Origami Software
Origami Software
Origami Software
The following software systems (Freeform Origami, Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator) are proprietary software
provided under the following license.
1. The user is allowed to use the software if and only if both of the following conditions are satisfied. Before
using the softwere, please contact me in advance.
(Non-Commercial Use) The use of the software is non-commercial.
(Attribution): The resulting works achieved using the software, e.g., research publications,
exhibitions, educational workshops, etc. acknowledge the usage of the software and cite at least one
of the following references.
Freeform Origami: reference [1],[2],[3] or [4]
Origamizer: [5],[6] or [7]
Rigid Origami Simulator: [8] or [9]
2. Any other type of usage, e.g., commercial use, needs a separate permission. Please contact : tachi at
本ページで公開されているソフトウェアシステム (Freeform Origami, Origamizer, Rigid Origami Simulator)は下記のライ
1. このソフトウェアは次の条件の両方を満たす限りにおいて利用が可能です。なお利用に際しては,必ず事前の連絡を
(クレジット) ソフトウェアを利用して得られた成果物(研究出版物,展示,教育目的のワークショップなどを含
Freeform Origami: [1],[2],[3] または [4]
Origamizer: [5],[6] または [7]
Rigid Origami Simulator: [8] または [9]
2. 上記に該当しない場合(営利目的利用など)をお考えの方は個別にご連絡下さい。:tachi at idea.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Freeoform Origami
[1] Tomohiro Tachi, "Freeform Origami", www.tsg.ne.jp/TT/software/
[2] Tomohiro Tachi, "Generalization of Rigid-Foldable Quadrilateral-Mesh Origami," Journal of the International
Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 50(3), pp. 173--179, December 2009.
[3] Tomohiro Tachi, "Freeform Variations of Origami", in Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on
Geometry and Graphics (ICGG 2010), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 273--274, August 5-9, 2010.
[4] Tomohiro Tachi, "Freeform Rigid-Foldable Structure using Bidirectionally Flat-Foldable Planar Quadrilateral
Mesh", Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, pp. 87--102, September 2010.
[5] Tomohiro Tachi, "Origamizer", www.tsg.ne.jp/TT/software/
[6] Tomohiro Tachi: "Origamizing Polyhedral Surfaces," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, 16(2), pp. 298-311, 2010.
[7] Tomohiro Tachi: "3D Origami Design based on Tucking Molecule," in Origami4, pp. 259-272, 2009.
Rigid Origami Simulator
[8] Tomohiro Tachi, "Rigid Origami Simulator", www.tsg.ne.jp/TT/software/
[9] Tomohiro Tachi: "Simulation of Rigid Origami ," in Origami4, pp. 175-187, 2009.
Freeform Origami
https://tsg.ne.jp/TT/software/ 1/6
10/26/2020 Software
This software is a design software that allows users to interact with origami forms while
altering the crease pattern of the model. The software can keep:
Known Issues
[Solved] Crashing on Intel Graphics (from 2018)
2020/6/16 ver 1.1
2019/9/25 ver 1
Bug fixes.
You can specify precision of computation
support for x64 environment
support for multicore environment
Added global developability and flat-foldability for a mesh with hole (it may be still buggy).
Fixed bugs in the crease pattern editing.
reads mountain and valley of exported obj files (written in comment lines).
support for pointset data in xyz (txt) format as reference points
individual reference points can be added from a model menu.
https://tsg.ne.jp/TT/software/ 3/6
10/26/2020 Software
Developability & Flat-foldability support for mesh with holes.
Support for Color by Layer.
Adaptive Mesh (could be still buggy)
This is a 3D origami design software. The software generates a crease pattern that folds into
a given polyhedron.
Binary for win32 Origamizer047.zip (ver 0.47)
2008/08/29 ver 0.47 Release fixed problems in reading obj file generated by wings3D.
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10/26/2020 Software
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10/26/2020 Software
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