Scale Inhibitor and H2S Scavanger
Scale Inhibitor and H2S Scavanger
Scale Inhibitor and H2S Scavanger
from separator
Semoga FST
to skimmer tank
H2S scavanger
Fig. 1—Location of deposit found in FWKO #2 Semoga field station (marked with blue color).
scavenger injection point and dosage. The scale-inhibitor dosage in The analysis was conducted on two sets of simulation, one for
the water line in Kaji Station was within the 17.5 to 22 ppm range, H2S scavenger Brand X and the other for H2S scavenger Brand Y.
while in the Semoga Station, it was only 9–10 ppm. This incident For the first simulation set, two test cells of synthetic brine and 12
has caused a preventable production loss of 8,190 barrels of oil ppm of scale inhibitor were prepared and then 11,050 ppm of H2S
scavenger Brand X was added to one of the test cells. This simula-
Methodology tion was to measure the decrease of scale-inhibition percentage in
Laboratory Analysis To Identify Deposits. The deposit was iden- the Semoga Station water system in the presence of H2S scavenger
tified using two methods, one method being solubility analysis and Brand X. Another two test cells of synthetic brine and 20 ppm of
the other method being XRD and XRF analysis. Solubility anal- scale inhibitor were prepared. One of the test cells was given an
ysis consisted of using two types of solvent: toluene and 32% hy- addition of 11,050 ppm of H2S scavenger Brand X. This simula-
drochloric acid (HCl). Toluene dissolves any hydrocarbon matter, tion was to determine the scale-inhibition-percentage value that
while 32% HCl dissolves inorganic minerals, such as CaCO3 and has been able to prevent scale growth in FWKO Kaji Station, even
corrosion products. The deposit was immersed in 100 mL toluene with H2S scavenger Brand X injection. Another test cell of syn-
in a glass beaker and stirred for a few minutes. The remaining de- thetic brine and 9 ppm of scale inhibitor was prepared and 11,050
posit was lifted from the solution and dried. Afterward, the deposit ppm of H2S scavenger Brand X was added to the test cell to deter-
was immersed in 100 mL of 32% HCl and left to react. This method mine the scale-inhibition-percentage value in outlet-oil line FWKO
gives qualitative results only. #2 Semoga Station.The second simulation was conducted to deter-
The quantitative result of deposit identification was conducted mine the scale-inhibitor performance behavior with H2S scavenger
by XRD and XRF analysis. Bulk crystallized compounds of the de- Brand Y injection, because this brand will be used after the contract
posit can be analyzed by XRD for compound composition, and the purchase of Brand X has expired. Three test cells with synthetic
compounds that are not crystallized well can be analyzed for el- brine and 9 ppm of scale inhibitor were prepared to simulate the
emental composition by XRF (Craig 2005). Combining these two scale-inhibitor concentration in the Semoga Station water system.
analysis methods will give approximate quantitative composition of No H2S scavenger was added on the first test cell, while the second
the compounds in the deposit. cell was given an addition of 680.5 ppm of H2S scavenger Brand Y
and the third test cell was given an addition of 1,361 ppm of H2S
Laboratory Analysis To Measure Scale-Inhibition Percentage scavenger Brand Y. The two values of H2S scavenger Brand Y ad-
The laboratory analysis to measure scale-inhibition percentage is dition were conducted to cover the fluctuation range of H2S scav-
based on National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) enger Brand Y injection in the station.
Standard TM0374-2007 laboratory screening test to determine the Another three test cells with synthetic brine and 11.5 ppm of
ability of scale inhibitors to prevent the precipitation of calcium scale inhibitor were prepared to simulate the scale-inhibitor con-
sulfate and CaCO3 from the solution (for oil- and gas-production centration in the Kaji Station water system. No H2S scavenger was
systems) with customization to account for H2S-scavenger effect. added on the first test cell, while the second cell had an addition of
The synthetic brine used in the analysis had the actual water chem- 1,191 ppm of H2S scavenger Brand Y and the third test cell had an
istry of the produced water in the field, instead of the water compo- addition of 2,381 ppm of H2S scavenger Brand Y. These analyses
sition provided in NACE Standard TM0374-2007.The blank solu- were performed to simulate the lower range of scale-inhibitor in-
tion used was the synthetic brine with the actual water chemistry of jection in Kaji Station with the range of H2S scavenger injection
the produced water in the field and without any scale inhibitor or fluctuation.To simulate the higher range of scale-inhibitor injec-
H2S scavenger. The Ca2+ concentration of the blank solution was tion in Kaji Station, another three test cells with synthetic brine and
determined before and after precipitation. The precipitation proce- 17.5 ppm of scale inhibitor were prepared. Just like the previous
dure was conducted by immersing the blank test cell to 75% of its analysis, no H2S scavenger was added on the first test cell, while
length in a water bath at 71±1°C (160±°F) for 24 hours. After the the second test cell had an addition of 1,191 ppm of H2S scavenger
24-hour exposure, the test cell was removed from the water bath Brand Y and the third test cell had an addition of 2,381 ppm of H2S
carefully to avoid any agitation. The test cell was allowed to cool to scavenger Brand Y.
25±5°C (77±9°F) for a time not to exceed two hours. When mea- Another set of simulations was conducted to ensure scale-inhib-
suring Ca2+ after precipitation, it must be ensured that the CaCO3 itor performance under a variety of scale-inhibitor concentrations
crystal stays at the bottom of the test cell and, thus, not be included and a uniform H2S scavenger Brand Y concentration. The first test
in the measurement. cell consisted of 20 ppm of scale inhibitor without H2S scavenger
addition, while the second test cell had the same scale-inhibitor (a) (b)
concentration but with an additional 2,530 ppm of H2S scavenger
Brand Y. The third test cell had a scale-inhibitor concentration of Fig. 3—Solubility test on deposit: (a) in toluene and
40 ppm and the same H2S scavenger Brand Y concentration, while (b) in 32% HCl.
the fourth test cell had a scale-inhibitor concentration of 50 ppm in-
stead.Ca2+ concentration of all the solutions was measured after the
precipitation procedure. The measured Ca2+ was used to calculate quantitative deposit identification. Table 1 shows the XRD result,
scale-inhibition percentage by using the following equation: while Table 2 shows the XRF result. XRD analysis confirms that
the mineral in the deposit is calcite, which is a carbonate mineral.
XRF analysis shows that calcium accounts for 55.64% of the chem-
Ca − Cb
%Inhibition = ×100 % , .............................................. (2) ical composition of the deposit, which is the major component in
Cc − Ch the deposit. The second major component is magnesium, which ac-
counts for 16.63% of the deposit. These results confirm that the de-
where Ca is the Ca2+ concentration in the treated sample after posit is CaCO3, which is the type of scale found in the Rimau block.
precipitation, Cb is the Ca2+ concentration in the blank after
precipitation, and Cc is the Ca2+ concentration in the blank be- Scale-Inhibitor Performance. The scale inhibitor behaves differ-
fore precipitation. ently when there is H2S-scavenger injection as compared with no
injection. The scale inhibitor also behaves differently depending on
Data and Analysis the H2S-scavenger brand, as will be discussed in more detail in the
Deposit Identification. The color of the deposit found is browni- following subsections.
sh-black with a hydrocarbon odor. By visual inspection, it is deter- Under the Influence of H2S Scavenger Brand X. Table 3 shows
mined that there are two kinds of deposit: one is the hard deposit, the laboratory result for the scale-inhibition percentage for H2S
similar to normal CaCO3 scale, while the other is brittle and loose. scavenger Brand X. System A, which is a 12-ppm scale inhibitor,
The hard deposit has layers such as typical CaCO3 scale, which is represents the normal condition of scale-inhibitor performance in
formed continuously over time. These two deposits are shown in the system without any H2S-scavenger injection. On the other hand,
Fig. 2. System B, which comprises 12-ppm scale inhibitor and 11,050-ppm
Solubility analysis proves that the deposit is not hydrocarbon- H2S scavenger Brand X, represents the scale-inhibitor performance
based, because no reaction occurred during immersion in toluene. in the system with H2S-scavenger injection. The scale-inhibition
On the other hand, there was a strong reaction when the deposit percentage dropped from 97.2 to 35.2%, which means that the
was immersed in 32% HCl, resulting in vigorous bubbles and a scale-inhibitor performance is degrading approximately 63.5%
brownish-black mass. The 32% HCl is a strong acid, which dis- under H2S scavenger Brand X influence when the scale-inhibitor
solves inorganic minerals such as CaCO3 and corrosion product. dosage is 12 ppm.Meanwhile, System C simulates the stream in
The bubbles indicate the reaction between inorganic minerals and the system of Kaji Station, in which the scale-inhibitor dosage is
the corrosion product, while the brownish-black mass indicates 20 ppm without H2S-scavenger injection. The scale-inhibition per-
the hydrocarbon-based deposit, which did not react with the HCl. centage for System C is 90.8%, lower than the scale-inhibition per-
Fig. 3 shows the result of this immersion test. centage on Semoga Station, as represented by System A. However,
Because the immersion test gives a qualitative result, XRD and when the scale-inhibition percentage at the oil-outlet FWKO Kaji
XRF analyses were conducted at a certified laboratory to find the Station (where no deposition occurred) was simulated by System
Clay Minerals (%) Minerals (%) Other Minerals (%) Total (%)
K - Felds
– – – – – 100 – 0 0 – – – – 100 0
Percentage Scale
System Code Scale Inhibitor (ppm) H2S Scavenger (ppm) Inhibition
A 12 0 97.2
B 12 11,050 35.2
C 20 0 90.8
D 20 11,050 58
E 9 11,050 1.8
Percentage Scale
System Code Scale Inhibitor (ppm) H2s Scavenger (ppm) Inhibition
F 9 0 99.3
G 9 680.5 97.7
H 9 1,361 96.2
I 11.5 0 97.8
J 11.5 1,191 91.3
K 11.5 2,381 84.8
L 17.5 0 92.4
M 17.5 1,191 87.7
N 17.5 2,381 80.9
O 20 0 90.8
P 20 2,530 60.7
Q 40 2,530 82.1
R 50 2,530 95.4
However, upon closer observation of the scale-inhibition per- Cc = Ca2+ concentration in the blank before precipitation
centage on Systems K, N, P, Q, and R, which all have approxi-
mate H2S-scavenger concentration (2,381 ppm on Systems K and Acknowledgements
N and 2,530 ppm on Systems P, Q, and R), there is different scale- The authors wish to thank PT Medco E&P Indonesia, Production
inhibitor performance behavior. System K has 9 ppm of scale in- Department Rimau Asset, Surface Facilities Engineering Division,
hibitor, and its scale-inhibition percentage is 84.8%. System N has and Surface Facilities Engineering Rimau for their contributions to
11.5 ppm of scale inhibitor, and its scale-inhibition percentage is the success of this case study.
80.9%. System P has 20 ppm of scale inhibitor, and its scale-inhi-
bition percentage is 60.7%. These results show that the scale-inhi- References
bition percentage is degrading with the increase of scale-inhibitor Craig, B.D. 2005. Oilfield Metallurgy and Corrosion, third edition. Denver,
concentration. However, when the scale-inhibitor concentration is Colorado: MetCorr.
increased to 40 ppm, as in System Q, then the scale-inhibition per- Davies, M. and Scott, P.J.B. 2006. Oilfield Water Technology. Houston,
centage increases to 82.1%. And with an even higher scale-inhib- Texas: NACE International.
itor concentration of 50 ppm, as in System R, the scale-inhibition NACE TM0374-2007, Laboratory Screening Tests to Determine the Ability
percentage becomes 95.4%. These results show that the scale-in- of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Calcium Sulfate and
hibition percentage will decrease with the increase of scale-inhib- Calcium Carbonate from Solution (for Oil and Gas Production Sys-
itor concentration until it reaches the lowest value before increasing tems). 2007. Houston, Texas: NACE International. [name correction]
again with the increase of scale-inhibitor concentration. Thus, the Patton, C.C. 1977. Oilfield Water Systems, second edition. Norman, Okla-
scale-inhibitor performance in a system with H2S scavenger Brand homa: Campbell Petroleum Series.
Y injection behaves parabolically. Sitz, C.D., Barbin, D.K., and Hampton, B.J. 2003. Scale Control in a Hy-
drogen Sulfide Treatment Program. Paper SPE 80235 presented at the
Conclusion International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 5–7 Feb-
H2S-scavenger injection will affect scale-inhibitor performance ruary.
because it will degrade the scale-inhibition percentage compared Williams, H., Dyer, S., Bezerra, M.C.M. et al. 2010. The Effect of Sul-
with the system without H2S-scavenger injection. In maintaining fide Scavengers on Scaling Tendency and Scale Inhibitor Per-
the scale-inhibitor performance to prevent scale growth, increasing formance. Paper SPE 131115 presented at the SPE International
scale-inhibitor dosage is not always the answer. It is important to Conference on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, 26–27 May.
understand that scale-inhibitor performance behavior on a certain org/10.2118/131115-MS.
H2S-scavenger brand before taking preventive measures. Scale-in-
hibitor performance might have a linear correlation between in-
creasing concentration and scale-inhibition percentage, as shown Meiliza Sumestry has been a chemical and corrosion engineer with PT
by the behavior with H2S scavenger Brand X, but it might also have Medco E&P Indonesia since March 2006 and is currently the Section
a parabolic correlation, as shown by the behavior with H2S scav- Officer for Student Section of National Association of Corrosion Engi-
enger Brand Y or even another correlation type. neer Indonesia Jakarta Section (NACE IJS). She was a coauthor of SPE
Proper understanding of scale-inhibitor behavior under certain 130060, “Surfactant Stimulation To Increase Reserves in Carbonate
H2S-scavenger-brand injection is necessary to avoid loss in produc- Reservoir: A Case Study in Semoga Field,” presented in the poster ses-
tion caused by scale-deposition issues. By applying the appropriate sion of the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition
scale-inhibitor concentration on an H2S-scavenger-influenced held in Barcelona, Spain, 14–17 June 2010.
system, the production loss of 8,190 barrels of oil in Semoga Sta-
tion could have been prevented. Hendy Tedjawidjaja has more than 5 years of experience working in
chemical and corrosion engineering with PT Medco E&P Indonesia. He
Nomenclature is the author of the paper “How To Manage Calcium Carbonate Scale In
Ca = Ca2+ concentration in the treated sample after precipitation Rimau Asset,” presented at the Second Onshore Technology Asia Con-
Cb = Ca2+ concentration in the blank after precipitation ference in 2010. He is a member of SPE and NACE.