Ortuzar, Juan E., "Risk Assessment and Research Synthesis methodologies in food safety: two effective tools to provide scientific
evidence into the Decision Making Process." (2016). Dissertations, Theses, & Student Research in Food Science and Technology. 79.
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Juan E. Ortuzar
Lincoln, Nebraska
December, 2016
The food supply chain is a complex and diverse system. Some food products need
minimum processing to reach the consumers, while others involve several different
processes, countries and suppliers, can take several months to be on the table of the end
consumer. Regarding food safety, the public health of consumers is at stake and the
consequences of outbreaks could prove disastrous. This has been recognized as a matter
of global importance for the food industry and authorities around the world since several
efforts to improve quality, safety and trade of food have arisen since the early 1960s. The
birth of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a joint organism lead by the World Health
Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization, marks a milestone, creating the
first organization dedicated to proposing international food safety standards and to foster
All these organizations agree that the use of solid scientific evidence in the decision
making process is the cornerstone in creating a safe global food supply chain. Although
there is widespread consensus about this, developing countries usually encounter heavy
scientific capabilities. Therefore, addressing the question “how can we provide tools for
regulations with the consideration of these limitations?” is in great need. In this project
two case studies were used to show that risk assessment, in conjunction with the use of
research synthesis methodologies, are two approaches that can be used by the food
industry and governments to provide effective scientific insights into their respective
decision making processes. The focus of this research project is food safety in Chile, thus
the analysis, results and overall direction will be narrowed to the perspective of this
developing country.
In first place, this experience would not have been possible if Dr. Bing Wang and John
Rupnow have not believed in me. For that I am really grateful. It was an honor to have
worked together. Thanks to my Committee Members, Dr. Jennifer Clarke, George Gray
and Rolando Flores; they were wonderful mentors always eager to answer my questions
My family were always supporting me in every possible aspect of this adventure in the
United States. Having such a loving, happy and united family has created a mark in my
personality and soul, which I carry with great pride anywhere I go. Thank you, for you
are the reason I am happy in life and able to reflect that on others.
Living abroad can be sometimes hard for many reasons. But I want to acknowledge that
the people I met during this two years living in Lincoln have made this journey incredibly
enjoyable and rewarding. The American friends I made here, John, Michaela, Michael,
John Jimma, Josh, Brian, Becca, Kim and Emika, among many, gave me the best
impression of this beautiful country and its people. Keep being so unique, smart and
loving. I hope our paths cross again and I will call you my friends forever!
Thanks to all my coworkers, Anand, Ece, Yangyunna, Sapna and Bin. All the best in your
academic and personal lives. I am sure every single one of you will turn into incredible
I can’t close this dedication without naming the most amazing group of individuals that
gathered in Lincoln, Nebraska. The almighty Cabroncos! With an unquenchable thirst for
music (country and heavy metal), adventures and paellas, this group were my first close
friends. All the trips together, the fun times, the culinary meetings and the
Denis, Ivo, Felipe, Isabel, Michael, K, Hugo and of course, our beloved leader, Isidro
Campos, thank you all for being such wonderful people and being my friends.
To everyone that somehow affected my life in a positive, which I am proud to say it has
“Don’t worry about a thing, ‘cause every little thing gonna be alright”
Bob Marley
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... i
I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 13
B. European Union.......................................................................................................... 18
C. Chile ........................................................................................................................... 20
E. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 26
B. European Union.......................................................................................................... 30
C. Meta-analysis ............................................................................................................. 35
D. Others ......................................................................................................................... 36
V. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 36
I. ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ 40
V. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 79
I. ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ 83
i. Title screening.............................................................................................................. 90
E. Definitions .................................................................................................................. 92
C. Concentration of spore-forming bacteria along the milk supply chain .................... 103
D. Prevalence of spore-forming bacteria along the milk supply chain ......................... 105
Table 1.1 Largest economic activities and its contribution to the GDP in
Chile for 2011……….…………………………………………...21
Table 1.2 Foodborne illnesses comparison chart from selected countries.....23
Table 2.1 Activity list agreed on the project profile………………………..47
Table 2.2 List of parameters, values and distributions used in the farm module
for both fresh and frozen raspberries……………………………..54
Table 2.3 List of parameters, values and distributions used in the collection
center module for fresh raspberries……………………………….56
Table 2.4. List of parameters, values and distributions used in the collection
center module for frozen raspberries……………………………..56
Table 2.5 List of parameters, values and distributions used in the packing
plant module for fresh
Table 2.6 List of parameters, values and distributions used in the packing
plant module for frozen
Table 2.7 Bacterial growth model parameters for temperatures over
Table 2.8 Growth model parameters for temperatures between 0°C and
Table 2.9 Growth model parameters for temperatures below
Table 2.10 Water uses scenario analysis for bacterial
Table 2.11 Transportation reduction time scenarios for bacterial
Table 2.12 Temperature reduction at Collection Center scenario
Table 2.13 Pesticide applications time scenarios…………………………….66
Table 3.1 Summary of the search strategies for the electronic
Table 3.2 Summary of the main characteristics of the citations that were
included in the data extraction process………………………….96
Table 3.3 Summary statistics of concentration data by Standardized Supply
Table 3.4 Summary statistics of prevalence data by Standardized Supply
Table 3.5 Concentration pooled estimates for each processing
Table 3.6 Prevalence estimates pooled by random effect meta-analysis model
for each supply chain step…………………….………………..111
raspberry model………………………………………………..73
Figure 2.8 Tornado plot for the final viral concentration for the fresh
raspberry model………………………………………………..74
Figure 3.1 Flow chart of the standardized milk supply steps, with their
coverage of samples described in the retrieved articles…..…..92
Figure 3.2 Model selection procedure……………………..……………..94
Figure 3.3 Process flow of studies being retrieved, screened, appraised,
selected, data-extracted in this systematic review and meta-
Figure 3.4 Stacked box plot for the concentration of spore-forming bacteria
throughout the milk processing chain……...…………………103
Figure 3.5 Stacked box plot for prevalence of spore-forming bacteria
throughout the milk processing chain………………………..105
Figure 3.6a Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting prevalence in
Figure 3.6b Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting concentrations in
Figure 3.6c Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting spore
Figure 3.6d Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting spore
Figure 3.7 Forest plot of reported cell prevalence………………………..112
Figure 3.8 Forest plot of reported spore prevalence……………………..113
Food has played a pivotal role in the development of mankind, in both the nutritional and
cultural dimensions. Food safety practices can be tracked to prehistoric times, starting
with the Chinese that developed the first preservation methods for vegetables in 4000 BC
(Uemura and Bari, 2016), which provided them means to attain higher levels of food
safety. As eating patterns and foods changed and evolved over time, food safety laws
The first food laws can be seen in the book of Leviticus around 2000 BC and in the
Quran by 570 AC (Hutt and Hutt, 1984). Although these were targeting food adulteration,
as with food preservation, the population indirectly received the first benefits of food
safety practices. In spite of food safety being a very old subject which almost every early
civilization was addressing to some extent, it was not until the 19th century that
comprehensive food legislations were adopted (Uemura and Bari, 2016). Figure 1.1 uses
the United States (U.S.) as an example to show important milestones in the history related
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how the two systematic approaches, risk
assessment and research synthesis methodologies, can be utilized by food industry and
explained, from the perspective of domestic food safety protection and international
trade. The whole work will revolve around how Chile – a developing country in terms of
the International Monetary Fund (IMF, 2016) – can harness the potential of these two
tools and include them in their decision making process for food safety matters. This will
be achieved by comparing the epidemiological status, current trade situation and use of
science by the two most powerful actors in food trade, the United States of America and
the European Union (EU), compared to the Chilean reality. These nations were selected
since they are the leaders in food safety sciences and technologies, employ more
advanced regulatory frameworks and, as we will see later, are the most important trading
partners to Chile. The epidemiological status was surveyed to have a broad understanding
of the range of deaths and illnesses caused by food in each nation. The integration of
science into the decision making process is something that in developing countries is hard
how they are achieving this. Finally, a description is given of the tools that this thesis is
proposing should be used in order to achieve the food safety protection objective.
Figure 1.1 Important milestones in food safety in the United States (adopted from Reneé
Johnson, 2014)
A. United States
According to 2016 estimates by the IMF, the United States (US) Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) is US$ 18,562 billion, making the U.S. the second largest economy in the world
after China. Its GDP per capita is US$ 56,084 ranking 11 worldwide (IMF, 2016).
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has predicted for 2017 an export
forecast for agricultural trade of US$ 133.0 billion and imports of US$ 113.5 billion,
worth 1.327% of the total GDP. As shown in Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3, a considerable
The total local retail and food services sales for 2015 were US$ 1,511 billion, which is
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has estimated that yearly, 48
million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die due to foodborne illnesses
(CDC, 2016). However, these numbers are underestimated due to the surveillance
Figure 1.2 The U.S. agricultural exports evolution from 2000-2015. Data retrieved from
the Economic Research Service.
Figure 1.3. The U.S. agricultural imports evolution from 2000-2015. Data retrieved from
the Economic Research Service.
Food safety responsibilities are divided among several different agencies in the U.S. The
USDA and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have direct enforcing and regulation
power over different sets of foods, while the CDC is the supporting agency that collects
data on foodborne illnesses and supports foodborne disease surveillance and response
(Foodsafety.gov, 2016)
Meat, poultry and egg products are under the jurisdiction of USDA, through its Food
Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). Any other types of food are regulated by FDA.
B. European Union
The European Union is a political and economic union of 28 member states. If treated as
a single country, according to the IMF for 2016, its GDP is US$ 16.673 billion, ranking
Commission, for 2015, the agri-food exports ascended to US$ 129 billion, while imports
were worth US$ 113 billion. This is equal to 1.45% of the total GDP. As shown in Figure
1.4, an important part of the exports and imports correspond to human food.
The World Health Organization has estimated that the number of foodborne illnesses in
the EU is approximately 2,431 cases per 100,000 persons and the number of deaths is 0.4
in every 100,000 (WHO, 2010). Taking into consideration the EU population of about
508 million (European Union, 2016), the cases calculated are lower in foodborne adverse
Figure 1.4. Evolution of agri-food related imports and exports in the EU. It is important
to note that the “commodities” class includes live livestock and some other non-edible
items. (Agricultural and Rural Development, 2016)
Each member state is allowed to have its own food safety agencies, research and outreach
efforts. There is, nonetheless, a general guideline called “The General Food Law”. Under
Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, the General Food Law is defined as “the foundation of
food and feed law. It sets outs an overarching and coherent framework for the
development of food and feed legislation both at Union and national levels. To this end, it
lays down general principles, requirements and procedures that underpin decision making
in matters of food and feed safety, covering all stages of food and feed production and
This regulation also creates the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which is an
independent agency that provides scientific advice and support to member states
regarding food safety and public health matters. It is important to highlight that EFSA
does not enforce food safety, which is still a responsibility of each member state.
C. Chile
According to the IMF, for 2016 the GDP for Chile is of US$ 422,422 billion. With a
population of about 18 million, the GDP per capita is about US$ 23,507.
Table 1.1 shows the main economic activities of Chile and its corresponding share of the
GDP. With a total of US$ 5.749 million, Agriculture and forestry exports make 6.43% of
the exports. In particular, US$ 4.738 million correspond to fruit exports and the rest to
other agri-food related items (Chilean Central Bank data for 2011). Figures 1.5, 1.6 and
1.7 shows worldwide trade, to the U.S., and to the EU, respectively.
The latest epidemiology report from the Health Ministry in Chile indicated that in 2015,
there were 5,901 diagnosed foodborne illnesses and 119 hospitalizations (Chilean
Ministry of Health, 2015). The number of deaths attributable to foodborne illnesses is not
Table 1.1. Largest economic activities and its contribution to the GDP in Chile for 2011.
Agriculture is showed as it is the class that includes agri-food related items.
Economic Activity Percentage of the GDP
Mining 15.2%
Retail 7.9%
Figure 1.5. Interactive graph showing Chile’s largest trading partners in 2014, in terms of
exports. Data taken from the Observatory of Economic Complexity from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Figure 1.6. Interactive graph showing Chile’s exports to the US in 2014. Data taken from
the Observatory of Economic Complexity from the Massachusetts Institute of
Figure 1.7. Imports of the EU from Chile in 2014. Data taken from Eurostat webpage.
As a foodborne illness estimate is missing in Chile’s statistics, data from CDC was
extracted and adjusted to Chile’s numbers with the purpose of doing a comparison. Table
1.2 shows the comparisons between the nations of interest based on the population.
b. Eurostat – Population on 1 January 2016". European Commission. Retrieved on October 13, 2016.
The latest CDC report on foodborne illnesses indicated that the number of diagnosed
foodborne illnesses for 2006 was 142,481. Scallan et al 2011 proposed an estimate of
37,220,098 foodborne illness cases, based on the number of diagnosed cases. Therefore,
with the latest technology and science available, there is a 261.2 factor difference
between the foodborne illnesses estimate and the number of actual diagnosed cases. This
factor was used to estimate Chilean foodborne illnesses based on the number of
diagnosed cases. Caution should be used when using this number as there are several
dietary differences between the U.S. and Chile that makes this estimate only valid when
The only agency that enforces food safety in Chile is the Ministry of Health, through the
with full legal power. Nonetheless, other agencies have compliance authority - but they
cannot recall a food product. Figure 1.8 indicates the organization of this multi-sectorial
The Chilean Food Safety and Quality Agency (ACHIPIA) is a scientific advice and
support agency, created with the model of EFSA in mind. The main difference is that
ACHIPIA gives integral scientific support to the three agencies involved in food safety:
the Service for Livestock and Agriculture (SAG) and the National Service of Fisheries
Figure 1.8. Diagram of the food safety management system in Chile. Courtesy of the
Chilean Agency for Food Safety and Quality.
D. International Organizations
There are some international organizations that are worth mentioning mainly because of
epidemiologic data generation, education and scientific integration into regulatory issues.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) are both entities from the United Nations. Although their missions are different,
they share a common goal in terms of food safety. That is the reason why, even though
the WHO and the FAO have their own food safety capacity building, outreach and
support teams, they co-manage the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), which is a
food standards creation program. In the CAC sessions, all member nations participate and
scientific evidence is taken with high regard, to promote fair international trade and safe
ii. ILSI
whose mission is: “to provide science that improves human health and well-being and
safeguards the environment” (ILSI, 2016). ILSI advocates for better and transparent
scientific advice in topics such as food and environment. It has stable funding sources,
E. Conclusion
This section introduced the three actors in this Chapter from a trade, food safety and
regulatory perspective. The US and the EU are the most important trade partners along
with China for Chilean agri-food exports. It is essential to understand how they manage
their food safety issues and what their current epidemiological situation is.
“As previously noted, not everything is run by the government. Instead, key international
actors such as the FAO, WHO, and ILSI contribute to the harmonization of food safety
standards, placing great efforts on ensuring a safe food supply while simultaneously
This section is fundamental to understand the key players in food safety around the world
and to understand the structure of this thesis. The next section explains how these
recently introduced countries and organization take into consideration the scientific
A. United States
1863 with its mission of “providing independent, objective advice to the nation on
matters related to science and technology” (NAS, 2016). Any governmental departments
can call upon the NAS for scientific advice. More than 6,000 experts have served in
different policy studies and reports, on matters of critical importance to the society.
The NAS is constantly collaborating with the Government in order to provide the best
independent scientific advice that would ultimately be used in the design of public
policies. An example of such is the request of the US Congress on November 22, 2015 to
the NAS to create a Forensic Sciences Committee, with the objectives of, among others:
(1) Assess the present and future resource needs of the forensic science community, to
include State and local crime labs, medical examiners, and coroners;
(2) Make recommendations for maximizing the use of forensic technologies and
(3) Make recommendations for programs that will increase the number of qualified
forensic scientists and medical examiners available to work in public crime laboratories;
This kind of collaborations explains how important the link is with the scientists in the
U.S. and how evidence is taken strongly into account when dealing with public policies.
ii. FDA
The FDA’s mission is to: “protect and advance public health by helping to speed
innovations that provide our nation with safe and effective medical products and that
keep our food safe. The Agency achieves this by applying the latest technology and
(vaccines, blood products, cell and gene therapy products, and tissues), medical devices,
Science is fundamental in the creation of regulations for the FDA, as there is recognition
that science-based standards are essential to providing effective public health. There are
several examples on how the FDA does that, but in the food safety area, the most
important is the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The main objective of FSMA
is to shift the food production system from being reactive to being preventative, with a
FSMA was born from several scientific risk assessments of the potential contamination
routes and recent foodborne outbreaks. For example, Section 105 of FSMA, which
contains the rule “Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of
Produce for Human Consumption” was initially created after the findings of the ‘‘Draft
The need to create better science and to extend the scientific knowledge to the public is
taken in high regard by the US agencies. For food safety issues, it is of paramount
importance to leverage the resources given by Academia and to create synergies using
Government-Academia alliances.
One of the successful experiences is the FDA’s Joint Institute for Food Safety and
Maryland. Its mission is to “be a premier source of scientific information and education
programs on food safety and applied nutrition that enables the development of sound
public health policy and reduces the incidence of food-related illness.” (JIFSAN, 2016).
programs range from Good Agricultural Practices to seafood HACCP trainings. (JIFSAN,
The second successful collaborative program worth mentioning is the Homeland Security
and help train the next generation of homeland security experts.” (DHS, 2016). There are
eight centers for excellence that focus on protecting the US from external and internal
attacks on any critical supply chain or infrastructure. Regarding food safety, the “Food
Protection and Defense Institute (FPDI), led by the University of Minnesota, defends the
safety and security of the food system by conducting research to protect vulnerabilities in
B. European Union
Commission and Parliament. The scientific advice comes from the Scientific Panels and
conducts science and a quality assurance system that “continually monitors and
Among the myriad number of activities that EFSA conducts, there is a multi-annual
project called: “Promoting Methods for Evidence Use in Science” that defines principles,
processes and methods for the use of evidence in scientific assessment. (EFSA, 2015).
Moreover, the project: “Application of systematic review methodology to food and feed
safety assessments to support decision making” was performed in 2010. (EFSA, 2010).
These kinds of activities indicate the high regard which the EU holds for scientific
C. Chile
ACHIPIA has set the Risk Analysis Process as the prime resource to integrate science
into its advisory responsibilities. The Scientist Network has become one of the main
The Food Safety Scientist Network was created in 2014 to establish an effective link
between ACHIPIA and the scientific community. Its activities range from local data
collection, expert elicitation panels and an Advisory Scientific Committee that manages
all the collaboration between the agency and the scientific community and sets the
During 2016, five expert elicitations have been conducted and more than ten Scientific
Opinions had been submitted to international fora such as the Codex Alimentarius
D. International Organizations
The World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization were
pioneers in integrating science into their decision making process through the Joint
upon request to WHO and FAO. The oldest is the JECFA, which stands for Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives and was founded in 1956 (WHO,
2016). There are two other committees, the JEMRA - Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting
Pesticide Residues – that are currently working and collaborating with the FAO and
WHO. Later, in 1963, when the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) was
established, these committees found an improved meaning and mission, turning into the
prime resource of scientific advice and priority setting for the CAC.
With the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995, the major multilateral food
agreement was signed: the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) agreement, which: “sets out
the basic rules for food safety and animal and plant health standards.” (WTO, 2016)
For food safety, the key success of these negotiations was the acknowledgment of the
food international standard setting and the harmonization of food laws. Specifically:
Commission. Codex standards are not "lowest common denominator" standards. They are
based on the input of leading scientists in the field and national experts on food safety.”
(WTO, 2016)
Risk Assessment is the “scientifically based process consisting of the following steps: (i)
hazard identification, (ii) hazard characterization, iii) exposure assessment, and (iv) risk
known or potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to foodborne
hazards” (WHO, 2016). It is embedded in a broad food safety framework called risk
analysis, which is the “process consisting of three components: risk assessment, risk
edition, 2016). Risk Analysis is the modern focus that Governments are undertaking to
The first mentions of risk assessments on public health in the scientific literature start
around the late 1960’s. It is not until 1983 that the National Research Council (NRC), by
request of the United States Congress, wrote the book: “Risk Assessment in the Federal
Government: Managing the Process”. This book contains the first guidelines and
scientific opinions on how to use risk assessment and its related tools to “strengthen the
reliability and objectivity of scientific assessment that forms the basis for federal
regulatory policies applicable to carcinogens and other public health hazards”. (Risk
Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, NRC, 1983). This book is
the cornerstone of all the subsequent work on how scientific advice can be useful to the
The WTO recognizes the value of Risk Assessment and considers it nowadays as an
essential source of evidence for managing food safety issues, not only at a national level
but international as well. The SPS agreement, for example, ensures that all international
standards are science based, which is reflected in the first paragraph of Article 5 of the
SPS agreement text: “Members shall ensure that their sanitary or phytosanitary measures
animal or plant life or health, taking into account risk assessment techniques developed
i. Literature Review
that addresses a research question” Its purpose is to “1) Identify questions a body of
research does not answer, and 2) Make a case for why further study of research questions
The Cochrane Collaboration explains that literature reviews are usually characterized by
the use of informal, unsystematic and subjective methods to collect and interpret
information. Thus, they are subject to the author’s bias, statistically, incomplete or
incorrect analysis and potentially inconsistent conclusions that may suit the author’s
The Systematic Review, on the other hand, is a literature review that collects and
procedure and criteria. The Cochrane Collaboration defines it as: “a high-level overview
synthesize and appraise all high quality research evidence relevant to that question in
Figure 1.9 shows the main differences between literature review and systematic review.
decision making process, most of them in the Health Care management area (Lavis et al,
Figure 1.9. Comparison chart between Systematic Review and Literature Reviews.
Adopted from Lynn Kish, MLIS. University of Southern California.
iii. Meta-Analysis
across two or more studies. George Washington University defines it as: “A subset of
quantitative study data from several selected studies to develop a single conclusion that
widely used tool in epidemiology but it has been lately used very frequently in the agri-
iv. Others
Young and colleagues (2013), defined other two research synthesis methodologies: 1)
The scoping reviews and 2) Structured rapid reviews. Scoping reviews are usually
performed to summarize the state of knowledge in a certain area, to identify data gaps
and to prioritize questions in a systematic review (Young et al, 2013). They are usually
policy-driven so they are aimed to answer specific questions. On the other hand,
structured rapid reviews are short, accelerated systematic reviews aiming to quickly
inform decision-making officers for policy and practice (Gannan et al, 2010)
During this chapter, the current economical and food safety and science situation was
described for the United States, European Union and Chile. These concepts set the
Systematic Review and Risk Assessment are two tools widely used in the agri-food
public-health sector. The outputs are several and they can be used for many purposes.
Throughout this thesis, it will be shown that these two processes can be effectively
conducted by developing countries and that the outputs are easily interpretable and ready
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Risk Assessment is a widely used tool for many fields. It is especially important for food
organizations as the main scientific evidence provider to the risk managers or decision
making bodies. Risk Assessment has reached an unprecedented relevance for food trade,
as the World Trade Organization recognizes it as the main dispute resolution system
when two nations differ in the setting of a certain food safety standard. Thus, it is very
important for all nations to be able to conduct Risk Assessments and create regulations
and policies that are based on these results. It is, however, complicated for developing
nations to achieve this. A number of factors such as a fragmented regulatory system and
insufficient scientific capabilities and technology, among others, make this process hard
to perform. In this project, we demonstrate that collaborations between the Academia and
Government are essential to narrow these gaps. Specifically, the Chilean Food Quality
and Safety Agency (ACHIPIA) engaged in a collaborative project with the University of
the United States. The results indicate that the most important factors contributing to the
bacterial and viral concentration are the water used for pesticide applications and that a
considerable effort must be done to improve the data quantity and quality. This Risk
policy makers to effectively focus their financial and human resources to solve issues that
are significantly affecting the contamination of raspberries. This collaboration was a pilot
experience and a number of lessons were learned during the process, such as the need to
improve the Food Safety Scientist Network from ACHIPIA and to further bolster
Government-Academia alliances, since they are very effective in narrowing the gap
One of the main roles of the Chilean Food Quality and Safety Agency, ACHIPIA, is to
support the incorporation of a risk analysis framework in the context of a National Food
Quality and Safety System (SINCA). ACHIPIA is currently undergoing a design phase of
the structure and operation of a risk analysis process in its internal procedures. To
achieve this, it has been coordinating the development of several pilot programs in
collaboration with food safety scientists throughout the world (ACHIPIA, 2016). The
long-term goal is to build the capacity to implement a risk analysis framework to provide
evidence-based decisions in the agri-food sector in Chile. The results of these studies will
provide essential and new scientific information to the public services to advance SINCA
and enforce food safety for both domestic consumption and international trade.
To achieve its goal, ACHIPIA signed a cooperation agreement with the University of
projects in a variety of issues related to food quality and safety, especially within the food
Risk Assessment is one of the three components of the Risk Analysis process. The other
two are Risk Management and Risk Communication. It is the main tool that provides
The first activity under this cooperation agreement was to conduct a risk assessment
project of the Raspberries Official Control Program (ROCP), which is enforced by the
Livestock and Agriculture Service of Chile (SAG). SAG, through ACHIPIA, reached out
to UNL-FDST to advance the current ROCP through a risk-based project for the
raspberry safety protection. Three parties, including SAG, ACHIPIA and UNL-FDST,
were involved in this collaborative risk assessment project, with the agreement that the
research group at UNL-FDST will conduct the specific risk assessment project under the
risk management objectives discussed among the three parties, based on the information
shared by SAG. The results of this assessment will be taken by ACHIPIA and SAG to
The ROCP was designed to verify the fitness for human consumption and complete
traceability of the raspberries produced in Chile destined for export to the United States
Two outbreaks related to raspberries set the first alarm to Chile’s producers, though they
had been systematically increasing their exports. The first one was the detection of
Cyclospora on raspberries from Guatemala in 1995 (Ho et al, 2002) and later a
Calicivirus outbreak in Canada in 1997 (Berger, 2016). Though the two outbreaks were
Resolution N°3410 was enacted in 2002 by the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, which
created the ROCP. The ROCP was designed under a public consultation meeting, where
many different stakeholders had the chance to comment and work together with
government agencies. The ROCP has two main objectives: 1) verify the traceability of
the raspberries and 2) guarantee the safety for human consumption. These two objectives
are accomplished using on-site audits of the participants of the ROCP. The ROCP covers
participants in the administrative regions VI-X (Figure 2.1), which are located in the mid-
south part of Chile and covers the majority of raspberry producers in the country.
Figure 2.1. Political map of Chile showing the region numbers. Taken from Icarito
Most of the participants of ROCP are small family oriented farmers. Every owner of a
raspberry farm who wishes to export their raspberries has to be accredited by SAG,
otherwise their exports will be halted by Chile’s custom before leaving the country. This
Practices Program (GAP). This limited GAP focuses on the most common issues for
small farmers, such as water quality, hygiene measures for harvesters and animal controls
on the farm. (SAG auditor Manual, 2008). With the compliance of the GAP program, the
farmers will be accredited and automatically included in the registry held by SAG, which
enables the export of their raspberries. The accreditation is active for one year and is
Though ROCP has been running almost for 15 years, there is limited knowledge about
the real hazards and risk factors, since these were not formally evaluated, based on the
information collected through the auditing program conducted by SAG (SAG's personal
Risk Assessment is a tool that allows this kind of evaluation and furthermore, the
hazards that are significantly affecting the contamination. This will allow the SAG to
better allocate their human and financial resources as well as to improve the exports
Specific Objectives of the Risk Assessment project (Project Profile between ACHIPIA
1) Assess the risks of E. coli and Hepatitis A in the frozen and fresh raspberry
production chain;
end products;
The project started from the development of a project profile, which consisted of the
problem formulation, project scope and outline, and the role and responsibilities of
involved parties (Project Profile, 2015) in detail. Briefly, a list with all the activities,
expected outcomes and responsibilities is shown in Table 2.1. The list was agreed by all
The following section summarizes the process of conducting the raspberry risk
1. Create and administer on-farm, collection center and packaging practices survey;
8. Result inference.
A non-scheduled data collection activity additional to the activities planned in the project
profile was conducted in early 2016 (February-March), which is usually the time for
raspberry harvest and SAG audits conducted more intensively. During December 2015,
before the harvest season of 2016, the UNL-FDST group provided a list of data needed
for the development of the quantitative risk assessment model, and drafted three surveys
in English to collect data regarding the practices on the farm, at collection center and
packing plants. The draft surveys were discussed and finalized between UNL-FDST and
ACHIPIA experts, translated into Spanish by ACHIPIA and distributed by SAG to the
raspberry farmers registered in ROPC. The objectives of the surveys were to 1) obtain a
real picture of the current practices of raspberry supply in Chile, 2) collect data that can
be incorporated in the quantitative risk assessment to simulate how the practices can
influence the introduction and transmission of the microbial loads towards the end
products. Therefore, these surveys provided the fundamental to narrow the data gap and
significant insights on the process from a local perspective. The surveys are provided in
English in Annex I, II, and III focusing on practices on farm, at collection center and
A three step module process was established based on the preliminary data: Farm,
Collection Center and Packing Plant (shown in Figure 2.2). A general overview of the
process is as follows: at the farm, raspberries are planted, irrigated, applied pesticides and
fertilizers and finally harvested during summer (January-March). The Collection Center
is a place where raspberries from different farmers are gathered and sold as one package
to a Packaging Plant. The Packaging Plant is the place where raspberries are visually
inspected and selected for export (best quality), sent to juice and other processed fruits
The end products of interest include both fresh and frozen raspberries. In discussion with
SAG and ACHIPIA, the contamination of Escherichia coli and Hepatitis A virus was
understand their behavior and to identify potential contamination and reduction stages,
we used the information contained in the surveys to model each event. The data collected
through the survey were vast and sometimes too complicated to be integrated in the risk
assessment model, especially because there are no mathematical models available in the
literature to relate the data. Therefore, data that were determined as not significantly
a. Irrigation practices
The Expert Elicitation indicated that the possibility of contamination with the irrigation
water is insignificant. Raspberries are extremely sensitive to the contamination with the
fungal species Botryotinia fuckeliana, which causes a gray mold disease almost always
when the fruits are exposed to high humidity situations. In the situations where the fruits
are touched by irrigation water, they would be spoiled immediately due to this fungi and
Water used to dilute the pesticide is considered as a potential risk factor to introduce
microbial contamination during the growth of the fruits through the pesticide application.
No data were found on the cumulative impact of multiple pesticide applications on the
microbial loads in fresh produce at the pre-harvest stage. The only similar information
found was in Petterson et al (2001), which showed that the last irrigation is the most
significant in terms of contamination. So, the last pesticide application was used in the
Cannon et al (2014) evaluated the persistence and transfer of enteric viruses in food-
contact surfaces and in foods. However, contamination data for viruses in the harvesting
trays as well as transfer rates for bacteria could not be found. Quadros Rodrigues et al
(2014) investigated the bacterial contamination on the harvesting tray, however, the
transfer rate from harvesting tray to the fruits were not found.
Butot et al (2008) found the bacterial contamination reduction due to the use of chlorine
in food contact surfaces. No data was found on the distribution of food contact surfaces
As mentioned earlier, the Chilean farmers were surveyed and information production
practices was collected. The surveys were received in Spanish, translated and answers
collected in an Excel spreadsheet. For the farm module, 226 surveys were received, 23
Literature searches were conducted using UNL’s library resources, mainly the Web of
Science database. Data was fitted by @risk (Palisade Corporation, 2016) and integrated
in the risk assessment model with the proposed distribution. Tables 2.2-2.9 summarize
Figure 2.2. Flow chart of the processing steps for raspberries including potential hazards and reduction steps at the packing
A spreadsheet was designed to collect missing data and was sent to the Food Scientists
Tables 2.2-2.9 list the inputs used in the risk assessment model. Based on the information
collected, different equations were constructed to model each one of the steps in the risk
assessment model.
Table 2.2. List of parameters, values and distributions used in the farm module for both
fresh and frozen raspberries.
Description Distribution/Unit Reference
w_t_pest Type of water used for pesticide Discrete @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) applications
1 – Groundwater 1 – 71%
2 – Surface 2 – 15%
3 – Potable 3 – 14%
Cw_1 Bacterial groundwater Uniform (0,1000) GDWQ, 3rd Edition
(Lit. search)
contamination CFU/L
Cw_2 Bacterial Surface water Pareto (1.31,2900) @risk fit from de Roda Husman et al.,
(Lit. search)
contamination CFU/L 2006
Cw_3 Bacterial Potable water Uniform (0.01,0.1) Chilean potable water regulation “Nch
(Lit. search)
contamination CFU/L 409”
Cw_5 Viral Surface water contamination Uniform (0.01,10) GDWQ, 3rd Edition
(Lit. search)
Cw_6 Viral Potable water contamination Uniform (0.006-4) Borchard et al, 2012
(Lit. search)
Tap How much times goes by between Laplace (30,21.88) @ risk fit from surveys
(Survey) the last application and the
harvest? Days
Log CFU/day
Log PDU/day
Bac_transf Percentage of bacterial transfer Uniform (0.000081, Gerba et al, 2005 and 2011
(Lit. search) per 0.5gr
Vir_transf Percentage of virus transfer per Uniform (0.021, Gerba et al, 2005 and 2011
(Lit. search) 0.5gr
Table 2.2 (Continuation) List of parameters, values and distributions used in the farm
module for both fresh and frozen raspberries.
Description Distribution/Unit Reference
F_prod Transferred proportion per touch Beta(15.64,41.94) Verhaelen et al, 2013
(Lit. search) from produce to hand
W_harv Surface area of hands that touch 2.1 cm2 Verhaelen et al, 2013
(Lit. search) the produce
W_hand Total surface area of one side of 245 cm2 USEPA, 2011
(Lit. search) one hand
transp_time How long does it take from the Loglogistic(0.0014937 @risk fit from survey
(Survey) Farm to the Collection Center
Table 2.3. List of parameters, values and distributions used in the collection center
module for fresh raspberries.
Description Distribution/Unit Reference
Time_cc Average time raspberries stay in Triangular @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) the Collection Center (0.041667,0.041667,0.33716)
Temp_cc What is the average temperature Extreme Value(24.3522,5.1304) @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) of the Collection Center?
transp_temp What it the temperature in the Triangular (-7.6691,27,27) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) transport?
transp_time Time taken from the Collection Exponential (0.060343) Days @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) Center to the Packing Facility
Table 2.4. List of parameters, values and distributions used in the collection center
module for frozen raspberries.
Description Distribution/Unit Reference
Time_cc_frz Average time raspberries stay Uniform (30,40) Days Survey
(Survey) in the Collection Center
Table 2.5. List of parameters, values and distributions used in the packing plant module
for fresh raspberries.
Description Distribution/Unit Reference
wait_time_rec Waiting time when receiving the Exponential (0.010305) Days @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) raspberries
wait_temp_rec Average temperature in the Triangular (0.050215,27,27) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) receiving
cold_time Time that the fruits stays at the Cold Triangular (- @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) Chamber
0.0093158,0.083333,0.56261) Days
cold_temp Target temperature in the Cold Exponential (0.79688) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) Chamber
C_food_vir Virus number on handler's hand Gamma(0.67,1.62) Bouwknegt et al, 2015
(Lit. search)
pack_time Time taken from selection to Loglogistic @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) transport
(0.0043615,0.0080573,1.7482) Days
pack_temp What is the temperature inside the Logistic (7.6448,1.4959) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) Packing area
time_transp Time taken to destination. Pareto(0.77518,0.083333) days @ risk fit from survey
temp_transp Temperature of the cooling truck Loglogistic(-23.0679,4.6603,4.4384) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) during transport
Table 2.6. List of parameters, values and distributions used in the packing plant module
for frozen raspberries.
Parameter Description Distribution/Unit Reference
wait_time_rec The wait time in the receiving Laplace (0.021,0.0164) Days @ risk fit from survey
wait_temp_rec Average temperature in the Triangular (0.050215,27,27) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) receiving
cold_time Time that the fruits stays at the Cold Triangular (- @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) Chamber
0.0093158,0.083333,0.56261) Days
cold_temp Target temperature in the Cold Exponential (0.79688) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) Chamber
C_food_vir Virus number on handler's hand Gamma(0.67,1.62) Bouwknegt et al, 2015
(Lit. search)
pack_time Time taken from selection to freeze Loglogistic @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) chamber
(0.0043615,0.0080573,1.7482) Days
temp_transp Temperature of the cooling truck Loglogistic(-23.0679,4.6603,4.4384) °C @ risk fit from survey
(Survey) during transport
The objective of this module is to understand how the contamination from the water is
being transferred to the crops during the pesticide application. The concentration on the
raspberry during the pre-harvest stage (Cph) were calculated as a function of the
concentration in the raspberry after the last pesticide application (Cap), the time between
the last application and harvest (Tap) and the decay rate (D) using the following
Gerba and collegues calculated the transfer rate of bacteria and viruses during a pesticide
application (Gerba et al, 2005). This information was used to calculate Cap, which is the
product of concentration of the water used (Cw) and the bacterial or viral transfer rate
raspberries, the Bouwknegt et al (2015) model was used. The number of bacteria or
𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑣 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑣
𝑁ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑣 = 𝐶𝑝ℎ − 𝑓𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 𝐶𝑝ℎ + 𝑓ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑣 (2)
𝑊𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑
with Fhand being the proportion of viruses transferred from hand to raspberries. The size
of a hand (Whand) corresponds to the total surface area of a harvesters’ hand. (USEPA,
2011) Wharv is the area of the hand that actually touches the raspberries. Finally, Charv is
One of the main effects on the bacterial populations is the growth due to temperature
abuse and the reduction due to freezing and cooling practices. Danyluk and colleagues
(2011) studied the growth parameters of E. coli O157:H7 in leafy greens and proposed a
growth model. Survival of E. coli O157:H7 was studied as well in strawberries during
cooling and freezing temperatures (Harris et al (2011)). Based on data extracted from
these two publications that were found the most similar to this research, three models
were created based on the temperature of the process under modelling: over 8°C, between
0°C and 8°C, and under 0°C . Tables 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9 indicate the summarized
For the cooling and freezing temperatures, a maximum reduction (rmax) was proposed
based on the data from Harris et al (2001). Additionally, the first days of freezing have a
stronger reduction in bacterial populations, so two different reduction rates (r1 and r2)
were proposed based upon the freezing times. For less than 8 days, r1 was used and for
Table 2.7. Bacterial growth model parameters for temperatures over 8°C.
Parameter Parameter Equation Value/Distribution/ Unit
ID Description Calculation
µ Growth rate (b*(T-T0))^2 - Log CFU
T Temperature of - See Table 5,6,7,8 °C
modelled step and 9
T01 Temperature constant - 2.628 sqrt(log
1 cfu/day/°C)
b1 Temperature constant - 0.0616 °C
t Time of the modelled - See Table 5,6,7,8 Days
step and 9
Ci initial concentration - From previous step Log CFU/gr
- Final concentration Ci+ µ*t - Log CFU/gr
Equations and constants are adopted from Danyluk et al., 2011.
Table 2.8. Growth model parameters for temperatures between 0°C and 8°C.
Parameter Parameter Description Equation Value/Distribution/ Unit
ID Calculation
r1 Reduction per day - 0.18l Logs/day
rmax1 Maximum log reduction - 1.225 Logs
t Time of the modelled - See Table 5,6,7,8 and Days
step 9
Ci Initial concentration - From previous step Log CFU/gr
- Final concentration Ci-r*t - Log CFU/gr
Ci- rmax
1Parameters derived from Danyluk et al, 2011 data.
Similar to the harvesting module, the Bouwknegt et al (2015) model was used for the
handling of raspberries during selection in the packaging plant. The selection process
consists of workers manually handling raspberries to assess their visual quality. The
number of bacteria or viruses per gram (ntouch) of raspberry during the selection process
was calculated as
𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ = 𝐶𝑐𝑐 − 𝑓𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑 𝜋𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝐶𝑐𝑐 + 𝑓ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶 (3)
𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑑
with Ccc being the concentration in the raspberry after the Collection Center, which is the
previous step to the Packaging Plant where raspberries are stored and selected. Cfood is the
concentration of viruses or bacteria in the handler’s hands, πfood is the proportion of the
food handler’s hand touching the produce and Wfood is the touching surface of a handler’s
Once the model was developed, the Monte Carlo simulation using Latin Hypercube
sampling for 10,000 iterations was performed to obtain stochastic estimates of the output
variables, namely, bacterial and viral contamination loads in both fresh and frozen
raspberry products, using Microsoft Excel add-on package @Risk (version 7.0, Palisade
Corporation, New York, USA). Sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the
tornado charts.
The efficacy of microbial control interventions that can be potentially adopted at different
points along the raspberry supply chain were evaluated through a scenario analysis. A
total of 13 scenarios were run in the model, including a baseline scenario for comparative
purposes using the data mentioned above for the estimate of “no intervention” scenario
and 10 other alternative scenarios to predict the food safety protection in end raspberry
scenario, the model was run for 10,000 iterations to generate the mean risk estimates. All
the scenario analysis were conducted on fresh raspberries. The list of scenarios evaluated
is shown in Table 2.10 for water interventions and in Table 2.11 for the reduction of time
Previous studies show that water is one of the prime sources of contamination for berries
and leafy greens (Bern et al, 1999 and Ashbolt et al, 2001). As shown in the on-farm
practice survey, raspberry farms in Chile mainly rely on three types of water sources with
microbial safety level in the order of portable water as the cleanest source, followed by
ground water and surface water. Therefore, one of the water intervention actions
evaluated in this study is changing the use of potable water and/or ground water instead
of surface water with the improvement of public water treatment and supply
infrastructure in Chile. The changes in water sources were modeled by increasing the
proportions of raspberry farms using potable and/or ground water in the model. To
control the microbial loads in the water sources, the introduction of ultraviolet light is the
other intervention actions evaluated in this thesis, because it has been shown that
ultraviolet lamps are easy to install and operate in less expensive costs and do not create
harmful byproducts (Pariseau et al, 2010). Ultraviolet light has been demonstrated to
reduce bacterial and viral contamination in water by 2-4 logs (Chang et al, 1985 and
Pariseau et al, 2010). Combinations of the two water intervention actions were also
evaluated. Relative changes in mean risk estimates of each alternative scenario were
E 1 hour Baseline
F Baseline 1 hour
G 50 % reduction
H 4-8 °C
(fully implemented refrigeration system)
I 25% increase
J 50% increase
Figures 2.3 and 2.4 show the contamination distribution at the end of the process for fresh
raspberries for E.coli and Hepatitis A, respectively. The bacterial contamination for
frozen raspberries is shown in Figure 2.5. Data for viral contamination in the frozen chain
is not shown because the only parameters changed are the freezing practices, which does
not result in difference from fresh fruits. Note that the baseline scenario was not an
products, since some initial input parameters were populated with data extracted from
For the fresh raspberries, bacterial contamination mean was -1.89 log CFU/gr. The
majority of the results (95% probability interval) for 10,000 iterations ranged between -
5.48 and 0.13 log CFU/gr with the maximum value over 8 logs. The contamination mean
The viral contamination mean for fresh raspberries was -2.07 log PDU/gr. The majority
of the results (95% probability interval) for 10,000 iterations ranged between -3.67 and -
Log CFU/gr
Figure 2.3. Bacterial Log CFU/gr contamination distribution of 10,000 iterations
simulation for the fresh raspberry model. The 95% probability interval of the results are
highlighted in the top portion of the plot.
Log PDU/gr
Figure 2.4. Viral log PDU/gr contamination distribution of 10.000 iterations simulation
for the fresh raspberry model. The 95% proportion of the results are highlighted in the top
portion of the plot.
Log CFU/gr
Figure 2.5. Bacterial log CFU/gr contamination distribution of 10.000 iterations
simulation for the frozen raspberry model. The 95% proportion of the results are
highlighted in the portion of the plot.
Expert elicitation
This project demonstrated that the Food Scientist Network is at its early development
stage and that risk assessment procedures are still widely unknown, even to scientists. A
number of questions were received indicating that the scientist were not understanding
what was being asked, although examples were given. No data was received directly
from the spreadsheet, but useful information was delivered, for example, that irrigation
water should not be considered because the soft rot caused by Botryotinia fuckeliana.
Sensitivity analysis
The tornado plots shown in Figures 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, indicate the inputs that have the
largest impact in the simulations. For the bacterial contamination in the fresh chain, the
three largest inputs that changes the results are the type of water used, times of transport
time from the Packing Plant and time after the last pesticide application. For the viral
contamination, the three largest inputs that changes the results are the time after the last
application, the groundwater contamination and the decay rate. Finally, for the frozen
raspberry supply chain, the most important parameters are the type of water used, the
In all Monte Carlo simulations for every data set, one of the recurring significant
parameters is the water used for pesticides applications. This is intuitive as several reports
had indicated that water is one of the main vehicles for contamination of fresh produce
(Herwaldt et al. 1997), especially in the case of water used for pesticide applications
(Gerba et al. 2011, Caceres et al.1998; Herwaldt and Beach 1999). Initially irrigation
water was also considered but later discarded due to the impossibility of harvesting a
raspberry due to fungal spoilage associated with this event (Expert Elicitation, ACHIPIA
Freezing practices in the freezing chamber and the transport from the Packing Plant are
also significant in the outputs since very low temperatures and extended periods of time
As seen in Figure 2.8, time after the last application, groundwater contamination and the
decay rate – all data related to pesticides applications – have the largest impact in viral
concentrations. This is largely due to the fact that this stage is the only source of entry for
Manipulation by harvester and handler hands does not show in the simulation as a
significant factor. Due to the lack of the data, the prevalence data was not considered
while is the most important parameter to study when assessing the impact of cross-
contamination. The latter is especially important because with the model and data
collected from different authors (Aceituno 2016, Quadros Rodriguez 2015 and
contamination from the raspberry to the hand, rather than the opposite direction.
All the results are within a low range, the fresh raspberry chain is the one with the highest
counts of E. coli. The reason is that during the fresh raspberry chain, there are more
waiting periods with higher temperatures. Nevertheless, the latter is not seen in the
tornado plot in Figure 2.6, where one would expect these times and temperatures to have
larger effects in the estimates. This is very likely due to the uncertainties linked to the
water contamination data and transfers ratio to the fruit due to the pesticides applications.
There are significant uncertainties in the model that are classified in two categories: 1)
non-local data and 2) non-optimized data. The first relates to the need to use data that has
not been created from Chilean sources, such as the water contamination and the handler’s
hand contamination. The second class refers to data that was collected from other models
and uses. Among others, the transfer rates proposed by Gerba et al (2005) were intended
for lettuce not for raspberries, thus, this is an important limitation of the model.
parameters closer to our research food matrix are invaluable to improving the quality of
Log CFU/gr
Figure 2.6. Tornado plot for the final bacterial concentration for the fresh raspberry model.
Log CFU/gr
Figure 2.7. Tornado plot for the final bacterial concentration for the frozen raspberry model.
Log PDU/gr
Figure 2.8. Tornado plot for the final viral concentration for the fresh raspberry model.
Table 2.14 summarizes the results from the different scenario analyses.
For the Scenarios A-C, changing the frequency of the type of water in use had a strong
impact on the bacterial populations but not in the virus populations. Increasing the use of
potable water reduced the bacterial populations by 66.35% and 136.96% for scenarios B
and C, respectively. Viral populations were slightly affected by the changes in the
Using UV-lamps had a much more marked effect, reducing bacterial populations to a
similar level than when using mainly potable water (Scenario C). All scenarios with the
UV lamp had at least 100% log reduction in bacterial populations and 50% viral.
Scenarios E and F had little effect on the simulations, resulting in reductions less than 6%
in every case.
The scenario cases provides interesting insight on the production chain. As seen in Table
2.14, increasing the frequency of the use of potable water (Scenario C) is very effective
for bacteria populations, but not for viruses. The minor increase in viruses may be due to
the lack of data for potable water; the few data points collected from Borchard et al
(2012), describes slightly higher concentration numbers compared to the global estimates
On the other hand, the proposed ultraviolet lights intervention indicates significant
reduction in both bacterial and viral populations. As shown in Table 2.14, the log
reduction achieved by this technology (Scenario D) for bacteria and virus are up to 133%
and 159%, respectively. The effect on viruses is larger probably because there are no
The combination of both UV lamps and increasing potable water use (Scenarios A+D and
B+D) does not seem to provide considerable further reduction, especially considering that
This technology is currently being applied in small farms in Chile (Expert Elicitation,
As the receiving in the Collection Center is currently unrefrigerated, two scenarios were
simulated (Scenarios G and H). The reduction achieved for a 50% decrease in
temperature is 8.15%. Even implementing a refrigeration system in this step, which can
be very costly, only reduces the contamination by 10.33%. The waiting time in this stage
is very short (Table 2.3) so any temperature intervention would affect the final
contamination considerably.
Although the time of application before the harvest appears to be an important input in
the simulations (Figures 2.6 and 2.8), the reduction achieved for scenarios I and J is
considerably smaller than previous scenarios. The practices associated with these last
scenarios can be very resource consuming so it does not seem a practical intervention.
Several contamination routes were dropped due to the lack of models available to connect
the Chilean data – mostly about frequency of use – or inexistent prevalence and
on farm, harvester tray contamination, food contact surfaces and others were some
datasets that had to be discarded due to these reasons. There is need to increase the data
available, not only from an experimental perspective but from an observational point of
Nevertheless, there is much uncertainty as Chilean specific water contamination data was
not obtained. Another uncertainty factor is the decay rate, Danyluk et al (2011) was the
only author that proposed a usable estimate, although on spinach for an Escherichia coli
The transfer rate used was estimated on lettuce, due to the lack of studies conducted in
raspberries; data from experimental research was taken and applied. (Gerba et al, 2005)
Even considering these limitations, a comprehensive estimate was given for the behavior
of the bacterial and viral populations in the fresh and frozen raspberry production chain.
There is a need for open access information and the creation of continuous surveillance
collaborations are useful to accomplish this objective, as shown in this study for some
This collaborative project is the first in its kind in the realm of food safety in Chile.
ACHIPIA and SAG were effective collaborators and the outputs of this study are ready to
be evaluated by risk managers or policy makers. The results are displayed in a simple
way and very visual. There is no need to have specific expertise to critically analyze these
results and scientific evidence has been effectively provided to take well informed
Risk Assessment is a tool that has been used since the decade of the 1980’s. It is a very
well structured process that takes into consideration the data limitations and provides
easy to understand information to risk managers. Although the process itself requires
In this particular Risk Assessment project the key findings from the perspective of
3. Relatively cheap and easy to use technologies, such as ultraviolet light application,
4. The use of Risk Assessment provides critical insight on the information gaps. There is
a need for more research into water sources, raspberry-specific contamination transfer
due to animal waste, and the prevalence of bacteria and viruses in the food operation
5. As stated previously, one of the objectives was to try the collaborative experience
between Academia and ACHIPIA. Although no data was collected directly from the
Expert Elicitation spreadsheet, very useful guidance and general comments were
received. These kind of tools proved to be key in narrowing the gap between developing
and developed countries when trying to integrate science into their decision making
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M., . . . Klein, R. E. (1999). Epidemiologic studies of Cyclospora cayetanensis in
Guatemala. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5(6), 766-774.
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W. R., & Herwaldt, B. L. (1998). A foodborne outbreak of cyclosporiasis caused
by imported raspberries. Journal of Family Practice, 47(3), 231-234.
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INDICATOR MICROORGANISMS. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
49(6), 1361-1365.
de Aceituno, A. F., Heredia, N., Stern, A., Bartz, F. E., Venegas, F., Solis-Soto, L., . . .
Garcia, S. (2016). Efficacy of two hygiene methods to reduce soil and microbial
contamination on farmworker hands during harvest. Food Control, 59, 787-792.
Herwaldt, B. L., Ackers, M. L., Farrar, J., Richardson, S., Nelson, R., Fletcher, M., . . .
Messonnier, M. (1997). An outbreak in 1996 of cyclosporiasis associated with
imported raspberries. New England Journal of Medicine, 336(22), 1548-1556.
Herwaldt, B. L., Beach, M. J., & Cyclospora Working, G. (1999). The return of
Cyclospora in 1997: Another outbreak of cyclosporiasis in North America
associated with imported raspberries. Annals of Internal Medicine, 130(3), 210-+.
Ho, A. Y., Lopez, A. S., Eberhart, M. G., Levenson, R., Finkel, B. S., da Silva, A. J., . . .
Herwaldt, B. L. (2002). Outbreak of cyclosporiasis associated with imported
raspberries, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2000. Emerging Infectious Diseases,
8(8), 783-788.
Knudsen, D. M., Yamamoto, S. A., & Harris, L. J. (2001). Survival of Salmonella spp.
and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on fresh and frozen strawberries. Journal of Food
Protection, 64(10), 1483-1488.
Kotwal, G., & Cannon, J. L. (2014). Environmental persistence and transfer of enteric
viruses. Current Opinion in Virology, 4, 37-43. doi:10.1016/j.coviro.2013.12.003
Masse, D. I., Masse, L., Topp, E., Seguin, G., Ortega, L. M., Scott, A., & Pariseau, E.
(2011). Maintenance strategies for on-site water disinfection by ultraviolet lamps
on dairy farms. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 46(1), 2-12.
Petterson, S. R., & Ashbolt, N. J. (2001). Viral risks associated with wastewater reuse:
modeling virus persistence on wastewater irrigated salad crops. Water Science
and Technology, 43(12), 23-26.
Petterson, S. R., Teunis, P. F. M., & Ashbolt, N. J. (2001). Modeling virus inactivation on
salad crops using microbial count data. Risk Analysis, 21(6), 1097-1108.
Rodrigues, R. D., Loiko, M. R., de Paula, C. M. D., Hessel, C. T., Jacxsens, L.,
Uyttendaele, M., . . . Tondo, E. C. (2014). Microbiological contamination linked
to implementation of good agricultural practices in the production of organic
lettuce in Southern Brazil. Food Control, 42, 152-164.
Stine, S. W., Song, I., Choi, C. Y., & Gerba, C. P. (2005). Effect of relative humidity on
preharvest survival of bacterial and viral pathogens on the surface of cantaloupe,
lettuce, and bell peppers. Journal of Food Protection, 68(7), 1352-1358.
Stine, S. W., Song, I., Choi, C. Y., & Gerba, C. P. (2011). Application of Pesticide
Sprays to Fresh Produce: A Risk Assessment for Hepatitis A and Salmonella.
Food and Environmental Virology, 3(2), 86-91. doi:10.1007/s12560-011-9061-x
USEPA., 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook. United States Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington.
Approximately one third of the produced fluid milk in the United States is lost annually.
One important factor contributing to the loss is the contamination with spore-forming
bacteria, which can not only survive the pasteurization process, but also grow under
describe the population dynamics of spore-forming bacteria and spores in milk from farm
to packing plant through a systematic review approach. A database search was conducted
to identify, appraise, and summarize primary research studies that describe the prevalence
citations, among which data were extracted from 31 relevant citations for meta-analysis.
Due to variant milk sampling points recorded in citations, we standardized the sampling
points by clustering similar ones as follows: Milking machine, Raw milk, Bulk tank,
Transportation, Silo, Pasteurized milk and Packaged milk. Bacillus cereus was the most
reported organism. Concentration data were more abundant with 582 data points for both
vegetative cells and spores, compared to prevalence data with 68 points. In general, great
heterogeneity was observed among studies in the contamination of milk samples. Spore
concentrations remain stable until pasteurization, in a range of 0-2.5 log spores/ml. After
cells. Although considerable research has been conducted on this topic, there are limited
the current milk production system. Meta-regression analysis indicates that moderators
Steps (in the milk chain), Season and Year of Publication explains 65.71% of
heterogeneity for cells and 35.11% for spores. Findings of this study can provide insights
regarding steps where spore-forming bacteria could be introduced for potential effective
management, as well as further research needs to increase the quality and shelf life of
milk products in the United States. This project demonstrated that the outputs of
Systematic Review can feed the decision making process, through simple and clear
The previous chapter shows the useful application of risk assessment in food safety
Chile. In this chapter, the approach of systematic review is demonstrated via a case study
In the milk production process, contamination with microorganisms is the most important
hurdle to overcome to provide safe milk products with long shelf life. Microorganisms
that create spores, referred to as spore-forming bacteria throughout this paper, can persist
along the downstream processing. This is due to its capacity of spores to resist
and colleagues classified spore-forming bacteria in two groups. The first are the aerobic
al, 2015)
Spore-forming bacteria have been declared by the USDA and FDA to be the greatest
threat to dairy products in terms of spoilage (Hull et al., 1992). The spores of these
organisms, under the heat treatment of milk (e.g UHT), trigger the growth of its
vegetative form. The subsequent growth of these microbes will generate the secretion of
different thermostable lipolytic and hydrolytic enzymes that will breakdown the major
constituents of milk (Samaržija et al, 2012). Under these circumstances, milk spoilage
results and follows economic losses to farmers and processors. On the other hand, Gram-
positive spore-forming bacteria such as Bacillus cereus, produce enterotoxins which can
cause diarrhea and emetic disease due to food poisoning (Lindabk and Granum 2006).
that the dairy industry is aware of and constantly tries to address using exhaustive
hygiene and preventive control programs, such as HACCP and Good Manufacturing
Practices. Of particular interest to the milk industry are the spore-forming psychrotrophic
bacteria, which are able to grow at 7˚C or less, regardless of their optimal temperature of
Spore-forming bacteria can be introduced through multiple points along the liquid milk
production chain. The initial contamination starts in the milking facilities. Teat skin is
considered one of the major sources of spores in raw milk (McKinnon and Pettipher,
1983, Samaržija et al, 2012). It has also been documented that the number of spores
(Christiansson et al, 1999), which indicates the significance of soil and dust attached to
the teat skin contributing to the spore-forming bacteria contamination in raw milk. The
bulk milk storage tanks, pipelines and filling machines during processing procedures are
also key contamination sources, via the formation of biofilms on the food-contact
surfaces. Most of the spore-forming bacteria are able to create biofilms, which are very
Significant research has been conducted to develop the modern interventions to prevent
microbiological contamination, which are contained at the farm and processing level. The
contamination of raw milk. While the dairy industry relies on pasteurization to achieve a
ineffective against spores (Cotter et al., 2015, Gleeson et al., 2013). Usually the research
focuses on specific points, but a limited number of studies have reported the cumulative
impact of control efforts over the entire system. In addition, research papers quantifying
the contamination of spore-forming bacteria in milk are available, but data with great
heterogeneity may be reported depending on study design, size and quality. Holistic and
throughout the whole milk supply chain is a very valued information set that no research
group has addressed, as most of the efforts are put in one or few steps.
In both situations, systematic review (SR) can facilitate the data collection conducted in a
structured and comprehensive process to identify data gaps and to fully capture the
naturally occurring variations among studies. Differing from narrative review, SR uses a
structured research protocol to minimize selection bias and evaluate data quality. Data
results from multiple studies to develop a single conclusion with greater statistical power
over individual studies. SR, together with MA, can independently address research
estimates that are suitable for quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model
parameterization to inform sound food safety risk management decision makings. The
use of results from SR and MA will increase the confidence in the QMRA model input
estimates and subsequent risk predictions, compared to using the “author-picked” data.
The present study was aimed at answering two research questions aided by SR: i) What
bacteria and spores across steps along the pasteurized milk supply chain, and, ii) what are
the factors that could explain the variability of prevalence and/concentration of spore-
forming bacteria and spores in the intermediate and end milk products. Since the
continuum, findings of this study will indicate the cumulative efficacy of the agricultural
and manufacturing practices employed in the current milk supply system in controlling
spore-forming bacteria. In this study, we report our first findings focused on spore-
forming bacteria dynamics along the pasteurized liquid milk supply chain.
In consultation with the University of Nebraska – Lincoln subject specialist for Food
Science and Technology, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, a search strategy was
developed using different key words and syntax. The databases used were: Food Science
and Technology Abstracts, Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International database
(CABI), MEDLINE®, BIOSIS Previews, Biological Abstracts and the Web of Science.
The initial searches were narrow and specific, containing keywords that made reference
to food products, spore-forming bacteria related terms and specific bacterial species. An
initial screening of those results revealed that potential relevant manuscripts were being
discarded. After testing several search strategies, a search strategy utilizing more general
terms was determined appropriate to prevent losing relevant studies. A summary of the
search strategy for each database is shown in Table 3.1. Proceedings of conferences were
included when the full text was available. This study started on March 2015 and was
Table 3.1. Summary of the search strategies for the electronic databases.
screening. The software EndNote X7® (Thomson Reuters, Toronto, Canada) was used to
Due to a large number of articles obtained and the broad search strategy selected, the title
screening was first conducted to remove retrieval noise and evident non-relevant articles,
Primary research was included at this stage if the following information was covered,
including 1) English language; 2) data from countries with similar milk production
systems as the United States of America. (We consider all European countries, Australia,
New Zealand and Canada as having close characteristics as the United States); 3)
prevalence and/or concentration of; 4) cells and/or spores in milk samples on; 5) any step
in the milk chain supply system. Reviews were collected to be used later as a quality
The full-texts for the selected articles at the previous stage were collected for the final
screening. Using the online resources, subscriptions and interlibrary load service
available at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the full texts were downloaded and
stored in the Endnote reference library. Any article whose corresponding manuscript was
Articles with available full-texts were further screened for data extraction and analysis, if
contamination on, 2) at least one data point in the defined milk supply chain, 3)
pasteurized liquid milk with their respective sample sizes and 4) arithmetic mean
concentration and/or prevalence with sample sizes reported. The variance and sample
sizes are fundamental data needed to propose pooled estimates using MA tools.
evaluate the efficacies of specific spore-forming bacteria/spore reduction. Our main focus
Relevant data were manually extracted, organized and stored in a spreadsheet. The
following information from each selected articles was extracted: first author, year of
publication, country where the study was conducted, study duration, study season,
bacterial species, sample size (volume), sample number, production step involved,
available) and statistical descriptors (when available) such as median, range, standard
Due to the great heterogeneity of the studies, especially regarding sampling plans, the
data extraction and grouping process yielded several different datasets within the milk
supply chain. Different names among the manuscripts were combined into the same
processing step, thus, developing a standardized process for the milk production chain
was essential to group representative data and analyze it in a logical structure. Figure 3.1
shows the standardized steps and an explanation of the milk supply chain proposed in this
Milking Includes all raw milk samples taken from the milking equipment
Machine during milk extraction.
FARM Raw Milk Includes all raw milk samples after the milking until filling the
bulk tank, such as milk samples from pipelines just before
reaching the raw milk bulk tank.
Includes all raw milk samples from the raw milk bulk tank at the
Bulk Tank farm before the transport from farm to the processing facility.
Includes all raw milk samples taken during the transport before
filling the silo at the processing facility.
Includes all raw milk samples taken between the arrival of raw
Silo milk from the transport, storage silo at the processing plant and
immediately before entering the pasteurizer.
Figure 3.1. Flow chart of the standardized milk supply steps, with their coverage of
samples described in the retrieved articles
2.5 Definitions
For the purpose of delivering straightforward and consistent discussion and conclusion,
data from the primary research was collected, analyzed, and reported by the article
authors. Within a citation, data from multiple trials can be reported, which is referred to
as a study. Multiple studies can be present in a single citation. Stating these differences is
critical for the following descriptive and meta-analyses, which are based on the synthesis
In spite of the large number of results and research in this topic, few studies were
a descriptive approach was mainly used to analyze the data and informative plots were
developed to describe the observed trends and data gaps. Dot plots, lattice plots and
statistical descriptors such as minimum, maximum and quantiles were also obtained using
A pooled estimate in each step is fundamental for data synthetizing studies. Due to the
the concentrations. Nonetheless, we provided a weighted mean based on the sample size.
Random effects Meta-analyses were conducted, when possible, for prevalence data to
establish a proper combined estimate in each step. Random effects analysis, model
selection and meta-regression analysis were performed in R 3.1.3 using the “Meta” and
“Metafor” packages”.
The Cochrane Collaboration defines the chi-squared test for heterogeneity (Q) as: “it
assesses whether observed differences in results are compatible with chance alone”. To
quantify heterogeneity we used the I2 statistic which is calculated as Higgins et al, 2003
The purpose of meta-regression is to assess the impact of selected variables on the study
effect size, in this case, prevalence and concentration. Figure 3.2 shows the model
selection procedure. The model selection process and meta-regression analysis were
conducted using a modified version of the method proposed by Islam, (Islam et al, 2014).
Figure 3.3 summarizes the systematic review process conducted for this study. The
search strategies retrieved 16,193 articles from six electronic databases. After
deduplication, 8,553 unique articles remained for relevance screening. Of the 8,553
citations, 7,930 were excluded during the title and abstract screening because the articles
did not describe the primary research or were not deemed to be relevant based on the
inclusion criteria that was pre-determined. Of the 623 articles that passed the title and
abstract screening, another 503 articles were excluded either during or after full-text
collection process. The articles were excluded because the full text was unavailable (89
articles) or did not pass the inclusion criteria (414 articles). Finally, 31 articles were
deemed relevant and data was successfully extracted. Table 3.2 describes the data
Table 3.2. Summary of the main characteristics of the citations that were included in the
data extraction process.
Production Sample Cell Analytical Concentration
Reference Country bacteria
steps covered number stage method or prevalence
Buehner et al United States Raw milk – Bulk 738 Spores Thermophilic, Spore count and Concentration
(2014) tank and cells Mesophilic and Thermoduric
Total Spores. bacteria count
Thermophilic and
McAuley et al Australia Raw milk 15 Cells Bacillus cereus AS 5013.2- Prevalence
(2014) 2007; Standards
Australia 2007
Tabit et al South Africa Silo – Pasteurized Not Spores Bacillus BHI agar plates Concentration
(2011) milk – Packaged available sporothermodurans
Bartoszewicz et Poland Silo – Pasteurized 44 Spores Bacillus cereus Egg yolk Concentration
al (2008) milk – Packaged precipitation on
milk MYP medium
Vissers et al Netherlands Bulk tank 137 Spores Bacillus cereus Dutch standard Concentration
(2007a) 6875 (NEN-
ISO, 1994)
Vissers et al Netherlands Raw milk 110 Spores Mesophilic spores Plate count milk Concentration
(2007b) agar
Vissers et al Netherlands Bulk tank 327 Spores Butyric acid bacteria Dutch Standard Concentration
(2007c) spores (NEN-ISO-
6877, 1994)
Magnusson et al Sweden Bulk tank 81 Spores Bacillus cereus Phase-contrast Concentration and
(2007) microscopy and Prevalence
plating on MYP
Scheldeman et Belgium Raw milk 18 Spores Total spores Milk plate count Concentration
al (2005) agar (Oxoid)
Moussa- Algeria Milking machine 530 Spores Bacillus cereus AFNOR Prevalence
Boudjemaa et al – Raw milk – procedure
(2004) Bulk tank
Hanus et al Czech Republic Bulk tank 70 Cells Bacillus Standard ČSN Concentration
(2004) licheniformis, ISO 7932
Bacillus cereus,
Other bacilli and
Total bacilli.
Giffel et al Netherlands Bulk tank 25 Spores Aerobic spores PCMA Concentration
Lukasova et al Czech Republic Raw milk – Bulk 576 Cells Bacillus cereus and MYP agar Concentration and
(2001) Tank Total Bacilli Prevalence
Eneroth et al Sweden Pasteurized milk – 168 Cells Bacillus cereus Blood agar plate Concentration
(2001) Packaged milk
Svensson et al Norway/Sweden Silo – Pasteurized 44 Cells Bacillus cereus Blood agar plate Concentration and
(2000) milk Prevalence
Svensson et al Norway/Sweden Silo – Pasteurized 98 Cells Bacillus cereus MYP and blood Concentration
(1999) milk – Packaged and agar
milk Spores
Mayr et al Germany Packaged milk Not Cells Psychrotrophic API50CHB Concentration
(1999) available Bacillus sp. and system
Mesophilic Bacillus
Lin et al (1998) Canada Silo – Pasteurized 232 Spores Bacillus cereus BHI plates Concentration and
milk – Packaged and Prevalence
milk Cells
Table 3.2. (Continuation) Summary of the main characteristics of the citations that were included
in the data extraction process.
Production Sample Cell Analytical Concentration
Reference Country bacteria
steps covered number stage method or prevalence
Boor et al United States Raw milk 855 Spores Mesophilic aerobic BHI plates Concentration
(1998) spores
Slaghuis et al Netherlands Raw milk – Bulk 1318 Spores Aerobic spores and Aerobic Spore Concentration and
(1997) tank Bacillus cereus Count Prevalence
spores and
Proskauer on
Tryptic Soy
Agar (TSA)
Larsen et al Denmark Silo – Pasteurized 830 Spores Bacillus cereus Tryptose blood Concentration and
(1997) milk and agar Prevalence
Giffel et al Netherlands Transport – Silo – 388 Cells Bacillus cereus Voges- Prevalence
(1996) Pasteurized milk – Proskauer on
Packaged milk TSA
Christiansson et Sweden Raw milk 144 Spores Bacillus cereus Blood agar plate Concentration
al (1996)
Giffel et al Netherlands Raw milk Not Cells Bacillus cereus Voges- Prevalence
(1995) available Proskauer on
Griffiths et al Scotland Bulk tank, Silo, 113 Spores Psychrotrophic Psychrotrophic Concentration and
(1990) Pasteurized milk spores and spore colony Prevalence
Bacillus spp spores count (PSC)
Dasgupta, A Australia Bulk tank Not Spores Anaerobic spores RCM and Concentration
(1989) available and RCM-lactate +
C. tyrobutyricum LATA
McKinnon et al United Kingdom Bulk tank – 126 Spores Psychrotrophic Total spore Concentration
(1983) Transport – Silo – spores and count (TSC) and
Pasteurized milk Total spores PSC
Saywell et al New Zealand Raw milk – Bulk 60 Spores C. tyrobutyricum RCM-L Prevalence
(1977) tank spores
Research described in the 31 citations were conducted worldwide, with the majority in
Europe (23), North America (3) and Australia and New Zealand (3). The citations were
published in a year range of 1977 to 2015. Samples sizes were very variable, from sizes
down to 15 samples and up to 15480. The sample size depended largely on the duration
of the studies, which ranged from one week up to two years. In terms of data coverage,
the number of citations covering each processing steps were: 2 (7%) on the Milking
Machine, 13 (42%) on the Raw Milk, 17 (55%) on the Bulk Tank, 3 (10%) on the
transport, 6 (19%) on the Silo, 11 (35%) on the Pasteurized Milk and 7 (23%) on the
Packaged Milk.
Overall, concentration data are more abundant compared to prevalence data. As shown in
Table 3.3 and Table 3.4, spores concentrations at the standardized steps were reported
and synthesized, ranging from 11 to 161. For both prevalence and concentration data, the
results vary considerably within and between the processing steps (Tables 3.3 and 3.4).
The more extreme cases are spores for concentration data, especially in the Silo,
Excluded After peer 1 title screening After peer 2 title screening Excluded
6,731 1,822 1,621 6,932
Figure 3.3. Process flow of studies being retrieved, screened, appraised, selected, data-
extracted in this systematic review and meta-analysis
Table 3.3 Summary statistics of concentration data by Standardized Supply Chain (log CFU/ml)
Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells
64 NA -2.3 NA -0.1 NA 0.55 NA 0.58 NA 1.58 NA 6.11 NA
Raw milk 26 3 -1.39 1.4 1.49 1.82 1.73 2.24 1.59 2.16 1.9 2.54 3.74 2.84
Bulk tank 161 10 -2.3 0.91 -0.1 0.99 0.39 1.21 0.53 1.54 1.23 2.06 6.23 2.76
Silo 92 6 -2.3 -2 -0.16 -1.93 1.38 -1.58 1.5 -0.66 2.38 0.74 7 1.7
Pasteurized milk 89 60 -2.3 1 0.67 1 1.98 1 1.86 1.97 2.38 2.62 7 5.7
Packaged milk 11 64 -1.4 -1.3 -1.35 1 -1.22 1.5 0.41 1.92 -0.04 2.54 6.74 6.7
Table 3.4. Summary statistics of prevalence data by Standardized Supply Chain (% of positives)
Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells Spores Cells
Transport NA 1 NA 35 NA 35 NA 35 NA 35 NA 35 NA 35
3.3 Concentration of spore-forming bacteria along the milk supply chain
Concentration data was the most abundant in the selected studies with 582 data points
extracted from the publications. Figure 3.4 shows the distribution of concentration for
both the vegetative cell stage and spores. Table 3.5 shows a summary of the pooled
Table 3.5. Concentration pooled estimates for each processing step, ND = No data
Step Cells (log cfu/ml) Spores (log cfu/ml)
Milking machine ND 0.58
Raw milk 2.34 1.34
Bulk Tank 2.35 0.43
Transport ND 1.67
Silo 0.06 1.59
Pasteurized milk 2.00 2.44
Packaged milk 2.65 3.30
As shown in Figure 3.4, the overall trend of weighted average keeps relatively stable for
concentration of both cells and spores. The concentration of spores remains stable
between 0-2.5 logs until milk is packaged, where we can see an increase in dispersed
data. The great heterogeneity of concentration data of spore-forming bacteria at the step
of Packaged Milk can be due to the fact that the studies that reported these data points are
very different in the study design, season, location and methods of estimating the
concentrations. For example, in the study from Lin and colleagues (Lin et al, 1998),
enrichment at 80˚C for 14 days was conducted before counting, whereas Bartoszewicz
and colleagues (Bartoszewicz et al, 2008) enriched the sample only for 48 hours at 25˚C.
Differences in methodologies are one of the major issues to overcome when pooling the
Figure 3.4. Stacked box plot for the concentration of spore-forming bacteria throughout
the milk processing chain. The top chart gives information for vegetative cells and the
chart below for spores. The red line represents the weighted mean. The dot size
corresponds to the sample size associated to a particular dataset. The spread of the dots
corresponds to “jittering” to avoid excessive overlapping and improve visualization.
After pasteurization, spores stay somewhat stable but cells increase dramatically. This is
intuitive as it is commonly known that the vegetative cells do not survive a pasteurization
process, but spores will germinate as a result of a thermal shock. Nonetheless, there are
only eleven data points contributing to the Silo stage in cell concentration, as opposed to
60 and 64 for pasteurized and packaged milk (Table 3.3), which in turn have more
consistent datasets.
Raw milk and Bulk tank counts of cells are within the same range of 1.5-2.5 logs but with
no data available in the Milking machine and the Transport which are the previous and
following steps, respectively. These data fit well with the previously described
contamination entry points are limited to the farm mostly, such as teat contamination
both. More data is needed in the packaged milk step particularly to study the fate of these
Prevalence data were scarce compared to concentration, with 70 data points, especially in
certain processing steps such as Milking Machine and Transport, where one data point or
less was available. It is noteworthy that a significant portion of studies were focused in
the Bulk Tank, both for spores and cells, with pooled sample sizes of 15492 and 848. As
shown in Figure 3.5, prevalence data have more data gaps which makes the analysis more
Figure 3.5. Stacked box plot for prevalence of spore-forming bacteria throughout the
milk processing chain. The top chart gives information for vegetative cells and the chart
below for spores. Red lines show the pooled estimates from random effects analyses. The
spread of the dots correspond to “jittering” to avoid excessive overlapping and improve
visualization. When there are no red lines but data points available, there is no sample
size available to provide an estimate.
Figures 3.6a-3.6d show individual study trends for both concentration and prevalence.
While trying to detect individual trends that would be otherwise hidden in the summary
charts on Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.5, we found out that before Transport, the individual
study trend indicates a stable prevalence and concentration, and in some cases a slight
reduction in prevalence. After the Transport, the individual study trends seems to be
stable but with a moderate increase. Although the trend is not dramatically increasing, it
is certainly shedding light on where the industry should focus their efforts to control the
growth and proliferation of spore-forming bacteria. As seen in Figure 3.5, within the
Processing Plant (after Transport) there are significant chances that spores and cells may
eventually rise, so even if concentration and prevalence might seem to be under control,
the results of the present Systematic Review suggest that the focus should be set before
Figure 3.6a. Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting prevalence in cells.
Figure 3.6b. Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting concentrations in cells.
22 = Moussa-Boudjemaa et
al, 2004
Figure 3.6c. Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting spore prevalence.
Figure 3.6d. Plot of the trends for individual studies reporting spore concentration.
In Figure 3.6d, the data reported from the Silo-Pasteurized Milk-Packaged Milk steps is
variable and shows different trends. Lin et al (1998) results indicate a high spore
concentration of about 6 logs cfu/ml and continuously increasing along the supply chain.
On the other hand, Falkowski et al (1978), Tabit et (2011), Bartoszewicz et al (2008) and
Griffiths et al (1990) indicate a considerable lower concentration, of about 0.5 logs and
that is decreasing. The variability of this data has multiple reasons: detection method,
Random effects meta-analysis was conducted to estimate pooled prevalence through the
use of the meta() package in R. Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8 shows several forests plots for
the prevalence data. For meta-analysis, data points without sample size reported were
discarded. Between study variance (tau squared) was always significant (P-value<0.1) so
random effects estimates where used, except in the cell prevalence in the Silo. To
estimate pooled prevalence estimates, sample size is needed and very often it was not
provided in the studies. Nonetheless, Table 3.6 shows the estimated prevalence when
sample size is available. Modern meta-analyses procedures takes into account within and
between study variability, so these estimates are much more powerful than normal
average estimates. For the last three steps, although there are enough data to provide a
pooled estimate, sample sizes are missing. In all cases but the Silo prevalence,
analysis to look for the sources and propose a regression model that accounts for the most
heterogeneity possible.
Table 3.6. Prevalence estimates pooled by random effect meta-analysis model for each
supply chain step, ND = No data available
Figure 3.7 Forest plot of reported cell prevalence. Study refers to “Study” definition in
section 2.5. Studies can come from the same Citation or different. The vertical dashed
lines represent the estimates for the Fixed and Random effects models.
Figure 3.8. Forest plot of reported spore prevalence. Study refers to “Study” definition
in section 2.5. Studies can come from the same Citation or different. The vertical dashed
lines represent the estimates for the Fixed and Random effects models.
Sources of heterogeneity can be detected through the use of this approach. The variables
identified in this study were: Location of the study, year of publication (clustered in a 10
year range), season when the study was conducted, type of bacteria detected, the step in
the processing chain where the sample was taken and the detection method used.
For both cells and spores, the final model was Season, Step and Year of publication. In
cells, the meta-regression model explained 65.71% of heterogeneity, while in the spores
was 35.11%.
general consensus is that the season is a major force driving spore-forming bacteria
population along the milk chain. The step where the sample was taken is also relevant as
very different characteristics are present in different steps. Finally, Year of publication is
also critical as sampling plans and detection methods are being updated and perfected
All these three moderators were expected to be relevant in the meta-regression analysis
but the detection method was a variable that would not be deemed as explaining
heterogeneity. This could be based on the fact that it is closely linked to the publication
The outputs of the Systematic Review act as a source of evidence for policy makers and
This study is the first systematic review in this field to our knowledge. Holistic
and when proposing more focus on certain interventions or processing steps. Although
the outputs of a systematic review of this type is not investigating specific interventions
or practices in the dairy industry, it does give useful insight for researchers, policy
makers and the industry itself about where are the potential issues for controlling spore-
forming bacteria and evidently where the current system seems to be working well, in
In this particular Systematic Review project, the conclusions in relation to this thesis are:
1. There is a critical need for more research in this topic, especially in the steps where no
or very scarce data are available, such as Milking Machine, Raw Milk, Bulk tank milk
and Transport for cell concentration and Milking Machine, Raw milk, Transport and
Packaged milk for prevalence in both cells and spores. Not only are more data needed,
Step are the moderators explaining 65.71% of heterogeneity in cells and 35.11% in
spores. There is still a significant amount of heterogeneity yet to be explained. We
believe that in the first place, more data is needed in the steps where little information is
available and also to explore new variables such as Detection Limits, and Sampling
3. These results are very useful for establishing performance objectives, which provide the
dairy industry solid and easy to establish metrics to add another layer of assurance of
quality to their products. Performance objective is a term borrowed from food safety
sciences, which refers to a specific level that must be met in earlier steps in the food chain
to comply with a Food Safety Objective, which in turn consists of the “maximum frequency
These metrics can be easily converted to food quality levels that must be met, for example,
not to surpass a certain threshold, which was proposed using data from this present study.
4. To fully harness the potential of data synthesis technologies such as SR, it is highly
Academics usually have the resources and expertise but lack the data, which
control systems. Governments in turn benefit from acquiring evidence to support their
decision making process that was created using high quality, robust and non-biased
Bartoszewiez, M., B. M. Hansen, and I. Swiecicka. "The Members of the Bacillus Cereus
"Microbiological and Chemical Quality of Raw Milk in New York State." Journal
Buehner, K. P., Anand Sanjeev, and A. Garcia. "Prevalence of Thermoduric Bacteria and
Spores on 10 Midwest Dairy Farms." Journal of Dairy Science 97, no. 11 (2014):
Christiansson, A., J. Nilsson, J. Bertilsson, and Federat Int Dairy. Bacillus Cereus Spores
in Raw Milk. Factors Affecting the Contamination of Milk During the Grazing
Cochrane Colaboration,
Conor J. Doyle, David Gleesonc, Kieran Jordan, Tom P. Beresford, R. Paul Ross, Gerald
Bacteriological Quality of Bulk Tank Milk in Prince Edward Island Dairy Herds.
Silage and Raw Milk." Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 81, no. 1/4 (2002): 625-30.
Gleeson, D., O'Connell, A., Jordan, K., 2013. "Review of potential sources and control of
thermoduric bacteria in bulk-tank milk". Irish J. Agric. Food Res. 52 (2), 217–
Griffiths, M. W., and J. D. Phillips. "Incidence Source and Some Properties of
of Raw Milk and Other Materials from Dairy Cow Herds." Czech Journal of
Higgins, J, Thompson, S.G, Deeks, J.J and Altman D.G. Measuring inconsistency in
Hull, R.R., Toyne, S., Haynes, I.N., Lehmann, F.L. Thermoduric bacteria: A re-emerging
Lukasova, J., J. Vyhnalkova, and Z. Pacova. "Bacillus Species in Raw Milk and in the
Mayr, R., I. Eppert, and S. Scherer. "Incidence and Identification of Psychrotrophic (7°C-
McAuley, Catherine M., Kate McMillan, Sean C. Moore, Narelle Fegan, and Edward M.
Dairy Farm Environments." Journal of Dairy Science 97, no. 12 (Dec 2014):
Tyrobutyricum in a Factory Milk Supply." New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and
Scheldeman, Patsy, Annelies Pil, Lieve Herman, Paul De Vos, and Marc Heyndrickx.
Dairy Farms." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71, no. 3 (Mar 2005):
Slaghuis, Betsie A., Meike C. Te Giffel, Rijkelt R. Beumer, and Geert Andre. "Effect of
Species in Raw Milk, and Studies on the Interactions with Mesophilic Bacillus
Svensson, Birgitta, Asa Eneroth, Johanne Brendehaug, Goran Molin, and Anders
Bacillus Cereus in a Commercial Dairy Plant." Journal of Dairy Research 67, no.
During Processing of Uht Milk." British Food Journal 113, no. 4 (2011):
Netherlands." Netherlands Milk and Dairy Journal 49, no. 2-3 (1995): 125-38.
"Minimizing the Level of Butyric Acid Bacteria Spores in Farm Tank Milk."
to the Exterior of Teats." Journal of Dairy Science 90, no. 8 (2007): 3579-82.
"Minimizing the Level of Bacillus Cereus Spores in Farm Tank Milk." Journal of
In this thesis, two cases studies were performed to understand how can two commonly
used research tools such as Risk Assessment and Systematic Review in food safety can
feed the decision making process, in developing countries were technology and research
itself is as not as developed compared to the United States or the European Union.
To show the application of risk assessment in food safety regulatory decision making
procedure, a collaborative project with the Chilean Food Quality and Safety Agency to
assess the risks of raspberry production of Chilean farmers was conducted. Regarding
the Systematic Review application in agri-food field, it was demonstrated through a case
study of evaluating the contamination of spore-forming bacteria along the milk supply
chain, which can be extended to address food safety questions of other hazard-food pairs.
For example, the systematic review approach can be used to fill up the data gaps and
further improve the risk assessment model of the microbial contamination in Chilean
raspberry products by reducing the parameter uncertainty involved. On the other hand,
Risk Assessment can tell the Agencies which are the production steps that needs
a visual and simple way which are the main factors who are driving the risk along a
certain process flow. The ability to evaluate scenarios and interventions in-silico gives
being assessed, without the need of experimentation, field trials or further data collection.
The focus of this thesis was set in the method investigation and demonstration, and how a
non-scientific stakeholder can benefit from the results of these high-end scientific
procedures. Both activities delivered simple to understand and sound evidence, although
they were performed under strict scientific procedures and state-of-art knowledge. The
synergies and successfully delivering evidence that is ready to be used for regulation and
policy making.
This thesis can serve as the basis of several different projects, for example, turning Risk
Analysis and Systematic Reviews procedures presented in this thesis into guidelines for
developing countries on how to conduct these processes. For this purpose, it is very
important to design it in collaboration with the Government Agencies as they know their
limitations and the best way to convey these topics to their target audiences.
making Chile a strategical center of training in creating these collaborations and how to
Region: ______________________________________
Municipality: ______________________________________
Location: ______________________________________
0.c) Collection Center ☐ Sells to intermediary ☐ Direct sale to packing ☐ Local sells
Please answer this questions in the simplest way possible. If you don’t have detailed
information, please provide a simple estimate.
1.a) What irrigation type you use?
1.d) How much water you use per irrigation event? (Approximate flow).
How many times and how often does pesticides had been applied during the flowering
and fruit formation during the present season? (If possible, provide a simple
description on pesticide application)
2.a.1) Number of applications: _____
2.a.2) Time between applications: ____ days
2.b) What type of water you use for pesticide applications?
2.e) How much times goes by between the last application and the harvest?
(withholding period)
_____ days.
3.a.1)Yes ☐ No ☐
Other: _____________________________________________________________
3.b) When and how often are these procedures applied?
3.c) How much do you apply? (kg per hectare, per farm o any information available)
_____ days
4.a) What kind of personal security/hygiene equipment are used in the harvest?
Safety footwear ☐ Gloves ☐ Apron ☐ Mask ☐
4.b) During the current season, have any worker been absent for diseases?
Yes ☐ No ☐
4.c) If yes, for how long? (average)
____ days
4.d) Does any of these diseases had been food poisoning, diarrhea or vomit?
Yes ☐ No ☐
Before the harvest, are the trays meant for the harvest:
4.e.1) Yes ☐ 4.e.2) With potable water ☐ Non- potable water ☐
No ☐
4.e.3) Yes ☐ 4.e.4) Indicate chemical:_______________________
No ☐
Yes ☐ No ☐
5.e) Have you seen animal waste in direct contact with the fruits of harvest
Yes ☐ No ☐
_____ °C No refrigeration ☐
Other: _______________________________________
Region: ______________________________________
Municipality: ______________________________________
Location: ______________________________________
Type of ceiling ______________________________
Type of floor _______________________________
Type of walls ______________________________
1.b) Is the same tray used in the harvest used in the Collection Center?
Yes ☐ No ☐
_____ °C
1.d) What is the storage capacity of the Collection Center? (Indicate the number of trays
and average weight of the tray with raspberries)
1.f) Have you ever detected the presence of animals (mammals or birds)?
Yes ☐ No ☐
1.h) Does this animals take direct contact with the fruits?
Yes ☐ No ☐
1.j) Only answer this if the collected fruit comes from different farmers:
1.j.1) Yes ☐ No ☐
1.j.2) In pallets ☐ Directly on the ground ☐ Other ☐
1.j.b) Is there a label that identifies the farm source on the trays?
Yes ☐ No ☐
1.j.c) Is there a label that identifies the farm source on the pallets?
Yes ☐ No ☐
_____ °C No refrigeration ☐
Closed wagon ☐ Covered with canvas (or similar) ☐ Covered with raschel mesh ☐
Only tied and no cover ☐ Other ☐
Other: ________________________________
Region: ______________________________________
Municipality: ______________________________________
Location: ______________________________________
______ °C
3.a) How many shifts? (even if they work with different fruits)
_____ shifts
_____ hours
3.c) What is the temperature inside the Packing area? (Temperature records)
3.d) Generally, how long does it takes since the fruit exits the cold chamber and goes
through the first selection and goes into the freeze chamber?
_____ minutes
Yes ☐ No ☐
4.d) Disinfection
4.d.1) Name of chemical used: ______________________________
4.d.2) Concentration used: ________
4.h) During the current season: How many workers had shown symptoms related to a
possible foodborne illness, such as diarrhea?
___________ workers
4.i) Do you conduct a hands sampling procedure to look for fecal coliforms and
(If yes, please describe shortly the procedure, if it is done to all the personnel or only
some. Please describe the criteria that selects who is going to be sampled)
Yes ☐ No ☐
6.a) Is there any other sampling plan in the Process or Packing plants? (surface
contact materials and other surfaces for example)
Yes ☐ No ☐
7.a) Is there any disinfection and/or cleaning procedure applied to the trucks or cold
chambers, before loading?
______ °C
______ °C
7.d.1) Minimum
______ hours ☐ days ☐
7.d.2) Average
______ hours ☐ days ☐
7.d.3) Maximum
______ hours ☐ days ☐
Example 1 Distribution Hepatitis A distribution in water used for raspberry irrigation Hepatitis A - - Gamma Alfa 0.084
Example 2 Occurrence Time between last application and harvest - - - Laplace Mean 120
Example 3 Distribution E. coli concentration for groundwater in Chile E. coli - - Pert - -
Example 4 Prevalence E. coli prevalence in harvester's hands E. coli 6 40 - - -
E. coli or coliforms
Prevalence Microbiological prevalence in manure
Hepatitis A or norovirus
Contamination E. coli or coliforms
due to soil Distribution Microbiological distribution in manure
amendments Hepatitis A or norovirus
E. coli or coliforms
Occurrence Frequency that manure touches the fruits
Hepatitis A or norovirus
E. coli or coliforms
Contamination Prevalence Prevalence in trays
due to harvest Hepatitis A or norovirus
tray E. coli or coliforms
contamination Distribution Distribution in trays
Hepatitis A or norovirus
E. coli or coliforms
Prevalence Microbiological prevalence in animal waste
Hepatitis A or norovirus
Contamination E. coli or coliforms
due to animal Distribution Microbiological distribution in animal waste
contact Hepatitis A or norovirus
E. coli or coliforms
Occurrence Frequency that animal waste touches the fruits
Hepatitis A or norovirus
Beta 0.039 - - - units/Liter M. Bouwknegt et al 2015
SD 61.29 - - - Days ACHIPIA survey
- - 10^2 10^7 10^3 cfu/ml Expert elicitation