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Let's Check: Agents of Socialization Develop Your ABC-Attitude, Behavior, and Character

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Mabini Street, Tagum City

Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Data Retrieval Chart. Using the chart below, explain how the following
agents of socialization develop your ABC-Attitude, Behavior, and Character.

Agents of
How it Affects my ABC
Family is the reason why I am here in this world, the reason why
I'm still fighting and never give up despite all the challenges that I
face every day. They are the ones who taught me how to love
1. Family
unconditionally and be contented of what you have right now of
course they taught me how to speak and to learned how to read
and write at the same time I learned our language.
Media is the reason why I get updated on certain issues that
happen in daily life where I can communicate with other problems
2. Media and issues in a different place or country. Also in the media, I can
make friends and I meet new and different people at the same
media help me to get information of my favorite person.
My group of friends are achievers and they are talented and they
full of happiness when we are together. They are the reason why I
3. Peers study hard because I don't want them to disappoint. I'm happy
because I have a friend who ready to hear my rants and ready to
understand my problems in life.
Religions have affects my attitudes, behavior, and characteristic.
It help me to be a good individual and it enlighten my mind and
4. Religion heart it leads me to be honest and to believe in Almighty God, and
to love everyone around me.
Sports help build my character, attitudes, and behavior. In a way
that can boost my confidence toward people, being
5. Sports sportsmanship, it also teaches leadership skills, and create a
positive relationship in a team.
School is my second home where I developed my skills and
learnings it helps me to be a good student and a role model of
6. School everyone. In school, I practice speaking in public where I'm
confident and handle I can handle myself smartly.

Activity 2. Personality Building. Ask the question to yourself, “Who am I”, and as
quickly as you can, write ten short answers. (10 points)

Who am I?

1. I am a person who really love to discover new things.

Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

2. I’m a person who really love to take a pictures.

3. I am a moon lover.

4. I am responsible and practical.

5. I am a personal who really to edit a pictures that I took.

6. I am a person who have a big ambition in life.

7. I’m God fearing.

8. I’m a strong person.

9. I’m good daughter to my mom and dad.

10. I’m a person who really love dark colors especially black.

Activity 3. Describe Freud’s view that the self is constantly in conflict. (15
The Parts of the self, according
Most import characteristics (explain)
to Freud
It drive on the pleasure principle. Every wishful
1. Id impulse should be satisfied regardless the
consequence. When Id demands you experience
pleasure, when id doesn’t achieve you
experience “unpleased”
This is the balance between Id and superego.
2. Ego This is also the result weather you choose your
Id or super ego. Also consider social realities
and norms, etiquette and rules in deciding how
to behave.
3. Super Ego It incorporates the values and morals of the
society. It also control the id impulses. It
persuades the ego to choose moralistic goals.
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

Let’s Analyze

Activity 1. Match each concept with its definition, illustration, or explication

below. (1 point for each number)
a. the “Me” f. mass media
b. looking-glass self g. personality
c. id h. play stage
d. ego i. socialization
e. peers j. self

_i__1. The process of social interaction that teaches the child the intellectual,
and social skills needed to function as a member of the society.
_a__2. The patterns of behavior and ways of thinking and feeling that are distinctive
each individual.
_g__3. One’s changing yet enduring personal identity.
_c__4. In Freudian theory, the part of the self that consists of inherited drives and
instincts that are mostly unconscious.
_b_5. The notion that other people mirror back to us important aspect of our sense
_h__6. Impersonal means of transmitting information to a great number of people in
a short period of time.
__e_7. Individuals who are social equals.

_j__8. In Mead’s view, the portion of the self that is made up of everything learned
through socialization process.
_a__9. In Mead’s point of view, the point at which a child formulates relatively simple
role expectations.
__d_10. In Freudian theory, the part of the self that looks for ways to adjust to social
realities and to express the id’s drives in a socially acceptable fashion.
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

Activity 2. Complete the table below. Identify the salient features of each theory of
socialization and in the last column provide specific scenario/experience as example.

Theory of
Salient Features Scenario/Experience
The process of social Copying a dance moves from
behavior can be acquired by YouTube
observing and imitating My younger sister often see my older
1. Social others. This theory is from sister brush her teeth, fix her hair, and
Learning Albert Bandura it also occurs powder her face after lunch
Theory in:
Punishment, reinforcement
and reward.

Stresses the importance of A parents and a teacher socialize

group working together to children by teaching them the same
2. Functionalist create stable society basic of values and beliefs

The society is conflict  Pharmacist need a six-year

because of limited college program leading to doctorate
resources. holds that social rather than the apprentice program or
3. Conflict baccalaureate degree in the last
Theory order is maintained by
domination and power 
The blacks lives matter is one of the
scenario happens right now
A set of philosophical of A kid wants a chocolate ice cream
human nature. Is that inner this is the Id her super ego says I’m
drives, unconscious motives, on diet and the results which is the
and unresolved needs from ego the kid eat a small portion of ice
childhood govern our cream
This is how humans creates The meaning of the "rainbow" has
5. Symbolic understanding through changed over time in our culture.
Interaction symbolic worlds and how However, in today's popular culture,
Theory does it affect. the rainbow symbolizes the LGBTQ
In a nutshell! In this section you will provide the very gist of the unit that you
have learned.
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

Activity 1. Explain how extreme social deprivation affects early childhood

development in relation to “Nature-Nurture Controversy.”

1. Assume that you are a caseworker assigned to work with a ten-year-old child
who has spent her entire childhood locked in a small darkened bedroom with
minimal human contact. Informed by your sociological understanding, explain
the implication of nature-nurture controversy in this case.

In that case, maybe the children have a mental illness that's why her mother didn't

want him/her to go outside, and maybe she/ he can't stand that's why she/he can't go

out and avoid some criticism and judgment for the children and also avoid some

contact. Another thing is maybe the children have suffered depression because of

his/her surroundings or maybe because of the family problem that's why he/she

prefers to stay and lock herself to that dark room.

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