Chapt8 Sprinklerirrigationsystem PDF
Chapt8 Sprinklerirrigationsystem PDF
Chapt8 Sprinklerirrigationsystem PDF
Chapter 8
This method attempts to simulate natural rainfall. The irrigation water is applied under
pressure in the form of a spray through a network of pipes having spray nozzles
(sprinkles) at their ends. The pressure is developed by the flow of water under pressure
through small orifices or nozzles.
• nearly all irrigable soils
• to most topographic conditions without extensive land preparations
• most climatic conditions
• It is applicable to all soil types of any topography.
• water and fertilizers can be used economically
• high application efficiency
• water applied under full control reducing water logging problems
• Initial cost of the system is high
• High operation and maintenance costs of the system
• high wind velocities and high temperatures interferes with the distribution pattern
• labour is required to move pipes and plant
• blockages of pipes due to deposition of salts and sediments
Farm systems
A system planned exclusively for a given design area or farm unit on which sprinkling
will be the primary method of irrigation. Consists of spray lines, main lines, submains
pumping plant and boosters etc.
Field system
They are designed either for use on several fields of a farm unit or for movement
between fields on several farm units and they may be fully portable.
Semi- Portable
Water source and pumping plant are fixed and the rest are fully portable system.
Fully Permanent
It has permanent spaylines main line, pumps (stationery)
Sprinkler Movements
• Hop System
• Side Rolling
Hop System
Sprinklers are placed only at alternate positions along the lateral. When sufficient water
has been applied the sprinkler are disconnected and moved or hopped along the next
Side rolling
Spray lines are moved from position to position.
Header lines
Sections of portable piping used to position lateral lines at spacings which fall between
hydrants (for economic reason).
A schematic layout of sprinkler irrigation system is shown in Fig. 1 and the system is
made up of the following components:
• Mainline, and submains They are either permanent or portable and laid above
or below ground. Underground pipes and do not use up land space or interfere
with farming operations, and minimum cover of the soil is about 0.75m.
• Laterals: These are the pipes which convey water to the sprinkler and in
most cases will be portable. However portable pipes need to be strong and light
for easy of lifting when changing from position to position. Hence are usually
made of aluminium or galvanized thin steel and common pipe lengths are 6m
and 9m.
• Pipe Couplers Portable laterals are fitted with special joints (couplers) so
that pipes can be coupled and uncoupled quickly.
• Valves To control flow at the hydrants
• Filters To remove grit, dirt and weeds in order to prevent damaging
the pumps and other ancillary fittings like the nozzles.
• Risers pipes – small diameter pipes which connect the sprinkler to the lateral
(12 – 25mm in diameter) vary from 10 to 100cm in length.
• Sprinklers devices which sprinkles the water through nozzles. Sprinklers
should be located above crop level.
Single sprinkler
Single sprinkler distribution patterns are affected by wind, evaporation, nozzle pressure,
and pressure head. Low pressure reduces the jet-stream break-up and cause the spray
to be concentrated at a single radius from the sprinkler. High pressure cause an
excessive jet stream break-up which reduces the radius resulting in high application rate
near the sprinkler.
Moving sprinkler
The application by moving sprinklers integrates the pattern along its travel path. This
reduces the non-uniformity of application observed with stationary sprinklers.
Uniformity coefficient
Sprinkler technology has not been developed to the point where complete uniformity
can be obtained. Cu is affected by pressure, nozzle size, sprinkler spacing and wind
conditions. An index of the uniformity is used to measure the degree of uniformity (Cu),
and is computed from field observations of the depths of water caught in open cans
placed at regular intervals within a sprinkler area, given as (Cuenca, 1989):
⎛ ∑x⎞
C u = 100⎜1 − ⎟
⎜ mn ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Values of Cu above 0.85 are acceptable and for square spacings, a good Cu is
obtained by aligning the sprinkler laterals at approximately 450 to the prevailing wind
(Jensen, 1980).
Precipitation rates
Rate at which water is applied to the soil in mm/hr and the precipitation rate should be
less than or equal to the soil intake rate. (Sprinkler soil intake rate for some soils are
given in Table 1).
TABLE 1 Suitable nozzle sizes, pressures and application rates for various spacings (slight differences will be found between
different makes of sprinklers)
Sprinkler discharge
The sprinkler discharge is given as:
SL × SM × I
q= , m3/hr
N sp =
System capacity
The system efficiency is given as:
d × A × 10
The number of sprinklers operated at a time should maintain a constant load on the
pumping plant i.e. variation should be minimum. When it’s impossible to maintain a
minimum variation, valves must be used to control pressure and discharge. The water
source should be as near as possible to the centre of the design area and should aim
for a centralised point. When static heads are so great booster pumps must be
q=K P, l/s
Pressure varies along the lateral due to direction, elevation, differences, and discharge.
The ratio of pressure at any point in the lateral to the pressure at any other point will be
constant for a given flow.
q P
qo PO
Sprinkler spacing depend upon the sprinkler and nozzle combination, operating
pressure, desired coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and wind speed. Since it is not possible
to design for all wind conditions, the system should be designed for the average
conditions. As wind increases, spacing must be decreased to maintain the same Cu.
• square
• rectangular
• triangular
Under variable wind directions, a square spacing gives a good Cu. A rectangular
spacing reduces number of laterals (and is often used). Distance between laterals is
increased and sprinklers are close together. Manufacturers provide performance data
for the various sprinklers at different spacings. (Table 1).
Spray evaporation
Evaporation of the spray from a sprinkler system can change the coefficient of
uniformity and is a direct loss.
Jet angle
Wind speed increases with height above a crop or soil surface. Sprinkler spray ejected
high into the air will be subject to greater wind speeds and greater pattern distortion
than spray nearer the surface. Ideal angle for a sprinkler vary between 23-320 above
the horizontal.
Raiser height
The effect of riser height is similar to jet angle. The higher the sprinklers, the greater
the pattern distortion because of the increasing wind velocity with height.
⎜ ⎟
= K ⎝ 2 m⎠+ n ,
H L= P m/100m
⎜ ⎟
= K ⎝ ⎠4.87
HL =
[θ (H a ) − H e ] m/m
Slope =0.004
Nozzle operating pressure =310kPa
L =500M
If the lateral is down slope, determine the maximum allowable head loss
P 310000 Pa
Ha = =
ρg 1000 kg / m 3 × 9.81m / s 2
H e = − SL = −0.004m / m × 500
The allowable head loss due to friction computed must be compared with the actual
head loss in the lateral (HL-aC).
H L − ac = f (Q, D )
The computation of the head loss in the lateral is complicated because flow is
decreasing along the length of the lateral. To compute the head loss, one would start at
the last outlet on the line and work backwards to the supply line. However Christiansen
formula simplifies the procedure. Christiansen developed an adjustment factor (F), to
correct the friction loss calculated from the general hydraulic formula that assumes that
all of the water is carried to the end of the line. The actual head loss in lateral becomes:
H L − ac = FH L − P m/m
The following assumptions are made to compute the actual head loss.
The equivalent head loss due to friction in through-flow pipe, HL-P can be computed from
any hydraulic formula e.g. Colebrook White, Hazen Williams, etc. From Hazen
Williams, actual head loss due to friction in a lateral, HL-ac can be computed as:
⎛ L ⎞⎛ Q ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
H L = ac = FK ⎝ 100 ⎠⎝ C ⎠
, m
D 4.87
⎜ ⎟
= FKL ⎝ ⎠4.87
H L = ac , m
⎜ ⎟
= FK ⎝ ⎠4.87
H L = ac , m/m
(m − 1) 0 .5
m + 1 2N 6N 2
Second case
The first sprinkler is at a distance
2 ⎧ 1
(m − 1)0.5 ⎫
⎨ ⎬
2N − 1 ⎩ m + 1 6N 2 ⎭
Values of F from the above formulae can also be found from Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2 Friction factor F for a lateral at half lateral spacing from the mainline
Table 3 Friction factor F for a lateral at full lateral spacing from the mainline
Q1 Q2
L1 L2
H f = H f (L1 + L2 , D1 ) − H f ( L2 , D1 ) + H f (L2 , D2 )
= H f (L1 , D1 ) + H f (L2 , D2 )
⎛ L + L2 ⎞
Where: H f ( L1 + L2 , D1 ) = FH f ⎜ 1 ⎟
⎝ 100 ⎠
⎛Q ⎞
K⎜ 1 ⎟
H f = ⎝ 4.87⎠
⎛ L ⎞
H f ⎜ L2 , D1 = FH f 2 ⎟
⎝ 100 ⎠
⎛Q ⎞
K⎜ 2 ⎟
H f = ⎝ 4.87⎠
H f (L2, D2 ) = FH f
⎛Q ⎞
k⎜ 2 ⎟
H f = ⎝ 4.⎠87
Further reading
• centre pivot
• travelling gun sprinkler
• travelling lateral systems
1. Agritex Handbook, (1986), Department Agriculture, Zimbabwe Government
2. Cuenca R., (1989), Irrigation Systems Design: An Engineering approach. Prentice
Hall. USA.
3. Jensen M. E., (1980), Design and Operation of Farm Irrigation Systems, American
Society of Irrigation Engineers, USA
4. SCS, Water resources publications, Section 18, USA