Birthday Ritual

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A Birthday Ritual
Adapted from the book “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach

• Distinguish your day of birth in a special
Bath supplies: bath salts, epsom way.
salt for an amazing detox, candles, • Take a soothing bath, symbolically washing
music, etc. away any of the past year’s pain, sorrow,
regrets, mistakes, and guilt.
Tea light candles in the amount of
• Light a small candle for each year; put them
the years you’ve been on this on a tray or spread them around your
earth and a tray bedroom.
Your favorite music playlist • Put on your favorite playlist, light your
favorite incense, and have your favorite
Your favorite incense bouquet of flowers next to your bed.
A bouquet of your favorite • Put on brand new pajamas and get into a
flowers freshly made bed.
• Offer a personal psalm of thanksgiving for
New pajamas your life.
• As the candles burn, reflect on your
A freshly made bed
personal journey so far. Look through old
Old and recent photographs and new photographs. Read through parts
of your journal and remember all of the
Your journal from the past year wonderful moments from the past year.
Champagne (or drink of choice) • Ask for a birthday gift that only the
Universe/God can bestow.
A beautifully wrapped gift from • Have a glass of your preferred beverage and
your authentic self open the perfect gift you’ve beautifully
wrapped for yourself.

Birthdays arenew beginnings and also moments of personal closure.

Only you know the last year you’ve lived and what you need.

© 2020 Maggie Haseman |

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