HS6620D Data Sheet V3.0

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HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

HunterSun HS6620D

Bluetooth Low Energy Compliant and 2.4-GHz Proprietary System-on-Chip

Version 3.0


Wireless connect anywhere by HunterSun technology

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

Table of Contents

HunterSun HS6620D...................................................................................................................................................1

Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................................... 2
List of table............................................................................................................................................................. 4
List of figure........................................................................................................................................................... 5
1 System Overview....................................................................................................................................................7
1.1. General Description.................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Features.......................................................................................................................................................7
1.3. Chip Applications....................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4. System Function Block Diagram............................................................................................................. 10
2 Chip Description................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Pin Definition............................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Pin Description......................................................................................................................................... 12
3 Electrical Characteristics...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings.....................................................................................................................14
3.2 Recommend Operating Conditions.......................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Battery Charger.........................................................................................................................................15
3.4 Radio Characteristics................................................................................................................................15
3.4.1 BLE Transmitter....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.2 BLE Receiver............................................................................................................................................16
3.5 Power Consumption................................................................................................................................. 17
4 Chip Function Description....................................................................................................................................18
4.1 Radio Transceiver..................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Bluetooth Radio Receiver.........................................................................................................................18
4.1.2 Bluetooth Radio Transmitter.................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.3 Frequency Synthesizer..............................................................................................................................18
4.2 Bluetooth Baseband Unit..........................................................................................................................18
4.3 Peripherals................................................................................................................................................ 19
4.3.1 SPI.............................................................................................................................................................19
4.3.2 UART........................................................................................................................................................20
4.3.3 I2C............................................................................................................................................................ 21
4.3.4 Timer.........................................................................................................................................................21
4.3.5 GPIO......................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3.6 I2S interface..............................................................................................................................................22
4.3.7 Quadrature Decoders................................................................................................................................ 22
4.3.8 Keyboard Controller................................................................................................................................. 22
4.3.9 General Purpose (GP) ADC......................................................................................................................23
HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
4.4 Power Management.................................................................................................................................. 23
4.4.1 Power Management (PMU)......................................................................................................................24
4.4.2 Battery Charger.........................................................................................................................................24
5 Software................................................................................................................................................................ 25
5.1 Protocol Stack...........................................................................................................................................25
6 Package Information.............................................................................................................................................27
6.1 Package Information.................................................................................................................................27
7 Application Circuit............................................................................................................................................... 29

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

List of table

TABLE 1 HS6620D PIN DEFINITION.............................................................................................................................. 13

TABLE 2 HS6620D ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS............................................................................................... 14
TABLE 3 HS6620D RECOMMEND OPERATING CONDITIONS................................................................................. 14
TABLE 4 HS6620D BATTERY CHARGER......................................................................................................................15
TABLE 5 HS6620D BLE TRANSMITTER........................................................................................................................16
TABLE 6 HS6620D BLE RECEIVER................................................................................................................................ 17
TABLE 7 HS6620D QFN PACKAGE................................................................................................................................ 28

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

List of figure

FIGURE 1 HS6620D CHIP WIRELESS APPLICATIONS..................................................................................................9

FIGURE 2 HS6620D SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM........................................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 3 HS6620D CHIP PIN DEFINITION...................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 4 HS6620D BT BASEBAND............................................................................................................................... 19
FIGURE 5 HS6620D SPI INTERCONNECTION.............................................................................................................. 20
FIGURE 6 HS6620D SPI INTERFACE TIMING...............................................................................................................20
FIGURE 7 HS6620D I2C BLOCK DIGARAM.................................................................................................................. 21
FIGURE 8 HS6620D SOFTWARE STACK....................................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 9 HS6620D HARDWARE DRIVER AND APPLICATION...............................................................................26
FIGURE 10 HS6620D QFN48 PACKAGE.........................................................................................................................27
FIGURE 11 HS6620D APPLICATION CIRCUIT..............................................................................................................29

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
Revision History
version summery date author
1.0 Initial version 2018-03-13

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

1 System Overview

1.1. General Description

The HS6620D is a power-optimized true system-on-chip (SoC) solution for both Bluetooth low energy
and proprietary 2.4-GHz applications. It integrates a high performance and low power RF transceiver with
Bluetooth baseband and rich peripheral IO extension. HS6620D also integrates a power management to
provide high-efficient power management. It targets 2.4-GHz Bluetooth low energy systems, proprietary
2.4-GHz systems, Human-Interface Devices (keyboard, mouse, and remote control), sports and leisure
equipment, mobile phone accessories and consumer electronics.
HS6620D on-chip Bluetooth system compliant with version 4.2, support all Bluetooth standard 4.2
The chip integrates 48Mhz high-performance MCU, DMA, GPIO, I2S, i2C, SPI, UART, TIMER, RTC,
watch dog, supports 24Mhz external crystal, integrates multi-purpose 12 bit ADC.
The HS6620D integrates on chip 256KB ROM, 128K SRAM and supports user defined IDE system, on
chip SFLASH MCU development and JTAG software upgrade.

1.2. Features

• RF transceiver
• -93 dBm sensitivity Bluetooth® low energy
• TX Power -20 to +2 dBm
• 10mA peak RX, 10mA peak TX (0dBm)
• Active-mode MCU: 108 µA/MHz
• RSSI (1 dBm resolution)
• ARM® Cortex™-M3, max 48MHz
• Serial Wire Debug (SWD)
• Memory
• 128KB SRAM
• 256KB ROM
• Clocks
• 24MHz crystal, 24MHz RC, 32.768KHz crystal, 32.768KHz RC

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
• Link Controller
• BT 4.2 LE PHY, link controller
• Proprietary 2.4-GHz link controller
• Power Management
• Deep sleep power 5uA
• Supply voltage range 2.7V to 3.6V
• Built-in charger
• Software
• Full compliant with BLE version 4.2, complete power-optimized stack, including controller and
• Supports mesh network
• Network processor interface for applications running on an external microcontroller
• Sample applications and profiles
• Supports 6LowPAN
• Supports OTA
• SWD interface
• Peripherals
• four channels DMA
• Two UART interface, one share with 7816 interface
• I2S interface
• Up to 31 bits general-purpose I/O GPIO
• I2C master or slave interface
• Two SPI master or slave interface
• Watchdog to prevent system dead lock
• Three 32bit timers
• Keyboard controller, up to 8x18
• Three way QDEC
• Eight single-end or differential-end 12bits GP-ADC
• AES HW encryption

1.3. Chip Applications

The HS6620D integrated circuit has a fully integrated radio transceiver and baseband processor for
Bluetooth® Smart. It can be used as an application processor as well as a data pump in fully hosted systems.

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

Figure 1 HS6620D chip wireless applications

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

1.4. System Function Block Diagram

HS6620D is a low power Bluetooth wireless transceiver chip. The chip integrates Bluetooth base band,
PHY and proprietary 2.4GHz protocol. The MCU accesses system hardware resource by AHB bus, ROM,
RAM, DMA, SFLASH, GPIO exchange data through AHB bus, and all other peripheral is accessed through
AHB to APB Bridge and APB bus.

Figure 2 HS6620D system block diagram

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

2 Chip Description

2.1 Pin Definition

The HS6620D is in the 6mmx6mm QFN48 package. The chip pin definition is as below:

Figure 3 HS6620D chip pin definition

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

2.2 Pin Description


1 VBAT Power Connect to battery
2 VBAT_RF Power Connect to VBAT on PCB
3 XTAL24M_N Analog Crystal 24M output
4 XTAL24M_P Analog Crystal 24M input
5 XTAL32K_P Analog Crystal 32.768K input
6 XTAL32K_N Analog Crystal 32.768K output
7 RF_N Analog RF ground
8 RF_P Analog RF input/output
9 GPIO19 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
10 GPIO20 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
11 GPIO21 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
12 GPIO0 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input It is JTAG clock by default. Note 1
13 GPIO1 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input It is JTAG data I/O by default. Note 1
14 GPIO2 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input Note 1
15 GPIO3 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input Note 1
16 GPIO4 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input Note 1
17 GPIO5 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input Note 1
18 GPIO6 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input Note 1
19 GPIO7 Digital/Analog Digital GPIO/GP-ADC input Note 1
20 GPIO23 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
21 GPIO24 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
22 GPIO25 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
23 GPIO26 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
24 GPIO8 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
25 GPIO9 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
26 GPIO10 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
27 GPIO14 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
28 GPIO15 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
29 DVDD Power Digital power supply
30 DVSS Power Digital ground
31 GPIO27 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
32 GPIO28 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
33 GPIO29 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
34 GPIO30 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
35 GPIO16 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
36 GPIO17 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
37 GPIO18 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
38 GPIO22 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
39 VDD_IO Power Digital IO power
40 GPIO11 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
41 GPIO12 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
42 GPIO13 Digital Digital GPIO Note 1
43 RESETN Digital Reset signal It must be connected to high, if not
44 VBUS Power Connect to USB power
45 VBAT_CHG Power Output to charger battery
46 VDCDC_D Power Output of the DCDC
converter 1.5V(typ)
47 VDCDC_RF Power Connect to VDCDC_D on
PCB 1.5V(typ)
Table 1 HS6620D pin definition
Note 1: All digital peripheral pins can be programmed to any GPIO

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

3 Electrical Characteristics

3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

HS6620D could be damaged by extra stress in excess of the absolute maximum ratings working conditions,
please be sure the design is follow this rule.
Rating Min Max Unit
-40 120 ºC
Storage Temperature

2000 - V
ESD Human Body Mode

200 - V
Machine Mode

500 - V
Charge Device Mode

Table 2 HS6620D absolute maximum ratings

3.2 Recommend Operating Conditions

Rating Min Typ Max Unit

-40 - 85
Operation Temperature ºC

0.95 1.05 1.2 V

Digital Core supply voltage

1.4 1.5 1.6 V

RF supply voltage

3.1 3.3 3.5 V

I/O voltage (Vsupply>3.3)

Vsupply Vsupply Vsupply V

I/O voltage (Vsupply<3.3)

2.7 3.3 3.6 V

Supply voltage

Table 3 HS6620D recommend operating conditions

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

3.3 Battery Charger

Charging Mode Min Typ Max Unit

4.5 5 6.5 V
Input Voltage (VIN)

Note: It needs more time to get battery fully charged when

VIN=4.5 4.5 5.0 7.0 (V)

- 35 - mA
Battery trickle charge current (BAT_IN < trickle charge

voltage threshold)

- 100 - mA
Maximum Battery Fast Charge Current

- 2.9 - V
Trickle Charge Voltage Threshold

- - -
Float Voltage

- 10 -
Battery Charge Termination Current, % of Fast Charge %


- - -
Standby Mode

- 600 - uA
Supply current to charger only

- 600 - uA
Battery Current

Table 4 HS6620D battery charger

3.4 Radio Characteristics

3.4.1 BLE Transmitter

[Core Supply Voltage = 1.25V @ 25℃]

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
Parameter Min Typ Max BLE Unit
- 2 - dBm
Maximum RF transmit power -

-18 - 2 - dBm
RF power control range

2.7 3 3.7 - dB
RF power range control resolution

- - ≤-20 dBm
ACP Note: F = F0±2MHz

- - ≤-30 dBm
F0=2440MHz F = F0±>3MHz

225 250 275 kHz

∆f1avg maximum modulation

100% >99.9%
∆f2max maximum modulation

0.84 >0.8

4.03 -150~150 kHz

Frequency Accuracy

4.02 -150~150 KHz

Frequency Offset

-3.31 -50~50 KHz

Frequency Drift

-3.13 -20~20 KHz/50us

Frequency Drift rate

-2.25 -20~20 KHz

Initial Frequency Drift

-50 <-40 dBm

2nd harmonic content

- -50 <-40 dBm

3rd harmonic content

Table 5 HS6620D BLE Transmitter

3.4.2 BLE Receiver

[Core Supply Voltage = 1.25V @ 25℃]

Parameter Min Typ Max BLE Specification Unit

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
-93 -90 -81 dBm
⑴ ⑵
Sensitivity--PSR9 37byte package

- 10 0 dBm
Maximum received signal

- 9 -21 dB
I/C co-channel

- - 1 -15 dB
Adjacent channel F = F0+1MHz

- - -3 -15 dB
selectivity I/C Note: F = F0 -1MHz

- - 21 15 dB
F0=2440MHz F = F0+2MHz

- - 23 15 dB
F = F0-2MHz

- - 33 27 dB
F = F0+3MHz

- - 34 27 dB
F = F0-3MHz

⑴ Turn on soft decision of demodulation module

⑵ @ 2424MHz 2448MHz 2472MHz(integral multiple of 24MHz channel)

Table 6 HS6620D BLE Receiver

3.5 Power Consumption

Operation Mode Typical DCDC on Ideal DCDC Unit

(VBAT=3.6V) (Eff=100%)
Chip deep sleep 5 uA
Chip active 3.2 1.7 1.4 mA
Peak of Bluetooth transfer (2dBm) 20 11 8.5 mA
Peak of Bluetooth transfer (0dBm) 18 10 7.7 mA
Peak of Bluetooth receiver 18.5 10 7.9 mA

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

4 Chip Function Description

4.1 Radio Transceiver

The Radio Transceiver implements the RF part of the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol. Together with the
Bluetooth 4.2 PHY layer, this provides a reliable wireless communication. All RF blocks are supplied by on-chip
low-drop out-regulators (LDO’s). The Bluetooth LE radio comprises the Receiver, Transmitter, Synthesizer, Rx/Tx
combiner block, and Biasing LDO’s.

4.1.1 Bluetooth Radio Receiver

The HS6620D receiver is a low IF down conversion architecture. The RF signal passes first through an
integrated transformer, which is shared between receiver and transmitter. The transformer drives a differential
variable-gain LNA, which amplifies the signal before it passes through a low-IF down conversion mixer stage.
Following the mixer is a third-order complex BPF, which performs channel selection and image rejection. The
IF signal is then digitized by two noise-shaping SAR ADCs before further signal processing in the digital

4.1.2 Bluetooth Radio Transmitter

The HS6620D transmitter is a direct modulating architecture. The digital baseband signals directly
modulate VCO and divider of PLL, which is called two-point modulation. After a 3-stage B-class power amplifier,
the radio signal is output through antenna.

4.1.3 Frequency Synthesizer

The HS6620D Frequency synthesizer is fully integrated sigma delta fractional-N PLL to lock the VCO to a
reference crystal oscillator. The synthesizer uses a number of integrated linear regulators for better isolation to
the blocks respectively.

4.2 Bluetooth Baseband Unit

The BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) core is a qualified Bluetooth 4.2 baseband controller compatible with
HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
Bluetooth Smart specification and it is in charge of packet encoding/decoding and frame scheduling.
• All device classes support (Broadcaster, Central, Observer, Peripheral)

• All packet types (Advertising / Data / Control)

• Encryption (AES / CCM)

• Bit stream processing (CRC, Whitening)

• Frequency Hopping calculation
• Low power modes supporting 32.768kHz

Figure 4 HS6620D BT Baseband

4.3 Peripherals

4.3.1 SPI

The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus is a synchronous serial communication interface specification
used for short distance communication, primarily in embedded systems. The HS6620D integrate 2 SPI
interfaces, they can work in either master or slave mode and also support DMA or software mode to transfer
The master or slave controller only support point to point connection by hardware, that is, both the SPI
interface has only one CS pin. The connection is shown below the figure:

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

Figure 5 HS6620D SPI interconnection

The SPI Interface provides much flexibility that can fit most SPI slave devices. The polarity and phase of SCK
can be both programmed and results in four combinations. The CS to SCK delay, the SCK to NCS delay, and SCK
period are also programmed. The timing relationships of SPI Interface are illustrated below.

Figure 6 HS6620D SPI interface timing

4.3.2 UART

The UART is modeled after the industry-standard 16550. However, the register address space has been
relocated to 32-bit data boundaries for APB bus implementation.
The UART is used for serial communication with a peripheral, modem (data carrier equipment, DCE) or
data set. Data is written from a master (CPU) over the APB bus to the UART and it is converted to serial form
and transmitted to the destination device. Serial data is also received by the UART and stored for the master
(CPU) to read back.
The UART contains registers to control the character length, baud rate, parity generation/checking, and
HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
interrupt generation. Although there is only one interrupt output signal from the UART, there are several
prioritized interrupt types that can be responsible for its assertion. Each of the interrupt types can be separately
enabled or disabled by the control registers.
HS6620D has 2 UART; the UART0 is a common 2 wire (transmitter and receiver) controller, and the
UART1 support stream control (CTS/RTS). UART1 also supports ISO7816 protocols.

4.3.3 I2C

The I2C is a master or slave interface. It supports 100, 400 and 800 KHz clock rates for controlling EEPROM
and etc. The I2C interface provides several data formats and can fit various I2C peripherals. Sequential read and
write are supported to improve throughputs. The I2C support DMA operation for extra MCU free data transfer. The
I2C work as ether master or slave, but cannot change the working mode after configuration.
The module is shown as below:

Figure 7 HS6620D I2C block digaram

4.3.4 Timer

The Timer includes three identical 32-bit Timer Counter channels. Each channel can be independently
programmed to perform a wide range of functions including frequency measurement, event counting, interval
measurement, pulse generation, delay timing and pulse width modulation. Each channel drives an internal
interrupt signal which can be programmed to generate processor interrupts.

4.3.5 GPIO

The HS6620D has up to 31 software-configurable I/O pins.

• Fully programmable pin assignment
HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
• Selectable pull-up, pull-down resistors per pin
• GPIO[7:0] ability to be configured as GP-ADC input
• Pins retain their last state when system enters the sleep mode
• Ability to wakeup chip by any GPIOs in sleep mode

4.3.6 I2S interface

The I2S have three wires: serial data, word select and serial clock and this interface is used for audio data
transfer. The HS6620D I2S interface supports both master and slave mode and is used for transmit only. The I2S
supports the standard I2S frame format for transmitting data.

4.3.7 Quadrature Decoders

This block decodes the pulse trains from a rotary encoder to provide the step and the direction of the
movement of an external device. Three axes (X, Y, Z) are supported.
The integrated quadrature decoder can automatically decode the signals for the X, Y and Z axes of a HID
input device, reporting step count and direction: the channels are expected to provide a pulse train with 90
degrees phase difference; depending on whether the reference channel is leading or lagging, the direction can
be determined.
This block can be used for waking up the chip as soon as there is any kind of movement from the external
device connected to it.

4.3.8 Keyboard Controller

The keyboard controller can be used for debouncing the incoming GPIO signals when implementing

a keyboard scanning engine. It generates an interrupt to the CPU.


• Generates a keyboard interrupt on key press or key release

• Implements debouncing time up to 31 ms

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
4.3.9 General Purpose (GP) ADC

The HS6620D is equipped with a high-speed low power 12-bit general purpose Analog-to-Digital

Converter (GPADC). It can operate in unipolar (single ended) mode as well as in bipolar (differential)


The ADC has its own voltage regulator (LDO) of 1.2 V, which represents the full scale reference



• 12-bit dynamic ADC with 65 ns conversion time

• Maximum sampling rate 3.3M sample/s

• Ultra-low power (5 A typical supply current at 100k sample/s)

• Single-ended as well as differential input with two input scales

• Eight single-ended or four differential external input channels

• Battery monitoring function

• Chopper function

• Offset and zero scale adjust

• Common-mode input level adjust

4.4 Power Management

HS6620D integrates a Power Management Unit (PMU), and a battery charger.

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application
4.4.1 Power Management (PMU)

There are four different power modes in the HS6620D:

• Active Mode: System is active and operates at full speed.

• Sleep Mode: No power gating has been programmed; the CPU is idle, waiting for an interrupt. 24M
crystal is on, 32K crystal is on. Peripherals is depending on the programmed enabled value.
• Extended Sleep Mode: All power domains are off except for the always on power domain, the
programmed Bluetooth timer module, 24M crystal is off, 32K crystal is on. The data retention
SRAM retains its data and other SRAM is power off. It is wake by timer or GPIOs.
• Deep Sleep Mode: All power domains are off except for the always on power domain, and all clocks
are off. This mode dissipates the minimum leakage power. It is wake only by GOIOs in this mode.

4.4.2 Battery Charger

When Charger circuit is enabled, it will detect the battery voltage and enters the associated mode to charge the
battery, i.e. Trickle, CC or CV mode. When the battery voltage reaches a high threshold, the charger will enter
standby mode and keep monitoring the battery voltage. If the battery voltage drops to a lower threshold, charger
circuit will re-charge the battery again.

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

5 Software

5.1 Protocol Stack

The HS6620D Software platform includes a qualified Bluetooth Smart single-mode stack on chip.
Numerous Bluetooth Smart profiles for consumer wellness, sport, fitness, and security and proximity
applications are supplied as standard, while additional customer profiles can be developed and added as

Figure 8 HS6620D software stack

Apart from the protocol stack, the Software platform supports a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
which enables easy access to peripheral’s features from a programmer’s point of view as presented in the
following figure.
Core drivers are provided for each interface of the HS6620D enabling optimized usage of the hardware’s
capabilities. These drivers are providing an easy to use interface towards the hardware engines without having
to interfere with the register programming directly.

On top of the core drivers, a number of sample drivers are also provided enabling communication with

basic Bluetooth applications components: accelerometers, FLASH/EEPROM nonvolatile memories etc.

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

Figure 9 HS6620D Hardware Driver and Application

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

6 Package Information

6.1 Package Information

The HS6620D has QFN48 package, the information is as below:

Figure 10 HS6620D QFN48 package

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

Table 7 HS6620D QFN package

HS6620D Bluetooth Low Energy Application

7 Application Circuit

Figure 11 HS6620D application circuit


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