MODULE 3 - Group 4 PDF
MODULE 3 - Group 4 PDF
MODULE 3 - Group 4 PDF
Observation Observation
Initial Volume of the 20% sugar solution only Water pricked Droplets retained their dome
Volume toothpick shape.
without soap
Final Volume of the sugar solution increased
Volume when the water transferred from a
region of high concentration to a region
of low concentration (potato cavity with
20% sugar solution)
Initial Final
Table 4. shows the comparison observed between
Color of the solution in the White Black the water droplets when pricked with a toothpick
bag containing no soap and a toothpick with soap. The
droplets pricked without soap retained their shape
while those pricked with soap disintegrated and lost
Color of the solution in the Dark Light their shape.
cup Red Red
Table 3. Shows that the initial color of the solution in IV. DISCUSSIONS
the dialysis bag was white and yielded a final color
of black while the initial color of the solution in the
cup was dark red and yielded a final color of light A. DIFFUSION
Diffusion is a type of passive transport in which
molecules travel from a region of higher
concentration to a region of lower concentration until
it reaches equilibrium. Although it is a passive
transport and does require the expenditure of energy
or Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for it to occur, it
may utilize any form of energy present in the
environment to facilitate a faster rate. In the
experiment performed, the students observed the
rate of diffusion of stamp ink with water in the two
glasses – one heated and one at room temperature.
As observed, the rate of diffusion was faster in the
glass with warm water compared to that of at room
temperature. This is due to the heat that was present red due to the one-way passage of iodine into the
in Glass A. bag. Once the iodine seeped into the bag it bound to
starch. Starch, being a polysaccharide, is too large
Heat is a form of energy. The experiment to permit passage through a dialysis bag, a
conducted implicates a positive correlation between semipermeable membrane, making the starch-
temperature and a substance’s rate of diffusion as it bound iodine impossible to exit the bag.
shows that when temperature increases, the kinetic
energy present in the particles of the solution also
increases causing them to diffuse faster due to the Selective permeability is an important
increased motion of the particles in the solution. At characteristic of membranes which gives them the
lower temperatures, substances will likewise diffuse ability to control the movement of molecules inside
at a slower rate. and outside its parameters. It is a highly essential
biological implication because our cells have this
ability. It gives our cell membranes the ability to
B. OSMOSIS control what molecules come in and out of the cell.
The structure of our cell membranes is an integral
Osmosis is a special case of diffusion where part of this characteristic as it contains a lipid bilayer,
the movement of water molecules move from a embedded with peripheral and integral proteins and
region of higher concentration to a region of lower some cholesterol. This also gives the cell the ability
concentration through a selectively permeable to perform certain biological processes of diffusion,
membrane. Semi-permeable membranes, also facilitated diffusion, exocytosis, endocytosis,
termed selectively permeable membranes or phagocytosis, and osmosis, among others.
partially permeable membranes, allow certain
molecules or ions to pass through by diffusion.
In the experiment, the water molecules that
were initially in the Petri dish gradually traveled from Surface tension is a thin film that usually
its highly concentrated region to the inside of the forms on the surface of liquid substances as a result
potato’s cavity, which had 20% sugar solution, a of the attraction of its liquid molecules. One of its
region with lower water concentration. The major properties is to allow surfaces of liquids to
experiment showed how osmosis took place in the resist external forces. This resistance is due to the
potato as the final volume of the solution increased cohesive nature of water molecules that strongly
after leaving the set-up untouched overnight. As bond and interact with each other.
observed, the water from the Petri dish seeped into
the semi-permeable membrane of the potato, The intermolecular forces in alcohol are less
causing the volume of the solution to rise. Osmosis compared to water which explains why in the
stopped as the concentration in both regions experiment, the water droplets had a more compact
reached equilibrium. and firm shape compared to the rather loosely
formed dome-shaped appearance of the alcohol
droplets. The presence of lower intermolecular
C. SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY forces among molecules in liquid substances
account for less cohesion, and therefore also yield
Selective permeability is an ability of a less surface tension.
membrane to differentiate between molecules
allowing certain molecules to pass through while In addition, high surface tension in
blocking others. In the experiment performed, the substances allows objects to float on their surfaces
students observed the selective permeability of a such as a paper clip when placed atop a glass of
dialysis bag. The bag was filled with a white fructose water! Hence, with high surface tension, cohesion
and starch solution, put inside a cup filled with dark among water molecules becomes stronger and
red iodine. The students observed that the solution more compact, making their intermolecular forces
in the bag gradually turned purple. This was due to have greater resistance to external forces, thus
the passing through of iodine and its binding with accounting for the colored water droplets’ ability to
starch. On the other hand, the solution on the cup resist the pricking of the toothpick.
tested positive for fructose. This reaction shows that
the dialysis bag was permeable to both iodine and The addition of surfactants such as soap
fructose but not to starch. The color of the solution emulsifies the intermolecular forces among the
in the cup also made transition from dark red to light
water molecules and in turn, lowers, if not disrupts,
the substance’s surface tension. This occurs as the Libretexts. (2020). 15.3: Membrane Transport with
soap breaks down the interface between water and Selective Permeability. Biology LibreTexts.
oils. Since soap is generally made with fats, it Retrieved November 22, 2020, from
contains long chains of molecules composed of
hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails. So, fornia_Davis/BIS_2A%3A_Introductory_Biology_(E
similarly, when applying this mechanism in the aslon)/Readings/15.3%3A_Membrane_Transport_
action of handwashing, as soap comes into contact with_Selective_Permeability
with water, its hydrophobic tails are attracted to the
oils or dirt and are lifted away from the surface, are Nicolson, G. (2013). Update of the 1972 Singer-
broken down into smaller pieces, and are washed Nicolson Fluid-Mosaic Model of Membrane
away by water. The surfactant molecules of the Structure. Discoveries,
water break apart the forces interacting within water
and therefore make water “wetter”!
Osmosis, diffusion, dialysis, and surface If milk was used as the sample in part C and
tension are exhibited in the cell membrane by nature tested the dialysate for sugar and proteins, the
of the anatomy of its structure. The cell membrane’s dialysate will test positive for sugar but not for
structure consists of a phospholipid bilayer, some protein. Dialysis is the process of separating
peripheral and integral proteins, and cholesterol. molecules through the use of a semipermeable
membrane. The sugar in milk, which is Lactose, is a
Osmosis is a special type of diffusion which disaccharide. Due to this, its sugar molecules are
is the dispersion of water from an area of higher small enough to diffuse into the dialysate. Casein, on
concentration to an area of lower concentration. In the other hand, is a phosphoprotein relatively larger
line with this, the phospholipid bilayer controls this than lactose, and will conversely not be able to pass
process since it contains a hydrophilic head and a through the semipermeable membrane due to the
hydrophobic tail. size of its molecules. Hence, the protein will remain
inside the dialysis bag.
Diffusion is also controlled by the cell
membrane in line with the concentration gradient of
molecules. This process is passive and does not
4.) Explain how soap lowers the surface tension
require energy expenditure but rather relies on the
of water.
random thermal motion of molecules.
The addition of surfactants such as soap,
Dialysis, on the other hand, is the process
emulsifies the intermolecular forces among the
that separates molecules through their rates of
water molecules and in turn, disrupts, if not lowers,
diffusion and can be performed by the cell
the substance’s surface tension. This occurs as the
membrane along with diffusion.
soap breaks down the interface between water and
Surface tension is the formation of a skin-like oils. Since soap is generally made with fats, it
contains long chains of molecules composed of
surface on the outside of a compressed water
solution. Since the cell membrane is shielded by its hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails.
phospholipid bilayer, it can aggregate to ensure the
heads have maximum hydrophilic interactions
5.) What will happen to a red blood cell if you
among water-loving molecules while the tails have
place it in a hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic
their corresponding maximum hydrophobic
interactions. The water molecules are compressed salt solution?
and result in the formation of surface tension.
If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution,
Surface tension gives the cell its shape.
there will be a net flow of water out of the cell, making
the cell lose volume and form abnormal spikes and
notches on the cell membrane in a mechanism
2.) Explain how renal insufficiency may be called crenation. If a cell is placed in a hypotonic
corrected by the use of dialysis. solution, there will be a net flow of water into the cell,
making the cell gain volume, and ultimately burst
Kidneys function as an organ that regulates causing the cell to die in a mechanism called Lysis.
body fluid, blood pressure, blood chemistry and Lastly, if a cell is placed in an isotonic solution, there
filters out wastes in our body. Renal insufficiency will be no net flow of water into or out of the cell and
causes gradual loss of kidney function. When this the cell’s volume will remain stable at equilibrium.
occurs, the kidneys are no longer able to function at
optimum level and may eventually lead to one’s
fatality. Dialysis is used as a means to filter organic
wastes, and other toxins in the blood. The wastes
and toxins pass through several membranes based
on the principle of diffusion in order to be filtered out.
After filtration, blood is naturally returned to the