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Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

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Energy Research & Social Science

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Original research article

Understanding the path to smart home adoption: Segmenting and describing T

consumers across the innovation-decision process

Angela Sanguinettia, , Beth Karlinb, Rebecca Fordc
University of California, Davis, United States
SEE Change Institute, United States
University of Oxford, United Kingdom


Keywords: The burgeoning smart home market brings opportunities for home energy management systems (HEMS). Despite
Home energy management hundreds of smart HEM products on the market and many invested stakeholders, consumer adoption is lagging
Smart home technology behind expectations. Past research in this space has focused on smart home technology (SHT) in general, rather
Consumer adoption than particular products with HEM potential. Conflating smart HEMS with all SHT is problematic because there
is a wide range of smart home products and functions, toward which consumers may have varying attitudes. Past
work has also rarely distinguished between various stages of the adoption process that lead up to smart HEMS
purchase (Knowledge, Persuasion, and Decision Stages). This research used a Diffusion of Innovations frame-
work and survey data from 709 California utility customers to assess the current market and barriers to HEM
smart hardware adoption. Cluster analysis based on consumer awareness, interest, and ownership of HEMS
revealed four consumer segments at different positions along the path to adoption: Unfamiliar, Unpersuaded,
Persuaded, and Owners. Each group had a unique demographic and psychographic profile with implications for
different sets of relevant barriers to adoption.

1. Introduction Major technology companies are also investing in SHT; for example,
Google’s purchase of Nest and Amazon’s Echo. Retailers are promoting
New technology is changing the way energy is generated, dis- the smart home through dedicated displays and venues, such as Sears
tributed, and consumed. Decreasing costs and increasing performance “Connected Solutions”, a smart home retail and demonstration display
of information and communications technology has supported the that is being rolled out in 200 Sears and 300 Kmart stores in the US [6].
growth of “big data” in the energy sector, transforming passive power Target has deployed “Connected Life” departments in 1800 stores [7],
grids into smart energy systems. The burgeoning smart home tech- and Walmart has created a smart home technology website called “Your
nology (SHT) landscape, including a growing smart metering infra- Life. Connected: Home Automation” [8].
structure, microgeneration, storage, and home energy management Hundreds of smart home products are currently available world-
systems (HEMS), is placing consumers at the heart of the evolving smart wide. Ford et al. [2] identified a subset of these products as HEM smart
energy system. SHTs offer a range of benefits to households–not only hardware: smart thermostats, smart appliances, smart lights, smart
reductions in electricity costs, but also home security, comfort, and plugs, smart switches, and smart hubs. With the exception of hubs,
convenience, or enjoyment for the tech-savvy consumer [1–3] by en- smart hardware products enable direct management of energy con-
abling more precise control over appliances through feedback, sche- sumption in the home without additional products. Hubs enable HEM
duling, rule-setting, remote control, and automation. by networking multiple devices for centralized control.
Policymakers and energy utilities are investing time and money in Despite the abundance and variety of products, marketing efforts,
the smart home. For example, the UK government recently put out a and great expectations, awareness and adoption of SHT remains low
call for evidence to explore how smart appliances enable consumers to [9–11,43]. However, market characterization studies indicate high
support “the development of a more efficient, smart, and flexible energy consumer interest in SHT [12,13]. Therefore, there seem to be sig-
system” ([4], p. 59). In the US, legislation like California’s Assembly Bill nifcant gaps or barriers in the SHT market. For example, potentially
793 [5] mandates that utilities promote and rebate HEM products. interested consumers may be unaware of the technology, or

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Sanguinetti).

Received 24 June 2017; Received in revised form 1 August 2018; Accepted 3 August 2018
Available online 08 August 2018
2214-6296/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

knowledgeable and even highly interested consumers may be stopping barriers to SHT and HEMS adoption for non-interested consumers and
short of adoption. non-adopters, respectively. However, Diffusion of Innovations Theory
This study investigates these gaps in the context of HEM smart (DoI; [14,15]) posits that adoption is a multi-stage process consumers
hardware adoption. We assert, and demonstrate, that differentiating go through, from learning about a technology to forming attitudes
consumers according to dimensions of the adoption-decision process about it, making a purchase, and using the technology. Thus, more
(awareness, interest, and ownership) can shed considerable light on the nuanced consumer segmentation and study based on these dimensions
current SHT market and barriers to further diffusion. The next sections is needed to build a more complete understanding of who is getting
review past research on SHT adoption and introduce the Diffusion of stuck in the SHT adoption process, where, and why. For example, rather
Innovations [14,15] framework used in the present research. than lumping all non-adopters together into a single group, there may
be a number of distinct non-adopter groups, ranging from those with no
1.1. Smart home technology adoption knowledge of the technology but latent interest, to those with a desire
to purchase but have not acted on it, and those who are knowledgeable
Past research on HEMS adoption has focused on energy feedback but not interested. These groups may be characterized by distinct de-
products without control capabilities (i.e., not smart) or SHT broadly, mographic and psychographic profiles and they may experience dif-
which includes many products without implications for HEM. The ferent barriers.
current study is unique in its focus on HEM smart hardware. That said, Wilson et al. [13] used a DoI framework to characterize and com-
smart hardware is part of the SHT landscape, and often includes energy pare “actual adopters” (from a field study of smart HEMS in 18
feedback features, therefore these literatures are relevant and shed light households) to a national survey sample of “prospective users” (filtering
on smart hardware adoption. out those without knowledge of SHT) and subsets of prospective users
A number of studies describe consumers’ perceived benefits and defined by their knowledge of SHT. Specifically, they considered high,
risks of SHT [1,16–20,9,21–23]. Many of these focus on the general medium, and low levels of knowledge proxies for early adopters, early
population (mostly not owners of SHT). In one such study, Balta-Ozkan majority, and late majority (adopter categories in DoI Theory). Parti-
et al. [1] concluded that non-energy benefits, such as health and se- cipants in their early adopter group were comparable to the field study
curity, are crucial for consumers to appreciate the benefits of smart participants; they were younger, more likely to be male, live in larger
homes. Balta-Ozkan et al. [16] inventoried 45 barriers to SHT adoption households, and have higher household income compared to all pro-
in 7 categories: (1) fit to current and changing lifestyles, (2) adminis- spective users. The early adopter group also perceived more potential
tration, (3) interoperability, (4) reliability, (5) privacy and security, (6) benefits of SHTs than both the early majority and late majority groups.
trust, and (7) costs. However, comparisons regarding perceived risks were not straightfor-
A few studies have described SHT users’ or owners’ experiences. For ward. Overall, prospective users were most concerned with loss of au-
example, Hargreaves et al. [18,19] assessed SHT field study partici- tonomy and independence to technological control.
pants’ experience, including motivations for agreeing to participate in The direction taken by Wilson et al. [13], drawing on DoI and dis-
the field study, which included energy and associated cost savings, tinguishing between consumer segments based on their position along
interest in technology and automation, environmental values, and the path to adoption, is an important start. They also made interesting
control [19]. Limited research has been conducted with naturalistic comparisons between consumer perceptions and industry marketing
SHT adopters (as noted by [24,25]). An early exception is Mennicken content. However, their study is limited by their small sample of “ac-
and Huang [26], who interviewed members of seven households to tual” adopters who were not naturalistic adopters. Any naturalistic
explore their motivations for naturalistically adopting SHT. They de- adopters in their study were included in the early adopter group with
scribed four themes: adopters perceive smart homes as modern; ex- non-owners that had high knowledge. Those without prior SHT
periencing SHT leads to further adoption; “hacking the home” as a knowledge were excluded, therefore no insights were gained about
hobby; and a desire to save energy. consumers who marketing efforts are not reaching at all. Finally, using
In these studies it is difficult to distinguish between benefits that are knowledge as a proxy for adopter categories is an incomplete applica-
sufficiently valuable to persuade consumers to adopt from those that tion of DoI theory, since knowledge does not necessarily portend in-
are simply widely acknowledged but perhaps not very valuable. terest or purchase. Knowledge is a requisite precursor to the adoption
Similarly, it is different to determine barriers that truly impede adop- decision, but the decision can also be to reject the innovation.
tion from risks that consumers may widely recognize but be willing to DoI provides a more appropriate framework for understanding the
overlook. Testing for predictors of interest and ownership can help intrapersonal adoption-decision process for a given individual, as op-
identify which benefits and barriers most influence adoption, and for posed to the interpersonal process of innovations diffusing across dif-
whom (in terms of demographic and psychographic profiles). ferent groups in society (i.e., the oft-cited adopter categories: in-
For example, Karlin et al. [27] surveyed naturalistic adopters and novators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards).
non-adopters of home energy feedback technology, and found that This framework is called the innovation-decision process [14,15], which
adopters were more likely to be male, older, married, homeowners, describes how an individual adopts a new technology in five iterative
with a higher income, more liberal political ideology, more environ- stages:
mental concern, and more conscious of their energy bill; barriers for
non-adopters featured lack of knowledge, including awareness of the 1 Knowledge Stage: Awareness and understanding of the technology
technology, where to buy, and how to install/set-up products. More 2 Persuasion Stage: Attitudes regarding the degree to which the
recently, Parag and Butbul [28] surveyed prospective SHT adopters technology aligns with one’s needs and values
(defined as non-technophobic consumers) in Israel and assessed pre- 3 Decision Stage: The choice to purchase/acquire the technology or
dictors of interest in SHT adoption and interest in demand flexibility not (adopt or reject)
through SHT. They found that higher income, openness to experience, 4 Implementation Stage: User experience after acquisition
and general trust in technology predicted interest in SHT adoption 5 Confirmation Stage: Mirrors the Persuasion Stage in that the cus-
among non-technophobic consumers. The excluded technophobic tomer can reassess the degree to which the technology aligns with
group included more women and senior citizens. their values and goals

1.2. Adoption as a multi-stage process The first three stages are particularly relevant to adoption studies
that include all consumers, whereas the Implementation and
Identifying predictors of interest and adoption provides insight into Confirmation Stages are relevant after adoption.

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

Fig. 1. Sample characteristics; mode levels bolded.

Rogers notes that the innovation-decision process is not a linear C Perceived smart home benefits and barriers: Perception of more
path through these stages. For example, persuasion can begin as soon as salient SHT benefits, especially non-energy benefits, and less con-
a consumer becomes aware of a technology and knowledge can con- cern with risks will predict membership in any cluster that has high
tinue to develop after interest and the decision to adopt. Therefore, interest or owns a smart hardware product; the converse, perception
innovation-decision stages can also be characterized as dimensions, of fewer potential SHT benefits and more risks will predict mem-
e.g., consumers can lack awareness of a technology but have high po- bership in any cluster with low interest (as suggested by [1,28]).
tential for interest, or they can be quite knowledgeable but unin- Finally, informational barriers, such as not knowing where to find
terested. Thus, consumers may be classified according to their position information on or purchase SHT, and concerns about hassles of in-
along the dimensions of Knowledge, Persuasion, and Decision. stallation and setup will predict membership in any cluster with low
awareness (as suggested by [27]).
1.3. Present research and hypotheses

The present study applies the innovation-decision model [15] to the 2. Method
case of HEM smart hardware to better understand how far in the
adoption journey different segments of consumers are and how they are This study was part of a broader research project conducted on
getting stuck along the way. This framework, along with the inclusion behalf of Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), the largest energy utility in
of all consumers (not just non-technophobic consumers as in [28], or California. The overall project included a HEM technology inventory,
those with pre-existing knowledge of SHT as in [13]), allows for a more stakeholder analysis, and consumer research and findings were syn-
complete and nuanced segmentation of consumers than previous stu- thesized into a report [2]. The present research focuses on one aspect of
dies of SHT adoption, and more targeted analysis of barriers at different the consumer research—an online survey of 709 PG&E residential
stages of the adoption decision process. The focus on HEM smart customers.
hardware rather than a broader conceptualization of SHT allows for a The survey was conducted in March 2016 using PG&E’s Customer
more targeted analysis of SHT adoption as it relates to the goal of HEM, Voice Panel, a voluntary pool of more than 15,000 customers who
in a similar vein as the focus on SHT demand flexibility in Parag and agreed to be contacted for research recruitment. Stratified sampling
Butbul [28]. Based on the innovation-decision framework and literature was used to increase the representativeness of the sample in terms of
reviewed above, this study tested the following hypotheses: region (Northern, Central Valley, Central Coast, Bay Area), gender, age,
income, and housing tenure (own or rent). The resultant sample con-
H1. Clustering consumers based on HEM smart hardware awareness,
sisted of 709 customers (a 28% response rate). Sample characteristics
interest, and ownership will reveal distinct groups along the adoption
are listed in Fig. 1.
spectrum, including multiple groups of non-adopters, such as those with
The survey focused on the smart hardware product categories
low awareness but high potential interest, those with some awareness
identified in Karlin et al. [29,27] that have independent capacities to
but low interest, and those with awareness and interest.
support home energy management: smart thermostats, appliances,
H2_A, B, C. Each identified cluster will have a unique demographic and lights, and plugs (excluding hubs, which only have an impact through
psychographic profile. The following relationships are predicted: their relationship to other smart products). Smart switches, which are
similar to smart plugs (with an interface at the switch rather than the
A Demographics and housing characteristics: Higher income, being outlet), were not explicitly mentioned in the survey; Karlin and col-
male, homeownership, and larger home size will predict member- leagues identified smart switches as a separate category [2] after our
ship in any cluster that has high knowledge, interest, or owns smart survey was conducted. However, several respondents who indicated
hardware (as suggested by [27,13,28]). they had a smart plug mentioned smart switches in open-ended re-
B Technology adoption and use: Adoption of other innovative energy- sponses, and in other cases we assigned responses regarding smart
related household technologies (solar PV and plug-in electric ve- switches to the smart plug category; thus, we captured information
hicles) and higher use of personal technologies will predict mem- about switches in the plug category.
bership in any cluster that has high interest or owns smart hardware Survey questions aimed to measure indicators of the innovation-
(as suggested by [15,19,26–28]). decision process (knowledge, persuasion, and decision) with regard to
smart hardware products, as well as variables hypothesized to predict

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

Table 1
Survey questions, response options, and supplementary data.
Construct Item Options (coding for cluster analysis and regression)

Innovation-decision Knowledge How familiar are you with [smart appliances; smart thermostats; Not at all (1); A little bit (2); Somewhat (3); Very (4)
indicators smart plugs; smart lights]? (summary score used for clustering)
Persuasion How much does the idea of [smart appliances; smart thermostats;
smart plugs; smart lights] appeal to you?
Decision Do you own [a smart appliance; a smart thermostat (one with Yes; No; Not sure
features beyond those of a programmable thermostat); any smart (Yes to any product type = 1; Else = 0 for clustering)
lights; any smart plugs]?
Demographics & housing Gender Provided by the utility (PG&E) Male (0); Female (1)
Age 18–34 (1), 35–49 (2), 50–64 (3), 65+ (4)
Household income under $30,000 (1); $30–49,999 (2); $50–74,999 (3);
$75–99,999 (4); $100–149,999 (5); $150–199,999 (6);
$200,000+ (7); Unknown
Tenure Own (1); Rent (0); Unknown
Home size How many bedrooms are in your home? None (0); 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 or more (6)
Technology adoption & PV ownership Do you own solar photovoltaic (PV) panels for home energy? Yes; No; Not sure
use PEV ownership Do you own a plug-in hybrid or all-electric vehicle? (Yes = 1; Else = 0)
Personal How often, if ever, do you use or access the following? Laptop/ At least once a day (4); A few times a week (3); A few
technology use desktop computer; Tablet; E-reader; Mobile phone with Internet; times a month or less (2); Never (1) (summary score used
Wearable health/fitness tracker; Health/fitness tracking app; Energy in regression)
consumption tracking app/service; Money management app;
Gaming/music mobile app
Perceived SHT benefits & Benefits In which of the following ways, if any, might smart home products Options listed in Table 5
barriers benefit your household? (Unselected = 0, Selected = 1)
Barriers Which, if any, of the following concerns do you have with smart (or Options listed in Table 6 (Unselected = 0, Selected = 1)
connected) home technology?
Information about SHT is readily available Strongly disagree; Disagree; Neutral; Agree; Strongly
I know where to buy smart home products agree (Strongly disagree and Disagree = 1; Else = 0)

Fig. 3. Smart thermostat infographic in the survey. A similar infographic for

each smart plugs, lights and appliances was also included. Each infographic
appeared after a question about familiarity and before questions about appeal
and ownership of the particular product type.

consumer segments based on these indicators; Table 1 lists questions,

response options, and supplementary data. The survey proceeded as
follows: The first questions concerned respondents’ knowledge of SHT,
which was followed by an infographic to introduce the concept to those
who may have been unfamiliar (Fig. 2). After the smart home info-
graphic, additional questions gauged perceived benefits and risks of
Fig. 2. Smart home technology infographic show to familiarize participants
SHT. Then, questions focused on each smart hardware product type in
with the concept before questions about perceived benefits and barriers.
turn, following a similar sequence—beginning with a knowledge
question, then an infographic (Fig. 3), then questions about attitudes
about and ownership of each product type. The last part of the survey
included the items measuring demographics and housing

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

characteristics, and more general technology adoption and use.

3. Analysis and results

Survey data were analyzed to segment consumers based on their

position in the innovation-decision process (knowledge, persuasion,
decision) and demographic and psychographic predictors of these seg-
ments, including their characteristic perceptions of SHT benefits and

3.1. Clustering consumers based on their position in the innovation-decision


To cluster participants into types based on position in the innova-

tion-decision process, we ran two-step cluster analysis in SPSS statis-
tical software, with log-likelihood distance measurement and Schwarz’s
Bayesian Criterion, on the following three variables corresponding to
the decision stages:

1) Knowledge: Sum of the four items assessing familiarity with each

product type (1 = Not at all familiar, 4 = Very familiar);
2) Persuasion: Sum of the four items assessing appeal of each product
type (1 = Not at all appealing, 4 = Very appealing); and
3) Decision: Owns any smart appliance, thermostat, plug/switch, and/ Fig. 5. Persuasion score histogram.
or light (1 = Yes, 0 = No).

Two-step cluster analysis was selected because it is appropriate for

multiple and mixed types of data, and it can automatically determine
the appropriate number of clusters [30,31]. The procedure assumes
normality of cluster variable distributions for continuous data. Histo-
grams for Knowledge and Persuasion scores (Figs. 4 and 5) illustrate
some deviation from normality. In particular, there are high frequencies
for scores that are multiples of 4 (4, 8, 12, 16) because many re-
spondents selected the same level of knowledge or persuasion for each
of the four product types. However, Q-Q plots for these variables do not
indicate significant deviation from normality (Figs. 6 and 7). Further-
more, Norušis [30] noted that the procedure is robust against violations
of distribution assumptions.
Our two-step cluster analysis yielded four groups, which we named Fig. 6. Knowledge score normal Q-Q plot.
Unfamiliar, Unpersuaded, Persuaded, and Owners. Table 2 and Figs. 8 and

Fig. 7. Persuasion score normal Q-Q plot.

9 describe these clusters. This solution had a “good” fit, indicated by a

silhouette measure of cohesion and separation of 0.6. This index, which
ranges from -1 to 1, reflects the average fit of each case to its assigned
cluster; the closer to 1 the better the fit.
The Unfamiliar cluster reported significantly less familiarity with
HEM smart hardware than the other clusters, but upon introduction
found the products appealing. The Unpersuaded cluster was differ-
entiated by a low persuasion score, i.e., they found smart hardware
significantly less appealing than the other clusters. The Persuaded had
Fig. 4. Knowledge score histogram. the highest mean knowledge and persuasion scores, even compared to

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

Table 2
Clusters described by variables used in cluster analysis (i.e., sum scores for Knowledge, Persuasion, and Decision indicators across the four smart hardware types).
Means and ordinal scales noted for context. Lowercase letters (a, b, c) denote comparisons between clusters; if two cells in the same row have a different letter it
means the data for those two clusters differ significantly.
Unpersuaded (n = 197) Unfamiliar Persuaded Owners ANOVA or Chi-square
(n = 150) (n = 205) (n = 157)

Knowledge 9.47 (0.22) a 6.49 (0.14) b 12.70 (0.14) c 12.48 (0.24) c F = 227***
Familiarity with smart hardware (per item μ = 2.4) (per item μ = 1.6) (per item μ = 3.2) (per item μ = 3.1)
1 = Not at all
2 = A little bit
3 = Somewhat
4 = Very
Persuasion 6.97 (0.14) a 12.40 (0.18) b 13.66 (0.13) c 12.65 (0.21) b F = 366***
Finds HEM smart hardware appealing (per item μ = 1.7) (per item μ = 3.1) (per item μ = 3.4) (per item μ = 3.2)
1 = Not at all
2 = A little bit
3 = Somewhat
4 = Very
Decision 0a 0a 0a 100% b χ2 = 709***
Owns smart hardware

Owners, a cluster entirely comprised of those who owned at least one of

the smart hardware product types.
Clusters included consumers across Knowledge, Persuasion, and
Decision Stages (Fig. 10). The Unfamiliar cluster was early on in the
Knowledge Stage, with very low familiarity with smart hardware prior
to taking the survey. The Unpersuaded and Persuaded clusters were
significantly more knowledgeable of smart hardware that the Un-
familiar cluster and had formed opinions in one direction or the other
regarding the appeal of smart hardware; specifically, the Unpersuaded
found smart hardware relatively unappealing and the Persuaded found
smart hardware significantly more appealing compared to every other
cluster. Owners had passed into the Decision Stage by purchasing one of
the smart hardware product types under study.
Fig. 8. Distribution of smart hardware knowledge scores for each of the four
3.2. Predictors of innovation-decision clusters

We created a hierarchical binary logistic regression model for each

cluster, regressing membership in the cluster (0 = non-membership, 1
= membership) on all potential predictor variables, to identify demo-
graphic and psychographic profiles. Variables were entered stepwise to
ensure that all meaningful variables were included. Only variables that
were significant at the α = .05 level when first entered in the model
were included in subsequent steps, and these variables were not ex-
cluded if the p-value rose over 0.05 in subsequent steps. The order
proceeded from demographic and contextual variables to behaviors and
psychographic variables more relevant to smart hardware adoption, as
Step 1: Demographics (gender, age, and income)
Fig. 9. Distribution of smart hardware persuasion scores for each of the four
clusters. Step 2: Housing characteristics (housing tenure and house size)
Step 3: Technology adoption and use (PV ownership, PEV owner-
ship, and personal technology use)

Fig. 10. Clusters mapped onto innovation-decision stages.

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

Table 3
Regression models predicting membership in each HEM smart hardware decision cluster with predictor β (SE); the dependent variables are binary (e.g.,
Unfamiliar = 1; Other = 0), as are the perceived benefits and barriers variables (Checked = 1; Unchecked = 0).
Unpersuaded Unfamiliar Persuaded Owners

Constant 2.09(0.64)*** −6.16(1.29)*** −1.13(0.52)* −2.35(0.61)****

Age 0.18(0.10)*
Gender 0.88(0.24)**** −0.67(0.23)***
Income −0.15(0.06)** 0.14(0.06)**
Housing tenure −0.61(0.19)***
Home size −0.22(0.10)**
Owns PV (solar) 1.36(0.63)** 0.85(0.31)***
Personal technology use -0.07(0.02)*** 0.03(.02)* 0.07(0.02)****
Benefit: Make my home more comfortable −1.12(0.24)**** 0.61(.20)*** 0.87(0.23)****
Benefit: Reduce energy use −1.48(0.29)****
Benefit: Reduce negative environmental impact -0.37(0.24)
Benefit: Enjoyable to have and/or use −0.86(0.28)***
Benefit: Improve home resale value 0.39(.19)
Benefit: Enable better management of household energy use −0.81(0.22)**** 0.97(0.25)****
Benefit: Protect health of household members −0.43(0.26)*
Barrier: Don’t know where to buy products 1.65(0.22)**** −0.94(.22)**** −1.22(0.30)****
Barrier: Skeptical whether they perform as well as basic devices 0.64(0.23)***
Barrier: Hassle to set-up/install −0.61(0.24)**
Barrier: Not worth the price 0.64(0.22)***
Barrier: Makes simple tasks unnecessarily complicated 0.75(0.24)*** −0.82(.22)****
Barrier: Easier for others to access my personal information without my permission 0.52(0.22)** -0.43(0.21)**
Nagelkerke R Square .448 .267 .199 .256
N, -2 log likelihood 706, 572 646, 541 693, 734.10 646, 571.33
Chi-square 262**** 121**** 104.09**** 119.12****

*, **, ***, ****

indicates significance at the 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% level, respectively.

Step 4: Perceived smart home benefits and barriers model, and highlight pairwise differences in means and proportions
We also compared demographic and psychographic characteristics tests. Tables 4–6 summarize all descriptive statistics and difference in
of the resultant clusters via Chi-squared and one-way ANOVA tests. Chi- means or proportions tests.
squared tests were used to compare proportions for categorical vari-
ables and ordinal variables with fewer than five levels. ANOVAs were
3.2.1. Demographics and housing characteristics
used to compare means for continuous variables and ordinal variables
Being female and having lower income predicted membership in the
with five or more levels, respectively. These tests were included to re-
Unfamiliar cluster, whereas being male and having higher income
veal pairwise comparisons (differences as well as similarities between
predicted membership in the Owners cluster. Older age predicted
any two clusters) that the regression models may obscure. Specifically,
membership in the Unpersuaded cluster. No demographic variables
if two clusters were similar to each other but significantly different from
were significant predictors of the Persuaded cluster in the regression
a third cluster on some variable (e.g., age), that variable might not
model, although means and proportions difference tests showed the
emerge as a significant predictor of the two similar clusters.
Persuaded were younger than the Unpersuaded; they also had lower
The regression model for each cluster was statistically significant
income and were less likely to be male compared to Owners (Table 4).
(Table 3), explaining roughly 20–45% of the variation in cluster
No housing characteristics were significant predictors of the
membership. Interpretation of these effects should take into account
Unfamiliar cluster in the regression model, although means and pro-
that each predictor variable could be related to multiple clusters in the
portions difference tests showed the Unfamiliar group included fewer
same way (e.g., higher personal technology use scores predicted
homeowners compared to both the Unpersuaded and Owners; they also
membership in both the Persuaded and Owners clusters). The following
had smaller homes, as measured by number of bedrooms, compared to
sections summarize significant predictor variables in each regression
Owners. Smaller home size predicted membership in the Unpersuaded

Table 4
Clusters described by demographics, housing characteristics, and technology adoption and use variables. Differences in column proportions or means denoted by
lowercase letters a, b, c.
Unpersuaded Unfamiliar Persuaded Owners Chi-square or ANOVA

Gender 44% Male a 25% Male b 52% Male a 67% Male c χ2 = 58***
56% Female a 75% Female b 48% Female a 33% Female c
Age 18% 18–34 a 25% 18–34 a, b 29% 18–34 b 26% 18–34 a, b χ2 = 32***
22% 35–49 a 39% 35–49 b 31% 35–49 b 33% 35–49 b
31% 50–64 a 24% 50–64 a, b 21% 50–64 b 26% 50–64 a, b
29% 65+ a 12% 65+ b 20% 65+ b 15% 65+ b
Income $30–49,999/ $30–49,999 a $50–74,999 b $75–99,999 c F = 15***
(median range) $50–74,999 a, b
Housing tenure 64% Own a 44% Own b 50% Own b 71% Own a χ2 = 37***
34% Rent a 51% Rent b 49% Rent b 28% Rent a
Home size 2.57 (1.04) a 2.57 (1.10) a 2.55 (1.07) a 2.94 (1.05) b F = 5**
Technology use 19.58 (5.32) a 21.21 (4.66) b 23.65 (5.06) c 24.40 (5.31) c F = 34***
Owns solar PV 12% a 2% b 10% a 21% c χ2 = 29***
Owns plug-in vehicle 5% a 3% a 6% a 12% b χ2 = 14**

*, **, ***, ****

indicates significance at the 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% level, respectively.

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

Table 5
Clusters described by percent of sample who agreed to each potential benefit of smart home technology for their household. Differences in column proportions
denoted by lowercase letters a, b, c.
Unpersuaded Unfamiliar Persuaded Owners Chi-square

Make my home more comfortable 19% a 43% b 67% c 68% c 122.1***

Make household chores easier 9% a 20% b 34% c 32% c 43.2***
Save time 16% a 40% b 48% b 48% b 54.8***
Save money on energy bills 62% a 91% b 95% b 92% b 100.9***
Reduce energy use 63% a 91% b 96% b 94% b 108.3***
Reduce negative environmental impact 37% a 61% b 72% c 64% b, c 54.1***
Enjoyable to have and/or use 13% a 35% b 46% c 47% c 62.9***
Improve home resale value 20% a 35% b 44% b 44% b 31.9***
Enable better management of household energy use 40% a 75% b 79% b 75% b 84.5***
Protect home from theft or vandalism 25% a 40% b 49% b, c 58% c 42.7***
Protect health of household members 11% a 21% b 37% c 36% c 46.3***
Alert me when household equipment needs attention 41% a 69% b 73% b 73% b 58.0***
Enable better care for children or elderly 8% a 18% b 24% b 27% b 24.7***
Enable better care for pets 9% a 27% b 30% b 28% b 30.1***

p < .001.
*, **, ***
indicates significance at the 95%, 99%, and 99.9% level, respectively.

cluster. The Unpersuaded also included more homeowners compared to about where to buy products, and more concerned that products could
the Unfamiliar and the Persuaded, and had smaller homes on average. be a hassle to install or set-up. Although the Unpersuaded were also less
Renting one’s home was a significant predictor of membership in the confident in where to find SHT information and buy products compared
Persuaded cluster. Housing characteristics were not significant pre- to Persuaded and Owners, it was their greater skepticism about product
dictors of HEM smart hardware ownership in the regression model, value and performance that distinguished them from all other clusters.
although the significance was marginal for homeownership (as opposed The Persuaded’s concerns with SHT risks were similar to that of
to renting; p = 0.060) and larger home size (i.e., more bedrooms; p = Owners, except they were significantly less concerned than SHT could
0.051) when entered. make simple tasks unnecessarily complicated. Although concerns about
privacy and security were prevalent for all groups, there were no be-
3.2.2. Technology adoption and use tween-group differences; e.g., Owners were just as concerned as the
Not owning solar PV predicted membership in the Unfamiliar Unpersuaded.
cluster. Difference in means and proportions tests revealed that the
Unfamiliar reported lower levels of personal technology use than the 4. Discussion
Persuaded and Owners, but higher than the Unpersuaded. Low levels of
personal technology use did predict membership in the Unpersuaded Statistically clustering consumers based on their awareness, in-
cluster, whereas higher levels of technology use predicted membership terest, and ownership of HEM smart hardware revealed four groups:
in each the Persuaded and Owners clusters. The Unpersuaded were also Owners, Persuaded, Unfamiliar, and Unpersuaded. These findings
less likely to own solar PV compared to Owners and the Persuaded, but supported H1, which predicted several distinct groups of non-adopters,
more likely than the Unfamiliar. Owners were more likely than each i.e., those who were unfamiliar but interested upon learning about
other cluster to own plug-in vehicles. smart hardware (Unfamiliar), those who were aware but not interested
(Unpersuaded), and those who were aware and interested but did not
3.2.3. Perceived smart home benefits and barriers own (Persuaded). The sets of hypotheses outlined as H2_A, B, C predicted
Owners and the Persuaded had similar perceptions of smart home demographic and psychographic profiles of these clusters, which were
benefits. Owners and/or the Persuaded were more likely than the largely supported. Specifically, higher income, being male, home-
Unfamiliar to perceive smart home benefits of comfort, convenience ownership, larger home size, higher rates of technology adoption and
(i.e., making chores easier), health, security, and enjoyment, but not use, greater perception of SHT benefits, and less concern with SHT risks
energy savings, cost savings, energy management, or environmental were characteristic of Owners and/or the Persuaded. Less perception of
impact. The Unpersuaded recognized each smart home benefit less than SHT benefits and greater concern with SHT risks was characteristic of
all other clusters. the Unpersuaded, and informational barriers (not knowing where to
Compared to each other cluster, the Unfamiliar were significantly find information on or purchase SHT, and concerns about hassles of
less likely to agree that SHT is readily available, less knowledgeable installation and setup) were characteristic of the Unfamiliar.

Table 6
Clusters described by percent of sample who agreed to each potential barrier and risk to smart home adoption. Differences in column proportions denoted by
lowercase letters a, b, c.
Unpersuaded Unfamiliar Persuaded Owners Chi-square

Information is not readily available 24% a 39% b 13% c 10% c 51.2***

Don’t know where to buy products 37% a 63% b 17% c 10% c 129.0***
Skeptical whether they perform as well as basic devices 44% a 30% b 24% b 25% b 23.6***
Hassle to set-up/install 37% a 51% b 34% a 34% a 12.3**
Not worth the price 55% a 43% b 34% b 34% b 22.9***
Makes simple tasks unnecessarily complicated 46% a 31% b 17% c 27% b 41.5***
Easier for others to access my personal information without my permission 62% a 55% a, b 51% a 49% a 7.4

p < .01, ***p < .001.
*, **, ***
indicates significance at the 95%, 99%, and 99.9% level, respectively.

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

Results have implications for understanding, and perhaps accel- they would have to store and reinstall old equipment upon moving. In
erating, HEM smart hardware adoption. We discuss implications for terms of psychological barriers, renters may not be in the habit of in-
each cluster, including comparisons to Rogers’ adopter categories (in- vesting in home improvements.
novators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards).
However, we remind the reader that Rogers’ interpersonal adopter ca- 4.4. Owners
tegories are based on latency of adoption after an innovation is in-
troduced and an individual consumer is limited to a single category. In Consumers who have reached the Decision Stage and chosen to
contrast, our clusters are based on the intrapersonal innovation-deci- adopt HEM smart hardware likely include the groups Rogers [14,15]
sion process and we assume individuals move between clusters, e.g., called innovators and early adopters. Consistent with Rogers’ char-
from Unfamiliar to Persuaded to Owner. acterization of early adopters, Owners had higher income compared to
other clusters, and higher levels of adoption of solar PV and plug-in
4.1. Unfamiliar vehicles. The latter is also suggestive of the theme Mennicken and
Huang [26] identified among SHT adopters, that adoption of SHT can
Largely unfamiliar with HEM smart hardware prior to taking the be reinforcing, leading to adoption of further SHTs.
survey, this group found the products appealing once introduced. The fact that Owners and/or the Persuaded were more likely than
Information is the key barrier to adoption for this group. In particular, the Unfamiliar to perceive smart home benefits of comfort, convenience
the Unfamiliar did not believe information about SHT was readily (making chores easier), health, security, and enjoyment, but not energy
available, they did not know where to buy smart home products, and savings, cost savings, energy management, or environmental impact
they were concerned that installation and set-up might be too much of a suggests that non-energy benefits are driving HEM smart hardware
hassle. adoption. If HEM smart hardware is being adopted and used mainly for
Implications for HEMS product development to better reach this non-energy benefits, energy-conserving and/or demand response de-
segment include the need for plug-and-play products that are accessible fault settings could be critical features to ensure energy benefits (see
for less tech-savvy consumers. Implications for service providers and discussion of default settings in [36]). See also Peffer et al. [37] for an
utility program design include proactive customer service strategies to example of the impotence of energy efficient technologies that rely on
help with installation, set-up, and troubleshooting. Findings also imply user behavior rather than default settings (i.e., programmable ther-
a need for better marketing to women, who made up the majority of mosats).
this group and found HEM smart hardware equally appealing as did the
male-dominated Owners cluster. This correlation between gender and 4.5. Limitations and future research
technology adoption has been found previously, both with regard to
HEMS adoption (e.g. [32,33]) and technology adoption more broadly Participants in this study volunteered to be part of a research panel
(e.g. [34,35]). for their energy utility, so they may have more interest in energy than
the general population, and the fact that the survey came from their
4.2. Unpersuaded utility may have led to some response bias. The results are also limited
to California consumers. Replications of this research in other locations
The Unpersuaded resemble the group Rogers’ [14,15] referred to as might result in different clusters. For example, in places where aware-
laggards, who tend to be older, traditionalists, and suspicious of in- ness of HEM smart hardware products is lower, we might have found
novations. Compared to other groups, the Unpersuaded were older, had multiple clusters with low awareness, differentiated by level of interest.
lower rates of personal technology use, and expressed significantly less The R-squared values for the regression models were relatively low
acknowledgement of SHT benefits and more skepticism about product for the Unfamiliar, Owners, and particularly the Persuaded cluster. This
performance and value. However, they were no more concerned than is likely in part because these clusters had positive appraisals of HEMS,
other groups about data privacy and security, which is consistent with thus were similar in terms of characteristics that predict finding HEMS
Wilson et al. [13] who found that other risks were more detrimental to appealing, which would deflate the power of these characteristics to
adoption. predict membership in one cluster over the others. However, it may also
An inverse relationship between perceived benefits and barriers in indicate that the survey did not assess important barriers for these
our findings, especially evident in the Unpersuaded cluster, aligns with groups at the Knowledge and Decision Stages, such as the complexities
previous research [40], and has been attributed to an innate human of choosing between multiple similar HEM product types [38].
desire for consistency among diverse beliefs. People tend to reduce their Future research would also benefit from considering other theore-
perception of risk for technologies they find to be beneficial [41], and tical models for predictors of innovative technology adoption, and
perceived benefits often outweigh perceived risks in consumers’ eva- particularly sustainable technology adoption. For example, Noppers
luation of new technologies [42] These findings suggest fostering et al. [39] recently demonstrated the utility of a model that includes
adoption among this consumer segment requires better communicating consumer perception of instrumental, environmental, and symbolic
the benefits of SHT rather than assuaging perceptions of risks. In par- attributes of sustainable technologies as predictors of HEMS adoption.
ticular, benefits related to safety, health, comfort, and energy cost In particular, the present study did not account for symbolic attributes,
savings might be more compelling than benefits that could be perceived i.e., perceptions of how HEMS adoption affects one’s social image or
as frivolous or unnecessary, e.g., entertainment, novelty, and con- status.
venience. This research shed light on factors influencing adoption up to the
decision to purchase HEM smart hardware, but did not consider factors
4.3. Persuaded influencing adoption in the Implementation and Confirmation Stages of
the innovation-decision process. Future research could cluster smart
The Persuaded actually found HEM smart hardware more appealing hardware adopters based on dimensions of Implementation and
than did Owners. It is difficult to guess what barriers for this group Confirmation (e.g., whether owners use the energy saving features of
might be, but compared to Owners they had lower income and included these products). Longitudinal research is needed to understand how
fewer homeowners. There may be contextual and psychological barriers consumers’ perceptions change as they move between clusters (e.g.,
to HEM smart hardware adoption for renters. For example, property from Unfamiliar to Persuaded to Owner). Furthermore, if and when
managers may provide appliances and renters may hesitate to replace smart home technologies begin to be integrated into buildings at the
large appliances, thermostats, and even plug outlets and switches if construction stage or become commonplace in appliances, this type of

A. Sanguinetti et al. Energy Research & Social Science 46 (2018) 274–283

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