Salesforce Developer Interview

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1) OOP’S

 1. What is Inheritance?
 2. What is the use of virtual keyword for a class?
 3. What the use is of extends keyword?
 4. What is a constructor?
 5. How is Constructor overloading?
 6. What is the difference between static and non-static variables?
 7. What are final variables?
 8. What are transient variables?
 9. What are final static variables?
 10. What is difference between with sharing class and without sharing class?
 11. What is system context and what is user context?
 12. What is encapsulation?
 13. How to do you restrict the access on the data in the class?
 14. What is the use of override keyword?
 15. What is wrapper class?
 16. What is Type casting?
 17. What is Type conversion?
 18. How to call static methods in the Apex class?
 19. In how many ways we can call Apex class?
 20. What is interface?
 21. What is abstract class?
 22. Name some of the predefined interfaces?
 23. How to make an apex class visible to user?

2) List & Set & Map

 1. What is an array?
 2. Elements in the array are referred using?
 3. What are the drawbacks of array?
 4. What is a List ?
 5. What is the internal data structure?
 6. Will List maintain the insertion order?
 7. Are the duplicates are allowed in the list ?
 8. How the elements in the list are referred ?
 9. What is difference between add() and addAll() methods?
 10. what is the difference between add(index,ele) and set(Index,ele)
 11. How the size of a list?
 12. How to sort the elements in the list in the ascending order?
 13. How to sort the elements in the list in the descending order?
 14. What is set?
 15. What is the internal data structure?
 16. Will set allow duplicates?
 17. Will the set maintains insertion order?
 18. How the elements in the set are referred ?
 19. What is the use of contains(ele), ContainsAll(eles)
 20. What is the use of retainAll(ele)
 21. Can we sort the elements in the set ?
 22. What is Map?
 23. Can a key be duplicate?
 24. Can a value be a duplicate?
 25. What is keyset () in map?
 26. What is values() on map?


 1. What is SOQL?
 2. What is the return type of SOQL?
 3. What is dynamic soql?
 4. PWhen do you use Database. Query()?
 5. How many records can be fetched using SOQL?
 6. What is LIMIT in SOQL?
 7. What is OFFSET key in the SOQL?
 8. What is the limit of OFFSET ?
 9. What is ALL ROWS in SOQL?
 10. How to fetch the records from Recycle bin using SOQL?
 11. What are Parent to child SOQL query?
 12. What is Child to Parent SOQL?
 13. Name some date function in SOQL?
 14. What are Aggregate functions?
 15. What is the difference between count() and Count(fieldname) in SOQL?
 16. What is Aggregate Result?
 17. Where do you use AggregateResult?
 18. What are the governing limits on SOQL?
 19. How to reduce the no of SOQL in a transaction?
 20. How to write SOQL using MAP?
 21. What is the Advantage of writing SOQL using MAP?
 22. What is SOSL?
 23. What is the return type of SOSL?
 24. How many records are fetched using SOSL?
 25. Can we write Aggregate functions using SOSL?
 26. How to lock the records from being edited by others using SOQL?
 27. What are alias name in SOQL?
 28. What is the use of Aggregate function SOQL queries in salesforce?
 29. What is the use of group by clause in SOQL?
 30. Can we write group by clause in SOSL?

4) DML

 1. What are DML operations?

 2. What are Atomic operations?
 3. What are non-Atomic operations?
 4. What is the difference between insert and Database.insert?
 5. How to empty the recycle bin?
 6. How to hard delete the data?
 7. How many DML statements we can write in a single transaction?
 8. How to avoid DML 151: Exception?
 9. What are the best practices we should follow while writing DML?
 10. What is Upsert operation?
 11. What is the user external id in the Upsert operation?
 12. Which fields can be external id fields?
 13. How to undelete the data using DML?
 14. What is merge statement in DML?
 15. When we perform merge operation what will happen to the child records of the record
which is deleted?

5) Future Methods

 1. What are Asynchronous methods?

 2. What are different types of Asynchronous methods we have in salesforce?
 3. What is future method?
 4. How to define future methods?
 5. Which types of parameters we can pass in the future methods?
 6.What is the syntax of future method ?
 7. Can we pass SObjects as parameters in future methods ?
 8. If you need to pass the sobject | List < Sobjects > as parameters how do you pass?
 9. What are mixed DML Exception?
 10. What are setup objects?
 11. What are non-setup objects?
 12. Can we call webservices from future methods?
 13. What is the use of @future(callout=true)
 14. How to track the status of the future methods that are running?
 15. What is the use of AsyncApexjob object?
 16. Can we call future methods from Batch Apex?
 17. Can we call future methods from Triggers?
 18.Can we call future methods from Schedule Apex?
 19. How to call the web service callouts from Schedule Apex and Triggers?
 20. Can we call asynchronous methods from Another Asynchronous method?
 21. Name some methods which are not supported by future methods?
 22. How many future methods we can call in a transaction?

6) Batch Apex

 1. What are Governing Limits in salesforce?

 2. Name some Governing limits in salesforce ?
 3. How many DML statements can be written in a transaction?
 4. What is the Governing limit of SOQL query?
 5. On how many records we can perform DML operation in a transaction?
 6. What are Asynchronous operations?
 7. How to track the Asynchronous jobs in salesforce?
 8. What is Batch Apex?
 9. What is Database.Batchable interface?
 10. What are the methods in the Database.Batchable interface?
 11. What is Database. Query Locator?
 12. How many records can be fetched using Database. Query Locator in start method?
 13. When do you use Database. Query Locator as return type for start method?
 14. What is Iterable < Sobject > interface?
 15. When do you use Iterable as return type in start method?
 16. How many records can be fetched using Iterable?
 17. What is Iterator?
 18. What is Database.BatchableContext?
 19. What is the use of the Database.BatchableContext ?
 20. What is the use of execute() method?
 21. How many times execute() method will be called?
 22. What is the scope parameter in execute() method?
 23. What is the use of finish method?
 24. What is the default size of the batch?
 25. What is the minimum size of the batch?
 26. What is the maximum size of the batch?
 27. At a time how many jobs can be added to the queue?
 28. What is the Flex concept in batch?
 29. Can we call batch apex in another batch?
 30. Is the state of the data is maintained between the batch apex execute methods?
 31. What is Database.Stateful interface?
 32. When do we use Database.Stateful interface?
 33. If we use Database.stateful interface then state of the static variables is maintained?
 34. Can we call web service callouts from the batch apex ?
 35. What is the use of Database. Allow Callouts?
 36. How many callouts we can call in each execute()?
 37. How to call one batch apex in another batch apex?
 38. Can we call future method in execute method of the batch apex?
 39. Can a class have Both Database.Batchable and Schedule Apex on a same class?
 40. Give some scenarios where you have batch apex and why you have used it?
 41. When we have divided the job into five batches and if any one of the batch job fails what
will happen to other jobs?

7) Schedule Apex

 1. What is schedulable interface?

 2. How many methods are there in the schedulable interface?
 3. In how many ways we can schedule the apex class?
 4. What is the difference between manual schedule and apex schedule?
 5. What is cron Trigger?
 6. How do you define cron expression?
 7. Can we schedule the job for every hour?
 8. Can we schedule the job for every minute?
 9. How many jobs can be scheduled at a time?
 10. Can we call the batch apex from the schedule apex?
 11. Can we call the synchronous web service callouts from the schedule apex?
 12. How to call asynchronous web service call from Schedule apex?
 13. Give some scenarios where you have used schedule apex?
 14. How to stop the schedule jobs using Apex?

8) Schema

 1. What is schema?
 2. What is sobjectType?
 3. What is getSobjectType?
 4. What is Schema.Describesobjectresult?
 5. How to create a new Sobject Dynamically?
 6. What is the use of get Global Describe();
 7. How to fetch all the subjects in the salesforce ?
 8. How to fetch fields from Given Sobject?
 9.How to fetch picklist entries from the given picklist fields?
 10. How to fetch the tabs info from Schema?
 11. Where do we use the schema programming ?


 1. What is visual flow?

 2. When do we use visual flows?
 3.What are plugins ?
 4. What is process.Plugin?
 5. What is the use of invoke method ?
 6. What is the use of describe method?
 7. How to read the parameters from flow to plugin?
 8. What is the use of Process.Described Result?
 9. How to invoke the flows from Visualforce page?
 10. How to pass the values from Visualforce page to flow /Plugin?

10) Triggers

 1. What is workflow?
 2. When workflow is invoked?
 3. What is a Trigger?
 4. What is the difference between Trigger and workflow?
 5. What are Trigger events?
 6. What are trigger context variables?
 7. If we insert 100 records how many times the trigger is called?
 8. What is Bulk Trigger?
 9. What is the difference between the Trigger. New and Trigger .old in the Update triggers?
 10. What is the difference between Trigger. New and Trigger.NewMap in update trigger?
 11. When we perform the operation using before Trigger and after Trigger which you prefer?
 12. Can we write SOQL query to fetch set the records which are in Trigger. New in before
 13. Can we write DML on the List of records which are in Trigger. New in before triggers?
 14. What are recursive triggers?
 15. How to handle recursive Triggers?
 16. How many triggers we can write on the same object with same trigger event?
 17. What is order of execution of trigger?
 18. Will the field update done on the workflow call the update Triggers?
 19. Can we call the batch apex from the trigger?
 20. Can we call the schedule apex from the trigger?
 21. Can we call the future methods from the triggers?
 22. Can we send an email using Trigger?
 23. What are the good practices that you have to maintain while writing trigger?
 24. How to disable the triggers for a particular user?
 25. Are the triggers are fired while loading the data using dataloader?
 26. How to run the triggers only when the data comes from external system?

11) Remote Actions

 1. What is remote action?

 2. How do you define the remote action methods?
 3. How to invoke the remote action?

12) Custom Settings

 1. How to fetch the data from sobject?

 2. What is global data?
 3. What is custom setting object?
 4. How to fetch the data from custom setting object?
 5. How many types of custom setting are there?
 6. What List Custom Setting type?
 7. How to fetch the data from the List Custom setting type ?
 8. How to fetch the data from Hierarchy custom setting type ?
 9. How do you personalize the data for a user or a organization?
 10. What is the advantage of custom settings?
 11. Can we write a SOQL query on the Custom Settings object?
 12. Are the actions on the custom setting are counted against governing limits?
 13. When we want disable all the validation rules for a specific user on the all the sobjects how
can we achieve it?
 14. When we want to deactivate a trigger for a specific user how to achieve it?

13) Test Classes

 1. How to define test class?

 2. What is @istest?
 3. What is the use of @is Test(seeAllData=true)
 4. How do you test Asynchronous jobs?
 5. What is the use of Test.StartTest() and Test.StopTest()
 6. What is Running User(userid)
 7. What is minimum test coverage required to deploy the class?
 8. What is the minimum test coverage required to deploy the Trigger?
 9. Are the DML operations in the test classes are going to update the data in the sobject?
 10. Should we write test class for Wrapper classes?
 11. Should we write test classes for Visualforce pages?

14) Visualforce Basic level Questions

 1. When do you use Visualforce page?
 2. Which components we can use in visualforce pages ?
 3. What will happen if we set the < apex: page readOnly="true" >
 4. Which API version we are using in the VF page?
 5. How to generate page in PDF format?
 6. What is the use of renderAS attribute in < apex:page > component?
 7. All the components are supported in the pdf format?
 8. What all the content-types are supported in the VF page?
 9. What is Standard Controller?
 10. How many standard Controller we can define in the < apex:page >
 11. What is controller in the VF page ?
 12. When do you use controller?
 13. How many controller we can define in the VF page?
 14. Can a controller have constructor with parameters?
 15. What are extensions in VF page?
 16.When do you use extensions in VF page?
 17. If we define Apex class as extensions then Apex class should have constructor with which
 18. What is the difference between < apex:actionFunction >, < apex:action Support >
 19. What are basic rules that we have to check before we invoke a method from Visualforce
 20.What is the difference between insert and Include and define ?
 21. What is < apex:actionpooler? >
 22.In action pooler interval is given in which format?
 23.What is the difference between pageBlockTable ,dataTable, dataList, repeat ?
 24. How many records we can display in the pageBlockTable?
 25. If you want to display more than 1000 records using pageBlockTable how to achieve?
 26. If you want to display more than 10,000 records using pageBlockTable how to implement
 27. What is pagination?
 28. In how many ways we can implement pagination?
 29. What is the drawback pagination using SOQL?
 30. What is the drawback of pagination using QueryMore?
 31.What is advantage of pagination using StandardSetController?
 32. Can we use < apex: repeat > in the JavaScript?
 33. How to transfer the data from one VF page to another VF page?
 34. What is PageReference?
 35.What is action attribute in < apex:page >?
 36.What is the execution order of VF page?
 37. What is the difference between rendered, reRender, RenderAs ?
 38.What is view state?
 39. What is the governing limits in the view state?
 40. Will the view state maintains static variables state?
 41. Will the view state maintains the transient variables state?
 42. How to overcome view state exception?

15) Scripting

 1. When do you use scripting?

 2. What all the different types of scripting supported in VF page?
 3. What is ajax?
 4. what is the use of connection.js?
 5. How to generate session ld in javascript?
 6. what is use of Sforce.connection.login?
 7. How many records can be fetched using SOQL in the AJAX?
 8. How to write DML using AJAX?
 9. What is the difference between query and querymore?
 10. What is the advantage of using AJAX?
 11. Tell me one scenario where you have used AJAX and why you have used it?
 12. What is reRender

16) Jquery

 1. What is jquery?
 2. Did you work with any scripting framework?
 3. How to use jquery in the Visualforce?
 4. In how many ways we can include jquery in Visualforce page?
 5. How to refer to visualforce components using jquery?
 6. Name some functions in the jQuery?
 7. What is auto complete functionality in jQuery?
 8. What is toggle functionality?
 9. Name one scenario where you have used jquery in your project?
 10. Why did you prefer to use jquery than javascript in the above context ?
 11. Did you create any custom components using Jquery?
 12. How to use ajax with Jquery?

16) Proiect Scenario

 1. Creation of Product line items page with AutoComplete with pdf generation using
Ajax,Jquery,SOQL,pdf pages ?
 2. Creation of reports using visualforce pages and aggregate functions in soql?
 3. We have built opportunity and lead pages to meet our business requirements ?
 4. Created custom buttons on the list view pages to perform mass operations?

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