Vescnbe Iarela Fhalydiu Use Cause Lor Foiserte: Keka Applic Cuion

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. Vescnbe iaRela fhalydiu Use Cause lor foiserte

Keka Appliccuion,
d l o d a is oOUma o b e a g0me-changeA when
LOmes do edea)_ond: eLommete H bwinesses
Con Succe ssAwly mplememt elHectue bni doctoa hrpueies
dhen dhey lmea dheelooiroy beteA cushomer

Ba Voda is ohongina_d wony ommitk fres

Ratde wh Pade, omine reteults houe he honce
o rouk beker thogim enntmtej bco CuStomA
chstocion 0nd emeehe_mOre Souey.

Dhedid Taenoy redmeCouting algomthm
LOmb oada om Socu merha ots_ond
web bDLoSing_houbit o dentiy whods
Cousim abuzz el-buyims _cloka is analypel
lo See who moklhng oegaafmoni or
Curnen pslishn

19 Oghine icn) bi_dova enuesnetuled

jojdenhty h be pnte lr 0eds by

od onod oher VOmcubeg.

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fere cou Vemomd Accuace enono erecusds_

Oe cdure beccue nmhr 1 enporu
ho keee on 3heves.

r e oude esonouhned gtre yoih by_dodes

Ond Ceu webSenver àechnolo9, bvainessey
Con 2@mirede dyyonmi cebe, hod oe
Cleh ith eleuond ncluch btaeal on He
hston behoUOur Conume ond hez
0Aoncu e ertnlOS.

Oph2e (istomer Sewice comiling oe

3oi meaica normauhim and urdhcuse_

sy4 businezj Cen meot C 36o
toohe usomet tohich iMem_culouss oophmze rCusAOme

u) hoispue Mort Sues Reteudes CanMe

pia doda do oer a_erdoml2etl onpaien
Ond meNent Aendiu Coc obandlonnemd

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. a w Ond zpl¢un how Hodoop e7ks

Na Noce

N o d e s

Hadoep nomessey A ower dbnbukd

Q0mtuhng Ond dishnbuted Borenge. n Cancle Loe
sone o A mthoc to heuke_a cupec-(ompute

od eop ekw ck culloto do w h

tomhvng Cagacityo loo compouher in
On kiend moan n e end tuseN Can sume
dhod he b inerochn2 Covth Lomputen avd dom
omoukeion Ody on ond Cysiem One must und-tr
s a n c boBn he_oue_o Hadloop- Pismbure Starcae
ano stobudedl Compthng

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a ylemtich is c jitedSle Am lieA

Obo& undoNhag e_sugtem. HOfS_cdla
e ess do Ony Ale seamlessly, doeall
d monog.ememd (ocok e r ya Ond you clon't
have t o OODTy

B a end wseryou_kyour MaCmye

ho mun Y Coce dadoop kt1mewek heukes_your
Commend cnd inhemeully onbutes uour Codk o
160 node. ekes the Outant om_eath
OCh mazA t_So
d Gnal oudoudt AL lacapeni atemeutceally
n temelly in_dh Hadoop re me wok

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