Social 10-1 Lesson Plan September 14th
Social 10-1 Lesson Plan September 14th
Social 10-1 Lesson Plan September 14th
Subject/ Grade Social Studies 10-1 Time Duration 2 hours and 48 min
Teacher Jordin
General Learning 1 Students will explore the impacts of globalization on their lives.
Specific Learning 1.4 explore ways in which individuals and collectives express identities
Outcomes (traditions, language, religion, spirituality, the arts, attire, relationship to land,
ideological beliefs, role modelling) (I, CC, LPP)
1.5 explore understandings and dimensions of globalization (political,
economic, social, other contemporary examples) (PADM, ER, CC)
Task two, the teacher will have the students empty out their
jars, and then tell the students “that they can not use any of
those items to contribute to their identity. Students will then
respond to the following three questions:
How would the removal of all ten items in your jar
challenge your identity?
How would you attempt to rebuild your own Identity, or
would you be at a loss to do so?
How do you think the removal of a person’s native
language, family, traditions, attire, and spirituality would
challenge their identity?
After responding to the questions, the class will have a discussion
on the importance of identity and how it can be very harmful to
forceful take one’s identity away. When discussing the last
question, the teacher will mention how
“The act of emptying out your jar draws a symbolic parallel to the
challenges faced by residential school victims, in regard to the
removal of one’s identity.”
After mentioning the parallel to residential school, the teacher will
mention that later in the semester, in related issue two, we will take
a more in depth look into residential schools. Though currently the
act of emptying out of the jars is such s strong metaphor that relates
to a contemporary issue in Canada, residential schools, it is
important to make that connection. The connection between the
extreme loss of identity and residential schools.
Learning Preliminary reflection project 11:35-40
activity # 2 If time permits before the break the teacher will introduce the
preliminary reflection questions to the class. And explain that
students will be given time in class after the break to answer
these questions.
11:40 Lunch break 12:10
Learning Preliminary reflection project 12:10 -
activity # The teacher will explain the importance of this task in regard 12:30
to the final culminating project. Students will have three
options to complete this activity:
A. Basic interview – someone reading the questions and
you, on camera, explaining your answers.
After examining each case study, the class will debrief, and
the students will be given time to share and explain their
answers with the class.
McDonald’s in China
1:30 Afternoon break 1:50
Learning Mini lesson on cartoon analysis 1:50- 2:00
activity # I will start by explaining how to analyze a political cartoon.
End of Lesson With ten minutes left of class students will start the process of 2:45- 2:50
putting away their laptops and completing the prober cleaning
process in getting/putting away a computer.
1. Sanitize hands
2. Look at your computer number on the list
3. Check over your computer for malfunctions ( since you
are responsible for your assigned computer)
4. Once, done sanitizer the computer, and reconnect the
computer to the cart (plugged in)
5. Once finished sanitize your hands again