Circuit Builder Acitivity B and C
Circuit Builder Acitivity B and C
Circuit Builder Acitivity B and C
Question: In a series circuit, components are arranged in a single loop. What are the
characteristics of series circuits?
1. Observe: Turn the switch to ON, which allows charges to flow through the circuit. Notice
how brightly the bulb is lit and how much current (shown by the arrows) there is. Now start
replacing wire segments with light bulbs. You can fit up to four bulbs in this series circuit.
A. What do you notice about the brightness of the bulbs as you add more bulbs?
C. Look at the current arrows in each part of the circuit. Are there any parts of the circuit
2. Explore: Now remove a light bulb from your series circuit, leaving a gap. What happens to
3. Extend your thinking: Build another series circuit with several light bulbs, a 1.5-volt AA
battery, and at least a few wire segments. Turn the switch to ON.
A. How does a circuit with a 1.5-volt battery compare to a circuit with a 9-volt battery?
B. Replace one of the wire segments with another 1.5-volt battery. What happens?
4. Compare: Compare a series circuit powered by six 1.5-volt batteries to a series circuit
powered by a single 9-volt battery. Make sure there are equal numbers of light bulbs in each
circuit and that the batteries are all in the same orientation.
Question: In a parallel circuit, there is more than one path that current can take. What are
the characteristics of parallel circuits?
1. Observe: Turn the switch to ON, which allows charges to flow through the circuit. Notice
how brightly each bulb is lit and how much charge is flowing in each part of the wire.
C. How did the parallel circuit respond differently to these changes than a series circuit?
3. Observe: Replace one of the light bulbs in your circuit with a wire. Now there is a path in the
circuit with no light bulb to slow down the moving charges. What happens?
This situation is called a short circuit. The red arrows indicate enormous current. This is
very dangerous because so much current will heat up the wire and could even start a fire!
4. Apply: Short circuits can be avoided using fuses, devices that melt if
too hot. Set up the circuit shown to the right, and turn the switch ON.