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Resume Daima Mbele April 2019

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Daima K.

2639 South 71st Street
Philadelphia, PA 19142
[email protected]


2012-2014 Bensalem, PA
Gwynnedd Mercy College
Master’s Degree (3.53 GPA)
Major – Education and Administration
Concentration – School Administration K-12

1998 – 2000 St. Davids, PA

Eastern University
Master’s Degree (3.82 GPA)
Major – Counseling
Concentration – School Counseling

1994 – 1998 Beaver Falls, PA

Geneva College
Bachelor of Science (3.5 GPA)
Major – Urban Service Management


01/2019 - Present
The School District of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
Grades K-8

School Counselor
Along with counseling duties created and maintained systems for truancy
accountability and prevention, Naviance and Check-In/Check-Out. Created a
transparent schedule for Special Education individual and group counseling
services as well as collaborating with the STS program for students mental and
behavioral health needs.

9/2015 - 12/2018
Chester Charter School for The Arts Chester, PA
Grades 9-12

Director of Postsecondary Development/School Guidance Counselor

Hired to build and create a high school program which included school
guidance counseling, socio-emotional health, academic classroom guidance,
special education individual and group counseling as well as direct and lead the
pathway for the first graduating class to determine and prepare for their future.

6/2014 – 6/2015 Philadelphia, PA

The LINC High School
Grades 9 – 10

Founding Guidance Counselor

Hired to work along with school principal and other members of the Learning In
New Contexts (LINC) team. Providing counseling/academic services. handled
crisis management, intervention/prevention services, parental concerns and
conflict resolution. Assisted the special education department/psychologist
with Functional Behavioral Assessments and best practices for students with
special needs. Supported ESOL teacher/roster chair with scheduling and
placement of services for English Language Learners.

The LINC High School Philadelphia, PA
Grade 9

Principal Designee (in concurrence with counseling duties)

Principal Designee: In the Principal’s absence performed all administrative
duties; governing culture and climate, instruction and design, schedule
changes/conflicts, staffing, personnel matters, organization and systems,
building and maintenance issues, recruitment, professional development of all
staff, data driven decision making and research best practices.

1/2014 – 6/2014 Philadelphia, PA

FMA Professional Resources

Lead Clinician
Provide psychotherapy, both individual and group, at times which is least
disruptive to the child’s educational schedule. Provide client with behavior
modification and coping strategies. Collaborate with family, community, school
and other agencies involved in the growth and development of the client.
Complete crisis and transition planning for each client. Train and supervise
Behavioral Health Workers (BHW) with implementation of therapeutic
9/2009 – 6/2013 Philadelphia, PA
Benjamin Franklin High School
Grades 9-12

Guidance Department Chair
Direct/Manage a department of five team members which included a counselor,
bi-lingual counselor, parent ombudsman, student advisor and mental health
resource specialist. Worked along with administration and other members of
the leadership/climate team. Provided counseling/academic services for high
school students. Handled crisis management, parental concerns and conflict
resolution. Assisted the special education department and psychologist with
Functional Behavioral Assessments and best practices for students with special
needs. Data driven decision-making across the curriculum.

9/2000 – 9/2009 Philadelphia, PA

The School District of Philadelphia
Various Schools Grades K-12

Secondary School Counselor

Assisted students with identifying sources of information pertinent to college
and post-secondary institutions. Helped students to develop decision-
making/problem solving, self-esteem and conflict resolution skills. Through
classroom, group and individual guidance; assisted students in accepting
responsibility for modeling appropriate behavioral choices. Maintained
accurate counseling records, reports and summaries. Provided crisis
intervention when needed. Assisted parents, teachers and students in making
appropriate use of school and community resources. Furnished information
regarding curricular offerings, subject/school selection and special
opportunities. Collaborated with administration and teachers. Participated in
inter-agency meetings significant to providing mental health resource services
and information. Planned, developed and implemented extra-curricular
activities which helped students with self-esteem and confidence. Leadership
team member and followed through with administrative responsibilities in the
absence of the school principal.

1/1999 – 6/1999 Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia Christian Academy

4th Grade Teacher

Taught 4th Grade subjects which included mathematics, language, science,
social studies, health and art.

11/1997 – 06/1998
Smedley Middle School Chester, PA

Science Teacher

Taught 7th Grade Science skills and basic instruction. This included all
teaching duties and was specified to undergird the science curriculum with
connecting math skills.

7/1995 – 11/1997 Philadelphia, PA

The Kintock Group

Social Service Coordinator

Assessed individual and client needs regarding life skills, academic and
vocational development in the ex-offender population. Designed and
implemented a referral and follow-up process for all residents. Chaired and
maintained an active Community Relations Board. Met contract requirements
under The Bureau of Prisons and The Department of Corrections.

State Case Manager

Maintained an effective liaison position between residents and other service
providers. Prepared and submitted timely reports as required by contract and
company policies/procedures. Guided residents in the re-integration process of
family, community and society while upholding the importance of responsibility
and accountability as stipulated by The Department of Corrections.

Federal Case Manager

Maintained an effective advocacy position for residents. Completed timely
documentation of all treatment plan or community corrections issues. Created
an avenue for resident to process family, social or communal rehabilitation.
Reinforced the importance of accountability and responsibility as stipulated by
The Federal Bureau of Prisons.

8/1992 – 7/1996 Philadelphia, PA

Beacon House at Episcopal Hospital

Vocational Counselor
Interviewed all residents 30-45 days following admission to begin assessing job
fitness, goals, preferences, readiness, training and logistical needs. Directed
STD/HIV/AIDS Education that included pre/post cognitive and lab testing.
Integration of vocational treatment plan along with drug and alcohol treatment
plan. Helped to sustain a major funding source and formed a well organized
vocational facet to the existing drug and alcohol program.

Child Care Specialist

Taught hands-on prevention/intervention skills to women recovering from
drugs and alcohol during Family Focus and Parenting classes. Formulated
lesson plans and helped to provide a fun program for children affected by drug
addiction. The lessons incorporated educational strategies for higher learning.
Received training to help identify sexual and physical abuse to children.


Furnished upon request.


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