsis may look something like this: Our
patient is a sensitive and gentle man suffering from hypertension,
psoriasis, and presumably psoriatic arthritis, characterized
by explosive flares, and marked burning and aching pains. In
addition he also has chronic post-herpetic neuralgia of the left
eye, which also is characterized by burning pains. Alongside his
physical complaints, the patient suffers from significant and life-
long emotional suppression, mainly of anger, from longstanding
domination by parents and teachers. He is very sensitive to
injustice and oppression in the world at large, and describes strong
emotional reactions to them, both expressed in his rebellious
nature and fighting for the underdog. When ill, he feels like shit,
Seeing the last remedy on this short list was initially a shock,
followed shortly by a flash of insight and inspiration. Admittedly
there were many facets to this patient that might remind one of the
remedy Lac caninum (the wandering joint pains, feeling of being
dominated and demeaned, with low self-esteem, the psoriasis and
anger), but that remedy only covered one of the rubrics selected.
At the time I took the case, I never even knew there was a remedy
made from “dog poop.” I knew nothing of its proving or symptoms
in the materia medica, but when I saw this remedy in the list of
possible choices everything lit up. Here was a patient who, like
Lac caninum, felt dominated and controlled all his life. He felt like
shit, always fought for the underdog, felt soiled inside, had his
phone at the ready in his grubby little paw, loved dogs to the point
that his dog was literally his best friend. From a scientific and more
grounded perspective, all the additional symptoms listed were also
covered by this remedy. And, on some intuitive level, this case, for
lack of a better, more scientific term, “smelled” of dog energy.
His first follow up occurred about six weeks after starting the
remedy. He reported no explosions or blistering arthritis attacks,
which had been coming steadily for more than 9 months. He felt
an overwhelming sense of calm. I am so much more at ease inside,
less angry, a lot more open and receptive. I am not riled up over
anything. I don’t seem to have a bone to pick (notice the imagery).
My meditations are so much more rewarding. More patient, and my
mind is not spinning wheels. His cheeks were less red, his blood
To be honest, I still cannot get myself to tell the patient the source
of his remedy. Instead, if and when he asks, I will probably put
on an evasive grin and respond, “maybe we should just put that
discussion off for now, since you are doing so well, and isn’t that
what really matters anyhow?” I hope he doesn’t press the issue, for
his sake and mine!
Douglas Falkner, MD, MHom is the Founder and Chief Instructor at The Falkner
School for Homeopathy, which offers practitioner training programs at both
beginning and more advanced levels, all interactive, live and online. Dr. Falkner
is a fully trained Emergency Medicine Physician, Clinical Emergency Medicine
Instructor, and Homeopath. With extensive training in both conventional
Western medicine and homeopathy, Dr. Falkner combines his knowledge of
modern medical science with a deep understanding of the homeopathic healing
art. He maintains a busy homeopathy practice in Ashland, Oregon, and also
offers phone consultations nationally and internationally.
Just a brief word: By the time of this publication, I will have already
produced at least 22 tutorials covering, in detail, the different aspects
of what I will be discussing in this paper. The titles of some of the
tutorials will be listed, where applicable.
Drug Disorders
Hahnemann saw that every drug, even after only one dose had been
taken, left a footprint in the individual’s health that didn’t stop once
the drug left the individual’s system. This means that our modern
medical system with its pharmaceutical drugs, surgeries, vaccines,
medical procedures, and massive diagnostic imaging are doing us
in fast! They are the number-one cause of death today and the most
common cause of chronic disorders. Even in his time Hahnemann
was pessimistic as to their cure:
Have you ever had a situation where you knew the remedy but
after taking it, the patient did not improve? Manfred once did with
a case of a thirty-something year old woman named Shelly with
eczema all over her body. Shelly was worse from heat, had flaking
This and several other cases hammered home what happens when
you don’t remove the cause. Removing the cause(s) is such a
basic clinical principle that Hahnemann put it into the first several
Aphorisms of his Organon. (§ 2-7). Upon taking a more careful
case, an important fact in Shelly’s environment was uncovered.
She was exposed to sulphur on a daily basis from the water in her
well. She drank, cooked with, and bathed in sulphur-tainted water.
Before you can treat for the effects of a cause(s), you first need
to remove the cause(s). It’s that simple. Once Shelly moved from
her home to a place with no detectable sulphur in the water, a total
and permanent cure of her eczema took place using...Sulphur, in
ascending Q potencies for the next 8 months. But we’re jumping
the gun. This gets us to Tool number one.
Have you seen more and more people in the prime of their lives
suffering from memory loss (even minor problems), lack of
comprehension, or early signs of dementia? Have you seen young
people in their twenties who are losing their hair? Have you heard
of folks in their 30s and 40s who have had a stroke? Are you seeing
more and more patients complain of tiredness and fatigue? Have
you seen glaucoma and cataracts develop in patients before middle
age? Have you worked with families of children with brain tumors?
If you haven’t yet, you will soon.
“ turns those who are under its influence into weather-
glasses and thermometers likewise. An electrician, who at
one time was required to work with his hands frequently in
a trough filled with quicksilver, thereafter could not bear the
slightest shock of electricity, though before he could stand
very strong ones.”
After eliminating the causes, you begin to treat the effects and this
brings us to Tool number two.
Coming back to Shelly’s eczema case, we see that this was actually
a tautopathic use of the potentized Sulphur to antidote the effects
of the sulphur in her well-water. How do we know that Sulphur
was the tautopathic prescription (even though it perfectly matched
her symptoms)? Because Shelly had no prior history of eczema
before living at the house with the sulphur in the well.
In practical terms, this means we can use the potency of any toxin,
drug, or any type of radiation, etc. to counteract the secondary effects
of the respective pathogenic agent. That fact this works is supported
by modern experimental studies. We give credit to Hahnemann for
the brilliant insight into how to antidote artificial disorders:
More than 200 years ago Hahnemann saw that the secondary
effects that develop as a result of drugs and other poisons are a
derangement in the biomagnetic regulatory system—the vital force.
This derangement is the energetic drug disease. The most likely way
to resolve it is by “antidoting” it with a potentized energetic remedy,
i.e. the tautopathic “pharmacode.” We use the term pharmacode
to distinguish this type of remedy from a nosode. Pharmacode (fr.
Gr. Pharmakon) means a remedy “prepared from a poison, medical
drug, radiation or other injurious agent.”
Again, we’ll look at Shelly’s case. We could not antidote the sulphur
from the well-water with potentized Sulphur to resolve her eczema
because the aggravating cause, the sulphur from the well-water,
was still influencing her body and causing its primary effects since
she was still using the water daily. This is an important principle:
While a physiological cause, i.e. crude drug, toxin or radiation, is
still directly influencing the organism and while it is still present in
the body, we are dealing with its primary effects.
To sum up:
1) First we should remove the toxin from the body using
appropriate methods.
2) Then to antidote the primary effects of drugs/poisons, we
can use the
a) physiological antidotes, or
b) homeopathic antidotes, preferably in a crude or low
decimal potency, but not always!
3) And to antidote the secondary effects of drug/poisons, we
can use the
a) tautopathic pharmacode (or potency of the poison), or
b) homeopathic antidote in high potency.
See also our tutorial “Principles of Antidoting”
Here’s another example of a little girl with asthma. She was clingy,
whiny, and anxious, and felt better in open air. Clearly a Pulsatilla
case, yet Pulsatilla did nothing! We antidoted the albuterol inhaler
that she had previously been given by giving Albuterol 30C, then
repeated the Pulsatilla. The attack promptly stopped!
Iatrogenesis at work! At this point, she had had enough and sought
out Mueller’s services—a referral from a friend. While the details
and reactions may vary, this scenario is sadly all too typical.
There are several ways to learn about the side effects of drugs, and
it’s best to use a combination of them:
- Use a search engine, type in the drug name and the term
“side effects” or “health effects.”
- Buy your own copy of the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR)
book or disk. They are easily and cheaply available at used
bookstores, etc.
- Use websites like,, and many others.
Note: Most drugs have numerous names. Sometimes you will have
to do a little digging. Or, you may want to shoot The Homeopathic
College a quick email. We’ve already done the research on many
of these drugs. We have more than 600 pharmacodes in our private
In the end, what was left was only Dolly’s underlying hormonal
imbalance. Concurrently to the drug clearing, Manfred started her on
daily doses of ascending liquid Q-potencies of Natrum muriaticum
each morning, beginning with the 1Q potency. For the next two
months, while still on the Natrum muriaticum, he systematically—
always going back in time—antidoted her previous medications,
even x-rays, MRI’s, and vaccines. Last, he added Carcinosinum
in ascending Q-potencies before bedtime, also beginning with the
1Q potency, in alternation with her Natrum muriaticum, to address
the inherited (constitutional) state she was born with—the cancer
diathesis. In 18 months, she was a new woman. This is how we
routinely reverse patient’s iatrogenic disorders.
People come with this story all the time. “After years of treatment,
I have not seen sufficient improvement from well-chosen remedies
On Centesimal Potencies
Benefits of Q-Potencies
For many reasons, the use of the Q-potencies has become a vital part
of The Mueller Method. But first, a little on the special properties
of the Q-potencies. Hahnemann saw the need for repetition of the
dose in chronic disorders. However, there was one problem. The
centesimal potencies could not be repeated with impunity. And
they were too harsh and short-lived in their effect. Q-potencies
(commonly called LM, which is a misnomer) are the ideal potencies
according to Hahnemann. They are very versatile. Q-potencies are:
- Deep acting and long lasting.
- Repeatable as needed; their effect lasting a day per dose.
- Easily alternated with more than one remedy at a time during
the course of a day, so long as they are compatible and have
Have you come across patients who react to every dose of every
remedy they take, as if proving the remedy, not only having a
worsening of their existing symptoms but developing new symptoms
that you recognize belong to the remedy? Hahnemann has left us
with our next tool: the Dose. Due to the increasing prevalence of
the cancer diathesis, the constant irritation from ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation, and many other factors which are aggravating the
sensitivity of our patients, the dose will become more and more of an
issue in everyone’s practices. One solution is individualization of the
dose. Everyone needs the dose most beneficial to them. Hahnemann
mentions dose in §270 and subsequent Aphorisms in the context of
adjusting the dose to the sensitive patient. To understand more on
how to assess the individual sensitivity, please see the tutorial “The
Sensitive Patient.”
Have you seen clients that present with four or more chronic
disorders or syndromes that are completely unrelated to each other
or are caused by different factors? You hate to ask them to choose
which one is the most pressing or annoying as you know they are all
serious and in need of treatment. Instead of doing this, address all of
the disorders at the same time by alternating remedies that cover the
You can spend a lot of time studying every new remedy that is
proven, repertorizing for hours and trying to find the one remedy that
will cover all the symptoms of the patient’s multiple conditions…
Or you can cover all four conditions with more than one remedy—
each remedy the simillimum to one condition. By doing so you
accelerate the healing process and improve the patient’s satisfaction
by addressing all concerns. And from Manfred’s experience, you
rarely need to use remedies other than the polycrests, even in the
most serious of conditions. The tool of alternating remedies speeds
up the recovery and deepens your level of cure.
Opposing Symptoms
The agenda in these classes for more than ten years has been
to proceed through important remedies from A to Z presented
thoroughly and vividly by Henny. Currently the classes have come
to the letter P, ending this week with Psorinum, and we spent one
With each remedy, Henny asks the colleagues to say some things
that they think are important about the remedy at hand, then she
presents the remedy, describing important characteristics and
rubrics that distinguish it. With the remedy in mind we watch a
video case (or more than one) that demonstrates salient aspects of
the remedy. After that everyone repertorizes the case(s), then we go
around the room offering rubrics to the group. We come up with a
comprehensive and interesting repertorization to keep in our notes
and to absorb through the process. We have the visual and auditory
features that make the picture of the remedy come alive for us. We
also do some differential with remedies that are closely similar.
There is often good discussion and questions from the students.
It is a great pleasure to participate in Henny’s classes where all
colleagues explore homeopathy together under her gentle but firm
Henny is very orderly and has well prepared and planned well what
she will convey to the class. She guides us on in how to recognize
the remedies that we are studying, using clear examples in cases,
which to show us how to see the remedy even when the case lacks
some symptoms that we all think are essential for prescribing
this remedy. For example, we watched a case that certainly was
Psorinum but without any rash. We also watched other Psorinum
videos that did have rashes. Through repertorization, we could
verify the correct remedy of the case without rashes, even though
it lacked the skin symptoms that we considered necessary for
its prescription. Every student really gets to know the remedies
covered and has ample notes to refer back to when studying cases
in their own practices.
Henny, and the homeopaths under her supervision whose cases are
presented, prescribe for the homeopathic picture that is foremost.
At times she will use a nosode to nudge the case forward or out of
a hole. Sometimes, she will prescribe another remedy, often a more
Psoric remedy, as the case improves to bring it to good resolution.
She teaches us to respect the vital energies of each patient and to
be the unbiased observer waiting and watching for the vital force
to direct us when to repeat, change remedies, and what potency to
Henny says she really enjoys teaching; she feels fortunate to have
the opportunity to explore her beloved homeopathy with others
who are passionate to learn it well and want to offer it as healing.
The ways in which homeopathy can help patients is unique, and
no other method can achieve the wondrous transformation so
For more than 20 years, through seminars and books, I have been
learning from Rajan Sankaran and his Indian colleagues—Sujit
Chatterjee, Sunil Anand, Jayesh Shah, Nandita Shah, among
others. Over this span of time, my practice has benefited greatly
from the evolution of what is now known as the Sensation Method.
I tried to kill myself a few months ago. I took pills, but I vomited.
Then I bought a gun, but I couldn’t pull the trigger. So I called
my parents. Then I was in a psychiatric hospital for a month,
seeing various psychiatrists and therapists. The diagnosis was
“major depressive disorder, recurring.” They gave me Lexapro
(escitalopram), then Wellbutrin (bupropion), then Effexor
(venlafaxine) with Ativan (lorazepam). None of them helped me
at all. I discontinued everything a few weeks ago, and I will get
another doctor’s opinion in two or three weeks.
But the worst is the violent thoughts, which are sometimes directed
inward. It creeps in . . . I get visual images . . . I see myself dying
in various ways. Its flashes of images, like horror movies. I see
images of sharp objects flashing in my head.
I do have lower back pain, and when I lie down, I get an image
of my spine being ripped out. I think it’s my way of dealing with
Maybe my entire life. It got worse in high school and college, the
last seven or eight years. It’s a familiar feeling . . . anxiety, tension
around people . . . there’s no reason why. It’s just anxiety and
depression and headaches . . . It’s a higher level of awareness, not
a paranoia . . . It’s that pressure in the back of the head (same hand
gesture). It’s a tenseness, worse from loud noises, especially people
arguing, especially if it’s off in another room. It makes me very
uncomfortable. I just want to leave, but it’s not an option. I want to
tune it out, but it’s hard to ignore. I can hear the tenseness in their
voice. Maybe it is related to my parents’ divorce. They fought a
lot, leading up to the divorce. Petty things. I went to the basement,
watched television and tried to tune it out. A defense mechanism. It
was either tune it out or sit there and listen. My memory of all that
is sort of cloudy because I tried so hard to block it out.
Tell about times in your life that had a big impact on you.
When do you feel the best? What things make you feel good?
I sleep more than other people. I need at least nine or ten hours.
With less sleep, I wake with that headache. I do better with more
Intrusive dreams?
So, tell me, taking everything into account, what bothers you the
most? What is the biggest problem?
Earlier you mentioned blocking things out, trying to get away from
certain things, avoiding certain experiences. Could you say more
about this?
So, if you let yourself feel this pressing and squeezing and
compacting, then how would you describe the complete opposite
experience from this?
It is being very light and not weighed down at all. Like lying on a
very soft mattress, the ultimate comfort, and there is no pressure
at all on your body. (No gesture with this.) It’s something I do not
experience very often . . . .
Weighed down with that mental fatigue. I used to call it laziness, but
it’s not. I don’t want to be where I am, but I am not able to get up
and move. I have to talk myself into getting up and moving.
I am lying on the couch, being very heavy. I feel pressed into the
couch. My arm will tense up, but the arm doesn’t move.
No, I don’t even like the taste of alcohol, and I have never tried
other drugs.
1—Name level (chief complaint): depression.
He has been falling asleep quicker, not lying awake for an hour
like before.
It’s a bit better, but it’s still a struggle. I battle myself to go walk on
the treadmill. (Mind, Antagonism, oneself, with)
A small but noticeable change, an improvement. I’ve been reading
more, instead of watching television. I am not so much tied to the
past. I am looking toward moving forward.
Violent thoughts?
I haven’t had any since I stopped taking those (psychotropic)
medications. (But actually he stopped these several weeks before
the homeopathic interview and initially said the violent thoughts
were the thing that bothered him the most at the time of the
This is less. It’s from anxiety. It still happens when I am out around
Plan: Continue Cann-i 30c daily. Vitamin D and the omega-3 fatty
acids were also prescribed.
Physical problems?
Nothing except some wrist aching from rock climbing.
It’s been okay. Sleeping nine hours, go to bed and wake at a
regular time. But sometimes tired on waking or in the afternoon.
I feel I am definitely doing better/well, overall. I would maybe
like to get a part-time job. I’ve been getting the urge to get up
and move. I get bored just sitting around. He stopped seeing the
psychotherapist but was still seeing the hypnotherapist. She gives
me a new assignment each week.
Numbed out?
There is less of this. I feel a need to do something now.
My anxiety around people and noises is still there. A sensory
He hasn’t been sweating. I’m not sure what that was in reference
to. (He doesn’t seem to remember talking about this before.)
Plan: Continue Cann-i 30c daily, and add Cann-i 200c once per
I am feeling incrementally better. I am still rock climbing and am
improving my skill. The depression has been pushed further away,
not a problem now. The biggest thing now is the anxiety, which is
definitely better than before, but still something I need to work on.
I get nervous going out and doing things, meeting with people. The
problem is being around people. A social awkwardness. I overthink
things. It doesn’t lead to panic attacks anymore, but I easily get
knocked off course, in my mind. Something small can set me askew.
I am focusing on the anxiety with the hypnotherapist.
Physical problems?
A bit of allergies, which is not a new issue.
Lower back?
Generally good, sometimes notices it, but not much.
Definitely improving. Sleeping okay. Sometimes crashes in the
afternoon, needs a 1-2 hour nap. This happens maybe once per
Not much. It is tied in with the anxiety, which is not as
overwhelming as before.
I still see the hypnotherapist, working on the anxiety bit by bit. It
is definitely better. I am forcing myself to interact with people at
the school. Having to interact with people there is helping. I have
a slightly better comfort level about it. The anxiety is the biggest
obstacle in my life. I am impatient about it, I want it to get better
faster. I want to be normal, go out and do things with people, be
more independent. I am impatient, but I think things are headed in
the right direction.
I continued him on Cann-i 200c, once per month during this time,
until he stopped seeing me. The last follow-up was in May 2011;
however, I still see his father, who keeps me informed on his
whereabouts and condition. He is now 29 years old, continues to
do well, and is currently exploring a career in ecotourism.
Dr. King has been practicing homeopathy for more than 30 years. He loves his
work and continues to learn about the art and craft of medicine, about listening,
and about the uniqueness of each human being. He likes that each new patient is
a wonderful opportunity to be of use, to help someone substantially improve his/
her health and life.
A. N.
44-year-old male
Director of Choir
May 24, 2011
I have had symptoms for 10 years. My heart beats and pumps fast.
I started taking supplements for working out from GNC that had
caffeine in them in December and that caused more symptoms
of quick breathing and increased heart rate. Then they gave
me another product and it caused dead fear and my heart went
crazy for several hours. I don’t recall the name of either of these
products. I put some wet towels on my head and took some Advil
and then I started to get better after a half hour.
I had some kind of dizziness and hard heartbeats. I felt more
aggressive; a negative feeling that made me feel weak and scared.
I tried wet towels on my chest and neck and after 5-10 minutes I
felt calmer. I was not thinking positively and I felt tired.
It feels like my heart wants to jump. It feels too big in my chest.
It feels like a weight. I feel like I am locked in a metal vest and it
feels constricting. I can’t relax; I can’t feel my chest being open. I
look at the sky, not the floor.
There is no change in my respiration, well, maybe my breathing
becomes shallower. My hands are colder too.
I have two brothers. There were two stages in my childhood. I was
not comfortable in school; I did not have close friends; I was out of
company. I played the violin since I was 7. I went to music school;
It is not easy to talk about these things. I couldn’t travel back and
forth. I always had a job; I always supported myself. Now I am not
working, I have no personal income. I still have my kids; I need to
support them.
We had a very difficult time last night. Maybe I should go back [to
Hungary]. He says, “No you just have a mental issue, you need a
psychologist not a cardiologist.” So I booked a flight for June 8
and he blew up. I didn’t understand, I thought we discussed this.
D’s support?
There are two ways. One way [he supports] is not easy and can
hurt. I do many things for us, many little, sometimes invisible
things. I am not perfect; someone could see I could do more and
better. This is our life together; this is my part. He is not 100%
happy with my part, how I am behaving, how I am not taking care
of him. Sometimes he points out when I didn’t do something.
I have a voice coach but I haven’t been practicing. D is right; D is
always right. D says I should see [my voice coach] and I know he
is right but I wanted to get into shape first. So I didn’t call him until
last night. I realized D was right.
Father’s passing?
It was upsetting because of how he chose to deal with his
condition. He had a birthmark and it got worse. We asked him
to go [to the doctor]. I called the hospital [A.N.’s voicing is very
energetic]; I called the doctor [his voice sounds intense and
scolding]. He finally went to surgery to have the tumor removed
My mother lives by herself and she is 69. She went back to work.
I work out doing cardio, step and bicycle; some weight lifting. I am
Darkness outside.
Traveling in space, flying. My soul feels endless, without
measurement. No existence; no end. I am not doing anything that is
good, I am just being.
A.N. was remarkably sweet and mild, but there was a sense of
aggression especially when discussing his father, and describing
the arguments that he and D. had together.
The next issue was where to look for remedies that addressed these
key points or themes. I repertorized the case using MacRepertory
and ReferenceWorks and gathered thematic groupings of rubrics.
Fear within four words of too much medicine (4)
MIND; ANXIETY; indefinable (3)
Anxiety or fear death or heart or palpitation (470)
Heart sensation
Heart & circulation; CONSCIOUS of heart action (28)
Constriction chest (457)
Constriction heart (162)
CHEST; PAIN; bursting; heart, in; sensation of; being too
full (19)
CHEST; ENLARGED, as if; Heart (48)
Vise or band or vest or cage within three words of heart
I did not feel I have to cool myself down with cold water since a
week now. I’m also able to slow down and control my heartbeats
with slow breathing. However sometimes I still have those scary
thoughts about my condition, I get physically tired easily and have
to sit or lie down for 10-15 minutes.
I write back:
I have your remedy on order but it has not arrived yet. It should be
here by next week. Can you make the [30c] vial last until then? As
long as you get 3 little pellets once a day that should be fine.
Plan: I ask that he take one dose of Iberis amara 200c along with
daily sac lac, called Iberis 20c starting the next day.
Then the second week something was collapsing back and it got
strong again. I had to go back to using cold water again.
After I took the 200c I felt better. Now when I have a bad day it
is not so bad. Yesterday I had a very good day but last night I
could not sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning. This morning I felt a
little bad but it was not spilling over. I said, “Calm down” and
it immediately slowed down. I do not have the panic feeling any
more. If my heart pounds I know I can calm it down. If I have to
catch a bus it accelerates a little but there is no panic. I do not
have the weakness any more.
I am now taking showers with warm water, not hot. I like cold
I write back by asking how much better he had been feeling and he
responded with his best as a 3 and that now he is a 4-5. I suggest
he take another dose of Iberis 200c and continue with the 20c.
I respond:
I am so, so glad to hear you are feeling better. That is terrific! Stay
in touch, have a wonderful visit home, and let me know how you
September 12, 2011 email from A.N., 3 months after first dose of
Iberis 200c:
I’m very happy to tell you, that I could rate my average condition
0.1 on a scale of 1 -10. I keep taking the Candytuft [20c] and I
believe in [these pellets].
D got back to Seattle working. The time was too short [for] what
he was able to spend in Hungary. We did a lot during these few
weeks, did many [things with] our family and friends but the time
was not enough for a good recovery.
November 21, 2011 email from A.N., 6 months after first visit:
I am doing very well, feeling good just like a couple years ago.
I’m very happy now [that] things got better with my family, my
relationship with D and things generally around us. I’m still taking
He responds:
It is so kind of you to check in with me and I’m sorry for the slow
answer. Yes, it is almost a year; time goes by very fast.
Thank you, I’m doing very well :-) On the scale of 10 I’m
doing 0.5. We are in Hungary, just came back from Seattle. I’m
organizing, managing a full home remodeling in my hometown.
It will be for my mum and for us for the time when we will visit
her. It is a small city, 10,000 people. Nice, clean, quiet. I did grow
up [there] until I was 14. The people are very nice, helpful, calm
and kind. The new thermal bath and a great swimming pool just
completed in May with a small hotel next to it. I love it.
I’m not taking the Iberis; I stopped a few months ago. [Maybe he
took the Iberis 20c for a year or more?]
I respond:
I am so glad to hear how well you are doing. That is such great
news. Do let me know if you need help in the future... And how
great to be creating a place for your mother; I am sure she will love
I’m doing well, thank you. Since I’ve seen you last time, our lives
did not get any easier or smoother. We have new maybe even more
stressful situation in our lives what we have to deal with every day.
I wouldn’t say I take them easy. The good news is, I do not even
remember when I stopped taking your remedy… Since that period
of time in 2011 I did not experience the symptoms what I was
suffering from before.
Your remedy the Iberis amara (Candytuft) was the one that helped
me in the first place and the most. This remedy pulled me out of
that deep hole where I was straggling when I went to your office
at the first time. I do not remember exactly for how long but I was
taking Iberis amara for a few months. [Actually he took the 20c for
about a year, and took Iberis 30c for the initial 2 weeks, and two
doses of 200c in total.]
Jane, a 36-year-old client, wants to get pregnant. She has not had
a menstrual period for 18 months. That was when she stopped the
oral contraceptives that she took for 15 years. For the last 3 years
of it, she was taking Seasonale, an extended-cycle pill, that allowed
her to menstruate once every 12 weeks. She feels frustrated and
upset about her missing period. It feels like a failure as a woman
to her and has fears that her husband will leave her if she cannot
have children. Her basal body temperature and cervical mucus
do not indicate that she is ovulating, and she never gets a positive
indicator of ovulation from the urine test strips she purchased. She
has been evaluated by a fertility clinic with a finding of ovarian
insufficiency. She cries about it often at night.
She reports that she also had no menstrual cycle for about 8
months in her teens, when she was anorexic and had a body weight
under 100 lbs (with her 5’8” frame). Her father had left the family
when Jane was 15 years old; she felt everything was crazy at that
time. The only thing she felt she could control was her eating, so
she began to micromanage her food. After several months, she
had lost about a third of her body weight. She got mononucleosis
and was in bed for several weeks. Her mother eventually got her
into an eating disorder counseling program, which helped. Within
six months, she was back to normal eating and weight, and her
menstrual cycle had resumed.
She was in a car accident a year and a half prior to our first visit,
and sustained minor whiplash and a concussion. She had bad
headaches daily for about 2 months after that: bruised achy feeling
on the vertex, behind the eyes, and down the left temple where her
She works long hours for a resort hotel as an event planner. Her
average hours worked over the past 2 years has been 65 hours/
week. A little over a year ago, her job territory changed to
include some parts of Asia. Since then her work hours are erratic,
sometimes starting at 5 am, other times working until 2 am. She
generally doesn’t work more than 10 hours in a day, but her work
covers all 24 clock hours in any given week. She often has at least
one night per week with 4 hours of sleep. She enjoys her job and
feels a sense of satisfaction about what she does and the income
she earns. She agrees it is stressful.
Eizayaga used the term “Constitutional” to describe the
physiology/genotype and the term “Fundamental” to describe the
overall state of the client. In current parlance the overall state of
the client is understood to be “Constitutional.” In an effort to avoid
the confusion that often arises for students encountering these
terms, and with apologies to Dr. Eizayaga, I have transposed these
two terms (“Fundamental” for “Constitutional”) for the purpose of
the diagram and discussion.
Only ten more hours and I will be home. Two car trips and six
plane flights get me there and back. As I board my plane from
Hartford to Chicago, I think of my newborn son at home in Oregon
with his mother and his 4-year-old sister. It must have been very
hard on my wife to have me gone all weekend. She will be happy
to hear that it was worth it.
I was in Massachusetts studying with Paul Herscu, ND, MPH and
Amy Rothenberg, ND in their clinical class. This is an advanced
class for practicing homeopaths who have already been through the
New England School of Homeopathy (NESH) 8- or 10-weekend
basic training. During these classes we spend all weekend
watching Dr. Herscu or Dr. Rothenberg taking live cases. We then
discuss remedy selection, case management, materia medica,
and anything else that pertains to the practice of homeopathy
or medicine. This weekend we saw cases of Veratrum Album,
Carcinosin, Thuja, Secale, and a host of other remedies.
I am sure I will be on “double duty” this week with the kids,
including having to get up extra early so my wife can catch up
on the hours of sleep she lost while I was gone. So what could
possibly entice me enough to change extra diapers and lose what
little precious sleep I already get? Let me explain Dr. Herscu and
Dr. Rothenberg’s methodology, and hopefully you will understand
the appeal.
The system that Dr. Paul Herscu began developing more than 35
years ago is known as Cycles and Segments, and it is the most
powerful assessment tool I have found in my study of homeopathy.
I found it interesting to see that the other remedy I was considering
strongly while taking the case, Lachesis, came through in my
analysis. But Belladonna came through very strongly.
The cycle of Belladonna is:
1. Active and liking a routine.
2. Oversensitive to the outside world, to things.
3. Sudden inflammation, or sudden excitement.
Just around the time Yakir launched her system outside of her
native Israel, Scholten was doing so in North America but had
already done so in Europe, steadily working away for a number of
years with cases gathered from colleagues in the Netherlands along
with his own. I attended both of their “launches” at seminars—
Scholten’s in Toronto, Canada1, and Yakir (at the same time I got a
repeat of Scholten’s seminar) in Germany2.
Her physicals are bronchitis in the past as a young adult, which she
believes was due to feeling angry at a teacher she felt was unfair.
She also had a D&C in her early 30’s due to having intrauterine
polyps with heavy bleeding and spotting. She has had a series
of concussions from sports injuries. She has a hurt left shoulder
from a sporting accident, part of which is a torn rotator cuff. In
the past she complained of vertigo, specifically when looking
backward and then forward again–as in driving. At the present she
feels the muscles of her eyes are weak, and this makes her vision
blurred. She also has a lack of mental focus and is easily distracted.
Procrastination is an ongoing problem for her. She has had a
toothache occasionally in her lower right molar for the last four
years; lately she is starting to have a toothache on the left side.
Once I had established that the 6th Step was where I wanted to
start with the case, I saw that the row in the Element Theory that
was perfectly suited was the Lanthanide Row, which is part of the
Gold Series She was a Lanthanide in the Clade but also the Class,
so here we have a double Lanthanide. I was able to confirm the
Astarales with the Yakir system by placing the patient in Column 6
(The Other, the Group) and Row 9 (Old Age).
I then established that this patient fits in with Phases 3 and
4 because she is part of the group and has no problem with
expectations from her family. The patient is very evolved in many
ways, which is often the case with Lanthanides. She has concerns
that are bigger than herself; her concern about animals comes not
from a simple love of animals but more from a place of caring
about the lack of freedom or autonomy that they have. But also
there is a desire to act on this, to use her Osteopathic medicine to
help outside of just her present clients. As well, she had a heart
connection with a homeless person. And lastly, a keynote of the
remedy is to promote menses. Another keynote is a wandering,
tearing pain as if in the bone of the shoulder joint and right elbow
(Concordant Materia Medica).
It is easy for everyone then to see the confusion that will result when
a doctor tries to categorize patients by “whether they look like” an
animal or a vegetable or a...nosode, and how wrong he or she can
be in this interpretation. But even if you have categorized somebody
into one of these four groups, in what way will this help you to find
his or her Simillimum?
I offer it to you in the hope that it opens doors into the symbolic
and “imaginal,” as well as practical, realms; aids in the synthesis
of what may sometimes appear to be disparate case-material into
a coherent whole; and helps the homeopathic analyst find suitable
remedy matches.
Diagram 2
Diagram 4
We may look upon any situation in terms of its polarities, its YIN
and YANG components as the Chinese system has done, because
dynamic, reactive change is the essence of life. Even non-living
systems when acted upon by forces may behave in a reciprocating
manner: Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states that action
and reaction are equal and opposite. Hahnemann also writes about
this polarity when he wrote about counteraction in paragraph 63 of
The Organon:
The case:
Mum is of thin build; has long black hair. Sera hides behind mum
to begin with. Rash in fold of elbow joint. (Mother pulls up Sera’s
Mother (M): It itches and she scratches. I’m thinking Sera will
comment on her rash. How do you feel?
M: We smudged the house (burnt sage) but it didn’t help. She feels
S: I feel scared. I want to get on with him but he won’t let me.
M: (butting in) She was born five weeks premature into a very
tense family atmosphere. A lot of rejection and confusion. Husband
had a nervous breakdown—wouldn’t go out, afraid someone was
waiting and would kill him. Won’t communicate with the family,
only talks about what others are doing in their lives. Is someone
else doing the “right thing?” His father is an alcoholic. He was
bullied at school.
(Sera dances around the room, like a penguin. Mum says nothing.)
Then she comments that she has to put up with a lot because she
is the middle child. Older one gets attention because he’s naughty,
Mum goes into the next room and Misha carries on with Sera
I like soft fur. I like puppies. I like holding them. I feel sad because
Ruby (the pet dog) can’t have puppies.
When I am upset.
Tell me?
When my brother took the Halloween hat off me and wouldn’t give
it back. I felt sad. It made me feel unhappy.
Scared of brother?
Especially when he jumps out. Normally call for help. First get
angry. Feel like hurting someone. Might try and push him off me.
(She wraps a thread from her sleeve around her fingers – goes into
a dazed state.)
Any dreams?
They are about the sea, about crabs and dolphins. The crabs are
trying to pinch me, the dolphins are trying to come back to see if
they can stop the crabs from pinching me. I had a scary one, has a
bit of Harry Potter in it. I go to the toilet and there is a troll, and
he chases the girls and he got me. I went into my mum’s bed. The
troll looks big and blue, strong, massive feet, he can crush people,
and he can squeeze you really hard. He has no hair.
What is it like?
It is like a normal person and has really sharp teeth.
I’m afraid of the finger eater. You should never shake hands with a
troll. It has razor sharp teeth.
Favorite things?
I like the way penguins waddle about. I like crystals, especially
rubies—shiny and red. I like fairytale books. Exciting stories. I like
the princess and the pea.
If we are having an argument or my sister is being manic.
The dog story is by far the most important of all the stories because
it is Sera’s invention. It also captures the essence of Sera’s feelings.
This archetype underpins a world of expressions and symptoms. If
we swap the word Sera for dog, we get a vivid impression of her
situation. Let’s give it a go:
The family and Sera were always arguing and they were
looking after the babies and not Sera, then someone left the
door open and Sera went to another family.
Sera’s family didn’t have enough money to sell her. The
new people didn’t mind that she was an annoying girl. The
The dog (Sera) is not being looked after; indeed, the family wishes
to sell the dog (her), but not for a profit—they have to pay to get
rid of the dog (her)! Perhaps it is a situation similar to that of a
traditional, undervalued, oriental daughter—sold off with a dowry.
Later, Sera volunteers her favorite food to be chicken bones.
Usually mums throw these into the garbage. While a dog, given
half a chance, would heave them out and eat them!
In contrast to the story of the dog, Sera tells a princess story, but it
too is sad.
Sera is neglected and lonely in her home. She looks forlorn, almost
like a lost puppy.
I’m afraid of the finger eater. You should never shake hands
with a troll. It has razor sharp teeth.
Sera’s response to her brother and also her tantrums, are “within”
the typhoid miasm: an intense short-term effort to survive, in a
“do-or-die” situation. After the effort, it is natural to rest (going
into a dazed state as Sera does after telling her story). This is
indicative of trauma. Is the finger-winding, dazed state like her
father’s catatonic state, I wonder? Speaking about tantrums, Sera
This plant’s favorite habitats are middens, waste ground, and old
dumps. Here dogs and strays of the community seek scraps of food
or plunder what others have rejected. Hecate, the Greek goddess of
magic, queen of the Underworld, and protector of witches lurks. In
European witchcraft lore, the juice of henbane mixed with lard was
rubbed into the armpit and groin to produce the infamous flight of
the witch. Waste ground and witches tell us a story of exclusion
from society—those who are thrown out, reviled, destroyed, or
simply rubbished (the opposite of the princess in Sera’s fairytale).
In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the old king was betrayed and killed
by henbane juice being poured into his ear while he slept. The
patient for whom Hyoscyamus is useful feels endangered: they
may have been betrayed or otherwise devastatingly injured. The
feeling most often is of having been neglected, rejected, and made
to feel like rubbish by loved ones. Thus this remedy is famous for
the treatment of jealousy (when one feels dumped) and for old
people who have been dumped in a home. One often hears stories
of incontinence or of someone sexually exposing oneself, which
singles the person out to be problematic; it really is a particularly
negative form of attention-seeking! In this case we have Sera’s
incontinence in bed. In Sera’s case these trends are lightweight; yet
one can see that if untreated, the roots of the henbane pathology
would surely strike deeply into a fertile soil of threat and neglect.
Sera’s mother reported that one week after the remedy, the bed
wetting had ceased. One month after the remedy, the nits had gone
Diagram 3
“John DaMonte 1916 – 1976 was an important British homeopath
who was an inheritor of John Henry Clarke‘s initiative to extend lay
A “unity in distress” is my terminology for a sick individual.
According to, “bunged up” is a
phrase that means clogged, stuffed-up, blocked up, jammed.
Misha Norland was fascinated by Plato and Pythagoras and later by existential
philosophers; he picked up Freud and later Reich and Jung; then flew on wings
of Hindu mysticism. From there with an interlude in photography and poetry, he
went toward his interest in science. He landed on homeopathy upon searching
for “higher truths.” He owes much of his inspiration to his beloved teacher John
DaMonte. In 1981, after teaching for many years at the College of Homeopathy,
he founded the School of Homeopathy, which is now near Stroud, England.
The treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/
ADD) is one of the rather difficult fields in homeopathy. Since the
Swiss ADHD/ADD double-blind study proved significant effects
using highly diluted homeopathic remedies on impulsivity, attention
deficit, and hyperactivity/passivity, the demand for homeopathy has
strongly increased. This paper shows how the method of remedy
selection can be refined and improved by polarity analysis (PA).
PA is a further development of Boenninghausen’s concept of
“contraindications,” which allows a more precise match between
patient symptoms and the characteristics of a homeopathic remedy.
It leads in turn to better treatment outcomes. Furthermore, the use of
“perception symptoms” in making a first homeopathic differential
diagnosis also brought about an increase in the precision of remedy
selection. Due to their inclusion, other symptoms that had been
identified as unreliable could be avoided. Yet caution is advisable
with some “perception symptoms,” a list of which is published in
this article. In a last step, confirmatory symptoms enable us to choose
the best fitting remedy among those with a high polarity difference.
The procedure is demonstrated with two case histories. Finally,
this paper presents the results that can consistently be attained with
polarity analysis when treating ADHD/ADD patients. In order to
replicate them, it is important not to mix polarity analysis with other
homeopathic methods.
Polarity Analysis
Polarity Analysis is a precisely defined and well-researched
method of homeopathic treatment, enabling illness to be healed
with great reliability.8 It is based on the grading of the symptoms
in PB 20006, and consists of the elements of polarity difference
and contraindications, which are explained below and illustrated
with case studies. This method increased the precision of
prescriptions considerably and enabled us to demonstrate in the
Swiss ADHD/ADD double-blind study a significant difference
between placebo and high-potency homeopathic remedies.3 PA
has also been found in evaluation studies of acute, chronic and
complex illness to invariably improve the results in comparison
with conventional homeopathic treatment.8,9
Confirmatory Symptoms
According to ORG § 211, “… the patient’s emotional state often tips
the scales in the selection of the homeopathic remedy.” Kent taught that
Repertorization chart: Below the blue bar indicates the patient’s
symptoms, and below the red bar indicates polar symptoms
Ten remedies cover all symptoms, but only four of these have no
contraindications. With the help of confirmatory symptoms, we can
identify the most probable one for Patrick:
Chamomilla is one of the leading remedies for irritability and anger.
Patrick’s mother describes him as rather gentle and he does not
have fits of rage, which means Chamomilla is unlikely to help him.
His need for movement also makes Bryonia, which has a dislike
of movement as part of its genius, an improbable choice. And
Lycopodium patients are typically dictatorial, which does not fit this
patient. China therefore takes centre stage.
The Swiss ADHD/ADD double-blind study, which was completed
ten years ago, provided proof of a significant effect of highly
diluted homeopathic remedies. Equally important in this study
was the discovery of Polarity Analysis, which was responsible for
the successful outcome. Meanwhile this method has been further
refined, and possible obstacles for successful treatment have been
1. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington DC: American
Psychiatric Association,1994
2. Stricker HR: “Der Ritalinkonsum in der Schweiz steigt weiter an”.
Schweiz. Ärztezeitung (2013) 94,15: 575-577
3. Frei H, Everts R, von Ammon K et al: “Homeopathic Treatment
in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – a
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial”. Eur J Ped
(2005) 164: 758-767
4. Frei H, von Ammon K, Thurneysen A: “Treatment of Hyperactive
Children: Increased Efficiency through Modifications of
Homeopathic Diagnostic Procedure. Homeopathy”. Homeopathy
(2006) 95, 163-170
5. Ayres AJ: Sensory Integration and Learning Disorders, Los
Angeles: Western Psychological Services, 1973
6. Dimitriadis G: The Boenninghausen Repertory: Therapeutic Pocket
Book Method. Sydney: Hahnemann Institute, 2000
7. Frei H: Homeopathy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- A New Treatment Concept with Polarity Analysis. Kandern:
Narayana Publishers (textbook in preparation, expected 2015)
8. Frei H: “Polarity analysis, a new approach to increase the precision
of homeopathic prescriptions”. Homeopathy (2009) 98, 49-55
Over the past three years, I have had the privilege of working
with many autistic children using CEASE Therapy, an integrated
treatment method based on homeopathy and nutrition, developed
by the Dutch medical doctor and homeopath Tinus Smits. I am
happy to report that there is real hope, not only for healing these
wonderful youngsters but, more importantly, for identifying the
causative factors of this disabling condition. In fact, CEASE
Therapy has totally changed the way I practice and is possibly the
most exciting discovery of my professional life. I hope that my
little story will inspire many colleagues to investigate this system
for themselves and take on the challenge of treating autism and
related conditions.
The Call
The Emergency
During the office visit Freddie was very irritable and restless,
whining and throwing things, needing to be held almost the whole
time, and frequently hitting his parents and banging his head
against their chests. He made almost no eye contact with me but
did give me a one millisecond flash of an amazingly beautiful
smile. The parents reported that until recently he ate everything but
was now only accepting meat, milk, and sour things. He had also
started to perspire heavily on his head and feet, easily ran out of
breath, and coughed when running, “just like a very fat boy.”
Only three years ago I would have cringed at the idea of giving
multiple remedies, like this, simultaneously and repeated this
often. For twenty years I had identified as a died-in-the-wool
classical homeopath. I had fallen in love with homeopathy shortly
after being introduced to this fine art in naturopathic college in
1989. In truth, this romance almost perished before it began as
I contemplated quitting school due to seemingly irreconcilable
differences surrounding the mysteries of potentization. A dose of
Lachesis mutus for a severely inflamed left tonsil two months into
my first homeopathy course promptly and fortuitously changed my
skepticism, and the love story flourished.
Then, in the spring of 2011, I read Dr. Tinus Smits’ book, Autism
– Beyond Despair2, which describes his method of using different
potencies of homeopathy together with diet and supplements
to help children affected by autism. He had called it CEASE
Therapy, short for “Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum
Expression.” At first I thought this was quite a bold claim to make,
but after the past three years of experience with his method I can
see the potential to totally heal children from autism. Reading
this remarkable book, I felt as if Dr. Smits was speaking directly
to me. I had long been interested in pediatrics, and especially in
developmental and behavioral disorders, so my mind was fertile
soil for his heartfelt message of hope for autistic children. I had
already seen quite promising results with classical homeopathy and
nutrition in the treatment of these conditions over the years, but his
book opened my mind to a much more comprehensive treatment
approach, as well as to the possibility of actually solving the
mystery of autism.
Two days after Freddie’s initial consult, the mother wrote me.
Yesterday we noticed that Freddie was happier and more interested
in playing. He bumped his head only 3 times. His stool was still
loose, but he ate all his meals without any problems. That was the
Tuberculinum working.
Causes of Autism
Dr. Smits found, and I can confirm, that in most cases, autism
is an accumulation of many factors, from inherited miasmatic
predispositions to medical interventions during pregnancy and
finally to the last antibiotic or vaccine the child receives. Of
course, isotherapy, in and of itself, is nothing new to homeopathy,
neither is the treatment of vaccine injuries. Dr. Smits simply
managed to create a nice, comprehensive treatment system for
autism which is understandable by lay people and very useful for
professional homeopaths. CEASE Therapy combines classical
homeopathy to strengthen the child’s constitution with isotherapy
to address specific toxic events. Organ and drainage remedies are
added as needed to support the organs of elimination, and good
nutrition and supplements are used to help reduce inflammation
and support the overall healing process. Dr. Smits also developed
another system of homeopathy, which he called “Inspiring
Homeopathy,” to address universal layers of human experience.
Inspiring Homeopathy is also used in CEASE Therapy and is a
very interesting development in its own right.
While Freddie was working his way through the 200C, 1M, and
10M potencies of the Varicella nosode, two doses of each potency
a week for two weeks each before going higher (which is one of
the protocols that can be used in CEASE Therapy), I was attending
my second CEASE Therapy training in Vancouver on March 28-
29 2014. And, this was when trouble started. Yesterday, Freddie
received his first dose of Varicella 10M. He woke up at 4 am on
Friday with a fever of 38.9°C. I put a wet cloth on his head and
legs and tried to give him a lot of fluids. He woke every hour and at
6:30 - 7 am things turned really bad. He was not able to swallow,
his tongue was stiff, he became absent and suddenly delirious. His
eyes started to close, and it was noticeable that he was trying to
keep them open. Immediately I put him into a bathtub with cold
water. Ten minutes later he threw up. He continued with a low-
grade fever until 5 pm, sleeping most of the day. Finally, around 5
pm he woke up and came back to himself but had great difficulties
All this had happened the previous day. The parents had been
unable to reach me right away as I was out of town and did not
have a cell phone with me. I did get the email Saturday morning
and spoke to them during a break at the seminar. As the mother
was explaining in vivid detail what had happened, I felt deeply
concerned but also somehow elated. Freddie’s system had now
truly conquered his disease.
Methodology 101
Kim Kalina, our teacher of the CEASE training, had just gone over
Dr. Smits’ preference to keep children at the same potency of a
clearing remedy (the Varicella remedy in this case) until they stop
Thankfully, I had insisted that the parents read Dr. Smits’ book and
explained the possibility of an aggravation, and it prevented them
from taking their son to a hospital to be given more suppressive
therapy. This was the worst aggravation I had seen in three years
of practicing CEASE therapy. I also learned at the repeat training
that it’s better to have children on the supplement protocols for
about a month before starting the isotherapy in order to reduce the
risk of more intense aggravations. Freddie had only had one week.
Aggravations from isotherapy is due to the body’s inability to clear
the toxin, and the supplements help their body do the job they so
badly need to do.
The Return
I saw Freddie again on April 12, ten weeks into CEASE and it
was an amazing visit. His eye contact had developed into a steady
gaze of great depth and intimacy, he smiled his glorious smile a
lot more, laughed and played joyfully throughout the appointment,
and was highly interactive. He no longer had trouble walking
from the Varicella 10M aggravation. His skin was about 80%
cleared, and if I had not known about his history I would not
have suspected any autism issues at all. His eating, digestion, and
perspiration were normal, and the parents’ only concern was that
Centres for Disease Control
Smits T. Autism, Beyond Despair: Homeopathy Has the Answers.
Haarlem, Netherlands: Emryss Publishers; 2010.
Jabrink K, Knapp M. The Economic Impact of Autism in Britain.
London: Sage Publications; March, 2001.
content/5/1/7.abstract. Accessed June 15, 2013.
National Autistic Society -
I don’t like to fail, he says. I repeat things till I get them right.
I have a strong ambition and high expectations of myself. I did
not agree with my father on some things so at age 15 I threw in
the towel and decided to be myself. In high school I had a lot of
friends. Now I am happily married. At work I try to please people.
There is some frustration if things don’t work right.
In the past I have used Sinapis nigra for hay fever symptoms.
The remedy Sinapis nigra is made from black mustard seed itself,
unlike Thiosinaminum, which is made from volatile mustard oil.
My conclusion was this seemed like the correct remedy but the
allergies were worse. I thought perhaps it would have been better
to give Sinapis nigra, but my plan was to continue with Thios 30c
once a week.
Within about six months the fibrosis, muscle pain, and Peyronie’s
were completely better. Even the hard lumps of scar tissue in his
body had resolved and returned back to normal. He could have sex
again with no pain. The hay fever continued to be a problem until I
gave him Sulphur iodatum 30c for his very red lips, hypoglycemia
with trembling, hurriedness, being worse from heat, and lean body
type. But it is interesting that black mustard contains hydrogen
sulphide. After taking several doses of Sulph-iod 30c the allergies
were all better. To this day, when the scar tissue pain returns he
takes Thios 10m, but this is not very often. In the spring of 2013
there were no allergies, no more fibrosis pain, and no more tinnitis.
In this case I did not see any changes to his mental state or even
emotionally, which is unusual as most of my patients seem to have
at least one emotional problem. If his hay fever ever returns, I will
look for some of the keynotes of Sinapis nigra, such as hot itchy
scalp, sweat on the upper lip and forehead, tongue feeling blistered,
acrid discharges, cough better lying down, offensive breath, and
canker sores.
Ten days later she came to me and said I enjoy a shower every day
now. I also desire good food and my appetite is much improved. My
overall attitude is also more positive and the anxiety is all better. No
more irritability. I have a stronger sense of purpose, and I like to
help people again. The ringing in my ear is quieter, and my hearing
has improved.
My analysis was that this was the correct remedy, and I had her
repeat it as needed. She later took the remedy for a toothache. It was
a pain deep in the root of the tooth, worse from hot and cold, worse
from touching the gum, worse after 6 PM After Spirostachys 200c
took care of this toothache, she spontaneously said that her night
vision had improved. And I thought this is more great confirmation.
Night vision is a big problem for people who need Spirostachys.
In April 2005 she relapsed and expressed to me the following
This case is to illustrate that after you have all the information
about a patient’s life and their main dilemmas, go back and look
for what is unique, special and striking about the patient’s physical
symptoms, modalities and general symptoms. This will allow you
to differentiate and confirm the simillimum. At this point you can
also see if the remedy covers the common physical symptoms, but
keep in mind that you can still use this remedy even if the common
physical symptoms are not listed because many of our remedies are
not fully proven.
Any repertorization will work using the above method that I have
Recently lost a lot of weight. Lost 10 pounds in 3 or 4 months. I
want to feel strong, not weak. Lost weight from weeks of diarrhea.
Not digesting any food. I had a urinary infection in April. I was
given Cypro. Diarrhea off and on since then. The strange
thing is my mood seems to determine when and how bad the
diarrhea is. Being stressed out really affects my bowels. After the
diarrhea get this weakness. Out of breath a lot. About a month
ago muscles and joints started really hurting, especially ankles and
knees. No matter how much rest I get, it’s still uncomfortable. The
weakness, out of breath. My bones… not much flesh sustaining.
No matter how much I eat. Preparing food is exhausting. Appetite
is not so great when you have this kind of diarrhea. Slightly
nauseating to even think of food. Arms, elbows, shoulders, ankles
and knees. No matter how much yoga I do, I’m in a constant knot.
I feel defenseless. Lots of mental problems manifesting in my
body. One of my friends came over and told me her problems and
within two hours I have them. There is a strong family history of
mental disorders. Anxiety, fear, mental disorganization. I recently
stopped smoking (marijuana) and that’s helped. Very restless kind
of person. Don’t like sitting still. Can’t stand to feel suffocated in
any way.
Describe defenseless?
As if there is no remedy. No help. Not strong. Not able to block
negative energy inflicted on self or from the outside. At the same
time there is an overly defensive attitude. I am either helpless or
jumping out. Overcompensate by being aggressive. Something
to protect self from the constant threat.
Describe attack?
Physical attack on person. Hit, punched, kicked, objects
thrown. You are pinned down.
Frightened, BP rises, heart beating faster, shaking, mind racing,
goose bumps, digestion speeds up, hands sweating, dry mouth,
tense, body cramps.
What is happening?
An attack has occurred. You are curled up in a ball. Crying. Like
being in a war. In a jungle. An environment not accustomed
to. You are fighting. A conflict. A disagreement, clashes of
personality. This situation is going to annihilate. It will be the
end. No control. Withdrawal from everything is the only way out…
food, drink, water, sex. Make self numb. Disengage. Detach.
Diminish. Lose face, direction, clock out, not here, escape the
moment. Going AWOL in war. I’m sick. I don’t feel good. Tired,
weak, frail, a waste, unuseful. In the jungle you are working
Strong, impeccable, thoughtful, cautious, graceful.
Falling off a high rise platform into a pool. No pillars to hold on
Very frightened. Anxious and shook up. I am prone to panic
attacks. Convinced I’m going to die. Feel sharp pains in vital
Things chasing me. Another one where I died. Wading in water.
Sitting on the edge of the seashore. A bubble comes from the
horizon towards me. The whole world started to run from this
Flying, travelling. Really anxious before thunderstorms. I will
wake up out of sleep. I jump up and walk around. Feel like head
will explode. I am pushed to the edge of my capacity. Feel like
I’ll break, crumble, be crippled. Hypochondriac… getting AIDS,
genital warts, STDs. Die of a sickness.
Pee all the time. Burning, painful, like poison. Body
clench because of pain.
Other fears?
The dark. Bugs swarming me… attacking me. When I was
younger my sister really tried to kill me all the time. She was
very angry. It was always unexpected and shocking. Would try
to get vengeance. Want to see blood. Hate you.
Not a big eater. Have a very strong seafood allergy… lips swelling
leading to all out hives.
The patient is really intense and a true hypochondriac. She
relates her physical state directly to her mental/emotional
imbalances. There is a life-threatening attack with a great fear
of being injured or dismembered and killed. The reaction is a
spasmodic sort of retraction into a knot which leads to feeling
restricted and suffocated. Something small is being overcome
by something much larger. The defense is to over-exaggerate.
The whole process takes up a lot of energy. I go directly to the
animal kingdom and specifically to insects. The remedies that
come up are spiders and scorpions, and sea creatures.
Sea remedies:
The only creatures close to the sea that come up are Bufo and
Astacus. Bufo may have the same level of destruction, but
it doesn’t have the restlessness. This patient doesn’t present
with the childishness and high sexuality that is classic to
Astacus is the crawfish. It has features of insects, such as
restlessness, feeling small, fear of being overtaken to the point of
death (in a very tubercular sort of way). Astacus includes the sort
of constriction and spasmodic retraction that the patient describes.
Her history of eczema and tendency to hives confirm Astacus.
Mixed results. I am still a hypochondriac. The weakness
and diarrhea have gone away. The worry is still very much
there. I have exhausted myself from worrying. I had a terrible
nightmare. My mom invited me to her new apartment. I go in.
Flourescent lighting. Gymnasium floors. I turn around. There
are dead bolts on the doors. Mom locks me in. I realize it’s an
insane asylum. I become frantic. Feeling betrayed.
Anything else?
I unknowingly ate some seafood and had no reaction. That was
After the last treatment, felt like I was on Paxil. I felt much
better. The anxiety and mental anguish I felt is much better. I
am still clenching my stomach a lot. Part of my digestive issue
is to release. I still have a fear of getting cancer. Overall I don’t
feel bothered as much. Still restless on the outside. Extreme
restlessness. All or nothing, compulsive. I can’t get enough of
something or I absolutely starve myself of that thing.
Intense anger, scared as heck sometimes. Ghost, boogie man,
Freddie Krueger. I don’t feel protected. Paranoia is what it
is. Right side body pain that goes over to left. From arm and
shoulder all the way down to feet.
Plan: Astacus 1M
After a few weeks the patient reports no change other than
sometimes feeling like she is taking Paxil, an antidepressant, that
she once tried. She tells me she had developed a mistrust of my
intent with the homeopathic remedies and is more comfortable
with Chinese herbs and acupuncture. In the fall of 2007, she
The patient is ready to try homeopathy again.
I realize he (husband) is me and I am him. I blacked out after
drinking, which is something that I’ve never done before. I have
safety issues and never let my guard down like that. I am not able
to gain weight. Too thin. Too weak.
Anything more?
Physically the pain is still there. It is a clenching. My muscles
are always clenched from right side to left. Sometimes experience
twitching that comes and goes quickly. When I relax at night it gets
scary cause I feel electricity going up and down one side of my
body or the other.
I am feeling much better. Not as crazy. I’m not feeling like I’m
going to die all the time. I had no time to think between freaking
out all the time. I know now that I don’t really know who I am, but
for the first time I can admit it’s a good thing. I am still young.
I’m not dying. You can’t believe how much a part of my makeup
that was. Just going through life without the feeling that I’m
constantly being tested is amazing. You know that feeling like I feel
like I’m on Paxil has come back but it’s different. On Paxil, I felt
stronger but felt the need to squash people, just crush them. Now,
I really care about people in a genuine way. The pains are still
there on my left side. It still feels contracted from my arm down to
the leg. Sometimes it moves over to right. But the intensity of it
has diminished. I am better at yoga and I’ve decided to become a
teacher. Physically I feel much stronger and more grounded.
Over the next two years she was given repeated doses of Aranea
diadema. I was experimenting with different potencies from 30C
to 1M. Her mental emotional state remained much better. She
divorced her husband, attended yoga training, and became a yoga
After hot yoga training, I went over to my sister’s and I didn’t feel
threatened. I’ve been having nausea, dizziness, and tightness in
my throat and chest since then over a week ago and it’s not getting
Nothing alarming me. I feel my throat and chest and they are not
alarming me. I’m not freaked out.
Describe alarmed?
Heart beating fast. Palms sweating, throat closed… like a sore
throat, rasping like a cold: hoarse, red. Feel an aggravation.
Normally it’s moist and clean vs. dry and raspy. Chest wheezing.
Neck stiffness. Exterior of throat, muscles are tight with lots of
stored tension. Tight. Hot. Knotty. Stiff. Inflamed. Stagnant. Stiff
neck fool. Can’t turn. Hardened. Rigid. Inflexible.
More on alarmed?
Behind eyes heating up. Overall discomfort. Stomach aches.
Cramping. Physical pain. Nausea and dizziness. Insomnia.
Feeling sick. A sour stomach. A nausea reaction.
Left sided pain more pronounced since remedy. This pain
is draining my energy.
I just moved from mother’s basement into my own apartment.
Everything is a mess internally and externally. But I am not ailing
physically or emotionally. Things are not easy but it is worth it.
The pain in my side is finally gone.
My life is wonderful. I have some worthiness issues, but feel I am
making great decisions. I feel good all the time.
Chest hurts. Feeling a twitching of muscles. The area around my
heart twitches. I know it is muscular, but I sometimes cry with the
Chest pain. Neck and shoulder stiffness. Left side body pain
shifting to right sometimes. My chest hurts and I sometimes
want to destroy something. The pain is piercing. Like I’m being
impaled in parts of my chest. There is some heaviness.
Dr. Nazirahk Amen, ND, LAc, DHANP has been a practitioner for 15 years and
has been involved in health care for more than 20 years. Dr. Amen’s technique
has been developed and honed over years of study with teachers such as Jayesh
Shah, Rajan Sankaran, Massimo Mangialavori, and Divya Chhabra. He believes
the future of homeopathy involves synergistically incorporating new information
and skills while remaining grounded in the repertory and materia medica. As
homeopaths, our results should be definitive and reproducible. He believes
health is achieved by helping to activate the Vis in a person and finds the
homeopathic simillimum one of the best to achieve that goal. Dr. Amen can be
found at
• Openness, sensitivity, excitability, naivety, innocence.
• Connecting, clairvoyance, sympathy.
• Sensitivity, fragility, thinness. < slight causes, emotions.
• Spacey, floating, psychic, disconnection. Out of body.
• Fears, phobias, anxieties, particularly being alone and the
• Rapid growth, delicate features.
• Burning.
• Lungs, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia.
• Digestion, liver, gallbladder, intestines.
• Bones, spine.
• Nerves.
• Blood, blood vessels.
• Aggravated by cold, better by heat.
• Aggravated by changing weather, thunderstorms.
• Desires salt, spicy, cold drinks.
Intrinsic stage:
Open, sensitive, sympathetic, connecting, clairvoyant.
Naive, innocent.
Imaginative, creative.
Passionate, sexual.
Anxious, fearful nature.
Compensated stage:
Fearful, anxious, < alone, dark, horrible things, health.
Desires company, needs support.
Too exposed, over-sensitive, suffering from sympathy, cares,
psychic awareness.
No boundaries.
Physical fragility, vulnerability, easily fatigued.
Burning pains.
Recurrent bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs.
Throat, larynx and trachea, voice easily lost.
Liver, digestive problems, hepatitis, nutritional problems.
Nose bleeding and easy hemorrhaging.
Degeneration of bones, nervous system, organs. Tuberculosis.
Decompensated stage:
Paralyzing fears and phobias.
Spacey, floating.
Anger, rage, losing control.
Exhaustion, great depletion of mind and body.
Mental exhaustion, indifference, difficult thinking.
Neurological conditions: multiple sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson’s
As long as boundaries are known, there is freedom and light, and
the imagination and feelings can roam free. Once the boundaries
are lost, instrinically they identify with the suffering and feelings
of others. There is too much sympathy. Physically there is a
vulnerable and delicate constitution. There is no strength to resist,
and as more compensation is seen, there are increasing fears
and anxieties, especially of the dark and of something horrible
happening. As decompensation takes over there is greater depletion
and weakness with lung, stomach, blood and nerve problems. The
body is breaking down with no stamina or reserve. Destructive
forces dominate the body.
Peter Pan
Phosphorus is often described as being like Peter Pan, which has
these connotations: eternal youth, flying, floating, ephemeral.
Phosphorus has qualities of a mineral, vegetable, and gas. It is
one of the broadest and deepest of homeopathic remedies and also
can be compared with many other remedies, both well-known and
smaller remedies.
Richard Pitt has practiced homeopathy in the UK and USA for thirty years. He
is the former Director of the Pacific Academy of Homeopathy in San Francisco
and also was on the board of the Council for Homeopathic Certification for
many years, He is the editor of the online journal, The California Homeopath
( and the author of three homeopathy books:
Tobacco, an Exploration of its Nature Through the Prism of Homeopathy; The
Natural Medicine Guide to Travel and Home and the new book, Comparative
Materia Medica: Integrating New and Old Remedies. He can be reached at
[email protected] and