The Aries Woman: 10 Personality Traits - Everyday Health - 1606735358896
The Aries Woman: 10 Personality Traits - Everyday Health - 1606735358896
The Aries Woman: 10 Personality Traits - Everyday Health - 1606735358896
H E A LT H Y L I V I N G ( / L I F E S T Y L E / H E A LT H Y- L I V I N G / )
Are you an Aries woman? If your zodiac sign is “the ram,” you’re creative, ery, independent and
stylish. Learn about important Aries traits, and nd out how Aries women get along at work and
in love...
If your birthday falls between March 21st and April 19th, you are an Aries woman: ery,
energetic, independent and intelligent. Your world is in constant motion. If a new challenge
arises, you tackle it full steam ahead. Sometimes it’s necessary to be clever in order to
accomplish your goal, but never fear, you’ve got plenty of brains to spare. Totally e cient
in every endeavor, the Aries woman does not tolerate failure.
Element — Fire
Aries women are re signs. As you would expect, they have sizzling personalities. Being a
re sign always indicates a woman who is creative in unique ways. When in uenced by the
re element, spontaneity is infused into their persona. Their zest for life is limitless; their
quest for fun never-ending. Fire signs sometime blaze out of control while attempting to
burn the candle at both ends. For this reason, it’s best to take a break once in a while to
regroup and reenergize.
Women ruled by the sign of Aries possess (/)
an impeccable sense of style. Yet, despite all this
elegance, they remain children at heart. Although they’re independent and outgoing,
they can be surprisingly naïve and trusting. This openness often leads to disappointment,
but the Aries woman quickly bounces back.
This planet is her magic place, and she makes the most of her time on it. She’s not a
person that “talks a good game,” she actually “walks the walk.” Expect this ery woman to
be impulsive, forceful and dynamic — with lots of drama thrown in for good measure.
Because the Aries woman is inherently assertive, the man of her dreams will be a “real
man.” If he’s successful, then all the better for her; she likes to place her man on a pedestal
(if he’s deserving).
A romantic relationship with a sweet, quiet guy won’t work for her. It’s important to choose
someone who will hold his own and will not intimidate easily, otherwise life will become
way too boring for Aries. On the other hand, they dislike restrictions of any kind, and a
possessive relationship will end up going nowhere. That doesn't mean she won’t be a little
possessive herself. She sees nothing wrong in that.
Once the choice of a lifetime partner is made, there are certain criteria necessary to keep
the marriage intact. For one thing, the spouse should know how to keep a little mystery in
reserve. He must remember his woman always comes rst.
In most cases, if an Aries marriage fails it’s (/)
because the Aries woman is bored sti , NEWSLETTERS
or feels
her attributes are unappreciated by her spouse. Before calling it quits, however, she will
make every e ort to hold the marriage together. If the passion cools and the excitement
becomes nonexistent, she will throw in the towel.
The Aries woman loves to spend. She’s the ultimate impulsive buyer. If she sees it and
loves it, she buys it. Thank goodness she’s also good at making money, because her itch to
ful ll her wishes is boundless.
Regardless of her career, Aries must feel good about her position and how it ts into her
life. It’s important for Aries to feel she’s at the top of her game. Aries women are natural
super-achievers. It often doesn’t take much exertion for them to accomplish a good deal of
Aries women make friends easily, and most of their relationships are friendly without
being totally committed. Aries is too busy living life to devote huge chunks of time to
others. She has two or three close friends who are spontaneous and adaptable. Whenever
Aries seeks adventure, they’re right there beside her.
The typical Aries woman has the physical stamina of a long-distance runner. Generally
healthy, these robust subjects have been known to stave o the u through sheer
willpower. Arians are simply too busy to be sick. As impervious as they may seem to harm,
the same cannot be said for their emotions. As strong-willed as they may appear on the
surface, their feelings do get hurt, mostly because they don’t give themselves enough time
to think before acting.
Since the Aries woman is always out and about enjoying a multitude of di erent activities,
her home is not as important to her as it is to other zodiac signs. You won’t nd her
painting a bookcase when she can be out having
(/) a good time. However, she is fullyNEWSLETTERS
that her home is an extension of herself; therefore she must be satis ed with the way
things look before she heads out the door looking for excitement.
Aries – Aries
This is an okay match, but not the best. In some cases it is quite harmonious, but putting
two headstrong, ery personalities together is chancy.
Aries – Taurus
This is a match between two totally di erent personalities. Aries loves excitement; Taurus
prefers comfort (this could get boring fast).
Aries – Gemini
Because Gemini loves action and adventure, this could be one of the best matches. The
chemistry between these two thrill-seekers should be hot.
Aries – Cancer
This combination is hard to call. It could be a good match, but impulsive Aries will have to
be careful not to hurt Cancer’s feelings. This
(/) pairing could prove to be a thorny NEWSLETTERS
Aries – Leo
This pairing should work ne. Both subjects have tremendous stamina and staying power,
but Leo is a little more goal-oriented and will become the dominant force. Aries may not
be able to handle that. In every other way, this match is paradise.
Aries – Virgo
This couple could work if Aries can overlook Virgo’s perfectionism. But Virgo could bring
balance to Aries’ life, and that’s always a good thing.
Aries – Libra
There’s a good chance of happiness here, since Libra is warm and re ned. An Aries woman
usually welcomes these traits, especially if both are on the same intellectual level.
Aries – Scorpio
Scorpio could have trust issues with the Aries woman. Because of her high energy level,
she sometimes gives o the wrong vibe for Scorpio. Could work, but tread softly.
Aries – Sagittarius
This has the potential to be a “great” love. It’s very possible Aries could nd her soul mate
with a Sagittarian.
Aries – Capricorn
Aries has little in common with Capricorn and probably won’t be attracted to this sign from
the get-go. Even if a relationship does get o the ground, it will prove di cult.
Aries – Aquarius
This sign is the most compatible with Aries. However, these two usually make better
friends than lovers. Looking for a best friend? This is the right choice. A lover? Maybe.
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Aries – Pisces
In all likelihood, you’ll be an open book to the ever-observant, perceptive Pisces. If this
doesn’t bother you too much, go for it.
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