Thegoodnews According To Matthew
Thegoodnews According To Matthew
Thegoodnews According To Matthew
The Good N ew s 12
the tim e of the exile to Babylon. After
the exile to Babylon, Jechoniah becam e
the father of Shealtiel. Shealtiel becam e
According to 13
the father of Zeru bbabel. Zeru bbabel
becam e the father of Abiu d . Abiu d
Matthew becam e the father of Eliakim . Eliakim
becam e the father of Azor. Azor
1:1 Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) both
mean “Anointed One” 1:16 “Jesus” means “Salvation.”
N ow all this has hap p ened , that it w ho shall shep herd m y p eop le,
m ight be fu lfilled w hich w as sp oken by
the Lord throu gh the p rop het, saying,
“Behold , the virgin shall be w ith child ,
23 7
Then H erod secretly called the
and shall bring forth a son. w ise m en, and learned from them
They shall call his nam e Im m anu el”;
exactly w hat tim e the star ap p eared . H e
w hich is, being interp reted , “God sent them to Bethlehem , and said , “Go
w ith u s.”
and search d iligently for the you ng
child . When you have fou nd him , bring
Josep h arose from his sleep , and m e w ord , so that I also m ay com e and
d id as the angel of the Lord w orship him .”
com m and ed him , and took his w ife to
him self; and d id n‟t know her sexu ally
25 9
They, having heard the king, w ent
u ntil she had brou ght forth her firstborn their w ay; and behold , the star, w hich
son. H e nam ed him Jesu s. they saw in the east, w ent before them ,
u ntil it cam e and stood over w here the
N ow w hen Jesu s w as born in you ng child w as. When they saw the
2 Bethlehem of Ju d ea in the star, they rejoiced w ith exceed ingly
d ays of King H erod , behold , great joy. They cam e into the hou se
w ise m en from the east cam e to and saw the you ng child w ith Mary, his
Jeru salem , saying, “Where is he w ho is m other, and they fell d ow n and
born King of the Jew s? For w e saw his w orship ed him . Op ening their
star in the east, and have com e to treasu res, they offered to him gifts:
w orship him .” When King H erod gold , frankincense, and m yrrh. Being
3 12
heard it, he w as trou bled , and all w arned in a d ream that they shou ld n‟t
Jeru salem w ith him . Gathering together retu rn to H erod , they w ent back to their
all the chief p riests and scribes of the ow n cou ntry another w ay.
p eop le, he asked them w here the Christ
w ou ld be born. They said to him , “In
5 13
N ow w hen they had d ep arted ,
Bethlehem of Ju d ea, for this is w ritten behold , an angel of the Lord ap p eared
throu gh the p rop het, to Josep h in a d ream , saying, “Arise and
„You Bethlehem , land of Ju d ah,
take the you ng child and his m other,
are in no w ay least am ong the and flee into Egyp t, and stay there u ntil
p rinces of Ju d ah: I tell you , for H erod w ill seek the you ng
for ou t of you shall com e forth a child to d estroy him .”
H e arose and took the you ng
child and his m other by night, and
d ep arted into Egyp t, and w as there
u ntil the d eath of H erod ; that it m ight
1:23 Isaiah 7:14 be fu lfilled w hich w as sp oken by the
2:1 The word for “wise men” (magoi) can also
mean teachers, scientists, physicians,
astrologers, seers, interpreters of dreams, or
sorcerers. 2:6 Micah 5:2
Lord throu gh the p rop het, saying, “Ou t p rop hets: “H e w ill be called a
of Egyp t I called m y son.” N azarene.”
Then H erod , w hen he saw that he In those d ays, John the
w as m ocked by the w ise m en, w as
exceed ingly angry, and sent ou t, and
3 Bap tizer cam e, p reaching in
the w ild erness of Ju d ea,
saying, “Rep ent, for the Kingd om of
killed all the m ale child ren w ho w ere in
H eaven is at hand !” For this is he w ho
Bethlehem and in all the su rrou nd ing
cou ntrysid e, from tw o years old and w as sp oken of by Isaiah the p rop het,
u nd er, accord ing to the exact tim e saying,
w hich he had learned from the w ise “The voice of one crying in the
m en. Then that w hich w as sp oken by w ild erness,
Jerem iah the p rop het w as fu lfilled , m ake read y the w ay of the Lord .
Make his p aths straight.”
“A voice w as heard in Ram ah,
lam entation, w eep ing and great N ow John him self w ore clothing
m ou rning, m ad e of cam el‟s hair, w ith a leather belt
Rachel w eep ing for her child ren; arou nd his w aist. H is food w as locu sts
she w ou ld n‟t be com forted ,
and w ild honey. Then p eop le from
becau se they are no m ore.”
Jeru salem , all of Ju d ea, and all the
region arou nd the Jord an w ent ou t to
19 6 9
Bu t w hen H erod w as d ead , him . They w ere bap tized by him in
behold , an angel of the Lord ap p eared the Jord an, confessing their sins. Bu t
in a d ream to Josep h in Egyp t, saying, w hen he saw m any of the Pharisees and
“Arise and take the you ng child and Sad d u cees com ing for his bap tism , he
20 10
his m other, and go into the land of said to them , “You offsp ring of vip ers,
Israel, for those w ho sou ght the you ng w ho w arned you to flee from the w rath
child ‟s life are d ead .”
to com e? Therefore bring forth fru it
w orthy of rep entance! Don‟t think to
H e arose and took the you ng you rselves, „We have Abraham for ou r
child and his m other, and cam e into the father,‟ for I tell you that God is able to
land of Israel. Bu t w hen he heard that raise u p child ren to Abraham from
Archelau s w as reigning over Ju d ea in these stones.
the p lace of his father, H erod , he w as
“Even now the axe lies at the root
afraid to go there. Being w arned in a
d ream , he w ithd rew into the region of of the trees. Therefore every tree that
Galilee, and cam e and lived in a city d oesn‟t bring forth good fru it is cu t
called N azareth; that it m ight be d ow n, and cast into the fire. I ind eed
fu lfilled w hich w as sp oken throu gh the
3:3 Isaiah 40:3
6 9
2:15 Hosea 11:1 3:6 or, immersed
7 10
2:18 Jeremiah 31:15 3:7 or, immersion
bap tize you in w ater for rep entance, by every w ord that p roceed s ou t of the
m ou th of God .‟”
bu t he w ho com es after m e is m ightier
than I, w hose shoes I am not w orthy to
carry. H e w ill bap tize you in the H oly Then the d evil took him into the
12 12
Sp irit. H is w innow ing fork is in his holy city. H e set him on the p innacle of
the tem p le, and said to him , “If you are
hand , and he w ill thorou ghly cleanse
his threshing floor. H e w ill gather his the Son of God , throw you rself d ow n,
w heat into the barn, bu t the chaff he for it is w ritten, „H e w ill p u t his angels
w ill bu rn u p w ith u nqu enchable fire.” in charge of you .‟ and ,
„On their hand s they w ill bear you u p ,
so that you d on‟t d ash you r foot
Then Jesu s cam e from Galilee to
against a stone.‟”
the Jord an to John, to be bap tized by
him . Bu t John w ou ld have hind ered
him , saying, “I need to be bap tized by Jesu s said to him , “Again, it is
you , and you com e to m e?” w ritten, „You shall not test the Lord ,
you r God .‟”
Bu t Jesu s, answ ering, said to him ,
“Allow it now , for this is the fitting w ay
Again, the d evil took him to an
for u s to fu lfill all righteou sness.” Then exceed ingly high m ou ntain, and
he allow ed him . Jesu s, w hen he w as show ed him all the kingd om s of the
bap tized , w ent u p d irectly from the w orld , and their glory. H e said to him ,
w ater: and behold , the heavens w ere “I w ill give you all of these things, if
op ened to him . H e saw the Sp irit of God you w ill fall d ow n and w orship m e.”
d escend ing as a d ove, and com ing on
Then Jesu s said to him , “Get
17 10
him . Behold , a voice ou t of the heavens
said , “This is m y beloved Son, w ith
behind m e, Satan! For it is w ritten,
w hom I am w ell p leased .” „You shall w orship the Lord you r God ,
and you shall serve him only.‟”
4:7 Deuteronomy 6:16
4:10 TR and NU read “Go away” instead of “Get
3:11 or, immerse behind me”
12 17
3:11 TR and NU add “and with fire” 4:10 Deuteronomy 6:13
in Cap ernau m , w hich is by the sea, in sickness am ong the p eop le. The rep ort
the region of Zebu lu n and N ap htali, abou t him w ent ou t into all Syria. They
that it m ight be fu lfilled w hich w as brou ght to him all w ho w ere sick,
sp oken throu gh Isaiah the p rop het, afflicted w ith variou s d iseases and
saying, torm ents, p ossessed w ith d em ons,
“The land of Zebu lu n and the land of
ep ilep tics, and p aralytics; and he healed
N ap htali, them . Great m u ltitu d es from Galilee,
tow ard the sea, beyond the Jord an, Decap olis, Jeru salem , Ju d ea and from
Galilee of the Gentiles, beyond the Jord an follow ed him .
the p eop le w ho sat in d arkness saw a
great light, Seeing the m u ltitu d es, he
to those w ho sat in the region and
shad ow of d eath,
5 w ent u p onto the m ou ntain.
When he had sat d ow n, his
to them light has d aw ned .”
18 2
d iscip les cam e to him . H e op ened his
m ou th and tau ght them , saying,
From that tim e, Jesu s began to “Blessed are the p oor in sp irit,
17 3
p reach, and to say, “Rep ent! For the for theirs is the Kingd om of
Kingd om of H eaven is at hand .”
H eaven.
Blessed are those w ho m ou rn,
18 19 21
Walking by the sea of Galilee, he for they shall be com forted .
saw tw o brothers: Sim on, w ho is called Blessed are the gentle,
Peter, and And rew , his brother, casting for they shall inherit the earth.
a net into the sea; for they w ere Blessed are those w ho hu nger and
fisherm en. H e said to them , “Com e
thirst after righteou sness,
after m e, and I w ill m ake you fishers for for they shall be filled .
m en.” 7
Blessed are the m ercifu l,
for they shall obtain m ercy.
They im m ed iately left their nets 8Blessed are the p u re in heart,
and follow ed him . Going on from for they shall see God .
there, he saw tw o other brothers, Jam es 9Blessed are the p eacem akers,
the son of Zebed ee, and John his for they shall be called child ren of
brother, in the boat w ith Zebed ee their God .
father, m end ing their nets. H e called 10Blessed are those w ho have been
p ersecu ted for righteou sness‟
them . They im m ed iately left the boat
and their father, and follow ed him . sake,
for theirs is the Kingd om of
Jesu s w ent abou t in all Galilee, H eaven.
teaching in their synagogu es, p reaching
the Good N ew s of the Kingd om , and
healing every d isease and every
5:3 Isaiah 57:15; 66:2
18 21
4:16 Isaiah 9:1-2 5:4 Isaiah 61:2; 66:10,13
19 22
4:18 TR reads “Jesus” instead of “he” 5:5 or, land. Psalm 37:11
“Blessed are you w hen p eop le “You have heard that it w as said
11 21
rep roach you , p ersecu te you , and say all to the ancient ones, „You shall not
m u rd er;‟ and „Whoever shall m u rd er
kind s of evil against you falsely, for m y
shall be in d anger of the ju d gm ent.‟
sake. Rejoice, and be exceed ingly glad ,
for great is you r rew ard in heaven. For Bu t I tell you , that everyone w ho is
that is how they p ersecu ted the angry w ith his brother w ithou t a cau se
p rop hets w ho w ere before you . shall be in d anger of the ju d gm ent; and
w hoever shall say to his brother,
“You are the salt of the earth, bu t „Raca !‟ shall be in d anger of the
13 27
if the salt has lost its flavor, w ith w hat cou ncil; and w hoever shall say, „You
w ill it be salted ? It is then good for fool!‟ shall be in d anger of the fire of
nothing, bu t to be cast ou t and trod d en Gehenna.
u nd er the feet of m en. You are the light
“If therefore you are offering
of the w orld . A city located on a hill
can‟t be hid d en. N either d o you light a
you r gift at the altar, and there
lam p , and p u t it u nd er a m easu ring rem em ber that you r brother has
basket, bu t on a stand ; and it shines to anything against you , leave you r gift
all w ho are in the hou se. Even so, let there before the altar, and go you r w ay.
you r light shine before m en; that they First be reconciled to you r brother, and
m ay see you r good w orks, and glorify then com e and offer you r gift. Agree
you r Father w ho is in heaven. w ith you r ad versary qu ickly, w hile you
are w ith him in the w ay; lest p erhap s
“Don‟t think that I cam e to
the p rosecu tor d eliver you to the ju d ge,
d estroy the law or the p rop hets. I d id n‟t and the ju d ge d eliver you to the officer,
18 26
com e to d estroy, bu t to fu lfill. For m ost and you be cast into p rison. Most
certainly, I tell you , u ntil heaven and certainly I tell you , you shall by no
earth p ass aw ay, not even one sm allest m eans get ou t of there, u ntil you have
23 24 29
letter or one tiny p en stroke shall in p aid the last p enny.
any w ay p ass aw ay from the law , u ntil
all things are accom p lished . Whoever,
therefore, shall break one of these least
com m and m ents, and teach others to d o
so, shall be called least in the Kingd om
of H eaven; bu t w hoever shall d o and 25
5:21 Exodus 20:13
teach them shall be called great in the
Kingd om of H eaven. For I tell you that 26
5:22 NU omits “without a cause”.
u nless you r righteou sness exceed s that
of the scribes and Pharisees, there is no 5:22 “Raca” is an Aramaic insult, related to the
w ay you w ill enter into the Kingd om of word for “empty” and conveying the idea of
H eaven.
5:22 or, Hell
5:26 literally, kodrantes. A kodrantes was a
5:18 literally, iota small copper coin worth about 2 lepta (widow‟s
mites)—not enough to buy very much of
5:18 or, serif anything.
“You have heard that it w as said ,
27 36
great King. N either shall you sw ear by
„You shall not com m it ad u ltery;‟ you r head , for you can‟t m ake one hair
30 31
“It w as also said , „Whoever shall “You have heard that it w as said ,
31 43
said to them of old tim e, „You shall not the ju st and the u nju st. For if you love
m ake false vow s, bu t shall p erform to those w ho love you , w hat rew ard d o
the Lord you r vow s,‟ bu t I tell you , you have? Don‟t even the tax collectors
d on‟t sw ear at all: neither by heaven, for d o the sam e? If you only greet you r
it is the throne of God ; nor by the friend s, w hat m ore d o you d o than
earth, for it is the footstool of his feet; others? Don‟t even the tax collectors
30 5:38 Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20;
5:27 TR adds “to the ancients,” Deuteronomy 19:21
5:27 Exodus 20:14 36
5:43 Leviticus 19:18
5:29 or, Hell 37
5:43 not in the Bible, but see Qumran Manual of
Discipline Ix, 21-26
5:30 or, Hell
5:47 NU reads “Gentiles” instead of “tax
5:31 Deuteronomy 24:1 collectors”.
d o the sam e? Therefore you shall be one. For you rs is the Kingd om , the
p ow er, and the glory forever. Am en. ‟
p erfect, ju st as you r Father in heaven is
p erfect.
“For if you forgive m en their
“Be carefu l that you d on‟t d o tresp asses, you r heavenly Father w ill
6 you r charitable giving before
m en, to be seen by them , or
also forgive you . Bu t if you d on‟t
sou nd a tru m p et before you rself, as the be like the hyp ocrites, w ith sad faces.
hyp ocrites d o in the synagogu es and in For they d isfigu re their faces, that they
the streets, that they m ay get glory from m ay be seen by m en to be fasting. Most
m en. Most certainly I tell you , they have certainly I tell you , they have received
3 17
received their rew ard . Bu t w hen you their rew ard . Bu t you , w hen you fast,
d o m ercifu l d eed s, d on‟t let you r left anoint you r head , and w ash you r face;
hand know w hat you r right hand d oes, so that you are not seen by m en to be
so that you r m ercifu l d eed s m ay be in fasting, bu t by you r Father w ho is in
secret, then you r Father w ho sees in secret, and you r Father, w ho sees in
secret w ill rew ard you op enly. secret, w ill rew ard you .
“When you p ray, you shall not be “Don‟t lay u p treasu res for
5 19
as the hyp ocrites, for they love to stand you rselves on the earth, w here m oth
and p ray in the synagogu es and in the and ru st consu m e, and w here thieves
corners of the streets, that they m ay be break throu gh and steal; bu t lay u p for
seen by m en. Most certainly, I tell you , you rselves treasu res in heaven, w here
they have received their rew ard . Bu t neither m oth nor ru st consu m e, and
you , w hen you p ray, enter into you r w here thieves d on‟t break throu gh and
inner room , and having shu t you r d oor, steal; for w here you r treasu re is, there
p ray to you r Father w ho is in secret, you r heart w ill be also.
and you r Father w ho sees in secret w ill
rew ard you op enly. In p raying, d on‟t “The lam p of the bod y is the eye.
7 22
u se vain rep etitions, as the Gentiles d o; If therefore you r eye is sou nd , you r
for they think that they w ill be heard for w hole bod y w ill be fu ll of light. Bu t if
their m u ch sp eaking. Therefore d on‟t
you r eye is evil, you r w hole bod y w ill
be like them , for you r Father know s be fu ll of d arkness. If therefore the light
w hat things you need , before you ask that is in you is d arkness, how great is
him . Pray like this: „Ou r Father in
the d arkness!
heaven, m ay you r nam e be kep t holy.
“N o one can serve tw o m asters,
10 24
Let you r Kingd om com e. Let you r w ill
be d one, as in heaven, so on earth. for either he w ill hate the one and love
Give u s tod ay ou r d aily bread .
Forgive u s ou r d ebts, as w e also
forgive ou r d ebtors. Bring u s not into 39
6:13 NU omits “For yours is the Kingdom, the
tem p tation, bu t d eliver u s from the evil power, and the glory forever. Amen.”
the other; or else he w ill be d evoted to w hatever ju d gm ent you ju d ge, you w ill
one and d esp ise the other. You can‟t be ju d ged ; and w ith w hatever m easu re
serve both God and Mam m on. you m easu re, it w ill be m easu red to
Therefore I tell you , d on‟t be anxiou s
25 3
you . Why d o you see the sp eck that is
for you r life: w hat you w ill eat, or w hat in you r brother‟s eye, bu t d on‟t consid er
you w ill d rink; nor yet for you r bod y, the beam that is in you r ow n eye? Or
w hat you w ill w ear. Isn‟t life m ore than how w ill you tell you r brother, „Let m e
food , and the bod y m ore than clothing? rem ove the sp eck from you r eye;‟ and
See the bird s of the sky, that they d on‟t
behold , the beam is in you r ow n eye?
sow , neither d o they reap , nor gather You hyp ocrite! First rem ove the beam
into barns. You r heavenly Father feed s ou t of you r ow n eye, and then you can
them . Aren‟t you of m u ch m ore valu e see clearly to rem ove the sp eck ou t of
than they? you r brother‟s eye.
can ad d one m om ent to his lifesp an? the d ogs, neither throw you r p earls
Why are you anxiou s abou t clothing? before the p igs, lest p erhap s they
Consid er the lilies of the field , how they tram p le them u nd er their feet, and tu rn
grow . They d on‟t toil, neither d o they and tear you to p ieces.
sp in, yet I tell you that even Solom on
“Ask, and it w ill be given you .
in all his glory w as not d ressed like one
of these. Bu t if God so clothes the grass Seek, and you w ill find . Knock, and it
of the field , w hich tod ay exists, and w ill be op ened for you . For everyone
tom orrow is throw n into the oven, w ho asks receives. H e w ho seeks find s.
w on‟t he m u ch m ore clothe you , you of To him w ho knocks it w ill be op ened .
little faith? Or w ho is there am ong you , w ho, if his
son asks him for bread , w ill give him a
“Therefore d on‟t be anxiou s,
31 10
stone? Or if he asks for a fish, w ho w ill
saying, „What w ill w e eat?‟, „What w ill
give him a serp ent? If you then, being
w e d rink?‟ or, „With w hat w ill w e be evil, know how to give good gifts to
clothed ?‟ For the Gentiles seek after all
you r child ren, how m u ch m ore w ill
these things; for you r heavenly Father you r Father w ho is in heaven give good
know s that you need all these things. things to those w ho ask him ! Therefore
Bu t seek first God ‟s Kingd om , and his
w hatever you d esire for m en to d o to
righteou sness; and all these things w ill you , you shall also d o to them ; for this
be given to you as w ell. Therefore is the law and the p rop hets.
d on‟t be anxiou s for tom orrow , for
“Enter in by the narrow gate; for
tom orrow w ill be anxiou s for itself.
Each d ay‟s ow n evil is su fficient. w id e is the gate and broad is the w ay
that lead s to d estru ction, and m any are
“Don‟t ju d ge, so that you those w ho enter in by it. H ow
14 41
7 w on‟t be ju d ged . For w ith narrow is the gate, and restricted is the
40 41
6:27 literally, cubit 7:14 TR reads “Because” instead of “How”
w ay that lead s to life! Few are those m u ltitu d es w ere astonished at his
w ho find it. teaching, for he tau ght them w ith
au thority, and not like the scribes.
“Bew are of false p rop hets, w ho
heal him .”
“Everyone therefore w ho hears
bu ry m y father.”
They cam e ou t, and w ent into the
herd of p igs: and behold , the w hole
herd of p igs ru shed d ow n the cliff into
the sea, and d ied in the w ater. Those
8:15 TR reads “them” instead of “him”
43 44
8:17 Isaiah 53:4 8:28 NU reads “Gadarenes”
w ho fed them fled , and w ent aw ay into When Jesu s heard it, he said to
the city, and told everything, inclu d ing them , “Those w ho are healthy have no
w hat hap p ened to those w ho w ere need for a p hysician, bu t those w ho are
34 13
p ossessed w ith d em ons. Behold , all the sick d o. Bu t you go and learn w hat this
city cam e ou t to m eet Jesu s. When they m eans: „I d esire m ercy, and not
sacrifice,‟ for I cam e not to call the
saw him , they begged that he w ou ld
righteou s, bu t sinners to rep entance. ”
d ep art from their bord ers.
cheer u p ! You r sins are forgiven you .” friend s of the brid egroom m ou rn, as
long as the brid egroom is w ith them ?
Behold , som e of the scribes said to Bu t the d ays w ill com e w hen the
them selves, “This m an blasp hem es.” brid egroom w ill be taken aw ay from
them , and then they w ill fast. N o one
Jesu s, know ing their thou ghts, p u ts a p iece of u nshru nk cloth on an old
said , “Why d o you think evil in you r garm ent; for the p atch w ou ld tear aw ay
hearts? For w hich is easier, to say, from the garm ent, and a w orse hole is
„You r sins are forgiven;‟ or to say, „Get m ad e. 17N either d o p eop le p u t new w ine
u p , and w alk?‟ Bu t that you m ay know into old w ineskins, or else the skins
that the Son of Man has au thority on w ou ld bu rst, and the w ine be sp illed ,
earth to forgive sins...” (then he said to and the skins ru ined . N o, they p u t new
the p aralytic), “Get u p , and take u p w ine into fresh w ineskins, and both are
you r m at, and go u p to you r hou se.” p reserved .”
7 18
H e arose and d ep arted to his While he told these things to
hou se. Bu t w hen the m u ltitu d es saw it, them , behold , a ru ler cam e and
they m arveled and glorified God , w ho w orship ed him , saying, “My d au ghter
had given su ch au thority to m en. has ju st d ied , bu t com e and lay you r
hand on her, and she w ill live.”
As Jesu s p assed by from there, he
saw a m an called Matthew sitting at the Jesu s got u p and follow ed him , as
tax collection office. H e said to him , d id his d iscip les. 20Behold , a w om an
“Follow m e.” H e got u p and follow ed w ho had an issu e of blood for tw elve
him . It hap p ened as he sat in the years cam e behind him , and tou ched
hou se, behold , m any tax collectors and
sinners cam e and sat d ow n w ith Jesu s
and his d iscip les. When the Pharisees
saw it, they said to his d iscip les, “Why 45
9:13 Hosea 6:6
d oes you r teacher eat w ith tax collectors
and sinners?” 46
9:13 NU omits “to repentance”.
47 21
the fringe of his garm ent; for she said cast ou t, the m u te m an sp oke. The
w ithin herself, “If I ju st tou ch his m u ltitu d es m arveled , saying, “N othing
garm ent, I w ill be m ad e w ell.” like this has ever been seen in Israel!”
all that land . As Jesu s p assed by from ind eed is p lentifu l, bu t the laborers are
there, tw o blind m en follow ed him , few . 38Pray therefore that the Lord of the
calling ou t and saying, “H ave m ercy on harvest w ill send ou t laborers into his
u s, son of David !” harvest.”
When he had com e into the H e called to him self his
hou se, the blind m en cam e to him . Jesu s
said to them , “Do you believe that I am
10 tw elve d iscip les, and gave
them au thority over
able to d o this?” u nclean sp irits, to cast them ou t, and to
heal every d isease and every sickness.
They told him , “Yes, Lord .” 2
N ow the nam es of the tw elve ap ostles
are these. The first, Sim on, w ho is called
Then he tou ched their eyes, Peter; And rew , his brother; Jam es the
saying, “Accord ing to you r faith be it son of Zebed ee; John, his brother;
d one to you .” Their eyes w ere op ened . 3Philip ;
Bartholom ew ; Thom as;
Jesu s strictly com m and ed them , saying, Matthew the tax collector; Jam es the son
“See that no one know s abou t this.” of Alp haeu s; Lebbaeu s, w hose su rnam e
Bu t they w ent ou t and sp read abroad w as 49 Thad d aeu s;
Sim on the
his fam e in all that land . Canaanite; and Ju d as Iscariot, w ho also
betrayed him .
As they w ent ou t, behold , a m u te
m an w ho w as d em on p ossessed w as
brou ght to him . When the d em on w as
9:36 TR reads “weary” instead of “harassed”
47 49
9:20 or, tassel 10:3 NU omits “Lebbaeus, whose surname was”
Jesu s sent these tw elve ou t, and bu t the Sp irit of you r Father w ho sp eaks
com m and ed them , saying, “Don‟t go in you .
am ong the Gentiles, and d on‟t enter into
“Brother w ill d eliver u p brother
6 21
any city of the Sam aritans. Rather, go to
the lost sheep of the hou se of Israel. As to d eath, and the father his child .
you go, p reach, saying, „The Kingd om Child ren w ill rise u p against p arents,
of H eaven is at hand !‟ H eal the sick,
8 22
and cau se them to be p u t to d eath. You
cleanse the lep ers , and cast ou t w ill be hated by all m en for m y nam e‟s
d em ons. Freely you received , so freely sake, bu t he w ho end u res to the end
give. Don‟t take any gold , nor silver,
9 23
w ill be saved . Bu t w hen they p ersecu te
nor brass in you r m oney belts. Take no you in this city, flee into the next, for
bag for you r jou rney, neither tw o coats, m ost certainly I tell you , you w ill not
nor shoes, nor staff: for the laborer is have gone throu gh the cities of Israel,
w orthy of his food . Into w hatever city u ntil the Son of Man has com e.
or village you enter, find ou t w ho in it is
“A d iscip le is not above his
w orthy; and stay there u ntil you go on.
12 25
As you enter into the hou sehold , greet teacher, nor a servant above his lord . It
it. If the hou sehold is w orthy, let you r is enou gh for the d iscip le that he be like
p eace com e on it, bu t if it isn‟t w orthy, his teacher, and the servant like his lord .
let you r p eace retu rn to you . Whoever If they have called the m aster of the
d oesn‟t receive you , nor hear you r hou se Beelzebu l, how m u ch m ore those
of his hou sehold ! Therefore d on‟t be
w ord s, as you go ou t of that hou se or
that city, shake off the d u st from you r afraid of them , for there is nothing
feet. Most certainly I tell you , it w ill be covered that w ill not be revealed ; and
m ore tolerable for the land of Sod om hid d en that w ill not be know n. What I
and Gom orrah in the d ay of ju d gm ent tell you in the d arkness, sp eak in the
than for that city. light; and w hat you hear w hisp ered in
the ear, p roclaim on the hou setop s.
“Behold , I send you ou t as sheep Don‟t be afraid of those w ho kill the
16 28
in the m id st of w olves. Therefore be bod y, bu t are not able to kill the sou l.
w ise as serp ents, and harm less as d oves. Rather, fear him w ho is able to d estroy
17 51
Bu t bew are of m en: for they w ill both sou l and bod y in Gehenna.
d eliver you u p to cou ncils, and in their
“Aren‟t tw o sp arrow s sold for an
18 29
synagogu es they w ill scou rge you . Yes,
and you w ill be brou ght before assarion coin ? N ot one of them falls on
governors and kings for m y sake, for a the grou nd ap art from you r Father‟s
testim ony to them and to the nations. w ill, bu t the very hairs of you r head
Bu t w hen they d eliver you u p , d on‟t be are all nu m bered . Therefore d on‟t be
19 31
10:29 An assarion is a small coin worth one
tenth of a drachma or a sixteenth of a denarius.
An assarion is approximately the wages of one
10:8 TR adds “, raise the dead” half hour of agricultural labor.
afraid . You are of m ore valu e than tw o of his d iscip les and said to him ,
“Are you he w ho com es, or shou ld w e
m any sp arrow s. Everyone therefore
w ho confesses m e before m en, him I look for another?”
w ill also confess before m y Father w ho
Jesu s answ ered them , “Go and tell
33 4
is in heaven. Bu t w hoever d enies m e
before m en, him I w ill also d eny before John the things w hich you hear and see:
m y Father w ho is in heaven. the blind receive their sight, the lam e
w alk, the lep ers are cleansed , the d eaf
“Don‟t think that I cam e to send
34 54
hear, the d ead are raised u p , and the
p eace on the earth. I d id n‟t com e to p oor have good new s p reached to
35 55 6
send p eace, bu t a sw ord . For I cam e to them . Blessed is he w ho find s no
set a m an at od d s against his father, and occasion for stu m bling in m e.”
a d au ghter against her m other, and a
d au ghter-in-law against her As these w ent their w ay, Jesu s
m other-in-law . A m an‟s foes w ill be
began to say to the m u ltitu d es
those of his ow n hou sehold .
53 37
H e w ho concerning John, “What d id you go ou t
loves father or m other m ore than m e is into the w ild erness to see? A reed
not w orthy of m e; and he w ho loves son shaken by the w ind ? Bu t w hat d id you
or d au ghter m ore than m e isn‟t w orthy go ou t to see? A m an in soft clothing?
of m e. H e w ho d oesn‟t take his cross
Behold , those w ho w ear soft clothing
and follow after m e, isn‟t w orthy of m e. are in king‟s hou ses. Bu t w hy d id you
H e w ho seeks his life w ill lose it; and go ou t? To see a p rop het? Yes, I tell you ,
he w ho loses his life for m y sake w ill and m u ch m ore than a p rop het. For
this is he, of w hom it is w ritten, „Behold ,
find it. H e w ho receives you receives
m e, and he w ho receives m e receives I send m y m essenger before you r face,
him w ho sent m e. H e w ho receives a w ho w ill p rep are you r w ay before
you .‟
56 11
p rop het in the nam e of a p rop het w ill Most certainly I tell you , am ong
receive a p rop het‟s rew ard . H e w ho those w ho are born of w om en there has
receives a righteou s m an in the nam e of not arisen anyone greater than John the
a righteou s m an w ill receive a righteou s Bap tizer; yet he w ho is least in the
m an‟s rew ard . Whoever gives one of
Kingd om of H eaven is greater than he.
these little ones ju st a cu p of cold w ater From the d ays of John the Bap tizer
to d rink in the nam e of a d iscip le, m ost u ntil now , the Kingd om of H eaven
certainly I tell you he w ill in no w ay su ffers violence, and the violent take it
lose his rew ard .”
57 13
by force. For all the p rop hets and the
law p rop hesied u ntil John. If you are
It hap p ened that w hen w illing to receive it, this is Elijah, w ho is
11 Jesu s had finished d irecting
his tw elve d iscip les, he
d ep arted from there to teach and p reach 54
11:5 Isaiah 35:5
in their cities. N ow w hen John heard in
the p rison the w orks of Christ, he sent 11:5 Isaiah 61:1-4
11:10 Malachi 3:1
53 57
10:36 Micah 7:6 11:12 or, plunder it.
to com e. H e w ho has ears to hear, let w ise and u nd erstand ing, and revealed
him hear. them to infants. Yes, Father, for so it
w as w ell-p leasing in you r sight. All
“Bu t to w hat shall I com p are this
things have been d elivered to m e by m y
generation? It is like child ren sitting in Father. N o one know s the Son, excep t
the m arketp laces, w ho call to their the Father; neither d oes anyone know
com p anions and say, „We p layed the
the Father, excep t the Son, and he to
flu te for you , and you d id n‟t d ance. We w hom the Son d esires to reveal him .
m ou rned for you , and you d id n‟t
lam ent.‟ For John cam e neither eating “Com e to m e, all you w ho labor
18 28
nor d rinking, and they say, „H e has a and are heavily bu rd ened , and I w ill
d em on.‟ The Son of Man cam e eating
19 29
give you rest. Take m y yoke u p on you ,
and d rinking, and they say, „Behold , a and learn from m e, for I am gentle and
glu ttonou s m an and a d ru nkard , a low ly in heart; and you w ill find rest for
friend of tax collectors and sinners!‟ Bu t
you r sou ls. For m y yoke is easy, and
w isd om is ju stified by her child ren. ” m y bu rd en is light.”
Then he began to d enou nce the At that tim e, Jesu s w ent on
cities in w hich m ost of his m ighty
w orks had been d one, becau se they
12 the Sabbath d ay throu gh
the grain field s. H is
d id n‟t rep ent. “Woe to you , Chorazin!
d iscip les w ere hu ngry and began to
Woe to you , Bethsaid a! For if the p lu ck head s of grain and to eat. Bu t the
m ighty w orks had been d one in Tyre Pharisees, w hen they saw it, said to
and Sid on w hich w ere d one in you , him , “Behold , you r d iscip les d o w hat is
they w ou ld have rep ented long ago in not law fu l to d o on the Sabbath.”
sackcloth and ashes. Bu t I tell you , it
Bu t he said to them , “H aven‟t you
w ill be m ore tolerable for Tyre and
Sid on on the d ay of ju d gm ent than for read w hat David d id , w hen he w as
you . You , Cap ernau m , w ho are exalted hu ngry, and those w ho w ere w ith him ;
how he entered into God ‟s hou se, and
to heaven, you w ill go d ow n to H ad es.
For if the m ighty w orks had been d one ate the show bread , w hich w as not
in Sod om w hich w ere d one in you , it law fu l for him to eat, neither for those
w ou ld have rem ained u ntil this d ay. w ho w ere w ith him , bu t only for the
24 60 5
Bu t I tell you that it w ill be m ore p riests? Or have you not read in the
tolerable for the lan d of Sod om , on the law , that on the Sabbath d ay, the p riests
d ay of ju d gm ent, than for you .” in the tem p le p rofane the Sabbath, and
are gu iltless? Bu t I tell you that one
At that tim e, Jesu s answ ered , “I greater than the tem p le is here. Bu t if
25 7
thank you , Father, Lord of heaven and you had know n w hat this m eans, „I
earth, that you hid these things from the d esire m ercy, and not sacrifice,‟ you
58 60
11:19 NU reads “actions” instead of “children” 12:4 1 Samuel 21:3-6
59 61
11:23 or, Hell 12:7 Hosea 6:6
w ou ld not have cond em ned the In his nam e, the nations w ill
hop e.”
8 62
gu iltless. For the Son of Man is Lord of
the Sabbath.”
Then one p ossessed by a d em on,
H e d ep arted there, and w ent into blind and m u te, w as brou ght to him
their synagogu e. And behold there and he healed him , so that the blind and
w as a m an w ith a w ithered hand . They m u te m an both sp oke and saw . All the
asked him , “Is it law fu l to heal on the m u ltitu d es w ere am azed , and said ,
Sabbath d ay?” that they m ight accu se “Can this be the son of David ?” Bu t
12:21 Isaiah 42:1-4
not be forgiven him , neither in this age, is here. Bu t the u nclean sp irit, w hen he
nor in that w hich is to com e. is gone ou t of the m an, p asses throu gh
w aterless p laces, seeking rest, and
“Either m ake the tree good , and d oesn‟t find it. 44Then he says, „I w ill
its fru it good , or m ake the tree corru p t, retu rn into m y hou se from w hich I cam e
and its fru it corru p t; for the tree is ou t,‟ and w hen he has com e back, he
know n by its fru it. You offsp ring of find s it em p ty, sw ep t, and p u t in ord er.
vip ers, how can you , being evil, sp eak 45Then he goes, and takes w ith him self
good things? For ou t of the abu nd ance seven other sp irits m ore evil than he is,
of the heart, the m ou th sp eaks. The and they enter in and d w ell there. The
good m an ou t of his good treasu re last state of that m an becom es w orse
brings ou t good things, and the evil than the first. Even so w ill it be also to
m an ou t of his evil treasu re brings ou t this evil generation.”
evil things. I tell you that every id le
w ord that m en sp eak, they w ill give While he w as yet sp eaking to the
accou nt of it in the d ay of ju d gm ent. m u ltitu d es, behold , his m other and his
For by you r w ord s you w ill be brothers stood ou tsid e, seeking to sp eak
ju stified , and by you r w ord s you w ill be to him . One said to him , “Behold , you r
Bu t he answ ered them , “An evil hand tow ard s his d iscip les, and said ,
this generation, and w ill cond em n it, for he sow ed , som e seed s fell by the
she cam e from the end s of the earth to road sid e, and the bird s cam e and
hear the w isd om of Solom on; and d evou red them . Others fell on rocky
behold , som eone greater than Solom on grou nd , w here they d id n‟t have m u ch
soil, and im m ed iately they sp rang u p ,
becau se they had no d ep th of earth.
12:35 TR adds “of the heart”
When the su n had risen, they w ere
scorched . Becau se they had no root, p rop hets and righteou s m en d esired to
see the things w hich you see, and d id n‟t
they w ithered aw ay. Others fell am ong
thorns. The thorns grew u p and choked see them ; and to hear the things w hich
you hear, and d id n‟t hear them .
them . Others fell on good soil, and
yield ed fru it: som e one hu nd red tim es
“H ear, then, the p arable of the
as m u ch, som e sixty, and som e thirty.
H e w ho has ears to hear, let him hear.”
9 19
farm er. When anyone hears the w ord
of the Kingd om , and d oesn‟t
The d iscip les cam e, and said to u nd erstand it, the evil one com es, and
him , “Why d o you sp eak to them in snatches aw ay that w hich has been
p arables?” sow n in his heart. This is w hat w as
sow n by the road sid e. What w as sow n
H e answ ered them , “To you it is
on the rocky p laces, this is he w ho hears
given to know the m ysteries of the the w ord , and im m ed iately w ith joy
Kingd om of H eaven, bu t it is not given receives it; yet he has no root in
to them . For w hoever has, to him w ill him self, bu t end u res for a w hile. When
be given, and he w ill have abu nd ance, op p ression or p ersecu tion arises
bu t w hoever d oesn‟t have, from him becau se of the w ord , im m ed iately he
w ill be taken aw ay even that w h ich he stu m bles. What w as sow n am ong the
has. Therefore I sp eak to them in thorns, this is he w ho hears the w ord ,
p arables, becau se seeing they d on‟t see, bu t the cares of this age and the
and hearing, they d on‟t hear, neither d o d eceitfu lness of riches choke the w ord ,
14 23
they u nd erstand . In them the p rop hecy and he becom es u nfru itfu l. What w as
of Isaiah is fu lfilled , w hich says, sow n on the good grou nd , this is he
„By hearing you w ill hear, w ho hears the w ord , and u nd erstand s
and w ill in no w ay u nd erstand ; it, w ho m ost certainly bears fru it, and
Seeing you w ill see, brings forth, som e one hu nd red tim es as
and w ill in no w ay p erceive: m u ch, som e sixty, and som e thirty.”
for this p eop le‟s heart has grow n
callou s, H e set another p arable before
their ears are d u ll of hearing, them , saying, “The Kingd om of H eaven
they have closed their eyes; is like a m an w ho sow ed good seed in
or else p erhap s they m ight p erceive his field , bu t w hile p eop le slep t, his
w ith their eyes, enem y cam e and sow ed d arnel w eed s
hear w ith their ears, also am ong the w heat, and w ent aw ay.
u nd erstand w ith their heart, Bu t w hen the blad e sp rang u p and
and shou ld tu rn again; brou ght forth fru it, then the d arnel
and I w ou ld heal them .‟
64 27
w eed s ap p eared also. The servants of
the hou sehold er cam e and said to him ,
“Bu t blessed are you r eyes, for „Sir, d id n‟t you sow good seed in you r
w hile you gather u p the d arnel w eed s, sow s the good seed is the Son of Man,
30 38
you root u p the w heat w ith them . Let the field is the w orld ; and the good
both grow together u ntil the harvest, seed , these are the child ren of the
and in the harvest tim e I w ill tell the Kingd om ; and the d arnel w eed s are the
reap ers, “First, gather u p the d arnel 39
child ren of the evil one. The enem y
w eed s, and bind them in bu nd les to w ho sow ed them is the d evil. The
bu rn them ; bu t gather the w heat into harvest is the end of the age, and the
m y barn.”‟” 40
reap ers are angels. As therefore the
d arnel w eed s are gathered u p and
H e set another p arable before bu rned w ith fire; so w ill it be at the end
them , saying, “The Kingd om of H eaven of this age. 41The Son of Man w ill send
is like a grain of m u stard seed , w hich a ou t his angels, and they w ill gather ou t
m an took, and sow ed in his field ; of his Kingd om all things that cau se
w hich ind eed is sm aller than all seed s. stu m bling, and those w ho d o iniqu ity,
Bu t w hen it is grow n, it is greater than 42and w ill cast them into the fu rnace of
the herbs, and becom es a tree, so that fire. There w ill be w eep ing and the
the bird s of the air com e and lod ge in its gnashing of teeth. 43Then the righteou s
branches.” w ill shine forth like the su n in the
Kingd om of their Father. H e w ho has
H e sp oke another p arable to ears to hear, let him hear.
them . “The Kingd om of H eaven is like
“Again, the Kingd om of H eaven
yeast, w hich a w om an took, and hid in
three m easu res of m eal, u ntil it w as all is like a treasu re hid d en in the field ,
leavened .” w hich a m an fou nd , and hid . In his joy,
he goes and sells all that he has, and
Jesu s sp oke all these things in bu ys that field .
p arables to the m u ltitu d es; and w ithou t
a p arable, he d id n‟t sp eak to them , that “Again, the Kingd om of H eaven
35 45
13:33 literally, three sata. 3 sata is about 39
litres or a bit more than a bushel 13:35 Psalm 78:2
“Again, the Kingd om of H eaven d id n‟t d o m any m ighty w orks there
“H ave you u nd erstood all these is not law fu l for you to have her.”
When he w ou ld have p u t him to d eath,
he feared the m u ltitu d e, becau se they
They answ ered him , “Yes, Lord .”
cou nted him as a p rop het. Bu t w hen
H erod ‟s birthd ay cam e, the d au ghter of
H e said to them , “Therefore every H erod ias d anced am ong them and
scribe w ho has been m ad e a d iscip le in p leased H erod . Whereu p on he
the Kingd om of H eaven is like a m an p rom ised w ith an oath to give her
w ho is a hou sehold er, w ho brings ou t of w hatever she shou ld ask. 8She, being
his treasu re new and old things.” p rom p ted by her m other, said , “Give
m e here on a p latter the head of John
It hap p ened that w hen Jesu s had the Bap tizer.”
Isn‟t his m other called Mary, and his you ng lad y: and she brou ght it to her
brothers, Jam es, Joses, Sim on, and m other. 12H is d iscip les cam e, and took
Ju d as ? Aren‟t all of his sisters w ith the bod y, and bu ried it; and they w ent
68 56
u s? Where then d id this m an get all of and told Jesu s. 13N ow w hen Jesu s heard
these things?” They w ere offend ed by this, he w ithd rew from there in a boat,
be afraid .”
Bu t Jesu s said to them , “They
14:25 The night was equally divided into four
watches, so the fourth watch is approximately
3:00 A. M. to sunrise. 14:27 or, I AM!
70 72
14:25 see Job 9:8 14:36 or, tassel
Bu t he answ ered , “Every p lant
d o you r d iscip les d isobey the trad ition
of the eld ers? For they d on‟t w ash their w hich m y heavenly Father d id n‟t p lant
hand s w hen they eat bread .”
w ill be u p rooted . Leave them alone.
They are blind gu id es of the blind . If the
H e answ ered them , “Why d o you
blind gu id e the blind , both w ill fall into
also d isobey the com m and m ent of God a p it.”
becau se of you r trad ition? For God
com m and ed , „H onor you r father and Peter answ ered him , “Exp lain the
tell his father or his m other, “Whatever not u nd erstand ? Don‟t you u nd erstand
help you m ight otherw ise have gotten that w hatever goes into the m ou th
from m e is a gift d evoted to God ,” he
p asses into the belly, and then ou t of the
shall not honor his father or m other.‟
bod y? Bu t the things w hich p r oceed
You have m ad e the com m and m ent of ou t of the m ou th com e ou t of the heart,
God void becau se of you r trad ition . and they d efile the m an. For ou t of the
You hyp ocrites! Well d id Isaiah heart com e forth evil thou ghts,
p rop hesy of you , saying, m u rd ers, ad u lteries, sexu al sins, thefts,
„These p eop le d raw near to m e w ith
false testim ony, and blasp hem ies.
their m ou th, These are the things w hich d efile the
and honor m e w ith their lip s; m an; bu t to eat w ith u nw ashed hand s
bu t their heart is far from m e. d oesn‟t d efile the m an.”
And in vain d o they w orship m e,
teaching as d octrine ru les m ad e by Jesu s w ent ou t from there, and
m en.‟”
w ithd rew into the region of Tyre and
Sid on. Behold , a Canaanite w om an
H e su m m oned the m u ltitu d e, and cam e ou t from those bord ers, and cried ,
said to them , “H ear, and u nd erstand . saying, “H ave m ercy on m e, Lord , you
That w hich enters into the m ou th son of David ! My d au ghter is severely
d oesn‟t d efile the m an; bu t that w hich d em onized !”
p roceed s ou t of the m ou th, this d efiles
the m an.”
Bu t he answ ered her not a w ord .
Then the d iscip les cam e, and said H is d iscip les cam e and begged
to him , “Do you know that the him , saying, “Send her aw ay; for she
Pharisees w ere offend ed , w hen they cries after u s.”
heard this saying?”
Bu t he answ ered , “I w asn‟t sent to
the d ogs eat the cru m bs w hich fall from m u ltitu d es. 37They all ate, and w ere
their m asters‟ table.” filled . They took u p seven baskets fu ll
of the broken p ieces that w ere left over.
Then Jesu s answ ered her, 38Those w ho ate w ere fou r thou sand
“Wom an, great is you r faith! Be it d one m en, besid es w om en and child ren.
to you even as you d esire.” And her 39Then he sent aw ay the m u ltitu d es, got
d au ghter w as healed from that hou r. into the boat, and cam e into the bord ers
of Magd ala.
Jesu s d ep arted there, and cam e
near to the sea of Galilee; and he w ent The Pharisees and
u p into the m ou ntain, and sat there.
Great m u ltitu d es cam e to him , having
16 Sad d u cees cam e,
testing him , asked him to
w ith them the lam e, blind , m u te, show them a sign from heaven. 2Bu t he
m aim ed , and m any others, and they p u t answ ered them , “When it is evening,
them d ow n at his feet. H e healed them , you say, „It w ill be fair w eather, for the
so that the m u ltitu d e w ond ered w hen sky is red .‟ 3In the m orning, „It w ill be
they saw the m u te sp eaking, inju red fou l w eather tod ay, for the sky is red
w hole, lam e w alking, and blind and threatening.‟ H yp ocrites! You know
seeing—and they glorified the God of how to d iscern the ap p earance of the
Israel. sky, bu t you can‟t d iscern the signs of
the tim es! An evil and ad u lterou s
Jesu s su m m oned his d iscip les and generation seeks after a sign, and there
said , “I have com p assion on the w ill be no sign given to it, excep t the
m u ltitu d e, becau se they continu e w ith sign of the p rop het Jonah.”
m e now three d ays and have nothing to
eat. I d on‟t w ant to send them aw ay H e left them , and d ep arted . The
fasting, or they m ight faint on the w ay.” d iscip les cam e to the other sid e and had
forgotten to take bread . Jesu s said to
The d iscip les said to him , “Where them , “Take heed and bew are of the
shou ld w e get so m any loaves in a yeast of the Pharisees and Sad d u cees.”
d eserted p lace as to satisfy so great a
m u ltitu d e?” 7
They reasoned am ong them selves,
saying, “We brou ght no bread .”
Jesu s said to them , “H ow m any
Jesu s cam e into the p arts of Caesarea you , Lord ! This w ill never be d one to
Philip p i, he asked his d iscip les, saying, you .”
“Who d o m en say that I, the Son of
Man, am ?”
Bu t he tu rned , and said to Peter,
“Get behind m e, Satan! You are a
They said , “Som e say John the stu m bling block to m e, for you are not
Bap tizer, som e, Elijah, and others, setting you r m ind on the things of God ,
Jerem iah, or one of the p rop hets.” bu t on the things of m en.” Then Jesu s
you , Sim on Bar Jonah, for flesh and w hat w ill a m an give in exchange for his
blood has not revealed this to you , bu t life? 27For the Son of Man w ill com e in
m y Father w ho is in heaven. I also tell the glory of his Father w ith his angels,
you that you are Peter, and on this and then he w ill rend er to everyone
rock I w ill bu ild m y assem bly, and the accord ing to his d eed s. 28Most certainly I
gates of H ad es w ill not p revail against tell you , there are som e stand ing here
it. I w ill give to you the keys of the w ho w ill in no w ay taste of d eath, u ntil
Kingd om of H eaven, and w hatever you they see the Son of Man com ing in his
bind on earth w ill have been bou nd in Kingd om .”
heaven; and w hatever you release on
After six d ays, Jesu s took
16:18 Peter‟s name, Petros in Greek, is the word
17 w ith him Peter, Jam es, and
John his brother, and
for a specific rock or stone. brou ght them u p into a high m ou ntain
by them selves. H e w as transfigu red
16:18 Greek, petra, a rock mass or bedrock.
before them . H is face shone like the su n,
16:18 or, Hell
and his garm ents becam e as w hite as
the light. Behold , Moses and Elijah grievou sly; for he often falls into the
ap p eared to them talking w ith him . fire, and often into the w ater. So I
brou ght him to you r d iscip les, and they
Peter answ ered , and said to Jesu s, cou ld not cu re him .”
for you , one for Moses, and one for p erverse generation! H ow long w ill I be
Elijah.” w ith you ? H ow long w ill I bear w ith
you ? Bring him here to m e.” Jesu s
While he w as still sp eaking, rebu ked him , the d em on w ent ou t of
behold , a bright clou d overshad ow ed him , and the boy w as cu red from that
them . Behold , a voice cam e ou t of the hou r.
clou d , saying, “This is m y beloved Son,
in w hom I am w ell p leased . Listen to Then the d iscip les cam e to Jesu s
him .” p rivately, and said , “Why w eren‟t w e
able to cast it ou t?”
When the d iscip les heard it, they
H e said to them , “Becau se of you r
fell on their faces, and w ere very afraid .
Jesu s cam e and tou ched them and said , u nbelief. For m ost certainly I tell you , if
“Get u p , and d on‟t be afraid .” Lifting you have faith as a grain of m u stard
u p their eyes, they saw no one, excep t seed , you w ill tell this m ou ntain, „Move
Jesu s alone. As they w ere com ing d ow n from here to there,‟ and it w ill m ove;
from the m ou ntain, Jesu s com m and ed and nothing w ill be im p ossible for you .
them , saying, “Don‟t tell anyone w hat Bu t this kind d oesn‟t go ou t excep t by
you saw , u ntil the Son of Man has risen p rayer and fasting.”
from the d ead .”
While they w ere staying in
H is d iscip les asked him , saying, Galilee, Jesu s said to them , “The Son of
“Then w hy d o the scribes say that Elijah Man is abou t to be d elivered u p into the
m u st com e first?”
hand s of m en, and they w ill kill him ,
and the third d ay he w ill be raised u p .”
Jesu s answ ered them , “Elijah
ind eed com es first, and w ill restore all They w ere exceed ingly sorry.
12 24
things, bu t I tell you that Elijah has When they had com e to Cap ernau m ,
com e alread y, and they d id n‟t recognize those w ho collected the d id rachm a
him , bu t d id to him w hatever they coins cam e to Peter, and said ,
w anted to. Even so the Son of Man w ill “Doesn‟t you r teacher p ay the
also su ffer by them .” Then the d id rachm a?” H e said , “Yes.”
13 25
him self, and set him in their m id st, and ninety-nine, go to the m ou ntains, and
said , “Most certainly I tell you , u nless seek that w hich has gone astray? 13If he
you tu rn, and becom e as little child ren, find s it, m ost certainly I tell you , he
you w ill in no w ay enter into the rejoices over it m ore than over the
Kingd om of H eaven. Whoever ninety-nine w hich have not gone astray.
therefore hu m bles him self as this little 14Even so it is not the w ill of you r Father
child , the sam e is the greatest in the w ho is in heaven that one of these little
Kingd om of H eaven. Whoever receives ones shou ld p erish.
one su ch little child in m y nam e
“If you r brother sins against you ,
6 15
receives m e, bu t w hoever cau ses one of
these little ones w ho believe in m e to go, show him his fau lt betw een you and
stu m ble, it w ou ld be better for him that him alone. If he listens to you , you have
a hu ge m illstone shou ld be hu ng gained back you r brother. 16Bu t if he
arou nd his neck, and that he shou ld be d oesn‟t listen, take one or tw o m ore
su nk in the d ep ths of the sea. w ith you , that at the m ou th of tw o or
three w itnesses every w ord m ay be
17:27 A stater is a silver coin equivalent to four
Attic or two Alexandrian drachmas, or a Jewish
shekel: just exactly enough to cover the
half-shekel temple tax for two people. 18:9 or, Hell
82 17
established . If he refu ses to listen to of that servant, being m oved w ith
them , tell it to the assem bly. If he com p assion, released him , and forgave
refu ses to hear the assem bly also, let him the d ebt.
him be to you as a Gentile or a tax
“Bu t that servant w ent ou t, and
18 28
collector. Most certainly I tell you ,
w hatever things you bind on earth w ill fou nd one of his fellow servants, w ho
have been bou nd in heaven, and ow ed him one hu nd red d enarii, and
w hatever things you release on earth he grabbed him , and took him by the
w ill have been released in heaven. throat, saying, „Pay m e w hat you ow e!‟
Again, assu red ly I tell you , that if tw o
“So his fellow servant fell d ow n at
of you w ill agree on earth concerning
anything that they w ill ask, it w ill be his feet and begged him , saying, „H ave
d one for them by m y Father w ho is in p atience w ith m e, and I w ill rep ay you !‟
20 30
heaven. For w here tw o or three are H e w ou ld not, bu t w ent and cast him
gathered together in m y nam e, there I into p rison, u ntil he shou ld p ay back
am in their m id st.”
that w hich w as d u e. So w hen his
fellow servants saw w hat w as d one,
Then Peter cam e and said to him , they w ere exceed ingly sorry, and cam e
“Lord , how often shall m y brother sin and told to their lord all that w as d one.
against m e, and I forgive him ? Until Then his lord called him in , and said to
seven tim es?” him , „You w icked servant! I forgave you
all that d ebt, becau se you begged m e.
Jesu s said to him , “I d on‟t tell you Shou ld n‟t you also have had m ercy on
22 33
u ntil seven tim es, bu t, u ntil seventy you r fellow servant, even as I had
tim es seven. Therefore the Kingd om of m ercy on you ?‟ H is lord w as angry,
23 34
H eaven is like a certain king, w ho and d elivered him to the torm entors,
w anted to reconcile accou nts w ith his u ntil he shou ld p ay all that w as d u e to
24 35
servants. When he had begu n to him . So m y heavenly Father w ill also
reconcile, one w as brou ght to him w ho d o to you , if you d on‟t each forgive
83 25
ow ed him ten thou sand talents. Bu t you r brother from you r hearts for his
becau se he cou ld n‟t p ay, his lord m isd eed s.”
com m and ed him to be sold , w ith his
w ife, his child ren, and all that he had , It hap p ened w hen Jesu s
and p aym ent to be m ad e. The servant
therefore fell d ow n and kneeled before
19 had finished these w ord s,
he d ep arted from Galilee,
him , saying, „Lord , have p atience w ith and cam e into the bord ers of Ju d ea
m e, and I w ill rep ay you all!‟ The lord beyond the Jord an. Great m u ltitu d es
27 2
m an shall leave his father and m other, the little child ren, and d on‟t forbid them
and shall join to his w ife; and the tw o to com e to m e; for the Kingd om of
shall becom e one flesh?‟ So that they H eaven belongs to ones like these.” H e
86 6 15
are no m ore tw o, bu t one flesh. What laid his hand s on them , and d ep arted
therefore God has joined together, d on‟t from there.
let m an tear ap art.”
Behold , one cam e to him and said ,
They asked him , “Why then d id “Good teacher, w hat good thing shall I
Moses com m and u s to give her a bill of d o, that I m ay have eternal life?”
d ivorce, and d ivorce her?”
H e said to him , “Why d o you call
of the hard ness of you r hearts, allow ed is, God . Bu t if you w ant to enter into
you to d ivorce you r w ives, bu t from the life, keep the com m and m ents.”
beginning it has not been so. I tell you
H e said to him , “Which ones?”
that w hoever d ivorces his w ife, excep t
for sexu al im m orality, and m arries
another, com m its ad u ltery; and he w ho Jesu s said , “„You shall not m u rd er.‟
m arries her w hen she is d ivorced „You shall not com m it ad u ltery.‟ „You
com m its ad u ltery.” shall not steal.‟ „You shall not offer false
testim ony.‟ „H onor you r father and
H is d iscip les said to him , “If this m other.‟ And , „You shall love you r
10 88
can receive this saying, bu t those to you th. What d o I still lack?”
w hom it is given. For there are
Jesu s said to him , “If you w ant to
eu nu chs w ho w ere born that w ay from
their m other‟s w om b, and there are be p erfect, go, sell w hat you have, and
eu nu chs w ho w ere m ad e eu nu chs by give to the p oor, and you w ill have
m en; and there are eu nu chs w ho m ad e treasu re in heaven; and com e, follow
them selves eu nu chs for the Kingd om of m e.” Bu t w hen the you ng m an heard
19:17 So MT and TR. NU reads “Why do you
ask me about what is good?”
85 88
19:4 Genesis 1:27 19:19 Exodus 20:12-16; Deuteronomy 5:16-20
86 89
19:5 Genesis 2:24 19:19 Leviticus 19:18
w as one w ho had great p ossessions. laborers for a d enariu s a d ay, he sent
Jesu s said to his d iscip les, “Most
23 3
them into his vineyard . H e w ent ou t
certainly I say to you , a rich m an w ill abou t the third hou r, and saw others
enter into the Kingd om of H eaven w ith stand ing id le in the m arketp lace. To
them he said , „You also go into the
d ifficu lty. Again I tell you , it is easier
for a cam el to go throu gh a need le‟s eye,vineyard , and w hatever is right I w ill
than for a rich m an to enter into the give you .‟ So they w ent their w ay.
Kingd om of God .”
Again he w ent ou t abou t the sixth and
the ninth hou r, and d id likew ise.
When the d iscip les heard it, they Abou t the eleventh hou r 93 he w ent ou t,
w ere exceed ingly astonished , saying, and fou nd others stand ing id le. H e said
“Who then can be saved ?” to them , „Why d o you stand here all d ay
id le?‟
Looking at them , Jesu s said ,
“With m en this is im p ossible, bu t w ith 7
“They said to him , „Becau se no
God all things are p ossible.” one has hired u s.‟
Then Peter answ ered , “Behold , “H e said to them , „You also go into
w e have left everything, and follow ed the vineyard , and you w ill receive
you . What then w ill w e have?” w hatever is right.‟ When evening had
certainly I tell you that you w ho have them their w ages, beginning from the
follow ed m e, in the regeneration w hen last to the first.‟
the Son of Man w ill sit on the throne of
“When those w ho w ere hired at
his glory, you also w ill sit on tw elve
thrones, ju d ging the tw elve tribes of abou t the eleventh hou r cam e, they each
Israel. Everyone w ho has left hou ses, received a d enariu s. 10When the first
or brothers, or sisters, or father, or cam e, they su p p osed that they w ou ld
m other, or w ife, or child ren, or land s, receive m ore; and they likew ise each
for m y nam e‟s sake, w ill receive one received a d enariu s. 11When they
hu nd red tim es, and w ill inherit eternal received it, they m u rm u red against the
life. Bu t m any w ill be last w ho are first; m aster of the hou sehold , 12saying,
and first w ho are last. „These last have sp ent one hou r, and
20:5 noon and 3:00 P. M.
20:6 5:00 PM
H e said to them , “You w ill ind eed
you have m ad e them equ al to u s, w ho
have borne the bu rd en of the d ay and d rink m y cu p , and be bap tized w ith the
the scorching heat!‟ bap tism that I am bap tized w ith, bu t to
sit on m y right hand and on m y left
“Bu t he answ ered one of them , hand is not m ine to give; bu t it is for
first, and the first last. For m any are nations lord it over them , and their
called , bu t few are chosen.” great ones exercise au thority over them .
It shall not be so am ong you , bu t
As Jesu s w as going u p to w hoever d esires to becom e great am ong
94 27
Jeru salem , he took the tw elve d iscip les you shall be you r servant. Whoever
asid e, and on the w ay he said to them , d esires to be first am ong you shall be
“Behold , w e are going u p to Jeru salem , you r bond servant, even as the Son of
18 28
and the Son of Man w ill be d elivered to Man cam e not to be served , bu t to serve,
the chief p riests and scribes, and they and to give his life as a ransom for
w ill cond em n him to d eath, and w ill m any.”
him . H e said to her, “What d o you them , telling them that they shou ld be
and im m ed iately he w ill send them .” „My hou se shall be called a hou se of
p rayer,‟ bu t you have m ad e it a d en of
4 100
All this w as d one, that it m ight be
fu lfilled w hich w as sp oken throu gh the
p rop het, saying, The blind and the lam e cam e to
“Tell the d au ghter of Zion,
him in the tem p le, and he healed them .
behold , you r King com es to you , Bu t w hen the chief p riests and the
hu m ble, and rid ing on a d onkey, scribes saw the w ond erfu l things that he
on a colt, the foal of a d onkey.”
d id , and the child ren w ho w ere crying
in the tem p le and saying, “H osanna to
the son of David !” they w ere ind ignant,
The d iscip les w ent, and d id ju st as
and said to him , “Do you hear w hat
7 16
Jesu s com m and ed them , and brou ght
the d onkey and the colt, and laid their these are saying?”
clothes on them ; and he sat on them . A
very great m u ltitu d e sp read their Jesu s said to them , “Yes. Did you
clothes on the road . Others cu t branches never read , „Ou t of the m ou th of babes
from the trees, and sp read them on the and nu rsing babies you have p erfected
road . The m u ltitu d es w ho w ent before p raise?‟”
9 101
21:1 TR & NU read “Bethphage” instead of 21:9 Psalm 118:26
21:13 Isaiah 56:7
21:5 Zechariah 9:9
21:13 Jeremiah 7:11
21:9 “Hosanna” means “save us” or “help us, we
pray.” 21:16 Psalm 8:2
and said , „Son, go w ork tod ay in m y
city, he w as hu ngry. Seeing a fig tree
vineyard .‟ H e answ ered , „I w ill not,‟
by the road , he cam e to it, and fou nd
nothing on it bu t leaves. H e said to it, bu t afterw ard he changed his m ind , and
“Let there be no fru it from you forever!”
w ent. H e cam e to the second , and said
the sam e thing. H e answ ered , „I go, sir,‟
bu t he d id n‟t go. Which of the tw o d id
Im m ed iately the fig tree w ithered
the w ill of his father?”
aw ay. When the d iscip les saw it, they
m arveled , saying, “H ow d id the fig tree
im m ed iately w ither aw ay?” They said to him , “The first.”
Jesu s answ ered them , “Most Jesu s said to them , “Most certainly
certainly I tell you , if you have faith, I tell you that the tax collectors and the
and d on‟t d ou bt, you w ill not only d o p rostitu tes are entering into the
w hat w as d one to the fig tree, bu t even Kingd om of God before you . For John
if you told this m ou ntain, „Be taken u p cam e to you in the w ay of
and cast into the sea,‟ it w ou ld be d one. righteou sness, and you d id n‟t believe
All things, w hatever you ask in p rayer, him , bu t the tax collectors and the
believing, you w ill receive.” p rostitu tes believed him . When you saw
it, you d id n‟t even rep ent afterw ard ,
When he had com e into the that you m ight believe him .
tem p le, the chief p riests and the eld ers
“H ear another p arable. There w as
of the p eop le cam e to him as he w as
teaching, and said , “By w hat au thority a m an w ho w as a m aster of a
d o you d o these things? Who gave you hou sehold , w ho p lanted a vineyard , set
this au thority?” a hed ge abou t it, d u g a w inep ress in it,
bu ilt a tow er, leased it ou t to farm ers,
Jesu s answ ered them , “I also w ill
24 34
and w ent into another cou ntry. When
ask you one qu estion, w hich if you tell the season for the fru it d rew near, h e
m e, I likew ise w ill tell you by w hat sent his servants to the farm ers, to
25 35
au thority I d o these things. The receive his fru it. The farm ers took his
bap tism of John, w here w as it from ? servants, beat one, killed another, and
From heaven or from m en?”
stoned another. Again, he sent other
servants m ore than the first: and they
They reasoned w ith them selves, treated them the sam e w ay. Bu t
saying, “If w e say, „From heaven,‟ he afterw ard he sent to them his son,
w ill ask u s, „Why then d id you not saying, „They w ill resp ect m y son.‟ Bu t
Jesu s, and said , “We d on‟t know .” inheritance.‟ So they took him , and
Kingd om of God w ill be taken aw ay ou t into the highw ays, and gathered
from you , and w ill be given to a nation together as m any as they fou nd , both
bringing forth its fru it. H e w ho falls on bad and good . The w ed d ing w as filled
this stone w ill be broken to p ieces, bu t w ith gu ests. 11Bu t w hen the king cam e
on w hom ever it w ill fall, it w ill scatter in to see the gu ests, he saw there a m an
him as d u st.” w ho d id n‟t have on w ed d ing clothing,
and he said to him , „Friend , how d id
When the chief p riests and the you com e in here not w earing w ed d ing
Pharisees heard his p arables, they clothing?‟ H e w as sp eechless. 13Then the
p erceived that he sp oke abou t them . king said to the servants, „Bind him
When they sou ght to seize him , they hand and foot, take him aw ay, and
feared the m u ltitu d es, becau se they throw him into the ou ter d arkness;
consid ered him to be a p rop het. there is w here the w eep ing and
grind ing of teeth w ill be.‟ For m any are
Bu t Jesu s p erceived their
w icked ness, and said , “Why d o you test
21:42 Psalm 118:22-23
m e, you hyp ocrites? Show m e the tax Isaac, and the God of Jacob?‟ God is
19 103
w ho say that there is no resu rrection) you rself.‟ 105 40The w hole law and the
cam e to him . They asked him , saying, p rop hets d ep end on these tw o
“Teacher, Moses said , „If a m an d ies, com m and m ents.”
having no child ren, his brother shall
m arry his w ife, and raise u p seed for his N ow w hile the Pharisees w ere
brother.‟ N ow there w ere w ith u s gathered together, Jesu s asked them a
seven brothers. The first m arried and qu estion, 42saying, “What d o you think
d ied , and having no seed left his w ife to of the Christ? Whose son is he?”
his brother. In the sam e w ay, the
second also, and the third , to the They said to him , “Of David .”
seventh. After them all, the w om an
H e said to them , “H ow then d oes
28 43
d ied . In the resu rrection therefore,
w hose w ife w ill she be of the seven? For David in the Sp irit call him Lord ,
they all had her.” saying,
„The Lord said to m y Lord ,
Then Jesu s sp oke to the Pharisees, hyp ocrites! Becau se you shu t
23 m u ltitu d es and to his u p the Kingd om of H eaven against
d iscip les,
saying, “The m en; for you d on‟t enter in you rselves,
scribes and the Pharisees sat on Moses‟ neither d o you allow those w ho are
3 109 15
seat. All things therefore w hatever they entering in to enter. Woe to you ,
tell you to observe, observe and d o, bu t scribes and Pharisees, hyp ocrites! For
d on‟t d o their w orks; for they say, and you travel arou nd by sea and land to
d on‟t d o. For they bind heavy bu rd ens m ake one p roselyte; and w hen he
that are grievou s to be borne, and lay becom es one, you m ake him tw ice as
them on m en‟s shou ld ers; bu t they m u ch of a son of Gehenna 110 as
them selves w ill not lift a finger to help you rselves.
them . Bu t all their w orks they d o to be
“Woe to you , you blind gu id es,
seen by m en. They m ake their
broad , enlarge the w ho say, „Whoever sw ears by the
p hylacteries
108 6
fringes of their garm ents, and love tem p le, it is nothing; bu t w hoever
the p lace of honor at feasts, the best sw ears by the gold of the tem p le, he is
seats in the synagogu es, the salu tations obligated .‟ You blind fools! For w hich
7 17
in the m arketp laces, and to be called is greater, the gold , or the tem p le that
„Rabbi, Rabbi‟ by m en. Bu t d on‟t you be sanctifies the gold ? „Whoever sw ears
8 18
called „Rabbi,‟ for one is you r teacher, by the altar, it is nothing; bu t w hoever
the Christ, and all of you are brothers. sw ears by the gift that is on it, he is
Call no m an on the earth you r father, obligated ?‟ You blind fools! For w hich
9 19
for one is you r Father, he w ho is in is greater, the gift, or the altar that
10 20
heaven. N either be called m asters, for sanctifies the gift? H e therefore w ho
one is you r m aster, the Christ. Bu t he sw ears by the altar, sw ears by it, and by
w ho is greatest am ong you w ill be you r everything on it. H e w ho sw ears by the
servant. Whoever exalts him self w ill be tem p le, sw ears by it, and by him w ho
111 22
hu m bled , and w hoever hu m bles w as living in it. H e w ho sw ears by
him self w ill be exalted . heaven, sw ears by the throne of God ,
and by him w ho sits on it.
23:5 phylacteries (tefillin in Hebrew) are small 23:14 Some Greek manuscripts reverse the
leather pouches that some Jewish men wear on order of verses 13 and 14, and some omit verse
their forehead and arm in prayer. They are used 13, numbering verse 14 as 13.
to carry a small scroll with some Scripture in it.
See Deuteronomy 6:8. 23:15 or, Hell
108 111
23:5 or, tassels 23:21 NU reads “lives”
“Woe to you , scribes and
23 32
p rop hets. Fill u p , then, the m easu re of
Pharisees, hyp ocrites! For you tithe you r fathers. You serp ents, you
m int, d ill, and cu m in, and have left offsp ring of vip ers, how w ill you escap e
114 34
u nd one the w eightier m atters of the the ju d gm ent of Gehenna ? Therefore
law : ju stice, m ercy, and faith. Bu t you behold , I send to you p rop hets, w ise
ou ght to have d one these, and not to m en, and scribes. Som e of them you
have left the other u nd one. You blind w ill kill and cru cify; and som e of them
gu id es, w ho strain ou t a gnat, and you w ill scou rge in you r synagogu es,
sw allow a cam el! and p ersecu te from city to city; that on
you m ay com e all the righteou s blood
“Woe to you , scribes and
shed on the earth, from the blood of
Pharisees, hyp ocrites! For you clean the righteou s Abel to the blood of
ou tsid e of the cu p and of the p latter, bu t Zachariah son of Barachiah, w hom you
w ithin they are fu ll of extortion and killed betw een the sanctu ary and the
113 26 36
u nrighteou sness. You blind altar. Most certainly I tell you , all these
Pharisee, first clean the insid e of the cu p things w ill com e u p on this generation.
and of the p latter, that its ou tsid e m ay
“Jeru salem , Jeru salem , w ho kills
becom e clean also.
the p rop hets, and stones those w ho are
“Woe to you , scribes and sent to her! H ow often I w ou ld have
Pharisees, hyp ocrites! For you are like gathered you r child ren together, even
w hitened tom bs, w hich ou tw ard ly as a hen gathers her chicks u nd er her
ap p ear beau tifu l, bu t inw ard ly are fu ll w ings, and you w ou ld not! 38Behold ,
of d ead m en‟s bones, and of all you r hou se is left to you d esolate. For I
u ncleanness. Even so you also tell you , you w ill not see m e from now
ou tw ard ly ap p ear righteou s to m en, bu t on, u ntil you say, „Blessed is he w ho
inw ard ly you are fu ll of hyp ocrisy and com es in the nam e of the Lord !‟” 115
iniqu ity.
Jesu s w ent ou t from the
“Woe to you , scribes and
Pharisees, hyp ocrites! For you bu ild the
24 tem p le, and w as going on
his w ay. H is d iscip les cam e
tom bs of the p rop hets, and d ecorate the to him to show him the bu ild ings of the
tom bs of the righteou s, and say, „If w e tem p le. 2Bu t he answ ered them , “You
had lived in the d ays of ou r fathers, w e see all of these things, d on‟t you ? Most
w ou ld n‟t have been p artakers w ith certainly I tell you , there w ill not be left
them in the blood of the p rop hets.‟ here one stone on another, that w ill not
Therefore you testify to you rselves that be throw n d ow n.”
be? What is the sign of you r com ing, flight w ill not be in the w inter, nor on a
and of the end of the age?”
Sabbath, for then there w ill be great
op p ression, su ch as has not been from
Jesu s answ ered them , “Be carefu l the beginning of the w orld u ntil now ,
that no one lead s you astray. For m any no, nor ever w ill be. 22Unless those d ays
w ill com e in m y nam e, saying, „I am the had been shortened , no flesh w ou ld
Christ,‟ and w ill lead m any astray. You have been saved . Bu t for the sake of the
w ill hear of w ars and ru m ors of w ars. chosen ones, those d ays w ill be
See that you aren‟t trou bled , for all this shortened .
m u st hap p en, bu t the end is not yet.
“Then if any m an tells you ,
7 23
For nation w ill rise against nation, and
kingd om against kingd om ; and there „Behold , here is the Christ,‟ or, „There,‟
and d on‟t believe it. For there w ill arise
w ill be fam ines, p lagu es,
earthqu akes in variou s p laces. Bu t all false christs, and false p rop hets, and
these things are the beginning of birth they w ill show great signs and w ond ers,
p ains. Then they w ill d eliver you u p to so as to lead astray, if p ossible, even the
op p ression, and w ill kill you . You w ill chosen ones.
be hated by all of the nations for m y
nam e‟s sake. Then m any w ill stu m ble, “Behold , I have told you
10 25
and w ill d eliver u p one another, and beforehand . If therefore they tell you ,
w ill hate one another. Many false „Behold , he is in the w ild erness,‟ d on‟t
p rop hets w ill arise, and w ill lead m any go ou t; „Behold , he is in the inner
Becau se iniqu ity w ill be room s,‟ d on‟t believe it. For as the
12 27
m u ltip lied , the love of m any w ill grow lightning flashes from the east, and is
cold . Bu t he w ho end u res to the end , seen even to the w est, so w ill be the
14 28
the sam e w ill be saved . This Good com ing of the Son of Man. For
N ew s of the Kingd om w ill be p reached w herever the carcass is, there is w here
117 29
in the w hole w orld for a testim ony to all the vu ltu res gather together. Bu t
the nations, and then the end w ill com e. im m ed iately after the op p ression of
those d ays, the su n w ill be d arkened ,
“When, therefore, you see the the m oon w ill not give its light, the stars
abom ination of d esolation, w hich w as w ill fall from the sky, and the p ow ers of
118 30
sp oken of throu gh Daniel the p rop het, the heavens w ill be shaken; and then
stand ing in the holy p lace (let the read er the sign of the Son of Man w ill ap p ear
u nd erstand ), then let those w ho are in in the sky. Then all the tribes of the
Ju d ea flee to the m ou ntains. Let him earth w ill m ou rn, and they w ill see the
w ho is on the hou setop not go d ow n to Son of Man com ing on the clou d s of the
take ou t things that are in his hou se. sky w ith p ow er and great glory. H e
Let him w ho is in the field not retu rn w ill send ou t his angels w ith a great
back to get his clothes. Bu t w oe to
those w ho are w ith child and to nu rsing
24:28 or, eagles
116 118
24:15 Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11 24:29 Isaiah 13:10; 34:4
sou nd of a tru m p et, and they w ill into. Therefore also be read y, for in an
gather together his chosen ones from hou r that you d on‟t exp ect, the Son of
the fou r w ind s, from one end of the sky Man w ill com e.
to the other.
“Who then is the faithfu l and w ise
w ill be the com ing of the Son of Man. teeth w ill be.
For as in those d ays w hich w ere before
the flood they w ere eating and d rinking, “Then the Kingd om of
m arrying and giving in m arriage, u ntil
the d ay that N oah entered into the ship ,
25 H eaven w ill be like ten
virgins, w ho took their
and they d id n‟t know u ntil the flood lam p s, and w ent ou t to m eet the
cam e, and took them all aw ay, so w ill brid egroom . Five of them w ere foolish,
40 3
be the com ing of the Son of Man. Then and five w ere w ise. Those w ho w ere
tw o m en w ill be in the field : one w ill be foolish, w hen they took th eir lam p s,
41 4
taken and one w ill be left; tw o w om en took no oil w ith them , bu t the w ise
grind ing at the m ill, one w ill be taken took oil in their vessels w ith their
42 5
and one w ill be left. Watch therefore, lam p s. N ow w hile the brid egroom
for you d on‟t know in w hat hou r you r d elayed , they all slu m bered and slep t.
43 6
Lord com es. Bu t know this, that if the Bu t at m id night there w as a cry,
m aster of the hou se had know n in w hat „Behold ! The brid egroom is com ing!
w atch of the night the thief w as com ing, Com e ou t to m eet him !‟ Then all those
24:34 The word for “generation” (genea) can 121
25:7 The end of the wick of an oil lamp needs to
also be translated as “race.” be cut off periodically to avoid having it become
clogged with carbon deposits. The wick height is
24:36 NU adds “nor the son” also adjusted so that the flame burns evenly and
„Give u s som e of you r oil, for ou r been faithfu l over a few things, I w ill set
lam p s are going ou t.‟ Bu t the w ise
you over m any things. Enter into the joy
answ ered , saying, „What if there isn‟t of you r lord .‟
enou gh for u s and you ? You go rather
“H e also w ho got the tw o talents
to those w ho sell, and bu y for
you rselves.‟ While they w ent aw ay to
cam e and said , „Lord , you d elivered to
bu y, the brid egroom cam e, and those m e tw o talents. Behold , I have gained
w ho w ere read y w ent in w ith him to the another tw o talents besid es them .‟
m arriage feast, and the d oor w as shu t.
“H is lord said to him , „Well d one,
11 23
Afterw ard the other virgins also cam e,
saying, „Lord , Lord , op en to u s.‟ Bu t he
good and faithfu l servant. You have
answ ered , „Most certainly I tell you , I been faithfu l over a few things, I w ill set
d on‟t know you .‟ Watch therefore, for
you over m any things. Enter into the joy
you d on‟t know the d ay nor the hou r in of you r lord .‟
w hich the Son of Man is com ing.
“H e also w ho had received the
“For it is like a m an, going into one talent cam e and said , „Lord , I knew
another cou ntry, w ho called his ow n you that you are a hard m an, reap ing
servants, and entru sted his good s to w here you d id not sow , and gathering
15 25
them . To one he gave five talents, to w here you d id not scatter. I w as afraid ,
another tw o, to another one; to each and w ent aw ay and hid you r talent in
accord ing to his ow n ability. Then he the earth. Behold , you have w hat is
w ent on his jou rney. Im m ed iately he you rs.‟
w ho received the five talents w ent and
“Bu t his lord answ ered him , „You
trad ed w ith them , and m ad e another
five talents. In the sam e w ay, he also w icked and slothfu l servant. You knew
w ho got the tw o gained another tw o. that I reap w here I d id n‟t sow , and
gather w here I d id n‟t scatter. You
18 27
Bu t he w ho received the one w ent
aw ay and d u g in the earth, and hid his ou ght therefore to have d ep osited m y
lord ‟s m oney. m oney w ith the bankers, and at m y
com ing I shou ld have received back m y
“N ow after a long tim e the lord of ow n w ith interest. Take aw ay therefore
19 28
those servants cam e, and recon ciled the talent from him , and give it to him
20 29
accou nts w ith them . H e w ho received w ho has the ten talents. For to
the five talents cam e and brou ght everyone w ho has w ill be given, and he
another five talents, saying, „Lord , you w ill have abu nd ance, bu t from him w ho
d elivered to m e five talents. Behold , I d oesn‟t have, even that w hich he has
have gained another five talents besid es w ill be taken aw ay. Throw ou t the
them .‟ u np rofitable servant into the ou ter
d arkness, w here there w ill be w eep ing
“H is lord said to him , „Well d one, and gnashing of teeth.‟
him , saying, „Lord , w hen d id w e see d ays the Passover is com ing, and the
you hu ngry, and feed you ; or thirsty, Son of Man w ill be d elivered u p to be
and give you a d rink? When d id w e cru cified .”
„Most certainly I tell you , inasm u ch as m ight take Jesu s by d eceit, and kill him .
you d id it to one of the least of these m y Bu t they said , “N ot d u ring the feast,
brothers , you d id it to m e.‟ Then he lest a riot occu r am ong the p eop le.”
122 41
m e in; naked , and you d id n‟t clothe m e; d iscip les saw this, they w ere ind ignant,
sick, and in p rison, and you d id n‟t visit saying, “Why this w aste? For this
certain p erson, and tell him , „The Then Jesu s said to them , “All of
Teacher says, “My tim e is at hand . I w ill you w ill be m ad e to stu m ble becau se of
keep the Passover at you r hou se w ith m e tonight, for it is w ritten, „I w ill strike
m y d iscip les.”‟” the shep herd , and the sheep of the flock
w ill be scattered .‟
124 32
Bu t after I am
The d iscip les d id as Jesu s raised u p , I w ill go before you into
com m and ed them , and they p rep ared Galilee.”
the Passover. N ow w hen evening had
Bu t Peter answ ered him , “Even if
com e, he w as reclining at the table w ith
the tw elve d iscip les. As they w ere all w ill be m ad e to stu m ble becau se of
eating, he said , “Most certainly I tell you , I w ill never be m ad e to stu m ble.”
you that one of you w ill betray m e.”
Jesu s said to him , “Most certainly
They w ere exceed ingly sorrow fu l, I tell you that tonight, before the rooster
and each began to ask him , “It isn‟t m e, crow s, you w ill d eny m e three tim es.”
is it, Lord ?”
H e answ ered , “H e w ho d ip p ed 26:26 TR reads “blessed” instead of “gave
thanks for”
his hand w ith m e in the d ish, the sam e
w ill betray m e. The Son of Man goes, 124
26:31 Zechariah 13:7
Peter said to him , “Even if I m u st
sw ord s and clu bs, from the chief p riest
d ie w ith you , I w ill not d eny you .” All
and eld ers of the p eop le. N ow he w ho
of the d iscip les also said likew ise. betrayed him gave them a sign, saying,
“Whoever I kiss, he is the one. Seize
him .” Im m ed iately he cam e to Jesu s,
36 49
Then Jesu s cam e w ith them to a
p lace called Gethsem ane, and said to his and said , “H ail, Rabbi!” and kissed him .
d iscip les, “Sit here, w hile I go there and
p ray.” H e took w ith him Peter and the Jesu s said to him , “Friend , w hy
37 50
tw o sons of Zebed ee, and began to be are you here?” Then they cam e and laid
38 51
sorrow fu l and severely trou bled . Then hand s on Jesu s, and took him . Behold ,
he said to them , “My sou l is one of those w ho w ere w ith Jesu s
exceed ingly sorrow fu l, even to d eath. stretched ou t his hand , and d rew his
Stay here, and w atch w ith m e.” sw ord , and stru ck the servant of the
high p riest, and stru ck off his ear. Then
H e w ent forw ard a little, fell on Jesu s said to him , “Pu t you r sw ord back
his face, and p rayed , saying, “My into its p lace, for all those w ho take the
Father, if it is p ossible, let this cu p p ass sw ord w ill d ie by the sw ord . 53Or d o
aw ay from m e; nevertheless, not w hat I you think that I cou ld n‟t ask m y Father,
d esire, bu t w hat you d esire.” and he w ou ld even now send m e m ore
than tw elve legions of angels? H ow
H e cam e to the d iscip les, and then w ou ld the Scrip tu res be fu lfilled
fou nd them sleep ing, and said to Peter, that it m u st be so?”
“What, cou ld n‟t you w atch w ith m e for
41 55
one hou r? Watch and p ray, that you In that hou r Jesu s said to the
d on‟t enter into tem p tation. The sp irit m u ltitu d es, “H ave you com e ou t as
ind eed is w illing, bu t the flesh is w eak.” against a robber w ith sw ord s and clu bs
to seize m e? I sat d aily in the tem p le
Again, a second tim e he w ent teaching, and you d id n‟t arrest m e. 56Bu t
aw ay, and p rayed , saying, “My Father, all this has hap p ened , that the
if this cu p can‟t p ass aw ay from m e Scrip tu res of the p rop hets m ight be
u nless I d rink it, you r d esire be d one.” fu lfilled .”
H e cam e again and fou nd them
sleep ing, for their eyes w ere heavy. H e Then all the d iscip les left him , and
left them again, w ent aw ay, and p rayed fled . 57Those w ho had taken Jesu s led
a third tim e, saying the sam e w ord s. him aw ay to Caiap has the high p riest,
Then he cam e to his d iscip les, and said w here the scribes and the eld ers w ere
to them , “Sleep on now , and take you r gathered together. 58Bu t Peter follow ed
rest. Behold , the hou r is at hand , and him from a d istance, to the cou rt of the
the Son of Man is betrayed into the high p riest, and entered in and sat w ith
hand s of sinners. Arise, let‟s be going. the officers, to see th e end . 59N ow the
Behold , he w ho betrays m e is at hand .” chief p riests, the eld ers, and the w hole
cou ncil sou ght false testim ony against
While he w as still sp eaking, Jesu s, that they m ight p u t him to d eath;
behold , Ju d as, one of the tw elve, cam e, 60and they fou nd none. Even thou gh
and w ith him a great m u ltitu d e w ith m any false w itnesses cam e forw ard ,
they fou nd none. Bu t at last tw o false Again he d enied it w ith an oath,
w itnesses cam e forw ard , and said , “I d on‟t know the m an.”
it. N evertheless, I tell you , after this you tim es.” H e w ent ou t and w ep t bitterly.
w ill see the Son of Man sitting at the
right hand of Pow er, and com ing on the N ow w hen m orning had
clou d s of the sky.” 27 com e, all the chief p riests
and the eld ers of the p eop le
Then the high p riest tore his took cou nsel against Jesu s to p u t him to
clothing, saying, “H e has sp oken d eath: and they bou nd him , and led
blasp hem y! Why d o w e need any m ore him aw ay, and d elivered him u p to
w itnesses? Behold , now you have heard Pontiu s Pilate, the governor. Then
his blasp hem y. What d o you think?”
Ju d as, w ho betrayed him , w hen he saw
that Jesu s w as cond em ned , felt rem orse,
They answ ered , “H e is w orthy of and brou ght back the thirty p ieces of
d eath!” Then they sp it in his face and silver to the chief p riests and eld ers,
beat him w ith their fists, and som e saying, “I have sinned in that I
When he had gone ou t onto the the p otter‟s field w ith them , to bu ry
p orch, som eone else saw him , and said strangers in. 8Therefore that field w as
to those w ho w ere there, “This m an also called “The Field of Blood ” to this d ay.
w as w ith Jesu s of N azareth.” 9
Then that w hich w as sp oken throu gh
saying, “H ave nothing to d o w ith that
Jerem iah the p rop het w as fu lfilled ,
saying, righteou s m an, for I have su ffered m any
“They took the thirty p ieces of silver, things this d ay in a d ream becau se of
him .” N ow the chief p riests and the
the p rice of him u p on w hom a
p rice had been set, eld ers p ersu ad ed the m u ltitu d es to ask
w hom som e of the child ren of for Barabbas, and d estroy Jesu s. Bu t
Israel p riced , the governor answ ered them , “Which of
and they gave them for the p otter‟s
the tw o d o you w ant m e to release to
field , you ?”
as the Lord com m and ed m e.”
strip p ed him , and p u t a scarlet robe on
27:10 Zechariah 11:12-13; Jeremiah 19:1-13; 29
him . They braid ed a crow n of thorns
and p u t it on his head , and a reed in his saved others, bu t he can‟t save him self.
right hand ; and they kneeled d ow n If he is the King of Israel, let him com e
before him , and m ocked him , saying, d ow n from the cross now , and w e w ill
“H ail, King of the Jew s!” They sp at on
30 43
believe in him . H e tru sts in God . Let
him , and took the reed and stru ck him God d eliver him now , if he w ants him ;
for he said , „I am the Son of God .‟” The
31 44
on the head . When they had m ocked
him , they took the robe off of him , and robbers also w ho w ere cru cified w ith
p u t his clothes on him , and led him him cast on him the sam e rep roach.
aw ay to cru cify him .
45 129
N ow from the sixth hou r there
As they cam e ou t, they fou nd a w as d arkness over all the land u ntil the
130 46
m an of Cyrene, Sim on by nam e, and ninth hou r. Abou t the ninth hou r
they com p elled him to go w ith them , Jesu s cried w ith a lou d voice, saying,
that he m ight carry his cross. They “Eli, Eli, lim a sabachthani?” That is,
33 131
cam e to a p lace called “Golgotha,” that “My God , m y God , w hy have you
is to say, “The p lace of a sku ll.” They forsaken m e?”
34 132
27:45 noon
27:35 TR adds “that it might be fulfilled which 130
was spoken by the prophet: „They divided my 27:45 3:00 P. M.
garments among them, and for my clothing they
cast lots;‟” [see Psalm 22:18 and John 19:24] 27:46 TR reads “lama” instead of “lima”
128 132
27:41 TR omits “the Pharisees” 27:46 Psalm 22:1
entered into the holy city and ap p eared N ow after the Sabbath, as it
to m any. N ow the centu rion, and those
w ho w ere w ith him w atching Jesu s,
28 began to d aw n on the first
d ay of the w eek, Mary
w hen they saw the earthqu ake, and the Magd alene and the other Mary cam e to
things that w ere d one, feared see the tom b. Behold , there w as a great
exceed ingly, saying, “Tru ly this w as the earthqu ake, for an angel of the Lord
Son of God .” d escend ed from the sky, and cam e and
rolled aw ay the stone from the d oor,
55 3
Many w om en w ere there and sat on it. H is ap p earance w as like
w atching from afar, w ho had follow ed lightning, and his clothing w hite as
Jesu s from Galilee, serving him . snow . For fear of him , the gu ard s
56 5
Am ong them w ere Mary Magd alene, shook, and becam e like d ead m en. The
Mary the m other of Jam es and Joses, angel answ ered the w om en, “Don‟t be
and the m other of the sons of Zebed ee. afraid , for I know that you seek Jesu s,
57 6
When evening had com e, a rich m an w ho has been cru cified . H e is not here,
from Arim athaea, nam ed Josep h, w ho for he has risen, ju st like he said . Com e,
him self w as also Jesu s‟ d iscip le cam e. see the p lace w here the Lord w as lying.
Go qu ickly and tell his d iscip les, „H e
58 7
This m an w ent to Pilate, and asked for
Jesu s‟ bod y. Then Pilate com m and ed has risen from the d ead , and behold , he
the bod y to be given u p . Josep h took goes before you into Galilee; there you
the bod y, and w rap p ed it in a clean w ill see him .‟ Behold , I have told you .”
linen cloth, and laid it in his ow n new
tom b, w hich he had cu t ou t in the rock, They d ep arted qu ickly from the
and he rolled a great stone to the d oor tom b w ith fear and great joy, and ran to
61 9
of the tom b, and d ep arted . Mary bring his d iscip les w ord . As they w ent
Magd alene w as there, and the other to tell his d iscip les, behold , Jesu s m et
them , saying, “Rejoice!”
Mary, sitting op p osite the tom b. N ow
on the next d ay, w hich w as the d ay
after the Prep aration Day, the chief They cam e and took hold of his
p riests and the Pharisees w ere gathered feet, and w orship ed him .
together to Pilate, saying, “Sir, w e
28:19 TR and NU add “therefore”